1­The order of ducts in the male genital system: *

● a) ­ Tubuli recti­ Vasa efferentia­ ● b) Tubuli recti­ Rete testis­ Vasa efferentia­ epididymis ● c) Vasa efferentia­ Ejacutatory duct­ Epididymis ● d) Tubuli recti­ Rete testis­ Vasa efferentia­ Ejacutatory duct 2. Rete testis is lined by *

● a) Simple cuboidal ● b) Simple columnar epithelium ● c) Festooned epithelium ● d) Simple columnar ciliated epithelium ● e) Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium 3. Which gland is responsible for most of the semen released in an ejaculation? *

● a) ● b) ● c) gland ● d) glans 4. Which gland releases a small amount of fluid just prior to ejaculation to decrease acidity in the caused by urine? *

● prostrate gland ● ● bulbourethral gland ● seminal vesicles 5. Consider the pathway traversed by sperm. Which of the following is INCORRECT? *

● a) Motile sperm leave the seminiferous via straight tubules that openinto the rete testis of the ● b) From the rete testis the sperm travel via the ductuli efferentes into the ductus epididymidis where they mature ● c) At ejaculation the smooth muscle of the epididymidis propels the sperm into the muscular ductus deferens ● d) From the ductus deferens the sperm traverse the throughthe substance of the prostate into the ● e) All are correct 6. Consider the male excurrent duct system. Which of the following is INCORRECTLY matched?

● a) rete testis­­simple cuboidal epithelium ● b) ductuli efferentes­­pseudostratified epithelium with tall columnar ciliated cells and nonciliated cuboidal cells ● c) ductus epididymidis­­pseudostratified columnar with stereocilia ● d) ductus deferens­­simple columnar ciliated epithelium ● e) penile urethra­­stratified columnarepithelium interspersed with patchesof pseudostratified columnar with moist stratified squamous epithelium near the meatus 7. Throughout its entire length, the muscularis consists of inner and outer longitudinal layers with a middle circular layer of smooth muscles:

● a) Efferent ductule ● b) Epididymis ● c) Ductus (vas) deferens ● d) Rete testis ● e) None of the above 8. Which of the following is NOT considered part of the male genital duct system?

● a) Rete testis ● b) Tubuli recti ● c) Seminal vesicles ● d) Ductus deferens ● e) Ductus epididymidis 9. Which of the following is true?

● a. There is one corpus cavernosa and one corpus spongiosum ● b. There is one corpus cavernosa and two corpora spongiosum ● c. There are two corpora cavernosa and one corpus spongiosum ● d. There are two corpora cavernosa and two corpora spongiosum ● e. There are four corpora cavernosa and two corpora spongiosum 10. What is the most commonly seen type of epithelium in the prostate?

● a. Transitional ● b. Simple columnar ● c. Stratified squamous ● d. Simple squamous ● e. Simple cuboidal 11. What type of epithelium lines the epididymis?

● a. Pseudostratified ● b. Simple columnar ● c. Stratified squamous ● d. Simple squamous ● e. Simple cuboidal 12. The epididymis is a _____ and it functions to _____. *

● A) compartment inside a testis; secrete testosterone and form sperm ● B) stage of ; form two sperm cells and semen ● C) tightly coiled tube on the outside of the testis; store immature sperm as they mature ● D) compartment that contains seminiferous tubules; ejaculate sperm and semen out of the penis 13. Which of the following structures are unpaired? *

● A) seminal vesicle ● B) ● C) bulbourethral gland ● D) prostate gland 14. Sperm cells are stored primarily in the *

● A) vas deferens. ● B) ejaculatory ducts. ● C) epididymis. ● D) seminal vesicles. 15. Final maturation of sperm cells occurs in the *

● A) epididymis ● B) seminiferous tubules ● C) prostate gland. ● D) urethra 16. Seminal vesicles produce *

● A) sperm cells. ● B) testosterone. ● C) fructose­rich fluid. ● D) estrogen. 17. The normal number of spermatozoa per milliliter of semen is *

● A) approximately 500,000 ● B) fewer than 20,000,000 ● C) more than 2,000,000,000. ● D) 20,000,000 to 150,000,000 18. All of the following are part of the EXCEPT the *

● A) testicular artery. ● B) lymphatic vessels. ● C) ductus deferens. ● D) ejaculatory duct. 19. The seminal vesicles are located *

● A) inferior to the prostate within the urogenital diaphragm. ● B) within the lobules of the testes. ● C) within the spermatic cord. ● D) posterior and inferior to the urinary bladder, in front of the rectum. 20. Which of the following does NOT manufacture products that become part of semen?

● A) seminiferous tubules ● B) bulbourethral glands ● C) penis ● D) seminal vesicles 21. The hormone responsible for the development and maintenance of male secondary sexual characteristics is

● A) ICSH. ● B) FSH. ● C) testosterone. ● D) gonadotropin­releasing hormone. 22. Maintenance of the male secondary sex characteristics is the direct responsibility of *

● A) estrogen. ● B) testosterone. ● C) FSH. ● D) progesterone. 23. The pathway of the spermatozoa from the testes to the exterior of the body through tubules in the correct order is: *

● a) ductus deferens, ejaculatory duct, and the urethra ● b) epididymus, ductus deferens, urethra, ejaculatory duct, and seminal vesicles ● c) seminal vesicles, ejaculatory duct, urethra, and epididymus ● d) epididymus, ductus deferens, ejaculatory duct, and the urethra ● e) ejaculatory duct, ductus deferens, seminal vesicles, and epididymus 24. The contents of the spermatic cord do not include the: *

● a) ductus deferens. ● b) testicular artery. ● c) pampiniform plexus of the testicular vein. ● d) ilioinguinal and genitofemoral nerves. ● e) None of the above is an exception; all of the above structures are within the spermatic cord. 25. The rete testis: *

● a) is contained in the seminiferous tubules. ● b) contains interstitial cells. ● c) is connected to the epididymus by fifteen to twenty . ● d) form the septa of the testis. ● e) none of the above 26. Human seminal plasma, the fluid part of semen, is produced by contributions from the: i. Urethra ii. Prostate iii. Seminal vesicle iv. Bulbourethral gland

● a) i and iii ● b) i and iv ● c) i, iii and iv ● d) ii, iii and iv 27. What are the spherical structures seen in some prostatic alveoli called? *

● a. Psammoma bodies ● b. Corpora arenacea ● c. Hassall's corpuscles ● d. Prostatic concretions ● e. Pacinian corpuscles 28.What type of epithelium lines the seminal vesicles? *

● a. Pseudostratified ● b. Simple columnar ● c. Stratified squamous ● d. Simple squamous ● e. Simple cuboidal 29. What type of gland composes the prostate? *

● a. Simple straight tubular gland ● b. Simple coiled tubular gland ● c. Simple alveolar gland ● d. Compound tubular gland ● e. Compound tubuloalveolar gland 30. What is the stroma of the prostate? *

● a. Loose irregular ● b. Smooth muscle ● c. Fibromuscular ● d. Adipose tissue ● e. Dense irregular connective tissue 31. Which of the following is true? *

● a. There is one corpus cavernosa and one corpus spongiosum ● b. There is one corpus cavernosa and two corpora spongiosum ● c. There are two corpora cavernosa and one corpus spongiosum ● d. There are two corpora cavernosa and two corpora spongiosum ● e. There are four corpora cavernosa and two corpora spongiosum 32. What is the most commonly seen type of epithelium in the prostate? *

● a. Transitional ● b. Simple columnar ● c. Stratified squamous ● d. Simple squamous ● e. Simple cuboidal 33. What type of epithelium lines the epididymis? *

● a. Pseudostratified ● b. Simple columnar ● c. Stratified squamous ● d. Simple squamous ● e. Simple cuboidal ●