Mandala#15-1996Summer.Pdf (7.019Mb)
- TheNIU ewsletter of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, orthem Illinois Number 15, Summer 1996 DIRECTOR'S OTES A "Just So Story" about the Creation and Ret-icreation ofthe Center Ron Protienchet, Anthropology In days of old, at the time when orthern lllinois universities each semester. Over the years these two series University gave birth to the Center for Southeast Asian were combined and developed into our now "traditional" Studies, Ladd Thomas, Daniel Wit, and orman Palmer Friday Brown Bag Lunch Speakers Series, which is well inspired and assisted the birth. The period of gestation, from known, respected and attended even by IU students, fac inspiration in 1961 to birth in 1963, was relatively swift and ulty,staff, and otherresidentsof northern Illinois who are not uncomplicated, especially whencompared tootherinstances specialists in Southeast Asian studies. Also, very few of us of academic reproduction in state universities. Early Peace who regularly attend the Friday lecture bother to bring a Corps programs on campus were the seeds that germinated brown bag lunch, because there is alwaysa very inexpensive in 1963 with the founding of the Center. That was only the and incredibly delicious, freshly cooked Southeast Asian beginning of our creation, which continued and continues. meal available at the lecture. Oneof the three godfathers, Ladd Thomas, served as All this "modern" fun hasbroughtadditional faculty the first director with the title of "coordinator," which may and studentsinto Southeast Asian studiesat orthern lllinois most accurately describe the role of a "director" in our University, some fully and some partially involved. We .l3rticular comm unity of scholars.
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