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GEta1·~ CR.0 te,.ol tW! 23:2( /3'-!4 INVENTORY OF FURNISHINGS AT WAKEFIELD by: Carl Flemer LIBRARY, PLAIDliNG AND RESOURCE PRESERV!TIQJJ B!TIONAL PARK SERVICE, MABO i m ton's Birthplace V irg in ia . December 6, I 963. Dear Miss Albr*: I am taking the liberty in mailing you a set of my new " Picture Inventery " of all the ro*ms and kitchen at Wakefield.I thought that you might like a copy. All the items listed have been gone over and checked for numbers and placement and I believe w ill be found to be correct. I have made notes of any discrepancies as to numbers and descriptions and we will try to c o r r e c t. I carried the clock and barometer to Washington in October. Have not heard from them as yet. I wonder if you could do something for me ? You know th a t th e re is r e a lly l i t t l e known about this place as to its original location and the type of house that was here. I wonder if you know that the same thing is beginning to happen to the present building ? For nearly twenty years we have been telling visitors about the process used in finishing the panel work. F i r s t the wood was washed down w ith a ly e prep aration (I saw this done) than it was stained with a mixture of walnut, carrot and others. Now we have to say the only treatment given it was a continuous treatment os linseed oil and beeswax. Another thing is the origin of the wood used both in the flooring and the panel work. Some say it was obtained from old houses in George town others say it was found near Richmond. Jones and Conquest of Richmond were the original contractors and I understand that part oi the firm is still doing business in Richmond. I was wondering if some one out of the office might contact these people and maybe find out about these things and maybe other things ? We have a copy of the original specifications here but as you know many were changed as worked progresse While I am letting my hair down there is something else I would like to complain about and that is the new entrance way they have set up here. We have had 1 many complaints about it. You remember the old entrance was over an old road be bed that dated way back and it approached the mansion fran the main gate with the kitchen on its left.This read was here and used when I was a kid and I am no youngster ??? The main complaint is you have to go right by the kitchen door before entering the main house. In all the old houses that I have seen I have never approach ed the main house by having to first go by the kitche door. Have you ? The old entrance was by far the finer of the two. One more thing and than I will quit complaining. This Summer I overheard a congressman telling a friend how the Park Service architects were glori fying theirselves with their grand 66 reception c e n te rs . Please do not le t that happen here. The simplicity of this place is the most attractive part of it. Dont you think so ??? I meant to te ll Mr. Mulvany all this when he*^ was here but as usual forgot. By the way he had a wonderful idea about describing diferent pieces in the rooms in our pamphlet. What do you think of it ? Kindest regards. Carl F .Flemer Park Guide. Please forgive me if I seem to be complaining but I have always loved this old place and w anything to improve it. í iixsruLD nouas pum s \ FIRST FLOG» SCAU OF FIRST FLOOR 1/8« • X* ÜOUâS, OUTSIDE DXAiKETER 56*6* X 3U*6W la W loor walls —— 1» 6“ Inside walls —— 1* !■ WAKli 1 U) HOUSE PUNS SHCOtUJ FWOft J j ~ «5 wm* . H A LL......... * #*. (dann é t a l » ) 128 X 31*6" Flooring 9" & 10» X 1 ]/E Gelling 11*6“ * t ». » r t V. .*■ » y -t t * > 1 - •• • f V '*#***; ■ i • I 4 ’ ' * » *' *,.£ 4 *- •» J H « # ■» it * e <t » » 6 ü S 1- il > V V ■ í HALL (Scwnstalra) * *'■ • 12* Z 3X*6" • ,j» ;• •• • ’V ■ I mo ?.. Oeek. ti&lm t, J( turnea legs• ¿«production• 100.00 2 . « l i . Early sap of Virginia and Florida. * Virginia Item at Florida* America* IVov^nciarua, nova deacriptio * colored and frenad. 75.00 »••••1X3.4 Clock, ta llcase, burl walnut, inscribed, ■ Avenali*, rondan, dial of abito natal, rouan ñutierais. 1900.00 U*.. 10.. Chair, oak, seat of heavy black leather, brass taoka, Reproduction, 60.00 5 « ...1 2 .. dining,leather seats and backs, Reproduction, 50.00 6. ..X X *. a* 5. 50.00 6 . .« 3*. », " F o r 336 aeres of land in Westmoreland County to Henry Washington " signed br Robert C arter. 250.00 7.. ..15*.Chest, oak, «Pennsylvania i-utch", 3 painted nanels, ^production. 200.00 9 mm 7 * . .lap of St.Georges Channel, from Rapine H istory of fflaiwpci England. 9.. ..11t*.Settea, walimt,rottgh leather, 8 legs, Reproduction. 3 5 0 .0 0 1 0 .. 6 mCopy of an early map of Virginia and Maryland by Augustine iierm an, d a ts d 1670 and 1673» 50.00 I X . .6 .« labia, pine, snaioiroular, 3 p i ****1 lega* Reproduction. 35.00 1 2 .. 5*. Coat of Ama, colored, Washington m i l a m i l i a a . 50.00 X3*m 6IA . Candie ^conce, tin, oue of pair (other in livong rooù) electriiied. 25.00 14 . 4. X . Bander hom, large,ylain with leather strap. 20.00 15.. .15.«I> lintlock luabket, iullstock, lock marked «London warrented". 50.00 X 6 ...1 6 * . Set of bear ratiera, 1# points. 25.00 3..13** Sent for new cords and general overhauling. (Mr. Shiraly, Gloucester,Va.) 9..690.. Clock (kltahau) Wag on Wall, • a a a s 2-26-57 .. 63.. Clock (Bracket) (living B.) to » 1aeaa lab. D.0. ( By C « ? * . ) IO -I6-63 ..35*. bercBMtar, (Living Roao) • ■ 8 * • 10-16-63 376.. Painting (on glass) , “King Charles 11 and wueen Catherine. Stolen 8-30-63 U3u.. Top, wood, small, cracked, ¿¿2£§g&_\ 8-30-63 'T-' —FT ill “ LL o . Hâî4 *** DIN mo ROOM **# l ... l86labla, round tilt-to p , top 1* of on* piece, maybe either English or India rosewood, C. 171Q-1750. '¡hie »ay be the only original piece of furniture that * was in the "Old House”. $ $J)OQJQO 2 •••189 BmO, Delft, blue end purple flowers. 125.00 * . tt' 31.. .866.Chair,«ide, one of six, ^jueen Anne style, seats upholstered green Damask. 250,00 Chain said to be hand carved by slave« (Prom Sophia ii& rril, Knoxville, Term.) 3B...865 Sans so 31. 250.00 3C... 183 e s s 250.00 •' ■ 3D... 180 •• • 250.00 *... I8li • • • 25D.00 *...185 • • • 250.00 1 1 1 .. 179Chair, one of pair, black leather »eat, brass tacks. 250.00 4D...301 Same as til. 250.00 5A..295 n*tso, sot of 8, Brater, Sfcglish h a l l marks on bottom. 35.00 5B*. 278 B ra s a s 5U 35.00 SB... 303 » • » 35.00 5 0 . 290 e s s 35.00 8 . « 277 flowl, sliprara, black and yellow decorations. C. 1690. 100.00 7 . I f f 296Bowl, slipware, dark brown with yellow stripes. 0. 1670. 75.00 8 .. 28U Bowl, Sgraffito or Scratchware, bird design. C. 1670. 175.00 9 J U 30)4 Fork , steel with bon handle, C toned, 18 th C. 25.00 91.. 297 Save as 91. 25.00 DC... 279 • • • 25.00 90.. 291 • • • 25.00 1 Q A ... 302 * f c if e , 006 «2 four, steel, bona handles. lBth. C. 25.00 JOB... 292 Baas as IDA. 25.00 IOC... m • • • 25.00 ICO... 269 •• • 25.00 PAOR ««* OSiSO ROOM *** «-•spr *- (Continued) 9 HA. • 108 Spoon, circular bowl, rat ta il, pouter,1 of lu, C , 1 8 th . 8 9 8 .0 0 UB. • 296 Sane aa UA. 90.00 U C . 9 0 .0 0 HD. 288 » • • 90.00 m . • 299 Glana, air bubble atom, wine, taiga else, (small) SO.00 12B# • 293 Sam® a» 12k. (large) 90.00 12C . • 287 * ■ • but smaller. 9 0 .0 0 12D . • 260 Sana a» 12C. (Urge) 90.00 1 3 * . • 190 ^ P«*** 2 5 .0 0 138. • 197 Same aa 13* 2 5 .0 0 13C. 1 9 6 • • • 2 9 .0 0 1 3 0 . • 100 * • • 2 5 .0 0 Hi..., • 2Uo Trivet, iron, b u s t o f G.W. 1 9 th .C. 10,00 Iß... • 178 Chest and bottles, maybe old ships cheat. 1 9 0 .0 0 ISA. 172- 177JS°ttles, glass for Above chest, glass, 2& g a l . , s e t o f 6 1200.00 16.. 2i|6 Shovel, fireplace, brass topped. 90.00 1 7 * . 21)5 ABeAndirons,brass, 21" high,very large, a series of various aise turnings, top part heavier than bottom, mounted on 1» ball feat. Chinese influence in styling. 18th, C. 1 2 5 .0 0 1 7 8 . 2kSB Sams as 17A. 1 2 5 .0 0 1B«*< 2li9 i'ongB, fireplace, brass topped. 7 5 .0 0 1 9 .. I 69 Hug, bine and red, has seven borders and two fringed, 17th.C.