Arcy, UK, 1945-1958 to Fr
' Alexander, David New York, 31 July 1963 To Clayton Rawson 1 t.l.s. Ailing ham, Margery Tolleshut D'Arcy, U.K., 1945-1958 To Frederic Dannay and Paul R. Reynolds 3 a.l.s.; 9 tl.s.; 3 a.n.s. Ambler, Eric v.p., 1951-1975 To v.p. 2 a.l.s.; 1 tl.s. Anderson, Fred I. East Jamaica, VT, 1941-1947 To Frederick Dannay 17 tl.s. Armstrong, Charlotte Glendale, CA, 4 Dec. 1953 To [Edwin] Seaver tl.s.; 1p. (relates to the "Silver Anniversary Tribute to Ellery Queen") Armstrong, Charlotte Glendale, CA, 1950-1959 To Frederic Dannay and A. Wellesley Foshay 8 tl.s.; 1 a.n.s. Arnott, Noeline Palmerston North, New Zeal&, 1966-1967 To Frederic Dannay 1 a.l.s.; 2 tl.s. I j Arthur, Mildred H. Haworth, NJ, 21 Sept. 1962 To Frederic Dannay 1 t-l.s. Arthur, Robert Yorktown Heights, NY, 27 Oct. 1951 To Frederic Dannay 1 t.l.s. Ashbaugh, Richard Columbus, OH, 22 May n.y. To Frederic Dannay 1 Us. Asimov, Isaac New York & West Newton, MA, 1961-1977 To Frederic Dannay and Eleanor Sullivan < . 13 Us. Atkey, Bertram Highcliffe, U.K., 1944-1946 To Frederic Dannay 4 Us. Austin, Margaret Mrs W.E.) Bay Village, OH, 1959-1964 To Frederic Dannay 1 a.l.s.; 11 t.l.s.; 1 a.n.s. Avallone, Michael East Brunswick, NJ & n.p., 1955-1981 and n.d. To Frederic Dannay and Eleanor Sullivan 4 a.l.s.; 42 t.l.s.; 1 p.l.s.; 1 p.l.; 1 tp.c.
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