Tallinn 2012
XXVII FONETIIKAN PÄIVÄT 2012 PHONETICS SYMPOSIUM 2012 PROCEEDINGS Tallinn 2012 Electronic publications XXVII FONETIIKAN PÄIVÄT 2012 PHONETICS SYMPOSIUM 2012 17-18 FEBRUARY 2012, TALLINN, ESTONIA PROCEEDINGS Einar Meister (ed.) Tallinn 2012 XXVII Fonetiikan päivät 2012 – Phonetics Symposium 2012 17-18 February 2012, Tallinn, Estonia Proceedings Edited by Einar Meister Cover page photo by Allan Alajaan Source: Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau Electronic publications Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology Akadeemia tee 21, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia http://www.ioc.ee TUT Press Akadeemia tee 1, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia ISBN 978-9949-23-385-4(PDF) Sponsored by the Estonian Center of Excellence in Computer Science, EXCS (funded mainly by the European Regional Development Fund), and by the Ministry of Education and Research Copyright: the editor and authors, 2012. Content Foreword iv Niina Aasmäe, Karl Pajusalu, Nele Salveste, Tatiana Zirnask Quantity in Moksha-Mordvin 1 Eva Liina Asu, Nele Salveste The phonetic and phonological analysis of the fall-rise intonation pattern in the Kihnu variety of Estonian 6 Eva Liina Asu, Pärtel Lippus, Ellen Niit, Helen Türk The acoustic characteristics of monophthongs and diphthongs in the Kihnu variety of Estonian 12 Osmo Eerola, Janne Savela Production of short and long Finnish vowels with and without noise masking 17 Dennis Estill Revisiting the Meadow Mari vocalic system 21 Kati Järvinen, Anne-Maria Laukkanen Native Finnish and English Speakers’ Fundamental Frequency, Equivalent Sound Level, and Long-Time Average Spectrum Characteristics in Text-reading in Finnish and English 27 Einar Meister, Lya Meister, Rainer Metsvahi New speech corpora at IoC 30 Michael L.
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