Council and South Bucks District Council

Green Belt Assessment Part Two Draft Report Appendix 5: Completed Assessment Pro Forma Volume 4 – Section 4 Areas: Site Nominations 4.001 to 4.117

October 2016

Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.001 Land North of Lane 0.59 Part One General Area No. 8d Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. Although the triangular site is bounded by Cholesbury Lane to the south the remaining two sides offer no natural defensible boundaries. It is considered that the field/property boundaries which define the site on these sides are neither permanent nor defensible.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.002 Kingsgate Farm 2.27 Part One General Area No. 10b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The site is poorly defined and relies on hedgerows/trees along field boundaries to denote its perimeter. The eastern boundary is especially weak in terms of a natural boundary as parts of it run through an open field. It is therefore not possible to identify a permanent defensible boundary.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable

Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 2.34 4.003 Land at the Oak House Paddock Way Part One General Area No. 13b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The boundary is formed by the garden boundaries of properties fronting the main village roads. The boundary to the south is made up of what appear to be former overgrown orchards. As such none of the boundaries of the proposed area are NPPF compliant.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.36 4.004 Plot of Land between Coblands House and Marlin Grove, Ashley Green Part One General Area No. 13b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The site has a road frontage to the A416. The eastern boundary is formed by a garden hedge. The southern boundary is formed by a fence line between the proposed site and the residential property to the south. The northern boundary is formed by a partial hedge and partial fence line. The road frontage is a defensible boundary however the other boundaries are not permanent features. As such it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent or defensible.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.50 4.005 Ashley Green – Land adjacent to Ashley Green Road Part One General Area No. 13b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The boundary appears to follow the roadside hedge line to the west. Residential boundaries exist to the north and south. The eastern boundary does not appear to follow any feature on the ground cutting straight across an open field. A field hedge line is apparent further to the east, however even if the hedge line was followed it wouldn’t form an NPPF compliant boundary. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 1.31 4.006 The Lodge, Pressmore Farm, Road Part One General Area No. 11 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The boundary appears to follow former field boundary hedges around the property Pressmore Lodge and its associated commercial buildings. Only the hedge to the front follows a permanent feature, the service road to this property and Pressmore farm. None of the other boundaries would form an NPPF compliant boundary. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.49 4.007 Workshop adjoining Ivydeane, Hollycroft and adjacent land Part One General Area No. 13b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The site has a boundary to the village road (un-named) the road frontage is partially open. To the south west the boundary appears to be a hedge line to the rear of an ancillary building associated with Rose Cottage. The southern boundary initially follows a residential hedge line and then the boundary appears to follow a former field boundary hedge. The eastern boundary is another field boundary hedge. The boundary then goes to the west along the rear of residential properties fronting the village street. The boundaries being a combination of hedges a group of trees and a boundary fence. The proposed site boundary then re-joins the road frontage to the south west of Ivydeane. The boundary hedges are not defensible boundaries and as such it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.008 Land at Lee Common, 0.61 Part One General Area No. 10b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. Although the site is bounded to the south and west by established residential development the north and north west boundary is soft and offers no defensibility. Additionally, the access corridor to the site fails to demonstrate any defensible boundary to the north as it runs through open fields. A durable boundary around the site cannot be identified.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.009 Land at Cherry Tree Lane 0.53 Part One General Area No. 10b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. Cherry Tree Lane provides a permanent and defensible boundary to the south of the site. Relatively defensible boundaries are provided to the north and east by established dwellings. However the western boundary is neither permanent nor defensible as it is a soft boundary which borders open public land in the form of green space, a play area and allotments.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.010 Land Adjacent and to the South East 0.23 of Elmcroft Part One General Area No. 8g Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. Lane provides a permanent and defensible boundary to the south and a relatively defensible boundary is provided to the west by an existing dwelling. However it is considered that no permanent and defensible boundaries are evident to the north, which is an open field, or the east, which is a private garden separated from the site by hedging. There are no natural durable features which could mark the boundary instead and so an NPPF compliant boundary cannot be identified.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.011 The Old Brickworks 1.07 Part One General Area No. 8f Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The site has a soft north eastern boundary leading into extensive open fields which is considered not to be defensible. The north western boundary is also soft where it meets green space adjacent to Bloomfield Cottages. A permanent defensible boundary therefore cannot be identified.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.012 Land to the East of Huge Farm 4.35 Part One General Area No. 8e Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. Although Chesham Road provides a permanent and defensible boundary to the site’s north east the remaining three sides of the site bound open fields. 75% of the site’s boundaries are soft and therefore neither defensible nor permanent.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.013 Land to the South of 1 Greencroft 0.16 Cottages Part One General Area No. 8f Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The site offers no natural defensible boundary on its eastern side where it borders extensive open fields. The southern border of the site, though much shorter because of the site’s triangular shape, has the same issue. Additionally, any release of the site from the Green Belt would increase the risk of the coalescence of Chartridge and Chesham which runs counter to the NPPF.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 1.38 4.014 Land at Clover Farm, Ridgeway, Chesham Part One General Area No. 8f Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The northern boundary is formed by an access track to Broadview farm which is to the east of the proposed site. The eastern boundary of the site is formed by a field boundary hedge. The southern point of the site is a residential garden hedge formed by number 23 Wykeridge Close. The proposed site boundary then follows the residential boundaries of properties excluded from the Green Belt to the north east before going north. However the boundary at this point does not follow features on the ground and doesn’t follow the existing Green Belt boundary. The outer boundaries of this site between the proposed site and the remainder of the Green Belt are not permanent or defensible and are formed by unprotected hedge lines. As such it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 3.68 4.015 Land adjacent to Sunnymeade Avenue Chesham Part One General Area No. 13b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The boundary starts at the south with the boundary hedges of the residential properties in Sunnymeade Avenue and Partridge Close. On the north western and south eastern boundaries there are established field hedge boundaries whilst to the north eastern boundary there is no feature at all with the boundary splitting the southern section of the field from a larger area to the north. As such there are no permanent and defensible boundaries for this proposed area. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.52 4.016 Coach Depot and adjacent land Lycrome Road Chesham Part One General Area No. 13b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The boundary wraps around residential properties to the east and south west/ south with planting and hedgerow boundaries, associated with screening the site’s use as a coach depot, to the west and north. The northern boundary coincides with an apparent stabling business and a large manege is immediately to the north of the proposed area. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.44 4.017 Land between Two Dells Lane and Part One General Area No. 13b Boundary Assessment It is possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The small parcel of land is surrounded by existing highways on all sides.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Purpose 1a: Fail – the area is not connected to a large built up area Purpose 1b: Score: 0/5 Purpose 2: The small area adjacent to existing built form doesn’t provide a gap between identified settlements. Score: 0/5 Purpose 3: The area does not contain any development and possesses a largely rural open character. Score: 4/5 Purpose 4: The site does not adjoin a historic settlement. Score: 0/5 Green Belt Purpose Conclusions The area of land scores weakly against one or more Green Belt purpose(s). Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Is there a good fit with the spatial strategy? No – does not fit any options. Neither is it an identified village in Arup methodology so does not fit option i. Would development in the area satisfy No facilities in the area other than a private school. sustainable development criteria? Settlement is served by a regular bus route with bus route within 400m. No harm to AONB or other historic features. However overall it does not constitute sustainable development Development would have a minor adverse impact on: • Landscape (Objective 2) • Biodiversity (Objective 3) • Health (Objective 11)  Natural Resources (Objective 6) Development would have a neutral impact on: • Waste (Objective 8) • Economy (Objective 12) Development would have a minor positive impact on: • Climate Change Adaptation (Objective 5) • Transport (Objective 9) • Housing (Objective 10) Development would have an uncertain impact on: • Pollution (Objective 7) • Cultural Heritage (Objective 1)  Climate Change Mitigation (Objective 4)

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Looking just at the area of land in question, to This area of land is very small as such there is not what extent would there be conflict with the likely to be a conflict with the wider Green Belt. The purposes and integrity of the Green Belt as set majority of the Green Belt parcel would remain so out in the NPPF (including wider objectives)? the scoring of the wider parcel would not be affected. It is not considered that this small area of land would impact on any of the wider objectives of including land in the Green Belt however; it is not in a sustainable location, is in open countryside and any development would be contrary to paragraph 55 of the NPPF. Looking at the strategic context of the wider The area proposed is so small its removal would be area, to what extent is there conflict with the unlikely to conflict with wider Green Belt. The wider strategic function of the Green Belt in the adjacent Green Belt parcel number 15 scoring would form of cumulative impacts: would release be unaffected if this small area was removed from from the Green Belt affect the scoring in the Green Belt. surrounding parcels and/or is the scoring affected by judgements about exceptional circumstances in other parcels? Exceptional Circumstances Conclusion: Given the location of this small parcel of Green Belt land whist its removal would be unlikely to harm the wider Green Belt there are no exceptional circumstances to justify its release in isolation from the remaining Green Belt.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.55 4.018 Land between Glendale and Whitehouse Part One General Area No. 13a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This area of land is a small part of a larger field with a frontage to Lycrome Road. The northern boundary of the proposed site is the Lycrome Road frontage which has an established field boundary hedge running along the road edge. To the east the boundary is the residential boundary of the property Glendale. This boundary is also marked by a boundary hedge. The western boundary is the residential boundary hedge of the property Whitehouse which is marked by a low hedge. The southern boundary is not marked by any feature on the ground and cuts across the wider field splitting the proposed site off from the rest of the land. Given the lack of a permanent boundary surrounding the proposed site it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with the NPPF.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 9.96 4.020 Land to the South of Lycrome Road Part One General Area No. 13a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The northern boundary is formed by Lycrome Road. The proposed area then follows the existing hedge line to the western boundary of properties in Deer Park Walk before cutting across the southern part of Deer Park Walk and following an existing hedge line to the south. The boundary then cuts across the middle of an open field following no features on the ground until it joins up with the Brushwood School playing field boundary. The boundary then follows the rear hedge line of properties outside of the Green Belt in Hill Croft Road before following the edge of established woodland as the proposed area moves to the north. Much of the woodland is protected by a Tree Preservation Order. However, the final part of the boundary, as the proposed area re-joins Lycrome Road at its northern point, is made up of residential curtilages with poorly defined boundaries. The majority of the boundary of this proposed area is made up on non-defensible or permanent Green Belt boundaries with most being hedgerows with one part of the proposed area not following any boundary features at all. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with the NPPF.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.33 4.022 Land adjacent to Mash Court and Deer Park Walk Part One General Area No. 13a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The Northern boundary is formed by Lycrome Road. From this point the boundary follows an access road boundary formed to a recently converted stable complex. The southern boundary of the site is partially formed by this residential stable conversion and its grounds but the remaining southern boundary follows no features on the ground. To the west the boundary is formed by the residential curtilage boundaries of properties in Deer Park Walk. However the majority of the boundary is not NPPF compliant. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 3.49 4.023 Land off Finch Lane Part One General Area No. 27 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The parcel appears to be the residential curtilage of a dwelling ‘Kimblewick’ and an adjacent field. Finch Lane runs along the western side of the parcel and so forms a defensible boundary to that part of the site. However, the remaining boundaries are formed by the residential curtilage hedge line of ‘Kimblewick’ to the north. A less well defined boundary is followed between ‘Kimblewick’ and ‘Little Kibblewick Farm’ to the east. The remaining boundaries of the parcel to the southern and eastern boundaries are made up of the field boundary hedgerows. As such the majority of the boundary of this parcel is not NPPF compliant. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.78 4.024 Land adjacent to 132 Lycrome Road Part One General Area No. 13a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The parcel forms an area of agricultural land which includes some woodland and more recent tree planting. The land appears to form part of a much larger field complex with little boundary features to separate this parcel from the rest of the area. The Lycrome Road forms part of the boundary to the SE with the rear of residential gardens to the southern SE/SW corner of the site. The main south western boundary of the site is a residential curtilage and a block of woodland with the north western boundary being less well defined on the ground with a low fence line between this land and the wider field complex. To the north west the proposed area doesn’t follow any feature on the ground. The northern boundary of the site is formed by a block of scrubby woodland with the final part of the boundary being a residential access road to two residential properties adjacent to the boundary. The majority of the parcel boundary is thus not permanent or NPPF compliant. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 3.36 4.025 Land north of Road (Larger site) Part One General Area No. 13a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The parcel forms an area of agricultural land which partially overlaps with site 4.026. The land appears to form part of a much larger field complex with a lack of boundary features to separate this parcel from the rest of the area. The south western corner of the proposed area is Lye Green Road. The main south western boundary of the site is formed by the hedge line boundary of a residential curtilage. The boundary then follows the back of residential properties fronting Brushwood Road before moving across where the road ends to the Brushwood School boundary it follows this to the north east. The boundary then follows the eastern edge of the school site (marked by a boundary hedge) to its northern point. From this point the parcel boundary cuts across the middle of a field with no boundary feature in place until it meets the end of a former field hedge which runs south east from the edge of Deer Park Walk. At this point the proposed site boundary goes south again cutting across an open field with no boundary features in place. The proposed boundary then follows the edge of an area of planted trees until it joins the Lye Green Road frontage. The planted woodland is not fully established and is not protected. The road frontage is marked by a field boundary hedge. The boundary runs along the road to the south west until it meets the residential curtilages of houses fronting Lye Green Road. At this point the proposed site boundary goes north along the residential boundary and then to the south west to the rear of the residential properties. These boundaries are defined by hedgerows. At the rear of the 5th property in the row of dwellings the residential curtilage goes further to the north and the proposed site boundary follows this boundary line to the north. Running to the rear of a block of woodland. At the northern extent of the wooded area the boundary of the proposed site runs to the south west and then goes south around the wooded area and back to the rear of residential properties fronting Lye Green Road. These residential boundaries are marked by low hedges or fences. Finally the proposed site boundary runs around the curtilage of Bayman Manor and then returns to the Lye Green Road frontage. The final area of road frontage is marked by a small group of trees. The majority of the parcel boundary is thus not permanent or defensible or NPPF compliant. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL


Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.96 4.026 Land at Baymans Manor Part One General Area No. 13a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The parcel forms an area of agricultural land which partially overlaps with site 4.025. This site is open agricultural land bounded by residential development to the south and partially to the north west and South East. The land appears to form part of a much larger field complex with a lack of boundary features to separate this parcel from the rest of the area. Lye Green Road forms very small part of the boundary to the South Western corner of the proposed area; other parts of the south eastern boundary are formed by the rear of residential gardens fronting Lye Green Road. The main south western boundary of the site is formed by the hedge line boundary of a residential curtilage. The boundary then follows the back of residential properties fronting Brushwood Road before moving across where the road ends to the Brushwood School Boundary it follows this to the north east. The parcel boundary cuts across the middle of a field with no boundary feature in place until it meets a block of woodland which forms the north eastern boundary. The majority of the parcel boundary is thus not permanent or defensible or NPPF compliant. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.25 4.027 136 to 138 Lye Green Road Part One General Area No. 13a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The parcel comprises a pair of semi-detached houses and their combined curtilage. The curtilage boundaries are made up of hedges on all sides with only the south eastern boundary which fronts Lye Green Road being a permanent defensible NPPF compliant Green Belt boundary feature. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 9.03 4.028 Land to the East of Lycrome Road Part One General Area No. 16b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This proposed site appears to be one large agricultural field. The northern boundary of the site is marked by Lye Green Road. The field edge along this frontage contains an established hedgerow. The eastern boundary of the site is formed by the residential curtilages of properties fronting Warrender Road and Codmore Crescent. This site boundary is marked by hedges. To the south the site boundary is an established field boundary hedge. The eastern boundary is partially marked by another field boundary hedge to the south but the main part of the boundary is not marked by any recognisable feature. The far north of the boundary is marked by the residential curtilage boundary hedge of Brockhurst Farm. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.64 4.029 Land to the North East of Chestnut Avenue Part One General Area No. 13a Boundary Assessment The promoted area appears to consist of a potential back garden site with the majority of the land being within the exiting built up area. The edge of the built up area comprises a double boundary. The inner boundary forms the original rear garden line of the properties within the built up area with the Green Belt boundary following this line. Beyond this point is a further hedge line. Some of the residential properties have extended their curtilage to this further point. In terms of the Green Belt the further line would be equally defensible as the existing line. However any development of the residential garden areas would not be prevented if this thin strip of land remained in the Green Belt.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Purpose 1a: PASS - The land parcel is at the edge of the Chesham large built-up area. Purpose 1b: The land parcel is connected with the large built-up area of Chesham, preventing its outward sprawl into open land. Score 3/5 Purpose 2: The land parcel forms only a small part of the wider gap between the non-Green Belt settlements of Chesham and Bovingdon. With respect to this, the parcel makes only a limited contribution to preventing coalescence between settlements, in particular the south and west which are less important for preventing merging. At the local level, the parcel plays a limited role in protecting the gap between Chesham and Lye Green, identified as a Row of Dwellings in the Chiltern Local Plan, preventing their coalescence. Score 1/5 Purpose 3: As this is a very small area adjacent to the main built up area it is not considered to protect the openness of the Green Belt given the land in question still has an outer field boundary hedge. Score 1/5. Purpose 4: The land parcel does not abut an identified historic settlement core and does not meet this Purpose

Green Belt Conclusion: This option does not score strongly against one or more Green Belt purpose(s). Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Is there a good fit with the spatial Yes Option C strategy? Would development in the area satisfy Yes – development is essentially within the existing built up sustainable development criteria? area. Development would have a moderate adverse impact on: • Development would have a minor adverse impact on: • Biodiversity (Objective 3) • Health (Objective 11)  Natural Resources (Objective 6) Development would have a neutral impact on: • Waste (Objective 8) • Economy (Objective 12) • Landscape (Objective 2) Development would have a minor positive impact on: • Climate Change Adaptation (Objective 5) • Transport (Objective 9)

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

• Housing (Objective 10) Development would have an uncertain impact on: • Pollution (Objective 7) • Cultural Heritage (Objective 1)  Climate Change Mitigation (Objective 4) Looking just at the area of land in No conflict with any of the Green Belt purposes given the question, to what extent would there be small area of land involved conflict with the purposes and integrity of the Green Belt as set out in the NPPF (including wider objectives)? Looking at the strategic context of the No impact on wider Green Belt wider area, to what extent is there conflict with the wider strategic function of the Green Belt in the form of cumulative impacts: would release from the Green Belt affect the scoring in surrounding parcels and/or is the scoring affected by judgements about exceptional circumstances in other parcels? Exceptional Circumstances Conclusion: This small strip of garden land is not required to allow re- development of the gardens of properties in the built up area should it be proposed. As such it is not considered exceptional circumstances exist to justify amending the Green Belt.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 1.37 4.030 Old Hangers Farm Part One General Area No. 15 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The boundary to the West is formed by Jasons Hill and an associated field boundary hedge. The southern boundary is formed by a broken hedge line. The southern part of the eastern boundary is formed by an established hedge between the site and adjacent agricultural buildings. However the northern part of the proposed sites eastern boundary is less well defined being marked by a low fence. The northern boundary is also not well defined. The majority of the boundaries of this site are not permanent features. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.08 4.031 Land between 2 and 3 Moors Farm Cottages Part One General Area No. 13b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The parcel appears to be the side garden area of number 3 Moors farm cottages. The parcel is split off from the wider countryside by a hedge line to the rear, a residential boundary at the edge of number 2 Moors Farm cottages to the south and a farm access road to the front. However, there is no boundary between the parcel and number 3 Moors Farm cottages. None of the boundaries of the land are NPPF compliant although the farm access track could be regarded as a permanent feature. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 3.02 4.032 Hobbs Barn 61 Botley Road Part One General Area No. 16b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The parcel appears to be an area of residential land and former agricultural land. The boundary to the west is formed by the hedge line at the edge of Codmore playing fields. These are also within the Green Belt. The northern boundary is formed by the residential boundary hedge lines of properties excluded from the Green Belt fronting Codmore Crescent. At its northern most point the boundary becomes a field hedge line between this parcel and an adjacent field. The eastern boundary is similarly a field hedge line with the south western boundary being formed by an unprotected block of woodland. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.69 4.033 Land to the South side of Botley Road Part One General Area No. 16b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The parcel appears to be an area of agricultural land with associated stables together with some residential properties and a former overgrown orchard area. The boundary to the east is formed by the residential boundary of a property in Botley (The Botley settlement area is within the Green Belt ) the southern part of this west boundary is a field hedge and then the southern boundary cuts across an open field following a post and rail fence line. This fence line forms the boundary to the south of the existing stable/barns on part of the site before following a hedge line heading north and then heading west along a former boundary hedge line which appears to form part of a residential curtilage to 106/104. The boundary then follows a hedge line to the rear of a former orchard which fronts the road. Finally the boundary cuts across the residential curtilage of No 98 immediately behind the house and separating the house from its garden. The western boundary is the block of woodland to the west of the propriety. The northern boundary is the main Botley Road. Apart from the road frontage none of the boundaries are permanent features on the ground and thus are not NPPF compliant. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.14 4.034 Land North of Cherry Tree Farm Part One General Area No. 15 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The parcel forms a small part of the curtilage of Cherry Tree Farm and is being promoted as a potential infill plot under the infilling policies and not as a removal from the Green Belt. However, in Green Belt boundary terms whilst the front boundary is a hedge line adjacent to a highway the northern boundary is formed by a hedge line between the Cherry Tree Farm land and the adjacent property, the rear boundary is a fence line between the land and the adjacent Cherry Tree Farm garden area. And the southern boundary is marked by the edge of a listed building forming part of Cherry Tree Farm. As such this small parcel does not have a permanent boundary to define it in terms of the NPPF and justify removal from the Green Belt.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 58.19 4.035 Land at Dungrove Farm Part One General Area No. 16b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This proposed area comprises extensive farmland to the north of Chesham town centre. The area proposed appears to exclude the actual farm itself and an adjacent field located in the centre of the area. However, if the surrounding land was removed from the Green Belt the farm site would logically be removed as well.

The northernmost point of this site is formed by the road White Hill. At the north eastern corner of the site the boundary follows the rear garden boundaries of houses fronting Cheyne Walk with the boundary being formed by existing hedgerows. The boundary then follows the field boundary to the east running to the south of the Chesham Grammar School playing fields which are themselves currently within the Green Belt. The boundary follows the eastern edge of the playing fields until it intersects with another field boundary running to the east. Both of these boundaries are formed by established field hedges. After following the bottom of two fields the boundary cuts south following another field boundary hedge until it follows that field boundary south east until it adjoins Trapps Lane a bridleway/public footpath which the parcel then follows until it leaves the track to follow around the outer edge of a small pocket of woodland called Big Round Green. The boundary then returns to the Trapps Lane boundary. As Trapps Lane meets the built up area of Waterside in Chesham just north of properties in Rose Drive the boundary moves to the west along another field boundary hedge. The boundary then follows the hedge line to the south where it crosses to the north of woodland associated with the former Springfield House and then goes south along the northern edge of the Springfield Road industrial area. Until it follows the rear of properties in Hospital Hill and moves south to follow the boundary of the former hospital land. The lands immediately associated with the hospital including the houses of Hospital Hill and the Springfield Road industrial area is excluded from the Green Belt. The woods associated with Springfield House the further land adjacent to the hospital site known as the Balks are all within the Green Belt as such the proposed area if removed from the Green Belt in isolation would leave areas of Green Belt land between it and the existing built up area. The boundary continues along this hedge line crossing behind buildings within the built up area of Chesham including the community centre off White Hill before re-joining the White Hill boundary.

Given the boundary is set in from the railway line to the south and cuts across the country using field boundaries to the north east of the proposed area it is not considered that the whole boundary could be regarded as being a permanent defensible boundary. The boundary along White Hill and to a lesser extent the Trapps Lane boundary could be regarded as permanent defensible features. As such on balance it is considered that a boundary cannot be defined around the whole proposed area that would be NPPF compliant.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Classification: OFFICIAL

Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.61 4.036 Land to the south of Kiln Lane Part One General Area No. 14a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This site lies alongside the existing Green Belt settlement of Botley and Ley Hill however it falls outside of the identified Green Belt settlement boundary. The land to the north of the site north of Kiln Lane has been recommended for removal from the Green Belt and there may be logic in removing the adjacent part of Ley Hill if Botley is removed. However this area would form an expansion of the current settlement. If considered in isolation the boundaries of this site are formed by existing hedgerows. The boundary to the east is formed by the hedge line between the rear of properties in the Ley Hill settlement area and the proposed site. The southern boundary appears to cut across the strip of land with no particular features on the ground. The western boundary is formed by a field boundary hedge line and to the north this is supplemented by a block of woodland alongside the northern third of the proposed area. The northern boundary is made by a hedge line along the access road Kiln lane. This site considered in isolation has no permanent defensible NPPF compliant Green Belt boundaries.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.05 4.037 Land to the Rear of the Swan Ley Hill Part One General Area No. 14a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This site falls within the existing Green Belt settlement of Botley and Ley Hill. If considered in isolation three of the boundaries of this site are formed by existing hedgerows to the north west and south. The boundary to the east is not present on the ground being a line drawn on a plan separating the remaining pub garden from This part of the pub garden which is no longer required for pub use. This site has no permanent defensible NPPF compliant Green Belt boundaries. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 110.70 4.038 Land at Milk Hall and Hill Farm Part One General Area No. 16b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The southern corner of the boundary of the proposed area borders the River Chess. The river is a defensible boundary. However, the proposed area boundary then follows a field boundary to the north east following the end of three fields. The boundary then moves to the east along a further field boundary hedge line. The boundary cuts across the tip of a sliver of ancient woodland and continues to follow a field boundary as it moves north. The boundary then goes to the west along a field hedgerow and track/public footpath. The boundary goes to the north where this footpath adjoins another footpath. The boundary following a hedge line. The boundary then intersects with another footpath and the proposed area boundary runs to the west still following a hedge line. The boundary follows a track known as Green Lane. It then follows yet another footpath as the boundary heads to the north. This track is known as Bottom Lane. At its most northerly point the proposed area boundary then runs south west along Trapps lane following the hedgerow along this boundary. The hedge line is followed until the proposed area boundary meets the built up area of Chesham at the north western corner of properties fronting Rose Drive. The boundary then runs to the north of the Rose Drive properties and follows the eastern boundary of properties in Rose Drive as the boundary cuts south.

The proposed boundary hugs the edge of the built up area until it follows a hedge line at the edge of a nursery business. This business is still in the Green Belt with the Green Belt boundary running to the west of this property. At the southern part of this area the boundary follows the hedge line of the playing fields of Waterside combined school (the school buildings are within the built up area but the hard play areas and playing fields are within the Green Belt) the proposed boundary then follows a hedge line on the same alignment as the school playing field hedge. Meaning that there is a field between the proposed area and the edge of the built up area to the south. The boundary crosses another footpath and continues on a similar alignment running to the rear of a car related business, set within the Green Belt, and following the northern boundary of properties fronting Mill Close which are outside the Green Belt. The boundary then wraps around the outer edge of number 107 Latimer Road before it follows the Latimer Road hedge line. The area then wraps around the residential curtilages of Numbers 109 and 111 and the neighbouring barn conversions and their residential curtilages at Milk Hall barns. (the houses 109 and 111 and the barn conversions are all within the Green Belt. The proposed area boundary then returns to the Latimer road frontage.

Although much of the boundary of this parcel appears to follow public footpaths or tracks none of these are made up. The majority of the boundary comprises hedgerows/field boundaries of varying strengths and character, the only permanent boundaries are the Latimer Road frontage and the small section of the River Chess. Parts of the site if considered in isolation would split the proposed area from elements of Green Belt land adjacent to the built up area. It is not considered that the land proposed for removal from the Green Belt has a permanent defensible NPPF compliant Green Belt boundary.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.49 4.039 Flaunden End Farm Ley Hill Part One General Area No. 41a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The south western boundary of this site is Ashridge Lane. The roadside boundary is marked by an established field boundary hedge. The north western boundary is not well defined but appears to be partially a fence and partially low level hedges. The north eastern boundary is partially a fence and partially open. The south eastern boundary is again mostly undefined although to the south west of the farmhouse there is a small stretch of hedgerow where the boundary re-joins Ashridge Lane. The majority of the proposed site boundary is therefore not defined by permanent defensible features. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 8.73 4.040 Land north of Pheasant Rise Part One General Area No. 16b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The proposed site is partially enclosed by existing residential development to the east and south. The boundary at this point is formed by an historic track although this is unmade. To the south west corner of the site another residential property Beechfield splits the proposed site from the built up area to the south. The proposed site follows the field boundary hedge between this house and the field the boundary separates the site from the adjacent industrial estate (Springfield Road) to the west. To the north of the boundary is a block of woodland around the former site of Springfield House to the north of this the proposed site follows a field boundary hedge and the northern boundary of the site is another hedge line. The site owners have planted new woodland in the northern third of the woodland roughly to the north of a line between the northern part of Springfield Road to the northern part of Rose Drive. However, this woodland is not protected and has not developed to the extent that it would form a defensible boundary to the wider Green Belt. Given the above it is not considered that the proposed site has a defensible permanent NPPF compliant boundary.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.83 4.041 Beechfield Waterside Chesham Part One General Area No. 16b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This site is adjacent to the built up area of Chesham as such the inner boundaries of the site are formed by boundaries at the edge of the developed area. To the south the boundary is formed by the hedgerow of Trapps Lane a track running from the built up area into the open countryside. To the South west the boundary is formed by a footpath running along the edge of the built up area. To the north west the built up area boundary is formed by the boundary hedge line of the industrial units in Springfield Road. The outer boundary is formed by a field boundary hedge the hedge line is not a permanent defensible NPPF compliant Green Belt boundary.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 3.80 4.042 Croft Meadow Farm Chesham Part One General Area No. 18b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This site is in the gap between Chesham and . The eastern boundary is formed by the A416 Road and is a permanent boundary. The boundary to the south is formed by a block of woodland as is the majority of the boundary to the west. The main blocks of woodland are protected by a woodland Tree Preservation Order but on both boundaries a strip of unprotected trees/woodland exists between the proposed site and the protected woodland. The northern boundary is formed by the hedge line between the proposed site and Chesham Bois Manor which has extensive grounds. A band of trees to the north of the manor grounds adjacent to the built up area of Chesham are also protected by a Tree Preservation Order however there is no protection to the hedge line or trees between the manor and the proposed site. As such it is not considered that the site has a defensible NPPF compliant boundary.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.043 Land adjacent to Bury Farm and 1.03 Bayley Hatch Part One General Area No. 10b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The site is bounded by dwellings at Bayley Hatch to the south and by Potters Row to the east. However, it is bounded by open fields to the west and by open green space to the north and it is therefore considered not possible to identify permanent and defensible boundaries around the site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.044 Land to rear of Meadow Lane (former 0.77 mushroom farm site) Part One General Area No. 10c Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The site is a former mushroom farm at South Heath. It is largely encircled by existing development in the village as it directly abuts residential properties on three sides. On its southern side the site abuts an area of woodland. These boundary features are considered to be not sufficiently durable or defensible. Additionally, the village of South Heath itself is considered to have insufficient permanent and defensible boundaries within the Green Belt more broadly meaning that releasing the site for development would represent an inappropriate new Green Belt boundary.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.045 Land Adjacent Curlew and Shangri-La 0.96 Part One General Area No. 9f Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. It is not possible to define any kind of boundary at all to the north as the site appears to form an arbitrary portion of an extensive and open field. The remaining sides of the site are soft boundaries which offer no permanent or defensible qualities. The site is therefore entirely inappropriate as a new Green Belt boundary and fails to demonstrate NPPF compliance.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.046 Woodside Field, Greenlands Lane 0.90 Part One General Area No. 9f Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. Although the perimeter of the identified land appears well defined by existing hedge lines these do not represent permanent and defensible boundaries. Greenlands Lane on the site’s western boundary does meet these criteria but this boundary alone is insufficient in isolation. The site as a whole therefore does not demonstrate an NPPF compliant boundary.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.047 Nanfans Farm 0.39 Part One General Area No. 9f Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The site is a portion of what is currently an open field and offers no boundary at all to the west – as proposed the western boundary appears entirely arbitrary and follows no natural features. The boundaries to the south and east are both existing paved lanes and therefore offer stronger defensibility but permanent defensible boundaries for the site as a whole cannot be identified.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.048 Land off Barley View (North) 1.64 Part One General Area No. 9f Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. Although the site abuts the settlement of Prestwood it lies within an open and extensive field and as such offers no natural or defensible boundary to the north. Additionally, releasing land at this location from the Green Belt might contribute to the coalescence of Prestwood and settlements. It is not possible to identify permanent and defensible boundaries for the site as a whole.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.049 Land off Barley View (West) 1.04 Part One General Area No. 9f Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. It is not possible to define a permanent defensible boundary to the east of the site where it meets open and extensive fields. Whilst the perimeter of the site on this eastern side is denoted by what appears to be relatively heavy tree cover there are no constraints associated with these trees and they therefore represent a soft boundary which lacks permanence. It is not possible to identify a defensible boundary for the site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.050 Land to the West of Honor End Lane 0.78 Part One General Area No. 9f Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land’s northern/western boundary is formed by Honor Lane which is a permanent feature. However, the remaining three boundaries are denoted by hedgelines and abut either private gardens or open fields. It is therefore considered that no permanent and defensible boundaries can be identified for the site as a whole.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Test Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Test Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.051 ‘Car Park Field’, Collings Hanger Farm 2.31 Part One General Area No. 9f Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land lies to the west of a row of properties along Clarendon Road but has no direct contact with the non-Green Belt settlement of Prestwood. The site has soft boundaries on all sides. To the north, south and west these take the form of field boundaries marked by hedgerows. To the east the boundary is marked by the gardens of residential dwellings. It is therefore considered that no permanent and defensible boundary can be identified.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.052 46 Wycombe Road 0.24 Part One General Area No. 9f Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land consists of the entire residential curtilage of 46 Wycombe Road. The boundary to the east is formed by the gardens of 4 residential dwellings. The boundaries to the north, south and east are marked by woodland, open space and extensive private gardens. It is therefore considered that no permanent and defensible boundary for the site as a whole can be identified as all boundaries are soft and lacking in defensibility.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.053 Garden of Mulberry Lodge 0.22 Part One General Area No. 9f Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land has soft boundaries to the north and west marked by trees and property boundaries. To the south and east existing residential dwellings and their gardens off Wycombe Road mark the boundary. Although the site does directly abut a non-Green Belt settlement to the east its soft northern, western and southern boundaries mean that a permanent defensible boundary cannot be identified.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.054 Land at Lodge Lane 2.05 Part One General Area No. 21a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land forms one part of the larger ‘Prestwood – East of Wycombe Road’ urban extension option. The identified land shares the issues of the larger option site in that whilst it can demonstrate a defensible boundary with a non-Greenbelt Settlement to the north the remaining three sides open onto extensive fields in the green belt and do not offer the same degree of durability or permanence. It is therefore considered that the identified land is not appropriate for bringing forwards as it lacks a defensible boundary as a whole.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.055 Land South of Lawrence Grove/Lodge 6.49 Lane Part One General Area No. 21a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land forms one part of the larger ‘Prestwood – East of Wycombe Road’ urban extension option. The identified land shares the issues of the larger option area in that whilst it does demonstrate a defensible boundary with a non-Green Belt settlement to the north not all of the remaining sides offer the same degree of durability or permanence. The option abuts an area of ancient woodland to the south with may afford it a degree of permanence and defensibility. To the east the option has no immediate defensible perimeter but the pattern of existing development means the nearest defensible features are potentially close by. However, the option’s western boundary with open fields is considered to be soft and not defensible and it is therefore considered that the option as a whole is not appropriate for bringing forwards.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.056 Akins Farm, Nairdwood Lane 3.76 Part One General Area No. 21a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land has the defensible boundary of Nairdwood Lane as its south western boundary. However, the northern and eastern perimeters are denoted by field boundaries and it is therefore considered that the option as a whole does not exhibit permanent and defensible boundaries.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.057 Friars Field 3.51 Part One General Area No. 9f Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land is adjacent to five existing dwellings to the south east and has a defensible boundary for the rest of the extent of its eastern perimeter in the form of Wycombe Road. Additionally a public right of way runs along the southern boundary of the site which might be a potentially defensible feature when its durability is considered in the context of its wider setting. However, it is considered that the western and northern boundaries of the identified land are neither permanent nor defensible as they are soft, permeable field boundaries only.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.058 The Misbourne School 11.20 Part One General Area No. 19 Boundary Assessment It is possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. It is considered that the option has very strong defensible boundaries and is clearly defined. It is bounded to the west by the London Marylebone–Aylesbury train line; to the east by London Road; to the north by the settlement of Great Missenden and to the south by the Rook Wood Way residential development. The pattern and grain of development to the north appears to provide a dense and durable boundary whilst to the south the Rook Wood Way development is itself sufficiently contained by the railway and London Road that it represents a durable boundary for the option.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Purpose 1a: PASS Purpose 1b: The land parcel is connected to Great Missenden to the north. Score: 3+/5 Purpose 2: There are no other Green Belt settlements nearby which would be directly impacted by release of the land but development might reduce the perceived gap between Great Missenden and Prestwood to the west. Score: 1/5 Purpose 3: The land is currently the site of the Misbourne School meaning there is development associated with school facilities. However the majority of the site is open school field and the location on the rural fringe of Great Missenden ensures a strong influence from the surrounding countryside. Score: 4/5 Purpose 4: The land makes a limited contribution to the broader historic setting of Great Missenden as it limits the urban character of the approach into the town’s historic core despite not being directly adjacent to it. Score: 1/5 Green Belt Purpose Conclusion: The area of land scores strongly against one or more Green Belt purpose(s). Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.059 Land at the Junction of Nags Head 6.70 Lane and London Road Part One General Area No. 19 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land is well contained on three sides in the form of Nags Head Lane to the north west, London Road to the north east and the main line railway to the south west. The south eastern perimeter is marked largely by the hard surfaced car park of the BMI Chiltern Hospital and as such is relatively clearly defined but less permanent and defensible than the other three boundaries. Regardless, it is considered that this site is not appropriate for release from the Green Belt as it is some distance from the nearest non-Green Belt settlement at Great Missenden and its release would be to punch a hole in the Green Belt.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.060 Sedges Farm 1.28 Part One General Area No. 21a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land is entirely surrounded by Green Belt and demonstrates no permanent or defensible boundaries on any side where it meets fields and open green space. It is therefore considered that this site fails to accord with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.061 30 Wychwood Rise 0.12 Part One General Area No. 21a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land is entirely surrounded by Green Belt. Although the site itself has a reasonably well defined boundary to the north, south and east where it meets adjacent dwellings these do not represent logical new boundaries for the Green Belt. Additionally, it is not possible to identify any kind of permanent or defensible boundary to the site’s west where it meets green open space.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.062 Land to the West of Wychwood Rise 0.83 Part One General Area No. 21a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land is entirely surrounded by green belt. Although the site itself has a reasonably well defined boundary to the north and east where it meets existing dwellings these do not represent logical new boundaries for the Green Belt. Additionally, it is not possible to identify any kind of permanent or defensible boundary to the site’s west or south where it meets green open space.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.063 Land at Windsor Lane 8.71 Part One General Area No. 21a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land is bounded for its entire eastern extent by Windsor Lane which is considered to represent a natural defensible boundary. However, the land’s western boundary is defined only by property boundaries and green open space. It is therefore considered that it is not possible to identify a permanent and defensible boundary for the site as a whole.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.064 Grange 24.81 Part One General Area No. 21a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The boundaries of the identified land appear to be of mixed defensibility. The long northern perimeter is denoted by Hare Lane which is considered to be a defensible feature. However, the remaining perimeters are relatively soft in places as they consist either of property boundaries or open green space. It is therefore considered that it is not possible to identity permanent and defensible boundaries for the site as a whole.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.065 Land Adjacent to the Old Dairy 0.66 Part One General Area No. 21a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. Although development at the identified land might arguably round off the existing settlement of Little Kingshill and sit within the settlement’s existing footprint the site is unable to demonstrate a natural durable boundary to the north where it meets open fields. Therefore the site is inappropriate for release from the Green Belt because it is considered not possible to identify new permanent and defensible Green Belt boundaries.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.066 Peterley Manor Farm 1.41 Part One General Area No. 21a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. It is considered that the identified land does not demonstrate permanent defensible boundaries to the east, west and south. This is because the land meets open green space to the south and west and is defined only by property boundaries to the east. Peterley Lane to the north is considered to be a defensible boundary but this is insufficient in isolation.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.067 Lane and Hockey Fields 2.72 Part One General Area No. 9f Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. It is considered that the identified land has no defensible features to the north or east where it borders open and extensive fields. This is especially pronounced in the north east corner of the proposed site which does not appear to even follow a hedgeline, instead just running through the middle of a field. A permanent defensible boundary around the site as a whole cannot be identified.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.068 Former Gas Holder Site 0.47 Part One General Area No. 21a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land is a triangular shape entirely surrounded by Green Belt. The railway line forms a defined northern boundary but to the south of the identified land lies woodland and open fields. It is therefore considered that the site as a whole does not have a permanent and defensible boundary.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.069 Bramley Farm 0.70 Part One General Area No. 21a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land is bounded on three sides – north, east and west – by open fields and farmland. There is very weak definition to the western and north eastern boundaries in particular. To the south the boundary is vague and permeable as it appears to bisect the garden and grounds of an existing dwelling. It is therefore considered that it is not possible to define any permanent and defensible boundaries to the identified land.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.070 Land South of Windsor Lane 1.32 Part One General Area No. 21a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land is bounded to the north by Windsor Lane although the remaining three boundaries are in the form of hedgerows/field boundaries. It is considered that this is not sufficient to define a permanent and defensible boundary for the site. The eastern boundary in particular appears to be weak and poorly defined.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.071 Land to the South of Windsor Lane 4.16 Part One General Area No. 21a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land contains a number of existing residential properties, the boundaries of which form the majority of the southern and eastern boundaries of the site. The site’s eastern boundary is open field and is neither durable nor defensible. The northern boundary is formed by Windsor Lane. Although Windsor Lane itself is a durable and defensible boundary it is considered that the boundaries of the site as a whole are not.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.072 Middlegrove Farm 3.37 Part One General Area No. 10c Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land has a defensible boundary to the south in the form of the B485. However, it bounds an area of woodland to the east, private gardens and open green space to the west and open fields to the north. It is therefore considered that the site as a whole does not demonstrate a permanent and defensible boundary.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.073 Sawmills (Land Adjacent to 2.69 Jewsons) Part One General Area No. 10c Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land has a defensible boundary to the south in the form of the B485. However, it borders an area of open fields to the north and vegetated green space to the east. Its western boundary is with an area of private open green space associated with a dwelling. It is considered that the lack of durability and permanence of the northern and eastern perimeters mean that it is not possible to identify a permanent and defensible boundary for the site as a whole.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.074 Land at Hyde Manor, 7.74 Part One General Area No. 19 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land demonstrates durable boundaries to the north and east in the form of the B485 and Hyde Heat Road respectively. To the west the boundary is denoted by the unsealed driveway of Hyde Manor. To the south the site’s boundary is denoted by what appears to be a single though substantial row of trees. Although these features provide a degree of visual containment to the land it is considered that the long southern boundary is not sufficiently durable and permanent to enable defensible boundaries for the site as a whole to be identified.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.075 Land adjacent to Wheatsheaf Cottage 0.14 Part One General Area No. 18a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land forms a portion of the grounds of a dwelling meaning that no durable boundary is evident between the identified land and the dwelling itself. Further, no durable boundary is apparent to the west of the land where it bounds open green space. It is therefore considered that the identified land as a whole fails to demonstrate permanent and defensible boundaries.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.076 Land at Bullbaiters 12.10 Part One General Area No. 19 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land is bounded to the south and east by the property boundaries of existing dwellings. At the far south west corner of the site the boundary is formed by a scheduled ancient monument and its environs. To the west of the site the boundary follows a public right of way and to the north the site bounds open green space and a small stretch of private garden. It is considered that it is not possible to identity permanent and defensible boundaries for the site as a whole as much of the perimeter is soft and not defined by natural durable features.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.077 Land at Keepers Lane 9.71 Part One General Area No. 18a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The identified land is the northern portion of a large open field. The southern perimeter appears to arbitrarily bisect the field and does not follow any kind of natural feature. It is therefore not possible to identify permanent and defensible boundaries for the site as a whole.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.078 Land at Brays Wood 1.55 Part One General Area No. 19 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. Brays Green Lane and Keepers Lane form natural durable boundaries to the north and east respectively of the identified land. The southern boundary is formed by an area of unprotected woodland. The weakest boundary is to the site’s west where it meets an area of allotments. It is considered that the identified land cannot provide appropriate new permanent and defensible boundaries for the Green Belt as two of its boundaries are soft. Additionally, the settlement of Hyde Heath itself is within the Green Belt. To release land at Brays Wood would punch a hole in the Green Belt and be inconsistent with NPPF guidance.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.10 4.079 Land Adjacent to Chesham Household Waste and re-cycling Centre Part One General Area No. 16c Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This site appears to be a former small depot site. Adjacent to the promoted site area is a site of a former dwelling which has been demolished. The house has planning permission to be re-built but at present the dwelling area is not divided from the rest of the area. The promoted site includes about two thirds of the whole area. The north eastern boundary of this site is the River Chess. To the north west the boundary is a hedge between the promoted site and the adjacent former sewerage works. Set back from the proposed boundary is a large settlement lagoon/tank. (The sewerage works adjacent to the site appear to be unused with a new sewerage works to the south providing sewerage treatment for Chesham) as such although the settlement lagoon is a substantial feature this could be filed in and/or removed at some point in the future. Therefore the lagoon is not considered to provide an alternative boundary feature for this site. The western boundary of the site is another established hedgerow between the site and the same sewerage works. The southern boundary of the proposed site area is not defined on the ground although future development of the replacement dwelling may establish a new boundary. Whilst the River Chess is a defensible boundary the other boundaries of the proposed site are not considered to be defensible boundaries for the reasons as described above. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.70 4.080 Land rear of 6 and 8 High Bois Lane Chesham Bois Part One General Area No. 16a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. Two areas are suggested for removal by this site nomination. The first a minor adjustment to the Green Belt boundary to exclude the developed portion of each property from the Green Belt. Both properties have had extensions and or outbuildings which cross the current Green Belt boundary. However this smaller area (around 0.11 ha) has no defensible boundary and there are no boundary features on the ground which follow the suggested boundary. For this reason the minor Green Belt amendment has not been considered further under this assessment. However it will be re- assessed as part of the inner Green Belt boundary review work. The second area extends to the land ownership of the two properties. The northern boundary of the larger area is formed by a section of ancient woodland. The eastern boundary is formed by Bois Lane and the western boundary by the edge of the residential curtilage of number 8 Bois lane and a footpath which runs between the property at number 8 and number 10. The southern boundary of the proposed area is the existing Green Belt which due to changes in the residential boundaries at this point since the Green Belt was designated do not appear to follow any recognisable features on the ground as such the existing Green Belt forms the boundary to the built up area. In terms of the part two Green Belt assessment this site does not possess a defensible NPPF compliant Green Belt boundary on all sides of the proposed area and as such it is not possible to define a Green Belt boundary.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 7.25 4.081 Land at Copperkins Lane Part One General Area No. 18b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The western field has a south western frontage to Copperkins Lane, a permanent defensible boundary. However the south eastern corner of the site follows a new hedge line adjacent to properties accessed from Copperkins Lane number 54a and 54 which appear to have extended their residential garden areas into the Green Belt in this corner of the field. Beyond this point the boundary of the proposed area returns to the original field boundary. It then runs north alongside a block of woodland to the rear of properties in Copperkins Lane. The northern boundary appears to follow a footpath line across the top of the field rather than the actual field boundary hedge which is further to the north.

The boundary then follows a hedge line to the south of a building associated with Mayhall Farm and then follows the access road hedge line back to the south. The proposed area then follows a new fence line which splits off a corner of the field in association with number 56 Copperkins Lane which appears to have extended its curtilage into this corner of the larger field. This new fence line cuts across the field to the north of the house and then down the side before re-joining Copperkins Lane. In this case the proposed area doesn’t possess a defensible Green Belt boundary apart from the Copperkins Lane frontage.

The second field also has a frontage to Copperkins Lane a defensible boundary. The boundary then follows an established field boundary hedge line as it goes to the north, at its northern point it follows a less well established hedge line towards the east where it joins the access track to Mayhall Farm which is formed by a further hedge line in the southern corner of the site the boundary follows the edge of the residential properties numbers 64 and 66 Copperkins Lane before returning to the road frontage. Again apart from the Copperkins Lane frontage none of the boundaries of the site are regarded as being permanent defensible features.

The site is effectively two sites with the access road to Mayhall Farm not included. Neither of the two fields being promoted has a defensible NPPF compliant Green Belt boundary.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 2.18 4.082 Land north of Deep Acres Part One General Area No. 18b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This area of land according to the promoter was a former pig field which has been unused for some time and has now become overgrown with woodland scrub. The southern boundary is the residential boundaries of properties in Deep Acres and the adjacent properties (all excluded from the Green Belt). The western boundary is a field boundary hedge between the proposed site and an adjacent agricultural field. The northern boundary is a hedge line between the prosed site and an area of playing fields to the north. The eastern boundary is the residential boundaries of properties excluded from the Green Belt with access off the Willows. Whilst this site is adjacent to built-up areas excluded from the Green Belt on two sides the other two boundaries are not permanent or defensible. As such it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 7.93 4.083 Lower Weedon Hill Farm Part One General Area No. 18a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This site adjoins the last row of houses fronting Copperkins Lane which are outside of the Green Belt. The proposed site fronts Copperkins Lane at its northern most point and then cuts south across the middle of a large open field with no boundary feature visible on the ground. The boundary of the proposed site then follows the northern edge of a block of ancient woodland before cutting back across the same large open field following a footpath line across the field but again no actual boundary features exist on the ground. At the point the footpath meets the developed part of Copperkins Lane the boundary goes north west along the rear boundaries of properties fronting Copperkins Lane before heading north along the boundary of the last property before re-joining Copperkins Lane. Apart from the Copperkins Lane frontage and the small part of the boundary which follows the edge of the ancient woodland none of the boundaries are permanent defensible NPPF compliant boundaries. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 15.31 4.084 Quill Hall Lane Farm (larger site) Part One General Area No. 22b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The southern boundary is formed by Quill Hall Lane. The proposed site boundary then moves north east alongside residential properties excluded from the Green Belt before continuing along a field hedge line. The boundary then follows the Metropolitan railway to the north before cutting south again along a field boundary hedge. This boundary continues to the rear of properties excluded from the Green Belt before the boundary re-joins Chestnut Lane a continuation of Quill Hall lane. The boundary then runs to the east, north and west of the Quill Hall Farm complex, before returning to the Quill Hall Lane. The farm boundaries are mostly hedgerows. Large parts of the proposed site boundary are hedgerows and are thus not permanent defensible boundary features. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 7.70 4.085 Market Reading Field Part One General Area No. 22b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The southern boundary of the proposed site is formed by properties outside of the Green Belt gaining access from Quill Hall Lane. The proposed site boundary then moves north east alongside the Metropolitan Railway Chesham branch line following an area of tree planting between the proposed site boundary and the railway land. The site boundary follows the railway line to the north west and then cuts south following an established field boundary hedge before re-joining the property boundaries off Quill Hall Lane. A large part of the proposed site boundary follows a strip of woodland planting between the site and the railway line. As the woodland strip forms a buffer to the railway whilst it is not protected woodland its presence in association with the railway could be regarded as a defensible permanent boundary. However, the western boundary is a normal field hedge and cannot be regarded as a permanent defensible boundary. As such it is not possible to define a permanent defensible NPPF compliant boundary for this site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.73 4.086 Quill Hall Farm Part One General Area No. 22b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The boundary runs around the former farm complex to the east, north and west of the Quill Hall Farm with the southern boundary being Quill Hall Lane. The farm boundaries are mostly hedgerows. As such it is not possible to define a permanent defensible NPPF compliant boundary for this site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.18 4.087 South Field of Amersham and Chiltern Rugby Club Part One General Area No. 18a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This site forms part of the rugby club playing fields. The main club house and pitches are located to the north and the club indicate they don’t require the lower portion of the site. The entrance is from Ash Grove. To the south of this the proposed site boundary follows the edge of a small patch of woodland between the proposed site and the residential properties in Ash Grove and Windmill Wood. The woodland area is protected by a Tree Preservation Order.

This patch of woodland is within the Green Belt and so if the proposed site was removed in isolation there would be an area of Green Belt between it and the existing built up area at this point. To the south the boundary abuts the hedge line of number 2 Windmill Wood and then follows an area of woodland to the south of the Windmill Wood residential area. The boundary then goes south east and at this corner of the proposed area it abuts an area of ancient woodland. The southern boundary is formed by an area of woodland adjacent to the Chiltern railway line. The western boundary is formed by another area of woodland. The woodland fringe adjacent to the proposed area is unprotected however the bulk of this wood is protected by a woodland Tree Preservation Order made in 1949.

The northern boundary of the site is formed by a field boundary hedge which remains in situ between the two parts of the rugby pitch site.

The majority of the proposed area boundary although not immediately adjoining the proposed site in all cases could be regarded as following permanent and defensible features. However the northern boundary does not represent a permanent defensible boundary and given this and the nature of the other boundaries it is not considered that a permanent and defensible NPPF compliant boundary can be defined.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 5.49 4.088 Land to the East of Raans Road (Raans Farm) Amersham Part One General Area No. 22a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This proposed site is currently in use for agriculture and forms a part of the larger Raans Farm. The northern Western boundary of the site is formed by Raans Road and the associated field boundary hedge. The western and southern boundaries of the proposed site are formed by the Metropolitan Railway Chesham branch line. The eastern boundary of the site is formed by the hedge line between the site and the recent residential development off Bell Lane, a public footpath also runs along this boundary. All of the previous boundaries could be regarded as permanent boundary features. The northern boundary of the site is formed by a low level hedge line between the proposed site and an adjacent field. The final north eastern boundary is formed by a more established field hedge line. The outer boundaries of this proposed area, the northern and north eastern boundaries, are not permanent or defensible boundaries. As such it is not possible to define a NPPF compliant boundary for this site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 6.66 4.089 Land at Allens Barn Farm, Amersham Part One General Area No. 23a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. At the north eastern corner of this proposed area the boundary adjoins the Metropolitan /Chiltern line railway the boundary follows the edge of the railway to the west. The boundary then goes south following a low level field boundary hedge until it meets the curtilage of the Allens Barn Farm. The proposed site boundary wraps around the farm area but the boundary at this point is not well defined running parallel to the access track to the rear property on the farm site ‘Stockmans’. The boundary then appears to run to the south of the access road to the Allens Barn Farm buildings. The access track boundary to the south appears to be formed by a few shrubs and not a continuous hedge line. Before the access track reaches Rectory Hill the proposed site boundary goes to the north following an established hedge line back to the north east corner. The land around this site is all within the Green Belt. The boundaries around the proposed site are mostly hedgerows other than the railway line to the north which is itself a defensible boundary. As such it is not possible to define a defensible NPPF compliant Green Belt boundary.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.76 4.090 133 White Lion Road Part One General Area No. 27 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The northern boundary of the proposed site is the A404, a defensible boundary. However, the boundary to the west is formed by the hedge line running alongside the access track to Barkers cottage. The southern boundary is the boundary hedge between this site and Barkers cottage. The eastern boundary is another hedge line partly between the proposed site and an adjacent former orchard and partially the boundary between this property and number 139 White Lion Road. Three of the boundaries to this site are thus not permanent defensible NPPF compliant boundary features. Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 6.49 4.091 Old Amersham Farm Part One General Area No. 23a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The north eastern boundary of this site is School Lane, with the north western and southern boundaries of the site being the continuation of the High Street as it swings north to join the A413 by pass. The south eastern boundary of the site is a fence line between the proposed site and a former field area partly laid out as a football pitch. The final part of the boundary runs to the south of a pair of residential properties fronting School Lane. The south eastern boundary is not a permanent defensible boundary. It should also be noted that the wider area including the adjacent field partly laid out as a football pitch has been rejected as a possible Green Belt release. (See assessment 1.04). Therefore it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Purpose Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 3.23 4.092 Amersham Cricket Club Shardeloes Old Amersham Part One General Area No. 24b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This site is currently in use as a cricket club. The south eastern boundary of the site is formed by the access track to Shardeloes House as a made up road serving a large house converted into several flats it is considered that this boundary could be regarded as a permanent defensible feature. However, the eastern boundary is made up by a hedge line between the proposed site and the adjacent lodge. The northern boundary is made by a hedge line between the site and an adjacent former field. The western boundary is initially made up of a boundary with woodland which screens the site from Shardeloes lake. Whereas the more southern end of the western boundary is formed by another hedge line. The south western boundary is formed by a fence line and then the boundary cuts across an open area of field to the north with no features on the ground. The final boundary is a line of trees which join up with the access road to Shardeloes House. The majority of the boundaries to this site are not permanent or NPPF compliant. Therefore it is not possible to define a defensible boundary.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 2.20 4.093 Land North of School Lane, Old Amersham Part One General Area No. 23a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This site is currently in use as a football pitch and allotments. The southern boundary is formed by School Lane with the eastern boundary formed by the hedge line between the allotments and the school and the hedge line between the school playing fields and the wooded area of the site. The northern boundary is formed by a field boundary hedge between the site and agricultural land to the north and the western boundary is another hedge line between the football pitch area and the adjacent agricultural land. Only the southern boundary is formed by a permanent feature as such it is not possible to define a permanent NPPF compliant Green Belt boundary for this site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 2.20 4.094 Land to the East of Old Amersham Farm Part One General Area No. 23a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This proposed area is the same as that recommended by Arup’s and considered under assessment 1.04. Therefore it is not proposed to re-assess this part again.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 1.94 4.095 Land to the North of High Street, Old Amersham Part One General Area No. 23a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The south western boundary of the site is formed by the High Street, a permanent and defensible boundary. The eastern boundary of the site is formed by hedge lines to the rear of residential properties fronting Mill Lane. The north eastern boundary of the site appears to be formed by the edge of the football pitch to the north of the proposed area with little in the form of a boundary feature other than a barrier along the side of the pitch. Beyond the pitch there appears to be a fence line splitting the proposed site from the unused portion of the field alongside the marked out football pitch. The north western boundary of the site is marked by a low level broken hedge line between this site and the agricultural land to the north. The majority of the boundaries of the proposed site are not permanent or defensible and so it is not possible to define a NPPF compliant Green Belt boundary for this site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.36 4.096 Land to the South of Old Amersham Farm Part One General Area No. 23b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The North Eastern Boundary of the site is formed by the continuation of the High Street as it joins with the A413 Amersham By pass. The south western boundary of the site is formed by the A413 Amersham Bypass both roads being permanent and defensible boundaries. The eastern boundary of the site is formed by hedge lines to the rear of Coldmorham Farm and the former farm buildings now converted to residential. The proposed area boundary wraps around the rear of the former farm buildings and their residential curtilages. The boundary at this point being the residential garden hedges established after the barns were converted. Finally the boundary of the proposed site goes to the south following the field boundary hedge between this land and the adjacent area which is now in residential use although within the Green Belt. The majority of the boundaries of the proposed site are permanent and defensible However the south eastern boundary comprises field and residential hedge lines and is not a permanent or NPPF compliant Green Belt boundary as such it is not possible to define a boundary that is NPPF compliant for the whole of this proposed site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 1.49 4.097 Coldmoreham field Adjacent to 172 High Street, Old Amersham. Part One General Area No. 23b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This site is a slightly reduced version of site 4.096 with the northern part of that site omitted. The North Eastern Boundary of the site is formed by the continuation of the High Street as it joins with the A413 Amersham By pass. The north western boundary is not apparent on the ground appearing to cut through the area of land between the High Street and the A413 excluding a part of this land to the north west. The south western boundary of the site is formed by the A413 Amersham Bypass both roads being permanent and defensible boundaries. The eastern boundary of the site is formed by hedge lines to the rear of Coldmoreham Farm and the farm buildings now converted to residential. The proposed area boundary wraps around the rear of the former farm buildings and their residential curtilages. The boundary at this point being the residential garden hedges established after the barns were converted. Finally the boundary of the proposed site goes to the south following the field boundary hedge between this land and the adjacent area which is now in residential use although within the Green Belt. Whilst some of the boundaries of the proposed site are permanent and defensible the north western boundary follows no identifiable feature and the south eastern boundary comprises field and residential hedge lines and so they are not permanent or NPPF compliant Green Belt boundaries as such it is not possible to define a boundary that is NPPF compliant for the whole of this proposed site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.71 4.098 Land at Homeward Terrace Old Amersham Part One General Area No. 23b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This site is mostly formed by an area of allotments with some adjacent residential land included.

The north eastern access point is from the High Street. From this point the proposed site follows the access road, the north western side appearing to cut through existing residential curtilages with no apparent feature following the proposed boundary line on the ground. To the rear of properties in Homeward Terrace the proposed site boundary goes to the west but again appears to cut through existing residential curtilages and not follow a boundary feature on the ground.

The boundary of the site then follows the field boundary hedge between the allotments and the adjacent garden area which appears to have been formed from former agricultural land and remains within the Green Belt. The southern boundary of the site is a field boundary hedge between the allotments and a field to the south which fills the gap between the allotments and the Amersham by- pass to the south. The south eastern boundary is the field boundary hedge between the allotments and another field. The north eastern boundary then follows the edge of the access track until it re-joins the High Street.

As described above only the very small frontage to the High Street can be regarded as a defensible Green Belt boundary all of the other site boundaries either do not follow any identifiable features or follow former field hedges. Therefore it is not considered that it is possible to define a permanent and defensible Green Belt boundary for this site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.71 4.099 Post Office Field, off White Lion Road, Amersham Part One General Area No. 27 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The western boundary is formed by the hedgerow to the rear of properties in Orchard End Avenue, which are excluded from the Green Belt. The boundary follows a hedge line slightly to the south of Orchard End Avenue and then goes south eastwards following a low gappy hedge line to its southernmost corner. The site boundary then goes north eastwards again following a hedge line. It then goes north westwards following hedge lines to the rear of properties including Barkers, the Pineapple PH (Pomeroy Inn) grounds and an area of underutilised allotments before re-joining the boundary at Orchard End Avenue. This field in isolation doesn’t have any permanent or defensible boundaries. If considered alongside the adjacent former orchard area it still lacks sufficient permanent boundaries to be identified. Therefore it is not considered that a permanent defensible NPPF compliant boundary can be defined for this site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 10.76 4.100 Land East of Stanley Hill, Amersham Part One General Area No. 27 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The western boundary of this site is formed by the A404 Stanley Hill. This part of the proposed site is all ancient woodland. The south western corner of this proposed site follows a line through the woodland splitting it from the cemetery to the south. The proposed area then runs between the cemetery and the open field forming part of the proposed site following a field boundary hedge.

To the south east of the cemetery the proposed site boundary continues to follow a boundary hedge line. The south eastern corner of the site cuts through the middle of a strip of ancient woodland with no apparent boundary feature being followed. The eastern boundary of the site appears to be the outer edge of this block of ancient woodland. At the end of the ancient woodland at the north eastern corner of the site a field boundary hedge is followed. However, the northern boundary of the site appears to run across an open area of land with the only noticeable feature being the difference in how the land is cropped with land to the south of the line showing signs of being cropped and land to the north of the proposed site appearing to form part of the grass land associated with the Amersham and Wycombe college site.

The proposed site boundary then goes south east following the hedge line at the edge of the Amersham School grounds following the bottom of the school grounds. It then continues northwards on the outer edge/hedge line at the edge of the ancient woodland before joining the outer edge of the ancient woodland.

The two blocks of ancient woodland do help to define an outer edge of the proposed area. Although the western block of woodland totally fills the western part of the site. However the remaining boundaries are mostly hedgerows with one boundary cutting through the ancient woodland and one across an open field with no visible boundary features.

Therefore it is not considered that it is possible to define a permanent and defensible Green Belt boundary for this site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 5.46 4.101 Land to East and West of Cherry Lane, Old Amersham Part One General Area No. 23b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The whole area south of the High Street is enclosed by the A413 Amersham bypass and the rear of development accessed from Whielden Street to the south.

This proposed site area is bordered by the Amersham by pass to the west. The southernmost part of the proposed site is formed by the boundary of the Amersham Hospital site which includes areas of planted trees to screen the hospital from the wider countryside. The boundary follows this hedge line around the hospital nursery site and to the rear of the former adjacent hospital site now a mixture of new build housing and converted hospital buildings. At this point the border is formed by an established hedge line. The Green Belt boundary at this point wraps around the end of the former hospital buildings and goes south to meet the rear of residential development of Whielden Street. However, the proposed site boundary continues straight across the field following a weak broken former hedge line before following a wall around a burial ground before re-joining the Green Belt boundary to the east of the burial ground. It then follows this line to the north where the Green Belt boundary follows the rear edge of properties fronting Amersham High Street. This line is followed to the west. Mostly the boundary is formed by hedgerows along this frontage.

At the northern end of the proposed site the Green Belt boundary cuts to the north and appears to include former agricultural land now annexed as garden land and a more open former field area which appears less domesticated. The proposed site follows to the south of these areas following an established hedge line. Finally the boundary of the proposed site runs to the south of an area of allotments again bordered by an established hedge.

Parts of the proposed boundaries of the site are formed by hedge lines with no other permanent features which could be used to define the promoted area. As such it is not possible to define a permanent and defensible boundary for this area.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.57 4.102 Land Adjacent to the Burial Ground, Old Amersham Part One General Area No. 23b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This parcel falls within Arup’s general area 23b to the south of the High Street. The land is also included in site 4.101.

The whole area south of the High Street is enclosed by the A413 Amersham bypass and the rear of development accessed from Whielden Street to the south.

This proposed site area is bordered by the Amersham by pass to the west. The southernmost part of the proposed site is formed by the boundary of the Amersham Hospital site which includes areas of planted trees to screen the hospital from the wider countryside. The boundary follows this hedge line around the hospital nursery site and to the rear of the former adjacent hospital site now a mixture of new build housing and converted hospital buildings. At this point the border is formed by an established hedge line. The Green Belt boundary at this point wraps around the end of the former hospital buildings and goes south to meet the rear of residential development of Whielden Street. The proposed site boundary continues across the rear of the grounds of the Quaker meeting house and then across the rear of Whielden Close. Both boundaries being formed by a hedge line before following a boundary to the west, to the south of properties in the Platt. The boundary then cuts across the corner of a field with no boundary feature on the ground before following a field boundary hedge to the north to meet up with a wall around the burial ground. It then follows the edge of the burial ground to the west and then at the end of the burial ground follows the boundary to the north. The boundaries at this point being hedge lines. The proposed site boundary then follows the rear hedge line boundary of properties fronting Amersham High Street. The boundary then goes to the south following an established field boundary hedge line. The boundary then goes to the west joining up with the end of Cherry Lane where it adjoins the by-pass. The boundary is formed by hedgerows along this frontage.

Parts of the proposed boundaries of the site are formed by hedge lines with no other permanent features which could be used to define the promoted area. As such it is not possible to define a permanent and defensible boundary for this area.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.53 4.103 Burial Ground, Amersham Old Town Part One General Area No. 23b Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This site is the same as site 4.101 – see that pro-forma for full description of the boundary. This parcel falls within Arup’s general area 23b to the south of the High Street. Parts of the proposed boundaries of the site are formed by hedge lines with no other permanent features which could be used to define the promoted area. As such it is not possible to define a permanent and defensible boundary for this area.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 4.13 4.105 Land at Crown Farm, Amersham Old Town Part One General Area No. 31 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This site covers the same land as that recommended for potential removal from the Green Belt By the Green Belt assessment part 1 (Arup’s ref RGA-5) see pro-forma 1.05. Therefore this area has not been re-assessed in this pro forma.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.44 4.106 Land at 10 Bury Farm (north) Amersham Old Town Part One Parcel No. 30 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This site includes a section of the larger area recommended for potential removal from the Green Belt by the Buckinghamshire Green Belt assessment part 1 (Arup’s ref RGA-4) see pro-forma 1.06.

This proposed site is one small field area to the east of the Bury Farm barns and to the south of the built up area excluded from the Green Belt.

The north eastern boundary of the site is formed by the edge of the built up area and an access track to the land to the south east. The boundary appears to be a hedge. The south eastern boundary is a field boundary hedge between the proposed site and the field to the south. The proposed area has been drawn to follow the AONB boundary at this point and the AONB boundary crosses over the hedge line at the southern edge of the field and into the field below. The proposed site follows this AONB line but there are no features which follow this boundary on the ground. The AONB and the proposed site boundaries then go to the north west and adjoin the corner of the Bury Farm barns boundary. This boundary is marked by a hedge line.

The proposed site boundary does not follow any permanent or defensible NPPF compliant boundary features. Therefore it is not possible to define a permanent and defensible Green Belt boundary for this site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 5.71 4.107 Land north of London Road Amersham Part One General Area No. 27 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This proposed site is part of a larger field to the North of the A413 London Road east. It forms the gap between the main area of Amersham and the development at London Road East.

The Southern boundary of the site is formed by the A413. The southern eastern corner of the site is formed by a hedgerow around a Gas valve station and then the eastern boundary is formed by a hedge line at the edge of residential and other buildings in London Road East. At the northern most point of the London Road East development the proposed site boundary goes to the west cutting across the middle of a field to the south of the Amersham cemetery. The boundary across the field is not marked by any features on the ground. The southern boundary of the cemetery is marked by a hedge with the hedge line to the west portion of the cemetery being more established than the eastern section. The proposed site boundary continues straight across an area of ancient woodland with no particular boundary features on the ground. The boundary then goes to the south following the rear boundary and existing Green Belt boundary of properties in the Amersham built up area. The northern half of this boundary is adjacent to the block of ancient woodland whilst the southern part of the boundary is just a field boundary hedge. At the southern point of this boundary the proposed site area re-joins the A413 boundary.

The proposed site boundary has one permanent and defensible boundary feature the A413, the development to the east and west could be regarded as forming a defensible boundary. However, the northern boundary is weak and in part doesn’t follow any recognisable features as such it is not possible to define a permanent and defensible Green Belt boundary for this site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.96 4.108 Land at 10 Bury Farm (South) Amersham Old Town Part One General Area No.30 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This site includes a section of the larger area recommended for potential removal from the Green Belt by the Buckinghamshire Green Belt assessment part 1 (Arup’s ref RGA-4) see pro-forma 1.06.

This proposed site is one former field area to the south of the Bury Farm barns and to the North of the A413 Amersham By Pass.

The northern boundary of the site is formed by the edge of the Bury Farm barns complex and a hedge line established after the barns were converted. To the east of this line proposed area has been drawn to follow the AONB boundary at this point and the AONB boundary cuts below the hedge line at the eastern edge of the field. The remaining part of the field beyond the AONB has been included in parcel 4.106. The proposed site follows this AONB line to the south and east but there are no features which follow this boundary on the ground. The proposed site boundary then goes to the south west following a hedge line between this field and the adjacent land. The southern and western boundaries of this land are formed by the boundary hedges of the A413 Amersham By pass and the A355 Gore Hill roads.

The proposed site boundary follows two permanent and defensible boundaries to the south and west. The northern boundary is formed by the southern edge of the Bury farm barns site. These former agricultural barns have been converted but remain within the Green Belt. The eastern parts of the boundary follow in part the AONB boundary but as explained above this boundary is not marked by any features on the ground and the far eastern boundary is a hedge line, as such only two sides of the boundary could be regarded as defensible and so it is not possible to define a permanent and defensible Green Belt boundary for this site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 7.40 4.109 Gore Hill Farm, Amersham Part One General Area No. 33e Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This is the first of two options suggested by the same developer. This smaller site is also included in a larger area. The second option has been considered under another representation by the same agent. (See 4.125 for that assessment) this assessment looks at a smaller area suggested by the developer which wraps around the existing development at Fieldway. The Fieldway developed area is excluded from the Green Belt.

The northern point of this proposed site is a field boundary marked by a footpath which runs from the Fieldway estate to a footbridge across the Amersham By pass. The north western boundary is the field boundary hedge running alongside the Amersham By pass. The south western boundary is not marked on the ground and appears to run directly across the middle of two fields. The far eastern boundary is the A355 Gore Hill and the associated boundary hedge line. The proposed site boundary then runs to the south and west of the Fieldway estate. The boundary being marked by existing hedges before re- joining the northern boundary.

The southern western boundary of this site is not defined by any features on the ground and as such it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with the NPPF for this site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 3.11 4.110 Land off Bell Lane Little Chalfont Part One General Area No. 22a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This proposed site is formed by parts of two agricultural fields to the north of Bell Lane School. The south eastern boundary of the site is formed by Bell Lane the boundary along the road edge is formed by a hedgerow. The northern boundary of the site is formed by an area of ancient woodland the western boundary is a line drawn between the corner of the ancient woodland to the corner of the Bell Lane school site. There is no boundary feature along this line on the ground and the line splits the southern end of two fields off from the remainder of the land to the north. The south western boundary is the boundary of the school site which is a hedgerow at this point. Whilst Bell Lane and the ancient woodland can be regarded as permanent boundary features almost half of the proposed site boundary follows no boundary feature at all. As such it is not possible to define a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with the NPPF for this site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 11.07 4.111 Land at Stony Lane, Little Chalfont Part One General Area No. 22a Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This site is the same as that considered under pro-forma 2.08. It is therefore not proposed to re-consider this site here. See 2.08 for Green Belt boundary assessment.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 5.63 4.112 The Orchard, White Lion Road, Little Chalfont Part One General Area No. 27 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This site is former orchard. Most of the orchard has been cleared and or died leaving this area of land.

The northern boundary of the proposed site is the A404 White Lion Road – a permanent and defensible boundary. The north western boundary is the hedge line around an existing residential property fronting White Lion Road. The proposed site boundary goes behind this property and then goes south westwards following the field boundary hedge between the orchard and the residential gardens of properties adjacent. At the south western corner the site boundary is a low field hedge between the orchard and the adjacent agricultural land.

The southern boundary of the proposed site is a hedge line between the orchard and a residential property to the south. The eastern boundary appears to follow an access track which provides access to properties to the east of the site the boundary of the access track is not consistent but in places appears to include elements of hedge line.

The north eastern boundary of the site is the hedge line between the proposed site and the GE Healthcare site. The site boundary follows the access track to the White Lion Road and then goes south to the edge of a residential curtilage with no apparent boundary features before following the boundary of this house to the west following a hedge line/treed boundary around this property and back to the White Lion Road frontage.

Apart from the White Lion Road frontage and to a lesser extent the hard built up boundary of the GE Healthcare site all the other boundaries are formed by hedge lines or lesser features on the ground. Therefore it is not considered that it is possible to define a permanent and defensible Green Belt boundary for this site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 15.75 4.113 Land West of Lodge Lane, south of the railway, Little Chalfont Part One General Area No. 35 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The northern boundary of this site is the Metropolitan railway (a permanent boundary feature). The north eastern boundary is formed by the residential curtilages of properties excluded from the Green Belt. The boundary of the proposed site then goes west along the edge of a block of ancient woodland and south still following the ancient woodland boundary. To the south of the wood the boundary follows a field hedge line. The southern boundary is initially formed by another hedgerow between the proposed site and Honours Yard (depot) to the south. The remaining southern boundary is formed by the edge of another block of ancient woodland which is also protected by a Tree Preservation Order. The eastern boundary is formed by Lodge Lane.

Large parts of the proposed site do have permanent boundaries however in the south eastern corner of the site both the western and southern boundaries at this point are field hedgerows and not permanent defensible features.

It should be noted that this site forms a part of the larger Green Belt assessment part one parcel 35 which does possess defensible boundaries to its outer edges. (See assessment 2.10 for full assessment). Therefore it is not considered that a permanent defensible NPPF compliant boundary can be defined for this site.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.30 4.114 Snells Wood Car Park, Village Hall and Library, Cokes Lane, Little Chalfont Part One General Area No. 27 Boundary Assessment It is possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. The promoted site is irregular in shape but this reflects the boundary of the built form on the site with an adjacent area of ancient woodland.

The eastern boundary of the site is formed by Cokes Lane. The northern boundary of the site is formed by part of the block of ancient woodland which wraps around the car park to the north and a small part of the north east of the proposed site. The western irregular boundary of the proposed site is formed by the edge of the ancient woodland which juts into the site between the public car park and the adjacent village hall. The woodland goes west along the side of the village hall with a small finger of woodland between the village hall site and the library bounding the woodland then goes behind the library with another small finger of woodland between the library building and the adjacent access road to Dr Challoners High School.

The proposed site is thus enclosed by ancient woodland for ¾ of its boundary with Cokes Lane to the east, meaning that the site does have a defensible Green Belt boundary.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Purpose 1a: FAIL Purpose 1b: Score: 0/5

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Purpose 2: Existing development at Linfields (excluded from the Green Belt) already protrudes further into the Green Belt than the proposed site. To the west of the proposed site the Dr Challoners school buildings provide a large amount of built form. The essential gap between the two settlements is further to the west along the A404. It is not considered that this proposed site provides a gap between the settlements. Score: 0/5 Purpose 3: The proposed site is largely covered by existing development and the uses, car park, village hall and community library have a semi urban character. Score: 2/5 Purpose 4: The site is not adjacent to an identified historic settlement. Score: 0/5 Green Belt Purpose Conclusion: The area of land scores weakly against one or more Green Belt purpose(s). Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Is there a good fit with the spatial Yes Option C – built area extensions to the principle strategy? settlements including Little Chalfont. Would development in the area satisfy The proposed site is immediately adjacent to the village sustainable development criteria? centre and is well located in relation to the services provided within Little Chalfont. The SA assessment of the proposed area is set out below.

Development could have a minor adverse impact on: • Biodiversity (Objective 3)  Health (Objective 11)  Natural Resources (Objective 6)

Development could have a neutral impact on: • Waste (Objective 8) • Economy (Objective 12) • Landscape (Objective 2)

Development could have a minor positive impact on: • Transport (Objective 9)  Housing (Objective 10)

Development could have an uncertain impact on: • Pollution (Objective 7)  Cultural Heritage (Objective 1) • Climate Change Mitigation (Objective 4) • Climate Change Adaptation (Objective 5)

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Looking just at the area of land in Given the small area of the proposed site, which is already question, to what extent would there be mostly developed and which is surrounded by ancient conflict with the purposes and integrity woodland which screens it from the wider Green Belt, of the Green Belt as set out in the NPPF there would be limited conflict with the integrity of the (including wider objectives)? Green Belt. The wider objectives would be unaffected by the change in Green Belt status of this developed community facilities area. Looking at the strategic context of the This small area forms one corner of a wider Green Belt wider area, to what extent is there parcel the remainder of the parcel would be unaffected by conflict with the wider strategic function this small area if it was released from the Green Belt as of the Green Belt in the form of such the scoring for the wider parcel and that of other cumulative impacts: would release from surrounding Green Belt parcels would remain unchanged. the Green Belt affect the scoring in surrounding parcels and/or is the scoring affected by judgements about exceptional circumstances in other parcels? Exceptional Circumstances Conclusion: The release of this small area of land from the Green Belt would not impact on the wider Green Belt and would enable the local community’s ambitions to improve community facilities for the village.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 5.04 4.115 Honours Yard, Lodge Lane, Little Chalfont Part One General Area No. 35 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. Honours Yard has an access of Lodge Lane. The eastern boundary of the site is formed by Lodge Lane. The southern, northern and western boundaries of the site are however formed by field hedgerows. Part of the northern boundary is formed by a block of ancient woodland but the remainder is hedgerow between the property and neighbouring residential buildings to the north of the site.

It is not considered that the majority of the site boundary of this nominated site has a permanent or defensible boundary.

However it should be noted that this site forms part of a larger area with defensible Green Belt boundaries on its outer edges which has been recommended for removal from the Green Belt (see pro- forma 2.10)

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 1.39 4.116 Land to the north of Long Walk, Little Chalfont Part One General Area No. 35 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This proposed site forms a block of land to the north of Long Walk. The road frontage to the south and west is developed with the residential properties to the west excluded from the Green Belt. The boundary of the site is formed to the south by the road Long Walk and to the east by the residential boundary hedge line of the adjacent property. The northern boundary of the proposed site is formed by a field boundary hedge and the eastern boundary does not follow any feature on the ground. It is not considered that the majority of the site boundary of this nominated site has a permanent or defensible NPPF compliant boundary. However it should be noted that this site forms part of a larger area with defensible Green Belt boundaries on its outer edges which has been recommended for removal from the Green Belt (see pro-forma 2.10)

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Assessment Part Two Reference No. Area Name Hectares 0.08 4.117 Land and garages adjacent to 62 Vale Road, Chesham Part One General Area No. 11 Boundary Assessment It is not possible to identify a boundary that is permanent and defensible in accordance with NPPF requirements. This proposed site forms a small area of land at the end of a terrace of houses fronting Vale Road. The area is currently partially occupied by a block of 4 garages and partially in use as a residential garden area. The boundary to the south is the residential boundary of 62 Vale Road. The Western boundary is Vale Road itself. However the eastern boundary is a recently erected fence. The northern point of the site is an access to the adjacent field. This site therefore does not possess a full permanent and NPPF compliant Green Belt boundary.

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL

Green Belt Purpose Assessment Not Applicable Exceptional Circumstances Assessment Not Applicable

Classification: OFFICIAL