Development Control Agenda & Reports 28 November 2016

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Development Control Agenda & Reports 28 November 2016 Chesham Town Council Bill Richards Town Clerk Tel: 01494 774842 Fax: 01494 582908 Email: [email protected] 18th November 2016 Dear Councillor, I hereby give you notice that a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE will be held in the Council Chamber, The Town Hall, Chesham, on MONDAY 28 NOVEMBER 2016 AT 7.30 PM when the business set out below is proposed to be transacted: AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest. 3. To receive and confirm the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 7th November 2016. 4. To receive and consider planning applications received from the Chiltern District Council since the last meeting of the Committee and any planning applications and comments delegated to the Ward Members and Chairman of the Committee and to note previous planning comments submitted. Plans are available for inspection on Chiltern District Council’s website 5. To receive and consider decision notices received from Chiltern District Council since the last meeting of the Committee. 6. Removal of BT Public Payphones Consultation. 7. Response to Local Plan ‘Green Belt’ Preferred Options Consultation. 8. Information items. Yours sincerely, Bill Richards Town Clerk Publication Date: 18th November 2016. Chesham Town Council, Town Hall, Chesham, Bucks HP5 1DS Twinned with Friedrichsdorf Germany; Houilles France; Archena Spain CHESHAM TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS 28 NOVEMBER 2016 1) CH/2016/1945/SA 12 Lycrome Road Chesham NEWTOWN Description: Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for a proposed operation relating to the erection of a single storey front extension. 2) CH/2016/1950/FA 18A East Street Chesham ST MARY'S Description: Conversion of the building to create four dwelling places. 3) CH/2016/1953/FA 16 Chessmount Rise Chesham WATERSIDE Description: Development of 10 dwellings, improved vehicle access and associated works. 4) CH/2016/1957/FA 27 Chartridge Lane Chesham LOWNDES Description: Replacement outbuilding. 5) CH/2016/2020/KA Chesham Town Council Church yard at St Marys Church Chesham ST MARY'S Description: Crown reduction of and removal of epicormic growth from a lime tree in a Conservation Area. 6) CH/2016/1904/FA 2 King Street Chesham ST MARY'S Description: Single storey rear garage extension, linked walkway, creation of new door opening to rear, fenestration alterations. 7) CH/2016/1905/HB 2 King Street Chesham ST MARY'S Description: Single storey rear extension to existing garage and associated alterations to form garden room and shower room,provision of lead roof canopy between garage and rear wc lobby, and insertion of new rear door opening. 8) CH/2016/1986/FA 17 Chartridge Lane Chesham LOWNDES Description: Two storey rear extension. CHESHAM TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS 28 NOVEMBER 2016 9) CH/2016/1989/FA Woodbury, 5 Springfield Close Chesham WATERSIDE Description: Single storey rear extension incorporating roof terrace, single storey front extension, replacement extended garage to front to include handrails surrounding a roof garden,fenestration alterations. 10) CH/2016/0189/FA 136 Bellingdon Road Chesham LOWNDES Description: Detached dwelling at rear of 136 Bellingdon Road- amended plans received. 11) CH/2016/1973/FA 61 Mount Nugent Chesham RIDGEWAY Description: Provision of hardstanding and dropped kerb. 12) CH/2016/2007/FA 66 Poles Hill Chesham ASHERIDGE VALE Description: Timber outbuilding. 13) CH/2016/2015/FA 9 Chalk Hill Chesham ASHERIDGE VALE Description: Rear dormer roof structure. 14) CH/2016/2038/FA 140 Chartridge Lane Chesham LOWNDES Description: Single storey front extension, hip to gabled roof extension, rear dormer windows to facilitate a loft conversion. 15) CH/2016/60002/BCC Thames Water Utilities Thames Water Plc Sewage Works Latimer Road Chesham WATERSIDE Description: New motor control centre building.- COUNTY COUNCIL DETERMINED PLANNING APPLICATION. CHESHAM TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS 28 NOVEMBER 2016 16) CH/2016/60003/BCC Thames Water Utilities Thames Water Plc Sewage Works Latimer Road Chesham WATERSIDE Description: New motor control centre building.- COUNTY COUNCIL DETERMINED PLANNING APPLICATION. CHESHAM TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING DECISIONS 28 NOVEMBER 2016 1) CH/2015/2093/FA Land To The Rear Of 22 Lowndes Avenue Lindo Close Chesham LOWNDES Description: Erection of a detached dwelling. Comments: The Committee recommends REFUSAL of this application, as a larger dwelling on a smaller plot than other nearby properties, it constitutes overdevelopment and has the potential for being overlooking. Decision: Refuse Permission. 2) CH/2016/1464/FA Chesham Grammar School White Hill Chesham TOWNSEND Description: Access gates and 1.8m fencing to the front with security 2.4m fencing to the boundary. Comments: The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application. Decision: Conditional Permission 3) CH/2016/1574/FA 2 Lye Green Cottages Lycrome Road Chesham NEWTOWN Description: Two storey rear extension. Comments: The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application. Decision: Refuse permission. 4) CH/2016/1600/FA Harmony Energy Storage Land to rear of Substation Lycrome Road Chesham NEWTOWN Description: Battery Energy Storage Facility. Comments: The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application. Decision: Refuse permission 5) CH/2016/1673/TP 11 Berkeley Avenue Chesham LOWNDES Description: Crown reduction of a maple protected by a Tree Preservation Order Comments: The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application subject to the comments of the District Council's Tree officer. Decision: Conditional Permission 6) CH/2016/1302/SA 13 Rose Drive Chesham WATERSIDE Description: Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for a proposed operation relating to an extended vehicular access. Comments: The Committee has no comment to make in respect of this application. Decision: Cert. of law proposed dev or use issued CHESHAM TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING DECISIONS 28 NOVEMBER 2016 7) CH/2016/1590/FA Portobello Farm 165 Asheridge Road Chesham ASHERIDGE VALE Description: Two storey rear extension. Comments: The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to the application subject to compliance with current Green Belt policy. Decision: Conditional Permission 8) CH/2016/1687/FA 29 Hillcroft Road Chesham HILLTOP Description: Two storey side extension ,two rear dormers, front rooflights to facilitate first floor accommodation ,single storey front extension. Comments: The Committee recommends REFUSAL of this application on the grounds of size and bulk particularly in respect to the flat roof at the rear. Moreover it has concerns on the balcony and French doors being potentially overlooking and the need to retain diverse housing stock. Decision: Conditional Permission 9) CH/2016/1690/FA 98 Church Street Chesham ST MARY'S Description: Demolition of rear porch and construction of single storey pitched roof , "lean to" rear extension, alteration to first floor side window, replacement of existing uPVC windows to rear and side with timber painted windows. Comments: The Committee WELCOMES this application as a visual improvement to the area, subject to the comments of the Historic Buildings Officer. Decision: Conditional Permission 10) CH/2016/1691/HB 98 Church Street Chesham ST MARY'S Description: Demolition of rear porch and construction of single storey pitched roof , "lean to" rear extension, alteration to first floor side window, replacement of existing uPVC windows to rear and side with timber painted windows. Comments: The Committee WELCOMES this application as a visual improvement to the area, subject to the comments of the Historic Buildings Officer. Decision: Conditional Consent 11) CH/2016/1693/FA 5 Lye Green Road Chesham HILLTOP Description: Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of two detached properties (4 beds), new single point of access plus two car parking spaces per property. Comments: The Committee raises its concern over this application in respect to being overlooking; loss of privacy; loss of amenity and potential lack of adequate parking. Decision: Refuse Permission. CHESHAM TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING DECISIONS 28 NOVEMBER 2016 12) CH/2016/1710/FA 64 Berkeley Avenue Chesham LOWNDES Description: First floor side extension, three rear roof lights to existing rear extension. Comments: The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to the application but would wish to see glazed windows upstairs where appropriate. Decision: Conditional Permission 13) CH/2016/1698/FA 1A Rose Drive Chesham WATERSIDE Description: Part two storey , part single storey front extension. Comments: The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application. Decision: Conditional Permission 14) CH/2016/1727/FA 52 Lindo Close Chesham LOWNDES Description: Single storey side garage extension with rear store. Comments: The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application. Decision: Conditional Permission 15) CH/2016/1728/FA 7 Penn Avenue Chesham LOWNDES Description: New roof with front and rear dormers,single storey side and rear extension. Comments: The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application. Decision: Conditional Permission 16) CH/2016/1733/FA P4i Nashleigh Court 188 Severalls Avenue Chesham NEWTOWN Description: Proposed external alterations to include creation of new window openings and insertion of rooflights . Comments: The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application. Decision: Conditional Permission 17) CH/2016/1742/FA 7 Nor Jo Ann Villas Chesham WATERSIDE Description: Single storey side/rear extension , pitched roof over existing flat roofed
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