THE TORAH U-MADDA JOUR NAL DEVOTED TO THE INTERACTION BETWEEN JUDAISM AND GENERAL CULTURE EDITOR : DAVID SHATZ EDITORIAL ASSISTANT : MEIRA MINTZ FOUNDING EDITOR : JACOB J. SCHACTER , 1989–1999 VOLUME EIGHTEEN • 2020-21 The Torah u-Madda Journal Devoted to the interaction between Torah and general culture. Copyright © 2021 Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, an affiliate of Yeshiva University. David Shatz, Editor Meira Mintz, Editorial Assistant Jacob J. Schacter, Founding Editor A publication of The Torah u-Madda Project Max Stern Division of Communal Services Center for the Jewish Future Yeshiva University 500 West 185th Street New York, NY 10033 The Torah u-Madda Project gratefully acknowledges the support of the Joseph J. and Bertha K. Green Memorial Fund at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. The Torah u-Madda Journal publishes articles that either (1) address the question of Judaism’s relationship to general culture, whether in the broad sense or in the context of a specific discipline or field; or (2) exemplify the integration of Jewish and general knowledge in the treat - ment of a specific topic. Correspondence should be sent to Dr. David Shatz at
[email protected]. Back issues of the journal are available online at Design and production by David Olivestone PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA p This issue is dedicated in memory of Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm and Mrs. Mindella Lamm הרב נחום בן מאיר שמואל ופעריל מינדל בת שלום וטויבע העסא ת u נ u צ u ב u ה p A A q q Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm zz.