The Guido Riccio Controversy in Art History Michael Mallory and Gordon Moran
6 The Guido Riccio controversy in art history Michael Mallory and Gordon Moran Published in Brian Martin (editor), Confronting the Experts (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1996), pp. 131-154 Introduction can be challenged both inside and outside The Guido Riccio is a fresco, or wall painting, academia. in the city of Siena in Italy. Guido Riccio is The lengthy duration of the Guido Riccio short for the full name, Guido Riccio da controversy has given us the time and the Fogliano at the Siege of Montemassi. The opportunity to study other academic contro- standard view has long been that Simone versies of the past and present, and to compare Martini, a famous painter from Siena, painted notes with other scholars who are involved in the entire fresco in 1328-1330, a view adopted ongoing disputes of their own. Such compari- by generations of scholars and repeated in sons have enabled us to detect, even predict, many textbooks, guidebooks, reference books, patterns of behaviour on the part of experts as and classroom lectures. This was also our own they attempt to overcome challenges. These view until 1977, when we proposed that a patterns include: the suppression and censor- portion of the fresco, namely the horse and ship of the challengers’ ideas from scholarly rider, was painted by a close follower of conferences, symposia, and journals; personal Simone Martini in 1352, while still attributing attacks, including insults, retaliation, and the rest of the painting to Simone. ostracism, against the challengers; and On the face of it, it would seem that the secrecy, instead of open discussion and debate.
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