2569 W Victoria Drive Alpine, CA 91901 First Saturday to Honor the Immaculate Office: 619.445.2145 Heart of Mary Fax: 619.445.9682 Mass 9:00 am

First Friday to Adore the Sacred Heart of Jesus Website Exposition/Adoration www.queenofangels.org 10:30 am-11:15 am (Benediction follows) Holy Sacrifice of The Mass Confessions Saturday 10:35 am-11:15 am 5:30 pm Mass 11:30 am Sunday 8:00 am & 10:30 am Confession Sat. 4:00 to 5:00 pm Daily Mass or by appointment 8:00 am: M, W, Th, F Baptism th Holy Days 4 Sunday of the Month Please see The Messenger Mary, Queen of Angels, Pray for Us! Contact Fr. Timothy

Clergy Rev. Timothy Deutsch, Pastor: [email protected]

Parish Office Staff Dorie Arietta, Office Manager: [email protected] Sandy Dioli, Office Assistant: [email protected] Katrina Thornton, Catechetical Ministry: [email protected] Darlene Ames, The Messenger: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

The Mission of Queen of Angels Church is to:

Grow in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Table of Contents Strengthen our faith by living and teaching the Gospel. Church Directory Pg 1 Serve God’s People in our parish, our community, and our world. Je- Weekly Readings Pg 2 Mass Intentions Pg 2 Church is Handicapped Accessible Announcements Pg 3 Pastor’s Page Pg 4 Announcements Pg 5-7 If you’re worried about an unplanned pregnancy, you may be experiencing a personal crisis full of concerns about your future. Pregnancy Care Clinic can assist you. www.unplannedparenthood.org, 619.442.4357 The Messenger 2 Queen of Angels Church


HOME BOUND AND SHUT-IN PARISHIONERS November 10, 2019 Home Bound and Shut-In parishioners are brought Envelopes Used 98 Holy Communion by Fr. Timothy. If you have family Envelope Collections $ 4,935.00 members who are home-bound please contact the Plate Collections $ 486.00 office at 619.445.2145 so that they can be placed on the Holy Communion List for the home TOTAL $ 5,421.00 bound/shut-ins. Thank you!


DATE TIME INTENTION Saturday, Nov 16 5:30 pm Pete Serna Jr. Sunday, Nov 17 8:00 am †Barry McClarty Sunday: Lk 21:5-19 Sunday, Nov 17 10:30 am For the People Monday: Lk 18:35-43 Monday, Nov 18 8:00 am Tuesday: Lk 19:1-10 Tuesday, Nov 19 7:30 am Rosary Wednesday: Lk 19:11-28 Wednesday, Nov 20 8:00 am †Ruth Cope Thursday: Lk 9:41-44 Thursday, Nov 21 8:00 am Friday: Lk 19:45-48 Friday, Nov 22 8:00 am Saturday: Lk 20:27-40 Saturday, Nov 24 5:30 pm †Andrew Tompkins Next Sunday: Lk 23:35-43 Sunday, Nov 24 8:00 am For the People Sunday, Nov 24 10:30 am †William K. More

Continue to Keep in Your Prayers and Hearts those on our Healing and Deployed Military Lists. Amen, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, It shall be granted to them by my heavenly father. Matthew 18:19

THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Messenger Queen of Angels Church 3


Special Collection Next weekend has been desig- nated for the 2019 Collection for National Needs. Spe- ATTENTION LADIES!! cial envelopes will be available for the collection which supports the Black and Indian Missions, the Catholic Home Missions, the Catholic Communication Campaign, the The Queen of Angels Woman’s Auxiliary meeting will Catholic Campaign for Human Development, and the Catholic be WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 at 9AM in the parish University of America. hall. (Please take notice of this new date and time). Religious Education Schedule Following is the After conducting our business, we will carpool to schedule for classes during the Thanksgiving holiday: Viejas Casino and spend the afternoon enjoying each Pre K-5th Grade: other’s company while dining on lunch and winning big November 24: No class December 1: No class at Bingo. December 8: Class resumes

Jr/Sr High: Fall and winter is a busy time for us gals so to November 24: No class December 1: Class resumes jumpstart the season, a day of play is the perfect way December 8: Class resumes to usher it in. If you're interested in joining us or have

Advent Wreath Making Party Please join in a little questions, please contact Mary Smith at 479-253- crafting, some seasonal goodies and fellowship for our 2656 or Bea Hammentrand at 619-922-3305. We annual Queen of Angels’ Advent Wreath Making Party. It will be held in the multi-purpose room after the 8:00 truly hope you can join us in this fun-filled day. AM and 10:30 AM Masses on November 24. Supplies will be available to make a new wreath, (suggested donation of $10), or get new candles and decorations to freshen up last year’s wreath, ($5 suggested donation). The Magnificat Advent Companion will be available for purchase for a suggested donation of $1. Queen of Angels This companion is filled with poignant scriptural reflection as well as prayers, essays and poetry. Advent calendars and other materials will also be available. Giving Tree

Thanksgiving Liturgy Please join us for this special November 30-December 20 Mass November 28, at 9:00 AM to express our gratitude

to Almighty God for His many blessings. We will bless food during Mass; if you would like food to be blessed, you may This year we continue our Giving Tree prac- place it in front of the altar before Mass begins. You may pick tice with its home in the back of the church. up your food items after Mass. Take an ornament or envelope off the Giving Parish Office We will be closed Thursday and Fri- day, November 28-29, in order to celebrate Thanks- Tree and donate money or food items for the giving with our families and friends. We will re-open at Tecate Orphanages (Salvatierra-for girls and 8:30 AM on Monday, December 2. Best wishes to all for a blessed and memorable Thanksgiving. Rancho Nazareth-for boys) and Villa Ana- huac, or monetary donations for Children of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and East Sock Drive County Pregnancy Care Center.

Who likes icy, cold feet? NO ONE! Cash or checks accepted. Please make checks

That’s why Queen of Angels is once again having a “Sock out to the group to which you are donating. Drive” for the homeless community served by Fr. Joe’s Vil- lages. Please bring new socks of any size and drop them in the donation boxes at the church entrances or at the office (PLEASE NOTE: during normal business hours. The collection runs through Tecate Orphanages December 20. Most clients are adults but there are families are CASH ONLY.) with small children in need as well. All donations are appreci- ated! Thank YOU! The Messenger 4 Queen of Angels Church

PASTOR’S PAGE We are concluding our Liturgical Year this Thirty-third week of Ordinary Time (from Advent to Ad- vent), as The Church does, with a reflection upon the end times [CCC 1022]. Traditionally The Church turns towards a reflection upon the four last things: death, judgment, heaven, and hell. How fitting it is for us to think about the end of the world in the late autumn when the leaves have fallen, the cold and darkness increases, and the world itself takes upon itself the appearance of death. In the Gospel [Lk 21:5-19] Our Lord is asked by His Apostles, "Teacher, when will this happen? And what sign will there be when all these things are about to happen?” Then Our Lord gives certain signs that must happen first. Let us think about these “signs”, so that we may understand the End of Days and not be deceived into following after many of the false teachings that abound among the false prophets of doom.

The very first thing is to say what the end is not. We should dismiss what the Church calls ‘millenarianism’ or ‘secular messianism’. This is the notion that heaven will be here upon earth, that over a certain amount of time of progressive ascendancy mankind will be free of every evil, and we will have heaven on earth. This includes the notion of what some protestant evangelists call “the rapture”, which is totally false and demonically deceptive. Only in Christ, the true messiah and savior, can we overcome the real evil which is sin and in turn come to inherit the kingdom of God which is “not of this world” [Jn 18:36].

We can say something about what the end of the world will be like based upon Revelation in Christ. There are signs, as Our Lord tells us in the Gospel today, and many others, including: The Gospel will have been preached throughout the world [Mt 24:14]. There will be a Great Apostasy [II Thes 2:3; Lk 18:8; Mt 24:12] whereby many shall fall away from the true faith of Christ and His Church. There will be False Messiahs [Lk 21:8] who will make claims about salvation through themselves and not the . What is termed in Sacred Scripture “The Restrainer” will be removed [II Thes 2:6-7], that is, something that greatly holds back evil in the world will be eliminated. There will also be a Great Persecution [Lk 21:12], perhaps world-wide, whereby Christians will be tortured and killed. Of course Our Lord mentions in today’s Gospel that there will be Wars and insurrections, Nation rising against nation, powerful earthquakes, famines, plagues, and mighty signs from the sky [Lk 21:11]. And finally, in the end there will be Peace and security [I Thes 5:3], so that the world will think that all it major problems have finally been solved. Then the full number of the elect will have been reached [Eph 4:13; Rom 11:25], those among the gentiles who wish salvation in Christ will be complet- ed, and there will even be a major conversion of the Jewish people [Rom 11:26].

And the best sign for last, a great evil will appear in the form of The Antichrist [I Jn 2:18, 22; 4:3; II Jn 1:7], which the consensus of the early Church Fathers thought to be an actual person, although the Church has not defined in what form this antichrist will be. The Church does teach [CCC 675], however, that, the anti- christ will take, “…the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo- messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.” And further on… [CCC 676] “The Antichrist's deception already begins to take shape in the world every time the claim is made to realize within history that messianic hope [of true salvation] which can only be realized beyond histo- ry through the eschatological judgment.”

Simply put, the antichrist will be so powerful that only Christ Himself will overpower him through the Parousia, the second and glorious final coming of Christ as judge of the living and the dead on the day of the Resurrec- tion. And so, the Church teaches [CCC 677] that there will be victory over this supreme evil “…only by God's victory over the final unleashing of evil, which will cause his Bride to come down from heaven. God's triumph over the revolt of evil will take the form of the Last Judgment after the final cosmic upheaval of this passing world.” The world will end by fire and only those who persevere through faith and repentance to the very end will be saved.

We live in very interesting times. Although the true Catholic Gospel has been preached to all the world, we certainly see many false messiahs and false religions. We have seen, since the Second Vatican Council, a great falling away in members of the Church – even priests and nuns -- could this be the great apostasy? We listen daily to the news and hear about wars, earthquakes, famines, and plagues. We see how the Church’s

Continued on Page 5 The Messenger Queen of Angels Church 5


Continued from Page 4 political and moral influence is being eroded in our society day by day; could this be the restrainer of the world’s evil being removed slowly but surely? We can see how prejudice, bigotry, and persecution against Christians are growing in our society. More and more Christianity (and morality) is being seen as the very thing that inhibits our world from advancing in thought, learning, and happiness. It is for this reason that the progressive atheists would like to see nothing more than the destruction of Christianity and specifically the Catholic Church. For the first time since the Roman’s destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. we see the Jewish nation being reestablished in Palestine. As for the world ending by fire, since the 1950’s there has been the possibility of the world being ignited with fire through the impending doom of a nuclear holocaust.

I say these things not to cause distress or worry, but simply to make us think. What Our Lord said and questioned over two thousand years ago is taking shape all around us… “…because of the increase of evil, the love of many will grow cold [Mt 24:12]” “and when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? [Lk 18:8]"

Autumn Blessings, Father Tim

Queen of Angels Women's Auxiliary December 7-8, 2019 after all Masses

If you would like to donate any baked goods, please look for the signup sheet at the entrance to the church. All baked goods will be dropped off in the multi-purpose room BEFORE the Mass you attend.

All proceeds will support and benefit our diocese’s Seminarians and other Auxiliary projects. The Messenger 6 Queen of Angels Church

ANNOUNCEMENTS TO PUBLISH VATICAN MCCARRICK REPORT 'SOON' https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/cardinal-omalley-pope-francis-will-publish-vatican-mccarrick-report-soon-40701 Baltimore, Md., Nov 11, 2019 (CNA) by Matt Hadro [Edited for clarity]

The results of the Vatican’s investigation of Theodore McCarrick should be published by early 2020, Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston told U.S. on Monday. “The intention is to publish the Holy See’s response soon, if not be- fore Christmas, soon in the new year,” Cardinal O’Malley said on Monday afternoon.

O’Malley presented a brief update on the status of the Vatican’s McCarrick investigation during the annual fall meeting of the U.S. bishops in Baltimore, Maryland, held from Nov. 11-13. Earlier on Monday morning, Earl Boyea of Lansing, Michigan, had requested that an update on the Vatican’s McCarrick investigation to be added to the agenda of the bishops’ meeting. Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, seconded the motion and the bishops approved it by a voice vote.

* * * * * * TIMELINE OF EVENTS * * * * * *

June 2018 Reports of McCarrick’s history of sexual abuse were initially made public when the Archdiocese of New York had announced that a sexual abuse allegation against then-retired Cardinal McCarrick was “credible and substantiated.”

July 2018 Subsequent reports of sexual abuse or harassment of children and seminarians by McCar- rick surfaced, and Pope Francis accepted his resignation from the College of Cardinals and assigned him to a life of prayer and penance.

August 2018 Former apostolic nuncio to the U.S. Carlo Maria Vigano claimed that Pope Francis knew about existing sanctions on McCarrick but chose to repeal them.

October 2018 The Vatican announced that it would conduct a review of files on McCarrick

November 2018 At their meeting …the bishops were set to vote on a number of measures to deal with the clergy sex abuse crisis including a call for the Vatican to release all documents about McCarrick in accord with canon and civil law. However, after the Vatican requested shortly before the meeting that the bishops not take action on the abuse crisis until an international summit of bishops in Rome in early 2019, the bishops did not end up voting on the McCarrick measure because of fears they could be viewed at odds with Rome.

February 2019 Pope Francis laicized McCarrick shortly before convening a summit of bishops from around the world on clergy sexual abuse. The Vatican’s accelerated investigation into McCarrick’s case was reportedly an “administrative penal process,” not a full juridical process but one used when the evidence in the case is over- whelming.

March 2019 Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s Secretary of State, said the Vatican was still engaged in its investigation into McCarrick and that the Holy See would issue a declaration once it was finished.

June 2019 The U.S. bishops’ National Advisory Council unanimously requested the bishops to urge the Holy See to “make public the results of diocesan and archdiocesan investigations of Theodore McCarrick.”

November 11, 2019 O’Malley provided the update on the Vatican’s investigation shortly after he and other bishops from New England arrived back in the U.S. from a visit with Pope Francis at the Vatican. “We were not afraid to bring up the question of the report on Theodore McCarrick, and we insisted on the importance of publishing a re- sponse to the many serious questions of this case,” O’Malley said. O’Malley sad the New England delegation made it clear to Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin that bishops, priests, religious and the lay faithful in the U.S. were all anxiously awaiting the results of the investigation, of how McCarrick “could become an archbishop and cardi- nal, who knew what and when.” “The long wait has resulted in great frustration on the part of bishops and our people, and indeed a harsh and even cynical interpretation of the seeming silence,” O’Malley added Monday.

Cardinal Parolin “assured” the U.S. delegation of the Vatican’s original intent to publish its response to the investigation before the U.S. bishops’ November meeting in Baltimore, but the scope of the investigation and quantity of the infor- mation discovered in the process necessitated a later publishing date. “There is a desire, a commitment, to be thor- ough and transparent so as to answer peoples’ questions and not simply to create more questions,” O’Malley said of the Vatican. Cardinal O’Malley said he was shown a “hefty document” by the Vatican, which is being translated into Italian for a presentation to Pope Francis, with an intended publication by early 2020.

The Messenger Queen of Angels Church 7


Solidarity on Tap is a simple gathering for socializing and social justice. A Jesuit, interfaith, intergen- erational gathering for socializing and social justice – will present

“Fair Trade: How to Shop Smart, Ethically, and Slavery-Free!"

by Anne Pacheco and Christina Santos, on Nov. 19th, 7-9 PM, At Green Flash Brewing Co., 6550 Mira Mesa Blvd., San Diego 92121.

All are welcome! (21 and over). RSVP via www.bit.ly/solidaritytap or Facebook.