y Its fu -y. ■ ■' V

T U lt D A T . A ~ l M t , . u . iHanri(»iirtt« Contittfl 9^raU>

_ j aaoratsty.------M i« Darla HoKMeh. od S i L oc^ ------G> BL, ad Wambura. ISS WatharMli M ava- 9 3 8 8 It BaraadatU M at^a ood atraat waa tha winner tat Soiith llathodkil ahiDdb. wiB meat Call Singers ■ r wtn hoM thair Brat w aatiof ad tha at i:S 0 touM m er avanmg at tha nua, Hartford, atatthy t '- ^ tha pin-up gW baimty o o o i^ 00^ ■ m ta d ' WbootTown night ^ at tha dactaTW Station church to r s P ot Uuek auppar. ____ o f Mm Mward m ar, * whlla appearing m tly at y ^ For Chorale eSr^traUf, Davor Road. tha State thaatar. Hertford, S a to - Mr. aad Mm Edward J. Meek i g ■ tn ?, << iw aad faaally. ed l i t Sudnelt atraat, day ataninf with Edgar Bargao VeU Register NAMCBWIBI, COHN, W nM W M T, M P T X inn T, 1N> (TWEMTI PAOH) paid imm ciim ■r aa «t«id«4 M m Hugh P. WaiA Laa Ward. Z e tSartIa McCarthy waa pra- have mtuniad home from a vaca­ Omdidates to B« G irsii •( hv pmtto » Mlaa Dana Ward and Mlaa Marta Mntad with an Emamon ra ^ tion apant at thair cottaga at W idi Assessor • f t t * wiwn alM atmad Ward, ahd Oaptala and Mm Tha praaantauon waa S j H J " Rocky Nack. Yoiee Tests hy Con- • aa Hlaaaa Qarald J. Khif. have rotumad to Dorta Monahan. Hlao H a » l ^ BrooMjrn, ST t , aftar a vlalt with who la tha daughter of Mm Hugh Mr. aad Mm tf, pUn Omat ad daetor T U s r . Ward, Jr., waa « » S n a ^ from Kaaaay atraat nmCavad up to Klng- DeaithRaiees |[ o l ___ diib win Mr. and M m Ihowwa B. O'Cbnaer, lea ami who'ham tha ed N Dovar Road. Oagtaln King la Maaebaotar High achool with tha aton, f f . B., wharo they win laava A aaU for Mngom Intarsotai In proper cmdentlalr. tnoluiBng tM r Three Nations Begin awatlng ta> M i thair m Mm O’Oeanor^ brother. JS47 daaa and la a atudant at Bay- thafar aon, Morgan, to bagta hla diamarga cerUScatae, at tha edlae path gacmtarlal adtool, Long- atudiaa at Sanoom Seminary. An­ Joining O m toflo-C honlo od Oow- aicMatt». ___ ■ \ of tha townolerti, may anleyprap- Mam Slaying maadow. Mam ■ other aon. Pradartek. who gradu­ noeticut racaotly foimad by tha aity axemptiona ed up to pLOm tor Mr. and M m Brad Knoda ad Tt Imw baaa laualvad ol tba ated from SaabotM, aeoompoaiad margar od the Uonnaetleut Ghor> tax purpooee. Mlddla Tbtnplka. oaat with t l^ Myatlc Raviaw, Woanan’e Bane- Alan Knoda aad hla brothar, Bart, ala and tha Hartford Oratdrto So. (IrrnrT- Bewry Mutrlo mpertod ■ : aHtfe iMt loaday o t Mm. H yrtM aon. Rojf. and hU wtfa ■ P «t To 13 Killedl a > o S r _ l w r & St Aaaodatkm, win mmt thte ^ to Eton OoUaga. N .'O . T tan day. daty, waa laauad today by Harbart today that alaeo laat Ortebir n ^ • a Parleys on Disaster holiday weak and vMtIng ralathroa Mia. Fwwan waa a MMwr M tha nlng In Odd Panowa haU. Alan and rradarlck Omat kavo an- A. naooa, eonduetor of tha group. total o f 338 MW diachnrgm bom Vis’ : 'I ^ late Joamk C Caitar aad ^ wUl In Torfc, P i. PVmldant M m Shirley Smith wlU roUad at Eton, erham Dr. Forria E NawoooMra to tba giaator Hart­ bean recorded. Net aU of tha Rayaolda, fomnarty of thia town, man repmeented own property on John Wilson, Ten Yanra ba fwaaaibamd bjr Uw cMm taM- Tba Alpina Society win omit tta ba In charge od tha maatlng, and ford aroo. wUdi tba ocganlaatkm dMfti e( tka aortli and o( tha town. State fla la Dlractor M m Oraoa la one o f tba prof aeaem. Bart alma to aarvo aad meant eoilaga which the eeramptlaa may apply, ■ ■■■ .'i;-:'’ maatlng tomorraw evening. Tba Knoda. erbo drove down with the bot ham had ttwlr paaem SM for Old, la Tliird Mem­ ■SortabmtadharMt^^ next maatlng win t ^ plaoa Baat win ba a guart. A aodaltlm a and hi^ aebod jgmduatw wm irb4 ja M and la au rrlaad bjr four ehU- win foUow the buainaao aamlm boya, haa mtum ad komo. sonw «*»g«»g axpailauoa nm mrteoo meaena baMdaa texatlen. Threatening Britain Wadnaaday evening, Saptambar ber of FanUly Vic­ f i fi. ■i' ■ ■ ‘ ’ "f.- ^ aamalraadeklldran. aad mAeahmaata wUl ba aervad by a 14. tended a apoetal tavltaUon to tha entartalamoat committee. Mtoan Ana. anmB d o c t o r ad ikr bauumhig mambam st tim of Berserk Veil Mr. aad M m Raymoad T. Quiah, Mr. and Mm KaanaOi 0 « t ^ Mm Madallna Drake, chairman me. of 1*4 Blaaall Mraat, win Richard Hubkard. who la pi of Hartaad road, woo c m ynor old A vatylargom Top Foreign Policy aad of tba aawlng group of tha V. P. today. Her drat birthday waa tha Onadaa, N. J„ Sept. tha naat wam W. Auxiliary, rwnlnda tha mam- anUy ampioyad by tha OomlM lag plaiiiiad. aad The ten la Oemdsn’a JItvar mad Eranomic Chiefs of lUwTam aty. Olaaa Company In Rochaatar. N. oocaalea of a party ghmn tkla aacrod aad aaenlar, wUl ba Information bom o f tha work aaaaloo tomowow oftamoon by her grandmother. m888 tbaotliis mee to U today m a U at tlia Hotal T a ft Mr. Oa- from 1 0 a.m.toSp.m.at tha Y , apant the week-end aad hoU- m MammI with ei------United States, BHt- S S y la tha local toaoranea afont day erlth hia paiwita, Mr. and Mm Mm Samuel J. Turtdngtou, at her tm on Dacambar U aad Apm IK with tho daatt od 10-yee» old | V. r . W. Roma, Manchaotar Oraan. home, U 7 Henry atraat, a ^ waa . HALEYS M tba rann Bureau Inauranca Sawing win ba for tha CSulatmaa Charlaa B. HuMard, of M l Main Raglatmtloo od mambam ad both John WOeen. ain and Canada CoBi- . Oonvany. ___ atraat. attended by IS Uttia folka. Shalaan On British Crisis wUa. An attandlng abouM bring lacalvad a number od dainty gUm groupo la aoar undar way. H ^ a d q u a H m t TIm youagster wu the third I menee M om entous thair own lundiaa aad ceffaa wlU Starting, thla weak, n sarias ad Drr and Mm B. V. oU Frianda of M m TitrMngton wUI ba n —-bi* ed hla faailta claimed by ba aervad. Dapartmant Praaldant M m MB- glad to know aha la arJoylag good avanlngB win bo gtvou ever to r o H the tadteta of a eUlklng fuamen Talfca on Finaudal drad Tbdford o f 170 HlUlard atraat WaOUagtea. Sept. 7—ofV-^Bulaotag to etrle* like Argentine, vtaaMhm u t . a^«** health at praaant and naia ) o r ra- volaa trials for now vw miwd a dty block into a and M m Charlaa Haatlnga, <4 baa already commanead her In- facte od tho AaMricen-Srltlah- Bgypt. Indie, and Weetem Euro- M m Oladys Byprada of TS D i^ tumod aftar a trip to Canada. Thoaa trtnla, which am ptaoo St torror yoaterday. pami natiena which pay out Uttis Crisis; Speak Hopeful^ CaatthoUr atraat apactlon tour of Spaalah War Vat- ltd Ceaedlan doOar talks opoalag here ant atraat win grant the uao ad very brtaf, am bald pilvntdy with TIm boy’a mother aad grand* today or no deUara. Relatively emUI her boom tomorrow evening fO i^ n tn AuxUlarlaa throughout tha tha eonduetor. Oanmdntao do not OUMMaSTm COMIV of Hdpfnl Reanlta ■tata. Friday avanlng aha vlaltad Tba Ckmem Club erlU meat to­ mother warn kUled beeMe Mm as British exports coma to tha United aatback party, banaSt od Benait morrow night at 7:48 at Ray moor bdom n eommlttoo or abig they eat la thetr ea/vraiUng fora | ‘StaUa and tha long rang# problem CooncU, Dagraa of P ocah on t^ Sidney J. Beach AnxlUe>7 tha war, whM K lost W uhington, Sept. 7 —.(ff) ^Branford. Z » M--a^.a.^Tonight aha .^11wUl InapactIn wn nr» Dwyarta drop on Main atraat ifora otham tidSlo Ught. hags aaeata and ran up heavy tor- Is mainly Mt of Snding ways of Membam thair Wanda an^ , tM Movlaa win ba ahown and a oro-, AppUcanta ahould write er pboba Tbiea other pareene .we .-The United States, B rit^ gm u n i pubUc wOl bt w tlcon t to tha auxlllary of C otoal Charlaa L. Mm debte, Britain h u been mak­ beootlng Brltaia’s American salaa. Television Burdatt Camp, Hmrtfoi^ gram alinllar to that of the laat wuuadid la the haU od gu n ifo. ing an uphlU atniggle, with Amer- tnd Canada began momen. a Prlaaa win ba awarded maatlng of tha club which waa bald In ifd lB tB Behritcna and rafraahmanta aarvad. A par at ♦ o'clock In the odlcarF Icna aid. to pay ito own way tat tha In recent weeka the British toua talks today on the f{. U hm t price* in Conn, Iminga; and on Thuraday avontaif. at tha home o f NaU Dunham. A ltx- Tbeuaaade dockad te tbe see world again. It suffarad a aatback d al maatlng of tba mambam wlU andar atraat win bo praaantaA government haa alaahed Ita dol­ n a n c i a 1 diiaster which pracada tha aatback party at Oaorgo F. Oammona Auxiliary. to examine at Srat head tbe b laat spring for aevarnl reasons. lar epending by 28 per cent Other Aar Bwke er model for No. 7. New Havan. Dapartmant Membara are Invited to ^tond and let holea and odber mute avldapee' threatens Britain. Top for* Miarp. Thoaa going tar ^ t w bring a friend. - ' - r Tha aupply of foods in world mar­ Mepa which wlU be atudled and Itga BHMMr* Be smart and Depot gquam via Mldfla Tumpika Sacratary M m Mary Mathlau. eC tbe mepeacm deenribeil by po- kets began to catch np with the eign policy and economic who vraa fonnarly Dapartmant may be agreed to ia the meeting Hve. Bar from a telcvisloii win Sad that tha 7:S0 bua pa Delta Chaptar, N a 81, Royal Uoe as the woret atreoC ehooting currant demand, the Amerleaii re- here include a further reduction chiefs of the three nationa Prartdant la nceompanylng Mm la the aaUeu'B Matory. * ceseioa brought a aherp reduction ffyaii aad have YOUR Durant atraat Tadford on her oOlcial vialta dur­ Arch Maaena, wM hold Ita Srat ia British dollar spending, In- met in a walnut-pancOad (E vocation o f tha aaaaon, tonight WhUo tho atuaaed fhadHee ad ia denar spending abroad, aad creasca la Americna government teleiiaioa set eorrectlr in* ing SapUmbar. WouM You Roffm-Drim A ~ the viettms prepared te bury their room at the State depnrtmaoL Mm Harold W. Walah, of S70 at 7:10. at tha Maaonic TampU, Ranges, Refrlgeraton I viowadat , W. « „ Street I 13 I by^dm frem bi haate vf rumors of davnluntlen of the Brit­ purchases of atrateglc tin, rub­ Seated in leather-backed arm stalled. Main atraat la In and win confer tba Royal A rd i Da­ dead, pohoo malntalneil a rouaip Tha battle, wWeh < Bd aa Harold ish potmd further slowed British ber, and other gooda from com- mortal boapital, a aoctkai od Mao- South achool Mndargartan wUI Washers and AR NEW 1949 PONTIAO • tbe^loek viga at tho heapltatHtAI bo4-1 as a tS-yoar oM war vetema who woat beroetk. chairs, they grouped about n 30- graa on a data of candidataa. R^ 0 Ihureh. late ( eted iMe tbaa U edeudn aelae as buyers waited to buy mcawealth and ootonial countrlas. foot glass-topped table. ^ 1 l e r i c b a d m > a n d n ctn iiitti Otiitnlv o f Bootoiit bo hold In tba aftamoon, beginning imPTHIEND Mde o f Reward Ihuruh. S4-yl - y e e r ^ at 13:45 p. m.. Inataad o f In tha fraahmanta and a aocial h o u r j ^ foods more ehaapty. Btepped-ute American econ- Before they closed tho doork y L i r r 9 t e l e v is io n wharo aha haa undergone an ap- follow tha maatlng. High Priaat Other AppUaneea Bnde reaiUng^TTBr xitw anI •who cue esnie aid to ecuatriaa like India pondactomy. momlnga aa It waa laat year. PHARMACY REASONABLY EARLY DELIVERIES loeted guas aa a boMqr. they permitted newareel camera­ MS Hartford Road NaU Fateraon cordially Invltaa all To buy many of ^ thlnga R aad Bgypt from which the doUara men to record the opening, wol* membara to attend. d e p e n d a b l e ------Ha JM tH A |^C0M WITH OR WITHOUT TRADES ' " A bunot was removed from tin. I Dulles Ready qaeda tor axtstanot, Britain haa would flow to England. coming remarlcs. . £er. McKee Street Tha axacutlva board of tha So- ruh’a Up Met Ught et Cooper hoe- Riot Reports roptlmlat Club wU have a maat­ d Depot So. 1W. Kimball Testifies baen pajriag out ,doUarn aad gold Lang Bnngo gohitlona The chlefr of aU throe dclegn. q tr wide DeSvery pttel lam thsa^S houm efler be % fastac than it takas them in. This Soma high American officials ^ ^ Phone ^4S04 lng tomorrow evening-at 7:30 at lied pumped 33 ahote from a Oar- tions spoke bopefuUy et belptal NEW tha home of the tiaaaarar. Mm BALCH PONTIAC, Inc Sent Dewey To Seek Seat has reduced its "rainy day" rw- baUeve it ia saaewtlil to open up and constructiva results, but all Open Eveatafs Till 7 maaLugor autoamtlc in a method* about 34M,0M ,000 beiew the AaMtlean market more to im- HUDSON Mary Nichola. of 14« OanUr atraat OPEN EVENINGS ______leal docFto-door aeamh for hp* ■hied away from forecaato e t may 118 man targets. ^ Author of M en | 6 tha 33.008,080,880 p r tv lo o ^ nerte from abrond. They believe qwclflc actions. Than, aad F il Till t aSvaaai Ham BM|> CENTER STREET MANCRMTKR Town-Mnjr.Stfdt-io BA> W ffl *GlBdlly Accept* Biderad tW aUhlmum aafs lovdL Via can ba done only by slowly Foreign Minister Bavin of Brit- * BBBaaBBSBBB FOR SALE Tsb Cba Always Do Bsttsr At Bskbls Wbnhdadk mp Tba drain fa continuing-and the ehnngiBg the American national aln aald the United Statea, Brit* T Chpturod whoa pellee tear gee dttiet h g m * ~ n r^ - Nominiitfon to Rnn ImmediaU problem is to stop it policy ao that the United Btetee sin and Canada must ‘TiarmoaiM J ^ i * * New and Used Special Listing Open All Day bemao foteod Mm from Me own For Senate in Fall bUore Britain goes broke. Duya abroad about as much as It aU our poUtical, our Snanclal gaMl I M l h m k igb. m ■pw ” V bairtcadod bedroom, Uarub later ingt to Cnri) Violence Asked Ibumunity Leng B e e f! PreMcaa wq^orta. Another step, one they economie actions.’’ That is necog I. IM InaS Homes o f waa feuad te ham tbe Up wound. taentially Brltaln’a trouble la ooaaider saasntiel, ia for Britain ■ary, ha aaid, to lay “ tha co m e t PRESCRIPTIONSL 6-Room eotiay*. Hot It wae act determined tauaedlate- Feakaklll. N. T.. Sept 7—(«)— Waehington, Sept 7— — unbalancad trada. Ita dollar Im to-modernise its Industrlea in or­ foundation for tbe future pence at wsttr best, oil burner, ss- Wednesday! ly wbathsr tho huBat earns from Official roporte on the vtoteaoa Senator John Foster DuUee (R - porta far axcaed the value of Ite der to produce nt low,coat goods the world.” He called Brltnta’a CALLED FOR * Outstanding Values * tbo gUB od a dvtUaa or oim ed tbe Telb Court of Inquiry . tomstic domestic bot wst* that prevaated one Paul Robaaon MT) aald today be would "gladly axpovta. Muck of Britain's record dlfflctUtiea "tha inevltabla aftar- 50 poUoamen who eovorged on Me (Osntteosd aa Pago Two) math of two World wara." AND ” m varteaa meUana at MAN- . er, birge lot. Sitnsted in hidiout. eoneert aad eauaad a Uoody Worth Told Him That I N e w 8 T l d b l t S aeaspt" tha Republican noml b l^ induatriai production le go- UHBBTEB. aSOved by Dry Qeamiig and Laundry Seerataiy of the ’rmaattry Sny­ good residential district. PEUVERED a WHb ar wlthaut tra* a V ia. You aopM Ui with • Praeacutor MUdmU Obboa o f flaUh to oaotber ouo wera oo the He Could Find W riter, tian'^ to run for the Senate In thia der, prealdtng, aald: aOoad aSawaaea fm m m noodw waH ooppiy voo m Tbe price Is under 611,000. Budget Priced Fabrics OhaUan eouaty aalB that armage* way te Oov. Tbomae E. Dowqr to- fairs apabial New York election. "I feal aura that on tUa ooea> wNb tha home m o ia d m B If yon are looking for a 5> meats have been •aeda far a mental of Anonymous Docn- New York RapubUean Baders aion In aa ntmoapharn o f frlandly Ona Stop Serried od Dhrub—either la govomor haa remelaed el- IMMBIMATB OEUVEBT •Saak Pram JA R yiS aad Va ■ roomer yon’d better see this AnstraUaa QBal Induetry have beaai preaeing Dulloo to ^Bad Blood* Stands and oonstruettva coavarantten aag ON BOMB MODELS From Hale** FtAric Department the heepttel or after Us raleaae I laat on the disordete, aaybig he ment If No Puntoh- xseki tiw race, ^ SkoO n o d aad Bo Happy. ^ h ou se. exieeted iir PHARMACY the next SI benm. iwautd aot eammeat uatU he «e- bb 4 'to B w S S 1 Formor Guv. Beibert lUu ired ad am vrhlekto avek out tha McCLURB AUTO 36” COLORFUL PLAID Eaur pasi by DM ldved the repoetn ment W P)romtoe , sBBnaeitoMalU-aaeepi tbe probtema^hiffwrtmang iM Center Street 30 yes Bapj^d hy Atl^e ...... only in tbe UUK m Mala s i! Oatnav Straw Jarvis Reoify hiM W TBiMSHa Democratic ndmlaaUbu if it Is ^ 3^ A ■•'it . .______T sL S -t814 Tlie Manchester MbatU.tm I ^ S W oeed lb IL MaaOL West* WaahiiiKtoD, Sapt 7—(E) d ffe e ^ Panada and tha UnitedulmSOSTtm tr bMten by iiiteatceted group ^ Company Shiort J. Wasley mirdh.|iSlaster coMUy dletrtct attonMy. —U n d 8 r aecretary of the Xabasau Baa No Oewuneat in the world." Real Estate and Insurance to deter, and Shartft 3m d W. Kuaooa. Tha American btfaatryxMa aawgaod to In New York, Lehman said he Douglas Abbott the head of ths • Mooohaalar. Oano. GINGHAMS 4avy Dan A. Kimball testi- cUneot war maaeuvera oa Rhine. British Prime Reds ForCCHSt Canada delagation, aald that ba State Building xrtiw whatbed hv aUty waa tevUv. gevamor was- axpaeted to rseslvt had no comment on DuUee’ an- 884 Owrtor Street ed In tha ebaatUge. Itbe reports la Albany aoaMttaM : led today that tbe author of U.S. auUiorlUea at Frankfurt re­ Denounces Opponents too felt sure "that thaae diacos- Tm^4IIK|7TOjr TeL 6648 Or 7146 noonoement Laundry lames Dbrnh of HaddeaSeld, N. today. tha once-anonymoue memo port today ... New strike tkreot The contest ia to fiU the unex­ Of Labor GovemmetU tlona wiU result in our Sndlng the opinlou that Me May Limit Meottega llat toadied off the 6-86 faces New York's Third Avenue pired term of Senator Robert F. PoundOiaiigc aoma helpful way o f meeting thsM 59 » Traneit corporation ... Amartcan difBcultiea.” c yC. want beraerk hecauee of ueaawhile. a Oortlaadt town of- Wagner, Democrat who resigned. BBSBaBsaaasse M>mber in v e stig a tio n on ce In Address Today loestsd St 72 MAPLE STREET, having nmny of jrssn XBiUtary authorttlaa rep art 8Im P He said the problems facing tha BoeuUful pleida In ell color comWnetlone. You will went mom brought oa by Ms war | dclal said the Town councU may aaked him for immunity. Tto term ends Dec. 81, IM l. conference arc of "vital interest to limit mesa Bwetlagr vuca paaraaee of iidney Schwarts, When Wagner resigned in July Moscow Papers Quote then ono et thle low price. of sxcsDsnt repnUtion for qnsUty aad ssrvlco as a Umball said his suspend^ young Amarican tourist, in govlat Bridlington, ^ Eng., Sept. 7 to my country." as Itobeeoa’a auadey oouoerttoert which because o f lilneae, Gov. 'Thomas E 771# three delegatioM arrived at LAUNDRY, invitos you to tsks advantage of ths W IY laam s m id hie brother aervad aaded vrith the stoning od depart, epeclal aeeietent, Oedrtc Worth, eone of Austria. Dewey named DuUee to flU tha -.(/P )— Prime -Minister Clem­ Italians That Washing­ CLEANING SERVICE, which thsyJmvs bean offering la Buiape with tho aUd artillery. lag coneert-goemloert-goem aad injuring od author of tbe documeat, told him Amarioan bustnaaa has been aeat until November’s election. ent Attlee today denounced last May ‘7w oouM nad out who ■psading luere far capital axpato ton Gmtrols Fate (Conttened on Pngn Fn ■) Atwe^ed w^Tme^ EW Ruptured? A fter Me dtaehargo, Hqfward wai u a 100. A t that time, Duties said ha opponents of Britain’s Labor (or'tbs jm si'year, and which Is in keeping with it wee the aeeoad outbreak ed wrote it if I'would promise Im- Men this y ^ than la any other would not be a candidate in the 39” AMERITEX FROSTED ia^toyod for a wMla aa government who he said were ARSON TBUSS FIT- tjrps of work done by their LAUNDRY, Temptolvloieiice la as many weak eada muUty." year except I83f Top amplor- election. Since then, however, Moscow, Sept. 7— —Bovist TINO by gmduatad ex­ W Blverrttirb'tiwol'of Pharma^|whananaasylwhaa thoueeade od anti-LefUst That waa betom Worth ao> ar anAuaian leaders from Hawaii party leaders have proceed him to trying to make ”bad blood” aconomic writers are oonvincad tha porta. Don’t take ehaacee last fan'but qUt after a moath, membem od war veteraaa organl- kaowledged in a oongresalonal In- meet la New Terir today in effort make the race. They argue that between Britain and the Uni­ British pound and other European with tnaxparloaoed tmaa clvlag ’’poor pbyatcal ocadiUoa” mtiona and otham turned out to veetigatloa that he waa the au­ to eettle territory's dock strike... he haa a better chance than any Siting. Our oxperte give AU Done on the Premises I ted States. In an address be­ currencias are going to be de­ SPUN RAYON a ete roam aineo Umu bo had domaustmte agalaat Roboaoa and thor. a Supreme Court Justice Rutledge’s other .prospective candidate of Flashes! you privsto, peraonnl OouMat Offer ImmiiUty physician reports bis left arm and fore the Trades Union con- valued. reieelaril at homo. his followers. keeping the aeat for tho O. O. F. groaa, eight mlUion mvmbcr back­ aervlee. If you ham Experienced Personnel The Veteraae admtnlatratiea la xiaa M. Great, enpervlaor of Kimball, a wltnesa la a epeclal isg are parayxed . . . American Now York Republican and ’The government newspaper Is- la f thnCFi w in ) worn a troie. you win Navy court Investigation of the Naval officers from warahlpa now bone of the Labor party, AtUea veStla, in answer to a question know what real comfort Mew York eUd Untuh enlisted la oortlaadt, tho town asar hem Democratic parties wiu hold paoialsed Britain would do ita 59c yc. D is!8 4 1 6 tha Anay Oct 37, INK He was wham the outdoor gathoriage warn background of the paper said he vWthig Spoln art inspacting Span­ atate committee meetinga later from a reader, devoted two col­ meaoo If yoo M our ex- utmost to solve the dollar short­ haU. aatd tbe move to roetnet auch oouldat offer immunity. Ho add­ ish Naval academy today .. MaJ. thia month to name aenatoBal umns today to abowlng tha inevita­ Secret MMttega At End ‘perto St TOO witk a now Meko up A emert fell dreaa for very lltUe. Froated epun myon or vU t onr modem plant at 72 MAPLE STREET 'jtif. ed that he didn’t even know what Oau A lfiod IL Oraaather namad age wMclr threntena Britain with bility of devaluation. Hnrtfeitl. Sept. 7— AKRON MODERN in wine, -nevy, Ueck, green, eoldier blue and brown. « r> moottaga wee not aUnod at candidates. Present indicationa ceeaomic disaster. I Itaur free epeech end aeaemUy. the immualty would .bo.from. Army deputy chief of staff for are that neither Dulles nor Leh­ ’Today’s Moscow newritopws al- meetinga of the ■tnte’n FInanmi m e s s . ~ Easy Parking . Furthermore Kimball aald, - ba plana aad combat oparations. OsmsetBo BUvmI AIs m ao published other atories on the Advlaory eommlttoo ended tedM Ho aald he wouldwot propom to tha man WlU be oppoaad within their But, he added, the problem oouncU that HMaaora ed futum doesn’t know anybody else in tho Typhoon building, up in CSiiua respective pnrtiee. question, including comment from as n state poUcy. OMoniM Bnrise Navy who might ham pmpared a ... inaa Duarte, brothtr-la- ’’eanadt be solved bp any ode an Italian paper that tha ’Tate of after dlaeuMfag the ehnate In fsq- QUINN’S Changes Seen opoB-alr maetiaga meet eerteln Beads Statcwieat govemmept In Isointion. _ . , ww iheelth and safety requlremenU the memo. He aald if he hed'*T law of Argentina presldanl, leaves Italian finances art bating decided oednre nt n nMothig e t w * * o m - old 36” AMERITEX FLOWER GARDEN would have bad them auspended or by plana for U.B. . . . M rs Freda DuUee made known his deciaian "TTisre is n lot of effort being In Waahlngton.” inittoa, aald that tSa ngM * Iw In Air Races oeurt martialed.” Unruh. mother o f baieerk gun* at a news conferenoe. He read a put out to try to make bad blood iBvestla declared that tha ’’Unit­ the oonwUtton wnnM be aHeo t f ^ The document suggeated that man, prostrated In grlaf today statemeat to reporters which between Britain and tke United ed States, urged on by an impend­ Be la advance af Ita moMl^ CESSPOOLS AN D SEPTIC TAN K S PHARMACY TenaUPrateat frauds end pontica euirpundsd de­ said: Wedaeaday ■aeottaga. T h ^ M Them warn published reports that PoUoo epeetioa two aalghbora la Statef," ha said. ing economic criaia, la striving to SAVI HAU PRia velopment'of tho B-38 bomber by coanacUeo with brutal basting of As ia known, I had not expect­ "Thm an people bare who do d , WlU aBow the pnbUe te IM POWER CLEANED PRINTS a group of BumaMT rasideats of up- the Air Force. It reBacted oa Bee- ed oe deeired to become a candi- tereat Itsefi la matters befaca tto Cleveland Mayor 'One Eugeno Camua, 80 yaar oM gun- their utmost to foment boatiUty in (Conttouad on Ragn Two) on toonder-toorking hormone cream rotary of Defense Johnaoa end Seo- fer a further term In the eoaMilttea, aad If atiuMdSy ta aa Page Two) amith of Edan, VL ... Britain tho Iteitad States to the Labor In ^lanrhr'^tiT nmi I ii iiiit\ Of Lateat to Pro­ (C retary of Air Bymingtoa. DMtod States Senate. government. ’They aeek for party give laterMtod peieaaa or gia*e Worth retracted w tho chargee axpaeted to make vigoresa im opportaUty to w t n o ^ W p r teat After Tragedy tor Chinese Netiaaellat Navy to ra­ *T would greatly prefer that an- alma to play on tha prejudicas of inn w I I I - \\i) -fJ||to McKin n e y b r o s . appeared certain today if they am age while ending regioa'a long "They also aeak to causa disuni­ ^3 jar now ruptton. • tha opportunlw to carry these ty by auggasting the United Statea Top Britons walla af a Maatex ■ K u \(.r niNi'u.'- M ( <1. to be hoU hem again next year. With Victim Now the Nevy la trying to 8 drought convletiatis into public life. bolMlag bockled sad < -'Mayor Thomas A. Burke was out whether enyouo elM In the 'Waahiagton political observers wiU saak to interfere with tba in­ day hurllBg lamaa a l;iO I'. trl Ni. 1 rl. M;mclic-l« r "Thevefere, if the atate Repub- ternal poUcy of this cotmtry. In one of tbe lateat to protest a g a ^ Navy helped worth pmpare tho tiiiBk General Bletnhower nwy Uesn oODvnntion. knowing my On Hmnd at Dock aa high latothe air and Wednesday, AU Day Special tho dooed-oourea competitloa that enenymoua memo; eye on G. D. Prefl* tela they Join bands with tha Oomr to haBdIage m n rm W roo 1 N o t o e Tryin g to viawa. should nominate me, I amnists. The emphatic statamant 29e CHILDREN’S AND MISSES’ MERCERIZED took tba Uvea od Filer BUI Odom Comdr. W. B.'Sweeaoy, now on dentiel nomlnatieii. would gladly accept and respond Delegation D ebarks trem tha aceae. and two other peraons Monday. Car in Garage from bIc* to the beat o f my abUlty.” started Brea la 18 iS<|jeeumii|eaum|g|n m 8 lh «»MV i M i iV > * < a targets jar "Air raeea ham been a great « I oa Page Paurtosa) tore of Vlee President Barkley (Oenttaned on Page Fourteen) From M auretania la tha heart of the city’s 1 Governor Dewey, in a itetement diBtrtot-hotcIs. iM tenim ^^ thi^ for aviation and thlo dty," aulto in Police aad Mrs. Hadley wUle they w on teeued at Albany, aald: now ^ 2 ,5 0 ho said. "1 am aU for them If the dancing. . . Btnulagbaia City New York. Bept 7—(F)—Shout- hoMsa. Meat worn road ^ 1 (XyrrON ANKLETS "I nm sura the people of New wuch q«aewy woto petw rif •Oprleciphw la* danger eaa' be mmovod. I am def. -AUentown, Pa., Bept 7— eauamtealMl ana.vrera ptea by York wUl thriU to the news that lag, sign-carrying pickets'dogged In white aad eolore. Bias 3 to U taltely opposed, however, to any DIstrlet Attorney Kepnath Kock Qaims Reds Megrooa tor end of oegregatioa by Big Hurricane British ofllGiala last night as thay further doaed-cottnM.radag.” ■aU today a eiaylag was dlaeov- reaenlag 30 more scree to be f « pasaad tfareugh New Yerii <» SAKRETE ' He aald ho would moot with rae* oted aad aolvod la short Negro realdentiBl eoctlon. . . Ex- their way to aconomic talks in * • w Heads to Sea Washington. tag odtialale aad otham on aUm- when a maa made too much aolae I^se Ground oeutors of 343A30,808 ootate of nraagtry Balakce Hamm Taen-Agore Keep your tkin looluag iaatiag Ute_dan^^*y they am to | tr y ^ to put hla om 1 ^ Charles W. Nash, pli TTia plckats chanted such rio- ,7 —(FM B M PKODt^CTS gana m : Albany. N. T - 4 PJ*. for $ 1 . 0 0 yeoag aad lovely with feawai beheld wltk Us vletlm in the baek seat auto m,anutocturer. pay federal Wkabtngtoa.* Bapt. T—(FI—Tha will you retire? la aeaiby Berea, wham Oom’o Kock Mid Robert Bbupp, 40- laheriteato tox bill of Season's Fourth Storm "Get rid 'o f thcM Britiab pea- Bwmty Plea ern m. TOe Nftioiial' Defense Min- g^ tian of the Treasury Baptam handlarp." CONCRETE seiwitifio boimoae cream b a plane emahod, Belldtor Paul H. voar.old unemployed aooouatoat V . . Audi* Murphy, war’s moat Mttehen add be bad been rdlaUy rtgnad a etatement that he 8hot totry Asaerta ' Several decorated G. L, and hla actrsaa Drifting Slowly Ont Aad: "Thara’n always bs a Brit­ a . « . ' >>.vTr Fee Faicliiee SidcvcNu, ffat budget reoeipto. 344.683,- ish smplre m long ns Uhcls Sam boos far every ovor-SO ekial infeemd that doaad-eourse mdiig u d Mllod Marian TValek, S3, ellk bride, Wepda Hendrix, both 887.78; budget expenditures, 3817,- ...aiid on what? flew» Seal FewdiHeM Wednesday AU Day SpecUd wouM be banned at aomlaad air­ Vill4^es Recapturec Toward Open Ocean pays for it” mlU worker' of Weiaeport Pa., In Uame Hollywood, for their do- 383,378.04; oarii balance, 34,308,- About 700 pickets were on hsnd 61.00 FIRST QUALITY BVUT ODNGB eoataias port. tbo raoo site. a a t o f Jealouegr last Jilgkt maetio trouUea 181,818.73. AEESEMxSSM 10,000 activa uaili i|f Odom’s plane etruek a house la Oaaton, 8 ^ 7—(pw ne Na­ Miniql. FI*.. Bept 7-(F l — An at ths dote M tha British oslsan- vuasBkiaai Hsauui Boings, like msfhines, 6nslly wear out. Then Fw Flambe w PoMnf Tho diatrlet attorney gam the tien, including FerUgn MliUster a dyaamlB harmosa the auburb. kUUag a young moth­ fUUowing vereion o f eveate: tional Defimso utnistry tod» iBunenee hurrienna, its c o u m stni w h a t? Win yoo be fhuuieislly independent or dependent Uk9IUi.P«ld*«0«ck» elalmod roMptura of eevorel vn- unoaftain. drifted slowly' aorth- Brasst Bsvia u 4 CStaacaUcrof ths ia|go4iSBt.TUe er and her year-old ean ia addt* Bhupp mot Mlae WUok at Exchaquar glr gtafford Crtpps, ds> on otbers? Start saving. NOW—youTl never miss the WATER TITE NYLON HOSIERY UllltgOTDfXONtr tiao to the world famdus pilot Lehlghtori. Pa., yoaterday after­ lageo from Oommunist foroea driv. aastirterd ia ths open Atuntle to­ little snsu that yon put sway in onr Optional Ssvlsgs ImportaatiagredieBt^ Ing toward the Oeaton-Haakow Philanthropist Leaves 23 day. k«fcs4 from ths ttasr MatuotaalA Fw$IIMl«|l.iAllem noon had drem with her to a taae- The Maml Wonthsr bumnu said TIm demonatraters a they Phn. Then soon . . . snrpriMngly soon . . . your aC' In new fell oolora. Seml-ehaer full feahloned hoolery with ts* ie aetMlly abeetbed Mltdiell made the statemaat at ly road near AUentown. Tnem rsUread from Ruehong, 170 mileo eMOist gssw. IwMwm Pmk, Em Inforoed heel end toes for extm wear. north of Canton. the forward movsmont of tea MM "AnMrican-Irtab dnsnlitod savings, phis onr generoos dividends wlD byyourtUa. a Berea Oeuadl meatlag la wUdi ho shot her three tlBMo with a A3 "largn and asvtrs hurricuM’’ i /MORTAR MIX reoolutlen protoeting tbe mooa oaUbar revolver. Tho mlnlatry*a aanouhcemeat Homes to Whmen Tenants nmonnt to a tidy sum to make yon flnancislly indepsnd sal4 ground 'Waa teeoverod up to a ■tIU slow and am tie but probe They linad «P •>«>• •tewte WATCB BOW Bteuty Phw worb on fedgue itow.dnfaew pereed Tha group author, TbhM B ear Lang Map hoaiag, shouting and waving thetr ant In tbs iwlUght of Ilfs. Tour savings hsrs art insnrsd petet to 30 IngM wget of Juehaaf, toward tea Borthanst qt ftvn to aad tertkem. . . leevee yeor iWa y o u a B f.le e l^ tha soheltor to aoek aa la. TFith her body In tbs back aaat mtiM na hour. banners, m the Brttlahersim Jw np to 6M 60. Insnlrs. That woUlg ^ace tha aghtlng hen* Newarii, N. J., Sept- 7—(F)—T bef known na "Mr. X" tar |rataful re- fraebw, naeolhwl Cel sovenl tale-prioad If aeceoeary, to prevent Sbupp drove to hie AUaatodni way betweoa Judieng and the rail­ late W llto U. Driver, mUUonalre e iU eim ' Tha gl|ni|tle diatuit«noa ) motorcade to catch a trala for 7 9 c p'* iloeedief ume melag. rooming bouee, took aa hour-long road. pkUantkropIst who pfUarvad to ha w s wui aald,i "For soma time 1 about 900 mllaa east of Palm Washington. 8avernl plteats triad ; For Togr Convmilsnes Opsn Thursdays 1111 8 P. M. >rs for tlM sir moae are nap oM than drom around the Chinese news diepatchee said known only na "Mr. X.” hga be- have bs40 intmated in aiding to Beach, Fla., and 390 miles south to push thair way into tba atraat, pooelbly dty egnla. About 10 p. m. (a a but wwM roetMlned hyjtoUce. AtSssSo A fw emUl fores o f NetieaaUst raiUtla- quaathad U hems# to tea woman solve the acute ahelter problem." of Bsrmuda. It packed winds of a f 'tea-’ Grssn Stamps Giysa With Cgah Saha te take np the prob* t ) he tried to put Qm oar In tha Tids Ihteieot led Mm to acquire 130 to 130 milas fo r hour naar mon created a dtversloa'by a guar- tehaats of tha buiUlngs. ThUr^ecanSiAHnanded leleaM lok C. Cmwtord, garage, but made so much aolsa rUla-Uke raid on Jnoheag Ito ^ . ’11m will, admRteO to prebtto "numoiaua pieces of real estate oo tha oanUr uid winds of hurriouM of 14 Irish Rspublieaa Army pris- l*i^affaa|Spii reoee pt eaUeut said the antim that aaObbora called peUoe. pla. These ropoate eald tho raid w h yastorday, stlpulatad woman na that peraons might roaka thair (orea—^76 mllaa per hour or more tTM-tedd^ _____ e e altuation mbBt bo "evaluated be* covary of the body end Bhu^’s led hy a former maglatrate there. ^HMM tharaln,” the wlU sold. —over aa Mm 138 to 180 lallM in FnaSCBlPTION FHASM ACV be^ciartaa h test "teay abouM "^^Boycot^fuitish aad six-county THE W . G. GLENNEY CO. ton a deUetaS it and whan to arieet fottowad.- . Piopariag Te iutack Aajiu have a maaaure of todapandanoa." Tba 33 muKl-famUy houaaa men- diameter. I w n stef tOI M.. IN •. TUI-l-MaNfMI\Tlil haU tko «nm |a laao eaa bo Koch sold Bhupp aad F im Oommuplet dlvUdons were The Bast Orange induatrinllat UoMd In the wUl are scattered IMtte aiawly (Noatkern Irsinnd) s c o ts untU SM NfWra MAIN STBEBT raONB«148| t ft J W H A M cfflBi reachod.** ' Walck had bean golag together reported preparing to attack An- made a fortune in metal aUoya. through the Granges, Newark and Grady Norton, chief storm tore- thsN men arc tslsass^ Crawford ISiMSi'Pf Thompoen for some UaM. A murder charge Ja^. 40 mOsa oast of Hengyang, Ha died August 33. Moat of Ms Hillatda. 'Mb number of women caster of the loW l Wexther bu- Another sign said: "England, gat Opes 7 A. M. to'a F. MU Monday Thra Friday MewmieTa* Cewie win bir plAoed against Khu|y ,to- numerous auuitlM wars given who win hKeat ^ Um wUI was iBclndlBg Wodaeaday Anem eeu Opes TUI Noes os astordsy a 3Nf4|ml {day; tbe dtetriet attorney aud. (OeaMauad eu flgpe Two). anonymouBly, and he boMSM not Usted. Twn). « I an BafaB«M>'

•1. 'y ^ • MAKCHIITH IVIOTNO HflALD. M ANdflfliW . CONN- WEDNMOAT, SEFTEMBtK T, IM f IIANCBEtTER BVININQ HERALD, MAHCHnTBR, OONM„ WEDNESDAY, 8BPTE11BB* 7, 1949 V A O l taria ta angaga bt a criminal at­ Big Dvurienne Basic Infomiation Coat la StilM H in Pickets Dog Riot Reporto tack upon tba paraona and elvU .Wedilingg Hbartiaa o< tboat who cboaa to FrtM HlgliwRy W iriwr Md Bvastock Ondas 9 ttreogb t wM have a n - Top Britons H eadcfi’Sca TWOtrwebaat Vobmtoqr mdjplmical adneallM parted Anti-Commimitt * S en t D ew ey attand tba aoucact.’’ On British Crisis paay t warn M too pwMd* tor tba Uw^Uw oleMha at 4 p. m. Ha rofcrrad ta "apparant «|1- lonw highwaynM rabhai a .,^oiitb Govaotry twa daya aa a protoeflva TRa DmaoeraUa OraaOd tor r ^ 1 0 : » t o lOtoO a. m ura" a t poHca to praaant tba dla- Mgbway BiM bars yaatarday. I latorad Dsmearatle votara wUI L«ieb patted for (Medss *1 Stand Approved iMMHsMwttk 9:18 p. m. they win M i ym*i« «nugr which can maat AmarlcM prtaa out. Amarloa aald H to 177A I n ­ Macbta. daughter of Mr. and Mra. raau. aald tba atom Piiday avantaig program iMd raand baV3 M todoar or outdoor taoaoa BrldHngtM, Bag., BopL T—OH Mr WMteiiMtar u d l«w«r Putnam Uon" would ba to “adopt tha vary thay atart on tks ‘Jab, to doCf land aaya It now/* bad sUitod a "vary, vary and aquam danctag (oUowad. At that Unw oaiuMatoa for vart- —Tba BrtUab T ild as Vatam am- tacHea eT-tba Oommunlata In de­ eompatitlea. tbair eoata bafera tbay aattla ltd MaaMo af MIUtHdriBa. to drift to tba east or pirttapa lavltoUaM have ' am t fe Satarday at tafl a. m„'tba ax- ouB oBtasn for blabatal Tpwa 1 pbyoteal oduoeUon •auMMa arnsr aaak ta hali.d aMat» AMarupHva BHuHia Man PlBluto At BMiIIm Mb ported for Cdradaa fl grira In Umb mparato vatoa yaa- IM iuaiap at tba aa«M ai Um nying Individual Hbartiaa." dawn ta Uw warmth a t manual Mon ptakato throagad akout graaeta David Cotaman. sen of northaaoL laoal ToaMmto by PTA btotts warn OiM to Uga alaetiM Oetobar 9 win ba noaal- torday gava aHmrbalmtog ap­ itat to We# eondomnatltf of tba Tbara waa one* Jewlah War Vat- If moaauraa baaad an eanUnuad tabor. Prom tang onpartaneo. f a m rtdwi wara Mjeyad *fftag a w llf bo frooB U « 0 t Keep yoar ejre on Keith's pdvertiflementa. . . kem jroar eya eloaa Aagle-AuMrlcan ce-opara- Pemi^vania atottoa aallw British Mra. Helen H. (Alaraaa. of 34 If ttiat asoVoaMBt oeutbibto. aaSt Mr. aas Mrs. Oraat H. Vmaa, Mrs. Jehn Dowway, a t Coboaa, TBsyTbay WUlwin Mvobavs Mm mono Indoer or out- proval to toa streag Mtl OewMnu- ' f«M m S S a Mi ttcktoir. Tlolanca. aran pact among tba 14 vetaran the workman have found that oMriaia arrived to beard a train. Drlva B, and Um tats Derails R. Brnmufla aborafl fhal a^y ^tba tb a ^ by UM ebUdmn. Poadwas ■ • ' — J aduoatlon nlat atond of tto g m iral aaunaU. I on Keith'a windows. T hm is nom e^ng apedel floinf every groupa tM t bald tha protaat pa­ tlon are Inadaguafa to aotva tbo to JoW tola organisaUan to peo- aila at tba beolb at Cboreb . T., apant toa Labor DM waak- door raeara and pbyalodl ir« r « a iMtabMter, iMl»eM l«> bt • U m pOTOiiMr ilraetad FanalU It ta hast to place thair pdaaaa John Rapp, eitoial a t tba Aa- Oalaman. took ptaoa -U Bt Brldg- (rings or pgrtrasa noao at all 4>f and at tte bom# of bar broUwr, pariod fram 19:10 to 11:31:3a. TIm maatlag andoraad tbs aoun day and averjf'WMk in September. Remember, yon get mora IT Mt MUKhtod. rade at tha eoncart Tha otbara Brltiah cirisla, long ranga aa waB itona where they cannot bo claat Order of Hlborntaas and Um nurrleaiw, ba aald. ■eto elegcr sosparaUM hatwawi OoBMiuraty Hbuaa. Hoaaomaklng and abaritt Ruaeoa ta Unrarticata as Immediate, tbe British may at’M ehurch last Saturday morn- daaiMmtmUoM at lO a. m. to aeon Arthur Sabart, and Mra. Briwrt. At 13:38 a bon win m_ ed- riPa report rondamnlng Rad ac-1 for your furnltare dollar, than any other dollar yon and avbadt tbair flndtaf Mlowlnf wara nine American iMglon poata molested by the average paaa- pidist aaptoln, daaaribad Uw min' Tba BrtUHi<«wiMd toacharg and parmita la toa ptwri- Prank O. Arary. admlntatraUva uilttaaoa of all Into too UviUas ta Brittab mWoM by e rate and ana CatbaUe War Vetarana have ta resort ta developing a ataman as "m ergaalaaUea at tag at 11. Rev. Robert CarreU par- agrieoltufsl damna MraUona • ^ . when you buy at Keith'a. Plen^ of free parklngl tba Hot Ana. ST nMab btoka np a er-hy. fermad tha douhla ring oaraaHmy tatando, «30 rnOao a* nw •aim a t ga«a tfluantlM aad prteelpal at tha aaw aebool on AftoraoM rtaraai atort at 13:30 ra a.74g,oo) to 190,000. po#t« trada aysttm largely Indapaadent Tba highway man who wm trUH AaMrican taxpapan to atop CaroBM aaaat an t flflT (ram aoM to 9 p. m MobaoM oaaoatt. of tha UBItad Btataa. Tbait ct aad Mra. Artyna Oarrity p n H ^ Wlnaam ta tbarn twa Oroaa atraot, bM aanoma^ Uta U m detefDtis ttlw> rtippDrttd Tba two oountr afftdafe aatd inta parade waa nolay but paaea- rabbad. marafora careful^ agy m an moasy from going to aoutbioat af Nap Yatli, ai tor toa chUdtan. Ragular ^ Q raflaa 1 toroogji 4 at 1:90 to wttkdrs%Nl «f dM TUC t t tm tiM ^inaUPM SUl’MNKi least la tba vlaw a t smbm blglily at Um orgM and piayad "Oh. 'toga art bald m Um aacond Wad- I aalaatod to oomptto athool aiBalona a d w d ^ , tbair rappita alao would aorar the ful. NO violence ooeurrad until hung hla coat from a hlni ■tagtond." Promtaa Ms." Md tha tradtuonal am Um start. MOttary school and tba Boutb Straat aebool 9:10 win hava a rsaaaa and ^yal- CbmrauBtat • domlMlad World tha vetarana groupa bad dlaband- piacad iMUdM and WaHUngten footi^Uia 'on a utlBty peia. wara avacnatod two daya a«B and naaday of aaeh raonto. Tba Um all-day Stato program at eal adneatlon period. Oradao 9 IN €UMMIR.lDO^ t aaaond autbraak of violanaa laat oHIHali. Bueb M altarnattva ImMU nutfclL atom Boptombor 10. About 9 3. savanUi gradarq bagtiinlM Padaratlon o^ Trada Vataaa aad •oadajr. ad. and tba eoneart-goara began n ia t did not aavs it. Whan tba an mmtaty paraorawl raaoBod to nieeUng of Uw ia43-90 amwon win Wadnaaday, Baptombar T, to M (oL torougb 9 wffl hava tba aalna | then voted down a raaoIttUaa ax- G fT-i leaving the g r o n ^ couM lead U divlalea a t tba world taborar raturnad ba found that Baoectod to tba altar aad g l ^ bAMDa ho a p^luck Buppar oo aponaerad ao paaa of 10 barred rock pul- jtod 9:10 to I'AO. Tba aonaaita wara apanaorart by wag Brltiab. RaaHM ai Nursery School la awiTiaga by bar brotbtr, MU- lato a ^ of Um Boara-Roabuck lows: Tba Brat ban at 9:49 a. m. praaaing ragrat at .arltodrawal MOO/ Poopto’a Artlata, me., (or tba baa^ ooat a paar and bta tobacco fa tia to Up aSAflfl V'Mt By Um PTA, tha Board of Eduea- PoundaUoa project warn auctlonad win ba (or ebUdrea’a antranoa In­ At 3:49 aU claaaas wm ami ai from Um WFTO, ' nartsM trading ayatana. Sm totd Mama, tba bride ama attlivd tora aad toa two town MoUwrta to tha buUdtng. in bad waatbar, pupUa wm ba dtamtaaad. a it a( the Harlam ehaptar af tba govarnmant laadara bara'iaar it, IB a wblto aatla with hl|^ Norton m M Um onocMono Oaa of Uw paaa araa owned . Tba congraaa beard e promtaa CWl MfbU coiraaa. Tba oon- Maybo aomo Waadarlag Is Opened Today turhaaeo bad baoB Rpiaraag aroond Chiba. Tha data U Saptonbor 14 at by Oana Whaplai of Stotra, tha hoWavar, pupUs win ba Immadtato- PupUi of Um graduatliig e k of support ta Brttata'a oeooomle Claims Reds would alao raoult la a paUUcal aackBaa outUnod ta aaad paarts. It ' toa naw aebool aad Uw auppn' aiffl ly admUtod tato Uw buSdlag upw wm se t M uabara to tba paranto fraaa ia an tba Juatica dapart- Wimo know a mlracla whan ba WM aU-faaWetwd is doalgn and a calm araa aktandlng v g a r ^ oUwr by Lsonard and Donald Rld- and pupils of Um Incoanlng flrat dlfflculUea (ram Harry C. Ratos, apUt la tba wast. lM Cantor Ifursary ------mors tbM 39,000 ta A . Winds ba sarvad.at a;30 p. m. The maat- aon of Tollaad. AucUon prooooda arrlvaL At $ M a. m. there win a vice preaideat of too AmorlcM nattfa anbvoratva Bat. Lose Ground aow it aaad paarta edged Uw bamllaa. Har Ing win otao atrva aa a rscepUen ba a ailaBoa baU and a ooiwulta- gn da am Uw oparang day. m Maw TaHi. tba QvU HlghU nod today at Cantor Cbomb vail waa gagar-Up length Fianch have boaa Mewtng from varytag wara tumad evar to Uw Oounty Covanirr Cardan-Club wm fur- FaderaUbn at Labor. __Ma. Final arrangsmaata wan lUualon and aba carried a bcuquat diracUona at teas tbM 10 mllao par tor PrMh Q. Avtry, naw adnlsia- 4-H Pond for purebaatag of mom tkm with toaebara. Opantag of , Bates, head of too Brtcklayan' eonnaaa aaid It would BMi a maaa hour at tha 39,000-foot laval, tritb trgtlva principal and toa toadhlai Mrds by ttta Baara-Roaboek Ptoun- aebool ban wlU ba at a a. m. ntah floral. nrrangemanU In aB nmitlnf bi a (aw daya ta protaat (CaaMnoai (toaa Page Om I Reds Forecast more, will ba IntaualBad paettau- mada laat night at a nwoUng af{ c wWto dahlias. The maid of Iwn- Oradss 1 tbrottgb 4 wlU have a ctaaarooms and oAcaa In beUi ualon.'aald. “Pranhly. to taaort to Um panato ban ta tba FadanUea no (om to start n rolling ta any Maff Uwrs and Uw South Btroat datlon prejaet Uw higbllght ra a Mt of AuMrtcM'ataag, wa Ska tba raababin dUordaca, and would tariy In eonnactlca with tha dt-. or, Mtaa Franeaa Q. Prink, waa racUon. aebool wbara tbo aovaaUi grade Saturday aftomoon waa a aebad- racaaa and p im ical adneaUan pa­ sehoota as a walooma to tbs puptta TIES! aand a daMgation at UOOO to Al­ aoma 130 mllaa northwaat of ]u- / Pound Change valopmant at t ^ aconomlo oiisls." ttMHH of tbA g r n n i la orchid net Md aatln rted from a:80 to 10:10 a. m and taaebtag atoff Uwra. your guts.” > ■ Cheng. tS ^ CSUfocd Bimpaoa, obalrmM with flttod bodleo and niRtod skirt- A hl^^ praaaliro bank has Mock­ will ba taught PoUowlng tha sup- ulad program for a dram ravuo bany to aan on OoTonor Doway. Tha trade uMou orgaa. Tknd. at Uw omnmlttoa. annoanaad tM t ed any westward movamant, Nor­ par tooro will ba a brief Candamnattan at Bundajra vto- Other raporta aald the Rada aooffod at Uw Idas that WaU atraat ■ha aron a matching hat and car- ton exptalnad, and pradletod tkat wara building dafanaa works on the Om > than ta roeia for a (aw m en dill- rtad a bouquet of ruat cokwad dah­ matUnf and 'a paaal. iWaruaiUin m laiMa alao waa rotead totay by iO aut la sariouHy boUUrad about Brittab draa tai Uw aebool bocaaaa of last- whan Uw big atom bagtna to Arthur J. Aronaao. Naw York northani aide of tha mountains on aoolaltam botag aM M ar to aoo- lias. Mias Btaanor Wlggara of afhool noalUi. Mr. Md Mrs. VMoa tba Kwangtung-Klangsl border. davalua not only tbo pound atari- mlnuto ebangaa. move. It wUl M aithar aaStarard or urge aU paranto to Join far a auc- atata aoBBinandar at tba Jawtah nomle racovary. A Mart taBi ea tba alms aad Hartford aad Mra. LocHta Rowatt nortbaastward, away from Bawnu- Mat paaa, through which tha high­ tag, but alao otbor CurapoM aua- Trud aaaortod that it ta etear I bridesmaids. Mtaa Wlggara oaaaful program. Ammal dnas am War VataroM. way from Kanhaton to Kukong program of tbh aebool was glvaa da and Um asalnland. flfty canto por.BMmbor. TTwrt arlll CUSTOMED STYLED Ra aald tba “ahaanaful PaakakUl randaa." WaU atraat undaratonds that Brit & Mra. Alfrad gchlmmal. Uw ___ draaiid la graan net with Tha hurrleana ta tha fourth of Hota^ wara "aaeompanlod by anti- run% waa being (oatiflad, these ra­ Aaaarta V. R. Baauriag Hawi ala "doaa not avoa amatl of real matching hat mo carriad a bo>i- ba a uMinbarahip booth at Uw porta aaUL taacbor. Har iaaaiatoat Mrs. John tha aaaaon Md waa flrat rtportod flrat maottag or dnas may ba SMt '^(oflLs on SaaHtle. MU-Nagro aptthata.” and iBvostia claUnad tba U. A.' la aoclaliam." UeHagh, was totroduead Md m quat of mixed floarara and Mra. from M area north of Puarto Rico , V v l’ •• ' »> l" In ghanai provlnoa both aldea making this attampt "in ordar ta Trud said this la only a bargain­ Rowatt WM draiaad In m Identi­ to Um eo-praridanto and a eard ■ . u *. • ^ J addod; wara aald to bo throwing ram- opportunity glvdi for Uw panato Sunday. To Your Individual Order ‘'AntlAamiUca, higotad and un- enaura Itaalf'a (raa bMd in an tha ing point aot up by Um Araarieans, aad toaoban to baeorna aogualnU cally Btytad gown of Muo net with will ba mallad to aaeh subsertbar. v' 1 ‘ Amarlean alamanta took full ad- foreamanta Into a batUa neat Harahantasd oouatrtaa.” "a club to bast Uw Brltiah with." a beuquot M mixad floarara. Tha Laak Ptm OWmal Dtoa Othar eHloara of too group tha co- Fangl^an, 40 mllaa eouthwaat at aotbar af Uw brldagroom waa MSttbaw Uttoll; aaeratary, Jaaaas vantaga at anti-Ooeamanlat bya- tha lamgbai railroad town ot U m aditortal aald tbdt in addi­ After Uw maaUag nfraabawnto • SO CHOICES IN TABLES! tion. tba aatahUabinHit a t tbs oon- w an aarvad ki Uw K tadaigai^ flrnaid in a bhia and gray dran Stontford, Bapt 7—(AH-WllUain T. Laidlow; traaaurar, Mtaa Kpth- Pnochlf vartibiltty of tbo pound Into dol- room wbora Uw Ntaraary aBbool Is arKh gray aooaaaorlas and aron a ,D. Wandla. 9L credit manager of ariaa msrdta; racordteg aaeratary, •200 CHOICES IN CHAIRS! Dl^utchaa said tha fata of lata Mould aUavlM tbo tranafor Judgment Given baiag bold. Mra. V vM Andan g g nag a of yHlow roaaa. tba Stamford divtaion af tba Vato MfS Ruth Oahrlng. Mra. John J. aouUiafB Bhanat hinged ort tba of Amarlean dlvldands rscalvad ta aadMra. Harry MaMawat mam- Chootor Olbrtaa araa boat man A TVwna manufaeturlng aorapany, Cummtah la program chalmiM for battla. A NaUotiallBt loaa thara toa ymr. wauM iaava Bsachwan provlnoa local eurraney from tba axpleltd- On Small Claims ban at Uw eemmtttoo. w an Uw and David Rawkaa and Danny died auddanly at bta bom mto. Announeing Tfm R^op^ning Uon a t American plants. hMtnMMa Daneesfa aetad as nahara. Wondto. who Jotnod Tata A Towns Uaatlnga of CUoux Cbaptor, n iie open to attack. Chungkmg, Theadieol ta baing apeaadiad Tha mald-^f-honer and bridea- daalgnatsd aa tha next provlaional "Also to tba point" lavabtia Two caaaa heard ta Small Claims oq Jm . is. m s. aa M aaHatoatta O.BJL. wUl ba raaumad Wadnaa- ON SEPTEM BER It OF capital If Canton faHa to tho contlnuad. “ta tha fact that In the for Uw aaoond year by tha Mot^ maids rscalvad allvar rrnaan from Um Aeeeunttng dapartaMo^ ba- day fiollowing tha aummar racaaa, Back to School court 'yaatarday fmind fumM bulKBag whan voton . . . solid color or leather-grained Duran fabrics in 6 Convenient gorgooua Nylo-Ptaeco. Never be­ smart new colors, or countless combinations. You HDitr—pn s Y sn o w c fo 'wMl ba mada. fore hM there been a more .per­ Budget Terns A RapubUaSn Caucus of ragls- .9 5 fect sweater fabric. Pretty new can even have chair backs personalized with your nMi «itr - M iarad Republican votara of tha calora, matching ocean paari initial. n r a t Voting District to nomlnSta buttona. OWF • WMTEIiS • DURYD candMatoa (or tha town atacUon on ^Oetobar 3 win bo hold Thuraday CLENWOOD RANGES - . Only at a p. m. In tha auditorium of u too Nathan Hale Community Con- Favorite” Pullover at Kfith^s in M anchester afe3t n£io — PLUS —— . tor In South Coventry. \y' A Republican Oaueua of ngla- New alastlo-aetlon neckband, "B mbIml Jangle Boy" 'torad RapubHcM votara of tba allm ribbing at waist, ribbon le- Baaond VoUna. Dtatrlct to nomin- taforoed shoulder seams. Won­ U r t T I M t ato eandldatoa for the town alee, derful'new Nylo-FIaeCe . . . of $ 7 - 9 5 tkm on October S will be bald dry-ovenilght flyton and luxuri­ Tbnraday at 8 p. m. ta tbe ous worsted wool. Oorgeous combination mmit of tba Saroiid Congregation oolon, to match catfligan. ... • al e b tn ^ In North Cevatitry. Oantrat Pomona Orug( Yoke-back coat that givei ' 'Mb. 9 win have an all-day msatlag ’ ‘ Wadnaaday with Btafford Orange you a slim, young look. R a n g e Tba saaalon beginning at 10:80 a m. win ba.followad with a dinner a t iwon. 'After t h a t ^ e Lactur- Glenwood oil-gas combination m iiregrram under .Uw direction ranges are heating wizards S Mrs. WaHar 8. Haven,H Pomona Lfcturar. arm ba orasantod. Tha and a cooking treat. Has gas or oil top cooking, oven bakes Ssa. “gsaa •larv’t DaafMar" tpana wiB ba "A floutharnar Vlaits Vlas "Jaacli FalMl" New Engtand.” Mra. Haven who with either or both. Sleekly attandad the Naw ltaf)and Lac- and modemly styled. A value! tunr'a Conferanca In Kingston, R. • L, e few wasks ago, wm give raport on tola saaalon. G L E N W O O D Batwaon 400 and 900 persona vU- ttod tha aevanUi annual Tolland I Combination Ranges County 4-H Pair Friday, flrat day FREE MOVIES . , of the two-day event, at the from $249.95 - Church Communito House and grounds In Nortb Oovsntry. This 8 O'CLOCK TONIGHT ‘ Is tha flrst year that tha fair hns bean held ban.' Etatrles of ng O LD ST O V E loin the throngs that have been - dallies, Ihclpdtng WTTC helfera. i , heads of boat and between 80-< n .l I . 3 i ' r/K^l'> Any ROUND-UP".... kttending t h w free novies Bt Mc- 00 aheap and lambs, made it the!' Y«p, pardner . . . we’ll give you a R ay^ They Make for a delightful, targeat number of anlmabi evi r . . ,S1 cct.rlc, rootin', tootin' trade-in allowanca fnexpenaive evening for the whole ariubltod In tba aaven yaars the ■T), '’o r b 1 m l io n on that old range toward a fair has baan bald. Soma £39 Olenwood. Come In . . family. - awsMto, ratiging from flrat place down won given to too outstand-1 tag antrlaa of Uw more Ui m ,-700| axnibfta. The antlra baaament of Second I INLAID LINOLEUM McRAY’S CongragaUonal church was turned over to vagatabla and floarar ax- DeUdoue Hot Dogs. Hemburga and RcfraahaMati hlMta. Downstairs In tha Church I Cemented to your Floor • » ■ ___ * Casamunlty Houm tha agricultural I Thii LmVw, aftarAai le eovy eeal, Mi* and bomamaktag booUw, oaanlng, Ihamoryo/km WkItmananfiaaaiuMp. sawing handicraft Md other ax-1 Mbits ara on display. Animals, farm ntachtaary and equipment 15 eq. >4*- '« fheip FoXmart of C. Pox A Com­ maximum . $ 44.95 pany, and ,two trucks of Company I 1 B, of Itrakvtlta. alao wara] NORTH HAVEN FAIR I- difptayed on the grounds. Pood Wonderful virgin wool qoat'that on fsle at a booth In Um Church M are Md wean! Handsomely cut Custom Instaiiatioii by ROUTi! 6 Community House wm fdrntahadj with easy-going arpilMtea that alip Our Own Expert Leyerl and aarvad b y Oouato d-H inam-'^ on comfortably over autto. lined . ban and tbair famUma. Itosord with loraly eturdy Sktaiwr rayon S E P T . 8 , 9 , 1 0 , 1 1 books wan on dtaplay upataln ta aatln . . . fuUy pipad. laskta glora It's not uncommon (or (olka to On the Dean's list or office memo our COR­ toa Oommunlto Honao. poekeL toaa-on straps, bellowa wlUtagty wait weeks . . . Just Tharaday—Horsed Haidt Parade a t S tars—E zh iU ta— AttamUng F rid a y Md ptannlMl hem. CapUvtag PaU oolon. Btaea eo "Oharlte" can lay thair to- DUROY au|t with striking white stitch trim D aiidng. to bo prasantt Baturday,Saturday,“ rday, wwara U | T t o I t . laid linoleum. Cbarito w Our eampui tterm east hai genuina mauton High, requlslfh for correct campus wear is K , TollMd Count reel Job, the best ta toaae parts heads tha list! Cla|v3rly half-belted jacket Friday—Oz Drawtag—Vaudarllla—Firawarka. aub Agent; Mira Bblrlay M. Walk, . . . beeq doing It for yean aad aelUr and Upala plus a mouton-trim hoed all a pinwals corduroy jumper, aeaUopad for Aaatatont County Club Agent; Al-1 y-e-a-r-a. Ha's factoty tralaad. with a flourishing flare . . . Plus a slim fly Satarday—Horaa D raw ia^D anda#—VaadavUla. bart Cray, present Windham Ooun-1 $ 1 2 . 9 5 far jll-00. Warmly interUnad with Timmie smartness. CHURCHILL tailored it in fall Club Agant and Tolland front akirt. Youra in grey, camel or hemlock. Sunday—Home Show—Trick Rifling—Sharpehootll^ OMinty 4-H Club Agant to ba tn| colora in aiies 10 to 18. For added taste com­ Ckiod draaa for good tlmoa. It'a 'OMTs t taflu Tuft pile! Cimvenetted gabardine in natural Fireworks. savaral waaka urban Mr. Bafton Sites 9 to 16. goes oh nabatUcal laara; Warranl tha droraed up toUorod rayon aad green. SIm b lO -ll. bine it with a wool jeraey blouse from our Food— Amuaemanta—E zhibita—Rides—rFoB. SebmIdL .Aaatatont Stato 4-R Ctob I (aUls. Jaehat u an artful adap­ tation of a man’s dinner Jaokat, r>*adar Md^ racraatlon apeetaUstl M A N C H E S T E n paw coUactioa. Nsay Othar fpdeW Attraatioaa el tba Unlvarelty of OmnocUeut, dbubla btaastod with Miawt • y W OF Mi tapols- Podtas la tuekod U|m a la ether clubtlaailtra, U. a t C. profaa- lapoh jiOAIlllOS* Adm. TOe (Taz Ind.) — Children Fiat w P«M m *•« Mra and otKan. I fuh droM 4 ahlrt. Stara fl to IB. OLAMUVB Towns front. wM rii axMMta wara I mtartd Inchidad Bolton, WUltaf-[ ton. Somaravnia, Stafford, An- eP 111' itiv r.AIN OPi"OSIU HICH s ' -i.iJL -■|) 4«ivaL flomora, Vernon, Mqnaflald. ■ • ■■■ -t 1 ■ .< ti.V t .* . '* Hahran, Tallwd and Oarantqr.l .tawMpi. S, (> f '1

lu ix ism m ivEifiNG msKALD. M AKem rm . oomi« We d n e s d a y , Se p t e m b e r t. i94t PAQB " t r m MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEBTEE. CONN, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1949 •dm

an tha fuS panalttad tUaa at S a clip oC Piftat bollata aad with luh returned home aa peUca began a. m. to 1 1 > ra PRESC3tlP n O flS j •U mt *aU a in hla poch«U — arriving on the acene. After a Manchester Children Troop Interest Seen The looal groMU t M ta iaaluda i||^ Raises tteuh wallMd cplmly out onto (lurry of gunflre, taro tear gae all but four atoraa, haa aakad that R irw toad. bemtai were hurled into the aecond tha houra bo diet f ed unUorm- W llk Sirfety*]- floor bedroom where be waa In Stdre Plea THE NANCY RAE SHOP' »y- mg. One failed to oaploda. - Back to Schools Todhy Tim atark tragedy began un- It IB rapertad that the ahmiga other brought him outalde. ____ oodd not affect d « g ataraa. Wm a . Arthur S ^ r e s fbkhng. The firat acene waa laid An examination, of the room In the ahoemaker ahop of John MancheBter*a aeheol chUdreafi liocal Group Asks Di­ have apadal Sqaor aata regulation, 13 K ille d Pfoduced what Detective M araM I or graoery atoraa aaOlBg bear. Tha P. PUarcblk. 27. at, 8202 River Tliompaoa dmcrlbed aa an "araenal broke out with new elothea, ahia-i Mr: Bailey ectphaalaed that tha rectors to Shorten Its read, PUarehlk waa alaln aa be lag Bhoea and gleandag, bright- longer perlodb win not eUmlnata latter group geaerally ‘glaaaa of areapona"—guna, knlvaa, more eaiher than ^ new paokaga d an •) atood alone In the atore. yrOow pancila to "celebrate" the homework for the atndentA but than 7M buUete and buUet m aklu Business Day propoaal, which would Ilka a thne The grim Unruh moyed onto a EQUlpmut. Ill tht of Um openlag of atfluxU today. Hardly a that they win prwldo aa. o p ^ t iM ata t tka t lM Ih tiM barber ahop at 2204 River road. atraet waa without at leant' one tualty for luperviaefl atufly. B t»- a d Mtwoea 6 Bad’S p. m. PR1 PTIONS bulldlag waa A target range and tai A petition a t the Maachaatef A t the preaent thne the aackaga ^ in m Oet U, 1M«. to There a half doaen children were a draarer arere aeveral maikaman- group of ehUdraa makUig the m y denta idn probably b f abla to ? Jtaly, 1*48; ■ « waa giaaa TbaM v of OparkURU niodal Oark Hoover, 28, cut the hair of up by buaea. of their teachara. , 'Ing a raduetlon m tha JMura tha aald to have a vdoatarv. agwih On a table a Bible araa openrd meat under w hh* they d o a o d 6 imd th« V lm nr modal ^ addlUoa ate-year-old Orrla Smith, aitting to Chapter 24 of the Ooepel »x- Fhre apeeial aafety poUcemen The .number of preparatlona atoraa could remain open for buat- ■k. Uw Ooa* Ooaduct nudal. are again on duty with tha local neeeaaary win alab bo cut down in p. m. with the exceptloo of thura- ^ D e u v e r e d * on a hobby horoA c o r d ^ to B t Matthew, which naaa here, waa laat night put over day and Saturday. The four non- tTarairMa aoror boapitallaod by BuUeU from the Laiger ended PoUce Department to guard moet caaea by the lower frequea(y ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEA\BER 10th reada hi part: ta October, action pending further Ak oeauwaad ’ tha AraqrNb far aa the VA foeorda aaaocUtlon atoraa are undwratiyd the Uvea of Hoover and Orrla aa "And ye ahaU bear of arara and agahwt aeddenta at tha varloua of claae meetlnga and the Incroaa- mvaatIgaUon by the Board of D l- to remain open to 11 every nint, jhowod. Ho did not hava a diaobU- the youngater’a mother aat near­ rumora of war: gee that ye be not achoola. ed period, length, aald the prlnel- PINE ^ fltjr rathir with tbo VA nor hi^ ha rectora The petition. In which aa now permitted under the data by, too horrified to move. titwbldd: For aU theae thlnga One of the beat "flrat daya" la pal. tew. - }a*or rocolTod treatment by tha VA Back outalde again, Unruh muat come to paaa but the end la yeara waa reported by High School Mr. Bailey aUted that variatloaa tha aaaodatloa voluntarily aakad PHARMACY |hi a rUalc or hoapltal. • t a p o 11 e d Inaurance Saleaman not yet" Principal Kdnm M. Ball^. Mr. of thla ayatem are uaed eueeiaa that the buabieee day be ebart- M4 Ctstdr (Mrsdl I, 1 Naifhbora aald he frequently Jamee J. Hutton, 48, Weatmont, Bailey aald that the number of fuUy In Norwalk and aome other ened to leaa than the houra per­ waa aeen'readlnc a Bible aa ha N. J., and mowred him down. atudenta reporting today almoet OoiuMCtlcut dtlea. mitted by a U U tew. haa arouaed Tfli 1-9914 ••-nx ALL WOOL walked down tha atraet mtareat here. It la explained that A waah rack boy In a local The next atop waa the drug equala the pra-enroUment flgurea, garage tblla of flndng quartan WALLETS Unruh — aa otherwiao calm, To Discontinue moat package'atora ownera con­ atore of Maurice Cohen. Finding an unuaual altuation at tha High under upholatery whlcb, la the atudlooe typo thought by auny of no one In the atore, Unruh went achooL The number of atudenta un­ duct UMdr buaineaa wltheuf much ! Hospital Notes aame period ted year, yleldea only . J SWEATERS |hU nelghbora to hare bean a dlvin- Outdoor Movies dark hire and cannot afford to to the aecond floor. Ooben'a wife, able to attend flrat day claaapa be- dbnaa. ~ Detroit Newa. * Read Herald Advs-* flty atudent—waa el^arged with Roae. 88, fled into a cloaet but CAuae of illaeaa waa alao low, ha e m i ^ hdp to keep Uietr atoraa murder before ha waa t^ e n to the PatteaU Today ...... - I f * Regularly l.OO two bulleU found their mark with the end of tbe.aummer va­ added. 6 9 * = * jboapltal. Hla formal arraignment through the door. A third ahot A new arrangement of claaa Admitted yeatarday: Harry |.79 w ill depend on the paychiatrlaU' cation and the doMng of the pub- Fowler, 108 Autuma atreot; ’ Mra. pierced her head. Uc playgrounda, the MancheMer parloda In the High achool la de- Sfmnlatad alHgator grain In plaetic. A Iraport. Ooben aald. algned to free the claaaaa from Marian pravencher, Rockville; Son Eacapee Unhurt Improvement Aaaociatlan haa de­ Mra. Louiae Darling, 284 Keeney wallet pnrec to convenient for bills, coins, 1 Eiifarta Ooailct Cohen and hla 12-year-old aon, mterference of other doairable Formerly 2.98 to 4.98 i The tragedy brought conflicting cided not to run any more weekly atraet; Carl Lunden, 76 Cottage photogniphs, stampa, licannen. Rgd, green, Charlea were fired at aa they moving picture' ahoara at Robert- achool acUvitlea, aald Mr. Bailey. atraet; Joaeph Oouln, 83 Ednrand tiaporta of eaactly what happened. climbed out onto a rear ahed roof. In the paat. apeclal actlvltlea each black, brown. Slip-on sueaters in all wool In long or -Cohen —hi uaruh told him tha aon Park. Four ahoara arere held atraet; Mra. Margaret LaFUmme, Cbhen fell to the ground mortally during the aummer before they aa aaaembliea and aafety progriuna 17 Cumberland atraet; Richard • PhM Tex short sleeve models. Round nr turtle jalaylnga wrere part of a “pre-con- wounded but hla aon eacaped un­ were at^ped becauae nf the polio frequently cut into regular daaa. leolTcd plan." OUver, 146 Blaaell atraet; Albed necks. Sices 34 to 40. hurt. epidemic that hit team. perloda. forcing them to be ahort- Blmpooa, 72 School atreet; Mra. I In a atatement made to author- A third victim waa claimed in a Theae areekly ahoara proved to ened by aeveral nUnutaa. . Jltlee, Unruh gave hla own ver- Anna BmNh. 228 Green road. fttmt bedroom wbata Unruh came be a huge aucceaa arith the North The new program retaliw the AdnUtted today: George WlUard, ialon! on Coben'a'mother, Mra. Minnie End children. Very large croarda eaven-period eyetem but extenda 206 Henry etreet; Elton NevUle. A amouldering reaenUnent of Cohen, 68, aa ahe tried to telephone attended each movie, and there the length of each claaa from 40 hla nelghbora becauae of “remarka 182 Deepvrood drive; Joaeph Lu­ poUce. (Another veralon aald the arere many adulta numbered m at mlnutea to 55 mmutea, aald Mr. cia. 74 Drive B. Silver Lane about my diaracter” grew In in- boy eacaped when hla grandmother tendance each week.' Although the Bailey. Inatead of a particular tanalty through the laat two Homea. hid him In a cloaet.) ' venture did not prove to be a prof­ claaa meeting ,three out of three Dtaoharged yeatarday: M ra Vivi­ yeara. In the next few mlnutea, other itable one, the Aaooclatlon did daya for 40 mlrmtea, the perloda an Hanaen. South Coventry; M ra Monday evening, Unruh left hla bulleta killed two-year-old Thomaa provide entertainment for the RAYON CREPE GOWNS are rotated ao tha eleeeea meet op Dorothy Pollnaky and eon. 288 mother with whom be lived at Hamilton, Mra. Helen Zegrlno, 28, children. Right now the Improvera two out of three daya for 55 mm­ gS03 River road and Went to Phil­ Highland etreet; Marion Roaimoa, Alvin M. Day, Jr., 24, televlaion are pointing to the annual Chil utea. '■ Talcottvllle. adelphia to attend a movie. He aervlce man ahot aa he drove by; dren'a Chrlatmaa party. The claaaea are divided Into Diachargad today: Robert A. aat through a double feature "two and Mra. Iknma Matlack, 60, and Johnaon. 22 Campfleld » a d : or three tlmaa,” eventually re­ three daya, deaignated aa M-H-8 her daughter, Mra. Helen WUaon, gnat Naggefl daya. The flrat period of M day Stuart Baraw, 84 Perklno atraet; turning to Oamden ad>out 2 a. alaln aa they waited In their car la permanently aet aalde for aa- Charlea Taylor, 117 Cooper atraet (e. a t ) . for a traffic light with John WU- The aggreaelve wife of i I >.. V Teeterday morning, Unruh ate aon. meek Uttla man waa hauling T - r a hearty brwabfaat of cereal, bac­ Thoae wounded. In addition to her huaband over the coala for Regularly 2.98 to 5.98 on and egga — prepared by hla the WUaon boy, wore Mra. Made­ having made a fool of himaelf ntother, Mra. Rita Unm h.'dt, be­ line Harrie apd her aon, Armand, when eome frienda caUed. Re fore Mie left for a vlalt with 16, ahot In their home, and Charlea aat la dejected alienee. frienda. Peteraon, atruck by a bullet aa be “And don’t alt there," A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF RAYON GOWNS IN A VARIF.TY OF Then — carrylag the M caU- emerged from a aaloon. ahonted, “making fiita at me “ CHIC” “MODELLE” “ REGAL** !T Id^er automatle loaded arith Hla ammunition exhauatad. Un- la your pocketa either." STYLES. TAILORED OR LACE TRIM. PUFF SLEEVES OR OFF Par .Mra Shad Far the Avatoga ' Far the ta n .1 o I ■ -■ Staaa 8 to t'4 Mem 8|i to 18H Steaefl^ la tl SHOULDER MODELS. SOLID COLORS OR PRINTS. SIZES .12 TO 46. SOME COTTON AND RAYON JERSEY.



ta many prograantra aoetal perylea tMHI amaag an 1M . Heart Association pi ugraina, both public and prlvata. Ha Btrcaaed tha nerd for promtotag vvnc—1< should banaSt Immanaaly through ptning ooCaga gmduataA baU man tha tratatng offered at tM SchpoL Md .. ju-aA to mgulra taU thto aa- * . • Radio ppens New Office and that tM ahottaca ot tritaad cupattenal a i u A aoctol wet kora ta our Inatttutkma John J. Cronta. Dean of tM W B A t - m SebooL announced that rMtotnUM You, pnfy ]fou can im k beer MANCHESTER and our community aarvtca pro- B m E e r Haw MaraA Sapt 7 - (P i- ?>> for tba trat asmastar win M MM epantag a( tha aUta baadqim i^ grama ahouM M affaetad 0 ^ tM 1\- Mtba Oabnaetieut Haart awniSS SUool groara In anroUtoant, TM on Priday, Saplatohar SS, at tba tton at H WatbarallaMI aranuA Sawol of Social Work to a maa- aaw leaatkni -an Aayhita AWRua Hartfard, waa annetmaad ban t ^ bar ef tM Amarteaa Aaoeetotlon of H to Sebeol win bafta e t o ^ and WOKS->Har«lar« CMeCa Aaaa- Seboola ot Social Wark. tM sa- dtaieal SaU wnrk an MMday, -‘IV ' O f f * day by Dr. Arthur J. Qaigar el thto is Saptambar Id. CHnhtol ptoeamaaia fraMdwit 9t tba aaaootottan. eraditing body for thto SalA Sk WTHT—tu n III tM IfISht At U t aaxM ttbia Dr. Oaigar an- Dr, Jorianaaa aiao ataM that In aMiMad SMlal , WMAT—Maito tm m «anr« haa baan an tha nattanat aUtt af S I tar TItoa. tM Aaaariean Rad Oreaa for tM w n c —AreMa AMnwa- . paat tS yaaiA Ho aoUMUbod tM WTHT—Sta4 Ptor Orehartn. GaA^JlylaArlsilitoliyf Ant ^ H .Rad Cboas aUto ralatloM afftea at yantaSf-abaipeie ht On# taanSto/U Hartford In IMT. . CMk. WHAT—Newt; Sparta. ||iSM 1901 OMMrfUM / WfUT->CkMt«r. 01* Cttrtou* TM Stota Haart aaaoetouon to Home-Needs S a ie ' Prices^om Cut! t i U - dlMCtty affUtotad with tM Amar> OMMt. WONt—Naart. lean Heart aaaoctotSn and haa M Ito alnw tM broadW dtoaamlaaUon w n O ^ T e m t WMdtr 9nw». WDRC—Oraduetor'a Shaweaat. of pubHc and profoaatonal know -.'I t 4 WHAT—Ttny T it T o M . WHAT-MeanUfht MaUnaa. ladaa of rarioua typaa af haart dl ' . ;■> f. i4A>- WOTtS—Hartford CMafa Aaaa- aaaSA to atlmulato raaaarcb In tM WDfcC—W1ju»r Tik« AIL ball Oama. eauaaa and traataaant ef heart W*AT~etery WTHT—Halala and hto Band, dtoaaaa and to ancouraga commu- WKK*>K«w«; RHttMt lUtl- w n c —Haary Marfan Show. ntt.* aanriea programa for eardtoc I.Waadt Soar Oei rid ef «wm ky ewy nM« PSS— auMarara. appUeafion of S iM k WKD A V-- -1 WTHT—OUlli|i«« *r tM Tuk- WTHT—It to nm a far Muale. ••• w n c —Mr. DIatriet Attorney. A.' H hmod laorad waad* nra m p r^lM . won*--3!M 6r«k*. WDRC—Atop Croiby. University Buys waR SM, apply TURF WlOW ® 10 » a pta V w no^W kM A Otrl lUrrtM. lOtOS— 1,000 tRuora - y • WCOC—Anior Otoe Jwikty*. WTHT—Lawranoe Walk Mm*. Hartford Estajte w n c —Alf Story. A. Sow Jad ltl lown Sood ot 2 to 3 pound* f i l » - WDRC—Daaea Orchaatra WOftO^tH* OM Itoeord Rliap. Hartford. Sapt. M-Or. Albert N. por 1,000 i^aro toot. \ yj. ■'.r WMAT-^MMt tlto And. WON8—Parry Coma. JorganaaA praaldant of the Unl- ISlSS- 4 . Cut town rofulariy. H cMppingt WOOO*M«Mto ItoedA varslty of Connecticut, anneunead ora haoyy, catch or roko up cHpptot* New ernOeble to REG. 77.95 M-W OIL HEATER NOW WnO-Aortto VMM UfA WONS—Ntwa today Utot.tM Board of Truataaa Oaf top canal V>lXr‘ WDRO-Cap(UI aoak Roam. of tM 'Unlranlty haa purehaaad to proronl amodtorins young #«M. ttm— WTHT—On Trial, \ CUT-PRICED FOR THIS SALEI WOOC — Newr. Mf Ai«tltoi w n c —Curtain Tima. tha KItSald oaUta at IStO Aaylum , Itoop town moM to hsi-* -"-y .4- lUL Avenua Hartford, as a home for Mi*gem5l!*to^and toodUng ttow*. WTHt—JAek Afnutroaf. WONS—Conaart Notabaak. iU School of Bocldl Work. Tka Golden Dfy i .--I;."* * Oe Temw; 10% Down, # O N t —Oimmpieii — w«ia*r School haa baan tompararily locat- HwC* aS■ . . . aaw wOb laaMa Mmw Owe WHAT—Tima, PlacA Shaw. fd In a atnu of rooms at the Hart­ It ■■am Mlwaaa |S and 8* aw UiPS— tiq.ASalsblaapSyt'^a 69“ WnC~Awt nala Mn. Nawa on all atatlana ford Publio High school on a werwia• 0 040 J d— monthly laaaa arrangement with $ tU - Achral loberatory tests showed Ihoi M-W surpottod 4 W tH tO -O a t Mu m t u 4 Mar- tM Hartford Board of BduuUon. BEER REO. 11.9S 'A-HP MOTORI tlto TUtaa. **WCRC—World TonlpbL Dr. Jorganaan said that tha School, other popular heaters . . . ptving 72 6% more heoT for WTHT—Joe HaaaL which opened In 194« In Hartford, AM IIN I CHAlM lOi AM WHAT—Sparta. WHAT—Moonlight Mtttnaa. Beg. S4JS NOW eoch goltor o/*fo*/ used' M-Ws new unit comfortably Here's a big Vj-HP motor of the usuol price WONS—OOrtap Bndlajr. haa o u ttu rn thaaa quartara. Ahigh4ofhion mohogecy VMMf tvr* . m y ^ mm WT>0—Srent Aafa ram tl. WONS—Bop Shaw, Ha pointed'out that tho School heats 4 to 5 room*. Suih.in draft regulator. Save now! of a '/4 -HP mooell S.mooth.operating light- 10*? w n c —Nawa, of Social Work to tM only gradu­ The'F. T. Blish Hordwora Co. lyturo qufomolic .^onq £ S 5 to 4 Room Model, Reg. 87.95, new cut to 74.SS duty mod#!. single shaft ester.di I';“. ate profeasional achool of Ito kind aa«aHHi*anw*aaai mi oimI roSio pricM Ito* Ihon mo*!- q, W 660—Spwta. WONS—Dance Oreh.; N a ^ - 708 MAIN STREET I ua mm* 0/..«8'A Toke advonlog* of this low sole pric* todoyl w m r — Weather Rotlhdup; In Connecticut. Ha alao aald that t o ^ eembinatloflil (g. in iIT -lAtO taeraa: Muate at r r i r i —T «*—-•-**** WPWA—tSS.1 MC. WAtAT—Kawa. emtoo—SW SS.T MO ATflO-Jfaara. WTHT—PM ISS.1 MO WKNA—Mawa; Sparta; Waath' I <-Sama aa WTHT. S i l W ' S:SO—S a T a n e Oammall: i WDAC — laek SafUtk. Sparta Weather. f:«S—Concaat Hour. W n o -P M 4SJi 9SS MC. Strtnartt WDRC—PM a« the air Ip . m.- Groafer iibwer per Hr ily Sparta: Waath lltSS ^ aa. Same aa WDRC. J | u S:18—Sporto Ntwaraal. •h Album. S:4S-a«0 Chib. lower cost per load S:SO AaaabaH Oama WNHO-TT V i W TM T-^ «B tha air Sp.na.-n ^ — Waa. Sm T m WTHT. V-JC'V w n c —PM au Am air 5:U A aa.< F’ ImC -I* < I Mat Haur. 1 A n t ._____ w n o - f AbSu Sam# aa w n c . k .WDAO-C S:80—Eaay D a« It. 3 S. ctoor.tonol • Excellonf /ucepiionl Alr- fresh foods; special troy for meat. 24 MmNu h fer a l.t eu. ft. Reg. tlf.05 . . .3*4.U 10% Dowa WCWp^Aaulab S:5S—Waatbamum. Nbwy ir.88 t4 Month* to Fuy WlOfA—Ckyatal Aallraam Ra> T:00—Kukla, T n n and Ollla. plotto diol, gold eolorod grillol T:S0—Vlncant l/opaa WONS^fSatan Lawla, Jr. 7:45—Manhattan Spotll^t. WTHT— Den Oardlner; Head 8:00—^Arthur Oodfray Uaa BdlUan. 9:00—Program Ptayhoiiae. WHAT—Syuiphaay Hall. 0:30—Sparta Film. Wno-Ught-Up Tima. •:86— Boxing. T:1S— WONS—TtSo-TatL . . - m y - WTIO—Warn. M WTHT—Do Tau lUmambarf fcvrs.-;. WDRC—Jack Smith Show. INSJJRE ’Vv .'It ■ V- lilA - WKNA-Rural Haur. MeKINNBY RRfU’HKRS WOWS—Gthriai Haatttr. Bm I Belate Moa laowM i WTH T—Lioiia lUagar. 505 Main St. Tel. SOM WOOO—Nawi; Slfii oft Seranada REG. 129.50 FAST-HEATING STEEL w n C — Talk by Oavarnar FURNACE SPECIALLY CUT-PRICED I N o S ; ; ' ^ .V w n c —Paul Waaton and Oreh. S> / • WDRC—Spin ta Win. 1 2 2 5 0 1i«S- FREE I * WDRC—Adward R. Murrow. On lerme; 10%. Down, WOKS—Intida ot tporU SofartM Monthly lOiiiKh WTTC—Han't to Vatarana. Delivery Service ' Be raody for winfar.:. save now on a fop-quo!ity fur- Our free delivery nocal Rugged boiler-plate steell Easy to firai large eervice in available SMART AIRCADM NOW IN 3 COLORSI l o w radiator gats mqfa heat from fuel! Sholar handle at PRICED :— Sl'PER HOI HE PAINT to you for all yoar Extro-compoct yot ho* flno, door tonol waist;h*ightl Smoke-tight seams! Firebrick lining! .Save moncj-, Ume. wcuk! "Super" Uisls for | 9 Telsvision needs at any tima AC/OC Ul approved for safolyl Easy- I I j u S and for any quan­ • Ask about Wards Expert tostollation Service today yeai»! Self-cltanuig. it looku betlur lopRcr. “ m : JL&wtst price* in C o n n . tuning (llde-rule dial Buy on* for I w / Vc t tity. Junt call PINE Choice red, h'ree-flov.inp. it h e»ey to apply. For any • . . j. Any Stake or modol for PHARMACTV and ^ n. * ov.ry room at this low priCal white or blue arnfare. colorf. e single f w ' : nis r ■'■‘ri *' "i ' Trs Dosign trucks todoyl , , , -.i*’ ;VC'v>'. h 'V'- !/• .;.sW • Footurfng VAlVIJt44tlAP WOhliS-OmMar poww>er gallen, lower ceil 1%iL- -^ Savings — -.IL' per htod o OlAFHtAOM SF2INO aUTCM-SmooHi'enpOoement o‘ SYNaMO* / * ‘A ,0wr new Optional Saving Phui has proven very popu- ADVANCI-DESIGN MiSH TRANSMISSIONS—Qukk, tmoeMi thlfllng o MYfOtO RIAR A1W —6 "'V hta as shown by the Rumber of new aeeounta openod. /CHEVROLET times tlronow Hion'*pliM b l^ type O OOUilAARTICUlATH) IRAKIS-Cenf mCi-'- Om dellBr opens an secount r TRUCKS i ploto driver eenirel o WIOS-SASI ArMBBJ-toereeieA Mre niileMto O AOVANCI- RIO . 7 f .f l M.W O A f RANOITTI CUTI ' RIO. Tf.fS M*W WAMIR MDUCiM RIO. 44.91 M-W TANK OlANIR CUTI REO. 39.fi UNCH m o d el DRHA PRISt ^ AO iadlvidus] Bccounta insured to 65,000. V OISiON STYUMO—WHh the ei* Ibef “•reMbee" 0 RAUpTYPI STiRRA40-ak*lw , Ideal for Mitoll apartmentti Only 30* ^ ^ 8 8 Fast non-tangling washing action New M-W model] Powerful suction ro- . Compare at dollars morel Rugged 14V1" Cnrreat dividend rate 8 percent per annum. ^ Jight-duty model with Vi " qbuck copoci- O C V # - hunditoi o UNtT-OISiON lOOlSS-rreelilon ^ wide, yet ho* 4 (eH'Ughting burners, ' cleanses thoroughly, yet gentle o n ' ______moves dirt from rugs and upholstery. \ 0 j r Slop |s tee fuB infommtioB. insulated oven with heat control ond lobrics. lovell wringer; 4-lb. cop- u«s Weidi CenwirfeM 7 populor cleoniog^ tools Included. tfii Weiy, rinurVmf ly. Df ills to center of I4V4 " cIVcl*. 8*8' q ji q # * usHbroiler. Hurry to Mvel Seie** MeaiMr S With automatic drain pump . 71.16 aieewy Peyedar fUn. To8-^titrol switch. See t|)* new M-WI Pey eet PM costriroo table; bronze beorings. Par ynnr eonveaienee our offict is opes Thursday PRinmiB BY MOn USIRS IMAE TW NUf IWO. MAKIS C0MI|lin)!t «v«b1%b s a ta S P. M. > MANCHiSTER SAVINGS dnd CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc. USE WARDS CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN CASH-IN ON THESE EXTRA REDUCTION £ A»KKIATION, Inc. ' ' 3 U MAIN ST.-MANCHESTER fW seuNvmim ph o n e s-issa A. e-m, yte-woto^v' ■ p y 1 ■■'■•'Z


at paak with suppUas heavy and ot paak. Voluma la haavy thto jtown of aoutt Wlndoor. bo«laalac ahlra, Richard HUl: Mriatrin. Vo-Ag, antrtes, Walter Thorp, grand chnmpisn and rwirvs d v i* UMt ooly svvtvniiMnt < markot quoUtiono ot or nqor tbs week aith fruit sUe and quaUty Thorp, Jrn reoervo grand eham- Robert Vtoney, Robert Ttarp; in Oetobor. State Crops g6ot and matkot activity slew to registered Junior yoartag. Jorooy, Walter Thorjj^ WUbam’ Orcutt, William Oroutt, Robert 'Thorp. grn nd champion rospocUvely. bdag m b«p^«H , Mcnrlti • Deatli Takes Pootol oondltlono oro very un- ooaooo‘0 low point. pioB, and William Orcutt. Stock entered by Robert Vtoney w n c calf awards went to Rob­ Bggplont to otoo in fairly haavy fair. C o v e b b 7 Ann Oates and. Winthnm Msr- O w ge Kingsbury: Hototeia, Rob- two placea. 11m tnm with the Tho NRW ofipertunlty. aettofhctory ot prooint. “nnwiopoo art Vtoney; Regtotemd calf, Ayr- high^ record, William Orcutt; and Richard Hill wem nwardsd ert Tborp and Robert Vtoney. ROAD B r r a U i pto rocotoo nioU throngh pttttl- G e t M o istia re supply kritk tho peak near at band. LHtto rlam, Jr, worn ohoasa as TsUaad FROVCN *TlM nUMla of tho rood U R e p o r t e r cabbage to Incroaolnt so bar- Thay Oa County repreoentaOvso to Um 111 flcoo ot aouth Wlndoor, Coot wo Ex. -W1 MERCURY Dta vesting of tbs late acroago pro- Eastern BUtoa Bxporitioa la sr< did tor ^ WliMtoor Hill ond Woppln( ond, why ItrJ ). 4. Boot Hartford. R .r ^ . casdo. Some of this to ratood on Another BlHlngfiekL ' tiM ton. Thty deUb«mUJy mto- Supply Generally Suf­ baavtar solto as a cash crop by fosoionol poUtician goto more Actual axpanditums aa of Aug- In the dairy cattls, shownjan- DELIVERED IN prMMt tlM control poolUon Berlin Woman Con­ Brood Brook. ItT.t). Worobouoo tlM. pooplo do to boeouso ho hi u i f 81 by Um aebool bulktag com- Point two fUr.D. routoe from ficient for Immediate dairyman. Tho quoUty of tbfflato ritlp awards went to William Or- o nmtrol, rnitbr-^mahy oao. Tot fined to Her Home Roemrino ond o o oUr roUU from crop baa abown Imprevommt over what ha wanta. — Baa mittoa on Um now school prajoot cult, Robert Vtoney, Robert « 2 1 1 9 MANCHESTER to Um truly croottoo oroo In Bucktond. * Needa Seen oarltor proqpocte. Chfiwlfliti at Cross stroot on rsoord st tbs Thorp. Walter Tborp; bast fitted, For Two Yenrt Tito eauUflower mevsmint to Walter niorp, Robert Vtoney and SEPTEMBER IS ortitoli wo moy oMvIb ocrooBMOt Town Offios building in South Only I78JM ktonthly. Your Present Car May Ught but laeroaalag. A few taua- See Helen Rose. Regtotemd c high Phone t-4904 Hals com m unity Canter in South Noverthcleaa. oho became weU boys waUtaf by tho [ s r ^ Tho awoot com supply to down quaUty McIntosh crop to luidor WATKINS Oovontry to aso what action tba CURTAINS REMNANT SALE Bmry anolyais of cor poat his­ POUOA* iSir S55S* d5 pSi *m4 acquainted with poUoe, town offi­ Tsktn homo by ■ba^Iy with market prlcoe higher. way In principal eomroorclal sroao. Open Evonkifs TtU 7 town wwMa to taka in axtendlng 48 inchea wide each aide. 81 inches long. tory provoo thot It hm boon by youngsters said they bad walkad rralt to eolorlat and stoing woU W ith m nuuo o r cials and other*news sources. She Oonorally Ught voluoM to Okpoctod IN MANCHESTER tba voting hour at tba coming a rr* "* * aoimt &,rougb tha Mohegan park wmdo ond to gonoroUy cicon. town olecUon Monday, October 5, AsbcstiM o u co L o T w a a thto ndddto rood, raachod by a I “impUcitly trusted by them.” during the couroe o f thehr wmr-“ unUl tho ond of tho asaoen. ThBrB. and PrL Tm 9 Standard Gangn tomporlng of our AuMiicon radl' The Oourant sold. I Tha green popper nuyvomont to The Blborte pooch mevemont to to 5 p. m. This maatlng waa ra- »2.95 Top In^ And Up RUFFLED ORGANDY tm cals and by a yMdtng, dthor will­ Surviving Mias Mahon archer qussted by an application of twen­ Murents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. ty inbabitents qusliflad to vote at Caetom Mallei' Goarantecd INLAID ing or farood. on tho port of our (S-hM, and torn brothora, Arthur a town msoting. To Fit Yoar Table CURTAINS tosiooi railroo, that we have boon ifeh«n of Wallingford and Bruce co-chairman of the Nathan Hsia LINOLEUM able to grow and function in aofe- Mahan of this town. Community center aat-back party P h on e 7 6 9 1 Today W ith pkot edge. 41 inches wide each aide. 81 ty md vitality, n la, wo ouppoao, tonight will ba Mrs. Herman F. No extm charge to have onr Inchcfl hmg. L s D ^ and Mias Annis Wsllwood. saIrMnsn eonm to yonr ben most unsnphlsrifotod to aoy that Battsr Oovemmant club mseting ■ o Saaa A MMdla Way what has werkad tor us in the Bolton schsdulad for ’Thuraday night, BapL NEW PATTERNS IN * It ahould work for no in tho 5 win ba caacallad because of tha HALL LINOLEUM CO. D lo e a a o la f Mr. Horboot uro. Thot to, wv ouppoao, Osrta Mahr intoBa Republican caucuses that night. ORGANDY lUL 3 2 O A K S T . TEL. 2-4022 Boom ’s birthday opooeh tho oth­ nalvo way to talk about the groat Mrs. Chsrisa H. Evans, sacreUry, PINEHURST er day. wo oboorvod thot far him aita the club meeting will ba held and oompUcotod problems of our The Homo Bcqnonilea commit­ at aome futum data. COTTAGE SETS thoro osanwd no ndddto way bo time. Btin. wo think It tAith, and tee of Bolton Orange wtU servo o It's'new...It's charming and lovely Board of BBucation has given THURSDAY An colora. nndB tho "rugged Indlvtduoltom' truth which will kaop on work boked ham ouppar at tha Fair on Frank O. Avery, admlnlatraUve eg thl ‘Xmorloaa post and the Ing, If Amoricons hold to their Saturday, Boptembor 10. Itto oup- principal at the new achool at BULLETIN PAIR -n ilM ii otato" which «>r lofttot . the new achool at Croat street, CAPE COD RUFFLED n sanso and their own par, t o p i^ off with bomo-mado panntotion to Introduce whatever Bay year Canning Faachss liAll 00 our future. Wo natural mlddto way inatlnet, apple or oquaoh pto, wlU bo oorvod It's here at Watkins sports he deema naceassry for ele­ Id Tomatoes at whatever farm IRGANDY CURTAINS $ 1.98 I g m it 00 our own opinion thaf In the dining room ot tbs Commu­ mentary ecbool children. The board sron wliih—but come to Fine- NEW Complete Line of "Be Wise - they keep tho mlddto araa of our hnrat for Jars. BatL Ideal. Each side 35 inches wide. this notion could not go hot tlonal Ufa aUvo and vital and nity HaU botwean tbs boura of of aalectman have been requested 8:S0 and 7:30 p. m. to flx the bridge at Wright’s mill Deme TPepe. Jar Babbers, Vlno- Bearings fltot It amot find o middle way. strong. gmr. Jelly Otosses. etc. Economize" Mro. Joseph Mack, ebalrmaa of bsfom It to ussd by the school PLASTIC DRAPES Bearing Maina and Rods How another groat and die- the committee, announcoa a vari­ buassa. A clinic against smallpox We are featuring Quart With Valanea Buy and Ride On ttngnloti-il Amorlcon, Oonorol ed of needlework Items, mode by to being planned by Miss Margaret Connecting Rods Dwight Btoonhooror, hoo mod One Dntv H* Doenn’t Keep the group during tbs past H. Danehy, RN. achool nursa, se- Ball Gfaun Top Jars at 89c montba, wlU ba on oala aU day at eontag to tbs board of education. dozen. Clutches togaiflcoat opooeh dollborotoly Praaidont Truman tads time the Fair. Tha artletaa to ba sold 1.59 pair Time and place will be announced. Floor Mats RECAPS dodiaotod to tho middio way. Hto for thto and for that. Re hope half will Include dolls, nooslttoo. sprons, The Down Homers will be at oMriaa to tho AaBorlean Bor Ao- way acrooB or or down the bibs, towels, hendksrchtofs. noe- Fine Lake Shores clubhouse to­ PINEHURST Front End Parts 600 X 16 oodotton on Ubor Day woo por- country oo though It were dlobooks, been bags. night. A dan^ toaturuig pld-fhsbionrd Mr. and Mrs. C. L. litU e and Fuel Pumps liow As hapo of future poBtlcol oignlfi' moriUng torit. But there bos been, and modem daneoo, wlU bo bold MEAT PAPER DRAPES I turn, for it rorootod him taking of EARLY American Carpets family of Mason street spent the Pram on Filters tor some months now, one en during tha evening hours on Fair holiday week end in New Britain With Valance an Idaalogleal stand which may bo gagomant ho can’t And time to Day. A relfle of at toast 85 worth­ SUGGESTIONS while items wiU bo conducted dur­ and at CUnton. SPECIAL SALE Gaskets $5o45 tho rofUgo ot many Amerlcono keep. Ha can’t aeom to tad Special awards presented Cov­ Small Link ing the dance under the super­ pair Ignition Parts alak ot our bottle of axtromoa. time, or IncUnntlon, to come up to vision of Mrs. Keeney Hutdhlnson. entry 4-H’rs during the Triland SA U SA G E ...... lb. 5 9 d 59c-79c On Your Own Casing ■nt, logardtoaa of thot poroonol Mrs. Hutchinson has reminded all County 4-H Fair Friday and Sat­ New York and lay tho comer urday at tha Church Community Phiehnnt Famom M ufflers One Day Scnrlca n woo. wo think, those who hove promtoed items for QUILTED NYLON HOSIERY stone for tho now official home of EVERYONE loves friendly, liveable Pro­ Honos and grounds at North Cov­ LAMB PATTIES . lb. 49d Tail Pipes vary dooo to oaring the raffle to contact her as soon as (Choice Irregulars) Satisfaction Guaranteed tho Unttad Naticaa. possible. She would otoo like vincial. Whether it's maple, pine or cherry entry indodrf Um toUowing: New 0 for Autorleo. Xtogtand Homestead award to Lean Cut, Genuine Spring Exhaust Pipes or your money back. Ho bad CM oagagoment to do Qrongera to moke returns on the . . . New England, Pennsylvania Dutch or Sheer— .'ll Gauge Extra Sheer— 51 Gauge s m l Ttaanlmirar began by aele of Ucktte at the Grange meet- [ Ann Oates to-ths CIotMng claaa; LAMB STEW ....Ib . 35d MATTRESS PADS this, bade on April 10. Then, French! That’s why James Lee produced Richard HIB,'datay. Robert Vto- 30 Denier 15 Denier Perfect Circle Rings forth what ho called throe mg^an Friday night, Boptember 9 Firestone Tires that date approached, he can- I TTiere will be no-meeting of the these four quaint designs and Watkina is pre­ sMy waa p >|tai5a5 F wateh M Rib ar SbaoMer Raybestos Brake Lining Miptoo of Anaori ceUed all ongagemento, which, 40 Thimble-pushers 4-H club th'e | senting them for the first time thfe week. from ColuirtMfat Frsalaa Hol­ LAMB CHOPS .. .lb. 79d Twin $2*49 Full $2-98 oan Ufa: it baa worirad out, meant that be smek due to the session of the , stein Aasosihtlah; a pletum to 87c pair 9 9 c pair M Spgrk Plugs, Champion Wholetaie and ReUdl The^re colorful, very reasonably priced, and Walter L. Thorp, Jr., Robert Vis- The beat value In Straw *i1rot, thot iadtrtdnal froodom Board of Admission of Electors on canceUed aU ongagemento for the Soturdsy. Mrs. AUco Use, Isadet ! so RIGHT decoratively. Woven fnm yams Bey’s entry waa adjudged Um berry Jam la offered this Sent Covers is our iaast predoos peoaoooion R toying of the United Notiona cor­ made from 100fi> in\ported carpet wools . . . grand ehampton; W alter L. Get Our Pricet of the 4-H group, to nemocrat'i; week at Pinehurst in Full IN OUR DOWNSTAIRS DEPARTMENT’ is to bo gnotdod as tho chiof nerstone. He boo done Just about Registrsr of Votem end will b- in beautiful crochet, applique, maple-leaf and Ponad Jars. Shnrflne Pure Join O ur Shock Absorbers Machine Shop Work horttago of our pooplo, tho wall- everything otoo ainoo that time. busy in that copecity this Satur­ patchwork designs in hooked and needlepoint Legal Notieea Strawberry Jam . .Jar S9e Starters and Generators Quick Service ayotng of our apirltual and mo> United Nations offlclala ore day and again on September 1'. effects. Every one is a real inspiration to the uqooB raann St. Mary^s Blanket SATIN BACK CREPES when the Board will again nuai:< NOTfCB o r a r r u c a n o R Fresh lAipment will to' yard $ | * 5 9 s bartal griainiao, and tho control stiU trying to get him to set a voters. The next meeting of the charming, informal home, atmosphere that elude Swordfish and Had­ All New Fan Shades tor got of an anamiao • • • internal date. But they ooem unable to Thimble-puahera, therefore, win America loves. Hurrj’ down to Watkins to­ ThU to to sivo aoUoo that I. FRAinc dock Fillet*. Club Now Before It and ontomal • • • who sook to get any raoponaa from him. take place at Mra. Lee’s home on I morrow. See the collection in one of our Main MANTELU. of Kooto 4 BoUoa. bavo waahm or destroy tho American Saturday, September 24. I Street windows . . . and in special Rug De­ Sloe.' an appUeatloa 4ataS Auxuat 31.' O oees Mayba, unlaaa they can find a Mrs. Myron Lee of Hebron rood ' IPM, with tba UqtMr Control (^anmla- partment settings. ' alon (or a a aetouranl Panel: (or tba new approach, through Ooneral ■pent Labor Day week-end in New i aala ot alcobsUe liquor on tbo promtoer CAMPBELL •Booand. that on our froodoms Vaughan,, or Johnny Maragon, York city where she was the gueat' aouto S. Bolton. $ 1 .0 0 Down • • • •OOMnlCi of her daughter, Mlaa Allison Let . | Tbo bualnaea to eornod br Prank THE TEXTILE STORE they ought to give up the i^e Mrs. Lee attended worship aer\‘ - Ifantolll of neoto 4 Boltoe, anS John A. L. SLOCOMB, Prop. poUtlGal - • • ftoodona to buy, to anyway. After all, the only time ices at St. Bartholomew's Eptaco- J. Hullln. ot IS Wlinam Btroot. Man- $1.00 Weekly AUTO SUPPLY 913 MAIN STREET NEAR THE BANK wotjuto biro, to bargain, to ooro, lYooidtoit Truman utters pleosont pel church on Park avenue on Sun- choator, and will ba conduetat) by \ Prank ManUlU ot Routo A Boltoa, aa 29 BIS8ELL STREET MANCHESTER to rota, to worship, to gather In Uttlo otntencea about the United day morning where her daugbtei | parraitton ___' mtom / a r Join In mutual sings in the choir. Thuy particu­ t rnAinc m am tbxxl 4848234853482323232348485323532353232323234823484823482353232353535353532389532348532323235348485323532353232348482323232323 Nations to on thooe occasions larly enjoyed hearing John GXOJIGI WASHINGTON Bated Aosuri 8t, IMA All tiMM frfrtofn i wbiB bo to proposing some poUcy Charles Thomas in person os he am n ainglo bundto. Bach is an which cute tho heart out of the broadcast on the "Telephone' STEPT Indlaponaobla port of a daglo Hour" Mopday night United Nations. After ail, hto par- HMMM whoto Dastruottan of any Inovlt- tidpation hi such a ceremony oUy toads to the daotructloa of would bo only a suparfleial bypxR- rmr. Bo why not accord him hto Wapping ‘ThBA that freedom to com- proper ototuo as tha champion polo rtgcmuoly among ouraolvoa, originator of poUdea which ignore Horry Burger, president of the I aeeempaalod by a rooilinooB to oo- and betray the prindplea of the bowling leeguo, baa celled a meet- [ oparoto wboltoaortadly ter tho United Nations, and let the cor­ Ing of the captains of 16 teems I porllnimanca o f community and nerstone bo told by indlvlduala for Wednesday at 8 p. m. to dis­ naticnal fUncUcaa, togothar make cuss plans and schedules tot this j who roally beUeve in building up year. our nalam tbs moot productlvo the United Nations? on earth. Registrars of Votem and the I aelectmen will be at tha Town '• *Thaaa throa prlndplaa oxprosi Hell to. make toters oa the foUow- tha comaw toltb of loyal Anwrf: Barbed Economy ing dates: Staurday, Bopt 10 from There's a lovely Countryside eaaa - • • the ohlnlng giUde that. 0 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Wednesday, How those members of Nr tha vast majority, polnto el- Qjn- Sept. 14 from 6 to P p. m. and grese who are alwajrs tor econ­ Saturday, Sept 17 from 0 k m. to ways tha straight path to Amort- Carpet for every size puree omy in the abstract but seldom 6 p. 10. ;ea’o future. In tho industrUllMd Mrx UlUan Koc4nilk of Avery for it in the particular, have been I oonnoniy of the twentieth century, street who has been a patient at wounded by Defeasd' Secretary A— PATCHWORK . . . An old fashioned log cabin effect in 5 Colors In .that path Uoa down tho middle of the Manchester Memorial heap 1 1 6 Colors In Means Everyth ing for mom than a wash returned to ' Axminster weave. Soft greens, rust/-rose and beige with tho read between tho unfettered Johnson's recomnieiidation that the armed services stop providing her home Friday. ' ^ | touches of Ught blue, gold and black. Only $64.50 for 9 x IB power of concentrated wealth on Roy Blanchard. 11 yeeni old eon size; $5.50 a square yard in special sizes. CM flank, and the unbridled pow­ Congressmen with free plane of Mr. end Mrs. Robert Btoncbard | When you^re shopping you want to get good er of rtattom or partisan intereats transportation for their Junkets of Ellington rbed is gt the Rock­ Any sane department head ought ville hospital in a critical condi-| Corduroy Sport Coats GABARDINE PANTS on tho otbar. Our agroement in B—MAPLE LEAF . . . Old maple leaf pattern in Axminater values — biiit you don't want to hove to choose to know better than to practice tlpn after bring injured Friday af- - those throe groat fundamentato temoon when his bicycle collided weave. Rich old rede and olive-green leavee on beige panels; provides the ootting within which economy on the very source of his with an auto at TaloottvUla. lattice-work in reds, beige, tans and browns. $79.75 for 9 x lit from one or two of o kind — YOU WANT appropriations. He ought to Thursday night, Bopt 6, tha Re-1 size ; special sizes $6.98 a eq. yd. can always bo composed any 'nin. Brown, Gray, Green acuta dUtoranoo. . know that oertaln territory publican Town committee will meet] Maroon, Gray, Green, SELECTION - AND REGAL GIVES YOU JUST sacred. at tha Town HaU to nama oandl- Tan, Brown and Navy. aad Skipper Blue. (Treaae-re- T W us today, thoao prladplas dates for tba tosm aleetloa Oct 3. New, smart 4-patch pock- THAT. siataat. Sixes 24-48. Two tail- otiQ dietate progroao down the Secretary Johnson to right, and The caucus wUI ba brid at tba I C— APPLIQUE . . . An intricate floral and fern design on ^et style. Sixes 34-46. A t a ora in attendance. Free Al- oontar, avm though tharc the we am for him. But we ere for Town Hell Mmday, Bopt U at 8 1 cocoa-brown background; pattern in olivS-green, met, gold, p. m. beige and blue. Axminster weave. $109.50 for 9 x 12 sIm ; new low price! temtionn—No Waiting. 'iMBtoot 1* hottest, the progroao Juakete. too. We think it to good Tbam WlU ba a maatlng ot the I epeeial sizes, $8.96 a sq. yd. * fbr the members of Ooagrese to fo r Biggest Selection in Men's 6.98 ^"Btoilwoo dtoeouraglngly slow. 14.95 Flm Dapartment tonlgbt at • at‘| The WghtoMd. tbs defaoted, tbs about tba worid, and to go the Flm Nmipo. eewgrd and tha knave run to tbs through tba motions of looking et Ward has been raorivad bom I Wear Regal Is Always Your Best ..flmkR atrqggtag out of tho bat- problems first hand, and we think from the Washington offlee of U. that the govenunent ought S. Representative A. A. RUBeoff .ftla under tho eovor o f stogana, that plana am under way to aet Bet! ' M ao tormnlae ond ip fia lo to bear the expenee of such travel up an R.F.D. route to servo the | 10 Colors In pnoiden • - - a walcooM ffght to tor them. Obvioualy, few o f them SOMETHING NEW! m start onomy. Whan tho etnter COB eftord it tor themqelves. Ptooemaol. dtobitogration They ought to have tbelr own only stops Junket fund, so that the tax­ 75M Jnw 'yersofy For Tall Men and Short Men omof, in a battle of onus or of payers could openly end honestly Gabardine Sport Shirts foUticnl phUooppblao. Tho claar- pay the coat of their travels. JD—CROCHET High-and-low R E ^ / I L iJlCMod and tha courageous,, for- Tliey ought not - • - and here to looped needlepoint Wilton weave: rose \ Aonataly, hoop flghting to tho Beautiful whom Somtary Johnsoa to so and; green floral design on champagnechamj; We Now Carry Panb In Stodk For puddle of tho war. They are da- very right • • - perpotuete either Laag-alaova gahardina mort MEN'S SHOPS ''Crochet"to ground. $159.00 for 9 x 12;1; $12.95 B 907 MAIN STREET WELDON BLDG. NmllMd UM wa shall not to thamselveo or to the pubUe tke B<). yd. for epeoial eisea. ahirts that are waahablo. Tan* n o r t h ie n d Blue, Green, Gray, Maroon, oltlisr to tm ub' Mea that their Junkets coot the : Needlepoint ''F o r m a l w e a r f o r h i r e * ot voatod ta taxpayers aothlng merely because PH AW M A C V Brown, Pink, Lavender, Egg- ,4 ff Ortaugh ow they are chgrged to this country’s sheD aiid Maize. hBFBNftARiJi Br.iivice \ »i • We*re Complet^y AirCondiRohed SHORTS and LONGS defense budget instead of to Cop- 4 Depot Bq, TpL B848 3.95 pqUia wefthm, greee’ own budget. n ty WMe Deilverr W & t f e * . , ■ ■■) r M ANCHW m KVKNINO HBRALO. MANCHESTER. OONN« WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER'Y, 1949 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. IIANCHBim * CONN., writers aad prastBaat of. tha Oon- "Of tlM 66 to 86 durtag tha aight-dayh t ^ M- . « 'Ll! Osalht Las$ Nigh! SS SSSL“ SSTSL'TS oourt Academy, a soeM s af laad- Haalth Nurring AaaoetoUen. 3 Girls Save wonhls MorTlM, o u MtlMr with Cases of Polio riod just andad, while ■anom aa 2 3 ing Frandi Utorary figoili Rockville _ ^ c a r i n g •vi aatfl ehll«nn and many othar cases In Brassed from .ft to „ K LMiidon—Walter Wlddop, 6A one Aldarmaa Jamaa Deharty wlU to ehlUraa to ItaUa to tba paator'a Drop in State syphlUa caam from IB to 17. Qa^ of Britaln'6 beat kaoara ofiikUa tba Damocratle candMato far firat Lifeof Qiild ;y of Stock ‘thttdran'a Talk. man mmatm from 6 to A and aey- of "rsaUsUo" tenors. aalactman of Uw town af Vamon -Tha TOIand County Jan aanrlca let tovar caam from 6 to A Bris­ o u Court Starts arltb John Laban of Vamon aa aan- ■ ‘ I* . I at t y. Ba. waa oooductod by Rar. Hartford. Sapt 7—PollomyaUto tol recorded the onto M dldato for aaeond aalactman. John 14*Ye«r-01d Dives In* t. T — (*» — C. Moa. eases daoUnad within OonaacUent inantngoieoecad naanlnglUa within Moran, eh airman ef tba toT riato^ weak. It w aa^ September 19 cratto Tuam Oonunlttoa, waa to tmm cniiiiiimni The Toung Paopla'a aervlca waa during tha alght-day period drat cam reported within Cem to Pool When Body to Tlmndajr lli Is the Church parton at 7:80 p. m. anded Accormng to the weakly aaaelon Tuaaday nl|pit to racalve summary of.' raportabla *• - - nacticut alnoa tha weak mdiag tba namaa of Uioaa daalring to to Seen on Bottom • ptoWoa «< flw OaiV i^tay made plana for the eoming August A montha. puMlahed by thaaBtata I Department Tolland Oranty Tri*. eandtdatoa. B u g m Dkik, Ootoiwny to ^of Health, there warea 06 poBo aaoratary of ^ locaJ 'ItotUo ■tratford. Sapt. 7—(P>—A throe- at paatorrad Raymond Smith with hla wrack- banal Lists Ita Short Workara Union, wttl to tho can«- cases for the eight-day‘a y period , and; yaar-oM Stratfard yeungator to­ With a oalna oT |80 par sr kaapa busy on tha WUbur Croaa tng September 0, In contrast to 70 Teacher Survives data for tax coUoctor, with Dr. Highways atralghtaadng out tan- eaaaa for tha aavaa days andlag Calendar Soeeioni John B. flabartv and Jota Kramw day owed hta Ufa to Oh qulak ac- to tha paUtfon glaa. August 66. Caaao a are raeordad aa candidataa fcr tba Doato of Uens af thraa glfla. at ttM haailat yatoaa^ from every part of tha atata with Train Hitting Car RoekvOto, Oapt 7—(apaetal)— ■dneaUon. Aa tbara waa only om to same unaxMalnad mf**"** atoto of eandidatoa praaantod. It Lined Coats! tha aacap&m of MIddlaaaa Ooun anaapaiV aoya it uaa tlM JuSgy Joba C tltogaraM baa ao' Oarald quM M iM /iionur Mr. and ty. nounead Otot abort aalaiidar aaa win not to nacaaaary SISSi a prt- Mra. Dane Quhrleonl. feO Into the MW aMB^ io oamptato Ita aen Justice Rutlcfige Cases of broncho pneumonia also Bristol, Bapt. 7—(B>—A N«w mary. Any vaeanitoa on the ttohat Tork, New Haven and Hartford alona of tka ToOfiad Oaaaty Court fivu fodt deep awhnadi^ poet at atrdetleB ptogtaai alraady nndar liaclined during tha naat waalt win to filMd later. Lensbraek path Recovers Slightly from 14 to 6, mumps from.l4 to 6 raltroad pamangar train dragi of Oomaaon Ptoaa win • ba Miu.Oaargar.SmNh eaaaa, lobar pnaummila from 14 to sn automobUa 64 fast bare, but tha atorttaf Monday, Saptombar 16, at Mra. Avto (Banton) Smith, artfa ^% a uneonadnua body was 7 cases, and masalas eaaaa from COMPARE WITH COATS AT York, Ma. Bapt 7-< 6V-Juatloa drivar dtntoad out of tha wrack- understand I can have that at extra cost 8 p< m. Tbara wOt ba addlUonal of O aom S. Smith, of B Manta, covered lying doublad up at the 6.to 8. At tha same Uma eaaao aaaainna on Monday, Octobar 10, calif.. Mad tort ‘niuraday night at bottom of the pod Mr tto three Tolland WUey B. RuUadga of tha Silprama of atraptococcal aora throat age uninjured. —how mudiP” 10:80 a. m.; Monday, Oetobar 81, bar boma followingfoUowlnf a tong illnaaa. g l^ Amiatto Breautt, 14, Betty court "contlnnaa to n^ntaln hla dropped from 16 to 8, and those Mlm Anita BportalU, 6Agraar-old o lk s take m look at those bumper* 10:M a. m.; Monday, Novambar Sba waa bom Tolland, tba Moraalto 1*. S»4 Batty LaUoy, 14, Kr. and M n. Quy Banka who allghtly Improved condition," aaya of chlckenpo* fiom 8 to 1. For high aehool teacher, suffered tha SL 10:80 a. m.; Monday, Daeam- daufbtar ef Mr. Mra. D. Han- as they wallM a .brtdga «35 AND M ORE. . . EVERYDAY the third consacutlva weak, there narva-ahuattaring aaparianea 1 Euerd grilles — built aa a unit and sir, the news is good. Plenty good. ry Banton. Shi Sm broth- haaa baan apaadliH aoaaa UnM Dr. Klnwr Tower. F bar 16,10:80 a. m. wbleh apana tbs poaL waa no typhoid fever raportsd y a sta ^ y . proof against **loddng htntis**— and say Jud^ fltogarald win ba avan- are, WUUam 1 If H O ly ^ with M n. Bainar paranta, Itor. Tha 8S-yaar-old Juriat, victim of within tha sUta, while for the fifth ■sf Vaiwiasi BbO araa making a U-turn near Because this honey’s prioed well under abto to try dvU eaaaa at Rockvin* Laatar Banton of Stafford ito flm fully and M n Laonard Btrykar, hara carabral hamortliaga, la "almoat consecutive weak tha atato waa **Hmmml Nioel** from Oetobar 11 to Oetobar 87; Loula Benton of TaleottvIUa. Rii- Tba Braautt gift dhrSd out” of tha coma into which ha withoutItnoui a case ofoi dlphtharia. mpnmwn*. IbO Maple B rntoW oayA your expcctationA It’s e straight-eight ttorford Banton of Monaon, Malna. clothad Into tha water aad brought tatunad to toalr honM In Mont> Whooping cough cases rose from 'aha said, when tha locomoUvs of Novambar 60 to Daeambor L mb- tha boy to tba anrfaoo. Mlaa IN OUR STOCK AT 29.98 Clair, N. J. sank laat Friday, tha phyaiclan They sweep their eyes over tapering that’s priced under a lot of sixes—over Jbet to aaatgnmanta In Windham Naal Benton of RockvlUo. and said. Rudledga has been a patient Mra. Martia Balaka, of M ondto appBad artiSdal raapirs- Mr. and Mra Trad Hamlin hava Oouaty: and Daeambar IS to Oa- Uon aad revived the boy whUe the laft tor Waahlngtoa, D. C, kxrit* at Tork hospital bare 11 days. fenders, with a suggestion of jet power the years your investment will be no oambarlS. AH dvU eaaaa elalmad RockvUla. Burial took ptooa Tuaa­ Dr. Tower alao reported last LaUay girl aommanad poBoo aid. Inc tor a bouaa to loeata for tha in Aeir after contours—and say, “That’s more than for any odier car. for trial win ba aarifnad by tha day at B Monto. PoUoa Sgt Eugeni Sabaaf wintat BBOiitha. night that tha judge U able to talk CiMk'roaea upon laqiiaat of ooun- quoted tha girta aa aaylng thay Ifto. >M Badday goaa to New frequently, has eaten aoUda aad for met” ■tL abort court eaaaa may ba aa- Tha WouMn'a'lo^y of tha had aeon tha boy ptoytag oh tha rin i city Sept Idth and i "only lapaaa occastonally” Into un- So better not stop with looking. Better alfnaA for trial foUoarIng any BapUat diurch arUlhoM a pot tuck brldga whUa tb iy w m atandlng for Hnctond tha SMb from New conaclouanesa. They eye*measure windshields that are Short Calendar aaoapt Sapumbar auppar thla avahlng a t 6 o’eloek at- on a hUI not far aw i^ frolb Sba NEW price it too-delivered at your door. tha bonia of Mlaa Kata Dunn. 84 Torn tor an tndatoiito May. 48% bigger and rear windows with 56% 16. mtotonB pooL M n Mabal Bpioar haa returned OInger Rogera Gets DIvoroe Your Buick dealer will give you the Snlpatc atraat. Leaving tto bm, they atortod fnaa a abort atoy to Want Bprlng- more area—and know without being told figures, even demonstrate. Saturday aftomoon, Saptombar OHy Oaurt to walk aeroaa the brldga and tha field, Maaa., and tha weak end and Los AngOIm, Bapt 7—W>—Tha 10, tba An-Stara of tha RockvUla I*- Kuayk, 60, o f SO Braault ght dtoeovarad lha boy in man who didn't come to dinner no LOWER PRICES diey can sec the road up closer, both fore TwUlsbt BaaabaU Laagua win Church atraaL Naw Britain, tha water. bIWiiaT nt tba boma of Mr. and longer Is the husband of OInger After which you’ll do as others ore doing maat tha WUUmanUo RMgaa, charged wUh operating an antonio- M n ABen Brownley of Sprlnf- R ^ r a . Tha 88-year-old actrem and a ft nara of tha Intra-Oounty Laagua Sto^rithout ^ 1 1 ^ ^ BaM, obtained a divorce yesterday from —ON— —you’ll get a firm order in. of Connecticut, featuring tba Dum- Ridaon. 6L of Marrow road, T d- Richard WUUaaBa ef Waatflald, bar third husband. Actor Jack S o diey eay—“That’s for me—IF! lek brothars, former minor laagua chargad with faltura to grant t*-TT. and aoo of Kalamatoo, Briggs, Jr., 69, who She described ball playara. Thla to a return en­ ona-halfalf of tha highway to anothar AUTO GLASS Mleh., wore alalton la town Mon­ aa ''evaiything Fva ever dreamed “What does it cost me to get this handy* TEN^STRtKBt gagement of tha Rldgaa at Haniy auto, woi each Snto |S In tha day. Mr. WUUama la tha aon of o f' when they married in Pam- Park. Laat Thuraday night the RockvUla City Court on Tuoa- MIRRORS Sole the lata WUUam WUHama, who FIREPIACE EQUIPMENT dena, Calif., January 16, 1948. sized dandy with the roomiest interiors mmtp mmUh lima Rldgaa played at Hann Park, tha day. waa tha.town of ToDand’a popular they aepanted laat July '30. ever found on a Buick SpecialP mU thmmm Fmmimromt ' ganm andtaig In tha' fifth Inning dua htoekanutb la tha htto W a aad Charging cruelty, Mlm Rogera tes­ to darknaaa. Tba gama on Satur- Tbo $600 bond pootad by Neah 70b, later awvlnc to Stafford tified that Briggs didn't coma Come in and let ns show you how rel^Mnahly day, waning will ba the final ball Kennath HUI, S t, af Palmyra, Bprtnga foUawlac tha aama oocu- home to dlnnor — even on their “What do I pay for high-compression, nam cnam Y ma • akm i boom bos i m m o w v • gama of tha ydar. aixth wadding anniversary when truck drivar, waa ordarad for- BUY NOW! SAVE 3.98 patlOB. you enri equip your new home with the finest high-pressure Fireball power from a big OVNAnOWOMVropNemfofMbacMf • Mr-UNSSTYUNO * feltod at yoatorday'a aaaelon of the Many ed tha taara*a people bald rite prepared the meal heraelf. N0N40CMNG BUMMB-OUASO OBSUS • M O H a m - The ladlaa of Vamon era moat­ court when the driver failed to ap- family ratmiofw,aad ndghborhood ing thla afternoon to. diacuaa tha Buick straight-eight engine? SUM mnSAU STIAIONr-BOHr 0KNM - COS SHNNOBM .ar. The driver waa chai^ partlaa durtnc tha anak-and, alao brass or black and brass acccBBories. Mandtaf Kit Thuraday avanlng, with faUura to obtain a public utlU- alaittac out of town fHanda. “What’s die tag on that swell Buick ride, AU ABOUND • lO m M B S im TBfiS ON SAmV-BSM at 7:60 o’clock, tha Tumblabrook tlaa pamUL faUura to display a Mlao O a n Dodca who mm • oBBATn vwmurr bobi and v r • s h m o c t - pubUc, ntUltlaa plato. aa woU aa haaa gnaat of ToPaad rdathraa haa Television with coil springing, extra-wide rims, carrying an ovarwdghL • Warm all-wool covorts and twoods ratumad to bar hoBM la Vannont MO UMOAOa UM • SnADY-mUNO rOBOUATUM seats between the axles and all that? Ing Kit Tbaae maattnga era ar Mr, and M n Banjamin Miller, Loteefif pricea in Conn, omvt • nmm smabt m o o rs wm body by n b c b Lonia Millar aad Richard MUler of ranged by Home DamonstraUon Hartford ware holiday cuaata of Any BUike o r modal for OUR COMPLETE “And w ^ t about Dynaflow Drive— Agent O o ra^. Webb of RockvlUa. • Wind-bucking all-wool zip-linings Mr. aad M n Joaaph Knwehy^ h m money. Be amfirt and M toM ugl____ IfIN-WORMS The lacnlar aaaatlac aC ToUafid aave. Bey from a televiakm Tba Srat oMdal Board uiarttng Ckanra waa bdd at Oraaga hall FALL LINE IS NOW af tha new church year wlU to • Stylos to woor with or without bolts Tbaadar araalnc. Bapt 6th at S expert and have TOUR Yom Or ID A/ okatb vsuoi held t o n ^ t at 7:80 o’clock at the a’doek. Ritual aicbt waa ob- televiaion aet correctly in­ RockvUla Methodiat church. All aanrad aad i^ipUcatlona ware pra- stalled. mambera are aaksd to to praaenL • Rich Wintitr colors. Missos’ sizos aaatad. A good number ware ON DISPLAY Plan To Attend SEE WHAT praaaat attar tha period of raca- Mqmbara of RockvUlo Lodgo af / u | i b E ^ C r a d io a n d wifca ara planstng to attend < tlea Ttom Oraaga aettritlao. W L i i r r 9 TELBVISION Mtov Barnlea A. HaO had aa ra- tawtltutlon of Waatbrook Ledge of DOWN Jusf In time to beat Winter’s cold winds, just In time to bring aaat gnaata, Thelma Iwunabury, 465 Hartford Road Bka on Saturdw, Saptamtor 17. Chaitoa Lonnabury, Jr., C a t^ Thera win to a Mg parade and FENDER AND •95 you Important savings. W ords lower the alreody low price Xiouaabitry, Beiaia Oormaiv and Cor. McKee Street caMWaUan tai honor of tba avant A aa' Lopraata from Seymour, Phone 2-4304 BUSH HARDWARE CO. RoakvUla Lodgo to ptonMng to oond BODY WORK of super-warm zip-lined coats. See their smooth tailoring, fine CMHIa a roproaontaUoa numbor for tha WILL BUY Open Evenings Till 7 Inattntlen. end mambara pton- _ aad M n WnUam Wnardtg MANCHESTER, CONN. nhig to attaaM nro wfad to sign SettsMoesai Flsgt, Ibc. ’M BUICK SEDAN details and flottering new styles, but hurry in today ancj get .a t IfaaMMatar, wrara waak-aad and Than, and Fri. TtD 9 ttow at on tba bm atln board at tea •34 Contcr Strsef . guaato of M n Lafla 8. B ka -Homo. ’40 CHEVROLET SEDAN Rafl. Mlaa Baraloa A. Hall and Mr. ’42 PACKARD SEDAN your coat while this special lasts. a a d M n John H Steele. Tba aeboola^ tba town of Var- Mr. and M n Robert Rawkina, non, both pubUe and parochial, ’41 CHRYSLER SEDAN Mlaa Baaala Baker of Wlnthrop, alartod tbolr aaaalona today fol • it DsBOTO CLUB Ooaa., arara Sunday guaata of Mr. lowing tba aummar vacation, ’46 NASH SEDAN aad M n John Steele, Mn. LeUa ntroctorff Meetlag B. Han and Mlaa Barnlea Ran. A maatlng of the Farm Bureau ’47 KAISER SEDAN Mr. aad M n Pbrlong riyna, We've Gone To Dlractora ta being held thla ave ’40 FORD COACH daughter Jean and aon John, have nlng a t S o’clock at tha Farm Bu raturaad from two weeka' vaca­ raau oOtoo on Park atroet Highest Quality Materlsls tion a t Sooaeonaat, Nlantlo lalaad. Beltot Oorm SEE THESE TODAY at Ih a pubUe aohool opened today CURTAin SHOP Burpaa Woman’a RaUaf Corpa Workoianaliip Gaaraateed alao l^ a n d atudtnta for Rock- I mr» M U arrCM mtu toilM i orUl atari their fall me*tinge thla vUa High aehool atarted tha faU r ' ^ Tww >1 H nm i TArtoc, me n—*«*. *»*«y Un ttr availing at S cfdock a t the O. A. R. Tima Psymsnts Arrangtd BUNNNER'S AIL LENGTHS 829 Main SL, TcL 2-2747 hall, to to Brocaded by a mem- The annual meeting of tha Tol­ bera- PACKARD land library Aaoodatlon arin bo held at tha library rooma on Mon­ To Beoutify Your Windows Tha third aaaelon of the claaa AADlONflnc. 358 East CsRter St. day, BaptomiMr 16, at 8 p. m. M n GORMAN MOTOR SALES, Inc. for Expectant Mothers orUl be held tto AutunanSt. TCL 4SM OPEN: Mob, Wsd. Fri. Etc. Bunmer Stmpaon Ruaat apaaker, MANCHESTER on Thuraday at 6 p. m. aS the win q»eak on ‘Writing for Tean- 285 MAIN STREET W IN G STEPS FOR A gen" SALE! NEW FALL Mlaa Mary Leonard of Tonand Rayon Marquisette aad M n Bva W, Paaraon of Hart­ ford made a trip to Mohawk TraU QUALITY! THEY’LL and aaPad on frianda In WllUama- RAYON DRESSES town, Maaa., returning Thuraday, Bept. 1. TAILORED A maatlng of tha Federated SAVE YOU MONEY! Church eommlttaa ’wUI be held LAST YEAR, 5.98 Wadaaaday, Sept 7 at 6 o'clock 024-828 MAIN STREET TEL. 1161, MANCH18TBB i at the paraonaga; Raananlng of tha Church School CURTAINS with RaUy aw\ claaa promotion artn taka place on Sunday, Bept 11 at 10 o'clock. A full attendance Fine quaUtjr, 1** side hemmed. Donbk '/ k w /- ta axpaatad on the opening Sun­ stite h ^ 88” wide—54”, 63”, 72”, 81” day. * reasons why A large number were preaent length. 288 'Sunday, Sapt. 4 at the 11 o 'c ^ k e Copies of much higher priced dresses A surprisingly low price for such outstond- • ODDomosoaai ing voluel These good quolity Wing Steps Reg. BRENT worsted e Many are proven style hits for Fall • New and Used 2.98 e Rayon crepes, frostpointi, taffetas ore designed with a wealth of charm ond • ■ Homes of NOW . **DUCO” magic mokM oM furnilvrw look now e One-piece styles, two-piece styles beauty. .. perfect for oil your new clothes. * Outstanding Values You can turn your housdiold ralici into pricelam traasureal is your best e SoU s, prints, duco-dots, novelties In looty block suede, the leather that ie setting the style trend this Falll Sizes 4 to f ; B to variom weUoM at 6IAN- A Httk imagination, a little carpentry and a can of DUCO e Sizes for juniors, misses, half-sizes * CUeSfTBa. oeamd by JAB- o n all you need. Cut off tha kga and- tha old-fatiiionad ■ V ia. Toy wpply m wltb yom aNd*. wall Mpply von trimminp... and paint away with this magic anamal. • wHb tba hnm« vno dMrira. suit buy! ■ Seek From JARVIS aad Va DUCO just flowt on... laavM no brush marks. . . dries ^ Bball Ftad and Be Happy. quiddy. You’ll find it perfiset tot kltdien and bathroom Permanent Finish walla—cdlings, too! And DUCO woria wondon for woodi- * Jarvis Rtaify work and fiooia. Juat wadi it to kasp it daan, and it lasti • Company yean without diipfung or cradting. Gat ioiiio today! ■ Maaabaater. Oaaa. . _ 004 Omtar S4rmt 37” * 1W. 4118, 7678 av ORGANDIES • Batotprlm 6806 FREE BOOK m is HOWI *Tbe 276 eorafui tonsrlng oparofloni • Daaeaseaaaa Ysu'll find His whole stcry cn h'ow Ic transform cM ------thol go bUo m Brant will Evaiy one ' ^' AdsUiilon of Electors Fine quality, 6” picoted ruffles, 84** furnitvra Info lovely modern pieces in the new heek," of thoie 276, plut Brant'i fomout a-o-i-y fit. make Braql lha flottoring, long- i JfiMiea la haibby glvm that the I wide. 63", 72”, 81”, length. “Trensfermeglc—the Art ef Making Old Things^ ; Bceii. for Admiil^n of Blactora wearing wit It la And, only teloctad ' of WH Town of Bolton will meal New." Come In tedey for year freq copy. wool worelodt ora used In 6ront. > In Bolton Hall la aald town to ox- ; amine the quaUfteatlona of aleo- If you wont to find Brant's equal ' ' tore and admit Utoae found quaU- around town—start to6klng at $50. : ftod on the following datea: I .] Baptombar 10, 1949 ftom 9:001 Our naw stock of those fine suits Is ;iA.M. to 6:00 PM. JOHNSON PAINT CQ. ftog. 4.98 now at Us peak—tha biggoiL bast sa-, SayUmbar 17, 1648 from 6:001 699 MAIN SIttEET' •MANCdESTRR jA Jl. to ’6:M PM. and also on I lacHon In years. Why net pick out u i A October 1, 1649 from 8:00 P.M. to yours todoyl PM. for tha purpoaa of ad- NOW [ Uiow wboaa fuaUfleations | ■uY new—pey eel ef ktaems ee! after aontuidtor 17. S i .— of taitosa MBtb ¥ k ^ a Meirihly Peymant Nee. atr atotlAoataa of: aatur-a 1 ^^>Sbvl4 C. Toonay, Town d a rk l 6, 1649| T IIANCHISTER EVENING HEEALD. MANCHE8TER. C0NN« WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1949 P J y O i

ICANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHE8TBR. OONN, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. ,1940 Omdsa 1 md S, Mm MOdrod FIH- IjTeeldy Pay £nrelo|M nu>ra of Habrm: Oradea 4 and 4, •K S e v e ^ H u r t Stalioiif Site Mm Margsrat HaU at thia town; bara FrteA Dale Aldan,' Emmett s u m m e r for Workere ^jd Omdm 8, 4 aad 7. M m Halm Dulles Ready Jones, Sara Goldataln. Billy Por­ Chalfont at Portland. Grads 4 Aik* for Oothes A b o u t T o w n ter. Jean Harwita, Patty Oailladl. also haa a aiator. Mias Annie 8. W i I r C ^ h H e re Bartfwrd. BapC T—14V - t 1w Not Available wa attend the Beat Hampton Junior Ufa Saring: Easily, Goodrich of Wootdteoler. Mm haa *8 Jioota. Mm Cbalfent a X oean- To Seek Seat Tha aaeond annual w ater carni­ 8 gimadchlldron and grsat-grnad- W hen I t Time Tb EaT weakly pay anvsiopo h a a ^ ^•*«*#*a* f i t War Victims Clarence W, Helaing. organtot Louisa and Robert Owen, Floyd A. muU dally bafwom Martoorough FogU. Jr^ Patty and Peiey Sborey, ehlldran. atoaa allisinar far aaany Om- and choir director of Emanuel val held at Amaton Lake Saturday naetlout workom Directors Decide to aad-Perttaad. Looking For The Most Cor Your Money? ft (ram Pago Ona) Evelyn Griffin, Rtriiard Harowtta, Arthur A. EMemaan, ton of Mr. Two Ours CoIUd« at D. Anlgonl snd Som hava oom- 1 M » mtfha iMtharan church, racninda mem- atartod o ff In Sna ahapa a t 1 p Id M ra Arthur BUeaMuui o f Tha State Labor dspartnMnt bara o f the aenlor Choir o f tha ra- Fred Heea Roberto Porter,- Ban- 1 ^ 8 Time To Refre 8h « postpone Acliou on _aUd the work of leanrtocteg tk* kttMkaf Senator Dnllea haa eonaentad to m., with a crowd o f aoma MO kwk- dim Pomprowtea Hebron and Elmhnrot, N .T„ start­ SnanUt aad Ddmontt roportod yootorday that wag- tha read through tho ton eurvm haaraal thia evening at 7 ;» at ing qn. It waa a wonderful day, m paM to aisployio oamrad ______jd, M d an F»> become a candidaU for continued Senior UfO Saving claaa: Mra ed S ep t 7, on hla (ly in g trip None Badly Injured House of Comfort aad aU that remains to eenralata the chuitdL aervica in the United Btatm San with Bunahtne and ligh t braaxaa, A lb ert 8 . Taylor, M ra Mnbol boHM from Bnginad, to arrtva In by thoMato unoaapleyaaant In- the lob to the trimming of tha Mh MMlflMl Catbolle diurekM I* and everybody waa la a good OuanUa Field. N. T.. Thurs­ auranoo net wore 114,000,000 Mre. Wilbur litUe, prealdent of aU. Thia la a unique opportunity Hlnea, Beverly HIggIna Billy The Board at Dlrsetam tost night ahoulmra end the buOdtog o f guard tka OMtad autaa and Canada an to elect to the Senate •one of the humor. The Um bm was Hawaiian, COIeniaa. Bradley and Donald day. Ha haa vlaltad alnea last 8 An automobUs saeU am yastor- tori Avtog the flrM qnutor of rails. M W aoBcltad fa r arUelM o< the American Uegion Auxiliary, officially opening whaa Fatricta isy aftoraeoa st Om tatorsaetlon 1P40 thm ia tha OtM quarter poa||laaod further netlm m of great aUteaman a( the woiM. B bIsoil May, England. Ireland, Soetlaad, Mr. and Mra. Eric Nelson of _ iijn HaUibig, footwaar haa calM a apeelal meeting Shorty, wha had been elected Franco, Italy. Austria, Swltoer- a t euBamit snd Datorint atraata of 1444, queetim of providtag a public Brooklyn. N. T , have boon vtolt- -the------unit; r ifor , T S^em^ 1-, __ ___ b^a., 1 -tat thel ^ i "***• iriadom and lofty Idaallam, Altogether. It waa a remark­ —iH l-* " tn Kid tka atinUoaa ia queen, waa eiKorted atop the towtr able demoastimtloa and reflecta land, HoUaad and Belgium. He M V M l o f Uw aaa— sato to A deeHae. both la the num­ oomfort sUUm to tbe Mopping Ing frlmds hart for tha past taw PelM i wko an aUD auffertaf aa aquallad experience in world af- on a raft, aiiphored about 75 feet great credit on the inatructor. a technical sergeant ia the Memorial ka^tal ber of wockere oovored end dtotrlct (oUowtag raoelpt of iafor- a w aalt a< World W ar n . Buck upon aiyndm enU J o ^ h y t a ^ ^ ^ ^ atrangth from ahore. She wore a white bath­ The course was eponaored by Into World War. and thia trip wga at lajurioa, an minor, the total arage paM. aloe waa m atlm that land m BtoceU atreet. S r . aad Mm Oaorgq Strat^ wMtaa emalty of out man ___ to hear reporUrepora on thein natloani government at a ing suit, with grass aklrt. and had of the oam wort Mrs noted whan the fbret quarter near Mala, firm eoneldeTert. to not and children of LMChment, N. T.. BENSON’S i rovlaitatloa 6( parta i t tha \ the Red Croaa and the Hebron KMkMt kla brother baa navar ba> partment convention. All of of thle year waa eotiparod nveiriiom *** “ . . time when the cauae of peace and the customary "lei” of tha Ha- Civic council. Europou .Theater artth whWh be ■M a s y O. to MotoUfo. SS, of 40 avatlabla (or the purpooa won holiday guaoto of Mr. and (ora baM known to man, eran tha offlcara are ------. the very exiatenca o f human frae- waiiana about her aack. She dove la hla asrvtod. He Hyde sto ^ m d M m MUdrod with the last throe etonOa of The toad to owned bv the Stand Mm Chartos AulUnaa. badgaa to thia meeting, ao that I Fear of polio did not acem to ahlldran w an not apand. dom hang la a periloua balance.' from the tower sad swam to the have affected thea attendance. ptaaa to apmid a week la nabraa. I f enSsm , U. of 407 Smamlt 1444. ard OU company, aad had to- T h a i^ tha le r d k a a and cow; they will be available for the In- In hla dOO-word aUtemCnt, beach aarid vlgoroua applauaa. OlbaoB Preatoa of New Tork Woihere eearored to the aet vaatigatod as a poatobto alU tor ataUaUon later thU month. There has been onqr one cam tdaaealeaa niurdaran wera 4^ Dullm mantionad hla cooperation There were 135 ch ildi^ of ages here, that of a vioitor from New aa a week end vlaltar of Ua AO of tiM oeenpaato wore tolm IS0.7440,744 Milt March. tha atatH'n (Mtad. tha raaolU o f thato gbaa^ with the Truman admtnlatration from about six to thoM la tbelr York, who was promptly sent to daughter, Mra. Robert F. Porter to tfeo hoopltal la a W . F. 1)uiah egeiiiat Tho Board voted scttlomont of a Tktrt’s Nsthtag Better ly daada bara not baan Maaad. The Aabury Oroup o f the South In the Seld of foreign policy, then teens, and also a senior Ufa sav­ aa iaolatlon hospital, baa com­ and family, and atteadad the andnilanr- and diachairsed sftor 1444. Tetoi____ wagoo _ paid cev- dalm lodgad by Joaeph Stoveason Uuuf Tka daap wounda o f tbair vleUina I (frot enar* Methodlat W 8CS will meet tomor­ went on to aay that "there la dan­ ing class, Hated la tha claaaaa pletely recovered and has water carnival at Amataa. traotmart. Mm Morrisan sufftred ored weriMiu In the who claimed personal tojurtoa duo bara not boon healed and they row afternoon at two o'clock M ger within. which Orovar C. Harlow, Jr., haa Hla grandchildren, Robarta oaatmtam at tka' olboam Mm tri of Ori yoer wore 14.4per to aa aecldeai Payment of $400 a n raaoMng out fbr help. It U back to hie home. I t was i the church,for their flrat fall T believe,'’ ha aald, 'that the instructed through the tnmmer mlM esse, end ao farther and Virginia, IS and 10 yearn old M iry Oamom] SS, of 44 ooat briow tha aaawm t^^ arm rsoohUMnded by the town , anally wnderatood that Uielr n f* meeting. trend to aUtelam needa to be monthA reap actively, jm t on a roUer abat­ In tho b a t quarter at OOldMI^ O C t-o -iU :« (a rln f artn be Ineraaaed by the ahowed up. 4814< atnpped now and here.” There were a large number of Excavatloaa are, etlU gotag on ing act at the VUla Rose, Wlad- 4443J44.4SL — A communication from Cart W. BUSINESS comlnc rigora of winter. T h e uaual midweek prayer Dullea added that ho Would be beginners. Uttle toU who had thalr tn the brook bed of the namel aor Locka, last Friday avanlag. •8I.44S. Norm eras raealvod«to which Mr. ROASTING Thoaa arho haven't a aurptua o f agalnat propoaala "which exalt roeeUng and Bible atudy period first leaeons by getUng need to etream which runs across the _ _ x-rsyod far N orm form ally aubmittod bis raa- tha articlee mentioned above, may la acheduled for thia evening at tha aU U at tha expanaa o f the In­ the water, plunging tlieir flaoaa (urthar Ugurtas. Otlier W. Inaam m a mambir of tha maka a donation of money. 8t. dividual" whether they carried road near Hebron town hall, by CHICKENS 7:80 a t the Oovenant-Congrega- down in, submerging thamaelvaa the S. and M. Oonstruetion Com­ 10-nMnths-otd la a aattve of Oolumbla. am of W . 'Toani Planatog eommtoaion on John'* church, 3S Oolaray atnat, tional church. the label of 'dictatorahlp of the cautiously In a safe depth. This CbmUae Marrlooo_____ «d two-yaar- and Mm Mas Kiaamm, of Port whichcn mha amhm aervoossrvM m mmawimrjaaeratary of which Rev. Stephen 8. Stryjew- proletariat,' or tha ■‘welfare atate' pany of Providence, RJ. The twin New Ib B fB O i tiflM tB claas numbered about 4L all of 85 inch culvert Ie In plaee and 014 Patotelal Oarsaond.Oana mil- Ko was aiadiiatart fram lor aavsml aavsral yaam Tha raaIgnaUon aki la paator, tel. *30®, wUl be the The Married Oouplea club o f the 1 or the fair deal."* st«di year (reeaer wlU whom reedlvad cartlflcatsA water la running through aknriy Pntrotawa Nawwn Noun Taggart m- Wtodhaa High sdwel to ISM aad waaI aeeiMtod. No ouceaaser hm yet local depot South Methodlit church will hold "I know that the praaent trend, FOR SALE M m M e l n ^ was strvad 44 maaths to the Soutt Fa- tbsBt Am chkkttts. 10% IU hrat get-together Thuraday unleaa atopped, wlU be for every- The taitermedtates claaa mnn* Into tha amall pond naad by the porta that bering about 34 gave daaiottstra- drtviag ea at ea Defaneri atreet slfle wllh the Navy. After being The Town Traaeurar waa author- «rr Btt 10 or BM iw. Qaick- avenlng, September 16. A ^ Bre company for tbelr boc toad to tavaat 1148,400 o f funds of Uons aa follows: Side etroka Vir­ tank. This brook, ailiich rieao la Spedtd LUting ad w e . Morilaon wae going disohargad ho opomtod a ar " frosctt hi BBed tl wrag If luck aupper will be aerved prompt- rnuenw li a ' on ftouto SA (or a Una. th a m p itital r marva aceount, to ap- Local Hospital ginia Owen; crawl. Oaroto King; a marsh north from the oentar, at south ea Suauntt whan the eoUl- jrog greftr. ly at s! m and the bualneee meet- alan oeeurad. The right wheel of Tha Ropobllcaa Oaaom to I^TOVta b , aad tha Treasurer, crawl, Virginia Porter. Umes dwindles to aothlng, and at 5-Room eettage. Hot ate a abto of oMeara for tafwa Oonenl Managar and Chairman of Has Pharmacist ing will follow. I ,Te 5^ 3 '- The Junior Ufe aavtaig group Umea aaaumes almoBt tha aspects Mm Melntlro’a ear etruck the narnaa begin with ..aeUm wSI to bold to Teeotaaa tha Board at DIraetors won au- ROGER OLGOTT leaue in the New York elec- demonstrated the under water ap­ of a big rivar. This M aapedaUy water heat, oil bomcr, aa- cuzh ea the aaat alda' o f Su------"H " are aaked to bring a hot diab. I toBuitie domostie hot wat­ , atreet after the Impact aad tamed hen Tlnraday sight at 8 e’eloek. thortoad to borrow, on brimtf of ADJUSTMENT proach. PbylUe Tlioaa; doubla 403 West CsBttr Stnst Tboae from 'T ' through “IT ', In- iSL true in freshet tUaee. Tha pond, -'Miaa Dorothy Sqriar, daughtoi the town, up to uAw.OOO to anti* Vary few toamapaopla probably A reporter aaked if Dullea drowning rescue, Sandra Pompitv through whldi the brook tuna er, laige b t. Situated in over cn Its righ t aiSa. raaHaa that Mancheater Memorial cluoive, a aalad; and from T T ' to of W . aad Mm Chauneey M. eipatim of taxes. Tho aaoney to 7853 thought former Gkrvemor Lehman wlca; rear head approach, Roberta was dug out by the file company, good rcaldenibl dbtricL Squlor. Sr„ waa gtvm a mrpriaa hoaattal haa iU oam pharmacy T', deaaert. A ll married cou­ is "an exponent of eUteism or the nood to pay tha oporating eoaU o f ples o f the church and their | Porter; rear approarii, Richard and usually furnlahea aufflclant The price b under 911,090. birthday jiu ty on her SUt birth­ tha drial year whicb started Aug- wiui a ragtaterad ^larm aclat in welfare aUU.” HarwlU; block parry carry. Rob­ water fpr the booster tank. The attendance. Every day an aver­ friends art cordially invited. day, Beptomhat L Miaa S «^ net 14, ubUI the yaar’a tax lacoma Dulles said Lehman had been ert Fogll; front bead hold, Evelyn road la going throngh at a rapid If you ere looking for a 5- I Columbia | retom to her atodlae at Unl- AU Records For Bargains! age o f one hundred and twenty out of public life for aoma time roomcr you’d better see thb aoenim next ep ilag aad anmmar Griffin; double wrist holA P*tey rate. veralty of Oeoaoctleut this The aetm thm are retlrad. redfulaltlona a n filled by Miaa Jen­ Oeorga CUldanlder arrived and that he did not know Leh­ a membsr of the atninr di------nie Patrillo. a graduate of tha man's views on these matUra. Shorcy. 4-H dubs of the town will hold ho«M. Mlm O ta^ Itlee, prlaelpal of Thuraday on the 8. 8. "Marine A group of apeclaltlae aa achievement night Friday eve­ has ham ampMyad this eummer Television Lherany. dynamitiiig prices in this crashing, smashing let-go o f our regular stock Unlvaralty o f Connecticut CoUaga Shark" from TOporU, Caechoalo- "The people of New York,” the Homo# W. Portor aehooL re- demonstrated by three little glria ning in the new school euditorlum. quoau that rogletmtlon at p i ^ at tha Hartford Stoaia Bodor In- Lotoeef pricee in Conn. of Pharmacy. vakia. and plana to make hU per­ Dullea said, "ehould endorse the suraaco Company to Hartford. is Haring IU own pharmacy la an btparUsen foreign policy . I have all under five, Janet Griffin, Jeanne Sept. 5, opening at 8. AU 4-H •ntiriag Orado I or ttooe trsiwtor- and all merchandise in transiL The entire stock going at prices that are caus­ manent home in thia country. He Wllkalla and Carol Ann Church, dubs of the town .wtU take part Shiort J. WasUy m ia aaorti mtam da aaaw iMag; ElltitamBlatitam yomtoyoung frianda attended Marlborough advantage to both tha patianU haa reeenUy been engaged in agri­ supported." tom (ram ottor sehoola to S b e ^ p a r t y '^ nraamtod I t e Aur Etok* « r BMdtl tor ing a real sensation preparatory to making necessary business adjustments. Ifs and the hoapital. With a phar culture and nuraery work. He ie a He said the administration haa who swam to the raft, climbed the in the program. A movie of the Real Estate and Insurance a botwoan the hoars of 1 aad 8 tower, and dovf Into the water, national 4-H trip to Washington Squlor with a tovaly aaddto leather Tm 4-R’an from hors exhibited looB mbaay. Be sBuii and many right In tha hoapital, pra- brother of Andrew Ooldanlder of followed a bipartisan foreign poll State Building sofTUD uNBta Aumorny OP nu cocaoou coaMMf iv today St tho aehool If It eras not shoulder bag ’ and aovaral other uvc. » i y from a tclevisira cy in Europe, but haa not shown remarkable feat for such young last June will be Shown. Every­ tohan ears of during the drat reg- at the Hertford County 4-H Fair only once in a blue moon you get a chance like this so make the most o f iL Come aertpUana can ha dUad Immedlata- North Coventry hnd Michael Oold- TcL 6048 Or 7141 gifts. at Cherry Park on Friday aad Sat­ ezgert and ^have YOUR ly, avoiding delay In atartlng a poe nnlder o f South Road, Bolton. He the same cooperation with the Re­ children. As a matter of fact the body in town la invited and ad­ COCA-COLA BOTTUNQ COMPANY OF CONS., EAST HAETFOEO tatratlea period la Auguat. Spe­ Klee Betella Berhowtta, who publicans in Par Eastern poUciea inztruetor had been able to bring mission w ill be free. cial eeaphnari b placed-on the-aa- urday and everyone won rihbona. (elevfaion set correctly in- tomorrow from nine in the morning until nine in the evening. Join the crowds Uant’a modicatlon. The phar­ alao haa two alatera in this aUU o !M«. IW C«s«e

BEDROOM SUITES MAJOR AND SMALL Sultesf Coaw aad toapaet our ehow LOOK! lag aad aoto how we have elaeh ri prlees to e tn S to a e oa Bae quaUtjr oaltaa . . . Get la aad APPLIANCES aarie tho awot of tkto woaderM eppor- $10 Today and within the next few dayn am taallbr- BdlUonB of American school children REBB WE MENTION THREE NOW ON SALE AT PRICE OBOUP8 Now Low Prices On Most Items Why Not Know wUl return to their studies. MON. AND TUES. DOWN Ddivers Any Deep Cut Prices OUR INVENTORY INCLUDES: Practically «vcrywhere thought and SEPT. 12-13 •119 ’149 ’169 I Refrigerator alas Novelty SMtag (B riae). Spaclal aMSS par M. DRY CLEANING nttentlan has ^ e n given hy gollee de> From Onr Sto^ a Cedar ■htoglaa Ha. 1 far sMa walk ae rasB-lS* mat I T Onr entire large stock of na­ gnrtments to 'fncrcaaed groteetion in Lee him ehow you hie ktge PC. LIVING ROOM tionally famous makes—Refrigera- and noH M ^ iae amy a t 3 a 1 a S Bkeanibg Eaaria (M. O. Bai ). getting children to and from, achool tmra, waahidjr machines, ckctrle aOoM Baas Skaatktag' Eaifc Lath, At Its BEST! safely against all hazards. It is indeed SUITES Sale rangts, haatera, deeg freeze nnita, a EM AaphaM nof sUaglaa aai raaflag m A ckaaoo Uka trie oaoera aaly oaee la Continues daanera, aweepera, irons, toastara, commendaMe. M P t T M K a S a blaa aeooa . . . atako the awat of thto ilag-« a S to a a IS. oaoL Beaatlfid S-pleoo Bvtog rooaa aritoa| fans, grilb, waffle irana, paaeda- aPtoa. Oak and Fir Soottag. Day to Day What thinking ale yau daing about e o M m a s at a prte# that will eaaeo a raal eeaee tors, etc. FKANX RAINBOW UatU The thair future esgcdally as concerns md D iala n t o for LADIES and Desired Aatount GET IN—PICK UP A REAL BUY! flnancas for higher education aad nuay , Ptaatee aad Ototet Mocka GENTLEMEN $ 9 9 .5 0 Has Been m * Bock Wool toaalatloa. We’re taiking about our *73ANITONE'’ Dry Cbanlng,'tliat o ^ r ic ^ 1018^4 other mhitarsT Safeguard their futurB Sold f Haidwarow thc-dirt, dry cleaning that’s ''Best by Test.” The careful kbd of degiiiDf ^ by sav;iiq| and safeguard thaae aavinga taka aad kitariei banaa pahit. your nice things DESERVE! i ' N------m by d e n t in g iu this Mutuai Savings • TailaHrad ie Maaimra Hen’s an aitistie triniaph emn bsmbb Ib atorUng pqrfecdy cralled. a Olhar bnIMiBg matoatala. bank. licii In datroa/t delafl. It's • ' C ALL 2 -0 0 3 0 nkd (liver of magnificent full DRIVE OUT AND LOOK OVER OUR PLACE! tn l| ^ . Yet dw price it low. io 7 o d is c o I j n t , c a s h a n d c a r r y Let 18m itlw your mmin H » apedal ddb of the IVs easy to park, and aasy'te do boafaMaa. Large and aacot for a Suit or Coes, m waridTa Ingast aiverwam amall ordcra aoUdted and ^livarad. OPEN A LL DAY ho delivered now or later. IMrw Impt ft -dotan at SATURDAY. FURNITURr, APPuJkNCES, RADIOS, TELIVISION 5 'X ms Saving 6dNk«^Mdtickc^| McKiniity Lumbtr & Supply Co. A MUTUAL S A V in O S fDArtK 713 MAIN STREfiT, MANCHESTER Enterpriae Number 9955 Fbr RodfriBe WHUBmatle All Oepaolto.m lin e Bask A m Oaanataoi Ie Frit By The and Storra. ftovtage Bafiinr neporit (BwTCMty Ftori o f C M uerltori, la r. BOim M • BOLTON NOTGH EASY CREDIT TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED JfWilERS . . . SitVERSMITHS SINCE IVOO TELEPHONE! MANCHB TB B S-8818 ii£Ams<^£juaw 0 fi 8 M dafli Btaaeb Uffica At M 8 Mala M „ fitanebeater, Oaaa. RARI^SON STREET AMN^HfiStBR NBMAIMBIT...... O PPO SITE O A K I A:.. -I e


In June 19M. During bar oAlegs ter, Mra Gustavs Berr, ef Main ■Mitad A too mooting by Mra. M T U NissA h i m Gena W alton, MtfM* ■AturdRy. rblter Aockad Wkaa M r^ «u ^ - Starts Traiainf Is Taken Here About Tawii Mtahasl kelavkA and Mlm Sylvia years A m participated bi dra- League to Call a. Hathoway, priAdint 4M M A neM t iPMill WM# iaUl Returns Home a Fllington Kimbarlsy are n.w mambera ot matiCA archery and work on th* " u t Oars Kibbe at Rockville Naw member* aad other Intar- wpm cli flffftlaft th* I mMwt # ov- News Tidbits U toklng e of Mlm Grace L too teaching staff. Mr. Kogan, oollega paper. She Hvao with her ootad woman wlahlag to know •nsMBt. for maay of tbaaa par A weekly SupUcato bMdgo game SlksA Who lo 10 at bar borne an bow too Loaguo funettano a rt tn- HUDSON For Operation i M r r « « m W lrs ^ tuperlalcndent of Schools who Is married. parento in MaaebeAer. Fir^t Meeting ■Mats wan tba direct result of From Britain win be ccmdacted at the w est Side Sonora road. A ted also to attand a panA dIo- n 'reeTim e Georgs E Graff, of too Tatra of the Teachers OcUsga at W estfl^ Boys froth ths town A Elling­ Honor Gnest poUaias daddad by tha govaramaat Rec otart^Frtoay, Beptimiber 16, ton who plan to attend taehnleel Rev. and Mra. JAin C. MIUot. eu*Aon by League member* on Ordig Elsa, mystery story and every Friday UtoraafUr. idl EWngton, has announosd that the Msaaaehusstto, In Juns 1946. He who hova boon onloytng a flve I o f which ha was tha bead. ^___ served In toe Army during Wortd school should communicate bnme- League oAcnUUan to be held at “His strlctuns esam oddly frmn Suspect in Sl Bridget's writer. In critical cendlUon at contraot brMge ptorerA Visitor in*Town Is Held Crystal Laka admola nlU open to­ weeks’ vaeaUen, Inva rsturnad Women Voten Here to ■ :00 p. m. on Monday, September Local Resident Back )R * t * r s Came to No morrow at 6 A m. la order to f»- War II for foW jroarA dlatAy with toe ■uperintriident rf tba gnat advocate of Curopaaa CkMfoealA )wer * * f). alasping tab- thoM wha wfiR to leara and p i^ For Oinrt; Two oehoota If they have not already home and Mr. Mlltsr oondueted the 19 at the home A Mra. Charles ta t I Churdi Theft Striven lato agalA . . . .Rosband of Tokyo duplicate, are uraleomA cllltato bus transporUtton, . tha Durtng Ms yoora it eelfogA he aervioaa In the Omgregatlonal Open Season on Tues­ unity. Wa an not ashamed of After Two Months; Decision o r Parking done ao. Towle, mombershlp chArman, 611 Hha Baaqael; Root summoned far croae exam- ers Are Also Held '>^0’ school w ill start at 13:46 p. m. aad coached kosketbolL ocgsnisM o church Sunday morning. Om- H artford Road. bavlag balpad others.” In Granty Jail man’a otoleUc osoodotlon o ^ weo Over s long period ot time mall munton Sunday was observed. day Sept 13th TO Bald l i d as Wages Tells of the Visit tnatloR la her toeaseu MSI at 9an Ckeatar Vartlck to piaantng to I)leters Here close at 3:16 p. m. Tho staff w ill The unit dlsctioAon groups A f|^biC h«rg« attend the 43rd DIvWon tounloa Include; Mra. Brva Doyle, priad- praoldent of the Student Oon^ll hsa left the Ellington post office Tburaday night SepUmber i. Attlee wwned British unions. , ' Qtuseppe LeonA M, of New Franeleeo...... Orgaalaattsa George K anochkA 13, of X - on ’•aturday A 6:16 p. m., but the League will be resumed dur­ oaa, lachidlBg Owigreemnan Friday In Rhode Istoad. He hni pol and teacher ot gradM 4, 6 aad and Student Asooclsaon. Ha ^ WlU bo toe Grange auction. 'H m The History A ManehaAer wiU that his Labor govarnmaat U do- Mn. Arthur 1. Millar of S3 South York City, charged with Uwit and fabled until October w i action due to cbangM Asewbera rtuUI commlttoa would bo very gm tofA ba presented In a talk at the SrA ing the week A September 36. Ib M WMtav O. Oryk. r^qrtly Marcantonlo’a regulars la tho room fo r throo man la Mo car o a f 93nd otraot, Jackson Haights, N* ' Miss Sylvia Kimberlsy, grades also sttendsd ths Tsodwra Col- tarndnad to bold tba Ud on wagaa! xiton styeat nturnad home Mon- attempteu tarlb^. waa oparatod an Oio fraa tlma parking meter legs St Wsst Chaster, fsnnayKa- WlU leave the locA poA offloo at If eontributora would gA such ar- open memberahip meAlng to be Amorlcoa Labor party, domlnato anyone caring to go may call Mr. Y„ hao hosa orrootod by Patrol-• 3 and i Merle Walker, super- oWHb so Tbs prime adaister said da- ^ nlgtat after a two-montbs’ via- on touay foracuts appendiuiUa at eneoUon brought up last alght at niA aad ths Amerloan faternatlon- flve o^cloek on Saturdays only. A l ticles as thoy hove to tho Town held this aeooon by toe Prevtslon- oUood It In Onat Britala. Mm. Millar M Now York city’s primary voting. Varrick at 4664 botwoaa 8 -and 6 man Edmund Dwyor and ohacfod vloor o f music; Mias Hslsn M. maada for blgca*' POJ “ Manchester Memorial, hospital. Hla o’clock In tko avonlag. tod regular saasion o f tos Board al Oenega at nprlngdM Maeq, other days a t 3:40 p. m. haU ao 0000 oo pooAMe., Procoodo A League A Womea Voters A ear i S i V » M i MBW IW fHOTdi and without a matclilng rlM in putput a member of tha CUranca W. . American gonornl vMto Mrs with dMchnrglng Sraaram httoin o f Dlroctors. FoetpeiMid dlopool- Regan, K booi nurao. Or. Inn C Edward F. (Aarter, w6 Town of Mnn- Today the toacbera met at P a m. ber 18 at 8 p. m. In toe M ary Cha­ DR. BARNEY ON ROSIB SfOnCLS Attlee also appealed to tba Brit­ mualeian and in Masonic circles arary itellceinaa Fred Pa^ la on la Soviet lone of Oermaay, but FoHoo Chief Hsrmoa fltiiondol said E l a ^ T r a l i ^ SChoifl. B home on a 17-day leave from the ney Library. MatariA for tho an'Cliiitaa atraot obtalao no word aa to tbalr ro- bom Tuooday, Boptembar 6, in Rasekks wlU bo pre­ with the euperlntendeat and tha ish working aum to: this area. It will bs reesUed duty at the bo^taL that k* objaetod to romoval of tho PenhA ^ ^ SoAt Air Force BasA lU.. where topic haa been gathered by a com- McCT.URB AUTO Eoaocad gnoata iacludod Mr. and that ralatlves of Mr. Wood, Mr. M. . . A lta r pan of patetoA Martford hoaplUl to Mr. aad Mt a sented In Town Omirt on Frlfoy. ban on unrootricted free time iioe elementary supervisor at ths he is an tastructor In tbe Radio Total of $2,046 WICHMAN IlMeMa Danaabar, Mr. and 1, Help rouse "strong pubUc Leoae waa brought to the local ftobort C. Smith of la Beaton Mlm Klmbadey woo graduated mittaa conAAing A Mra. WlUiam 97S Mata at. CeMWi Strata and Mt a WUtiam B. Martin of School Principal Charloa Hookar The orroot was mads after Voduso without II abuse of the Longview school. The teachen MechaAcA school. w K winam DaHaa. Rav. Raaai ooloB” against tba paopto w M hospital from the Hartford County uot. M t a Smith, prior to bar in 1941, with tha degree of bache­ Staektl, chArman, aaAAod by CHIROPODIST m 9-9449 “an abusing the social services la Moaaley, near Manehceter, Ikig' o f Goabon. N .T., oataMlahoa a Raoobko, visiting with loeal raol- pMetlofe might anoA Tho Chief wera at tba Cryotol Lake aehool lor of eelonca In adueatlon. from Thursday night at 7 o’clock the | At Auction Mart Mra. John Crosby, Mra. Mather Raa. Chaatar Blahiek o f S of' land, spent last summer In thla Jail on Seyma street where be waa marriage was Miss Marjorie Wal- from 11 A m. until 4 p. m. to such m attan as dekneas baneSts being held In lieu of a 66.000 bond. baaemeat amoklag room for toen- dants, was ollogodly Srlng a .33 said th it to date. nO one has toe Teochera College 'n Now Brtt- Grange auction win opfa *1to< NAU and Mra Alexandar Wataoo. •aM. aad Joaafili Ealaa, Jodga aad town end traveled throughout the lacA daughter of Mt a Jeosto WaK raglstar new pupUa and to bb< 117 EAST CENTER ST. and tba health sarvlca.” Leone’s case was continued to ago students. caMbor rtSs at tho roar e f 34 Wen usnanuefl who has ban* tick- An. Slneo hor graduation, oho has maay nsaful artieloA nicn as fut- It Is a part A toe general "Know MtlL Waltar Mdor and Attoaaay ■eat, and tha Martina plannsd to Nationalist caunese naval otfl- laeo of Waat Hartford, formerly parenU. Miss Sylvia Klmbarlcy, Total oolM from yootorday'o WllUani BMuck. all of Hartford. 1 Ba on the alert against in­ September 14 when preaented In of East (3mtor stroot. Tho pater­ Turnbull road. etod for such ueo. tought in tho lower grades In nltuTA glasswaiA dlshM and Tour Town Survey” on which HAS RESUMED dustrial disputes stirred up by U k s Mt a MUlar. daughter of Mr. oar aosuMs Brltlah wanhipa of Jqhn O. MsUy, 19, o f 174. Eu­ Tho dtocuaalon canters around nko will be a permanent teacher achoolo at OolMraek and Ooni- lompA boeidM many used artldee eatao A truck gardM producto at League membera have worked dur­ Tnaatmaatar fo r tha aceaaloi and MrA Wood, on several scenic Town' Om it yaaterday. nal grandparonts aro Mr. and Mra. osGorttag morchaat ahipa through clid ottoot, Hartford, woo orseotod dio uoo to which time tnpj bo pvt and win raplaea tha cadet teacher, waU, (tonn.. sad Brielle and that are In saleable condition, too Manchootor Fruit aad Voga- ing toe oummer. REGULAR OFFICE waa Attomay Aathony Oryk. AU COBimunlsta trips to ScoQa^ and England, Also arrsMad with LaoM waa Roswell H. Smith of Benton etroat. g Back an aU out effort to p ro­ MMs Mniy Dexadto NattonaUat blockato of <3ommu- yootsrilojr by Btoto PoUoomaa AI* If su4h ramalns on a parking Acelved toe bachelor of acleneo Honasquan, N . J. Bha Is a member there are many naw artldM. The tablo Produeora Aaooclatlon auc­ A review of tbe ProvlAonA Television t i tha benorad guaata nutda ra- covering In all three thousand Luhi Eleanor Rae LaohA M, tor dfUr a parkar has driven degree la elemontary education in tion mart on Charter Oak otroA aMika appropilatia to tba affair, duce goodi that la price and quaUty of New Tork. She la charged w to niat-held (Thhieoe porU. . . . Yugo- bsrt H. KlmbaU for spsedlng oa of tho Connecticut Education As- commlttoa is plsassd , with ths Leaguc’a ocUAUes and an outline HOURS . Lowett price* in Conn. mil as by privets car and rail. ■lav government leader anya hla The mld-weOk ^ y e r and praise away from too parking spaoA The 1P41 from toe Teaohora O ollm of generous rospouM and eoopara- wore $8,040416. The only produA liMikirtInf Mr. Daoaabar, a aiaaibor w ill commaad a amrket In the dol- Mi«t Mary Donadle, daughter then and la In the Oiunty Jail un­ •ervlco \^l be held this evening too Wilbur Craoo Highway. ■ociatlcn and tho National Asso­ A futurf undertaking* wlU be pre- ofuiaDaBwcraUe fftata Oaatral VMted Waterie Oastlaa country doso not foel ”uMer say prmsnt regulation proyidao that OonaeeUcut In Now Britain. M e Is ciation. * tlon ot eveqronA Ths perlsbabis avAloblo yootorday wera toma- lar area." of Mr. and M i a Frank Donadio, til September 14 under bond of at 7:60 at the Church of the Naxa- Anotoor optodtag srrsot wax no aw ttorlf ftoo time le ahows Any make or model for eoBualttaa, aad Mr. DaHaa. cbalr- The trio apent 11 days la Edin­ threat a f made by State Pelleaman Edmund a member of toe nMuioetlrut Edu­ Mt a N Iooa noo Lottridgo. who goods that art to ba brought the tooA A total A PM half buflhola o f 630 (Center street, haa enUred 62,000. Whether the two are mar­ reiM. ovallakle on o meter when o mo­ w ort dlopoood A . less money. Be smart and maa of tba Daioocratic Towa burgh, vlsittng hlatorie caatlaA hi* Mlddleeax Hospital la MhUDotown, StomlOK. Tba occuasd, Mmpn cation Asaocistlon and tho Nation­ roceivod hor kocboler’s degroo In day of the auction T>s commit­ ■o taking trips to tha Tromerke ried or net la not clear, aa they torist drive Into o epono. ha miwt al Education Asaoclatlen. Slneo 1944 from too Btato Toochoro' tee would be A**Md to have auch Tho tomatoM wore oold by tho save. Buy from g teloviaioa ratmalttaa 3 Nations B e ^ for nuiae’a training. have both been vagua under poUcf tha end 4t the wlra could easily Army and Navy Club Auxiliary Jock Grlfflncr, 4T, of d Ollameio dipoOt at leoet e cent in order to Frank Raraburda, praoidant of and the W astom Highlands c< Torraeo, West Orungo. N. J., to jfraduatlen, abe haa.taught in the CoIlegA Cortland. Now Toth, has articles A toq EUlngton Town Hall haokA at a high A ft.76 aad n export aad have YOUR questioning. raiaa coins or currency to tbe slot mambera aro placing a sariss of occupy the atoll. low A 6130. R obori M. RAd aad tba dnb,.alao addraaaid tha group Scotland. They apvit a week In in toe hex from whoio thoy oould also chatgod with poanag on tos schoote of Oolobrook. (fornwatl, tought gradM'thraa aad fear for a t 5 p. m.. If posAblA A cap to telev faion act correctly la- Parleys on Crisis tha Lake region In the weetom latlons and contributing to Ametod'Oa Saturday wookly ootbock partle No W ay to Ooatrol It (Jonneetlcut Aid Brielle and Mans- the past flvo yean la the ocbools M ilo B. HayM or Mra. John J. SonA nuedonooTA eonduA too aad pra^ tad Judga Oryk vrtth a The New York resldenU were bo lifted by too twaoaorA utlvo Monday ovonUras a t too chib- light. He poeted n bond of 625. stalled. part of England. Another sp i^ e a tha undersectotary made. | Tho ordliianeo indleateo that no aquan. New Jeraoy. of SootlA New York. During thU Shnnohnn, J r„ and they w ill tend ■aloo. and too m arkA win ba open d ^ paa aat as a gift of tba club. erreated Saturday after they alleg­ Snsplclan didn't cantor on tho houoA If thoro la swlRplent Intoreat. iM.u>rtst should make use o f free W admowladging the honor, Menacing Britain was spent at EastboumA famed Denise Knosriag el M w m Now York coupla until The etaff o f the schools Of ;ks last yssr shs wss sserstary nr a ear for articles that one cannA each afternoon at 3 o’clock until aoaalde resort on the touth coaat Sweeney told CapL Sanford edly stole money from votive U ^ t *MrA Agnos Hoss has aonaantod to time, but there has been no sug- tba n A . Mr. and Mi a Nleos have t -ig or sand, to the haU. too garden producto bore are gonA B.\OIO ANB Jadga Ckyk thanked the assam* wooks ago and local police waro sarve aa chsinnan, aad oo^hali^ Toaru o f Ellington, fo r tos com­ of Ikigland. Eleven daya were re­ Wood, examiner for the Court of { atanda at SC Bridget's church. ^ gaetion mMla’ aa to how eontrol an apartment on Main atraot u The EUlngton Volunteer Fire­ TELEVISION biaga for tbalr loyalty and “for toon notlSod. Pntrolmon Dwyor man w ill ba M t a Floranco SutlL Shirley Glenney ing oebool yssr has been sanouae CLIFF'S Coatlaaad frsat rage Om Inquiry, that he bad no knowledge Uce Lieutenant Rajnnond Orlftln In this case may b# exarctood. men’s lawn p i^y oasm to a cIo m t M g n a t moment la my Ufa.” Ha quired to do London and Its envl- toon otarted keop^ a watch on van aad MrA Graco MoCann. Tha sd by ths Supsrtntendent of Btllngton. 465 Hartford Road ronA whldh Included a tall on the Worth waa preparing the anony- and Patrolman Edmund Dwyer, Ab It lA If a hiotorlot drivsa lato Mr. SAavka, during the fall of tats Saturday lUght and Sunday | pialaad bis assodatas of tha Town the fiepartmant with ^Ut-aeeoad too church. On Thursday of last Srst card pdrty la ochodulod for Guest of Houor a stall on which free time ahowA Bchoola, George E. Graff, as fo l­ Oaurt who an working long boun Thamea river, a trip to Wlndeor mo us mamo. arresting otficeni, are said to have tba last school year, was cadet morning ths people ot tola com-1 *‘SaivWd my Cor. McKoe Street found marked money that had woek, coins in tot votive light Monday evenlM, Soptomber 12. and deposlU a oant, thoraby tn- lows: Ih e naw school at EUliytoB Life to help the different Apartments timing. CastlA and to Stratford-oa-Aven. Wood asked the circumstances boKoa wera smeared with Ihioi^ C:onUr: Roger W. Duffsay, 1m - toachor at the CrystA Lake munity wera plasiiwd the conditton 1 3 C e 4 ^ fw CASHSASTStmir Phone 2-'1904 First wen Bacntary of tha to Shakaapeara'e birthplace and been placed In the candle offering Prtaaa win be olnred end refresh­ en aaiog tha total Uraa by 11 school, teaching gradM one. two toe dhtirch paik waa In Bundayl o^arata affldantly. Hla philosophy, T fta siu y B n :^ r and hla chief aa- under which Sweeney had glvan cent powder and Father (JarroU ments served, and oU playera win A surprise china showsr tar dpol; Henry G. Rotosusar. Grade various cathedrals and castloA Worth Information that appeared boxes In the poai eaelon of tha ac­ utSA ha may park for ths full pe­ and three. He recAved Ms becho- morning as not ao much os a pa- j ba said. Is that an pao^a a n hu- Blatant, WiUlan} McCbamwy Mar­ wrote to name on one of the dol­ be welconM. Miss Shirley Oianaoy ef 70 Bige- riod shown. 8; Thomas Hogan, Grade 7; Mt a m Open Eveninga TUI 7 ■«»" aad that they aO make mis­ tbs colorful and la three paragra|dia of the memo. cused. lar bUlA tor's dsgrae from toe State Tearii- per was ill sight All concesAon tin. The police also found 6772 in iow stroot waa bold last night at At tho Inst Olraetors' msetlng, Esther CbwpulA Grade 6; M rs [itional ceremony of "Chang- Sweeney said he bellevae that ha When nelghbora notlCad Giu- Bessla H. Plummer, Grade 5; Mrs | eris CoUsga at WllUmantle Aands wars down and aU takan ■ Thura. and FrI. T ill 9 Snyder was *rlm -U pp^ aa he the auards.” cotns in the couple’s car. Leona Tho Tan Cadan o f Lebanon, For­ tos hosM of Mrs. Lana Oockoti of Dtrector John Lappen knd others June. D u A ig W orld W ar n away. _ ' judge Oryk discussed the man' stepped out of nls Uaioudna. Ho wanted to call to Kimball’s atten­ aeppe and Lulu In toe church on est 116, of Manchasttr, wUI spon­ argued that tha uae o f free time Hetea W. ()uina. Grade 4; Mrai ■OL-MS far M i W%i8flMi 25^ atr in which various types of cases Ba Joyed (toed Wenlker tion a mistake In a aacret docu- accounted for their presence by Saturday, they notified Father 63 Blgslow street A large crowd SAavka spentniearty throe remn Mr. and Mrs Ira Eggleston ot t looked very much the banker In telling police be waa n "crapaboot- sor on ovenlng of march music In ohould not bo ragulated, and that Iona L. Nlese. Grade 8; Mlm Gene In the Army. Re and Mrs Seiavka Maple atreet spent too weA(-end art,^kandled. Domastic relations bla dark tdue suit, white shirt aad Mra. Miller eeya the weather mant, that Kimball waa busy, but Carroll and Rev. Bronislaw Gada- Canter Park on Thursday, Sep­ of relatlvoo and friends of Mlao Walton. Grade 3; Michael SelavkA er.” Su coin dopoolt should l-o on" live In WUIlmantle. A ra e PlainA N. T., aa tha guests cases, for exam ple a n settled dark blue tie. waa the dneet In -many yeare. Worth had an appointment with rowskl who In turn called police. tember 16, starting at • o'clock. GMnnty attended. Aaetsting Mrs. fbrfod* If ouch frso titno was Grade I and 3: Mra. H arriet Rua- outalda o f court If poaslbla, ba Pbotognpban wan taldu todr There were Blowers but only two him and he naked W orth to lay the 'TI m studied nonchalance on the tXIontonhnt Griffin and Patrolman Mlm WAton taught this past of Mr. Egglaoton’s son and fam­ Providing the musical entertain­ Oockett oa kostsas for ths. ova- afiown. Tho mattor was than rtr sail. Grads 1; Jasaas WtnanA Cus- year in to# Robmtson school, said, Tba Judga coacludad that la ptetaraa whoa aonn one abowtad’ full daya of rain while she waa la matter before the underaecretary. part of Lulu and CHeuaeppe follow­ IJwyer want to the church, waited ment win be toe local Tan Cedars ily* * i ing frequent visits to the cfaurth alng wan hor daughter-in-law, forrad to'Town OounselCharloa B. ManehaAer, and racAved her Mp. and Mrs. Newton N. W hite j his tanun on tba bench bis guld- ^Tlio Brltlah an coming.” England. She was well taken care Subaaquantly, Su-eeney said, for toe couple end stopped them Band.^ Houaa Who was asksd If tha Week-End Liquor Specials after they had gotten Into thalr Mfo. T. J. Crdckett ry t- Crystal Laka ichool: Mra. Brva bachelor's degree from toe State ot Windsor Locks and daughter tag aim will ba to make Manchaa- ^ ^ British Foreign Mlnta- of, but feels that it la a little too “Worthaskto me for a memo on i was a determining factor In thete ulatlene barred free■ tUM USA Ho Doyls, Principal aad Orados 4, 6 earty for the English people to the subject.” 1 erreet, according to Rev. Robon car. Many games ware Included la Teacherff Cdlega at WllUmantle were guests of Mrs. White's aU- tar a batter plaea la which to Uva. tar Bavlii, accompaalad by Sir Tonight at 8 o’clock, toe Itallan- rapUod that If toe towa wishes to and 6; Miss Sylvia Kimberley. The lavoeatlon was given by Stafford Crlppa, cbanceUor of tha entertain vlattom. They hare made Capt. David MacDonald, aide to : Carroll, curate of St. Bridget ■ The marked money was found In the evening's entartnlnment the RUPPERT BEER $2.59 toe posaetsion o f the auspecta and American Club win hold its month­ feature event being aopranc aoloo allow unyostrietad uoo of ouch po* Grades 1, 3 aiid 6 FallM r Bialuck. •■ehoquar, and Brltlah Ambaaea' a wonderful comeback. In her Underaecretary Kimball, wae church. _____ ly meeting at the ckibrooms on liodA tho erdlnsaea ought to bo Cam o f U oo. bat., oaatoata. o*ilnion, and eke greatly admires ligk t testa at the Police StaUOn by Mra. George S. Johiiaon and Lengvlow tcboolt Miss Al- Ac hugs cake la tba abapa o f dor Sir OUvar called to explain Worth's dutlsa | Oftea \ lalM Cmureh Eldridge street. 4haagod?to make this m ar. farata Gatvia, Prtaetpal and bo’ airplane, Leona le alleged to have tried The Britlsh-American Club at its Glenney, slater of too bonorad Hayea, Oradm 1 sad 8i Merle Largo botffoa, eoataata. of Mn. AUoa Koaa aad Mrs K. Job Involved a variety of tasks In- York couple hed been visiting St. regular monthly meeting last Dtroctore have provmsty am irt- Wslkax w ill centhiue aa super­ Obffebowski. Tba turkey dinner rlvad. , . _ and la enthusiastic over that mode eluding public relationA liaison on i Bridget's on the average of to bribe the arresting officera gu est qd that thsy consldsr rstoatjoa of A crowd o f 100 or ao apacUton of travel. It took only ISH hours A fte r Father Qadarowski said today night voted to abandon toe plana visor ef musle sad Mlm Helen wag harvad aad prepared by M rs legislative matters and assisting i a week for the past year, for the annual faU outing and pto* Mias Oltnnsy will bs married the boa sgitoot froo tiipo use sa gutbarad la front o f tha da- from New York to London, and a C:arreU. that Leone offered him 6360 If St. Saturday avanlng. Septembsr 17 to sagravstien rather than anything M. Rogsa as school nursA -Dr. Inn FLAVORED GINS X A wttb tba help o f M n . Obu other Navy people in preparing • every visit, aald Father tht i mote a gala foatival for ita tri­ ■artorluo wUl bo tho olomahUry JALOPY 942 Main Street Tel. 2-.T646 partmeat bulkUag to aaa tba aot- little kmgar returning. She spoke too couple strolled elowly out of Bridget’s church would drop Roy Turklngton of 36 Scarborough sOt. ThfQr have pblatad out t ^ ohdarskl. Mrs. H. Kurioariek, Mm. material for preaantation to con- umphal baaebaU team that has al­ i nporvloor fo r oU the ■ehooto of a 's n ro w ia e '’ aad M rs H. Olaskl. ables. of hnvlng n Sne eteak dinner at greaelonel and other committees. the church, stopping to Inspect Charges against him. r e a l ■ the g sasral uoo of motora hao pfo- and BRANDIES $1.19 the airport in Shannon. Ireland. ready capturod tha State, Bl-State tho toWA Tho addroM of the of- W m eomadttae la ebarga of tha IMayod by Faaiag Wood asked MacDonald wheth­ and remark upon various points vUod more usaMa paiklag qwcA RACES! CMng aast they had daylight the and regi^r TsriUgbt Lsagwe asa- Mayor Turklngton also aetod that ges nf the Superlntendeat ef Dm itj Stor^ affMr coaslstad of Frank Han' Foaing for pbotognpban da* er Worth waa "highly regarded" of toe building and surrounding son, and a n cnrrantly In tho lead layad things a bit and It waa U :U greator part of the trip, and re­ grounds, before making their way the Mtaat of motora Jo not to schools is 13 Pr^ouionsl Build­ e FREE PARKING buHk^ Anhtoin Oryk. Bolaslaw turning westward there was mere around toe Navy department "at Jane Russell Star for too Jack-D w yor Trophy and rolso rovonuo, but to o o h lM aotu- ing, RoekvUlA conn. Ttlephone Fwiantai aad Walter Smoluk. a. m. (a. a. U — 15 mlnutaa behind least up to too time this thing back to their car. Town SoriOA Presldtnt Frod ■cbadule— before the chief dele- darknasA The car Itself, which bore New tlon o f tko parking problem. Ho aumbtr 1636. O ffice open 8:80 a CHAIN DATE—FRIDAY Sha said that reporters from happened. Stage n f ^ V uc l i e Ij Dickson^ niU qppolnt ^ o committee ^ faK that tho reotnraon on tho dto m. untn 4:60 p. m. Monday ntea, led by Seentary of SUte Still Bghly Begaried York marker platee, caused aome CraHsnwn Sled Into tba conference two Mancheatar, Enjgtand, papers suspicion. LM ns parked the ve­ of.frso ttaio, hi tho fsoo of amsr through Friday. ‘Aie oehoOIa w ill "There isn’t any doubt of It,” ______t meeting of all club membora will tkpu thdr tho motora have alraady *Bad BIcmnT Stand yooiDe interviewed her and one of them hicle eeveval hundred feet away AUTO BODY open on Thuraday, September 6. PLAINVILLE took e photograph of the viaitAr MacDonald replied emphaUcaUy, Jans RuasMU HoUywood’s gUm- i bo caUod J « t m o ^ os tto flnM t&levad thalr ml salon, rather In- F or tba next weak or ao, they from toe entrance to toe church outco®* ol ths VTown Seriso la S34 Charter Oak St. telephone number at the new ROUTE 72 PLAINVILLE, CONN. OUVITE THERAPEUTIC w ill ba in npaatad oaaslon tbara, from the namaaake town here. “ and be atUl U.” oroua and sensational star o f Th e dleatoo thqt the ravanua qneotlon school la Bmngton U 2066. Mra. Rapped by Attlee KlmbaU and others ware asked Instead of toklng advantage of PhoRt 2-1948 ‘ ' H bebig ednsldered foremost wrastllng for tba third time with nearby and empty parking places. Outlaw,” 'The Paleface,” and'nu­ Rita Girardliil ariU substltuta for VITAMIRS AS9 i < _____ . to testify after admlseione yester­ Follea Chief i chNffiol said that MrA Beeste Plummor who will not a nmjor Brltlah economic crlsla. day from a famous Navy pilot that Joseph Chartler of 47 Mein street merous other scrosn hitA will Rita, young daughter o f Mr. and ha thought poopio nUght ''shop” lettfo of 50 taptolot . . 'Waa ra g e Om ) Pravioua post-war efforts of the Noted for the Best « be able to start taacblng when Kimball Testifies he pasaed along "rank gossip" noticed these facta, along with headline her own great stage ra% MrA Charloa CXroon, o f 53 W ells along the otroat.for motora show- United SUtes to aid Britain took which wound up In the now notor- other neighbors, and mentioned ■treat, la making aatiafactory pro­ lag unoxpirod tltsA thus adding to school begtas because of lIlneoA Per uounul Atsmia dofieicoeiet. Truman (la Philadal- \-ue at the SUte theater. Hartford, Work in Town ’ , MfA Glrsrdlal tanght In the El- the form o f a direct loan. Brat, loua "anonymous memo." This Is them to Father CarroU. grata JoUowing a foot operation In traflta confiAion. Helps build tesktaiKOle cAds. aimoa them." ^ and than aaalatanca through the Author of Memo Stranger Gnestlooed Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Itogtoa oehooiU fo r a number o f I m A i«. M taU tha toe document which set off hot Coming direct from HoUywood. Hartford hospital. She groatly » XS .Tsars E9B#rl#iies-a ' I AftM*lReeooileh,*tt?wao egreed- Mnmhall r'»" AH aides ruled Other incidents served to point appfoclates the cards sent to her to in voitigste tho pooblatn further yaara. Thomas Hogan Mra. lone Legion coavention la out hay talk of a new loan to congreoslonal hearlnglk on the Jana Ruasell wlU enchant patrons RcssomMc Prtersi Asked Immunity bomber program last month. the Unger of suspicion at the ac­ by her Uttle friends. befero domon tomodA. . that tha U. a would Britain this time. vrito her beauty, bar exciting per­ PiW Bstiaistse ' bate Britain In bar ftaanclal crisis The pilot, Comdr. Thomas D. cused couple. Joseph Lim erick o f sonality,and fins singing voicb. In The American and Canadian del- 75 Main atrset met toe couple one aadmjkt tbs dsmocntlc nations (Coatiaacd Dom Page Oae) Davies, denied that he knew the a vary enterUlning tUge pnasn Dr. A. E Friend and Mra. Work CoUed For and DdUvorfd Tie ef 12 MINERAL OIL egaUons, holding their own Ideas day two montha ago as thsy werei “ ^ with Jsne Friend, of 79 (fomatock road, have Attending M6et wouldsiMt In ts ifa n with one an' In rasarva, look to Bavin to take information would be used as It DISHES the staff of the commander In was. fa ­ returned to Manchester after a va­ W t handle any }ob from NOTICE ANACIN r a U ^ la t etbar^'lBtaiBal poUtlca. the lead In making proposals for door. When Umerlck asked A ttM daclarad,.that "than an chief of toe Atlantic fleet, testi- The highlight of yaaUrday’a mous television and radio comedi­ cation spent In England. Holland, the sRiullcst ueraldi to the ’ Of Potice Chiefs action. Bavin waa reported armed Leone what he was doing there, France, Belgium and Swltaerland. TAILETS Ig thwnaka of our Oonaarvativa with a number of what hla aides fled that most of three sections hearing - waa the admission of an,” who wiU also act aa Mast<*r Tho hondiomoA dhho* you’vo ovof Mon— of the anonymous document were Commander Davies that he had toe New York man placed his of Ceremonies. Other stellar high­ Dr. Friand resunwd hla practice larrest wreck. LINNE LODGE appoatata tboaa, I think they a n a called "BuggesUona." handa on toe walls and said he - C hlA A Police Herman Beben- mlaocBy^ who would wtlconM aoo- 1 on a memorandum he*gave suppUed "rank gosHp” to W orth lights on the bill WiU be Fred here yesterday. 6A la attending the meeting A for ovoo and toblo. 8oouiitA do*iqA Mostly theaa were concamad Worth, and on a document wnoae waa wondering what toe walls We Have The Meet NO. 72 R. P. 1 9 c Boade. dttflculUaa fo r thia country with waya Britain can asva doUara without attempting to verify It. Lm-ery, ’’America's vhistling vir­ Now- EnAaad PoUoo ChlAa being 0 IVORY FLAKES contents were kept secret by toe were made of. Eaeiting cotari*—end Ihoy'ra PYREX W ars la tba-bope that If things gat aa- by cuttli^ down on her American Some of this appeared In Worth’s tuoso;” Mage A Karr, in ’Tapan- Hie Oraod Deed Modem Shop In Town', iMid thu..waek in. PorJomouto, 80HI0 SO.HC court. Theae sections dealt with document. ’ I John Cratty of 81 Main street dy In Rhythm;” Repa WyaA Jr„ _HKh o ley to boko In, *o oo«y le eloon. LARSr lOX MfCffO LOW (u».i) .... tlous nay adgbt overthrow the purchaaaa and' waya the United eUo met the accused leaving the N H • Momber* please return lAboweverament. prospects o f using Jet propulsion Davies, as pilot of the Navy'a with Peggy Womack In a coihedy- Just before Joe died he made Chtaf Bchendel left early tola States may get mora dollars into fo r toe B-86. rear of the church on another oe- Tour car has nuxinMlRi all Kiddie Camp Fund 2V^ timo« o i strong ot ordinary glossl “la ttla they an at one with the British hands through foreign renowned ‘Truculent Turtle”, hit! acrobatic act, and Leslie Roberts, his w ife promlae aha wouldn't mofutag and axpecta to arAve In Sweeney formerly wee a apacial too headlines last year when he I caalon. Investigatlon a short singing Imprsssioalst. So. for toe reoslo ealnc when the pnint OMiununlgtA who would welconM spending and invastments. There marry again. When Jonas tona-to attand tka 10 a. m. bust- tickets by Thureday. Sep­ aasiatant to KlmbaU along with flew toe plane from Australia to while ahowed that a ^ 1«^- ‘most talked about ahow of the is f«MMl and the Iwdy Is free neaa masting. He *A d ho olao a T o q f govanunent. Tba Ooaunu* are Ideas, too, to aaaist tba sale of Worth. - - ing Sunday collection funds in the heard about thla, he Said: tember 8, to Edwin Cook, 29c She, 2-ei. Blsta will BO doubt continue their Columbus, Ohio, on a non-stop year,’ be sure to see Jane Ruaaell, "T lia t waa Just like Joe. alweye of dents, scmlchen' and hopofl to pick up a fow polntora A i aevilTittO IN SACCHARIN Brltlah goods In thU country. Rear Admiral Thomas E IngllA sacristy had been Umpered with. that ‘Buttons and Bows' gal from pn tko latoA traffic sAOty mAh- LIFE poUcy^M fomenting induatrlal dls- Bavin daaeribad tba thrae-pow- Jaunt o f over 11,000 miles. Thla doing something to help lilo other eeidenee of danuige. 24 Glenwood Street. IMPORTED director of Naval intelligence, said itin is tha long distance record Father CarroU stated that green HoUywood. and her own great %-gr. BeWe 2000 rtiwil 1>, putaa'wbarever th^ think that ar conference as a maana "to win his ofllce never had made a full long fellow men!” , tkaniti favonble ground." for land-based planes. dye bad been placed on coins In stage rovue. Tha Stats thsatsr In O LIVE O IL the atruggla for one world, one acale Inveatlgation to determine toe votive boxes about three weeks U ml gonramant baa blamad Suspeetod AaUwr'a Identity Hartford la completely air-condi­ WalgrcM's nn**t worid o f free and democratic pao- the authorship of Worth's momo. ago. He added that eoma traces tioned. mmor nceat strikes on the Oona- jffea." Ho ooid KlmbaU nevor hod stood Tlie young flier, a 1937 Annapo­ aamdsta laoludiBg the recent crl^ lis graduate, told toe court that of dye were found on toe handa of There aro lato stage shows Sat Bavin gave his viewa in New him to investigate and his three Leone when ho was arrested. pUng Rocker’s strike. chief subordinates told him they when he flrat heard of the anony­ urday and Sunday starting at 10 " •*> •, York and ba dacUnad to am plify The curate added that he has no p. m. PAPER TOWOS AttSia aald the "plain truth" of them upon reaching Washington never had been asked to make aa mous document be "auapected the tha ^bOar cristB waa that “tblB author waa Mr. Worth.” He said, way a( knowing bow much money ELBERTA PEACHES at 6:10 A m., (e. a t.) today. inquiry. was taken aince the votive boxaa I Row PYREX S otlA f Couoiola CHttUHt tSeSHiMT ROUS (UAt i). looeooa oadveea* dUncStty of International pay- A reporter told him that Osnad- KlmbaU had told congressional however, he had not known Worth manta would ban faoad any gov inveatigatora last month he did waa writing it. were never found empty. For about Public Records Ready for Canning foOlll«»*l*WI ■»*0«WI IXM laa Flnanos Minister Douglas a period of three weeks after toe 1900 Sheet atnmqnt* I t cannot ha solved by Charles Abbott said yesterday that seek an inquiry. Capt. S. B. D. Wood,. N avy PO-DO any atae'government in laolstion. N o Dlreet Inqufary judge advocate conducting to* dye was-placed on toe coins, said IH 0>W ****• R on Canada vrould 4>a glad to aaa B rit­ Father Carroll, the couple did not Warraatee Deeds 1 b a ll^ that this la fully realised ain given the right to spend Ita Inglis testlfled today that on In­ hearing before toe court, asked .James C. Stewart at al to Da ALSO APPLES, CRABAPPLES SHAVE by responsible men in aU coun­ structions from Vice Admiral John Davies: visit tos church and in that time Marshall plan dollars anywherA ths votive box coUectlons ahowed vld J. Ahem at ol, property on MO Ot VRIOW TOILET tries.^ Bavin smiled over thla Idas for s D. Price, then deputy chief of “Are we to undersUnd that you Summit etreot.' CREAM In a reference to the three-na­ Naval operations for air, the only had no knowing part In toe prep­ a noticeable increase TISSUE msment, said ha had no comment Several partshionera report en­ Pearl H. Burke to Almeron Hol- frTthf f or Bnnhltsi tion dollar talks opening today In Navel Intelligence inquiry in the af­ aration of thia document?” Uster, property on Hollister street. JOSEPH NOVELL! but then added, "JJt sounds rathsr fair waa Umltad to the question tering toe church to find the Waahtngton, Attlee said: good, anyway." ‘That is correct, sir,” Davies GUbsH E WllUs to Edward J. "WlMB I entrust Important bus- whether toe Air Force end the FBI replied. couple kneeling. Leone In front of Moriarty, property on Main atreet. Mountain Rond, Glastonbury In three power talks the Brit­ were Inveatigating toe Navy In one candle stand and Lulu in front Inaaa-pf this kind to two col' ish leaders art expectsd to seek Wood toen asked him why ha Gottctolm Deed J i M ’ Issgues (Foreign Secretary Bevla connection with it had not reportefl hla atuplciona of toe other. Most of these times, Almeron HoUlster to Charles American agreement to speed up That waa in June, tha InteUl- said Father CarroU, a coin would and Chancellor of the Exchequer spending of dollars for stratsgic about toe origin of the document Joseph and Pearl H. Burke, prop­ Each Crlppa) in whom I have complete gence chief said, after The New to a superior officer as aoon aa he clink Into the box, and Leons erty on H ollister street. m sterisls such aa tin and rubber. York Timas and Tbs Washington heard of the document would Ught a'candlA MO Ot YUON Limit 2 eonfldcnce, I leave the mat'ter In At the same time they want to Marriage Ueenaeo Star had raportsd that such out- GaOe M atter PoDlkwl Bad Who aad "Oom” Paul Stanley Marcenuk of 1 Ker­ tO.ag.Tfa their handa. relax a 1M6 Anglo-Amarican loan cabinet colleagues and I slds Invastlgatlona of tha Navy “This matter waa being carried Several itsma aald to bs found ry street and Harriet EUubeth 3 W A Y S to get a feiMJfuii LOAN agreement, provision so that Brit­ were going on. He said It was on a t a political level In toe N avy,” on Lsone at tos time of bis arrest O'Neil of 137 Bliso street, wedding have had full dUcuaslon on the ain can increase dlacriminatlon subject* matter o f these talks, determined that neither the Air Davies said, "and I decided I had add weight to too charge that he September 17. PNOM m s r—then we can have e*o*r CAM YOU orr t Sow PTRniliotam l A l Y against buying American gooda. better stay out out of It.” ^ averytbios reedy erbao yoo GoaM la. policy has been decided and It Is Force nor the RBI waa making way “tapping” the votive light Clarence Frederick Koch of 37 Me^hr $ n e $soo OM»«a4*ToUo iol' These and other measures, which such an Inquiry. Hu|^ L. Hanson of OKndals, boxes. Among these items were a Doano atraet.and JuUa May Bal- OS w arn far toaptiSid appWeartse u m for the chancellor of the exchequer American officials are expected to POVUDER ' and tba fonlgn hecratary to carry Tha flfst time ha heard of toe I Calif., aeronautical engineer as­ wire, higlily adhesive "gum” and chunao o f 899 Parker street, wed­ on eOMI N»—jbna*fertha YES IS Ito a 69.20 »2 i . n >59J>5 tamMd 3H OMrt boot A n «*w receive eympathetlcally, are de­ anonymous memo, KlmbaU .told signed to e Navy office at Pasa­ twseM rA ding September 17 nt St. Bridget's S0.70 tawQybi4i'4foel4Ml»i tarkstaiafor It out.. While they are engaged signed to Increase the flow of MANatar. Ita YES to 4 eat ef 6. tO M ik 7188 16.78 in this task, the less said the bet- the court, was when Symington In­ dena. Calif., waa another witnesa The stick substance placed on church. MnUg. Gm-baM4. badly needed dollara to Britain and yesterday. He formerly wockod Imms W ta M M do iM, wo> 110.0) “ ’•M 1 49c tsr." .1 formed him there was "a docu­ A tun enable the British to curtail the ment attacking hla integrity cir­ in WaahihgtoA he told toe court, Britain Is "sometimes falsely spending o f the doUara and gold hiwIlMlrtl At ttt.OS AArS. J culating qn the (Capitol) hill.” He and knew worth here. S imdhae n p r esanted," Attlee said, as being they now have. Hanson said ht told Worth after a “mere suppliant" for American ■eld Symington was trying to And Dg-j^ usts ro 6a v v fr * - Saw PYRR NmlaM B eol-tta tofo apa* boA'-3M men dsa Bevln waa ready to argue, a conversation in Juns, 1948, w ith i Ita vtlm k aid. out where it came from and ho tbs Into Jamss V. Forrestal. toen i-eg. Jar PIsjdr should the point come up, that the Last Week’ s Winner tight Rock’ s Mystery HovmnaMtaM lsiytfMdilikM-ttoam.. 3 9 ^ *Tn dealing with the problems troublea which beset Britain are told Symington he would be glad Secretary o f Defense, that PreM- ^ #e«6fmal: FINANCE c a ParFacUon lmJk.o9e of the post-war world, Britain and nm due to Its aocialist government to help. dent Truman had wanted to flr4 Word Television Contest Was tad Rse> A fTA II IN IA m MmomO Srikirabtor. the United States have been part- Whilo' he toatlflod to con- SymingUm. Hanaon aald . For- ? I3 MAM •nWT, MANOMSTM. CONN. We Have Just Reeeived A Shipment Of nera programa. He was somewhat edgy f(OM OiNEeATION TO OINERATION* COLD when a newsman asked him last greaalonal Investigator# that tola reatal told him he had dlsauaded * DM SAM • 9e«U He«oir. YH MAMegN “Tha United Stetes has been was about tbe end ef April, Kim- Mr. Tniman “with aome difficulty" 't . *• ' CREAM night about chargea that Brltlah Uoe oNr-n oil»ili d M espeidN New - ’ »Tno*imit«>0*«M itta ganarotts In provldlag aid to eoun- aoctallam has bunilcd the nation's baU aald A s now Snds It was a because be (Forrestal) did not • IM PORTED trtoa and peoples which suffend month laur. Ho aald ho talked want Symin^on to “appear as Chorles Straight oconomie affairs. < Never batMs EpaNora Mm M il the. ravages o f war and in help- "Unintelligent people always with Admiral Price and suggested m a r ^ .” 29 LILAC STREET tag those whose economies were Naval intelligence look Into toe Hanson did not elaborato on this So excitingly modem -*-■ with iu HOLLAND BULBS look for s scapegoat,” he replied, convarsation, and only a brief thrown out of gear by thalr efforts And later: “We are not here to matter. He aald he didn't talk with He roceived the television set ami Koam’s Grocery lovely long.'Jltbe HnMi'So oxdt- in tha oommon causa. ' But do not Inglie. mention of It appeara in Worth’s Announcing r nMwarMMii blame anybody and we're not go­ document. ingly,W(forrn<: the charming, lo* Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, Nai^ssua, lat us forget Britain also haa dona ing to allow anyone to blame us. Price, he said, told him that “he where he is a regular cuatoaicr received the radio. Ita aban in helping atbars.” '‘mantie nunjt of toadot abw’ kudo! hadn't had toe much luck check­ Crocus and Scillas Fm ST THKE EVER OFFERED AtUaa aald tba aid given by ing leaks through that oHIc a ” The Ro-ppening Of The^ Love it, use it every moot of your BrlhMb to other nations amounted Thsro was no speclflc Identlflca- Installing Cable lifq. Bt^g^ioUd oUv a . it won’t SMOKERS SA VE to 91,600,000,000 and chided Declare Dividend It p v* to buy tha best lawn seed. We' recommend PEPSODENT Special Vdna bon of ’’that office.” show wou. Start abiAio own tbi* ChurehiU fo r uidng these At about the eane tlipo, Kim­ For Traffic Lights CHARTER OAK TURF-MAKER. We also have a good supply of other PASTE-BRUSH its as tha baala fo r aa at- On Phone Stock ball laid he asked Worth If hO . titrillinf peiimoion. We*U arraaga lawn seed and clover. l8«TOBACCO Af AC, REG 8148 ; «B tha Labor gavarnmaat. could And out who wrote tha memo a payment pUa, if you with. waa anrprlaad and inda^ BAKED HAM SUPPER COMBINATION 0 9 ® HOT W ATER aad Worth "said he’d sae.” Craw * of tha Connecticut BOWLING ALLEYS b o t i l b o r -New Haven, Sept T—6P — Dl' A Uttto Uter, he said. "Worth Power Company were at work to­ > 4-HECE KACf SOTW6 $9 9 . SO Lawn FVsrtiliMr of AU Kinds KAYWOODIK Aso.se rectora of toe Southern New Eng­ cams to him and ha toinka Worth day'Installing cable for toe qew Briar Pipe*...... 9 FOUNTAIN land Telepimns Company' today HOME ECONOMICS COMMITTEE gtswtt Tm AcMK) Oofy "•aid aomething about he could traffic lights to he placed at the THURSDAY, SEPT. 8 STROfOR [Pcnonal Notices declared a dividend of 40 cents per BOLTON GRANGE UOHTER FLUID AMe share on the company's 625 par find out who wrote It it I could dangerous Center, Broad, Pine Lawn Took and Rollers promise Immunity.” and Arch atreeU and (Renter and S.\TrRDAY—SEPTEMBER 10—3:30 To 7:30 P. M. ’TJta”~t-o«.C m ...... ZO BOt-Oapadly : CsrisfTyuBks value capital atock for toe third Alleys Compietely Refinishc^ r quarter of 1M9. Then and whan Worth mention­ West Center streets Intersections. BOLTON COMMUNITY HALL QRANMR > WV wlah to thank aS ef eur aslsk- ed the affair to him later, Kim­ Ons tree was removed last Stag PIpa Ufhtar ^ Irisnlk aad rtlaUvas for the The dividend Is payable October Leagues are urg<^ to make geservetfatu TOHACCO 15 to atockholdera of record Sep­ ball aald " I pasaed it o ff rather wtek to make room tor toe F E k O B -flA S 9*„Feed and of Madness aad eyiapathr lightly because I bad no Idea he U^ts, which win be In three ■ t QUOD* r reseat bsrsaremsat tember 60. MENU: Baked hasA amshel sta, aieUad JBWBLBE KA-SF BOOK MATCHES sa. >.9S else thaak tthese who seat the Tlw ’iitecton 'adepted a memo­ had anything to do with it ” * unite. Two of tha units will be at L a r s e n ' sSuS haatA siloed tomatoes aad apple Und M A IN aaqflMjllNt1IB8TBB ware Buv now—6*v*. (||ntea e f soBeekiI w 'jk S d o ^ dssu aad rial resolution on the death of for­ Worth’s dutlsa wars varied, toe Broad atreet Intereectlon and Pin Boys over 16 ye«Fs o U waiilefl. 94 DEPOT SQUARE TEL. 5406 ' the see < mer PrealJent Harry C. Knight, KlmbaU aald, and covers ': .service the other unit wiU be fat Center squaab pie, rellA eoftae. r ,«h o dlad July 10. on boardA advising on pubUc re- and West Center streetA

, ' I ' • . •: , ‘cv ^ 'i' ‘ ' ’ t

i - . - . lyAVf Hy^y f f p SVSKING HISRALD. MANCHE8TE*# OONH^, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER T, IMP M AN Cm eSTD BVENXNO HERALD, IIANCRE8TEI, 00NN„ WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, 1949 P A O l ______- - ■ ------——— For General Wear rv - Don*t Mlu ■ ’s Trounce Motors to Win Playoffs As Pringle Stars W a PPING jPAOti Sat,, Sept. 10, Noon to Midulgkt Big John AUows Four GRANGE EXHIBITS Local Softball Tournament Starts Tonight PonUrr, LlTdstock, Home Arts, Hobby Shew, Flowtr Show, HoBMboM Apollsneto, Farm Machlatrjr, Hits, Geis Two Homers New Cars, Tmcka the ptoatiful Mat. Oaa of tha ran- top of the range tt should bo put Vote Against Slaughter May ' IfSW oirAlLB Of TKIJL] ^ aMlIy InfUtod or ArflaUd S m all Talk In a haavy saucepan and the heat Local Men Catch 6S0 Pound Tuna aona la Jbat toagua oomblnaa arall h j N B O O TH S Circah Blasts AcMimt pROOCa ar* thatvoglily uwMUac : aad caa flt Into tka autoTOWta with a great variety of fooda. kept vary low, or q^t In a doubto Italians and PNA’s Repealing Rnle Overtake Robby IPs AU Over at tilt WtUtOSC fHOP, W7 Mala ; tafgaa* eaaipartiatnt. Tb« n-laeh For inatancc, tongue allcaa can hollar over hoL no* bollU^ water. PARADE AT 2t00 P, M. For Six Runs in Mratt IRo faaWeaabla eombtaa* ' boS. walgha oaljr fir* pound^n* be apraad with waU aaaaaotd oook- Uaa af fafertca paU tatla touahaa flatad ai^ eoaifortabiy ad apmaoh, reUad, taatarwd wtU a If faU energy to InspUtag you — MUSIC BY THE BARNSTORMERS. 8-12 P. M. — CInctoaeU. SapL T—<0)-Me]or Now Tork, Bept. 7—OP)— Enoe I Triumph; Chagnon ffit aa oapa ftacka oa atakaa atraat | two adulU and two children. A 8^ to draaa up your home, you Mould AB wooden pick, than oookad with a Sapper 5-7 P. M. AdaKa ll.OCL Children lOe ,1 Clash in First Game League heaAai; haa voted egataat (Country) Blaughter, of tto Btl latanottnc la two eolona Inch boat can carry two youns xippy horaeradlah craam aauea. aaa tha huge stock of INLAID Louis Oardlnala, la stirring up I PhlUlpo, 8b . 6 Hard, Goes Distanee •hmn aro aaMit *^ 1 ” aloovaa oa chtldran or oaa paraon up to about AND FELT BABE LINOLEUMS Admieaion To Fair 40c Children Under 14 Free repaellng the bonus rato, tha oB quKa a fuss In tto National Rlchtara, as . . . 4 Id yaart old. It welfba two poundt and KENTILB ASPHALT TILE B|pt wetakt wooU. Tba popular A almpllflad, faat-to-uaa ayMam Tfew Britain Knights of Beaahell Oommtoaiooar A. B. Leagua’a individual totting raea. I Gavallo, I f ...... 4 Big John Pringle pitched and urn vary nictiy 4aaifnod. tnftotad. oa dlsplny at the MANCKB8TBR Pennant Races Cbandlar announoad today. Slaughter, a throwback to IJ-Prlngto, p ... 6 of ahoppmg on credit la tha PER­ FLOOR OOVERINO COMPANY, batted the Itallan-Ameritona to l i o a u glaaaw arttli tha lMQ>1ook MANENT CREDIT ACCOUNT ^ Meet East Hartford In a brief atatemant, Walter Oardihal Oaa House Gang days of I OentUoora, c f , 8 the SoftbaU Twilight League play­ OOU> SEAL WOOD CREAM, 88 Oottago StraaL TouH get 1S84, today was aartoualy ehaltong- OalU. r f ...... 8 In ftiiia timt win go proudlr ta luat put Into uaa at the W. T, ideas for decorating acheoMa from At a Glance Mulbvy, aacretory-trmaurar o t off champtonahip last night at p ^ a a . AO of tba aaw draaaaa adrcrtiaed by Arthur Oodfray on GRANT COMPANY. One gaU a 2 In Nightcap; Opener Ing Brooklyn's Jackie Robinson for IM. Oorrentl. Ih 8 Robertson Park downing the Broad the Olaaa Wax radio program, la tha mulUtuda of ntoe colon and baaabaU, said) 'TTba-amandmant to tto title. M. Pringle, e .. 4 Mat up to tha WUrooa tradition aupply of credit coupona to uaa aa new Mttarns la Unotoums. In At B at North* End Straat Motors, li to 4. at ftna quality at medaat prlcaa. available at the JOHNSON PAINT By The Associated Proas major and major-minor league RuM Rohineon fll but six polnte in front Puxao, 2h ...... 4 It waa all Pringle aa he limited COMPANY for |A* a can. Ifa a money, making monthly paymanta, KaaUla, yon can orlgtanta your with tha uaual carrying, charge. 1 AaMstean Lasgee ■ (f). the bonua rule, en which of Slaughter. Jackie to movlBg at P- Oorrentl, rf . 1 the league champlona to ebc hlU. moat rewarding cleaner and pot own design In any color* you Flrat round eontaeta in tha Mea- Olab W. L. feL M.TP. Taroaty'taa ahtmoMflng ahadaa Aiq^catlon blanka are available ptoase. Bring In floor maaaura- a mall vote from tha major toagua a 548 galL Including games of ...... none over the last flva Innlnga of of Panto. TaffaU la Obanoy*a fan liher for both furniture add wood­ chaataf Invitation SoftbaU Tour- New York 81 48 » — » chaha was raqutatad August 26, Labor Day. Slaughter to hard on Totals: ...... 86 11 18 21 10 play, and clouted two home nma at tha atora. raents If too wlah frso cost aatl- Anamant wtU get underway tonight Ejaton 88 68 .818 1% 30 Um offar taataHafiiK ehoica for work. mates and oompnrlsotia. , failed of passage." bto haala at 542. I **»•*♦ M oton (4) to account for six of hto teaai'a WMaanaMa powna. for aranlng If you've a place for a email ' at Jtobartaon Park whan the Ital- Clevriand 78 64 801 4J4 88 U m amendmanL which had bean Tto Dodger aparkiflhg dropped eleven runa. Jerry Oiagnon eU lt- fWwaa and dayUnw draaaaa or for ANT SORT o r WEDDING piece of linoleum to cover a coun­ '' lan Americana amat the HarUard Detroit 78 -50 574 8V4 18 approved by the major league ex- from 549 to 548 during the put “ _ ed and went the dtotaaoe la a los­ r in g n»ay be found at WIOR’B INEXPENSIVE BUT RELIA­ PoUah National AlUanca nine and Ramalnlng aebadulaa: haadaomc aato of badnraada and ter or ahalf, to make a mat for a BLE WATCHES ara appractotad Would You Riithor Driro A ecuUve committee, would have eat week wMto Slaughter Jumped McCurry, ef, tb ing effoit, being nicked 8m tktr- JEWELRY SHOP. »77 Main itreat ’ the East Hartford Sunayridm face New Teak—Homs (11). Boston sal da provlaloM of tha bonus rule from 528 to .842. Slaughter baited I Oovsy. rf drapaa la a boudoir. 11m 00-Inch worn opot on tha floor, or to en­ by youngstan — and a good way 6, Philadelphia 8, Wariilngton 4, teen hlU, walking four and whif­ wida taffaU la priced at only 86 —aiaklng It tha place to go In tirely cover a email bathroom NEW 1949 PONTIAC? tha New Britain Knlghta of Oolum for tha new crop of playara but out 17 hlU In 86 trip^ a .488 gait. pSolduc. If fing three. to train against taidlnaaa at home bua H w Italtons end PoUah Al-18L Louts 8, aavatond 8, Detroit % eanta a yard at the CHENET order to make a fully aaUafactory floor, there are Wg aavlnga In tha would hava kept them in effect for Stan Muaial, who with Slaughter 1 » Every member of the Uallane choice. Single rlnga of white or or school MATHER’B AT THE Chicago 8. Away <4) r k o t h e r s r e m n a n t s a l e s ­ REMNANT rLOOR-COVERING CENTER has tha Baba Ruth ; Uanoa wUl square off at 8 o’clock three yeere for thoec ptoyvra al­ forma the Cards' ona-two punch, | <5***»^ P etartlng nine got Into the hitting yellow gold may be beautifully REASONABLY EARLY DELIVERIES. ' with the Suanyaidm and New Brit- Waahington 8. « « ready covered. r o o m . SALE now In progreaa at tha Watch — an accurate tlma-kaapar Boeten—Home (8) New Tork 3, tockod flva points to hto mark to O- PM™P*. 3" act except Banjo Oaill. John plain or beautifully orna­ HALL UNOLEUM COMPANY. 82 with a awaap hand, aat In a metal 8510 WITH OR WITHOUT TRADES i aln going on at 0:80., Mutory told newsman tha increase hto average from 821 to I * • • Pringle led the parade with three mented. Bridal aeta match the I Prmh from their tateat triumph Detroit 8, 8L Louts 8. Ctovetond 2, uoandmenL "Peihape with modUL 526, third bast In tha clrculL **P»«a. lb Unuaual picnic fart might be Oak Street At 60 canU a aquare bracatoL at 88.81: and tha Wsat- Chicago L Away (11) Waming- eetlona,” would he on the agenda for five, followed by Ooech Hippo wedding ring to the engagement yard, there are plenty of colora clox Watch on n sturdy atr^ at ? ever the Broad Btraet Motoce) the Trailing Muaial are tha New|MUswahl, 2b Oorrentl'e two for three and Frank madt baUa Uiraadad on picnic diamond. Matched rlnga for bride ton 8, New York 8. Philadelphia 8. for tha Joint m ajor toagua meeting and etylaa In marble-effect or pat- 88.88. (Tax inehidad). By Bm Bw m «8 ItaUana wfll field the aamo team Tork Giants' Willard ManduJl Ri)J)tcrs and Hoe Pringle'a two for forka or atieka. altomatlng with and groom are much In demand. BALCH PONTIAC, Inc . that oairied them to the playoCf. Cleveland—^Home —- - 7^ - ^ ; - ^ (8), Deteolt AX in Daeamber. ^ ToUto: ...... 28 4 8 21 7 7 ptamp plckto or onion dlleaa. Earii Smartly taltorad for gaaaral fhO (toorga M. Trantman. proeldant Bobby Thomson and Pittsburgh's four. OPEN EVENINGS ebampiooMUp. Big John Prlngto or A ^ y (10) ^ Ralph Klner. Marahall to seeking Runs batted la: J. Pringle 6, M paraon can cook bla own over tha GRUMBACHER ARTISTS' wear is this handaaoM frock la ifcfcK {timigy will 4o Um 18L LfOUls S, PhliKdclpirtK 1# r of the Nattonel Aaaoetotlon, wUl Oorrentl. M. Pringle 2. Puaao, Cov­ lA’e Break Leeee eoato- but not flama— until the Lagging appatltaa reapood to In baking with brown eugar SUPPLIES hava bean added to tha lunlor atoaa. Diagonal Unaa flatoh- 166 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER Boi raquaat aalnor loeffuoa to vote 518 and Thomaon and Klnar, 506. The Italians broke froifi the meal of aaaorted cold maata clev­ fine stock o f aaeaastUas for art Three of the remaining four in ey 8, Chagnon, O. PWlUpa; Two aiaat balla are well browned ant) all lumpa should be removed from od In bright bottoM ara aa ayo- Yen Gan Always Do Retlar Al Raich'S on the amendment, eonaidatlng tha baaa hlta: M. Pringle: Three base barrier with five runa on two ain- eomplataly done. erly arranged oa a chop plaUar the augag before measuring. This work at tha McGILUGONVERSE eatcblng detail; ale area can be action of the major toaguea. Mill- the top ten are Cardlnato, Bd glea, three Motor’s mlacuea and a with chilled, crtap rallahaa. Butter­ may b a ^ n a with a rolling pin. COMPANY, 845 Mala StraaL brief or a cuffed braeatot length. r o m p , Kasak rookie Card third aacker, hits: M. Oorrentl: Home runs: J grand alammer by Big John Pllfigle - Cerrentt ara expected Pringle 2; Stolen bases: M. Oor- BEAUTtruL a irr s il v e r la ed new paaa, grMB baana or other Tha sugar should then be peeked Watar oolora, oils, and bniahaa ara Pnttarn No. 8610 to n aaw-rlta 8, Pblladalphia 8. **Tas decUnad to aey how each o f ranks seventh with a .804 marie. In the first frame. Al Puxso's sin- vagatablaa can aaaQy provide the tightly Into the measuring cup. of axcaptlofial quality. OS cray- parforatad pattern for alaaa 8, IL the acoring pundt. Nattonel Lmym ippaclany appropriate for faU The Hartford nine, tod by Don the 18 major league cluha voted. gia and an error foUotriiig a walk vaddtoga la the lovely daaigna and hot diah. ona—uaad'as regular crayons or, IS, 18. 14. 18. 18 and SO. Siaa 11 OB. TP. Brtofly. the bonue rule provldae and)d Nippy Jonm of the Cards are lA ■ • • **"*^ ^ to Cknranti produced the sixth typaa of hollow ware at MATH­ aUEDE SHOES FOR FALL ara BOAS when waL for water-coloring, coma threa quarter sleeve, 4 V ymida of Ingram on the aaound. have o o « * i - , t8 40 .daO — 88 that a pleyer, paid more then tiedHi for Snth ninth placeniaee with .300.800 aver­aver- J. Pringle 5 9 * ^ 0 " «• tally of the game in the third Frota crayona to typewritam not only the height of faahlon but In three alsed sets from 8.88 to 88-Inch. piled a very Impeeielve eeewm’elS ^ J fg; 88 SI .017 1 81 86,000 to alga a Major, A AA or AA ages. Red Schoendlenat of thei-—StrikoouU: J. Pringle 4. Chagnon v- ER'S AT THE CENTER. A cream By Mra. Anna Okbat redoid. their leet defeat wee 1 ■ *2 ^ * frame. Red Gavello walked In the gad augar aat of Starling Unad SCHOOL SXJPPUES are ready for axoaptionally pretty at C E. 81.60 for 24 colors. For this pattern, aand 88 cents. Raamlning aehadntoa: Laegue eentrecL assy not to to tenth, a point below the | >• fourth and rode home on Pringle’s atudanta o f all agaa at tha DEW- HOUSE AND SON. 866 Main This adorable carriage aat can In coins, your name, address, alaa t t 1 dC tha Greeter Hertford farmed out wtthoutwalvara. Tto ___ balla: M. Prlngto 1 Jarvis With gd d to 814.84; a art of plat- BL Loala—Home (14) Chicago -charmed , at 899. 7; Umplrea: Bohenko, Vlttner, aecond round tripper. Dom Gen- o f pUW .Ia flOJS. A charnUng ET-RICHMAN COMPANY. 767 StraaL Dreesy auadaa Include ba croebatad from laaa than 6 SKIRTS AND SWEATERS desired, and tha Pattern Number 4, New T ofk 8, Boetan 8, PMla- bonea amount for C8laa A chito to mad hbave oaa alx toetf man wHk Ihelr pafas eateh, a 888 paend ouncea of w ool Raglan aloevad Tost; Time: 1:35. tilcoro singled and dented the amdl boa b w diah In Starling la Main atraaL Big tooae-laaf aota- blarii. blue, and a three-taae brown have "girl appeal" at the MON to Sue Burnett (The Mandieater - - - ‘ ------(8) 84500, and for B, C, and D cluba, ___ r i igTiT r--|------**— Ito mea are rear, left to right, plate on a Oorrentl triple. Moe booln with all-around lippar cloa- charmer. Black suade casuala coma aacque. head bugging bonnet and OOMERY WARD COMPANY. Evening Herald) 1160 A va Amer­ Ctedn- $8,000. |S,ao. Sqadwich plataa and bread extra kmg bootlea ara aU worked Chnrilto raT-1ih1T. Ptod Lra, Setoattoa Oambolatl atol Frank Onmto Pringle registered Correnti arlth traya In alea khaM atari at 88.10 Ing are attractlva and afficlont for In aandal atyto or witk two strape. Little girl aklrta, slsea 8 to 8x. icas. New York 19. N. T. Under an amandmanL effoctlva KaeoBiW,' Al Len and Pat Deyerie. Tto tan* measured rigkt Sports Roundup the fourth marker of the Inning la dainty star and easy alngle cro­ flare out pertly In a variety of Boeten M ardi 81, 1848. honua p toy m now la plate. A hanwma four-placa carrying work. A new type of Baaidea tha auadc kboaa, thaA ara The FaU and Winter Fashion la - — r H -— , toeL one Inah In height nnd Ms feet to dinnaeter. But 88 ndnutes were [George Kell Gains with a double down the left field aadtoa aat Including a tray, la notebook haa a buUt-ln pencil box attractlva leather pumpa In brown, chet atRcheo. bright plaids with fringe trim. a complete guide In planning .«>SLrsjsrrss;£.:i PhUedelt York ■Ignad may to optlonad for one Pattern No. 8888 conslata of Western style; corduroy skirts , K ^ t h i year by a chib whidi buye or reqtred to lend tto Mg tmm. ______By Hugh mUertoa, Jr. line. COrrenU came home with the |M 7 la plate, a covered vaf Smith-Oorona portabla typewriUra black or color and aoma gay In- wearable faU wardrobe. New-ex- the New yAway (14) Phi Uide^ia 8, Boatoa eleventh run of tho game in the are predalon built for long and eX' formala with tha high ankle Mrap eomplata crocheting Instructlona, have amusing dsg ornaments; rad vlUng-lBformaUve. Free pattern • 4 Hartford toM^8|g^ CineUmaU 8. nttahurgb 2. ottorwiae obtains thair contract New Tork, SeOL 7—(F) — Re On Ted Williams table dlah, naable aa two dlahaa, la stitch Ulustratlons. material re- or blue wool la dressed up with from the original aadgnor. port trickling In from Brooklyn via sixth oa hto single and a foUcM up 8.18 In totamattoaal plate. Start- caDant aarvtea. Dependable foun In black or color. printed Inside the book 26 cents. blow by Moe Pringle. tain pana have a wide price range. quiramenta and finishing direc­ braid. Prices ara 81.88 and 82J8. THE tto Brighton Bench local to that I aitver cake aarvara atari at Smart MIrta In alses 7 to 14, at .V aldaa atartlng bnttacy with Joe some of'tha Dodger pUyera ara Chicago, BapL 7.—(F)—^If Bos­ Throw Ckita Down Batolar a o In i^rloua pattamifc AU An alaaa of paper, colored Inka and A new and delightfully easy way tions. S Sand 80c In ooln, your name, ad- 82.98 to 88.98, include the ^opu• dressing for tbia deaaert salad to a / Vegato andCbqlt Paiqnto the tot^ distinctly unhappy about Barney ton’s Ted Winiams to looking over Hie Motors drew within one run pptoaa Induda tan. panclla-^erythlng needed la au- to paint your m dinton to to uea tor plalda of many types and the mixture of mayoaiiaiaa and aour Bhotton's bandlli^ of the club of knotting the score la their half peitor la quality, ALintmUM SPRAT-O-NAMEL, dram and the Pattern Number to I tary far New Britain. '' HERALD ANGLE , ihto ahoulder In the American Anna Chbot (Tha> Mancbeater new tweed skirts trimmed with craam, or hBayannaiae folded into Yanks, Red Sox Open RegarfQeaa, there a a strong f««l- ,- c- he will find of tha flrat Inning When Uim cl ' Par naa eti caiaptag tripa. hunt- which youT find at the JOHNSON solid-color pockets. A large stock ■waatenad whipped cream. By ing that Shotton will be abowed batting up with four runa on flva mta and Dlahaa prepared with tongue PAINT COMPANY. Juat push a Branlng Herald) lUO Ava. Amerl- lag, flahtag and at vacation apota I. New York 18. N. T. of sweaters In every Imaginable EARL W. TOST his wtoh to retire to Bartow, Fla., I Detroit's George a base on balls. Oscar PhiUlpa tbantoanow plaatie beat that aro Itch la protein and are higk on button on tha can and spray m a color Includes nylon or wool slip- next eeaaon . . - Oome to think strong. The Bengal thira-ra«w waa cut down at the plate t o a blight, elaan coating without nmaa A colored Lunch Kit, with a Bporta EdUar of it more than one major laague last weMi picked up eight points one at $1.98 and 12.98 and cardi­ half-pint thermos bottle, at 8189 Big Scrips Tonight fine throw from Gavrilo to Moe in pmctienlly no Uma. gtoncea their way from ovary dl- gans at 88-88 and 13.98, In all manager must be feeling uneasy I on Thumpin’ Teddy, Pringle to prevent him from tyjng raction. Whether fine or coarae- la one of the many new ap­ now that tha season to In the home-1 While WlUtoma sMdded etx ■Isas. Many have flower orna­ proaches to SCHOOL NECESSI­ -t or gamea should hava been moved the score. Ed lapatka singled to Houaa-palntlng In tha hot mya grained, nubby hr amooth, home­ ments appllqued for extra attrac­ to beat tto Gianta, 8-8, In the ten Last Sunday afternoon at the to Mt. Nebo where the playing stretch—notably, ef course. Jack points to .353. Kell Inched up two open the second Inning and that ^ ’ ORGAN SOLOS of tha sun Should bo avoided. If a spun looking or Mgbly-taxturad, tion. TIES to ba found at the PINE ■rem Sparta Writer tyning opener but Lae Durochar'a West Side Oval several ticket seU- field to better then at the Oval and Onslow of the White Sox . . . polnU to .341. The prevloue week. PHARMACY, 884 CMtar StraaL T to New Tork Tnnkaaa, land- waa the last hit off Pringle the house faeaa east, tha painter would twaod la an aya-catchar. man took the nightcap, 4-L era got thamaalvea In wrong with the area enclosed. There's a growing suapiclon that wiUleroa held a 20-polnt margin rest of the game. Tha Motors ware By PopuUir ArH§t$ be wlaa to start early on tha west School boys wiU lUte the-flat pen­ ling tto American League since Larry Janaen had tha Phils Um regular patrons of the Twt- One thing to certain, and this to. BlUy Southworth won’t return to I which now has melted to 12. Whether you wish a lovely neck cil case of plastic at 8.85 to allde the openlag gun. face ttotr aever- retired la order In the fotprth, Hath aide, doing the east at a later hour. A GIFT FROM COTT'S la a lace or a handsome tie set. youll toatan, 8-0, with two out in tto BaaebaU League during the there idMnilto't be a repetition of tha Bravas . . , BIQ Veeck might I Kell if WUUama’ only barrier to and seventh fram es Oscar PhllHpa ' ' ‘ , • .. n free atomiser top Included with Into a pockaL Baaidea toiexpenslva Blngkamton 1, Utica 0 J14). taat o f tto aeaaon tonight ninth wtott they ranted to tie up ying o f the cliam|iionriilp game last Sunday. If the aaking price renew his efforts to depose Lou | a third straight batting crown and flnid GIFTS FOR WEDDING A T single fountain pana and autona- ■f V itSd^ open n vltol three- Boudreau, unless ha dtopoaea of Ted's fifth aince 1941. Third with ended the ball game -on- a ground WAA STACCATO ...... Gaylord Cartar Tha glory of autumn la raSacted each purchaaa o f Coty'a delightful­ TENDANXfl' in great variety WiniafBarra^. 8craaU| 0. the gaito. Bm Nlcbolton's single itWeen the Brlttoh-Amerlcana for the game to more than a regu­ In tha gorgaoiia faU calora In ly fragrant toilet water at 81-86 tic pencUa, there's a nice set of fS8 MAlN.ST. Only jBunen.^hiedutod. I game series with the challenging broke it up in the following frame. and SUk City Aces. The men with lar league game it should be ad­ the Indiana flrat . . . And who'd .320 to Bob DUUngcr of SL Louto ball to Puzzo «-h6 threw over t% WIOR'S, 977 Main Street If you're ink pen, ball pen, and pencil at Boeton Red Sox at Yankee etadi- want to say for sure that BiUy Othar leaden through Monday's correnti to give the ItaUane their m g s IN THE D A R K ...... Marcel Laurence TRANSPARENT VELVET and hi in an scent—"L'Origon,” "Emer- uncertain what la aultable, their MANCHESTER Sheldon Jonas outpttched Hank pasteboards passed through the vertised and announced tofore the VELVETEEN at Chanaya Strik­ aude." "L'AlmanL" or "Parle"— 82.96. All alsea of notebooks range - BrooUya 10, Boston 8. Borowy In the finale, winning crowd asking 60 cents and not two day of the game. Meyer, whose health Isn't too games included Dom DiMagglo, flrat playoff championship In three ](^014iER-SKATERS Wa LTZ Jeff Gledhill ing for faU waddinga and lovely experience can help you chooea. In from pocket else to loose leaf. • ObMfaninU 8, Pittsburgh 8 (10). Cbacy Stengal'a crippled Taidu bits for one ticket aa haa been the Shota Here and Hiere good, Frank Frisch. Leo Durocher Boston. .SIS; Dale Mitchell Cleve- years. at the WELDON DRUG COM­ a wide price range. out when hto battery mats, Wea for fan frocks, the Sattaiing vel­ PANY. Every home that haa a student Phltodalphla 4-1, New Tork 8-41 lend the etisllBg Sox by a game Waatrum, poled a three run practice In the past. First five men In the Red Sox or Zack Taylor wUl be on duty next i^nd, .313; Casa Michaels, (%lca- I lioVE YOU TRULY ...... Buddy Cole vet and tha parky valvataan aiv needs the Random House "Amer­ and a half and n Boeton aweep homer In the rixth. The 100 per cent rise In price batting order are swatting the spring T go, .307; Johni.y Pesky, Boaton, Ntwark—Johnny (Red) D« vary modestly priced at the CHE­ For a pretty fruit salad daaserL .(»«)• , for the finals came as a complete Facing the Moo-Sick .308; and Vic Wert*, OetrelL Vern Fazio, 187 ti, Bayonne, N. J., and Cheese will be hai^d and tough ican Dollar Dictionary” and a would dump the Tanka Into aeo- The CIncInnaU Reds exploded apple'at a better than .3(KI clip. NET BROTHERS REMNANT peel oranges so that no white good pencil sharpener at 82.24. No gamea achedutod. ond pines. surprise to many. Twenty-five The group of sluggers include State, newest member Stephens, Boajon, and Roy Slevcra, Charley (Cabey) Lewia, 130, New If it la cooked tao long or at too membrane remains. Cut In drclea. for four runs In the tenth Inning SALESROOM. Stengel haa actocted AlUe.Rey­ to cup the Pittsburgh Pirates, cents to the fee asked for all regu- Dom DiMagglo. Johnny Peaky, of the Big Ten, hopes to get out SL Louto. all tied at .103. York, drew (8). high a tamparature. Whan a dish Arrange the orange slices on a bad UghU in "ntta^l scheduled Twilight League con- of the "Uttle cow ooUege" class In containing cheese la baked In tha FRANCES DENNEY BPS- nolds (18-4) to face BUto Kinder 8-8, under tto Ted Williams, Vem Stephens and New York—(NBA)—Fine fab­ of watarrraaa, whael-faahlon, and W . L Pet OBL| (18-5) bafora an eatlmntad 76,000 Bobby Doerr. Billy Gorman is footbaU by whipping mighty Mich­ oven it's a good idea to keep tha center with a square of cream CIAL8 bring bargain prices at I l M buiith. rics aid and abet the new suit in siK ^ir ..8 .93 3 41 .692 — I plus crowd. Lefty Bd Lopnt to the Winning pitcher BhveU Black- The writer beUavea the price of juat a shade under the .300 mark igan thto faU . . But the Bpar- t r a p ’s m flagging ayaa to Its 1880 look. temperature moderate. When a cheese and ripe Mrawbenies that QUINN’S p h a r m a c y in this admlaaion, if you want to caU pasa- Uns still get a belt out of reUlUng .649 19 and Al Zarilla is not far behind. cheese combination is cooked on famous and popular ooameUelan’a Bcramm .-...'.78;.7 S 60 .649 19 [prohahto Tankeo pitcher for the well sln gM to start the raUy and Take tweeds, which are drawing have not been hulled. A good WUkaa-Barra .71 81 588 2 0 m ■eoeSd cBcountor and Vic Raachl Ing the hat and hoping for the best Wllliama and Stephens form Jthe an Incident which happened when laeoirporsted products. Big jars o t her Mild Johnny Wyroatek cUmaxed the an admlaaion fee, should be upped that designation atill waa correct TEL. 6«80 Binghamton ..M 85 .516 38^ or Tommy Bynie for the third. uprising with a two-run tripla best one-two punch in the major Celanese* m MAIN STREET Cleansing (>eain, her all around for a' championship game or games leagues. They're tops In home Aa uaual the university waa Velvet ^ e m , her buUd-up Skin Hartford .....M 68 .485 2 74 I Tha Son ara expected to counter Ralph Klner poled hto 4Srd homer •fEnilta f fad MesIs Hime of Frifkiairt Wintamaport , .88 71 .488 SO with Jack Kramer and 81-game the same aa the baseball World runs and RBI’s in the American giving "the Aggies” a torrlfic Oeara, and her Oil Blend, regular­ for the Pirates and atruck out to Series, title boxing bouts or foot­ pasting In an early-aeaaon gams Rayon lam ira ...... 68 81 .896 894 I winner Mel ParneU. end the game. League....At least four women ly eclllng at 83.50 to 84.00, are ball gamea. This corner also agrees drivers will compete In the 200- During tha second half Field­ U U en...... ;4 8 85 581 424 Reyncdda, despite hto impreerive that 50 centa to a fair tariff to v r F or priced temporarily at 83.00 for Won-loat record, liaa had a rough mile national championship stock ing TocL then Michigan coach, any one. And a new Jitroductory ask for a championahip aeries at car races at Langliorne Speedway ■potted a battered, bloody Michl Vatic ....8 1 48 season while Kinder to enjoying the Weat Side. gan atate player heading toward Package of ahampoo and hair con- ..8 8 58 the beat campaign of hto career. MAJOR LEAGUE thla week-end. Mrs. Ethel Mobley dlUoner, regularly 82.26, la now However, I do beUeve the league will drive a 1948 Ford coupe. Driv­ the locker room . . . "Hey, young ^|oiavri|^ ..7 8 54 Reynolda luto completed only four ■rrtd in not pubUctolng in a paid felliL The game isn’t over yeL F a ll 82.oa ..7 l 68 of 25 atnrta. He turned in hto beat ing a 1948 (jadlllac, she placed adverttoement tha fact that the 11th in the recent 160-miler ^t Yoat ahouted . . . "Mr. Yoat," the Underwear ..8 7 85 game last Saturday when to admission scale had been Jacked, young Aggie responded. "We FALL SEWING CLASSES, now Daytona Beach. Other members of m laai uitn icago ...... 88 80 blanked the last place Washing­ By Tho Associated PrtiM from two to four bits. Also that were told we were coming down being organfaed at tha 'SINGER 'Mu L o u is ...... 48 86 ton Senators on threa alnglea the public address system man did the fairer aex who will compete iai tasTarai riu W eddings... Include Sarah Christian, Ruby here for experience. I've had SEWING CENTER, 888 Mate SgWaahlngtoti ...4 8 87 Kinder, who never won more Batting—WUUama, Boston, .853; not have knowledge of the rise In mine." Street, provide the means for m Naitonni than ten gamea In the majors un­ Kail DctrolL 541. the price scale ao he could an­ Flock and Louise Smitii.... Midg­ One-Mlnnto Sport Page having dtotinctlva clothaa at very t. Louto ... ..8 8 40 til this season, to working on-nn Runs—WIlUaSM, Boaton, 184; nounce tt to tha fans before the et racing cams to a close last The "Chip of the Americas" polo rtt maissiciooK... Bridea, brideomaidn and mothern of litUa cost. By the end o f the eight Mt is simpler to avoid danger than to recover lyn .,...88 61 eight game winning atrenk- DlMaggia BeSfon, 114. game started. ' * Saturday night at Weat Spring- aerioa in Argentina naxt Novamber two-hour claaael, you not only lladalphia ..tl 84 Tto return to action of Joe Di- The ticket aellera are not to field Speedyray with Mike Naranik the liride and groom. from diadater. So wby not face the fact now— Runs Batted In—Staphena, Bea­ winning the 100-lap feature. Iron may turn out to be a flop bacauae have learned to eew but you have *...... 87 87 Magglo and poaalbly catcher Togi Mama. They received their in- Cecil Smith and Gaorga OUyar / before you beeooM really ID—eo ill that yon ton, 145; WiUlaa^ Boaton, 141 Mike also won the century grind " O i l i completed a garment The course ew Tork ..- .8 6 67 Berra greatly enhanoea, the HlU—WUUama, Boaton, 178:1•tructiona that tickets were to be won’t be eble to plfly tor the Unit­ coats 810.00. Phone 8888 to select need t ^ eiqierieiioed oounael of a pb raiciaaT Yankee chancea DiMagglo bowed ■old on the basis of one for every the following evening at Cherry 3 ittaburgh 1 ...5 8 78 MItchaU, aaveland, 170. Park. EM Otto will present a stock ed BUtee. Smith, easily the world's your time. \ nctnnati ....58 78 out ot the second game In the Doubles—Williams, Boaton, 87; 50-caut piece collected. The ducat beat poloiat today, thinks his ranch Call on your Doctor now. Let him make a Labor Day doubteheader in Phila­ sellers carried out these instruc­ car ahow Sunday and the follow­ Adaptation of the perSnnial favorite com- 39'' Transparent iCago ...... 68 88 KaU. Detroit, 86. ing Sunday a combination midget bualneaa may keep him home In careful diagiioeia of your oonditioii. Jben Ta^^toOMMS delphia because of leg cramps but tions but in doing so gained .a Texas. OUver'a recent Injury aras The Inquirer Triploa—Mttchaa Clavaland, 20; small army of dtosattofled bleach- and thrill ahow will take place at Your dorkatl day will get Q billing Air Steps fine craftsmanship with the give him your full cooperation, to aaeare k the Jolter reported the aliment DUUngar, SL Louto, 18. the Avon oval... .Two membera of somewhat more serious than It b Hartford at a t Wllkea-Banro.WIUtos-Banra. I has disappeared. aritea. Fans should know the rapid recovery. It ie in this way that yon Home Runs—Williams, Boaton, asking admission price before go­ the University of Connecticut foot­ was flrat believed . If Pancho lift from Jockey Undarwaor season’s graceful lines to give you “the shoe with K Albaay at Scranton. | Berra, out with a fractured left 87; Staphena, Boaton. 85. Gonsalea turns pro, aa expected, Velvet $2.25 yd thumb aince Aug. 7, participated ing to a game. They ahouldn't be ball squad had Lady Luck In lusuriout CalonsM . H's the youthful feel” in a time-honored classic ' can gain most from the miracles of modem Utica at Wtillsmaport (8). Stolen Bases —DUUngar, BL embarrassed by a ticket collector upon them during the past sum­ Australia's Frank Sedgman should medidne.. And remember, we carry com­ Blngtuunton at Elmira. In a "pepper game” yesterday. He i5ula 16; Valo. PhlladJphla, 14. who to doing hto duty as In­ mer. Frank Alu, aophomore tail clean up In amateur tennis next imooth fitting and rich look­ reported the digit *'felt swcU and year. And the pros likely would plete etodta of pbarmaceatkala yoor Pitching-K inder, B o a t^ 18-5, structed. back from Ansonia. won a new ing in tporkling white. Boston (Kramer 4-7) at Naw| I guess ru play.” The Yogi’s big .788; ParnaU, Boston, 81-7, .760. A good way to keep faiu com­ 1949 convertible after tnvaating make h)m Uieir next objective . , . Doetor’a preecripdoos. Bring' them here. fork (ftaynolda 14-4)—nIghL bat win receive a royal welcome. Strlkoouta — Trucks, Detroit, ing to ball games to to treat them two-bits In a raffia. Jesse Bklar of Tbe Yankees are expecting Hugh So smart and ba devaland (Wynn 10-5) at Da-| While the Tanka and Red Box 187; Nawitouaer, Detroit, 18J fairly. Without support of the Hartford, a tackle, won 11,000 In Casey and Spec Shea to throw comfortable in this famous ‘ trott (Truclui 16-10)—-night. go at each other tto thM place NaMa«a iMagM ' fans a laague would not survive. a Capitbl City theater after a their weight around during the fi­ knit support underwear. Look 39" Velveteen northiend %: SL Louto (Fannin 7-10) at cau-1 cnevcland Indlara and fourth Batting — Robinaon, Brooklyn, If money was the objecL.tke game short mental bout with Dr. I, Q. nal pennant drive—and that’a a : ucago (Wight ll-18)-e-nlght. place Detroit Tigers wlU to bat- PHARMACY .848; Slaughter, BL:Louto, 543. lot of weigh; to throw . . . Texaa for the Y-Front, It's )rour Waahington (Scarborough 10- Uing. Runa—maaa, Brooklyn, 117; report aaya Bill Ptorro, a Pirata M l) at ralladslphla (Schalb 8-11) I The TIgera antertoln tto In­ Twilight BaaabaU League. AU pro­ ossuronca you ore gettinff I Depot Square Tel 8848 Free DaSvery Robinson, Brooklyn, 107. ceeds WiU enter the Accident Fund. farmhand, virtually pitched Waea $2.75 yd. 5!>-nlght. ^ . diana In n two gams aerlaa. Tha into the Big Stpta League play­ the famous Coopers produtf- Open Snedaya AH Day Indiana trail the Tanka by four Runa Batted Ift — Robinaon, Local Sport A total of 844 waa coUected at tha Brooklyn, 118; Klnar, Plttaburgh, game with Rockville and but 818 offs. All he did was fan three top ' * Boston (Bickford 14-9) at| and M ia hMf games and tha ngera Oriiieeted bM 108. against the SoftbaU Leaguers. Austin batters to protect a lead MaB«fec»wr«e ky Brooklyn (BanU 7-5)—night. by six and one half. Hlta—Robinaon, Brooklyn, 182; then take hto regular turn tha ClnelnnaU (Uvely*4-8) at PUto* Meanvriflle, the equaUy Unas Chatter THomaon. New Torii, 171. The SUk CMty A. C. football team next night and wMff seven more coopiR$, me t~ iMffh (Bonham T-4)—nlghL National Laagua race flnda tha Doubles— RoWnaon, Brooklyn for a total o f 876. Chicago (Lada 4-4) at St. Louto front-running BL Louis Oardlnala For a team with all local play­ wUl acrimmage tonight at 8:15 at 84; Hatton, anelnnati and Ennto, ers tbe SUk a t y A. C basebaU the Charter Oak Lota. AU candi­ No PMoe to Beat (PoUat i7 - i) —MghL only one game nbsnd of tha Bill Leckonby, L^lgh U. foot­ ,< (On)y gamea aehadulad.) Brooklyn Dodgers. Phlladalplila. 88. team did all ri|^t during the past dates ara asked to report oh time. 50" Acetate Triplaa—Muatal SL Louis, 11; - - - ball coach, waa Inspecting an ax- , Dh i Nawoomto, Mg Negro season. Coach Pat Bolduc guided Robinaon. Brooklyn, 10. tha Aces to second place In tha The SUk City A. C. wiU hold an tensive Job of remoideling athletic Manchester Teetmpday*a Stars Irightbnndar pltehad tha Dodgers farlUUea . . . One Job which likely Batting-Was Waatrum, Giants I to within n gams of the Rad Birds Homs Runa—Klnar, Pittsburgh, final Twilight Laagua standings Important meeting tonight at the 48; Muaial, SL. Louto. 28. and the Aces also gained the play­ V. F. W. Home at 8:30. Program won't bo finished btfore the season —Cloiitad a thraa-run homar toluat night aa to turned back tto off finals. opener. Sept 34, If fixing tha foot­ Rayon Taffeta give New Tork 4-1 victory over Boston Braves, 10-8, at Bbtoto Stotan Baaaa RoMnaon, Brook­ and raffle returns must be made at WMto lyn, 80; Raaaa, Brooklyn, IS. this time. ball equipment and drasMng ro o m CARPET CENTER Philadelphia In eecond game of al Field. The Cards, tha CMongo . "If you'd hava (poma trees Shert • Snap'Lock doublehcader^ IChtto and the entire American Pitching—WlUu, St. Louto, 11-8, One of tha moat Improved base­ ,788; Roe, Brooklyn, 18-4, .760. ball playera In Manchsatar to Al Paganl'a Cllppara defeated the planted at tha open end of the sta­ Raf. 11.76 Yard ««>) Pltektaffr-Don Newcombs, Dodg-1 League were idle, dium.*' Bill told AthIctto Director WMte *Tha SpocUd Shop for Ruga and Carpeta' ^ an—Pltohadrs—Pitched Brooklyn to within | Nawoomto, Newc in bagging hto 15th Btrlkaouta—Newoomba. Brook­ Klein. The SUk City second base- West Sides, S to 2, to gain tha lyn, 138; Spahn, Boaton. 132 man, always a good defensive Rac Intarmadiata Baseball League Percy Sadler, "we wouldn't have to Midway Trouser gams o f loading SL Louto Oardl-1 triumph, ytoided only six hlta and player, has found himself at the worry about hanging up clothaa nala by boating Boaton, 10-8 on a | fannad i to nm hto Icngtio- championship. Nino Patrlcca beat- . I Plhto »n

■ f ) MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1949 .fv-i ilA K C H E Sm EVCNINO HERALD. MANCRB TBE. OONIf, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMREl T. l»4f I Am A a , 8 • iiw t.vr.t r. UM KV FtINTAINE SOX Par thaaa great truths wa stand Pd warn SM auR fav •fTTr- Sense and N ontiense And ptodga, by haart aad hand, . yaan, aad tBsraHi •1 itodBto WtUtoB1 P ftii 72 In aU wa aay and da orrfltai IS Plrat Ctork—Have you snd yenr[ Slngts Mail —Dose your wife TV) kaap tbasa graat trutbs trua. tha pants; and I wto 1 u V n r o l E o S r -O u t* boas aver had any dlffsraficaa of ssisot your elotbsst With all our strangth to strive sundry faara, whan Fas f khd ■ 9$ IfrrCRELLB WaUlag and Rapalr R*a hard baObva, tleally « m y = 1 opinion r Married Man—No, but aha picks And kaap thaaa truths allva; i m roito 4«to« Sbop for proaspt asrrloa. asoty M rasry. nOM Bchaol gM would Mko to to Rto tMS. stoop or dance. Ths vast was trasr ; Mtet. IU«#, toatw Md to A-1 esn tor ektldrm Oaly 44R as asoNTHl Beral Irlg n * kMahas, 8 Second Ctork — Yea, but ha pockets. ^ That God makaa all man fraa C h t i t f i M i Ima aad olsctric wMdtng, spray Local light trucking aad paekaga i ) In human dignity. big paper thtat ths soat,‘ ^iMBMi eendltMi. (ton 4M4. daUvery. Hafrigaratoca, avsalaga OhR 44444. p X . doesn't know it I ------and ropalrtng. Roaaoa- ‘Wrtda'a Dattght*' garage, lot ft 1 SS4. To worahlp, hva, and labor, tha cuffs was (rajrod; aEl t BU A JvcrtiiqBcott m i DC UJXB Packard ehib ably priood. gnaraatood work. I aad atava awrtag a ■ LAROH Attrao tim y - ■■ I Ws seam always to bs looking . FBOM 4-0T41. 4 lUM lOjn^^nDL ■upasay. M giaitoi I Eoeb equal with kla naighbor; triad to aavo tha tin, to buy oouM, radio and koator. Torjr win pick up aad dsttrsr your rs- TM BRAND NSW rUHIW V R H at 14 tatt 4-S4U or 4434. Man has hamaassd amny of thsj backward to good times ar for- To apeak his ailiid out clear. self a raadymada CI.AHHIKIKU AllVT. elMH. PrlM reoooeable. Prlrato palr work. Pham 4-4004. 444 THE AU8TIN A. Chaailw n OR. fuS IUm ^odtton.L T d . 4478 days amT feresa of nature; but. so far, hasl Umas. Without reproach or (car; wlfay said to ma, bar pnU y Parkor strost, Msarksstor. asnlato wtth A naw IM i "PMIecr walk LOVBLY OKPT. HmilW t ofWBor. can w to. local movmm packMg. srattog mule Rafrtgitator aad a Naw boon unable to -do anything about j ------To tread where haroaa trod all lined with cara ... TVra'a and storago -wrriae to all parte YOUNG WOMAN i iftU i 1444 "B eagar Osraklaatlda Reaga. T444. o f a tn sti the wsathsr—much In ths nows to OccaslonaUy a man and hla wife | In freedom under (fod. Invited to a tea, and havaa’t ffst a SrW A. M. to 4:4S P. N. 1W7 CMBVROLBT coopo, 1W7 r a d io (ninlo protaeta yoai work after 4 p. Larga Bvtog Mom with equauy day bacauss of unssasonshla both have a good Uma at tha aama Plynoutk aodan. ItM P|y«»utk rastssant Our low oTaihmd mam or tha U. a. A. aad (MaiIda CAU Fraa Btoraga—Praa Daltvmy 1 —Joseph Autondar, thing to wear!” I laid the Bvaalift 4187. P.BJL operator i oRlea Mark. Ptoa Bat Up tnem bright toifl drought and fro st against arhlch party, but not oftan. 1 Echo down, and gaaod at her to iM t PlyoMUtk tndor. you moaay. (toll today If your T d . 4-4441. passh; kitelMB SasIgnsU bs la powsrtoas. .(Mlvin (paaaioaaUly) — The' Ctoaa cart, priced right. Oaaraa- radio or aloetrlcal appHaaom aood The abon furniture Mmwh by ap- 444 Oak stradt I < 0 O C T O ^ AglUtad Cuatomar ( rushing Into mild aurpriaa . . . aad said: "O f all LAVELL** Bsniise Mgkt tnektag atasto yet It to lam a more I look at you dear, the marcl drug store)—Look hare, you gave tM 4 P M fto 1 tood. (tolo Motors, dldd. ropalrs. 110 Rpraeo straot Pheoo patetamat ante. I the girls la town, you're wardrobe aad doflvary. Waafcly at ■ ootaiy Phone Rartfbrfl 4-0444 NICELY rumBkad'larga rasas. ( fortaito; aonmeet lavai baautiful you aaain. me atryeknlna Inataad of quinine! has the graatast aiaa.” Than with a M79. rubMoh routes lavtted. Maa- 41 HA'''® J'irt Gladya (axpaotant)y>~YeaT j liM T -P A M POOK No. MMO. U SE D C A R S Ask far Mr. Albaet bus lias. Bottahls (br eaa or twm Druggist (calmly)—Then that I tearful sigh aha crlad: "How caa rLOOR ProhloBia oolaod wttli ebaoter 4-4840. OmtlaaoiM hot water. Phono 4- tha Brat Boor. Ttorto hasutlful (Mlvln (brataUy)—I .ought to will be 10 cents more. you maka bm bo forlorn! You aua Natteo la hsrohy *5?“ A-L4-HR-TR hadrooxM wM with aewls slootto, look at you oftanar. Book No. 44430. ua—lUdsrs to WUnmanUe, aaporlanoa. John Maloosy. VERY Oohtfortabla haatad reoas, I found food that agreed with ma Applicant—No, but 1 can wade we'vs been Invited to a danea.” gtato Tsadwrs ooUsgs. Fhons 1941 BUICK SEDAN 4-1044. 1 Wslaut otroaL RUHBUR aad ashsa realoood. In- DOBERMAN Ptaaelmr pupa. 140. OULHRANSEN Ptano^ oO raugOv BaoeBant 4 raom ab^m. aSatUug I should rtick to It |to bast the band. —Karl Flaatsr. also combination oU aad alactrie oantrally located, CaV 4-41T4 UM oftor d. 1941 BUICK COUPE etnerators elsvaac. flaad. gravel Tslephoao RoekvOla 1444-Jt. after 3 p. m. tal a aattlng of large riiady mulaa. OLANDER'S Machine Shop, lot oad ga, cord wood say, arbor, M- Just the home n r tke kuafniaa A PrwUetkm! LANE LEUNARD 1940 PACKARD SEDAN aad elndera. Van sarv COUJB8. AJC.C. mbtaa Bta M1C1US2 FINN gaW lNO Maeniass ou ortiy ro- pair — prtiductlon local aoTtag. Phono R. H Jcaoo. la. Moke on offer. 611 LffdaH ROOM wUb kttebanatto for light ■Uacutlva or prnfaaalenal maa who psrsd or adtoslod. 1940 PLYMOUTH COACH Stool (or sala. Opan from 4 A hlua mariaa males, ftmalaa. beau­ Phone 4-3544. wants eoantiy ekarm with saap 19U INTERNATIONAL PANEL ; t-iM i Mohe tifully Btorksd, fun eoUars. heuashasplHg, for eouplo. Alao S m . Work guaraaisod. Call to 7 p. B. 44 icm strost. Y two alagto room for gmtlomaa. aeeaaalbiHty to hla work. K tT ar assataga 4^14. TRUCK 4-4410. Cbanplea atook. Prload to suit RED Laothar hlgh-ehatr i Wx room abtgto, steam heat, aa- your peakothotto. 904 Koaaoy wicker otrollar. Oood coadKlen (ton 4444. Pflhiting PflRgrtBg 21 eatlant eendltlea, wall IseatoA ■troot Phono 44M. (ton 4-04n. n o o u POR oaa-ar tom aa Bao IU.400. AatoBM>bil a Phr Salt 4 GORMAN MOTOR SALES HoRsaboM Sarrlcaa CD 4 PAINTINO and paporhaaging. litu. Board if daalfad. CaU 4- 344 Main 8L Phono 7440 orr«t«s ISA TROPICAL Flak tanka, ptoats and OBiO. ARTHUR A. KNOFLA INT PLYMOUTH 4 DR. Opan Monday, Wadnaodays aad First class work, rsasenabla aeeaaaorlaa. Kallay*a Aquarium, MAPLE Oib, complata. Phoaa ItEALOOR snd hsstsr, gnnmetal Prlday TV 9 and Saturday PLAT rmiSH. RoUaad artedc rataa. (toll Bob Ttsha, 4-9174 bo- 49 Sunset strsat Phone 47D8. 4-44«S. CHEBRFUI4 eesafbrtahla waU- g7S MAIN STRBBT gjiay. A roolljr clsan low mtloags Aftamooos Miadsa ssada to taoasuro.- i twoan S and 4 Opm TH 4. a. (umlahad room. Privnto homo. Phona 8440 Or 8434 # ' V * 'S '' m ta l rm otlaa httnds at a ai FELT Bose ruga. Sorals, tOaa. E a U b lb ^ 1931 ear. OUT8IDB. m SID B Patottag sad| PHEASANT Hunter. Itagtatarad marblas, hooked and attraary Lady prafarrod. Garage avallabla. low prioo. Kays ssada whlla ym paparhaajDng. rraa asttmstas. CaU 4-4484. Home Uatlnga Wantaq 1441 DsSOTO 4-DR. SEDAN—Ra­ W u itoS A bUm — sralL Marlew*A matun female BngUshi Sattar. pattams to clooaa froBL Not ah dio and brstsr, fluid drlvs. Oood M otorcydsi W ompt aarrtea. Raasoaabla Excallant hunter, braadar aad patterns la all alaae. 4x16 rag. COMFORTABLE room, tingla ay II TURNBULL Road. If you ara 1 2 twicaa. Phone 7g40. D. Fraebatta.| ttrss. oA tj. ROY aad Qordoa. Baports p at 3-4443. $14.60, apodal 88.47; 4x14 rag. double, la quiet horns, (or parti­ sashing a good buy may ws aug- for rag aad upholatory ski Workasaa’a oosspsamUoa, pubUe 44.78, apoclsl 48.48; 4x104 gsat thla proparty. A aingis horns nMMERMJlGrs Kaaadiai LoTa cular parson. Central location. 1441 PLYMOUTH C1X7B COUP* tag. Oomplata haaM aad UahOlty ca n ,______44.96 apodal $8.97; 7.0x9 Fhono 4489. of g rooma with four flniabsd and —Radio and hootor, dark grson. cloaalng. All klads of odd atraat Phone 4447. Extra nice 44.76 apodal 44.44; 4x14 rag. 3 partlaUy oomplrtod. This boms WANTED—THIS WEEK nmciUOR and fatarler painting Boxer pupa, nlc«t rad Cocker 1.80 Bpadal 48.84; 8x4 rag. |8.48 Good condition all osar. Phono i-9047 os and paparhanglng. Oat my (rae 44.1 was hqllt Just bafon tbs wsr, of 4440. pupa. ■pedal 48.04. Watkins Brothars, Apurtiueuts. Plati. sxcsllant matsrials. Nicely land- VERY CLEAN 1946 to astlamU on your work. Rayaumd » -> lA o CHRYSLER 4-DR. SEDAN— 10 tne. ToBeawBto 62 seeped lo t 78 X 170. Garage with Jtadto sad hsatsr. A nlea dsan WEAVTNO o f bon a . SMtth holos Flaks. 4-«»7. with smaalta drive. AutomsUe 1949 ears, prefonbly Chevro- Ptodtry aai SappHcs 41 rUNNY HMIUNBMI ■T HBESBBBR 6 BR B U G S B U N N T BUUTH AND HER BUDDIES S a i m O ld R oai* BY EDGAR MARTIN htock car. aad ton dotklag, hoslary runa INTERIOR AND Cxtortar patot- SEVEN-PIECE bedroom sat four- r e n t BEBKERB—W# ara again heat with olL Storm window, and haadbaga rapatrod, slppor ro- plaea nuraary aat (crib, ward­ I 40B ORA BAftf H’UB.ROI iOR.VOM VEWNR H lM ft t o o V O l B*B «tS\ AO OAVRYAVRE*. leto. Fords, PljnBouths. lag, papaituagtag. oaatom ro- YOUNG rradbly kOlod totkaya. tor a Umltad tlma only aceapUng acraans for avary arbidow. Larga ROM ACMOOL 1444 CHBV. 4-DSL SEDAN—A placaaimt, aatorallaa rmalrad, Fully taaurad. Expert CIsaaly ptekad, 14 to 18 Ibs, 63c robe, draaoar, youth bad). All ax- MpUcationa to Bad you a rant rear porch. Attrartlva Uvtng room TO 4 0*0 HDD |MNK«i,.VKflO w oon YAVL \E MMkM - V«CI* )A EtMKtiRA many elaaa oar. Low prieo. aam’a shirt collars rsrorsad aad work. Naw 1449 wallpaper Books par pound. 40 lb. avaraga, 84c caUmt condition. Talaphoaa SOflS. Wa do our utmost to placa yon with flraplaea and bay window. 4B7UNIA/ A V»CL . A«NN9(V.H WH 4990 YWNlE.RtirirafA tA 90*.B lR 90MAW.V*. ALL (XAR*. DoCORMIER MOTOR SALES raplacad. Marlow's Uttlo Msadlng Edward R Plica. Phaaa 8-1004. par pound. Phoaa 77U prafenbly In a daalrakla rant aa soap aa pom Tmmodlata occupancy aad jniead VMVCIRvQto; AOHMCH'.WRfto 4990 VVL VRQENflhN (Va « o MANY OTHERS Shop. WE BUY and aafl gsod uaad (uml- after 8 p. as. turn. OonbiaatloB rangaa, gas ribla. Invaatlgata 00. aarvlea. for quick aala at $13,400. Robert .flXNDNi CIHCR A YUDLl*. V Dpm Tkas. and Thurs. Erontngs 24 Msplo St Manehostor OHARBONNEAU HouSo Rental Bsrriot Bureau. 441 Mala J. Smith. Inc, 468 Mabi atraat COLO 1 9AV99Nft O0> VObCM tog. toterkr, exterior, rangm aad hmtera Joaat rural- L MOMrt CURTAINS lanndarad. straight W antal— Itoto—PwUtry— tars Stora. 44 Oak. Pkoas 4-1041 atrasL Maachaatar. Phona Ma Phone 8480. BROWN-BEAUPRE. Inc. hanging. Soar aandlag-aad chastar 3-4374 days. Atos opsn TAM A 76c. rnfflad gl.OO. (ton 609S. MANCffIBBTnt-MarabaU Road. 44 Blaadl Strsat Vttimm T141 Ishlag. (ton 4-4678 or 4-8408. S ta ck 44 HOLLYW(X8D Bed, occasional Thursday svsalaga 7-4 p. m. WM, table, alao Wolf dyed Lornx fur 4-room (Saps Cod with space for M O X e t WANTED-ttowo,- oalvaa aad beat FOR BUSINBBB or' profaaslonal two additional nioms, Braplaea, 1444 FORD. Good eondltioa. Fonr- BaiMiag—Caatraetlat 14 Jacket Can 8849.______TA\« daor sadan, has 1941 motor. $110 8arvtc44 Offtrsd 12 R ep a tria g 21 cattle, alao uoraas. We pay the oma. two oonaaettag rooma, Idaal blowar typa furnaoa, Oouhla hi- HYAB osMl Lmaiag town. Phoaa 4- CARPENTER Work, general re­ top dollar. Ptala Bros 444 Bld- GLENW(X)b Combination stove locatloa, right party. Addnaa P. •ulation. combtoatloa dtorm win­ VENVnAN BUNDS. AH typos pairing, altaratlona, aiding, roof MATTRESSES. Your aid mat- waU atraat with Silent (Row ol| kurnars, O. Boa 488. Maachastar. dows, serssns aad doora, axtra Bna asado to ordar, also rorandttloB- tram starUlaad and nmada Uka Electrolux gaa rafrtgarator, two lot 80-day occupancy. FuU pries tag. Bast daaUty. ftodaU Maan- Ing. Eatlmatas given, (toll Rock 1044 Fard omasctlblo. Now vlUa 907WS or WllUmanUc new. (ton Jonas Furniture and metal beds, two buiuaua, ons ma­ 84,800, down paymsnt .41^80- fheturtag (5a., 4Sb dOddlo T ivB' Articles tor Sale 4$ radio aad koator, flM . (toll 1909W5. Floor (tovariag, 44 Oak. Tel 4- hogany, one oak, round oak kitch­ Bapiarss fme itloiM AUea ClampsL AgsaC'848 Main piko B ast ca n 4444. 1041. ROYAL (torona portable. Smith en table, chairs, hand vacuum F or R « i t 64 strast Phona 4448 or B-04B0. GENERAL CARPENTRY. Altara- Corona atandara typawritara and cleaner, lamps and tablea. 10 BY V. T. HAMI.IN gitl MODEL A Ford. Four door ANTiqUBB RaflnBhadL RapaMng MATTRESSES Ra-mado and atar- NEAR PRIN(MrrON Mipat school. A L I.E Y OOP Frooi A Strange WorM dona on any furniture. TIainann, tlona, additions aad naw construe adding machlnaa. Used machines Haxal atrsst, 3nd floor. Phone CXNTRAULY Locatsd offles. M COHBOV 1 PO TW 4AM« aodaa, IflO cash. Cha bo sam at tioa. Dorman, porehas aad ga tUxad, Mka naw. Wa call (or aad spaos avallabla Jaunsdtatoly. FlatX 8-89-0 Moaw. rooms, Hothoc #a4srwassr heat nsoc, t r t jt t a m w tw' t m n b f o r tiW a lk a r. 199 South Mato atrsot Phone ■old or ranted. Rapaira oa all 888L rages at raascnablt prices. Work' daUver anywAra. Frank Falk, 44 makaa. Marlow's. Eltbsr alngls moam or aultoa. oU bniMr, ma4ita kMmna, 4* lA P MAN . BABF BrTTBRfl# TWO 1444 Ford daUrary aodaaa. mmuklp gnarantaad. Free asU South Main atraat Ctolchaatar, THREE-PIECY: walnut badA>m Robsrt J. Smith, lac, 468 Mala car garage, lo'^ tot sad rAUWWfl (40TCHM .Also SM 1444 Ford soups. A ll to STOCK tovaatmantaL Appolai mates. I t M. Alaxandar. Tal. Conn. Phone Ookhaatar 440. A-1 BLAOC Loam, 4 yards, 818. sat new mattram sad matching strast gardea.■den. Ooenpaaey on a^K 813,- HtofllUNWHBN I good ooadRIon. Prload raasonably, amats arraagad. Joseph M ^ui 471A ()uarry waU stoao, 4 yardA 840. tables. Raasonabls. Phona 3-8944. 400. Howard R. Hastings. Phona MB OBTB n U O ' FOUR OONNBCTINQ rooma oa 4-1107 for appolAtmaat .TM* ' Apply Boad Broad B^rary, lOU key, Bralaard-Judd Oo., n Peart C a r PBNTBIV Work of aU kinds. Flat (laid stoaA 4 yards, 81A Hartford. T at Maachastar 4-S474. Private IkatrBCtkras 26 Aim Bolton building stoao aad (COMBINATION white mamal gaa ascoad. floor la bustnass section. ' Bnad strost Hartford. Building oeatraeton. Attica 4a- oU range. (Chrome stove pips, coal Sultabto (or hoauty oaloB, tailor I a-T tn . laksd, eaUast work, altaratlona Sagatoaa. Bolton Notch (Juarry. p v n ot W. PANTALDK alaetrleal waij.AM va Driving School, taka Phoaa 8-0417. Staalay Pataoda. grates. 80 gallon drum with Mop, dnsmuaklag astphltshmant Lgto far Salt 72 eoatraotor, asalataaaaea aad artrw Darltag A Davis. 4 aad 10 Wad- advantaga of our oxporlanca and pump. Reaaoasbit. Phono 5384. fa lO C M tor sato. 410 1444 H -t o a dan mad. Phoaa 441194 ar 4-S444. Of profasslpnal odneas. A ^ y Ed- Ford paaal B acks to good eoadh taw tar light aad pawar. 40 Sna raputation. A.A A. cartiflad FOR SALE—Folding baby ear- Inquire 888 (tonter street ws^ J. lOOO Mala strast LARGE Cornar Is^ 78 a ITO. Mnto Inatructor, dual coatroUed cara, rtaga, Oood eoadltlon. Phoaa 4- Phone BJ17 or 511A bs sold at oacs4 Ownafa toss Is tiaa. nleod rmsonsby- Apply 'BST' CARPENTER Work o f all klnda your gala. T. $„^>oekolt,, Brok- ^ 4 toad Broad Bakw y, lOflS Broad Roofs, sidlaga, additions aqd al- Ueaaaa Included. Phone 4-434A 9738. 4 7474 LINOLBDM — Asphalt tila wan (NXCD USED furniture for aal< to FbotMB4i«. itoeot Hartford. Phono - . oovtttog- Dona t o raUabla, wall- teratlona. Aim saw oaaatructioa. AIR CXlMPRESSOR, % H. P. ■attla an aetata. Phoaa 8079. Slaffart Phono 8-0858. fOF Raat 61 FORD 1947, blaek, supar ■ dsluaa tra Inert man. AU iota guaraataad. Msslcal—DrsBMtic 29 motor, 13-galIon tank on wboeU. FOR SAME or axehaaga. Bandtog '.'.“ tt’a his wKfl'a Moa— ha wat hlwayt dropplnf tshta on V-4 tw«-door. Esaallsat eon Han linolanm Oo^ 84 Clak atraat All automatic. Like naw. Suitable FURNITURE direct from factory 8BVEN-R(X>M furnished home, Into at ths OrssB. Wm. Kaaahl, BRICK. Stone, camant work, PIANO TUNING, repairs, rtcon- to you at warehouse prleee. Ad­ tha r u f !" tlcn. Now tlraa, radio, haatar, Phoaa 4-4044, avaiUnga 6164. lan^aplng. Oontract or hourly. I for paint apraylng or dentist or large grounds, on bus Una Auto­ BuUdar. 814 Omtai atraat. Phaaa •1A4R (toll botwom S aad 7 p. m. dlUonlng, ate. John Uacherhsm, aad other compreaacd air needs. miral ranges and rsfrigarators. matic hsat Fully sqmppsd, |13B 7778. SIDE GLANCES BY GAI.BRAITH SAWS FlMd. kasa made, aaowara can 4-1001. I only. 44 DurUa atroot 48 Blgslow street Phono 4319. 34 Munro street Phone 7934. Chambers Warahouso Salsa, 801 par month, Phona 4-0187. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER FRECKLES AND HI F K I E N ^ AlTa WeD BY MERRILL C. BLU8 8 EM Mmrpmad, outboards and air Middle Turniilka Bast Opm days LOT 84 a 100. Actors* Cblony 1 ^ 8 ALTERATIONS and additions, totsa. Oovwtry, 8480. MadsUas 14U PONTIAC SEDAN eoolad aagliMa rapalrad. (topitol BON-AIR PEAT. 88 par yaH at and evenlnga from 7:80 p. ta. to wnoDMc flacK T> Tie maus of fO&S ) i^lOOA.' complsts Idtchan rsmodeling. Os- Smith, Rsaltor. 4-1448 or 4474., C A ifo & s TBoSDi HHUBAMLINER 4 FOUR Eqntpmmt 44 Mato atraat rages with gusrsntasd overhesdl Bmincss Opportunities 22 bog, SOc bag at bog, Saturdays 8:80 p. m. Waatad ta Rant 66 UMtMNA.fllUOestTS.' AMMTVeU h m a w d x o J v c ^ u n b ^ OIAO VOU« VACATION lA OVNAt T b V tr / T-M for sale, 4 Ublaa, Bon Air Peat for lawns, potted WAITt e d —4 or mote robau, un- ___ ✓ AWROSmATTAWROSmaTT 4MT CHEVROLET FLEET- Repairs on an aoimaa, eommar- 3876. clean place, good opportunity Uka new, fdrnlahsd for worklag houpla. 800 X 400. Drlvs ont and sea it 'foTVesoMAr plants and mulch for-trees andlTAPPAN Gas range, 1 'T OCASON.' KA8TER TWO D(X)R dal and rtomaatlc. Emaigmcy 44- tor right party. Apply on shruba. Bon-Air Peat Co., Elling-I 8118. (toll 8946, 'Iklepliona 8-0114 or 8-0B7A My sign isAhsra. MadaBns SatiCh. hour aarvlea. Phono 4-1747. pramlaea, 34 Oak atfaet Man- 8-1048 or 4474. M44 PONTIAC STREAMUNER 8 Florists—Noiscrics 15 ton. Conn. Contact Raymond D. SEDAN (X»UPB ekestar. COMBINATION OU and gaa AFTER 30 yoara. now landlord ALL APPLIANCES aarvlcad and I Mahoney, 76 Walnut street Man- Tanga, pries roaaonahla. 401 Kee­ dsslrss middls-agsd coupla’s rant FIRST-CLASS Isndacaplng work. ] cheater. I ^4444 PONTIAC FOUR DOOK topalrad, burrmra, rafrlgaratora. ATTRACTIVE gaa stations, ga- ney atraat, upstairs. Do you havs 4 to 4 unfuralshsd Saborhaa for Sala 7$ M SEDAN, 4 rangaa, araahara, ate. AD work Making hew lawns snd planting rafM, grocery and general stores, trees, furnish labor and mator- roomsT Bast sf nfsrsacss. PlsaSs • oyi: guarantaod. Matro Sorvlca (to.| cablta^ restaurants, etc., several BAR8TOW CXIMBINATTON i u (MU 4-4844. ROCffCVILLB, Orsrhxtotaig O y stol 1444 OLDSMOBILB CLUE lels. Ltfatima expsiiencs. Largs | B ou ts U 16 Accessories 46 Lake. Four-foom homo, $rsplasa, I CXIUPS, 4 TaL Manebmtar 3-0818. with living quartefa, terms. aad oU ranga, axeaUant condition, assortment o f blue spruce aad Welles Agency, Ctoventry. TaL' MERCURY, (toampion. Flambeau, foqulra 18 Falknor Drtva.' furnace, bbmJI guest eottogs,, 18 ’ 1484 OLDSMOBILB CLUB RADIO Bsad flxlagT Havs It re­ evergreen treaa, 80c and up. (ton WlUlmanUc 418J3 - 1701W4. CSirie Graft motors. Lyaian, COUPLE IN nssd *t unforalahsd acrasi nrlos 84,500. D ora^ Rral- OOUFE, 4 paired by axparta. Pick-up aarv- S-SOOl between 8-8 evenlnga. Opm Dumphy, Pena Yaa boats. Sales, SMALL DINING room s a t dduhla apartmant or .ant (MU 4-44M. Capitol Bonk Building, Hart* Ica. guarantaod work. Sato ehack- an day Sunday, 879 Burnside ava-1 bad, two odd chairs, boy's Mcyels. 1444 STUDEBAKER POXm aarvlea. trade, terms. Small boat ford. 6-8447. I ad In the home. (toC radioa a nua. East Hartford. Help YVanted— Female 25' hardware. Robert McIntosh, 28 Vary raasonabls. Phona 3-0044. 8 or 4 ROOM apartmant noad- DOOR SEDAN apadalty. Maachastar R adio od in Saptambar by newly wad STAFFORD SPRINOB. tt-mOe to V/ Harvard Road. CHILD'S (Mlb, carriags, strollsr, (Mystal Lake. Four-roonr cottage, Most ears havs radios and haa^ Sarvlca, 78 BIreh atraat Phoaa WAITRESS Wanted. Must have nurse ana office worker. Prefer­ BY AL VERME^ an. (tompletely reconditlonad by 8-0840. B oo6 n g —S id in g 16 soma oxparlanca. Apply In parson. play pen, Tsyior-tot kiddle car, ably ■pfurntohad. CaU Eartford Inaulatsd, $tfi00. (MU 'A g en t PRISCILLA'S POP Covtr Girl fbetory mathoda. Silk CttF Dinar, 641 Main atraat . Otauaufida— Watchem— toys, TOlddy-aaat aU bt axcaUaat 8-n88N»lloet ' 7794. VACATIONS are over. Tima ,to WE SPECIALIZB 1a rooflng and oondltloB. Phoaa 3-4474. ' • JowBiry ,48 jl - BALCH-PONTIAC, Inc. talk of home decorations. Ra-up- siding. Highest quality mstarlals, ACTION! Ww guaraataa you |80| ACXXJUNTAIPr and wtfa to a MARLBOROUGH. (M i^ IttoH^MaUI holatar now while pricaa are low. workmanship guaranteed. A. A. for aalUng 100 boxaa 31 for $1 WANTED—BRIO-A-BRAC fnral- at unfurnlahad apartmant or rant home, and ons-room gus4t < cot* 168 CENTER STREET LEONARD W. YOST, Jswalar Ra­ tura, antiques. Old'MU] Trading PHONE 3-4645 Chairs atrippad to the frame and Dloa, Inc., 499 Autumn atraat Xmaa cards. Also 50 and 38 for paira aad adjusts watehss sapart- (MU 4-8904. tags, two acrais toad. Price 18,800. made like new. Low overhead en­ TaL 4880. 81 with name on. Napklna and ly at rsascaabls prieasr Opan Post 17 Maple street Phone Dorsey Realty. (Sapltol Bank 1931 MODEL A Ford convertible. ables me to give you hau'galn stationary, (toata nothing to try. Thunday svaobum. 144 Bpraes 4-1044. YOUNG Oeupto aad baby dadra Building. Hartford. 6-3467. . A ie tlraa. Rebuilt motor, heat- pricaa In ra-upholstarlng. Alao 8 to 4 nafuraiahad apartmdit or Samples on approval Jewel, 401 strsat Phoaa ______PROTBCT Your naw ekslr from a r,. saw paint Beal beama. 38 ra-webbing. Sofas cut to modern Roofing—Repairing 16A W. Somerset atraat, D ept 16, houao. OaU Hartford 8-8086 cal- UNUBUa L Southern Cofontol. 4 Banraid Road. Phone 8641. placaa. Phona 7307. moths for only 81.30 for 8 yssr leot rooms, all Improvsmsnts, bandy lUXlFTNO — Spadallalag la PhUa., PS.______^ guarantssd protsetiott. Ons spray­ F boI 49A to bus and stores, 8 room sport- pairing roofs of 411 kinds, also BIO PROFITS ara yours! Christ-1 ing of Bsrlou stopa moth damags mant |6006ncoma, 811|400, a s » nsw roofs. Outtsr work. Chlm- maa carda with name. Pricaa low SEASONED Hardwood, cut or Bsttou pays for ths damsgs. R( I fa r Saio 72 terms. Several other old Oolontato nsys claaasd and rspairsd. 34 aa 80 for 81 aasura fast aalaa from { ordar. Immadiata drilvary. B. Watkins BroUisrs, Inc. EAST CENTER Street Bva rdoma with Improvsmaata, 87,900 god ysars’ sxparlsncs. Pros asUmaUa. free samples! 31-card "Laadar" Begin, Glastoabury 4-4BSS. up. WsUas Agency, Oovsntry. Tsi. CaU Howlsy. Maachaatar 8881. xniED Baby washer with wringer, flrs floor, two on aacond. (foa assortment paya up to BOc on 81. 119.60; used V ^ d a lr a , 8S9J10; atsfm haat acraaaad porch, WlUlmantic 614J8 • 1701WA O pm House Inflection! I GUTTERS Repaired, ohtmnaya ra- Plaatlca, rallglous, everyday, used Olanwood eoal ranga, gray amtoita drive, two-car garage, othara. Paraonal stationary. palrou and cleaned, roofa buUt aad I lamal, $19.60: uaad qofa, (uU large ahada traaa Price $11,600. W M tf6 -> K 8Bi BstaU 77 repaired. Phona 3U8. - ‘Laadar” assortment on spprov- Chastorflald, down euahtoos, Chavtoa L’Baperanea. Phono SftO. I t i — Thursday, Sept. 8 and Friday, Sept. 9 aL Friendship, 884 Adams, El-| fringed bass, nice eondltioa, 80S: SELLING OR Buybig propsrtyT VIC FLINT A Lnnehaon Date BY MICHAEL O'MAI.I.EV AND RAI.PH LANE FEATURING Guaraataad roofa mlra, N. Y. (UtNNING TDXATOiX HOLUBTBR BIHEBT. • raoma PT aws.tswaraMamMf.aa.r.M.iaaaa'Na'.am I Soor sampto lounga duOr, tapaa- (Mataet tkto offtos (or proovt J A VBW lABIflBIIANT HgSflti ^OOdUMODOef rAflMAM IS WRL 10 A. M. To 5 P. M. and axpart rapaira as waU aa| 41B4.______try, 839A6; Bendta automatic oomplatod, lavatory, tUa hath, shd Mroonai sorviss. Atteo Gtam- gattar aad oonduetor work. Try OFFKjB Olri with sales abUltyl cAuHTwwlIXooweBn^ ' HtIliD AND can AHOSO ID 9Uy hosM dryar, sampto dsmonstra- flrafJaoa, hot watar oU heat pat Roto Bstato aad Insuranca. Bit h u got hartaH marriad, diveread And aant up for “ No! No mAfAilnaa, thank yetK>-«lrAtdy wa have more VIC. MOUVe A lUMCHION OATf ^ m UMCH. VWUT’S Hi WANT? , your *T g » W o rk s program. In this fuU tlma, atoady MbsIcbI iRstraBMMitB 62 MONIDIMM 4447. Phoaa 811A Louis ' Bunes, McKEE BTREET. Frurwur 4 rpom rnil td o MUCH 04 A OdNtOD^C. 3AU- IB (WeHTV OL______UMItirTFORdOT- caraar, which requiria w car, you |to, hot wator hoot oM burnaf, k e td o u tm * Wsst (Motor strsat______ESTBY BTUDIO upright ptoin 9 14 HAVlua TO A7AV AMAY BOTH BIGHT TGJ[^>MRWILTV,.XB TCM WHAT ITB LMCB Diroctions to p rot^ y—Go to Rocky Hill from Hart- jPLUMBINO, Hsatiag, sstimeSi] ara really paid what you ara « place, tile bath, aersaaa, com­ TIMT SABA WIB? Oin BO t^ W T im O W ^ UGlNNAia to KAIPA to ftflL AS YOU , •IBHZOtol < taka laft at ycDow caution light known as Dividend worth on a percentage basis. Na­ case, beautiful fTsaeh wdnut bination aeraan and storm doors, .MTAHIOLTO'IMflM PO TOtoOHT. 94IXA'. t o f t J gladly (urnlahad. BxcsUsnt work Vary raasonabls. Phone 8-9839. (X>NSn>ERINa about 1:3 mOe down Dividend Road take 2nd left and modarats pricaa. Poggia A tional advertising, national spoo- HBBBSllBli OoodB . amssits dilva, garage. Occupan­ YOUR PHOPERTY n r t t dOBMA WM S4fN4A Peterman. CaU Manehaatar 4444 sors, supplied leads, plus the ___ " ------cy 40 days. Pries to I1L400. For Z FflflL * 0 4 k Bin Road Drive, abont 150 yards on this ONE USED Maytag waSMag ma-j Without obUgaUon. StO l AldtPfli or RockvUla 4184. guidance of a akUltd Advlasr, WflBriRff AppBffll~-FBfB 5‘ appolntinsnt (MU Howard WiU appraise or mfllra I S a t ' on right hand side XHen Realty Co. sign in front can build ths kind of aseun drias, |S5; ona uaad Bengal oU MOTNBK..IVI tkttom. Hastings. Pboms 8-1107. offer (or property, I GOT TO MiOil of property. Drive right in, park and look aroiDi^ [PLUMBING and hosting, spaclal- mofltobls futura that you arant and gaa ranga, as to 436 daUvar- e v e n i n g Gown, sIbo 9, htock and you BsO. IxUig In rapaira, ramodaling, sop- Writs today giving mformation od. Ona uaad Crodey atoetric n - dnk /ayon taffeta, $8. Tdsphons 8 BBDIkbbli R oom, Uvlhg room i THA TRUTH.' Phona 7788 par watar plpl^, nsw eonstiuo- about yourself, and phona num­ (rigorator, $85; one used eooter- 3-40ra. with flrsplaoa, dining room kltch- tlon, astimatss glvan. Urns pay< ber to J. 8. Elwall, Emplra Oafta ator loa isfrlgarator, $10. Wat- an. oU hot water' heat attachsd BRAE-BURN manta arrangsd. Edward J o h » Oorporatioo, Newark, Naw York kina Brothers.______garage. BuUt prawgr- Etovatsd WANTED— not aon. Phoaa fl874 or 7488. Stato. WsRt44-^TB Bay §2 location with tong riaw. Bsptsm- AD o q R ealty C o, I BOOKCASE, Dodn, braidtisstj bsr ooriv a a cy .. Lnt .85 x 3$8. more than two/' (food [DRUG STORE Clark. FuU as part- sets, nn kinds of -good used Mr- MadaJliio BmlUi, Raaltar. 8-1648 .location. W ^ '^ t o k A, H|rald. WANTBD-r'-Twtk bads, ratodiahto. R I A L T 0 R 8 time. Driver’s Uesnas, (food sx- nltura. The Woodshod, 11 or 4674. lU B SPO N BIBV^ aln- S to fiig * psriimies. CaU 3-8884. strast (MU batwssBSB ^180 aad E 8978. s hoins, aglravw ft,eq0— or ^o-iTHB TWO-TIMBRE f - y , g MANCHESTER [EMPTY VANS to aad from an| WANTED—Two earpsntsrs. Ex- f l o o r Modal Thor automagic I BUYING Used furnttqra and ffaral^r net over $11,000. Must ^ ■...... household goods, any quantity, hgvo modarii coavanlsness and -^r ** If, (Brokm Proiietcd) states. Asstirsd raturn load,} parisnesd on horns construction. washer with dithwuher. Uaad Itikd HeFEld Adv4. 7 V . ratss. Unitad, 138 Wsst strast. Steady work. Apply L F. Da- only for danmaatratlea. Price tor Tha Woodshed, 11 Main atraat ■ : v - ■ixA-V. kac't Thons 487487A Mara Tolland RoaA Boltaoi oui)^ asla 4l7A.KomWa C aU M U A 4 r - Ht *-*


W E D N B 8 D A T . The Weather Aahrliratrr Euntittg 9»raU» I a< P. 0. Mirtbai ^kmL, ment that M aay derelepnient tM a f fW is aad atSlUaa Si ^9^ utUiMa bofora gobm ahaad. and Bg atartad In whldi Uw at « w Andit S tS a W M M». Jolm Mom- cliaaed hoiM at 1 » Breoklleld m uarb^ htmaStffor tMa work. davahmar amda Inanlgnlaat provl. > 'c m •MTOtttj Wtn m r . « rtynMOth U aa. Tlnmdasr atreat Is Put O ver TM roaltora aask to Mva aoma ef Mens n r roada, waUn ar other ntU* Itlaa like water and aewar, all or RATMONPJX Cky of VOoso Chorm ■|-^-f “* **“ MW avanlacatn. tM prallmlaary axpwisa pot ______. •trSi. An theM In the eonaeunlty In* transferred to the team or tM pur* part e f wMeh eeata later oaaM on­ %ifl| M MM at tM Maaa M Ureated In dranMUoa aheuM at* To Be Placed Before R Is olstmsd that uidtr. to tM town. TM fogulatlona wen U) MANCHE8 TEII, CONN„ THUBSDAT, SIPTEMBEB 8, 1N 9 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PUCE POUR Cl 3TB kaacMatar pottoa Mff tMtr tend the pubUe tryouta ten lfbt at ■ssnt arrangamsata. art up on tM basis that a davelqp* V0L.LXV1I|„ NO. 288 w M M d ■laiawr **bowlwB” and Mlmb m* a o ( the Center TbeaplaBa, for Joint Meeting of Ol^ loper la Uhmedlately aaddlad ar Moald turn over a new a n a ’in dw tMlr d»MB eapa today as aa- thair fan produetloa ’Tor Uwa ar th isf lam ao hsavy that aena Sh a^ aaailril|tit aT>lna wip M otM r aura ■ »!» M ciaif on Sept. 20 •• t»a tnaa. 1M m «W Money” at W oodruff haU. Oantar hut n very lew large operatere eaa ^oeooi|iaalM tM coot SaytaiBbar rttg taSa ta raatdMttal aaa. ‘ Ptiyilit IGirm^ Woll CmmU« Dnriuf Blooe ■ka aaMOioM ttat M m wQI O f ehurMi. New0 Tidbits m m payMIa tMdgkt TM Beard at DIraetera last TM Ibeni'a Osaasa Navy Officer Says Committee to Study CMaf ed PoBoa Herman Schandel Mght eanod a Jotet moattag wttk Town edSdalA on tM othar hand. MODEL .T^eoehor o f Piamo"' Colad Freoi (ff) Wtrea waa a yoadt apaakar on Statipn tM Planning CMumlaaiian tm tta orOlnany aooght tM present reg. WKNB Sunday night In a 15*mlh* ulAons after Om Iowa Md base iita tranaerlbiM program. CMaf naiR rognlar masting night. Sap* tembar SO, to cenaifc a patttion plaeed at large expoMO sad eon* AIRPLANES 45 HsbiHb St. T e l 7154 flchendal wan on tM atr from 6:M Uaually waa Ming aaaansd for tM He, Worth Agreed to T p. m. and apoka on “Ttaffle o f tM Manchaster B n ^ o f Raal* tors which aaM that eartain sub­ BOATS a t epUepUcs w M bane tailed to Freedom in Spending Safaty.” division ragulatlana bars M ra* dad relief from peovtowly kaowa acooriMng to Oorion The Pina Chrle Aaaodatlea wW laxad. TM raaltcrs took acUoa on CARS Um baala tM t Boaae o f tM divalap SICK ROOM NEEDS LEAkN TO DRIVE .. B-36 Over-Rated , Oroodway^ flnt awjor I mMt thla evening at eight o'clock maat nilao hara are too stHafant designed for tM Salavtalea at tM hoBM e t WUUam MeM o f and bar aoma laadaumara from tM HOSPITAL HOBBY SHOPPE M erected so alte aortb ef 11 Pamroft Drtra. R la axpeetad poaatbUlty o f opaalng up traota Captain Simpler Teoti- c< Tiaaeo square. .Pietro NeoaL EC A Dollars Formed that futura maatinga of tM aaao* ganarally aultabb for dweUtnga SUPPLIES 8hGi1iw<>M8L sm Ib t «BSB Or SOMS Czech Priests of limy's pro-Cemmunlst daUcai win M hald at tM TJC. Aek Kzaiaeaa Oal MAfNMnSfrra Boa That Both Con- gocteUata. aam on ratura from Fall Hdue ICA. on North Main atraat. IBchad Rabaram, of ST Nor* DM VINO AOAMMT wood atTMt, announcM tM < Particularlyly —With crisis today set up a special Pun White FUUng Qaihed I win M a apedal aeealon for tM September IT at tM .Bmaaael claimed to bo bMn to meny arth­ making of votera in the office of Cedric R. Worth, acfcaowl* afforta to bring tham aad thair ritis auffeiers, ara working cut the United Ststee In the grip of committee to go into Bri­ Town Clerk Samuel J. Turktngtan Lutheran church. edged' anthw of the docn* church under stats control through pataat-ahnriag arrangemente one of the most severe poUo cpl- tain’s request for more free­ in the Municipal buUdlag. The The party waa held at tM heme Sport BOW leglaUUofi. ieaate beads 1lato oecond rotihd of domlcs ta Its history, sn emergen­ dom in spending ECA doIUra Mattress Pads I Board of Selectmen and the town o f Mrs. Albert J. Oanrlnl o f Cot­ debate over trade cy drive opened today for funds to clerk OMiatltute the official body tage street who waa aaaistad by TM priaota rojactad la advaaea policies. .Republicans are outside the United States. It Washington, Sept 8 — (flP) aa unfaW aad aatl-soclal a p n - cope with aa expected total at which win awear in thoae whoM Mlsa Ouatafbon'e sister, Mrs. Ray­ picking word "riatiwn” ad par­ 40,000 cases. waa learned that Britain has I quaUflcatlona ara found in ordar. mond Moeller of Avon street. » A Navy captain who 'said ;K>asd diurdt law coming bafors ty's unofficial Mttls-cry a^ilnst told the United States that unless Shirt M national Parllamaat aaxt at a waa froaa talaMag taaOdlag hOa as aaaacs n Thla is nearly double ths num­ Full Bed Size $3-^^ Paraona muat have been r< The bride-to-be was aaatad un­ it was part of his Job to Democrats’ "Pair Deal" program. ber reported ao far. changes are made In present Mar­ I denta of tM atate at labat a year der a wadding ring arrangement month. Thla law would riva tM : ■•• which ewept throngh a etiaetnie that waa bring Weet 0 *mSiBy*e Parttanent ap- shall plan operation* they will “gon" Naval aviation to con- (overnmant eomploto rontrol over TM are set efl IS nShMir Mates and sat ' TM U. S. Post Office depart­ and of the town for six month* in blue and pink with decorations OMTs to M oir to stormy start. . . ment la working with ths Nation­ have to s|wnd several hundred greeaifien testified today that M appdataianM tnancaa and a6* ever a wide acaa la dewntewn PMtedrIpMa (AP Csech newsmen disclose their ed- million more dollars out of their to quall^ and nuat alao ba dtl* to cbrraapqnd. Oardan flowers minUrtratlve affaire at aU ehurrh- al PouadatloB for Infantile Paral­ HanM J. Oalteher (above) ef Twin Bed Size $ 2 * ^ aena o f fod Unltad States. Natur* were alao used. On opening the B e and Odric W or^ "alwaye Itora are offering cUatlona for ysis In ths week-long emergency New York city waa nonriaatcid for dwlndllnp reserves. allsed dtiaena should bring thdr gaily wrapped packages, tM hon­ \ 9 % a g r^ no airplaae could be** beat stories daoeoaelag I T . S., laud­I The decision of the Americsil, ing Ruaate, or praising Henry drive, with the goal set at $14,- preeldeat ef the Ameriraa Bar Brand mattzaM pada that ara fuarantaad to Uunder ab< papara with them. Voters alao or gueet found a varied aelecticn as good as tM Air Pores clalmad 500,000. aasoctetlon at meeting of orgqn- British and (Canadian cabinet of beautiful gifts. Tha stand of tM CathOUe dargy Wallace. . .New Haven railroad ministers t«. make a special study a^ M y white. Bag. 4Ja and I must paM a literacy teat. luV ae to bo. aa axpriaaif In a atatamant sent Announcing the appeal over the Isatloa'o boaae ef delegatee la St Thara are no elections hara thla A buffet lundieon waa aarved TM taetimnny came from Oapt seeks authority to taeraaso faico of the whole quesUon of the **— to tM goveramant and mode Violence Again Breaks la Maaaaetanastta. . . .A ir and sen Oolumbia Broadcasting system Leal*. He Is only candldste and I yaar, but ths Board of Dlractors by the hoateaseo from an attrac­ Larny Blmplor a t Navy pnbtte re- avalloMo to tM weetern prooa by teat nl^t, Poundatlon President saecesdi Prank E. Helaiaa of of ECA funds was on* of four Heary Mt two apodal Msalona, one o f tively arranged table. The center- MMaeA la a court oOtaqnlay tato search produesa no sxplanqjlon for decisions made today. ehurdi oouroos. rod bon at Sre and rioud of wMt* Baril 0‘(fonnor said tbs agency Seattle. (AP wtiephoto). them held eady i la the summer, piece waa a ehower cake decor tM badiground of a aiamo that Aa aceomponying note aald auch< has Just about nm out o f funds to Special groups were also assign­ for thoM who wlahed to ba made ated with rad rosea. art off a eongrsaatoaal tnvaatlga- smoke reported aeon off Portland, I protasta had already been signed Out in Buffalo Strike Ms„ port ysstsrday. ears for rietims of tbs disease ed to work on ths following three voters this yaar. Thla' permlle TM usual aocial paatlmaa were tiae a t tM haga bombar. aad oant into tM govecMnent by problems: Mattress G>vers enjoyed by the guarta who ware Soviet Army aawrtmpsr in Ber­ gpidsarie Absnt Half Over tham to cast a ballot In any raf* Warth waa aaapaadad from his TO per cent at tM nation's Cath­ lin accuses ^ . O o f using slgM. He said the signs are that the Crew of Lost 1. OommodlUss anil stockpil­ erandum or other poU concaming from Southington, Hartford, K M aa apodal aaalBtanr to Daa olic dorgy aad that -others art ing; BriUIn has told th* United W ethenfleld and thla town. lying Squad of 200 epidemic is Just about half over, R ef. 13.69 IMiblle dadatoa. inaiban. uadoraaerotary of tM ataadlly Mtaig sent in.” TMra ara Strauss Dies; U. S. Army’s current maneuvers although the Public Health serrioa Sub Returns States on Uiis point that a speed­ Navy, altar M acknowladted ta about T.OOO priaota la Caoehoolo- Strikert and Sympa* in wsirtsm Germany . .SlriHaii pe- in Waahlngton reported a down­ up In th* use of American funds * $3.29 tM eeagrmaloaal hoarlags that vakla. thioers Ambush Cav­ report arrest of member of turn in Inddonca ef the disease for stockplUng strategic materials S p e c i a l ha wrota tM mamo auggaotlag With thla atatamant tM Cath- Music Genius Salvators Oluhaiw’s Mndit gang for tM second sncceasivo week. such as rubber and tin would as­ Oraud aad poBtlea la tha pro- oUc church apparantiy took it* Heart - Warming Wel­ sist the British government In' In­ 1 an bound and wttli $ 2 9 8 alcade of Seven Buses Paul Makasbak, who re mein ed With all states but nunoia re­ ■M ay duality uhMaaehad ootten withj gnua. _ stand for what is expaetad to M a ssalsd la tiny Brooklyn closet for porting, the week ended Sept. 8 creasing Its dollar earnings. Tlioss ob come Given Today fVsDV PUwWWl F and twM Md alaia. • Aelita batk plath allalaatt ilrala Tlaa Oaadrawarap ta g showdown thla fall In CMehoalo- One o f Greateflt Con­ 10 years, is rclsassd from mental had 2,915 casee Offteials said that materials sre produced In areas iMtinMijr vaUa’a amMttared stata-duroh Bulk tin! hospital and is now helping in Ms which do thslr trading In tha Brit­ Sght after tM lUlnola ftgura te in. the To Men o f Cochino a Eitra laa| tsHi It! fM rt«b aaf i«la| aayved to tta tM B-M eoatrovaray BoffaK N. Y-, Sept. B—CA’) temporary Gompoflers father's Brsoklya store. total still probably wlU M lass ish pound sterling. Extra Beery Drill • DitalM sad darted far that caitsn-fMhlaaad Itak mota tightly lato tM eaetaat ba- TM priasta aocuasd tM govatn- —-GovenHir Dewey waa aaked Stags struck 12-ysar eld girl than tM 2,215 new cases reported 2. Customs ptocedurs: Both twata tM Navy and tM Air Pons rneak of maasnvariag to gat oon- Ifl Heart Victim Groton, Sept 8— — Th* men Britain and Canada have repeated­ trol at tM Oat hope diurah, Orat today M amd tha atata aaiU- Id MUbUly baadteadsr, 28, sM for tM w e^ ended Aug. 2L • • Vanatlla, caavartikla ttllsr over tbalr rtvaj dsima to flolda at marrisd are MaeymocolagJa Hus- the Cochino, the only United ly complained to the American . air waafaao- hy_oouMeatbig tta bmnma baarii OanMadi PartanktrcMa, Ger­ So'MP, tM Mrgeot humber of • Ras-ttaAed btaadtltlk Ua aa vtokoce florad la the ssUvUle, AUu With parental wish­ iw cases reported was In the States aubroarin* kist sine* the government that !ts custonu pro­ ^JUBf M told of tends aad thus aiaktag It depaa many, SepL S.—f/R^-Rldiard cedures ar* so sumbersoms and • Saafarittd, calarfatt. Stylad bi ganuins HactiaMyar Sat upon aupport from j^Nc S-whek-eld Bah Aircraft es for Mppineos .. CkmdiUon of week under Aug. M, when 8,422 war, came home today to a heart- Omstfog botwaaa Worth oad Si^nme^Osort-Juatice Wiley B. old-fssMoned that foreign sxport- With Ekatk rtiis amnrt cloclia la Iha hH a# lha moaaan^. . . raaiatanva Daoaa (O.. N. a' funds aad eanaaquaBtly aubjeet to ■trike ta r the eecond eoccea- Strauaa, one at tM worid’a grent- wars stricken. warnUng welcome. • •sftadilltaellT •otkakls state eoatrols. aive day. The reqncet waa est contemporary eompoeem, died Rnttadge Is reported unchanged This is ths first tlma the Foun­ They were aboard the submarine srs sre discouraged ftom tryW dauMa faaHiar fancy iHni. BMck, brawn, qnotkg Uaaaa/aa saying M want- in York Harbor, Ms., hoopital with tp get goods into this country tor i*M It Hi dwaMw aodtl od Iftformatioa oa that Navy-Air They rojactad tM govemmant'a OHde by Diatiict Attorney today. He was 86. dation has ever called for contri­ Tusk, which snatched them from "no Improvement" In piuwlyala. butions In addition to those ob­ Arctic waters In a stirring rescue •ale here, and that American buy­ R ef. 31.00 Foliie Ic oach nnvy, rad, baiga, gray, bally, dork graan. PMea dtuattoa to bsip Jonathan demand that ah darlcal and other William E. Miller of Niagara His gsalus ran the gamut of ers are discouraged from seeking nfidjllg make up kla mud whathor church appointment, require prior Dr. Otto Strasaer, former Nasi tained in its annual "March of off Norway on Aug. 25 after a • CiairsBilir cat iliti I t la 4f Sliaa 21-21%- M - 22% musical expression from simple leader who broke with Hitler In aeriea o f unexplained explosion* foreign gooda A soIuUon to this tb a wm want a BOW Ironlag hoard eovar. Made from extra heavy to oooopt oppomtauat as aoen- goverameat approvaL comity. songs and ehambsr music to sym­ Dimes" campaign. They aaaerted they would ao- 1930, says M will appeal to had sunk their own craft. problem, from the British view­ A m with alastle a ^ to St any standard Mae board. Famout SHIP ’n SHORE quality a$ $ttn fa I I FI t ^ ^ tM Navy. Ra said M did phonic posms, sypipboniaa and $lM,00e Dally SpMdlng Rato point, would have tM same effect ' at.Daaaa’a rsquasL relayed to against Canada's refusal to grant O’Connor saiq the foundation BetetiTes on Dock Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 8-r(A>) operas. ”Der Roerokaveller'’ and Mm travel papers. Approximately 100 wives, chil­ aa s solution to the stockpiling MADEMOISELLE and SEVENTEEN MHUnaiy— Seoond Floor •atoad-hand, th o(^ M didn’t (Oonttaaed on Pago Vivo) his Impressionistic opera "Salome' fund* now are being spent at th* R i^ 79c Heavy 8 O*. ACA ptU tM talk akrted wMt —'^(dence broke but in the dren, sweethearts and other rela­ problem—that is it would fit Into are among Ms moat popular rate of 8100,000 a day to fight the the request for Sir Stafford Crlpps I : 3-week-old Bell Aircraft ararks. epidamle, and at this rate, (here tives were on the Submarine base Also Long Skeve Whitas—$2.98 K Worth talk,*aimplar ■tiDia for the aeoond auccea- dock to greet the survivor*. that the United Statas open firm ­ Mnrical Piudigy Storm Veers Is only enough money to last about er markets to British goods. Pillow Ticks Assorted IW d Colors~42.98 and $8.98.- coveted *Ta some ways” Berserk Vet aive day today. A flying He araa a musical prodigy at the 11 days more. 'Ihe Joy of reunion wa* temper­ ed with grief S t the loss of six 8. Overseas Investments: Brit­ nutartal that went lato tM ooo- squad of about 200 atrikera age of four and began compoelng In the emerxency fund drive, trovaralal memo later. when he waa ate. A t 12 bis Opus arrangements have been made for Tusk crewmen and a civilian ish and Canadian confsreaa are Nylon DiRirfBlB DmMIbs CB— Shot Victim and strike sjrmpathizera am- No. 1, a “festmarsch" for orches­ Off Bermuda0 the Post Office department to de­ tochnician, who wa* aboard the reported to have taken th* poet- Uanlela, Raleigh. N. C . ptfoUah- )uahed a c a v a l^ e of seven tra was before ths public. liver contributions addresaed only Cochino. Uon that the United State*, as 0 0 c ea«l» ar, aad former secretary to Praal- Imprasslonistlo expressions ta to "polio" In care of any local A* the Tusk nosed into the dock, the world's greatq|t creditor na­ buses carrying non-strikers crewmen from the two submarines tion, must (Md new ways to put d d d Rooaaaralt, haa Jtaiod any Three Persons Hurt from Buffalo to the BeU plant la tone form which fltrause eompoeod Honeymoon Isles Es­ post office in the coimtry. Reeovar thoaa Nd pUlowa now! Quarantaad faatharproof. eannaetion with the Worth mamo. in middle life were tM subject of Aaslstant Postmaster General stood at attention on her deck and dollars to work by encouraglag nearby Whsatfleld. cape Beating; Still S t GIRLSILtO They 're Here. Briefs timpler aald today that at the As Advertising ExecU' critical debate. He lived to her flag waa half-mast. The heavier American investments in waiting famiUea thronged on the foreign countries. Downproof and Featlierproof an Page Fear) many of his Innovations become Get Heavy Gales Today (Coutteued on Page Three) Those Lovely (CMittnuai oa Pago Poor) five Goes on RBmpoge (t slmoet commenplace musical de­ pier. There were crie* of "Wave Th* announcement of the work vice*. to Daddy,” "There he is,” "Hello, A apsdal bop^All ■uffem, N. T.. Sept. $—m — A His tone poem*, "Til Bull By Tht Associated Press Joe," a* happy women spotted hus­ (Oontiaoed on Page Poor) PiUow Ticks New York advertiriag executive, T ry to D isp el sl,” "Don Qulxots,’.’ and The honeynioon Isles of Bermu- Talks of Push band* or sweethearts aboard the MOORE tJiVs nplon paiMs briof K iH o f Victini who waa UMdlcally dtschargad JUan" ar* popular with sympboaie ^ sscaped a boating t o ^ from Tusk. from the Merines, waa shot aad dudlsncsa throughout the world. the canter of a tropical hurricane When the Tusk and Cochino wHh elastleatlat kniad early today when he went False Rumors He composed "^ m e” in X904 but still had heavy gales. Against Reds crewmen were pemltted to leave |c each IFs Curtain Time! Makes Threats berserk la a restauraat Three per' and produced the opera "Baextra" TM storm center of th* hug* the vessel, some of the embraces for pacfMt at. sons were Injured. three years later. Both works AtlanUc blobr c ^ x d 50 mUes east would have outdone Hollywood. Floral atripea In green, rose and blue. Ouarantaad downproof Got Youn NOWI Lee Oravee, 89. formerly with J. were widely known In Amerioa. of Bermuda and headed out to sea. Before that. Rear Admiral Flashes! W hits,ij)nk.9^ War Veteran Students TTod und Verklaerurig,” (Death SMps in Its path hurried to escape Li Forecasts Drive as Jame* Fife, commander of sub­ as waQ as featherproof. Beautiful Unnib Moved to State Walter Thompson Co. and othar (Lato I I of tM un Wtoo) • Raady and waMag far pM is poar dims, waa shot and ktlled by Po- and Transfiguration) - a ton# poem the blast of 140 miles an hour. marines, Atlantic fleet, made a 8,6 and T. Mntiia] Hospital Aft- To' Stage. Rally Pro­ Orady Norton, cMef storm fore­ Picture Looks Bet< anart naw Moors Gym Salt of waab- Uea LL WUUam A. .Ckousa, polics arltten In 1SS9'Is-regarded by brief speech of welcome, praising aald. testing Robeson Riot many critics sa one ef hie great­ caster at MlamL Pla., said th* ter ' for Nationalists Replace Your Old Bed Pillows Now. ‘Ruffled Curtains fast tttbbabla cottoa, Sanforitad* CT Asking Treatment est arorks. ■tom Bhould. threaten no more (Oeutteued ou Page Nine) Supports Bold Down Policy CroMa Takstkte Hospital tend onlesa It changes course. The Bridllngtau, Eog.. Sept. $ '(g) «- Crouse was taken to- Good •trauaS hqd aqffarcd (rom Canton, Sept. 5—(dV-The Na shrunk, of eoursa. Wttb non-nut esmdan, N. 3^ Sept S—

— PeekakUl, N. Y ., flept 8.-— chronic heart .disease for several blow la tM fourth' of the season The British Trades Vafon oeugresa 100% White Goose Feather 3 .6 9 Samaritan hospital with a t r ^ Community Iqadera atrove . today to come out of th* breeding tionallsts today pictured the war (TUO) today gave s iilirMImaifl $ Grippar faatanara to and your button Howard B. Ohnih, Mble-rea^ng turad skull after Graves had hit montbn His daughter-ln-laaq Mfs. aituatlian In south Chins aa look­ gua collector aocuaed of steylag to dispel wbat thay eallad ”un-' Alice Strause said: "He.. died pounds in ' tM Caribbean. It Fe.ar8 Korean pport to tM Lober govenmaPa $1.98 pr. worrlaa and iusura quidi ckangaa. him with a: matal chair, poUce aald- founcM nundia'” circulating In brought galas to Bermufia sn rout* ing up for them. Acting Presl held dewa pohey oa preflts. pttosa U persona, haa boon ramovad from Tarn otM r peraons, not Immediate­ quleUy." . dent U Tsung-Jen even talked, of Plain marquisette aqd pin dot 45" width with B” ruffles, SI” long. Cons in right swap and auks your, $l.ofir Cooper h ^ lt a l whara M waa tM lowar Hudson river valley re- Dortbsaai. J wages. TM TUC has g,05e3H 50% Do>m, 50% Feathers $ 5 .9 8 ly IdentlSed, were treated for In- The composer first vteitsd MsMtlma a Mexican hurrii__ a general counter-offanslve against ' f 0 , , ■ alaetlon whila tha supply laits. / X, thraataaad by a ralatlva of one of ^on, tense after two outbreaks of America In 1904. 'He made that tha Communists. Civil Conflict Bsemiwia and te the baekbaaa at » Each piirlas suRarad In tM fracas. antt-Laftlst violanca. trip for tM world premier in New brought'atom warnings along th* labor party. A Mgbly vocal epfsai Ha rirtims. PoUco reported the foUowlng: southern Oalifomla coast Offloial reports said the Red - - Pin Dot Frame The M-yaar-dd fonaar artlUary- At tM sama tlma. 'var veteran York of Ms "Sinfonica Domesti drive westward from Jucheng, 170 tlon group kepi the 81s5 oaaaM 100% Down $7 .9 5 Graves, who served In the Ma< students .living in Shanks viUagc TM Mextoan hurricane, with 100 meetlag a t tM Oeagress ta oa » ■aan waS taken yesterday to the ca." • ' miles an hour winds, was expert-1 miles north ™of v^amon,Canton, rawaru toward w* the rine Corps In 1S48 and 1948 and south of hara planned a rally Sat­ Germany’s ptormy history .-of Commission Tells U. N. roak for several boors before tbs All exceptional values. Now la the time to replace your old pil­ New, Jersey State Hospital for the reorived a medical diaebarga. i ad ta.M caatered about 20 mile* <^tonj«ankov^lw ay had ateck- Xnaane at Trenton. urday to protoat the wld^ecalc this century touched Strauss' Ufa. enod. They predicted the Reds oae-etded vote at appiuval was lows. Makee a wonderful glR too. Ruffled Curtains $3 .9 8 stqylag with frlands near mdf( disorders and otonlnga' fcHowIpg south ^ IM Dlsgo by midnight I All Moves to Settle IfiteheU Cohen, Camden couy tonight 'The Wsathsr Buteua would retreat from their effort to ty prosecutor, said tha tranafri' His wUa aiid two.children n Paul Robeson's conesrt last Sun- (CUntlBusd sn Paga f ive) sever the railway and cut off CM' Strife Were Futile M a|a Floor with him. forecast^ hsavy aqualls and rough P Zippered Plastic waa deddad on as "tha fairest daj^ ■ esaa along the southern Callfomls ten from the major Nationalist Biltoa Mysterleosly Stela Roar ' thing to do for all concemed." 'R m friaads were not Immadlata- n ay Invited the left-wing Ve' Tressary Balance south China defense force based OaatoB, Sept. S— A 1 63” Length $1 .9 8 pr. G ifV Shop—Sacond Floor ly IdanUSad. gro eUiger to attend. coast today. The hurricane, off Lake Success, Sept. 8.—(JPi—The Boyte Relativa Makee Threat Bajs,,. vC^onits, wa* moving on Hangyang, 255 miles north 6f United Nations Korean commis­ was killed aad taro Amarlnaw Detectives later dlsoloaed that a Last night poUoa raealvad BnMidB Svm or Widm Washington, Sept, 8.—(P)—The Canton. Expleror EeeM rd Clark at call from Ora vie’ friends asking The Peeksklll Chamber of Borthwsatward about IS miles'an sion said today a "barbarous civil Covers ratetlvs o f 10-Jrear-old John H. position of'ths Treasury flepL.t bourfpom Its cantor about 70 miles Ewaagtoag Not Eadaagered war" might sxploda In Koraa any Fraaelaeo. woro ivouaded eel WUson—whose death yeaterday what stspa ware nscaaaary to Commerce, meeting last night Nat b budget u < ^ receipts. $101358. west o f OtdToa ilstend. A NaUonu Defense ministry ly today ta a mystorlona *• 72” Length pr. have Oravea oommlttod to Rock­ adoptsd a rssoluuaa terming day aa a result of the ’hardening" $2 .2 9 raised the tell la Tuesday’s Rlvar 6S0.M; biudget axpeadlitures. $130.- Record breaking. temperatures spokesman said a Rad assatilt on relations between north and south. at a residsnee. TM dead ■■ road maasacro to IS—appaarod at land state hospital. falae a rumor that some* "people 455,286.50; cash balaacc. 10,158. Chungnsn near ths boundary of Harold Harris. Shaagtaal I c e a c h Beautiful quality pin dot with rufflea an around. Two lengths. A local physidan. Dr. Burton and their homes were in danger Kwangtung and Klangsl provlncss Th* commission frankly told the Uhrub’a room In tha aanM.hospl- 184.580.53. FM r) General Assembly that two years manager of tbs lateraotlsnol taL . tJnruh wqa under treatment August, waa'eumnqtmed. Ha said because of their race, eotor or did n— T M ref Plrpt Outokte Nootiag Uw situation In saatsm Kwang­ Blankets dan tranafar which waa not an- TM ChamMr ateo branded tung as much improved. They mark relations betwssn th* two tT . 81” Length $2 .9 8 pr. ' aouaoad until after It bad Whan tha coonUrman refused ar* tables in tha oonfsrsnea roem, It la ths first Urns that t)i* or- said they hoped to rootere tiMway parts of Korsa render tM pros­ to serve him. Graves throw unfoundsd "accusations mads hut few qhairs. ffis dstogates ganlsaUon he* bold 11^ eonvsn' buteao’a report $2.98 -$3-98 - $4-98 against certain merchants,” most commuatcation between Canton pect of unlflcatlon mere and more Cohan emphaatead that Uuruh sugar bowl at him. TMa M threw don’t need thsat TMy nave tton outsldo s votaians hoopital and Swatow, Kwangtung seaport remote." *Tua had beaa daolarad - taaaaa” a eaab reglstor thfougb a glq Of tMm JswML-that thair stores brought their own chairs wheel Same o f (M dategatsf, Uks Milas 9 .9 5 would M iKWMttsd on grenads 220 mllsa ssst-norttwasL On th* contrary, tM cenunistion tbe MgMft te ^ rtne* Ite $ 63” Length $2 .6 9 pr. aad aaM tM tranafar waa volun­ doer. qtteirt. Nsvin. « MudanL and Vsrdrtl Cemmuntat Irrsgifiara last week sold, tM two sonee or* engaged in Soeoad Floor->T$lM Tha levator tary. TM ahtft had boan raeom tbsy Md sold'conesrt tlcksts or gdard, a msUl rraifti worker, both # * Ifa Chatham for quality blanMta and at thla low price yoq’n A taxi driver Jumped out attandad tha Rotaaaon parform' Pourtaon ef faeia are her* tat took a big ebunk of nortlwastam a Mtta orma roc* and "tnera la Curtains for avayy yoom in tM house. Pina quality marquiaatts aisiidad by fou> payohtatrists who wjadow and ran to tM jMttea ata- the annual eoaveatien at tb* deHgqtss o f Uw Memphis, Tean., much military posturing on both Mistrtal Motleu I want more than one. New etdera: Roee, blue, yellow, aqua and fgamlnad tM accuMd atoyar qftair anea. aad saatsrn Kwangtung. TMy Now Yesb, Oa i m n L geranium red. 100% pure virgin wool ’ with back hama French rufflaa. * tton, raturalng with uoutanaal; Mariaaate PIdat Partlc|aate Paralysed Veteraas of America. c M p I ^ dsoaa to New. York la i ^ tsiw d Swatow ..last Thursday sides” o f ths Sdth poraUsL which C roiijt They npreoant L500 aMmMfp. spedalte afiaptod atltooMbllsa. h „ capturing Pqnlng, 30 mllsa to ssporatas th* two sonss. fanso attsnaya Other Chatham BlankaU $10.95 to 816.95 I': Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales» "Nona of thalM morchaata par- mistrtal ta ta* “ TSr, When Crouao waa unahte to tlelpatad la afthar Ri^aim af- (tooMiig tM sisilpB yaeUiday ^hajiowpLrtrlp wa# mafia 5* w irt^ ^TMs bolds 5 serious danger of Oehan also aHd that V h f^ reason with Oravaa, ha fired In UM Hetal New Torkar, Prsst* Pqt Oitoooat. of Vgn Ngya. Chllf., feting Proslfisnt U la a Canton provMclng ^>*n military copfllet." spiraey trial r i t f S C Graaa Stamps Givaa With Cash Saks S i? f C Groan Stamps Gtvmi With Cash Saks ' fair.” tha raaolutloa aald. mdaaJlua mmaf ** ‘RUgtigm •hot VwWTover klaHIP fIPWlahead. VilWIHPGraves hit him IMWI Ttala rtfarrad to a aebaduM qont Bomarq B. Sbufelt told wM oaoM by jplans. _ spesrti yoatarfiay caUod for purg- ita rsport said. "MUltary ucufllrt S^LSrifaSayTftSS^ M ass' the head aritl\ a metal chair, Robaaon coaeart Aug. ST, which gates that ,"wa must stop looking go from rroplfient Trii-1 tecteg defeatists.dafaatlsts. Ha said: In Korsa would nwan tM most -.I knocking Qrouaa to tM floor. to Wadblngton f j t bifter slid bet­ BSM. m fi to ths qenventiqn wMchj Mp* we shall M to barbarous clvU war." Y ,te a tS a M Comb that Vh- was pravantad by auas rtoUag, ad by tMoa ndTafould have to be hoapitaUaed Crouec fired one ahoL hitting oad to test Sunday’s ' concart. tor homiaes, and go tework.” lasts through Sunday, said: teunsh a gonioral couider-oflOaBlvo Th* worssntog situation HAl^icpRi for two weeks with tM mp flesh Graves ta IM teg, taut Gravee whibh andad with tM atcnlajg at­ PoralyBed vatorana, M.pald. can "T M heroic MtUe you am I •“in **'“Uio —»tn o f rtfltantrtotant fUturo.'fttturo.” blamed primarily on tM failure « t COM i1m J W I U M com ^ MANCNitT tifi Comm* wonn4 snstalaad during m kept on coming at him. TMa tacks. Beth outdoor gatherings tqka their rightful ptec* on tM wqging to aosuma your full re-j reports ' said NaUonalist th* United Btatea and RMoate l» Crauee etabt ktm la-tM etomaeb. American scene only by tMlr ow)i i^oaslhUily to aodoty la aa tM| ta tM C O M Ifa , MaMCHBSTU COUie . wara la an area a few mllea from I « 'Graves died Uamcdlatriy. 'htia. ! i "swedt and affert" Sblratton to the nstlen." Tw e) lau P5fsPlva> t< - ■ ■♦V ' . , J ■