![Ihanri(»Iirtt« Contittfl 9^Rau>](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
y Its fu -y. ■ ■' V T U lt D A T . A ~ l M t , . u . iHanri(»iirtt« Contittfl 9^raU> _ j aaoratsty.------------------------ M i« Darla HoKMeh. od S i L oc^ ------- - ------G> BL, ad Wambura. ISS WatharMli M ava- 9 3 8 8 It BaraadatU M at^a ood atraat waa tha winner tat Soiith llathodkil ahiDdb. wiB meat Call Singers ■ r wtn hoM thair Brat w aatiof ad tha at i:S 0 touM m er avanmg at tha nua, Hartford, atatthy t '- ^ tha pin-up gW baimty o o o i^ 00^ ■ m ta d ' WbootTown night ^ at tha dactaTW Station church to r s P ot Uuek auppar. ____ o f Mm Mward m ar, * whlla appearing m tly at y ^ For Chorale eSr^traUf, Davor Road. tha State thaatar. Hertford, S a to - Mr. aad Mm Edward J. Meek i g ■ tn ?, << iw aad faaally. ed l i t Sudnelt atraat, day ataninf with Edgar Bargao VeU Register NAMCBWIBI, COHN, W nM W M T, M P T X inn T, 1N> (TWEMTI PAOH) paid imm ciim ■r aa «t«id«4 M m Hugh P. WaiA Laa Ward. Z e tSartIa McCarthy waa pra- have mtuniad home from a vaca­ Omdidates to B« G irsii •( hv pmtto » Mlaa Dana Ward and Mlaa Marta Mntad with an Emamon ra ^ tion apant at thair cottaga at W idi Assessor • f t t * wiwn alM atmad Ward, ahd Oaptala and Mm Tha praaantauon waa S j H J " Rocky Nack. Yoiee Tests hy Con- • aa Hlaaaa Qarald J. Khif. have rotumad to Dorta Monahan. Hlao H a » l ^ BrooMjrn, ST t , aftar a vlalt with who la tha daughter of Mm Hugh Mr. aad Mm tf, pUn Omat ad daetor T U s r . Ward, Jr., waa « » S n a ^ from Kaaaay atraat nmCavad up to Klng- DeaithRaiees |[ o l ___ diib win Mr. and M m Ihowwa B. O'Cbnaer, lea ami who'ham tha ed N Dovar Road. Oagtaln King la Maaebaotar High achool with tha aton, f f . B., wharo they win laava A aaU for Mngom Intarsotai In proper cmdentlalr. tnoluiBng tM r Three Nations Begin awatlng ta> M i thair m Mm O’Oeanor^ brother. JS47 daaa and la a atudant at Bay- thafar aon, Morgan, to bagta hla diamarga cerUScatae, at tha edlae path gacmtarlal adtool, Long- atudiaa at Sanoom Seminary. An­ Joining O m toflo-C honlo od Oow- aicMatt». ___ ■ \ of tha townolerti, may anleyprap- Mam Slaying maadow. Mam ■ other aon. Pradartek. who gradu­ noeticut racaotly foimad by tha aity axemptiona ed up to pLOm tor Mr. and M m Brad Knoda ad Tt Imw baaa laualvad ol tba ated from SaabotM, aeoompoaiad margar od the Uonnaetleut Ghor> tax purpooee. Mlddla Tbtnplka. oaat with t l^ Myatlc Raviaw, Woanan’e Bane- Alan Knoda aad hla brothar, Bart, ala and tha Hartford Oratdrto So. (IrrnrT- Bewry Mutrlo mpertod ■ : aHtfe iMt loaday o t Mm. H yrtM aon. Rojf. and hU wtfa ■ P «t To 13 Killedl a > o S r _ l w r & St Aaaodatkm, win mmt thte ^ to Eton OoUaga. N .'O . T tan day. daty, waa laauad today by Harbart today that alaeo laat Ortebir n ^ • a Parleys on Disaster holiday weak and vMtIng ralathroa Mia. Fwwan waa a MMwr M tha nlng In Odd Panowa haU. Alan and rradarlck Omat kavo an- A. naooa, eonduetor of tha group. total o f 338 MW diachnrgm bom Vis’ : 'I ^ late Joamk C Caitar aad ^ wUl In Torfc, P i. PVmldant M m Shirley Smith wlU roUad at Eton, erham Dr. Forria E NawoooMra to tba giaator Hart­ bean recorded. Net aU of tha Rayaolda, fomnarty of thia town, man repmeented own property on John Wilson, Ten Yanra ba fwaaaibamd bjr Uw cMm taM- Tba Alpina Society win omit tta ba In charge od tha maatlng, and ford aroo. wUdi tba ocganlaatkm dMfti e( tka aortli and o( tha town. State fla la Dlractor M m Oraoa la one o f tba prof aeaem. Bart alma to aarvo aad meant eoilaga which the eeramptlaa may apply, ■ ■■■ .'i;-:'’ maatlng tomorraw evening. Tba Knoda. erbo drove down with the bot ham had ttwlr paaem SM for Old, la Tliird Mem­ ■SortabmtadharMt^^ next maatlng win t ^ plaoa Baat win ba a guart. A aodaltlm a and hi^ aebod jgmduatw wm irb4 ja M and la au rrlaad bjr four ehU- win foUow the buainaao aamlm boya, haa mtum ad komo. sonw «*»g«»g axpailauoa nm mrteoo meaena baMdaa texatlen. Threatening Britain Wadnaaday evening, Saptambar ber of FanUly Vic­ f i fi. ■i' ■ ■ ‘ ’ "f.- ^ aamalraadeklldran. aad mAeahmaata wUl ba aervad by a 14. tended a apoetal tavltaUon to tha entartalamoat committee. Mtoan Ana. anmB d o c t o r ad ikr bauumhig mambam st tim of Berserk Veil Mr. aad M m Raymoad T. Quiah, Mr. and Mm KaanaOi 0 « t ^ Mm Madallna Drake, chairman me. of 1*4 Blaaall Mraat, win Richard Hubkard. who la pi of Hartaad road, woo c m ynor old A vatylargom Top Foreign Policy aad of tba aawlng group of tha V. P. today. Her drat birthday waa tha Onadaa, N. J„ Sept. tha naat wam W. Auxiliary, rwnlnda tha mam- anUy ampioyad by tha OomlM lag plaiiiiad. aad The ten la Oemdsn’a JItvar mad Eranomic Chiefs of lUwTam aty. Olaaa Company In Rochaatar. N. oocaalea of a party ghmn tkla aacrod aad aaenlar, wUl ba Information bom o f tha work aaaaloo tomowow oftamoon by her grandmother. m888 tbaotliis mee to U today m a U at tlia Hotal T a ft Mr. Oa- from 1 0 a.m.toSp.m.at tha Y , apant the week-end aad hoU- m MammI with ei------ United States, BHt- S S y la tha local toaoranea afont day erlth hia paiwita, Mr. and Mm Mm Samuel J. Turtdngtou, at her tm on Dacambar U aad Apm IK with tho daatt od 10-yee» old | V. r . W. Roma, Manchaotar Oraan. home, U 7 Henry atraat, a ^ waa . HALEYS M tba rann Bureau Inauranca Sawing win ba for tha CSulatmaa Charlaa B. HuMard, of M l Main Raglatmtloo od mambam ad both John WOeen. ain and Canada CoBi- . Oonvany. ___ atraat. attended by IS Uttia folka. Shalaan On British Crisis wUa. An attandlng abouM bring lacalvad a number od dainty gUm groupo la aoar undar way. H ^ a d q u a H m t TIm youagster wu the third I menee M om entous thair own lundiaa aad ceffaa wlU Starting, thla weak, n sarias ad Drr and Mm B. V. oU Frianda of M m TitrMngton wUI ba n —-bi* ed hla faailta claimed by ba aervad. Dapartmant Praaldant M m MB- glad to know aha la arJoylag good avanlngB win bo gtvou ever to r o H the tadteta of a eUlklng fuamen Talfca on Finaudal drad Tbdford o f 170 HlUlard atraat WaOUagtea. Sept. 7—ofV-^Bulaotag to etrle* like Argentine, vtaaMhm u t . a^«** health at praaant and naia ) o r ra- volaa trials for now vw miwd a dty block into a and M m Charlaa Haatlnga, <4 baa already commanead her In- facte od tho AaMricen-Srltlah- Bgypt. Indie, and Weetem Euro- M m Oladys Byprada of TS D i^ tumod aftar a trip to Canada. Thoaa trtnla, which am ptaoo St torror yoaterday. pami natiena which pay out Uttis Crisis; Speak Hopeful^ CaatthoUr atraat apactlon tour of Spaalah War Vat- ltd Ceaedlan doOar talks opoalag here ant atraat win grant the uao ad very brtaf, am bald pilvntdy with TIm boy’a mother aad grand* today or no deUara. Relatively emUI her boom tomorrow evening fO i^ n tn AuxUlarlaa throughout tha tha eonduetor. Oanmdntao do not OUMMaSTm COMIV of Hdpfnl Reanlta ■tata. Friday avanlng aha vlaltad Tba Ckmem Club erlU meat to­ mother warn kUled beeMe Mm as British exports coma to tha United aatback party, banaSt od Benait morrow night at 7:48 at Ray moor bdom n eommlttoo or abig they eat la thetr ea/vraiUng fora | ‘StaUa and tha long rang# problem CooncU, Dagraa of P ocah on t^ Sidney J. Beach AnxlUe>7 tha war, whM K lost W uhington, Sept. 7 —.(ff) ^Branford. Z » M--a^.a.^Tonight aha .^11wUl InapactIn wn nr» Dwyarta drop on Main atraat ifora otham tidSlo Ught. hags aaeata and ran up heavy tor- Is mainly Mt of Snding ways of Membam thair Wanda an^ , tM Movlaa win ba ahown and a oro-, AppUcanta ahould write er pboba Tbiea other pareene .we .-The United States, B rit^ gm u n i pubUc wOl bt w tlcon t to tha auxlllary of C otoal Charlaa L. Mm debte, Britain h u been mak­ beootlng Brltaia’s American salaa. Television Burdatt Camp, Hmrtfoi^ gram alinllar to that of the laat wuuadid la the haU od gu n ifo. ing an uphlU atniggle, with Amer- tnd Canada began momen. a Prlaaa win ba awarded maatlng of tha club which waa bald In ifd lB tB Behritcna and rafraahmanta aarvad. A par at ♦ o'clock In the odlcarF Icna aid. to pay ito own way tat tha In recent weeka the British toua talks today on the f{. U hm t price* in Conn, Iminga; and on Thuraday avontaif. at tha home o f NaU Dunham. A ltx- Tbeuaaade dockad te tbe see world again. It suffarad a aatback d al maatlng of tba mambam wlU andar atraat win bo praaantaA government haa alaahed Ita dol­ n a n c i a 1 diiaster which pracada tha aatback party at Oaorgo F.
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