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16233 WellcomeAW 17-02 27/2/04 10:29 am Page a1 Annual Report and Financial Statements 2003 16233 WellcomeAW 17-02 27/2/04 10:29 am Page a2 a2 Heading to go here strapline to go here if required 16233 WellcomeAW 17-02 27/2/04 10:29 am Page 1 THE WELLCOME TRUST ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2003 Contents Administrative Details 2 Chairman’s Statement 4 Trustee’s Report 6 Auditors’ Report 15 Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities 16 Consolidated Balance Sheet 17 Statement of Financial Activities of the Trust 18 Balance Sheet of the Trust 19 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 20 Notes to the Financial Statements 21 Committees of the Board of Governors 49 Board of Governors 50 Executive Management 51 16233 WellcomeAW 17-02 27/2/04 10:29 am Page 2 2 Administrative Details The Wellcome Trust (the ‘Trust’) is a Board of Governors The Wellcome Trust is managed day to day charitable trust created in 1936 by the Will Sir Dominic Cadbury (Chairman) by the Executive Board and other Senior of the late Sir Henry Wellcome and now Management shown as follows: Professor Sir Michael Rutter, CBE, MD, FRS, governed by its Constitution, which was FBA, FMedSci (Deputy Chairman) established in February 2001 by a scheme Executive Board of the Charity Commission.The Trust is Professor Adrian Bird, FRS, FMedSci Dr Mark Walport, PhD, FRCP,FMedSci registered under the Charities Act 1993 Professor Martin Bobrow, CBE, DSc Med, (Director) (from 1 June 2003) (registration number 210183). FMedSci Dr Michael Dexter, DSc, FRS, FMedSci The sole trustee (the ‘Trustee’) is Professor Christopher Edwards, MD, FRSE, (Director) (retired 31 March 2003) The Wellcome Trust Limited, a company FMedSci limited by guarantee (registration number Mrs Linda Arter (Director of Finance and 2711000), whose registered office is Professor Julian Jack, PhD, FRS, FMedSci Information Management) 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE.
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