ul. Meander 17/26, 02-791 Warszawa ph. +48 509 407 863 e-mail: [email protected]

Religious group 1st Day At ….. arrival of the group at the airport in Warsaw by flight ……. Meeting with greek/English or italian speaking assistance transfer to the hotel in Warsaw After check-in city tour of Warsaw

Totally destroyed during World War II, the Old Town and the Royal Castle were reconstructed and Found their way on UNESCO’ World Cultural Heritage list. Very popular with tourists are the Old Town Square lined with burgher houses, Royal Castle, Barbican and the Gothic St John’s Cathedral. Along the Royal Way visitors will find many old churches and palaces, including the Holy Cross Church where reposes the urn with Frederick Chopin’s heart. Worth a visit are two royal palace And park complexes: the Łazienki – summer residence of the last Polish king, and the baroque Wilanów – suburban residence of King Jan III Sobieski.

Overnight at the hotel in Warsaw

2nd Day Breakfast at the hotel in Warsaw After breakfast departure to Supraśl Visit to the Sanctuary and Museum of icons

The Monastery of the Annunciation in Supraśl (Polish: Monaster Zwiastowania Najświętszej Marii Panny w Supraślu), also known as the Supraśl Lavra is a monastery in North Eastern in the Podlaskie Voivodeship. Today it belongs to the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church and is one of six Eastern Orthodox monasteries for males inPoland. In the courtyard of the monastery complex is the Church of the Annunciation (1503-1511, destroyed 1944, in the process of being rebuilt since 1985. Surviving original fragments of the original frescoes are currently exhibited in the Archimandrites' Palace. The church is being rebuilt according to the design of architect M. Kuźmienko.

After visit departure to Grabarka – visit of the Sanctuary ul. Meander 17/26, 02-791 Warszawa ph. +48 509 407 863 e-mail: [email protected]

After visit departure to Biała-Podlaska- overnight Overnight at the hotel in Biała Podlaska

3rd Day At 07:30 breakfast at the hotel In Biala Podlaska After breakfast departure to Zamosc After visit departure to , overnight at htl di Sanok or at hotel in Rzeszow

4th Day At 07:30 breakfast at the Atrium hotel in Sanok After breakfast visit to the Museum of Folk Architecture in Sanok – Open Air Museum

The Museum is one of the biggest open air museums in Poland. It was established in 1958 by Aleksander Rybicki and contains 200 buildings which have been relocated from different areas of Sanok Land (Low Beskids,Pogórze Bukowskie, Doły Jasielsko Sanockie). The Sanok museum shows 19th and early 20th century life in this area of Poland. The park is divided into distinct but similar-looking sections - each featuring an ethnic group who lived in the region prior to the post-World War II forced resettlements. (, ), Dolinians (Dale Dwellers) and Polish Uplanders (pl. Pogórzanie) homes and churches have been transported there from surrounding villages, restored to their original condition and furnished with authentic objects of the period.

The individual ethnographic groups (the Bojko, Lemko, Pogórzanie and Dolinianie folks) are arranged in separate sections which perfectly fit the landscape physiography: the Bojko and Lemko architecture was located in the upper part of the Park, whereas that of the Pogórzanie and in the upper part of the area.

One can go inside many of the buildings including several homes, a school house and a Roman Catholic or Greek-Catholic church. The museum also possesses a large photographic archive, including authentic photos from the 19th and 20th centuries.

The ethnographic museum in Sanok has undergone a major transformation in the last two years. A "new" Rynek (Town Square) has been built just inside the entrance. It is a replica of a Galician town square from the second half of the 19th century, inhabited by Polish Jewish and Rusyn populations. Besides reconstructed houses from various Subcarpathian towns, there is also a genuine Jewish house, firehouse, tavern, post-office, chemist's, shop, barber's and others.

ul. Meander 17/26, 02-791 Warszawa ph. +48 509 407 863 e-mail: [email protected]

After visit departure to Ulucz – visit to the oldest wooden church Church of Ascension of our Lord

Ulucz is the location of the oldest wooden cerkiew in Poland. It was built by Boyko. It has survived because of its strategic location, overlooking the River. Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Fathers founded a school of wooden architecture in Ulucz, which taught woodcarvers how to makeiconostasis and other religious artefacts. The church nowadays is a museum.

overnight at the hotel in Krakow

5th Day At 07:30 breakfast at the hotel in Krakow Full day dedicated for wooden architecture – visit to thr BINAROWA, SEKOWA, KWIATOŃ Late afternoon continuation visit : LIPNICA MUROWANA, OWCZARY overnight at the hotel in Krakow

6th Day At 07:30 breakfast at the hotel in Krakow At 09:00 city tour of Krakow - meeting the local guide and city tour

Krakow, one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Central Europe, European City of Culture 2000. Old Town Complex together with the Wawel Hill was entered on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. Krakow has a unique charm created by centuries of history and cultural wealth. With its very special climate of culture and arts, this city teaches us the history of Poland and Europe. During this tour you will be able to walk on The Old Market Square - European largest Mediaeval square with the Renaissance Cloth Hall “SUKIENNICE" and St Mary's Basilica with its unique altar curved in wood in 15th c.; then along the ROYAL ROUTE - Grodzka Street; you will also see the Barbican – part of the city’s fortification system as well as Florian Gate; Wawel Hill with the Royal Castle and The Wawel Cathedral are another important monuments you will visit;

In the afternoon departure to Warsaw . Overnight at the hotel in Warsaw ul. Meander 17/26, 02-791 Warszawa ph. +48 509 407 863 e-mail: [email protected]

7th Day At 07:30 breakfast at the hotel in Warsaw In the morning visit to the Cathedral of St.Mary Magdalene

Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene

The Metropolitan Council of the Holy Equal to the Apostles of Mary Magdalene in Warsaw is a Polish Orthodox cathedral.

It opened in 1869, serving the needs of a growing community of Russians settling in the area of present-day Praga Północ. During the Second Republic, the cathedral became one of two free-standing Orthodox churches in Warsaw, which were not destroyed or adapted for other purposes.

It is the main Polish Orthodox Church. The cathedral is also the cathedral for the Diocese of Warsaw-Bielsko.

It was entered into the register of monuments on July 1, 1965 with No. 741.

After visit transfer to the airport in Warsaw At ….. departure from Poland

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