Directory for the City of Aberdeen
ABERDEEN CITY LIBRARIES Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from National Library of Scotland mxUij €i% of ^krtimt \ 1855-56. TO WHICH tS AI)DEI< [THE NAMES OF THE PRINCIPAL INHABITAxnTs OLD ABERDEEN AND WOODSIDE. %httim : WILLIAM BENNETT, PRINTER, 42, Castle Street. 185 : <t A 2 8S. CONTENTS. PAGE. Kalendar for 1855-56 . 5 Agents.for Insurance Companies . 6 Section I.-- Municipal Institutions 9 Establishments 12 ,, II. — Commercial ,, III. — Revenue Department 24 . 42 ,, IV.—Legal Department Department ,, V.—Ecclesiastical 47 „ VI. — Educational Department . 49 „ VII.— Miscellaneous Registration of Births, Death?, and Marri 51 Billeting of Soldiers .... 51: The Northern Club .... Aberdeenshire Horticultural Society . Police Officers, &c Conveyances from Aberdeen Stamp Duties Aberdeen Shipping General Directory of the Inhabitants of the City of Aberd 1 Streets, Squares, Lanes, Courts, &c 124 Trades, Professions, &c 1.97 Cottages, Mansions, and Places in the Suburbs Append ix i Old Aberdeen x Woodside BANK HOLIDAYS. Prince Albert's Birthday, . Aug. 26 New Year's Day, Jan 1 | Friday, Prince of Birthday, Nov. 9 Good April 6 | Wales' Queen's Birthday, . Christmas Day, . Dec. 25 May 24 | Queen's Coronation, June 28 And the Sacramental Fasts. When a Holiday falls on a Sunday, the Monday following is leapt, AGENTS FOR INSURANCE COMPANIES. OFFICES. AGENTS Aberd. Mutual Assurance & Fiieudly Society Alexander Yeats, 47 Schoolhill Do Marine Insurance Association R. Connon, 58 Marischal Street Accidental Death Insurance Co.~~.~~., , A Masson, 4 Queen Street Insurance Age Co,^.^,^.^.—.^,.M, . Alex. Hunter, 61 St. Nicholas Street Agriculturist Cattle Insurance Co.-~,.,„..,,„ . A.
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