Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held by Parish Council on 28th November 2018 at 7.30pm in Sheering Village Hall

MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Northwood in the Chair. Cllrs Bedford, Crowdy, Stalker, and Rust.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllrs Bishop, Christmas, Frackelton, Harrington, Morgan, and Turner.


3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND OBSERVATIONS -15 MINUTES There were no members of the public present

4. TO CONFIRM AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD 24TH OCTOBER 2018 The Minutes of the meeting held on 24th October 2018 having been circulated previously were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record. Clerk noted the Minutes and Agenda are available on the Parish Council Website www.essexinfo.net/sheering-parish council


6. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT The Chairman attended the 11th November Service and was pleased to note the good turnout. Appraisals for both the Clerk and Handyman will be arranged for December, where the salary cheques for December will be signed. Plan to attend EFDC’s December Service in along with the Clerk and C. Griggs.

7. CLERK’S REPORT Need to chase Barclays Bank change of signatory again as despite the paperwork being completed twice the changes requested have not been actioned. There is an increase in fly-tipping in Back Lane. Clerk has reported two specific instances to EFDC, who has retrieved written evidence from the second pile deposited. This is being pursued by the Environmental Dept. at Epping. Any fly-tipping should be reported directly to EFDC phone-01992-564608 or email –[email protected] Information has been passed onto the S. News and put on the Parish Council website to make residents aware that anyone living within a ten mile of Stansted Airport can apply for an ‘Express Set Down’ card. This card provides reduces charges when picking up or dropping off at the airport. Information on the proposed and Gilston Market Town was made available

8. TWO DEFIBRILLATORS (AEDs) TO BE PROVIDED FOR SHEERING-PROGRESS TO DATE It is intended to acquire two defibrillators, one for Sheering and one for Lower Sheering. Cllr Rust has made some enquiries with the Community Heartbeat Trust and the ’managed option’ appears to be the most favourable. This will initially cost between £1400- 2400 with an annual upkeep cost of £125 per annum. £2600 is included in the 2018/19 Precept for defibrillators. Exact locations will need to be decided with a connecting electricity supply.

9. REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY AT MEMORIAL-TEMP. STOPPING OF TRAFFIC & SIGNAGE REQUIRED/WREATH The £100 grant from the ‘Stansted Airport Community Trust’ is to be discussed again at the next meeting. There is a possibility that information signs could be provided to be displayed in November at the war memorial. A wreath costing £20 was laid by the Chairman on behalf of the Parish Council.

10. PLAYING FIELDS/NECESSITY TO EMPTY ALL DOG BINS WEEKLY NOT FORTNIGHTLY/COSTS INVOLVED It was agreed that the dog bins will be emptied weekly instead of fortnightly as requested by the operator as at present the bins are becoming over full. The new arrangements will double the annual cost but it was considered it is beneficial that the bins are being used by dog owners.

11. SETTING UP OF A ‘COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH SCHEME’ Cllr Crowdy has organised a volunteer ‘Community Speed Watch’ in an attempt to encourage traffic to slow down on local roads. A new email address has been set up so that residents can register their interest [email protected]. There have been 3 sessions so far with three volunteers in each group using the speed gun. 38 drivers have been reported to the Fire and Rescue and the Police will be notified of persistent offenders who travel over the speed limit. More volunteers are required especially from Lower Sheering. Hatfield Heath has started up a similar group. It is hoped the equipment will be displayed & an update will be given at the Annual Parish Meeting in April to keep residents informed, as there has been a lot of local support for the new scheme.

12. ECC POT HOLE INITIATIVE/HIGHWAYS BRIEFING 7TH NOVEMBER @ EALC A re-occurring pothole in Back Lane close to Medlars ref.24345626 has been put forward for the ECC scheme, and forwarded to Cllr Jackson. The intention is that more in depth repairs will be completed by Highways to eradicate the problem permanently. Clerk attended the Highways Briefing at Dunmow. The morning provided a lot of useful information and once again reminded everyone that ECC do the best they can with the money available and have to prioritise resources.

13. CHANGES TO ECC LIBRARY SERVICES ECC have sent out information & a public consultation survey ‘Essex Future Library Services Strategy (2019/2024)’.

14. PLANNING FOR DECEMBER/STAFFING APPRAISALS/CLERK’S WORKLOAD MANAGEMENT PRE-PRECEPT CONSIDERATIONS Clerk raised the point that her duties are very ‘computer’ based now and it would be preferable to have a ‘standby deputy’ to cover holidays/ sickness etc. and generally learn the duties of the Clerk. This will ensure any urgent emails, deadlines; planning applications and so on are covered if the Clerk is unavailable. The same situation needs addressing for the downloading of planning applications, and use of the laptop at meetings. £10 per hour fee has been agreed for administration work completed on an ad hoc basis.The internal auditor will give more assistance if required with the end of year A/Cs. Appraisals will take place in December. The monthly 2018/19 Excel Expenditure and Income Sheets to end November forwarded by Clerk via email to all Cllrs in readiness for the Precept meeting. Cllr Turner requested that £2000 more will be required for general maintenance.

15. PLANNING APPLICATIONS EFDC Decisions for October were made available EPF/2690/18- 2C Cowicks, Oast House, Hatfield Heath Rd-Erection of Cart Lodge for parking -No Objections. EPF/2116/18- Campdell, Sheering Rd –Proposed two storey extension- No Objections All applications are available on the EFDC website.

16. REPORTS FROM DISTRICT COUNCILLORS INC. UPDATE ON SECTION 106 AGREEMENT PAYMENT R. Morgan continues to chase the outstanding monies via EFDC. Simon Hill a long standing officer working for Democratic Services is leaving EFDC.


18. EFDC LOCAL PLAN All information is available on the EFDC website- www.eppingforestdc.gov.uk/planningourfuture. Phone 01992- 564517 or Email LDFConsulteppingforestdc.gov.uk. A revised timetable has been published.

19. HIGHWAYS, MINI-ROUNDABOUT AND LOCAL HIGHWAYS PANEL,TRANSPORT, SAWBOBUS & LIGHTING To report a new Highways issue-please contact ECC direct by filling in an online form @ http://www.essexhighways.org/Transport-and-roads.aspx. ECC have investigated the problems with the roundabout in The Street, and the Clerk has chased this up on many occasions, and has approached Essex County Cllr Jackson for additional support. The problems with this junction have been ongoing for many years and the new arrangements were implemented to improve the situation. The road safety audit carried out by ECC recently concluded that- ‘ECC have to target funds where actual collisions are occurring rather than perceived or potential collisions’ and that ‘vegetation will regularly need to be cut back to keep signs clear.’ The roundabout will continue to be monitored by ECC. Cllrs advised that members of the public should contact Essex County Cllr A. Jackson with concerns about the roundabout. It is possible that a LHP request may be made by the Parish Council to suggest that more signage be provided to at least make drivers slow down and more aware that the roundabout is there.


The following accounts were approved for payment: - £

Clerk’s Salary-Nov 101169 581.10 Clerk’s Expenses-Nov 101169 30.80 Handyman’s Salary-Nov 110170 192.00 Nigel Pearce 110171 96.00 Footprint 110172 44.25 EFDC- The Copse 110173 504.00 Friends of St Mary’s donation to clock 110174 200.00 Gary Cuthbert-Oct 110175 984.00 RB Legion Poppy Appeal- Wreath 110176 20.00 Eon-Direct Debit 44.15 Eon-Direct Debit 7.48

TIME, DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT MEETINGS Precept Meeting Wednesday 9thJanuary 2109 and Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 30th January 2019 both to be held at 7.30pm at Sheering Village Hall There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30pm. ………………………….…………. Chairman Dated 30.1.19