Starfishes from the Caribbean F and the Gulf of Mexico
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MAUREEN E. DOWN Starfishes from the Caribbean f and the Gulf of Mexico SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY NUMBER 126 SERIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION The emphasis upon publications as a means of diffusing knowledge was expressed by the first Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. In his formal plan for the Insti- tution, Joseph Henry articulated a program that included the following statement: "It is proposed to publish a series of reports, giving an account of the new discoveries in science, and of the changes made from year to year in all branches of knowledge." This keynote of basic research has been adhered to over the years in the issuance of thousands of titles in serial publications under the Smithsonian imprint, com- mencing with Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge in 1848 and continuing with the following active series: Smithsonian Annals of Flight Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology Smithsonian Contributions to Astrophysics Smithsonian Contributions to Botany Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology Smithsonian Studies in History and Technology In these series, the Institution publishes original articles and monographs dealing with the research and collections of its several museums and offices and of professional colleagues at other institutions of learning. These papers report newly acquired facts, synoptic interpretations of data, or original theory in specialized fields. These pub- lications are distributed by mailing lists to libraries, laboratories, and other interested institutions and specialists throughout the world. Individual copies may be obtained from the Smithsonian Institution Press as long as stocks are available. S. DILLON RIPLEY Secretary Smithsonian Institution SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY NUMBER 126 Maureen E. Downey Starfishes from the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION PRESS CITY OF WASHINGTON 1973 ABSTRACT Downey, Maureen E. Starfishes from the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. Smithsonian Contribution to Zoology, number 126, 158 pages, 2 figures, 48 plates, 1973.—Asteroidea collected in the Gulf of Mexico and around the Caribbean by vessels of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries at Pascagoula, Mississippi, and the Texas A&M University research vessel Alaminos numbered 95 species, 8 of which, described elsewhere, were new. Fifty-six genera, of which three were new, are represented in the collections. Keys to the orders, families, genera, and species are provided. A brief historical resume and a general discussion of zoogeography are included, as well as short descriptions of each genus and species. Official publication date is handstamped in a limited number of initial copies and is recorded in the Institution's annual report, Smithsonian Year. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Downey, Maureen E. Starfishes from the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. (Smithsonian contributions to zoology, no. 126) Bibliography: p. 1. Starfishes—Caribbean Sea. 2. Starfishes—Mexico, Gulf of. I. Title. II. Series: Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian contributions to zoology, no. 126. QL1.S54 no. 126 [QL384.A8] 591'.08s [593'.93'0916364] 72-10019 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 Price $2.85 domestic postpaid, or S2.50 GPO Bookstore Contents Page Introduction 1 Acknowledgments 2 Historical Review 2 Zoogeography 5 Station Data 9 Glossary 17 Key to the Orders of Asteroidea 21 Order Platyasterida 21 Family Luidiidae 21 Genus Luidia 21 Key to the Species of Luidia 22 L. senegalensis 22 L. clathrata 22 L. alternate 23 L. sagamina 24 L. barbadensis 24 L. elegans 25 Other Tropical-Subtropical Species of Luidia Not Represented in This Collection 25 Order Paxillosida 25 Key to the Families of Paxillosida 26 Family Astropectinidae 26 Key to the Genera of Astropectinidae 26 Genus Astropecten 26 Key to the Species of Astropecten 27 A. americanus 27 A. articulatus 28 A. cingulatus 28 A. comptus 29 A. duplicatus 29 A. marginatus 29 A. nitidus 30 Other Species of Astropecten Not Taken in These Collections 31 Genus Psilaster 31 Key to the Species of Psilaster 31 P. cassiope 31 P. patagiatus 32 Other Atlantic Species of Psilaster 32 Genus Persephonaster 32 P. echinulatus 33 Other Atlantic Species of Persephonaster 33 Genus Plutonaster 34 P. intermedius 34 Genus Dytaster 35 D. insignis 35 Genus Blakiaster 36 B. conicus 36 Genus Tethyaster 36 T. grandis 37 Other Species of Tethyaster 37 iii Page Genus Dipsacaster 37 D. antillensis 38 Family Goniopectinidae 38 Key to the Genera of Goniopectinidae 38 Genus Goniopecten 38 G. demonstrans 38 Genus Prionaster 39 P. elegans 39 Family Benthopectinidae 39 Key to the Genera of Benthopectinidae 40 Genus Benthopecten 40 B. simplex 40 Genus Cheiraster 41 Key to the Species of Cheiraster 41 C. mirabilis 41 C. echinulatus 42 C. enoplus 42 Genus Pectinaster 43 Key to the Species of Pectinaster 43 P. mixtus 43 P. gracilis '. 44 Order Valvatida 44 Key to the Families of Valvatida 44 Family Odontasteridae 44 Genus Odontaster 45 Key to the Species of Odontaster 45 O. hispidus 45 O. setosus 45 Family Goniasteridae 46 Key to the Genera of Goniasteridae 47 Genus Goniaster 46 G. tessellatus 46 Genus Anthenoides 48 Key to the Species of Anthenoides 48 A. piercei 48 Genus Ceramaster 49 C. grenadensis , 49 Genus Peltaster 50 Key to the Species of Peltaster • 50 P. nidarosiensis 50 P. placenta 51 Genus Plinthaster 52 P. dentatus 52 Genus Tessellaster 53 T. notabilis 53 Genus Tosia 53 T. parva 54 Genus Rosaster 54 R. alexandri 54 Genus Circeaster 55 C. americanus 55 Genus Litonotaster 55 Key to the Species of Litonotaster 56 L. intermedius 56 Genus Paragonaster 56 Key to the Species of Paragonaster 56 P. subtilis 57 Genus Nymphaster 57 iv Page Key to the Species of Nymphaster 57 N. arenatus 58 N. subspinosus 59 Genus Pseudarchaster 59 Key to the Species of Pseudarchaster 59 P. gracilis 59 Family Oreasteridae 60 Genus Oreaster 60 O. reticulatus 60 Family Ophidiasteridae 61 Key to the Genera of Ophidiasteridae 62 Genus Chaetaster 62 C. nodosus 63 Genus Drachmaster 63 D. bullisi 63 Genus Tamaria 64 Key to the Species of Tamaria 64 T. floridae 64 T. halperni 65 T. passiflora 65 Genus Linckia 66 Key to the Species of Linckia 66 L. guildingii 66 L. nodosa 67 L. bouvieri 67 Genus Ophidiaster 68 Key to the Species of Ophidiaster 68 O. guildingii 68 Genus Narcissia 69 N. trigonaria 69 Order Spinulosida .-.- 70 Key to the Families of Spinulosida 70 Family Solasteridae 70 Key to the Genera of Solasteridae 70 Genus Solaster 70 Key to the Species of Solaster 70 S. notophrynus 71 S. caribbaeus 71 Genus Lophaster 71 L. verrilli 72 Family Pterasteridae 72 Key to the Genera of Pterasteridae 72 Genus Hymenaster 72 Key to the Species of Hymenaster 73 H. rex 73 H. modestus 74 H. anomalus 75 Genus Pteraster 75 Key to the Species of Pteraster 76 P. personatus 76 P. caribbaeus 77 P. rugosus 77 P. militaroides 78 P. acicula 79 P. species 79 Genus Calyptraster 79 C. personatus 80 Family Ganeriidae 80 Genus Leilaster 80 L. radians 80 Page Family Poraniidae 81 Genus Poraniella 81 P. regularis 81 Genus Marginaster 82 M. pectinatus 82 Family Echinasteridae 82 Key to the Genera of Echinasteridae 88 Genus Henricia 83 Key to the Species of Henricia 83 H. sexradiata 83 H. antillarum 84 H. species 85 Genus Echinaster 85 Key to the Species of Echinaster 86 E. serpentarius 86 E. echinophorus 86 E. sentus 87 E. modestus 87 E. species A 88 E. brasiliensis 88 E. species C 89 E. species B 89 Genus Verrillaster 89 V. spinulosus 89 Order Forcipulatida 90 Family Asteriidae 90 Key to the Genera of Asteriidae 91 Genus Ampheraster 90 A. alaminos 91 Genus Sclerasterias 91 S. contorta 92 Genus Asterias 92 A. forbesi 93 Genus Coscinasterias 93 C. tenuispina 93 Genus Coronaster 94 C. briareus 94 Order Zorocallida 95 Family Zoroasteridae 95 Key to the Genera of Zoroasteridae 95 Genus Doraster 95 D. constellatus 95 Genus Mammaster 97 M. sigsbeei 97 Genus Zoroaster 97 Z. fulgens 97 Order Euclasterida 98 Family Brisingidae 98 Key to the Genera of Brisingidae 98 Genus Odinia 99 O. antillensis 99 Genus Midgardia 99 Af. xandaros 99 Literature Cited 100 Plates Ill vi Maureen E. Downey Starfishes from the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico Introduction operations have been examined, as well as com- Two collections of Asteroidea, probably the most parative material in the National Museum of Nat- comprehensive ever made in the Caribbean and the ural History, the Museum of Comparative Zoology Gulf of Mexico, have yielded 95 species, of 56 gen- at Harvard, and material borrowed from other in- era. Eight new species and three new genera have stitutions and individuals. been described from these collections. On the basis The classification used is essentially that of Spen- of these collections, which cover a wider area, cer and Wright (1966), with certain modifications. greater depth range, and longer collecting period The abundant material available has allowed the than any previous starfish collections from this solution of several taxonomic problems, the most region, certain revisions in the classification and important being the separation of the family Zo- corrections to the taxonomy have been made possi- roasteridae from the order Forcipulatida and the ble. Keys to the taxa are given and brief descrip- establishment of a new order, Zorocallida (Downey, tions of each species, as well as indications of the 1970), to contain it, and the abolition of the family distribution, both vertical and horizontal. Keys Chaetasteridae (only one genus)—the genus Chae- are to be construed as applying only to the star- taster has been returned to the family Ophidiasteri- fishes of this area. Despite the scope of these col- dae. Of the three new genera discovered in these lections, about fifty nominal species previously collections, Verrillaster (in the Echinasteridae) ac- reported in the literature from the area were not commodates Echinaster spinulosus Verrill; the re- included in the present collections.