RESEARCH ARTICLE Near-atomic structures of the BBSome reveal the basis for BBSome activation and binding to GPCR cargoes Shuang Yang1†, Kriti Bahl2†, Hui-Ting Chou1‡, Jonathan Woodsmith3, Ulrich Stelzl3, Thomas Walz1*, Maxence V Nachury2* 1Laboratory of Molecular Electron Microscopy, The Rockefeller University, New York, United States; 2Department of Ophthalmology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, United States; 3Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Graz and BioTechMed-Graz, Graz, Austria Abstract Dynamic trafficking of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) out of cilia is mediated by the BBSome. In concert with its membrane recruitment factor, the small GTPase ARL6/BBS3, the BBSome ferries GPCRs across the transition zone, a diffusion barrier at the base of cilia. Here, we present the near-atomic structures of the BBSome by itself and in complex with ARL6GTP, and we describe the changes in BBSome conformation induced by ARL6GTP binding. Modeling the *For correspondence: interactions of the BBSome with membranes and the GPCR Smoothened (SMO) reveals that SMO,
[email protected] (TW); and likely also other GPCR cargoes, must release their amphipathic helix 8 from the membrane to
[email protected] (MVN) be recognized by the BBSome. †These authors contributed equally to this work Present address: ‡Department of Therapeutic Discovery, Amgen Introduction Inc, South San Francisco, United Cilia dynamically concentrate signaling receptors to sense and transduce signals as varied as light, States odorant molecules, Hedgehog morphogens and ligands of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) Competing interests: The (Anvarian et al., 2019; Bangs and Anderson, 2017; Nachury and Mick, 2019). Highlighting the authors declare that no functional importance of dynamic ciliary trafficking, the appropriate transduction of Hedgehog signal competing interests exist.