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Active Rock Playlists July 14, 2000 ß3r 147 Active Rock Playlists July 14, 2000 ß3R 147 FIND COMPLETE PLAYLISTS FOR ALL ACTIVE ROCK REPORTERS ON MR ONLINE MUSIC TRACKING MARkE1 ' WW ANINN8yKü KEOImIUNN. WNUI WR1Fm9.N1 WA/01140N Inhndy Clear Channel 97.1 Greater Measo Entercom (215) 625-9460 -1079 94WYSP 1972) 991 EAGLE (2481 547-0101 16171 236-1073 Musky/Palumbo tor omen SI/1MM 9eve01/0Ya0Seld P0061/Hanson DOu9Ns OSelllyd Isle of Q 12. Cuore 1.131.211 12. Cuore 475,2N ROCKS. 12. Curse 511,185 12. Cu me 513.151 FlAe9 RIM run U t MTE91nITlE M 11101 l. 1. AsimunTE i119NI uñ M1.1nI1LL S1 1N11 l. T. 061.14111E G IMI 31 37 300X145I1030430PI.W 20794 34 34 N CI61SPabn Me 11166 26 27 CREEDYTMrmWdeq.Y' 7992 37 43 SFVTNO3S7AYS4 I?X, ! "Little Scene" 36 33 ME rHLIGl1 Dp,ypü 18549 13 31 STA9UAYKMmei 10199 27 n 3 DOORS OOWIxrypad. 7400 3; 42 PAPA RDAJMlastResort 7558 31 CAB EDW.IAmes Wde Open 17422 1339 OOU9OCMeMwr ep 9870 26 n ErETHEICMD.appmr 7400 38 p AMERCE ORO. F:Math 119CÁ K0RNMIIIeMeBad 12920 1529 3L100ß9 00391105Mo 1e 9541 25 24 (i009MCKVpOOOn 7104 ,7 N LIMP BIMR/1a1eAlook 11661 n LMPBIMII.I4W Sun 12976 19 24 LE THLGAI Dde006a 18 19 RED MOT CHILI ..Ca.OnrOaon. 38 38 S1A901gme 11362 1 lNF/TM Mad llpFe. 8430 18 N DOTOIESChnm 6580 18 IS ACDf/SaMMBYa 5328 38 37 coi FDW56 61031 Wdellpen 11063 ® - t PEARL3AMtgN Wr1 8430 17 N /PERFECT CIRCLE'adm 6580 18 16 PEARL .MMlyeSers 5328 3038 30000.500103psn 10461 86D101OMLI .faMal ypn 8430 17 1 U PO/Coins 6251 15 17 O D R793Ç*el, Obi Mo 5032 33 31 EEDROE DSO XaMoinsahon 9769 JMAYPAGFMN'.K /Ton Roos Cam 8430 37 1 STA96Nm1e 6251 16 17 KENNY YONNE Aat000deee 5032 29 36 SYSTEM pA110VMSodes 8970 2 STONE TEMPLE RO1S5o. 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