Congressional Record-House. December 7
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1 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEMBER 7, Montana-Thomas H. Carter and Joseph M. Dixon. guidance. Receiving with unfeigned love and gratitude all Nebrasltia-Norris Brown and Elmer J. Burkett. that has come down to us out of the past which makes for the Nevada-Francis G. Newlands and GeorgeS. Nixon. larger life and lligher civilization, yet we realize that our work New Hampshi1·e-Henry E. Burnham and Jacob H. Gallinger. is not done; hence we most fervently pray for a larger, clearer New Jm·sey-Frank 0. Briggs and John Kean. vision that we may go forward with unfaltering footsteps, high New York-Chauncey l\L Depew and Thomas C. Platt. ideals, and unswerving integrity to the tasks before us, that we No1·th Oarolina-Lee S. Overman and F. M. Simmons. may add somewhat to the sum of human happiness and thus Not·th Dakota-Porter J. McCumber. fulfill the law of Christ. Ohio-Charles Dick and Joseph B. Foraker. Be Thou a living presence, we beseech Thee, moving in the Oklahoma-Thomas P. Gore and Robert L. Owen. minds and hearts of all our people, that good citizenship may Oregon--Charles W. Fulton and Jonathan Bourne. more and more obtain. Safeguard every home throughout our Pennsylvania-Philander Chase Knox and Boies Penrose. land, fill them each with love and affection, that peace and Rhode Island-Nelson W. Aldrich and George Peabody Wet-: righteousness may dwell therein. more. Inspire these Thy servants, the repre entatives of the people, South Dakota-Robert J. Gamble. that they may hold fast to the traditions of our fathers and Tennessee-James B. Frazier and Robert L. ~uylor. leave behind them a record worthy of emulation. Texas-Joseph W. Bailey and Charles A. Culberson. Strengthen, support, and guide the Speaker of this House in Utah-Reed Smoot and George Sutherland. his arduous duties, that with justice and equity he may guide Vermont-William P. Dillingham and CarrollS. Page. to the highest po sible results. Virginia-Thomas S. 1\Iartin. Protect the President of these United States from violence Washington--Levi Ankeny and Samuel H. Piles. and give to him and his advisers light from on high, that the West Virginia-Stephen B. Elkins and Nathan B. Scott. ship of state may be guided with unerring preci ion through all Wisconsin--Robert 1ti. La Follette and Isaac Stephenson. the storms that may arise to a safe and peaceful harbor. Wy01ning-Clarence D. Clark and Francis E. Warren. Quicken the minds of our judiciary, that their judgments NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE. may "be true and righteous altogether," that thus working together with Thee as a people we may hasten the coming. of Mr. HALE submitted the following resolution; which was Thy kingdom in all the earth. In the spirit of the Lord Jesus considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: Christ. Amen. Resolvea, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives The SPEAKER directed the Clerk to call the roll by States that a quorum of the Senate is assembled, and that the Senate is ready to proceed to business. to ascertain the presence of a quorum, when the following-named Members responded : NOTIFICATION TO THE P~ESIDENT. ALABA:liA. George W. Taylor. Richmond P. Hobson. Mr. ALDRICH submitted the following resolution; which Henry D. Clayton. John L. Burnett. was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to : W. B. Craig. William Richardson. Resolvea, That a committee consisting of three Senators be appointed J. Thomas Heflin. Oscar W. Underwood. to jpin sucli committee as may be appointed by the House of Repre ARKANSAS. sen1atives to wait upon the President of the United States and inform Robert Bruce Macon. Charles C. Reid. / him that a quorum of each House is assembled, and that Congress is Stephen Brundidge, jr. Joseph T. Robinson. - ready to receive any communication he may be pleased to make. John C. Floyd. Robert M. Wallace. The VICE-PRESIDENT appointed as the committee 1\Ir. Ben Cravens. ALDRICH, Mr. GALLINGER, and 1\Ir. TELLER. CALIFORNIA. W. F. Englebright. Everts A. Hayes. HOUR OF MEETING. Duncan E. McKinlay. James C. Needham. I James McLachlan. t Mr. CULLOM submitted the following resolution; which was ~~J>:£i~owland. Sylvester C. Smith. considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to : COLORADO. • ResoZvea, That the hour of dally meeting of the Senate be 12 o'clock George w. Cook. Warren A. Haggott. meridian until otherwise ordered. Robert W. Bonynge. CONNECTICUT. WILLIAM B. DEATH OF SENATOR ALLISON. Nehemiah D. Sperry. Ebenezer J. Hill. Mr. DOLLIVER. Mr. President, it is a painful duty to an Edwin W. Higgins. nounce to the Senate the death of Senator .ALLisoN. He died DELAWARE. at his home in Dubuque on the 4th day of August. Hlram R. Burton. At a future time, at the convenience of the Senate, I will ask FLORIDA. Stephen M. Sparkman. Frank Clark. !--- that an hour be set aside for suitable tributes to his memory. I offer the resolutions which I send· to the desk, and ask for GEORGIA. their adoption. Gordon Lee. #mr~:c~rg:~son. Thomas M. Bell. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator from Iowa submits I.teonidas F. Livingston. Thomas W. Hardwick. resolutions which will be read by the Secretary. Charles L. Bartlett. William G. Brantley. The resolutions were read, considered by unanimous consent, IDAHO. and unanimously agreed to, as follows : Burton L. French. Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow of the death of the Ron. WILLIAM BOYD ALLISON, for mor:e than thirty-five ILLINOIS. years a Senator from the State of Iowa. · Martin B. Madden. James McKinney. Resolvea, That the Secretary communicate a copy of these resolu James R. Mann. George W. Prince. tions to the House of Representatives. William W. Wilson. Joseph V. Graff. James T. McDermott. John A. Sterling. Mr. DOLLIVER. Mr. President, as a further tribute of re Adolph J. Sa bath. Joseph G. Cannon. spect to the memory of the late Senator ALLISON, I move that Philip Knopf. William B. McKinley. the Senate do now adjourn. Charles McGavin. Henry T. Rainey. Henry S. Boutell. Ben F. Caldwell. · The motion was unanimously agreed to, and (at 12 o'clock George Edmund Foss. William A. Rodenberg. and 15 .minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Howard M. Snapp. Martin D. Foster. Tuesday, December 8, 1908, at 12 o'clock meridian. Charles E. Fuller. Pleasant T . Chapman. Frank 0. Lowden. Napoleon B. Thistlewood. INDIA~A. HOUSE . OF REPRESENTATIVES. John H. Foster. John .A.. M. Adair. John C. Chaney. hurles B. Landis. William E. Cox. Edgar D. Crumpacker. ~foNDAY, December 7, 1908. Lincoln Dixon. George W. Rauch. Elias S. Holliday. Clarence C. Gilhams. This being the day designated by the Constitution for the Jesse Overstreet. annual meeting of Congress, the Members of the Hou8e of Rep IOW3.. resentatives assembled in their Hall for the second session of Charles A. Kennedy. .John A. T. !lull. the Sixtieth Congress, and at 12 o'clock m. were called to order Albert F. Dawson. William P. Hepburn. Benjamin P. Birdsall. Walte1· I. Smith. by the Speaker. Gilbert N. Haugen. James P. Conner. PRAYER. Daniel W. Hamil ton. Elbert H. Hubbard. • Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., Chaplain of the House, .offered KANSAS. Charles F. Scott. William A. Reeder. the following prayer: E. H. Madison. Our Fatller in heaven. source of all that is truest, noblest, ~:~~~ ir.iifil~~:n. Victor Murdock. best in man, we look up· to Thee for inspiration, strength, and William A. Calderhead . .· .... r 1908. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 3 KENTUCKY. OKLAHOMA. Ollie M. James. W. P. Kimball. Bird S. McGuire. Charles D. Carter. ·Joseph B. Bennett. Elmer L. Fulton. Scott Ferris. !~~H~~t:b~J ~:n_~~~ey. John W. Langley. Oll.EOON. Ben Johnson. Don C. Edwards. Willis C. Hawley. W. R. Ellis. Swagar Sherley. LOUISIAXA. PE~NSYLVANIA. Henry H. Bingham. Benjamin K. Focht. Robert F. Broussard. George K. Favrot. Joel Cook. Marlin E. Olmsted. John T. Watkins. Ars~ne P. Pujo. J. Hampton Moore. John M. Reynolds. Joseph E. Ransdell. Reuben 0. Moon. Daniel ~~. Lafean. MAINE. w. w. Foulkroa. Charles F. Barclay. Amos L. Allen. Edwin C. Burleigh. George D. McCreary. George F. Huff. Thomas S. Butler. Allen F. Cooper. MARYLAND. Irving P. Wanger. Ernest F. Acheson. H. Burd Cassel. Arthur L. Bates. Joshua F. C. Talbott. Sydney E. Mudd. T. D. Nicholls. J. Davis Bt·odhead. John Gill, jr. George A. Pearre. John T. Lenahan. Joseph G. Beale. MASSACHUSETTS. Charles N. Brumm. Nelson P. Wheeler. George P. Lawrence. Samuel W. McCall. John H. Rothermel. William H. Graham. Frederick H. Gl1lett. John A. Keliher. George W. Kipp. John Dalzell. Charles G. Washburn. Joseph F. O'Connell. William B. Wilson. James Francis Burke. Charles Q. Tirrell. Andrew J. Peters. John G. McHenry. Andrew J. Barchfeld. Butler Ames. John W. Weeks. RHODE ISLAND. Augustus P. Gardner. William S. Greene. Daniel L. D. Granger. Adin B. Capron. Ernest W. Roberts. William C. Lovering. SOUTH CAROLINA. MICHIGAN. James 0. Patterson. J. Edwin Ellerbe. Eldwin Denby. Joseph W. Fordney. Joseph T. Johnson. Asbury F. Lever. Charles E. Townsend. James C. McLaughlin. Washington Gardner. George A. Loud. SOUTH DAKOTA. Edward L. Hamilton. Archibald B. Darragh. Philo Hall. Samuel W. Smith. H. Olin Young. TENJ\"'ESS"EE. Henry McMorran. Walter P. Brownlow. John Wesley Gaines. MINNESOTA. Nathan W. Hale. Lemuel P. Padgett. James A. Tawney. Charles A. Lindbergh. John A. Moon. Thetus W. Sims. W. S. Hammond. Andrew J. Volstead. Cordell Hull. Finis J. Garrett. Charles R. Davis. J. Adam Bede. William C. Houston. George W. Gordon. Frederick C. S-tevens. Halvor Steenerson. TEXAS. Frank M. Nye. Morris Sheppard. AlbertS. BurlEE>on.