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THE CITY RECORD. Vor THE CITY RECORD. Vor.. XXXVI. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1908. N tl hi r us 10790. THE CITY RECORD. THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the STATED MEETING. BOARD OF CITY RECORD. Tuesday, October 27, 1908, 1.30 o'clock p. m. GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYOL The Board met in the Aldcrmanic Chamber, City Hall. FRANCIS K. PENDLETON. CORPORATION COUNSEL.. HERMAN A. METZ, COMPTROLLER, Present: Hon. Patrick F. McGowan, President of the Board of Aldermen. PATRICK J. TRACY, Sursavlsoa, Aldermen Published daily, at g a. m., except legal holidays. Timothy P. Sullivan, O. Grant Esterbrook, John McCann, Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. Vice-Chairman; James H. Finnigan, John J. McDonald, SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 eenw; Thomas F. Baldwin, Joseph Flanagan, Adolf Moskowitz, Official Canvass of Votes, to cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Thomas F. Barton, Patrick F. Flynn, Otto b-Tuhlbauer, Law Department and Finance Department supplements, to cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of Francis P. Bent, John Sylvester Gaynor, John J. F. Mulcahy, Real Estati., 25 cents each section. Herman W. Beyer, Bernhard Goldschmidt, Thomas J. Mulligan, B. B. Brown, Henry Published at Room a, City Hall (north side), New York City. W. F. Grimm, John Mulvaney. James W. Brown, John D. Gunther, James J. Nugent, Entered as Second-class Matter. Post Office at New York City. Michael J. Carter, Edward V. Handy, John W. O'Reilly, L. Barton Case, William J. Heffernan, Lewis M. Potter, Charles P. Cole, John J. Hickey, Thomas M. Quinn, TABLE OF CONTENTS. Daniel R. Coleman, James J. Hines, John J. Reardon, George A. Colgan, Frederick C. Hochdorffer, Tames W. Redmond, John J. Collins, Tristam B. Johnson, David S. Rendt, Aldermen, Board of— Manhattan, Borough of- William P. Corbett, Joseph D. Kavanagh, William P. Sandiford, Minutcs of Stated Meeting of Octo. Proposals.......................... 11381 ber 27, 1908 ................. 11361 Report of Bureau of Iluildings for Matthew J. Crowley, William P. Kenneally, Joseph Schloss, Aqueduct Commissioners— the Week Ending October 24, Percy L. Davis, Francis P. Kenney, George J. Schneider, Public Auction .................... 11386 tgo8.......................... 11361 Charles Delaney, Max S. Levine, James J. Smith, Assessors, Board of— \Municipal Civil Service Commission— Public Notices..................... 11376 I'uhl is Notices..................... 11390 John Diener, Frederick Linde, Michael Stapleton, Bellevue and Allied Hospitals-- Notice to Contractors.................. 11392 Reginald S. Doull, James F. Martyn, Alexander J. Stormont, I'roposals.......................... 11378 ORicial Borough Papers.............. , . 11376 Frank L. Dowling, Samuel Marx, Jacob J. Velten, Board 71 cetings ....................... 1138) Official 1)irectory...................... II373 Robert F. Downipg, ()fficial Papers ........................ 11380 Thomas J. McAleer, John F. Walsh, Bronx, Borough of— Parks, Department of— William Drescher, Proposals.......................... 1138"1 1'rood.als.......................... 11377 Public Notices..................... 1138, Police I)cpartment- Louis F. Haffen, President, Borough of The Bronx. Brouklyn, Borough of— On-uri s Wanted for Lost Property. 11383 Bird S. Coler, President, Borough of Brooklyn, by Thomas R. Farrell, Commis- Proposals.......................... 11379 Public Charities, Department of— sioner of Public Works. Change of Grade Damage Commission— Pronnrals......... ................ 11377 Public Notice...................... 11386 Pchlic Service Commission for the First John F. Ahearn, President, Borough of Jlanhattan. Changes in Departments, etc........... 11373 1)istrict- The Clerk proceeded to read the minutes of the stated meeting of October 20, Correction, Department of— CaL•ndar of Hearings ............. 11361 1908. I'roposals.......................... 1138) Proceedings of October 20, igo8... 11369 Ducks and Ferries, Department of— Richmond, Borough of— On motion of Alderman Doull further reading was dispensed with, and the min- Sale of Old Material .............. 11390 Proposals.......................... 11378 utes were approved as printed. Fdocation, Department of— Public Notice.....................- 11378 1'rope.sals.......................... 1139) Report of Commissioner of Public Estimate and Apportionment, hoard of— Work, for the Week Ending MESSAGES FROM IIIS HONOR THE MAYOR. Publicuhlic Notices..................... .... 11386 September 5. 1908............. 1137237' S treet Cleaning, Department of- 1 finance, Department of— The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the •,ches, etc., for Filling in Lands... 11381 ('orpnration Sale of Real Estate, etc. 1t38,1 Supreme Court, First Department- Mayor: Curpnration Sales of Buildings, etc. is 353 l cr hiring 'title to Lands, etc...... 11390 No. 1227. Interest on City Bonds and Stock. 11381 ,yi,ltremo ('our[, Second Department— Notice of Assessments for Opening Acquiring Title to Lands, etc...... 15391 City of New York, Office of the Mayor, 7 Streets and Parks......... .. 11384 Supreme Court. 'third Judicial District— Notice of the Redemption of October 26, 1908. New ,acquiring Title to Lands, etc...... 1:392 York City Stock .............. 11386 Water Supply, Board of— Notices to Property Owners....... 11383 To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York: Proposals............ ........ 11389 Notices to Taxpayers .............. 11385 <.Vater Supply, (;as and Sureties Required on A arious Classes Electricity, De- Gentlemen—I return herewith, with my veto, a resolution passed by your Hon- partment of— orablc Board on October 13, 1908, entitled : of Contracts .................. 11385 Reports of Transactions for the Fire Department---- Weeks Ending Jane 13 and 20, "Resolution permitting the Care- Printing Company to keep movable skid or l'roposals.......................... It376 191)8 .......................... 11368 chute at No. 6 Fast Thirteenth street, Manhattan." I deem it inadvisable to have chutes or other obstructions on the street so near Fifth avenue, and for this reason return the resolution with my veto. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR THE FIRST Respectfully. DIS'T'RICT, GEO. B. McCLELLAN, Mayor. No. I54 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the Carey Print- ing Company to place and keep a movable skid or chute in front of their premises No. 6 East Thirteenth street, in the Borough of Manhattan, the said skid or chute CALENDAR OF HEARINGS. to be used only for the purpose of transmitting merchandise to and from trucks and premises at the above location ; provided that said skid or chute shall be securely The following hearings will be held during the remainder of the week beginning fastened and so arranged that when not in use it shall he turned in against the wall Monday, October 26, 1908: or he removed, and prove in no instance an impediment to traffic or pedestrians, the work to be done at their own expense, tinder the direction of the President of the Thursday, October 29—II a. m.—Room 305.—CITY OF NEW YORK AND JOHN B. Borough, such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Board of MCDONAI.D.—"Arbitration of Determination of George S. Rice, Chief Aldermen. Engineer." Which was laid over, ordered to be printed in the minutes and published in full in 2 p. 111.—Room 310.—CITY of Ni:w YORK AND DEGNON CONTRACTING the CITY RECORD. COMIANv.—"Arhitratirnt of Determination of henry B. Scanlan, Chief Engineer." The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the I1 layor: Friday, October 30—I I a. 111.—Room 305.—Order No. 786.—CENTRAL PARK, NORTH AND No. FAST RIVER R. R. CO. AND FREDERICK V. WHITRIDGE, Rs:CF.IVER, 111181) AVENUE R. R. Co.—"Why companies should not make joint rate for City of New York, Office of the Mayor, j through transportation of passengers."—Whole Commission. October 26, 19o8. 2:30 p. 1)l.—Commissioner \Talthie's Room.—Order No. 2o5.—'Electric To the Ilonorable the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York: light and power invcstigatirnl"—Commissioner Maltbic. Gentlemen—I return herewith, with my veto, a resolution passed by your Honor- 3:30 p. 1)l.—Room 31o.—Order No. 755.—BROI1NLYN IIEIGHTS R. R. Co.— able Board, entitled : "Service between 39th Street Ferry and Ulmer Park."—Commissioner "Resolution permitting Bloomingdale Brothers to station meth at certain corners." Bassett. I an] informed by Police Commissioner Bingham that an application was made to him by Bloomingdale Brothers to station men at the corners of several avenues intersecting Fifty-ninth street, and issue transfers and advertising matter, The Con]- Regular meetings of the Commission are held every Tuesday and Friday at 11 :30 missioner further informs me that he denied the request presented. a. m. Section 408 of the Ordinances has furthermore been brought to my attention, which provides in part as follows: "No person shall * * * distribute in or upon any of the streets, avenues or BOROUGH OF, MANHATTAN. public places * * * any hand bills, circulars, cards or other advertising matter whatsoever." Section 50 of the Charter provides in part: BUREAU OF BUILDINGS. "Subject to the constitution and laws of the state, the hoard of alder- men shall have power
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