St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting of the Asset Management Committee Held Remotely on Wednesday 25Th November 2020
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ST CUTHBERT (OUT) PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASSET MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE HELD REMOTELY ON WEDNESDAY 25TH NOVEMBER 2020. PRESENT: Cllrs M Hayden; I Humphreys; M Lunnon; T Mallinson. Cllr M Mitchell joined the meeting at 7.05pm. IN ATTENDANCE: Cllr J Reeves; Mrs L Pool (Deputy Parish Clerk). 01. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND TO CONSIDER THE REASONS GIVEN Cllr Foster had sent apologies. RESOLVED: To approve the reasons given for Members’ absence. 02. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND DISPENSATIONS 02.01. There was a declaration of personal and prejudicial interest by Cllr Lunnon in item 19. 02.02. There were no requests for dispensation for disclosable pecuniary interests. 02.03. There was a request for dispensation for Cllr M Lunnon to participate in item 19. RESOLVED: To approve a dispensation for Cllr Lunnon to participate in item 19. 03. EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED: Members of the public would be excluded from Items 9 and 19. 04. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Cllr Reeves requested to speak on item 11. 05. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF ST CUTHBERT (OUT) PARISH COUNCIL ASSET MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE HELD ON WEDNESDAY 14TH OCTOBER 2020 RESOLVED: To confirm and sign as correct record the minutes of the Council held remotely on Wednesday 14th October 2020. 06. ALLOTMENT WATER DEMANDS The Committee discussed the high water bill, possible causes and solutions. The competitiveness of the current provider was considered, as was the practice of straps holding the allotment tap down indefinitely. An alternative tap design that cannot be strapped down was put forward. It was agreed to further review the placing and distribution of water facilities under item 19. Page 1 of 4 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Asset Management Committee 07. ALLOTMENT HEDGEROW NEXT TO TRIANGLE. The dumping of allotment waste was discussed. Currently a few tenants dump waste that is too large for composting, on the understanding it will be removed by Cllr Lunnon; however, this situation could be exploited by all tenants. A skip was suggested and the cost shared by tenants. The Deputy Clerk is to research fencing options that offers access but prevents dumping: for example, a kissing gate. A tenant’s working group should be explored. 08. DULCOTE ‘T FOR 2’ SWING The Committee felt the quote from ID Verde was extremely high and that the manufacturer was supplying costly new parts. It was also mentioned that prior safety inspections should have identified the problem earlier. Somerset Forge Ltd, if suitable, would submit a quote for repairs for next meeting on 6th January 2021. RESOLVED: To seek a second opinion from Somerset Forge Ltd, regarding their credentials and costs for the repairs. 09. ‘PREFERRED CONTRACTOR’ SKILLS TO JOBS LIST The Committee agreed that the list for Full Council should be revised to feature typical works, and not time-specific works. The process should be reviewed annually. Costs involved in the works listed will be influenced by the outcome of the ‘T for 2’ swing repairs (item 08). RESOLVED: To recommend that Full Council approve the proposal and nominated contractors for a ‘preferred contractor’ process at the earliest opportunity. RESOLVED: The Deputy Clerk to prepare a revised list of 5 contractors and typical works after Full Council’s decision. 10. WORKING NEAR HIGHWAYS – UPDATE County Roads confirmed that the licence to work on highways would cost £50 per task. The Committee discussed the Council’s position regarding this, its responsibilities to ensure that all contractors were suitably qualified and equipped when carrying out works and that volunteer safety is considered. It was mentioned that Somerset Highways should be undertaking work on the highways. 11. COXLEY FLOODLIGHTS The Committee were informed that Wells Rugby Football Club may be more interested in purchasing new LED lights, rather than the cost of removing the floodlights at Coxley, possibly through a grant. They have been contacted and the Committee is waiting on their response. If the lights are removed by agreement, the site must be left safe with an electrical contractor providing confirmation of safety. The issue should be revisited in January. Page 2 of 4 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Asset Management Committee 12. EASTON JUBILEE PLAYING FIELD PEDESTRIAN GATE Access to the field is not easy for anything wider than a single buggy. The gate is continuing to be removed. A larger gate might be considered in future and all recreation facilities should be fully accessible to wheelchair users. RESOLVED: To develop a long-term policy that facilitates access for all mobilities to all play areas. RESOLVED: To request whether Somerset Forge Ltd would consider a new, wider gate free of charge, if their advertising was permitted on the gate. 13. BINEGAR BENNETS LANE DOG BIN REQUEST A request had been received from Binegar Parish for a dog bin to be located just outside of the St Cuthbert (Out) Parish boundary. The Committee felt that the benefits would be most felt by residents in Binegar and should therefore be provided by Binegar Parish. Financially, it would not be appropriate to fund a bin that, on the whole, is not used by our residents. RESOLVED: To confirm the decision to not fund the dog waste bin to the resident making the request. 14. TRIANGLE PLANS FOR SPRING The Committee agreed to defer this topic until 10th February 2021, after Japanese Knotweed treatment has taken effect. There still needs to be a lull of one growing season to be sure about the knotweed’s treatment. Cllr Lunnon agreed to trim and tidy the area, excluding the knotweed, over the winter. 15. PHONE BOX RENOVATION There were related considerations about working on the highway (item 10) and that these works could be done by a ‘preferred contractor’, if approved by Full Council. The phone boxes could benefit from internal and external refurbishment. RESOLVED: To get quotes from 3 of the ‘preferred contractors’ for exterior repairs and renovation and for cleaning and refreshing interiors as specified and to quote a price for each phone box individually. 16. ALLOTMENT CAR PARK BANK – SPRING There was discussion about the use of a weed suppressant needed after strimming and rotavating. Weed suppressant would delay planting. If planting could be immediately followed by laying woodchip or bark, it would avoid the need for spraying or weed suppressant. Woodchip or bark is to be sourced by the Deputy Clerk. The Committee agreed that tenants should be involved in a planting event in late February 2021. 17. VERMIN CONTROL, ALLOTMENTS There are two locals who informally undertake vermin control (rabbits and rats). Some tenants approve but a new tenant threatened police action for trespassing. The possibility of formally granting permission was discussed and will be investigated further. Page 3 of 4 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Asset Management Committee 18. UPDATE ON EASTON WOODLAND PROJECT The Committee were informed that the woodland project had been completed successfully. 19. ALLOTMENT WATER WORKS & FENCE EXTENSION The Committee agreed that there should be a review of water provision and distribution on the allotments site. Suggestions for better water facilities and avoidance of waste included removing taps and using ball-cock troughs only, placing elevated tanks in key places, relocating bottom trough to the top near the car park and using smaller troughs better distributed. Cllrs Hayden, Humphreys and Lunnon to meet with the Clerk(s) to survey the site. RESOLVED: Due to new circumstances, the Committee has withdrawn item 9 (Water works) from the Wookey Hole Allotment Gardens carpark contract and considers the remainder of the contract for the construction of a small parking area and associated works at Wookey Hole Allotment Gardens fulfilled (Items 1-8). 20. DATE AND VENUE OF NEXT MEETING Remotely on Wednesday 6th January 2021 at 7pm. Page 4 of 4 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Asset Management Committee .