Auckland Council District Plan (Waitakere Section)
This section updated October 2013 ACT means the Resource Management Act 1991, including amendments ACTIVE EDGE means that uses have a visual connection with the street level (usually from a ground floor) and entrances from the street. It will involve a degree of glazing but does not need to be fully glazed. The design should simply imply to users on the street that there is regular proximity and interaction between them and people within buildings. ADEQUATE FENCE (Swanson Structure Plan Area only) means a fence that, as to its nature, condition, and state of repair, is reasonably satisfactory for the purpose that it serves or is intended to serve. ADJOINING SITE(S) means the site or sites immediately abutting 1% AEP - 1% ANNUAL EXCEEDANCE PROBABLITY FLOOD LEVEL means the flood level resulting from a flood event that has an estimated probability of occurrence of 1% in any one year AIR DISCHARGE DEVICE means the point (or area) at which air and air borne pollutants are discharged from an activity excluding motor vehicles. Examples of air discharge devices Definitions include, but are not limited to a chimney, flue, fan, methods to provide evidence relating to the history roof vents, biofilters, treatment ponds, air of New Zealand conditioning unit and forced ventilation unit. ARTICULATION/ARTICULATED ALIGNMENT means vertical or horizontal elevation means the design and detailing of a wall or building facade to introduce variety, interest, a sense of AMENITY quality, and the avoidance of long blank walls. means those natural or physical qualities
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