WILE MOTORS WE HAVE 8 Hatchback Sport Coupe New Carpeting, Great $5,000 After a Judge Noted He Had Location, Wolking Dis New *8380"" Shown No Remorse
fr ?4 — MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Jan. 13. 1989 APARTMENTS Merchandise I MISCELLANEOUS CARS (FOR RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE EAST HARTFORD. EIGHT month old water- 1980 FORD. Fairmont. Clean, second floor, 5 1 Spcciolisj^j bed, $325. Courthouse Four cylinder, four rooms, 2 bedrooms. I FURNITURE One Gold membership, speed. Runs and looks J Stove and refrigerator. 12'/2 months left tor good. Asking $500. 649- Security required. $650 5434. PORTABLE twin bed. ■^BOOKKEEPING/ $450. Compared to rep- plus utilities. Coll 644- Like new. Includes ■^CARPENTRY/ ■^HEATING/ MISCELLANEOUS ulor price of $700 plus. 1984 MERCURY Marquis. 1712.________________ mattress. $75. 643-8208. E ^ income tax 1 2 ^ REMODELING IS H J PLUMBING SERVICES Eric 649-3426.D One owner. Excellent TWO bedroom with heat condition. 39,000 miles. A on first floor. $600 per I FUEL OIL/COAL/ Fully equipped. $5395. SA5 HOME GSL Building Mainte 633-2824. month. No pets. One Ifirew ooo 1 9 8 8 INCOME TAXES PJ’s Plumblna, Heating 8 nance Co. Commercl- Automotive months security. Coll IMPR0VEMENT5 1984 RENAULT Encore. Consultation / Preparation & REPAIRS Air Conditioning al/ResIdentlal building Don, 643-2226, leoye SEA SO N ED firewood for Boilers, pumps, hot water repairs and home Im Five door, five speed. message. After 7pm, Individuals / "No Job Too Small" tanks, new and air conditioning, body sale. Cut, split and Regleleted and FuSy Insured provements. Interior 646-9892.____________ delivered. $35 per laad. Sole Proprietors replacements, and exterior painting, excellent, new muffler, MANCHESTER. Two 742-1182. FREE ESTIMATES FREE ESTIMATES light carpentry. Com I0 F O R S A L E tires.
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