US 20080032382A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0032382 A1 Schnoor et al. (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 7, 2008

(54) METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR Related U.S. Application Data DEGRADATION OF NITROAROMATIC AND NITRAMINE POLLUTANTS (62) Division of application No. 10/873,659, filed on Jun. 22, 2004, now Pat. No. 7,214,509. (75) Inventors: Jerald L. Schnoor, Iowa City, IA (US); (60) Provisional application No. 60/483.736, filed on Jun. Beniot Van Aken, Iowa City, IA (US) 30, 2003. Publication Classification Correspondence Address: (51) Int. C. EDWARDS ANGELL PALMER & DODGE CI2N L/20 (2006.01) LLP (52) U.S. Cl...... 435/252.3 P.O. BOX SS874 BOSTON, MA 02205 (US) (57) ABSTRACT The invention relates to novel Methylobacterium species (73) Assignee: University of Iowa Research Founda that are capable of degrading nitroaromatic and nitramine tion compounds. Compositions, kits and methods of using the Methylobacterium species for the degradation of nitroaro matic and nitramine pollutants are provided. More specifi (21) Appl. No.: 11/800.919 cally, compositions and methods for the degradation or bioremediation of nitroaromatic and nitramine explosives (22) Filed: May 8, 2007 and explosive residues are provided.

-o-, RDXControl -a- HMX a -a - HMX Control

Time (d)

O. 6 O.4. O.2 Patent Application Publication Feb. 7, 2008 Sheet 1 of 14 US 2008/0032382 A1 Figure 1

CH, ON NO No, ot, “C”N on." N . N-/NO. NO, f No, ON TNT RDX HMX Patent Application Publication Feb. 7, 2008 Sheet 2 of 14 US 2008/0032382 A1

Figure 2

Methylobacterium extorquens (D32224)

Strain BIOOf

Methylobacterium rhodesianum (D32228) Methylobacterium zatmanii (L20804) Methylobacterium rhodinum (D32229)

Methylobacterium nodulans (AF220763) Methylobacterium organophilum (D32226) Methylobacterium mesophilicum (AJ400919)

Methylobacterium radiotolerans (D32227)

Rhodopseudomonaspalustris (D25312) (M95665) Rhodoplanes roseus (D25313) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (D14500) Rhodobium marinum (D30790) Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum (M58171) Hirschia battica (M52909) Sphingomonas paucimobilis (D13725) Escherichlacoli (JO1859) Pseudomonas aeruginosa (XO6684) . - Methanococcus vannieli (M36507)

O.OS Patent Application Publication Feb. 7, 2008 Sheet 3 of 14 US 2008/0032382 A1 Figure 3

-O- TNT Control -o- RDX -o-, RDX Control -A- HMX - A - HMX Control

Time (d)

-o- RDX O. 2 -- HMX -o- Control Patent Application Publication Feb. 7, 2008 Sheet 4 of 14 US 2008/0032382 A1

Figure 4


100 C. -o- RDX 8O -o- RDX Control

6 O -- CO2. 40 -o- CO2 Control

Time (d)

-o- HMX -o- HMX Control

-- CO2 -o- CO2 Control Patent Application Publication Feb. 7, 2008 Sheet 5 of 14 US 2008/0032382 A1 Figure 5

Time = 4 d

Unknown AONTs DANs

O 5 10 15 20 25 Retention Time (min) Patent Application Publication Feb. 7, 2008 Sheet 6 of 14 US 2008/0032382 A1

1OOO 800 600 4OO 2OO O



Unknown Time = 55 d 200


O 2 4 6 8 10 12 Retention Time (min)

FIGURE 5B Patent Application Publication Feb. 7, 2008 Sheet 7 of 14 US 2008/0032382 A1

Patent Application Publication Feb. 7, 2008 Sheet 8 of 14 US 2008/0032382 A1

Patent Application Publication Feb. 7, 2008 Sheet 10 of 14 US 2008/0032382 A1

W BJ001" (AY251818) Methylobacterium thiocyanatum DSM 11490 (U58018) Methylobacterium rhodesianum JCM 2810 (D32228)

Methylobacterium zatmani JCM2819 (D32230)

Methylobacterium extorquens ATCC 14718 (AF293375) Methylobacterium chloromethanicum VKMB-2223 (AF198624)

Methylobacterium lusitanum VKMB-2239 (AYOO9403) Methylobacterium suomiense VKMB-2238 (AYOO9404)

Methylobacterium dichloromethanicum VKM B-21 91 (AF227128)

Methylobacterium rhodinum JCM2811 (D32229) Methylobacterium organophilum JCM2833 (D32226)

Methyobacterium mesophilicum JCM 2829 (AJ40091 9)

- Methylobacterium fujisawaense DSM 5686 (AJ250801 )

Methylobacterium radiotolerans JCM2831 (D32227)

Methylobacterium nodulans ORS2060 (AF22O763)

Rhodopseudomonas palustris ATCC 17001 (D2531 2) Agrobacterium tumefaciens NCPPB 2437 (D14500) Escherichia coli 562 (JO1859)

Figure 9 Patent Application Publication Feb. 7, 2008 Sheet 11 of 14 US 2008/0032382 A1

Figure 10 Patent Application Publication Feb. 7, 2008 Sheet 12 of 14 US 2008/0032382 A1

igure 11 Patent Application Publication Feb. 7, 2008 Sheet 13 of 14 US 2008/0032382 A1

's- is 1 &

al SS 33 s4.S.

Figure 12

US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008

METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR aromatic amino derivatives, which are poorly further trans DEGRADATION OF NITROAROMATIC AND formed (29, 33). Except with white-rot fungi, that secrete NITRAMINE POLLUTANTS powerful ligninolytic peroxidases (8, 54), no significant mineralization has been detected in biological systems (29). RELATED APPLICATIONS In contrast to TNT, whose limiting degradation step is the aromatic ring fission, as soon as nitramines RDX and HMX 0001. This application is a divisional patent application undergo a change of the molecular structure, the ring col of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/873,659, filed Jun. 22, lapses to generate small aliphatic metabolites (17. 53). 2004, which claims the priority of U.S. provisional patent While other decomposition mechanisms have been reported application No. 60/483,736, filed Jun. 30, 2003, the entirety (i.e. concerted decomposition, bimolecular elimination, or of which is incorporated herein by reference. hydrolysis (17)), biotransformation of RDX and HMX fre quently involves an initial reduction of the nitro groups to BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION form nitroso and hydroxylamino derivatives (31). The latter decompose to unstable aliphatic nitramines, eventually con 0002 Nitroaromatic and nitramine compounds comprise verted into NO and CO (17.18). Due to different confor a class of pollutants known to have both toxic and carcino mations, HMX (crown-type) is chemically more stable and genic properties. Nitroaromatic and nitramine pollutants are therefore less amenable to biodegradation than RDX (chair frequently generated in the production of explosives, such as type) (17). TNT (2,4,6-trinotrotoluene), RDX (Royal demolition explo sive; hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine) and HMX 0007 of the Methylobacterium are strictly (High melting point explosive; octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro aerobic, facultative methylotrophic, Gram-negative, rod 1,3,5,7-tetrazocine) (see FIG. 1). In particular, due to their shaped bacteria that are able to grow on one-carbon com low solubility, large quantities of water used in the produc pounds, i.e. methanol or methylamine (13.30. 51). Members tion of explosives tend to become contaminated during their of the genus Methylobacterium, which belongs to the C-2 production, leading to wastewater disposal problems. subclass of , are distributed in a wide diversity 0003) First synthesized in 1863, TNT was used in the dye of natural and human-made habitats, including soils, air, industry before becoming in the 20th century the main dust, fresh water, aquatic sediments, marine environments, conventional explosive used worldwide. However, because water Supplies, bathrooms, and masonry (19, 51). Some of a higher stability and detonation power, nitramines HMX species have been described as opportunistic human patho and RDX are at the present time the most widespread gens (51). In addition, methylotrophic bacteria colonize the conventional explosives. Manufacture of nitro-substituted roots and the leaves of terrestrial and aquatic plant species explosives, testing and firing ranges, and destruction of (21, 34, 51). These bacteria are often red to pink due to the ammunition stocks have generated toxic wastes leading to presence of carotenoids and referred as pink-pigmented large-scale contamination of Soils and groundwater (44). facultative methylotrophs (PPFMs). Methylobacterium bac Seven nitro-substituted explosives, including TNT and teria are highly resistant to dehydration, freezing, chlorina RDX, have been listed as priority pollutants by the U.S. tion, UV light, ionizing radiations, and elevated tempera Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (25). RDX, for tures (51). merly used as a rat poison, is in addition considered as possible carcinogen by the EPA (2, 28). HMX has been SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION listed as an EPA contaminant of concern (48). A lifetime 0008. The invention provides novel strains of Methylo health advisory of 2 ug L' of TNT in drinking water and a bacterium species and methods for using them and other water-quality limit of 105 ug L' of RDX have been rec species of the genus Methylobacterium. These bacteria are ommended (7, 37). Physicochemical properties, biodegra shown herein to have the capacity to degrade nitroaromatic dation, and toxicity of nitro-substituted explosives have and nitramine compounds, including, for example the explo been extensively reviewed in the literature (12, 18, 38, 43. sives TNT, HMX and RDX and their derivatives. The 45, 53). capacity of the newly identified bacteria to degrade Such 0004) The toxicity of TNT has been reported since the nitroaromatic and nitramine compounds provides new meth First World War among English ammunition workers. From ods for the decontamination of environmental materials laboratory studies TNT, RDX, and HMX have been found to containing such compounds. Degradation of nitroaromatic be toxic for most classes of organisms, including bacteria and nitramine compounds is generally accomplished by (46, 57), algae (46, 57), plants (35), earthworms (36), contacting the bacteria with the compounds. The contacting aquatic invertebrates (46. 48), animals (22, 42), mammals can be performed in the environment, or in isolation using (28,48), and humans (3, 22). materials, e.g., Soil, sediment or wastewater removed from the environment. 0005 Traditional treatments of toxic ammunition wastes (i.e. open burning/open detonation (OB/OD), adsorption 0009. The invention also provides compositions, prepa onto activated carbon, photooxidation (UV/O), etc.) are rations and kits comprising the new Methylobacterium spe costly, damaging for the environment, and in most cases cies and methods of making them. practically infeasible. 0010. In one aspect, the invention encompasses a method 0006 Biotransformation of energetic pollutants TNT, for degrading a nitroaromatic or nitramine compound (or RDX, and HMX have been reported for different classes of compounds), the method comprising contacting the com organisms, including bacteria, fungi, and plants (12, 18, 29. pound with an isolated bacterium having all identifying 33, 38, 41, 53). Metabolism of TNT typically involves a characteristics of the Methylobacterium species, strain sequential reduction of the nitro groups to form toxic BJ001 having ATCC Accession No. PTA-5125 and NCIMB US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008

Accession No. 13946, whereby the concentration of the nitroaromatic compound; and determining whether the compound is reduced and one or more degradation products nitroaromatic or nitramine compound is degraded, wherein is produced. degradation of the nitramine or nitroaromatic compound 0011. In one embodiment, the compound is an explosive identifies the Methylobacterium as a species that degrades a or high energy compound. nitroaromatic or nitramine compound. 0012. In another embodiment, the compound is selected 0022) In one embodiment, the tissue is from a Poplar tree. from the group consisting of TNT, RDX and HMX. 0023. In another embodiment, the tissue from a tree is a 0013 In another embodiment, the degradation products Surface-sterilized tissue explant, tissue grown in tissue cul of the degrading have reduced toxicity relative to the tox ture, or a regenerated plantlet. icity of the nitroaromatic or nitramine compound or com 0024. In another embodiment, the growth medium com pounds degraded. prises LB, NA or modified Jayasuriya’s medium. 0014. In another embodiment, the compound is substan 0025. In another aspect, the invention provides an iso tially mineralized to CO and H2O by the method. lated Methylobacterium having the identifying characteris 0015. In another embodiment, the contacting comprises tics of the Methylobacterium sp. BJ001 having ATCC distributing a composition comprising said bacterium over Accession No. PTA-5125 and NCIMB Accession No. an area in which one seeks to degrade such a compound or 13946. a mixture of Such compounds. 0026. In another aspect, the invention provides an iso 0016. In another embodiment, the composition compris lated Methylobacterium which is the Methylobacterium sp. ing the bacterium is distributed over an area of soil, fresh BJ001 having ATCC Accession No. PTA-5125 and NCIMB water or sediment contaminated by Such a compound or a Accession No. 13946. mixture of Such compounds. 0027. In another aspect, the invention provides a method of preparing Methylobacterium sp. BJ001 comprising: 0017. In another embodiment, the contacting comprises inoculating a sterile preparation of growth medium that combining a composition comprising such a bacterium with supports the growth of Methylobacterium species with a cell soil, water or sediment obtained from a site contaminated of Methylobacterium sp. BJ001 having the identifying char with Such a compound or a mixture of Such compounds. acteristics of ATCC Accession No. PTA-5125 and NCIMB 0018. In another embodiment, the contacting comprises Accession No. 13946; and incubating the preparation of combining a preparation comprising an isolated bacterium growth medium to produce a preparation of the Methyllo having all identifying characteristics of the Methylobacte bacterium sp. BJO01. rium sp. BJ001 having ATCC Accession No. PTA-5125 and NCIMB Accession No. 13946 with a sample comprising a 0028. In one embodiment, the growth medium comprises nitroaromatic or nitramine compound or a mixture of Such Luria Bertani (LB) medium, Nutrient Agar (NA) or modified compounds. In another embodiment, the preparation further Jayasuriya’s medium. comprises one or more additional microorganisms. In 0029. In another aspect, the invention encompasses a another embodiment, the preparation comprises one or more composition comprising an isolated Methylobacterium hav additional species of Methylobacterium. In another embodi ing all identifying characteristics of the Methylobacterium ment, the sample is a Soil sample. sp. BJ001 having ATCC Accession No. PTA-5125 and NCIMB Accession No. 13946, and a high energy compound, 0019. In another embodiment, the preparation further including, for example, a nitramine or nitroaromatic explo comprises one or more nutrients for the Methylobacterium. S1V. 0020. In another embodiment, the method comprises the addition of one or more soil amendments to a soil sample. 0030. In one embodiment, the nitramine or nitroaromatic The one or more soil amendments can comprise a material, explosive is one or more of TNT, RDX and HMX. Such as manure, wood chips or sawdust, potato Scraps, apple 0031. In another embodiment, the composition further pomace, and corncobs, among others, or any carbon Source comprises one or more additional microorganisms. In suitable to support the growth of Methylobacterium bacteria. another embodiment, one or more of Such additional micro Soil amendment materials can be used in varying propor organisms belong to the genus Methylobacterium. tions, depending upon the composition of the soil to be 0032. In another embodiment, the composition further decontaminated and the type of amendment used, from for comprises one or more nutrients for the Methylobacterium. example a soil to amendment ratio of 1000:1 (w/w), 500:1, 200:1, 100:1, 50:1, 10:1, 5:1, or even 1:1, 1:2, 1:5 or 1:10. 0033. In another aspect, a preparation of Methylobacte 0021. In another aspect, the invention encompasses a rium sp. BJO01, having ATCC Accession No. PTA-5125 and method of identifying a Methylobacterium that degrades a NCIMB Accession No. 13946 is provided, the preparation nitroaromatic or nitramine compound, the method compris having a concentration of at least 1% (v/v) of the Methylo ing: contacting tissue from a tree with a sterile preparation bacterium inoculum. In one embodiment, the preparation of growth medium that supports the growth of Methylobac has a cell concentration of 1% to about 95% by volume. terium species; incubating the preparation of growth 0034. In another aspect, there is provided a composition medium under conditions that permit the growth of Methy comprising an aqueous slurry of solid material comprising a lobacterium species; isolating a pure culture of a Methyllo nitroaromatic or nitramine compound, and a Methylobacte bacterium species from the growth medium; and contacting rium species having the identifying characteristics of Methy the isolated Methylobacterium species with a nitramine or lobacterium sp. BJO01 having ATCC Accession No. PTA US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008

5125 and NCIMB Accession No. 13946, the aqueous slurry Definitions: being 30% solid material (w/w). 0051. As used herein, the term “degrading refers to the 0035) In one embodiment, the Methylobacterium species conversion of a nitroaromatic or nitramine compound to a is present at a density of 10 cells/ml or greater. form that has reduced toxicity compared to the starting compound. “Degrading requires the cleavage of one or 0036). In another embodiment, the composition has a pH more chemical bonds in a nitroaromatic or nitramine target in the range of pH 3.0 to pH 11.0. In another embodiment, compound. A "degradation product is a composition result the pH is in the range of pH 6.0 to pH 8.0. In another ing from degrading a nitramine or nitroaromatic compound. embodiment, the composition is at a temperature of 4°C. to The term “degradation product’ encompasses products 41° C. In another embodiment, the composition of is at a ranging from a compound differing from a starting nitramine temperature of 15° C. to 37° C. or nitroaromatic compound by one or more chemical bonds, to a fully mineralized degradation product of such nitramine 0037. In another embodiment, the composition is at an or nitroaromatic compound. The degradation of nitroaro oxygen saturation of 5% to 100%. In another embodiment, matic and nitramine compounds can be measured by HPLC the composition is at an oxygen saturation of 20% to 100%. and radioactive tracer assays as described herein. Nutrients 0038. In another aspect, a preparation is provided com include, for example, carbon Sources (e.g., carbohydrates, prising viable, dried Methylobacterium sp. BJ001 having methanol. Succinate, etc.) minerals, vitamins, nitrogen ATCC Accession No. PTA-5125 and NCIMB Accession No. Sources, and phosphorus sources. 13946. 0052 As used herein, the term “reduced toxicity' means 0039. In one embodiment, the preparation further com that the product or products of a degradation process are less prises an additional microbial species. In one embodiment, toxic to a test organism under conditions in which the the additional microbial species comprises a bacterial spe compound degraded is toxic to that organism. Toxicity is cies belonging to the genus Methylobacterium. commonly expressed in terms of the LD50, the dose of a toxin at which 50% of a test organism is killed. Generally, 0040. In another embodiment, the preparation further toxicity of a compound is “reduced relative to a parent comprises one or more nutrients for the Methylobacterium. compound if the LDs of the compound is at least 10% Such nutrient(s) aid the bacterium in growth upon recovery higher than the LDso of the parent compound. from the dried State. Such nutrients include, as non-limiting 0053 As used herein, the term “reduced concentration” examples, methanol, ethanol, formate, succinate and fruc when used in reference to a nitroaromatic or nitramine tOSe. compound means that the concentration of the compound is 0041. In another aspect, there is provided a Methylobac reduced by at least 1%, and preferably more, e.g., at least terium isolated by the steps of contacting a Poplar tissue 5%, 10%, 20% or more, up to and including 100% (no with a sterile preparation of growth medium that Supports compound remaining), relative to the concentration prior to the growth of Methylobacterium species; and isolating a the combination of a sample with a Methylobacterium single red or pink-colored bacterial colony from said prepa species as described herein. ration. 0054 As used herein, the term “explosive refers to a 0042. In one embodiment, the growth medium that Sup nitroaromatic or nitramine compound that explodes upon ports the growth of Methylobacterium species is LB application of heat or shock. The term “high energy com pound also refers to a nitroaromatic or nitramine compound medium. that explodes upon application of heat or shock. 0043. In another embodiment, the Methylobacterium 0.055 As used herein, the term “nitroaromatic” refers to degrades a nitroaromatic or nitramine compound. an aromatic hydrocarbon compound containing one or more 0044) In another embodiment, the Methylobacterium nitro groups in place of a hydrogen atom or atoms. degrades a high energy compound. 0056. As used herein, the term “nitramine” refers to a compound comprising the chemical structure R RN NO 0045. In another embodiment, the Methylobacterium where R and R can be any substituent. Preferred nitra degrades TNT, RDX or HMX. mines are heterocyclic nitramines, such as RDX and HMX. 0046. In another embodiment, the Poplar tissue com 0057. As used herein, the term "isolated,” when used in prises a tissue explant from a Poplar tree. reference to a Methylobacterium strain, means that the bacterium is not physically associated with a tissue of a tree 0047. In another embodiment, the Poplar tree is Populus of the genus Populus. An "isolated bacterium is preferably, deltoides x nigra DN34. but not necessarily a pure culture of the bacterium. 0.048. In another embodiment, the Poplar tissue is from 0058 As used herein, the term “identifying characteris tissue culture. tics,” when used in reference to Methylobacterium sp. 0049. In another embodiment, the Poplar tissue is tissue BJO01, means the bacterium is a strictly aerobic, facultative from a regenerated plantlet. methylotrophic, Gram negative rod, and can grow on one carbon compounds including methanol, methane, formalde 0050. In another aspect, there is provided a kit for the hyde, and methylamine. Additional “identifying character degradation of a nitramine or nitroaromatic compound, the istics' include growth on fructose, acetate, betaine, tartrate, kit comprising a Methylobacterium having the identifying formate, propionate, oxalate, lactate, Salicylate, pyruvate, characteristics of the species having ATCC Accession No. Succinate, fumarate, glycerol and ethanol, but lack of growth PTA-5125 and NCIMB Accession No. 13946. on Saccharaose, arabinose, galactose, glucose, lactose, man US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008

nose, Xylose, fucose, iso-propanol, n-butanol, inositol, man Medium 125. One of skill in the art can readily determine nitol, Sorbitol, aspartate, glutamate, citrate, sebacate, dim whether a given medium preparation Supports the growth of ethylamine, trimethylamine, chloromethane, Methylobacterium sp. BJ001 or other Methylobacterium dichloromethane, methyl tert-butyl ether, TNT, RDX and species, e.g., by inoculating the medium with Strain BJ001 HMX. Additional “identifying characteristics' include the or other Methylobacterium species and incubating it at 28° presence of the following enzymatic activities: oxidase, C., thereafter monitoring bacterial growth by, e.g., ODoo or catalase, alkaline phosphatase, C and Cs esterases, valine other Suitable means. arylamidase, C-chymotrypsin, acid phosphatase and naph thol-AS-BI-phosphohydrolase. (Using biochemical assays, 0063 As used herein, the term “modified Jayasuriya's strain BJ001 is tested positive for the following enzymatic medium” refers to an aqueous medium in which 1 liter reactions: Akaline phosphatase (2-naphthyl phosphate), contains 1.74 g of KHPO, 1.38 g NaH2POHO, 0.54 g esterase C (2-naphtyl butyrate), esterase Cs (2-naphthyl NaSO, 0.2 g MgSO.7HO, 25 mg CaCl2.H2O, 3.5 mg carylate), Valine arylamidase (L-Valyl-2-naphtyhlamide), FeC14H2O, and 2 ml of mineral solution (Wolfe’s Trace C-chymotrypsine (N-glutaryl-phenylalanine-2-naphtyla Mineral Solution, ATCC Catalog No. MD-TMS). The mide), acid phosphatase (2-naphtyl phosphate), and naphtol medium has a pH of 7.0. For the growth of Methylobacte AS-BI-phosphohydrolase (naphtol-AS-BI-phosphate or rium sp. BJO01, the modified Jayasuriya’s medium is 6-Bromo-2-phosphohydroxy-3-naphthoic acid C.-anisid supplemented with 0.5% w/v fructose, 0.2% w/v succinate ide)). Methylobacterium species according to the invention or 0.5% V/v methanol and 1.2 g/L NHNO. have greater than or equal to 95%. 16S ribosomal DNA and 0064. As used herein, the phrase “conditions that support 16S-23S IGS DNA sequence similarity to the 16S rDNA and the growth of Methylobacterium species' refers to culture 16S-23S IGS sequence provided in FIG. 8. Methylobacte conditions including a growth medium that Supports the rium species according to the invention have as an “identi growth of Methylobacterium species as the term is defined fying characteristic’ the ability to metabolize nitramine and herein, pH 3.0 to pH 11.0 (preferably about pH 6.0 to about nitroaromatic substrates including TNT, RDX and HMX, pH 8.0), temperature of 4°C. to 41° C. (preferably about 15° and the ability to mineralize RDX and HMX. Additional C. to about 37° C.), and oxygen concentration of 5% to “identifying characteristics’ include doubling time. A dou 100% saturation (preferably about 20% to about 100% bling time of 9.7 his determined for Methylobacterium sp. saturation). BJO01 growing on LB medium supplemented with fructose (0.5% w/v), an optimum carbon Source Supporting the 0065. As used herein, the term “tissue explant” refers to growth of BJO01. No growth is observed on saccharose, living tissue removed from a plant. Tissue explants can come arabinose, galactose, iso-propanol, n-butanol, chlo from any living tissue of the plant, e.g., the roots, stem, romethane, dichloromethane, TNT, RDX, or HMX. leaves, etc. 0059. As used herein, the term “mineralized' means that 0066. As used herein, the phrase “surface sterilized' a compound has been completely transformed to CO., H2O, means a plant tissue has been treated to kill all bacteria on and a mineral form of nitrogen, i.e., N, NO, or NH. The the outside of the plant tissue. Surface sterilization can be term “substantially mineralized” means that at least 10%, achieved, for example, by successive immersion in 10% V/v and preferably more (e.g., 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, bleaching solution (initially 5.25% sodium hypochloride 80%, 90%, 95% or more, up to and including 100%) of a (NaClO)) for 20 min, in 1.0% w/v. Iodophor Sanitizer given amount of a nitroaromatic or nitramine compound (National Chemicals, Inc., Winona, Minn.) for 5 min, in (e.g., a nitroaromatic or nitramine explosive) is mineralized. 70% v/v ethanol for 2 min, followed by rinsing with sterile DI water. 0060. As used herein, the term “distributing means applying a composition comprising a bacterium to an area of 0067. As used herein, the term “regenerated plantlet” contaminated soil or water. The composition is preferably refers to a plant grown from a plant cell tissue culture or applied in a Substantially uniform manner, although unifor plant explant by a vegetative way. mity is not absolutely required. Distribution can include, for example, spraying or sowing a composition in liquid, Solid 0068. As used herein, the term “viable” means that the or semi-solid form. Distribution can also be accomplished bacterium is capable of growth and division. Viability is by mixing an inoculum of bacterium-containing composi tested by inoculation into medium and incubation under tion into a soil sample removed from a contaminated site. conditions permissive for growth of the bacterium. 0061 As used herein, the term “environment” refers to an 0069. As used herein, the term “dried” when referring to area contaminated with a nitramine or nitroaromatic com a bacterial preparation means a preparation of cells retaining pound, the area being a body of water (e.g., stream, lake or less than 10% residual moisture, preferably, under 5%, even pond, man-made or natural) and/or the ground or sediment more preferably, less than 3.5–4% residual moisture, most under the water, or a piece of land (e.g., a field, landfill, preferably about 2-3% residual moisture. The amount of industrial manufacturing or storage site). residual moisture can be evaluated by any method known to those skilled in the art, which include, but are not limited to, 0062. As used herein, the phrase “growth medium that i) Karl Fischer Thermal method, ii) Thermogravimetry/Mass supports the growth of Methylobacterium species’ refers to Spectometry (TG/MS), iii) Moisture evolution method and a sterile preparation which Supports the growth of Methy Vapor pressure moisture method, iv) gas chromatography, V) lobacterium sp. BJ001. Non-limiting examples include LB Near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy, vi) Gravimet medium, NA medium, modified Jayasuriya's medium, and ric (loss-on-drying) method, vii) Differential scanning calo DSMZ (Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und rimetry (DSC), and viii) Thermally stimulated polarization Zellkulturen, Braunschweig, Germany) Methylobacterium current (TSPC). US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008

0070. As used herein, the term “nutrient’ means an sisting of non-inoculated bioreactors. Radioactivity in solu organic or inorganic chemical moiety that is taken up by and tion and release of ''CO, are expressed in percentage of the promotes the growth or metabolism of Methylobacterium sp. initial level. BJO01. “Nutrients' as used herein include, for example, 0076 FIGS. 5A and B shows a graphical representation carbon Sources (e.g., carbohydrates, organic acids, metha of data for the degradation of (A) '''C-TNT (25 mg L') and nol, etc.), minerals, vitamins, nitrogen sources, and phos (B) '''C-RDX (20 mg L') by pure cultures of Methylobac phorus sources. terium sp. BJ001. Radio-chromatograms obtained from 0071. As used herein, the term “soil amendment” refers HPLC analysis (Cs-column) of the liquid medium at time to a composition used to modify nitramine- or nitroaromatic 0, after 4 days, and after 55 days of incubation are presented. contaminated Soil in a manner that increases the ability of the soil to Support the nitroaromatic- or nitramine-degrading 0.077 FIG. 6 shows a photo of a Poplar plantlet (Populus activity of a Methylobacterium species as described herein deltoides x nigra DN34) regenerated from in vitro tissue (i.e., the amendment increases the nitramine or nitroaro cultures and cultivated on semi-solid modified MS medium. matic degradation activity of a Methylobacterium species by Red colonies of Methylobacterium sp. BJ001 are well vis at least 5% relative to the same soil without that amend ible. ment). Without wishing to be bound by any one mechanism 0078 FIGS. 7A and B shows SEM images of Methylo of action, a soil amendment can, for example, effectively bacterium sp. BJ001 cultivated (A) on solid LB medium and dilute the concentration of agents toxic to the bacterium, (B) in liquid LB medium. provide vitamins or nutrients (e.g., carbon Source, nitrogen, etc.) to the Methylobacterium species, adjust the pH, modify 0079 FIG. 8 shows the nucleotide sequences of Methy the soils water-retention ability or increase the ease of or lobacterium sp. BJ001 16S rRNA gene and the 16S-23S degree of aeration of the soil. Exemplary soil amendments Intergenic Spacer (IGS). include, for example, sand, manure, wood chips, paper 0080 FIG.9 shows a phylogenetic tree based on the 16S shreddings, sawdust, vegetable scrap products of industrial rDNA sequences of members of the genus Methylobacte Scale food processing (e.g., apple pomace, potato scraps, rium and further representatives of Proteoabacteria showing corncobs, or other vegetable scraps from industrial food the location of strain BJ001" isolated from Populus deltoids processing operations), Vermiculite, Straw, rice hulls, peat, x nigra DN34. NCBI Genbank accession numbers are pro alfalfa, and grass. vided in parentheses. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 0081 FIG. 10 shows SEM pictures of strain BJ001" isolated from Populus deltoides x nigra DN34. 0072 FIG. 1 shows chemical structures for TNT, RDX and HMX. 0082 FIG. 11 shows stereoscope microphotographs of poplar tissue cultures (Populus deltoides x nigra DN34) 0.073 FIG. 2 shows results of a phylogenetic analysis of containing Methylobacterium sp. BJ001" (Olympus Stereo 16S rDNA sequences from members of the genus Methylo scope SZX-ILLD100; Tokyo, Japan). bacterium and other representatives of C-2 Proteobacte rium, showing the location of strain BJ001 (GenBank 0083 FIG. 12 shows scanning electron microscope Accession No. AY234142). Also shown are representatives (SEM) microphotographs of Methylobacterium sp BJ001" of the following bacterial groups: C-i Proteobacterium, (glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide fixation, gold-palladium Magnetospirillium magnetotacticum, C-3 Proteobacterium, coating: Hitachi S-4000 SEM. Tokyo, Japan). Hirschis baltica: C-4 Proteobacterium, Sphingomonas paucimobilis, B Proteobacterium, Escherischia coli, Y Pro 0084 FIG. 13 shows transmission electron microscope teobacterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa; and Archeobacte (TEM) microphotographs of Methylobacterium sp. BJ001" ria, Methanococcus vannieli. NCBI Genbank accession (negative staining; Hitachi H-7000 TEM; Tokyo, Japan). A numbers are provided in parentheses. polar (top) and a lateral (bottom) flagella are shown. 0074 FIGS. 3A and B shows graphical representations of DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE data for the transformation of ''C-TNT (25 mg L'), ''C- PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS RDX (20 mg L'), and ''C-HMX (2.5 mg L') by pure cultures of Methylobacterium sp. BJ001. (A) TNT, RDX, 0085 Methylobacteria as described herein are capable of and HMX concentrations remaining in Solution are shown. degrading nitramine and nitroaromatic compounds, which Quantifications are based on the UV absorbance. Control tend to be toxic, to less toxic forms and/or to fully degraded experiments consisted of non-inoculated bioreactors. Con (i.e., mineralized) forms. While not limited to explosive centrations are expressed in percentage of the initial level. compounds or their partial degradation products or deriva (B) Biomass growths in the presence of TNT, RDX, and tives, nitramine (e.g., heterocyclic nitramine) and nitroaro HMX are presented. Control experiment was conducted matic compounds are common contaminants resulting from without nitrosubstituted explosives. the production or use of a number of widely used explosive compounds, as described herein above. Such compounds 0075 FIGS. 4A and B shows a graphical representation tend to contaminate soil, groundwater and sediments located of data for the mineralization of (A) '''C-RDX (20 mg L'), near sites of production and use of the explosives. By and (B) '''C-HMX (2.5 mg L') by pure cultures of Methy introduction of the novel Methylobacterium strain described lobacterium sp. BJ001. Radioactivity remaining in solution herein, alone or together with additional microorganisms, and release of ''CO are presented. Experiments were con including other Methylobacterium species, to contaminated ducted with bacteria cell Suspensions and in controls con soil, groundwater or sediment either still in the environment US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008

or in isolation, the species described herein can be used in cultivated under axenic conditions in Magenta boxes with programs of environmental decontamination. vented lid (Osmotek Lifeline, Rehovot, Israel) under a 16-h/8-h photoperiod. Methylobacterium Species According to the Invention 0090 The isolated Methylobacterium sp. BJ001 (also 0.086 Methylobacterium sp. strain BJO01 as disclosed referred to herein as BJO01", for the “type' strain for this herein was isolated from tissues of the hybrid poplar Popu new species) described herein has been deposited under the lus deltoides x nigra DN34. The strain BJ001 was isolated as terms of the Budapest Treaty with both the American Type described herein below. Culture Collection (Manassas Va.; Accession No. PTA 5125; date of deposit, Apr. 9, 2003) and the National 0087 A. Bacterial Isolation, Growth, and Maintenance. Collections of Industrial and Marine Bacteria (NCIMB: 0088 A pink-pigmented bacterium was isolated from Aberdeen, Scotland, UK; Accession No. 13946; date of poplar tissue cultures and plantlets (Populus deltoides X deposit, Mar. 13, 2003). The deposits were made for a term nigra DN34) cultivated under axenic conditions. Tissue of at least thirty (30) years and at least five (5) years after the cultures in liquid medium and intact plantlets (regenerated most recent request for the furnishing of a sample of the from in vitro tissues) did not show microbial contamination. deposit is received by the depository, or for the effective However, plant tissues plated on modified MS semi-solid term of the patent, whichever is longer, and will be replaced medium frequently turned red, while excised plantlets if it becomes non-viable during that period. showed the development of bright-red colonies spreading 0091 Large volumes of Methylobacterium culture can be from the plant material (FIG. 6), Suggesting the presence of prepared in LB or other suitable medium. Preparations for a bacterium associated with or within poplar tissues. Stan application in bioremediation, e.g., dried preparations or dard staining procedures and microscopic observations microbial mats can be made using methods known in the art. revealed a gram-negative, non-sporulating, rod-shaped bac Methylobacterium species are generally quite resistant to terium (FIG. 7A), developing a filamentous and branched desiccation, so standard methods of preparing dried bacteria phenotype in liquid suspension (FIG. 7B). Red or pink can be used as known to those skilled in the art or, for colored single colonies were collected manually from dif example, as disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,322,994, 5,733,774 ferent plant materials, i.e. from Surface-sterilized explants, and 5,695,541, each of which is incorporated herein by from tissue culture, or from regenerated plantlets, and iso reference. Dried forms of the bacteria have the advantage of lated by streaking on Luria-Bertani (LB) solid medium increased storage and transport stability relative to liquid (2.5% agar) incubated at 28°C. Pure cultures of the isolated suspensions. U.S. Pat. No. 6,033.559, incorporated herein bacterium were routinely maintained on the same LB solid by reference, describes the preparation of microbial mats for medium at 28°C. use in bioremediation. 0089 For plant tissue cultures and explants, Imperial 0092. In order to maintain a selective pressure for methy Carolina hybrid poplar cuttings (Populus deltoides X nigra lotroph isolation, bacteria were alternatively cultivated in DN34) were obtained from Hramoor Nursery (Manistee, liquid minimal medium supplemented with methanol 0.5% Mich.). Explants from small trees routinely maintained in V/v as a carbon source, and ammonium nitrate (NHNO) hydroponic cultures (i.e. 10-mm pieces of young stems and 1.2 g L' (i.e. 3.0 mM N) as a nitrogen source. Minimal leaves) were Surface-sterilized by Successive immersion in medium, consisting of modified Jayasuriya's medium, con 10% V/v bleaching solution (initially 5.25% sodium tained in 1 LDI water KHPO, 1.74 g; NaHPOHO, 1.38 hypochloride (NaClO)) for 20 min, in 1.0% V/v Iodophor g; NaSO, 0.54 g; MgSO4.7H2O, 0.2 g; CaCl2.2H2O, 25 Sanitizer (National Chemicals, Inc., Winona, Minn.) for 5 mg. FeCl.4H2O, 3.5 mg; and mineral solution, 2 ml, at pH min, in 70% w/v ethanol for 2 min, and then rinsed with 7.0 (16). sterile DI water (55). Sterilized explants grew on semi-solid medium consisting of Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium 0093 C. Morphological, Biochemical, and Physiological (pH 5.8) containing 20 g L' sucrose, 1.0 g L' phytagel, 3.0 Analysis. g L' phytagar, and 5.0 mg L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic 0094 Gram staining was carried out according to stan acid (2,4-D) and 1.0 mg L' 6-furfurylaminopurine (kinetin) dard protocols (9). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) as growth regulators. The medium was sterilized by auto observations were performed on fixed material prepared for claving 25 min at 121° C. 1 atm. After one month of routine examination using the following procedure: A con incubation in the dark, actively developing callus material centrated bacterial Suspension was immersion-fixed in a was transferred in sterile liquid MS medium and incubated solution of 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer under agitation (125 rpm) under a 16-h/8-h light/dark pho (pH 7.2). Fixation was allowed to proceed overnight at 4°C. toperiod. After about one month, tissue cultures developed Fixed material was collected by centrifugation and rinsed in the form of spherical green cell aggregates (10-20 mm with cacodylate buffer three times for one hour. Samples diameter). Tissue cultures were used directly for in vitro were then post-fixed with an osmium tetroxide solution experiments as a laboratory plant model and for the regen (1.0% OsO4 and 1.5% ferrocyanide in cacodylate buffer) for eration of small plantlets: Green tissues were incubated on one hour and dehydrated by Successive immersion in a root induction medium (semi-solid MS medium supple graded ethanol series (25, 50, 75, 95, and 100% v/v EtOH) mented with 203 Lig L" indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) as for 20-30 min each. Dehydrated samples were critical point growth regulator) for 2-4 weeks and then transferred to dried, mounted on stubs, and sputter coated with a gold/ shoot induction medium (semi-solid MS medium Supple palladium mixture. The cells were visualized using a Hitachi mented with 113 g L' 6-benzylaminopurine (BA), 110 ug S-4000 scanning electron microscope (Tokyo, Japan) L' 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enylamino)purine (Zeatin), equipped with a field emission electron source. Digitized and 5 ug L' IBA as growth regulators). Plantlets were images were collected with an iXRF digital image capturing US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008 system (IXRF Systems, Houston, Texas). Morphology is the reverse primers used for amplification. The determined shown in FIGS. 7A & B and 10-13. rDNA sequences, as well as reference sequences retrieved from NCBI GenBank (U.S. National Library of Medicine, 0.095 A dehydrated carbon source utilization test was Bethesda, Md.), were aligned by ClustalW Multiple Align based on a set of 49 organic compounds and was performed ment, BioEdit (version 5.0.9.) software (Raleigh, N.C.). The using the API50CH system (Biomerieux, Montalieu-Ver tree topology was inferred by the “neighbor-joining method cieu, France). In addition, the isolated bacterium was culti using Mega2 (version 2.1.) Software (27). vated in 50-ml conical flasks on minimal liquid medium supplemented with 1.2 g L' of NHNO (3.0 mM N) and 0099) 16S and 16S-23 S IGS rDNA sequences from various carbon sources added to a final concentration of Methylobacterium sp. BJ001 (ATCC PTA-5125; NCIMB 0.5% v/v (liquid substrates) or 5 g L' (solid substrates), 13946) have been deposited to NCBI GenBank database except formaldehyde, 0.05% v?v: TNT, 1.0 g L'; RDX, 1.0 under the accession numbers AY214142 and AY214143 g L'; and HMX, 1.0 g L. Flasks were inoculated and respectively (both sequences are provided in FIG. 8). The incubated for one week at room temperature with agitation. accession numbers for the sequences used in the phylogenic Carbon source utilization was determined by the biomass analysis are as follows: Agrobacterium tumefaciens, dry weight after two weeks of incubation. A biochemical test D14500 Escherichia coli, JO1859, Hirschia baltica, based on a set of 19 enzymatic assays was performed using M52909, Magnetosprillum magnetotacticum, M58171, API ZYM system (Biomerieux). Methanococcus vannielii, M36507, M. extorquens, D32224, M. mesophilicum, AJ400919; M. nodulans, AF220763; M. 0096. The bacterium was shown to grow on different organophilum, D32226, M. radiotolerans, D32227. M. rho C-carbon Sources, including methanol, methylamine, and desianum, D32228. M. rhodinum, D32229. M. Zatmanii, formaldehyde, which is a particular attribute of the genus L20804, Methylosinus sporium, M95665, Pseudomonas Methylobacterium. Other carbon substrates sustaining aeruginosa, X06684, Rhodobium marinum, D30790, growth of Methylobacterium sp. BJO01 included fructose, Rhodoplanes roseus, D25313, Rhodopseudomonas palus glycerol, ethanol, and a wide range of organic acids. On the tris, D25312; and Sphingomonas paucimobilis, D13725. other hand, no growth was observed on saccharose, arabi nose, galactose, iso-propanol, n-butanol, chloromethane, 0100. Using 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and 16S-23S dichloromethane, TNT, RDX, or HMX. Using further bio intergenic spacer (IGS) rDNA analysis as described above, chemical assays, strain BJO01 tested positive for the follow the isolated strain was identified as a Methylobacterium sp. ing enzymatic reactions: Akline phosphatase, esterases (C. A phylogenetic tree based on the 16S rRNA sequence and and Cs), Valine arylamidase, C-chymotrypsine, acid phos showing the location of Methylobacterium sp. BJO01 is phatase, and naphtol-AS-BI-phosphohydrolase. displayed in FIG. 2 (see also the phylogenetic tree of FIG. 9, described in Example 2, which includes additional Methy 0097. D. Characterization of the Isolated Bacterium by lobacterium species). Phylogenetic relationships were con 16S and 16S-23S IGS rDNA Analysis. firmed by 16S-23S IGS rDNA analysis (data not included). 0.098 General techniques for DNA manipulations were According to the sequence similarity matrix, the closest carried out according to standard protocols (1,39). Bacterial relatives to Methylobacterium sp. BJO01 are M. thiocyana genomic DNA was extracted by centrifugation from 4-day tum, M. extorquens, M. zatmanii, and M. rhodesanium, with pre-grown cell Suspensions using a DNeasy Tissue Kit 99.3, 99.1, 98.6, and 98.5% 16S rDNA sequence similarities, (Qiagen, Inc., Valencia, Calif.). Extracted DNA was further respectively. Further detail regarding phylogenetic place purified by phenol-chloroform extraction and ethanol pre ment is provided in Example 2, below. cipitation (1). For 16S rDNA PCR amplification, the fol 0101) Identified Methylobacterium sp. BJ001 isolated lowing universal primers were synthesized: Forward bacte from poplar tissues (Populus deltoides x nigra DN34) rial primer 27f (positions 11-27 of bacterial 16S rDNA, belongs to the C-2 subclass of Proteobacteria and, as noted according to Escherichia coli numbering) and reverse bac above, has been shown to be related to M. extorquens. M. terial primer 1513r (positions 1492-1513 of bacterial 16S extorquens is a widely distributed methylotrophic bacte rDNA, E. coli numbering). For 16S-23S IGS rDNA ampli rium, frequently associated with plant leaves and roots (51). fication, a forward primer 926f (positions 901-926 of bac Members of the genus Methylobacterium are known to be terial 16S rDNA, E. coli numbering) and a reverse primer common inhabitants of the rhizosphere and the phyllosphere 115r/23S (positions 97-115 of bacterial 23S rDNA, E. coli of plants and have been described as chronic contaminants numbering) were used (49). PCR amplifications were car of plant tissue cultures (20, 21, 30, 51). However, this is the ried out on a Matercycler Gradient (Eppendorf AG, Ham first identified close association between a Methylobacte burg, Germany) by the following steps: Initial denaturation rium species and a poplar tree (Populus sp.). at 94° C. for 3 min: 30 cycles of denaturation at 94° C. for 1 min, elongation at 54-56°C. for 1 min, and extension at 0102) A transient red coloration of plant tissues, as well 72° C. for 90 sec; and final extension at 72° C. for 10 min as red colonies spreading only from wounded plant materi (49). PCR products were first analyzed by agarose gel als, suggests that Methylobacterium sp. BJ001 is an endo electrophoresis (AGE) according to standard protocols (39). phyte. Surface sterilization of original explants and manipu PCR products were then purified using a Qiagen PCR lations under sterile conditions should ensure microbe-free Purification Kit. Retrieved sequences were submitted for plant tissues, except in the case of endophytic bacteria. A sequencing at the University of Iowa DNA Core Facility recently identified fourth branch of rhizobia (a heterogenous (Iowa City, Iowa). Sequencing was carried out by Sanger lade gathering bacteria fixing nitrogen in Symbiosis with based fluorescent identification of bases on an ABI 3700 leguminous plants) includes members of the genus Methy electrophoresis detector (The Institute for Bioanalytics, lobacterium (47). The ability shown by Methylobacterium Branford, Conn.) and using separately both the forward and sp. BJ001 to grow on nitrogen-free medium Suggests that the US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008

bacteria can fix atmospheric nitrogen. The ability of Methy molecule. The fact that the isolated strain can efficiently lobacterium sp. BJ001 to metabolize fructose faster than any degrade RDX and HMX indicates that the strains would be other carbon sources-fructose is the first hexose produced by capable of degrading any of various other nitramines. Other photosynthesis-also supports an endophytic ecology. nitroaromatic compounds may include, for example, nitrobenzene, all isomers of dinitrobenzene (e.g., 1,3-dini 0103 E. Compositions Comprising Methylobacterium trobenzene), trinitrobenzene (e.g., 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene), Species, Including the Novel Strain BJ001 nitrotoluene (e.g., 2-nitrotoluene), dinitrotoluene (e.g., 2.4- 0104 Compositions comprising the Methylobacterium dinitrotoluene), trinitrotoluene (e.g., 2,4,5-trinitrotoluene), species disclosed herein are provided according to one nitrophenol (e.g., 2-nitrophenol), dinitrophenol (e.g., 1.3- aspect of the invention. Such compositions include, for dinitrophenol), trinitrophenol (e.g., picric acid), and degra example, a composition comprising an isolated Methylobac dation products or derivatives thereof (e.g., aminobenzene, terium having all identifying characteristics of the Methy 1-amino-3-nitrobenzene, 1-amino-3,5-dinitrobenzene, lobacterium sp. BJO01 deposited with ATCC at Accession 2-aminotoluene, 2-amino-4-nitrotoluene, 2-amino-4,5-dini No. PTA-5125, and at NCIMB at Accession No. 13946, or trotoluene, aminophenol, 2-amino-4-nitrophenol, 2-amino other Methylobacterium species, and Such a composition 4,6-dinitrophenol). Other energetic compounds may include further comprising a nitramine or nitroaromatic compound nitrocellulose, nitroglycerine, pentaerytriol tetranitrate, or compounds. The nitramine or nitroaromatic compound or tetryl, etc. The fact that the isolated strain can efficiently compounds can be, for example, an explosive or a derivative degrade TNT, RDX, and HMX individually indicates that (e.g., a partial breakdown product) thereof. The explosive the strain would be capable of degrading mixtures of them, can be, for example, TNT, RDX or HMX or derivatives and mixtures of any of the energetic compounds and their thereof described herein below or known in the art. degradation products and derivatives thereof listed above. Mixtures of energetic compounds and degradation products Uses of Methylobacterium Species and derivatives may originate from blending in the environ 0105 The nitramine- and nitroaromatic-compound ment as a result of utilization and release of different parent degrading capacities of the Methylobacterium species dis compounds, and/or from the partial in situ biodegradation of closed herein can be exploited for the decontamination of parents compounds. Mixture of energetic compounds and sites and materials contaminated with Such compounds. degradation products and derivatives may originate from Exemplary nitramine and nitroaromatic compounds and blending before utilization and release in the environment approaches to their degradation and decontamination of such (e.g.) and/or from the partial in situ biodegradation of sites and materials are described herein below. original mixtures. 0.108 B. Degradation of Nitroaromatic and Nitramine 010.6 A. Nitramine and Nitroaromatic Compounds Compounds 0107 A number of nitramine and nitroaromatic com 0.109. In one embodiment, a method is provided for the pounds can be substrates for degradation by the novel degradation of nitroaromatic and nitramine compounds in Methylobacterium species described herein. These include, the environment or elsewhere. In general, this involves but are not limited to 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and deg contacting the compounds with one or more Methylobacte radation products or derivatives thereof (e.g., 2,4-dinitro toluene, 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene), octahydro-1,3,5,7-tet rium species, including strain BJO01. The Methylobacterium ranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) and degradation products sp. BJ001 has an advantage in being a naturally-occurring or derivatives thereof (e.g., octahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-7-ni species found as an endosymbiont of Poplar tissues. The troso-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine, octahydro-1,3-dinitro-5,7-dini natural occurrence of the bacterium indicates that it is safe troso-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine, octahydro-1,5-dinitro-3,7-dini to use in the open environment. troso-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine, octahydro-1-nitro-3,5,7-trinitroso 0110. In one aspect, contaminated soil, sediment, sludge, 1,3,5,7-tetrazocine, octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitroso-1,3,5,7- or wastewater is contacted with the Methylobacterium spe tetrazocine), 1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) and cies. The contaminated material can be contacted with a degradation products and derivatives thereof (e.g., hexahy preparation of the bacteria while the material is still in the dro-1-nitroso-3,5-dinitro-1,3,5-triazine (MNX), hexahydro environment. For example, the Methylobacterium prepara 1,3-dinitroso-5-nitro-1,3,5-triazine (DNX), and hexahydro tion can be applied to open fields, lagoons, ponds, or other 1,3,5-trinitroso-1,3,5-triazine (TNX). Methylobacterium sp. areas contaminated with nitroaromatic or nitramine com BJO01 is shown herein to degrade TNT, HMX and RDX. pounds. Methods of application can include, for example, Because TNT (a representative nitroaromatic compound), spraying, broadcasting, Sowing or otherwise distributing a and RDX and HMX (representative nitramines) present preparation of the bacteria onto or into the area to be treated. chemical structures and moieties that are characteristic of If necessary or desired, the preparation can be mixed into the their respective groups of compounds, the metabolic chem soil, sediment, sludge or wastewater, for example, by tilling, istry applied by the Methylobacterium species described plowing or stirring. Such mixing can be performed once, herein to degrading any of various nitroaromatics and nit upon application, or repeatedly (e.g., 2, 3, 4 or more times) ramines would be substantially the same as applied to TNT, over the course of decontamination, or even continuously HMX and RDX. For example, degrading a nitroaromatic during the process. Whereas the Methylobacterium species would require removal of the nitro groups and cleavage of are strictly aerobic, breakdown of contaminants can be aided the aromatic ring(s). The fact that the isolated Strain can by increasing the aeration of the material being decontami rapidly degrade TNT indicates that the strain would be nated. Thus, in one embodiment, continuous or frequent capable of degrading any of various other nitroaromatics. mixing or turning of the material during the process is Similarly, degrading a nitramine would require removal of preferred. Soil, sediment or water samples from the area nitro groups and cleavage of the alkylamino backbone of the being treated can be monitored (e.g., by HPLC as described US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008 herein, or by other suitable means, e.g., gas chromatogra to about pH 11.0, preferably about pH 6.0 to about pH 8.0), phy/mass spectrometry (GC/MS)) for nitroaromatic and temperature (about 4°C. to about 41° C., preferably about nitramine contaminant levels at various time intervals (daily, 15° C. to about 37° C.), and oxygen (about 5% to about weekly, etc.) to determine the progress of the decontamina 100% saturation, preferably about 20% to about 100% tion. saturation) can be controlled in the slurry. The slurry should 0111 Where relatively dry soil is to be decontaminated in be agitated or stirred to maximize both contact of contami the open environment, it can be beneficial to increase the nants with the bacteria and aeration. As above, additional hydration of the soil in order to encourage growth of the nutrients can be added if necessary or desired. Samples can bacteria. This can be accomplished through standard irriga be monitored at various intervals by, for example, HPLC in tion means well known to those skilled in the art. Care order to follow the decontamination process. should be taken in the process, however, to avoid increasing 0114. Where necessary or desired, removal of contami runoff or spreading of contaminants in the irrigation water. nated material from an environmental site to a site for Generally, water should not exceed about 50% of the mois bioremediation as described herein can be accomplished, for ture-holding capacity of the soil. example, by excavation and transport using equipment well 0112 In another aspect, contaminated soil, sediment, known in the field. Where the contaminated material is, for sludge, wastewater or other contaminated material is example, wastewater or runoff, the liquids can be pumped removed from the open environment and contacted with the from the site and transported by standard methods of trans Methylobacterium species in isolation, for example, in a porting liquids. Alternatively, contaminated liquid materials container or trough. Preferably such container is lined. This can be absorbed with, for example, paper or other absorbent approach is referred to herein as "composting, and can be materials, and those materials now containing the contami particularly useful, as a non-limiting example, in situations nated water can be transported to a facility for decontami in which the level of contamination is particularly high, Such nation. that the contaminant(s) present a toxic threat to the bacteria 0.115. In each of the aspects described herein, it is con themselves. In this situation, it can be helpful to compost the templated that other bacteria (including other members of material by first mixing it with an amount of non-contami the genus Methylobacterium) can also be added for their nated material, e.g., soil, manure, wood chips, potato scraps, combined effect on the decontamination process. Additional apple pomace, or other material that effectively dilutes the microbes can be naturally present in, for example, livestock concentration of contaminant(s) to a level wherein the manure. Where manure is used in any aspect of the methods bacteria are not killed, thereby permitting them to degrade or compositions described herein, it is preferable to avoid the contaminant(s). These or other additional materials can manure from animals, e.g., cattle, that are routinely treated also be added to provide nutrients to maintain the health of with antibiotics, as the antibiotics may have adverse effects the bacteria. The composting can be performed under con on the Methylobacterium. One source that does not tend to trolled conditions of pH (ranging from about pH 3.0 to about be tainted with antibiotics is horse manure. pH 11.0, preferably about pH 6.0 to about pH 8.0), tem perature (about 4°C. to about 41° C., preferably about 15° 0116. Other microbes that can be included in preparations C. to about 37° C.), oxygen (about 5% to about 100% of the Methylobacterium species include, as non-limiting saturation, preferably about 20% to about 100% saturation) examples, aerobic microbes such as Pseudomonas species and hydration (to about 40% wit/wt). After inoculation, the (e.g., Pfluorescens (e.g., ATCC 12842), P. aeruginosa (e.g., contents of the container can be turned or agitated so as to ATCC 101.45), P. pseudoalcaligenes JS52 (Fiorella & Spain, maintain aeration and ensure contact of the bacteria with 1997, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 63: 2007-2015), P. savas contaminants to be degraded. Samples of the composting tanoi (e.g., ATCC 13492), P. putida (e.g., ATCC 17391), Pseudomonas strain C1S1 (Duque et al., 1993, J. Bacteriol. material can be monitored by, for example, HPLC or other 175: 2278-2283), Rhodococcus species (e.g., R. erythropolis Suitable method, to follow the progress of decontamination. HLPM-1: Lenke & Knackmuss, 1992, Appl. Environ. It is contemplated that the process could be scaled up from Microbiol. 58: 2933-2937), Enterobacter sp (e.g., E. cloa a “batch' process to a continuous feed process, wherein the cae, French et al., 1998, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64: material is slowly moved through Zones in the container as 2864-2868), and Mycobacterium sp. (E.g., Mycobacterium new material is added behind it, emerging from the end after vaccae (Vanderberg et al., 1995, Appl. Microbiol Biotech full decontamination. Composting as a general means of nol. 43: 937–945), among others. Preparations of anaerobic degrading nitroaromatic and nitramine compounds Such as bacteria can also be combined with preparations of the TNT, RDX and HMX is also described by, for example, Methylobacterium species described herein, including, as Williams et al., 1992, J. Ind. Microbiol. 9:137-144, Griest non-limiting examples, Clostridium species (e.g., C. bifer et al., 1993, Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 12: 1105-1116, Jarvis mentans (e.g., ATCC 17836), C. acetobutylicum (e.g., ATCC et al., 1998, Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 39: 131-135 and 39236) and others. Sulfate-reducing bacteria can also be Bruns-Nagel et al., 2000, Composting (Humification) of included in compositions with the Methylobacterium species Nitroaromatic Compounds. In: Spain et al., (eds) Biodegra described herein, including, as a non-limiting example, dation of Nitroaromatic Compounds and Explosives. CRC Desulfovibrio species. Fungi, including for example, white Press, Boca Raton, pp 357-394. rot fungi species Such as Phanerochaete chrysosporium 0113. In yet another aspect, the material to be decontami (e.g., ATCC 34541) and Phlebia radiata (e.g., ATCC nated can be mixed with water to create a slurry of the 52891), can also be included. Further microbial isolates that material, for example, about a 30% w/w slurry. Bacteria are can be included with the Methylobacterium species added and the slurry is fermented or cultured under condi described herein include, for example, those Arthrobacter tions conducive to the decontamination of the slurry by the species described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,478,743, incorporated bacteria. Conditions such as pH (ranging from about pH 3.0 herein by reference (ATCC Accession Nos. include, for US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008

example, 55546, 55547, 55548 and 55549), microbial spe by harvesting cells by filtration on glass fiber and drying cies described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,455,173, incorporated overnight at 105° C. Cell concentration is determined by herein by reference (e.g., ATCC Accession Nos. 55559, direct counting using a hemocytometer (Hausser Scientific, 55560, and 55561), and members of the consortium of Horsham, Pa.). Photometric data are converted to biomass species disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,543,324 (e.g., the dry weight and to cell concentration using standard curves. consortia at ATCC Accession No. 55381 and 55382, which include, for example, Arthrobacter uratoxydans, Aurobac 0.124 For the determination of degradation of nitroaro terium Saperdae, Bacillus cereus, Flavobacterium ester matic and nitramine compounds, such as TNT, RDX and oaromaticum, Micrococcus luteus, Micrococcus varians, HMX in, for example, environmental samples being decon Pseudomonas putida and Ochrobacterium anthropi), among taminated as described herein, HPLC can be used as for others. experimental analyses described above, as can other Suitable methods of analysis. With an HPLC instrument, detection of 0117. Where microbes in addition to the Methylobacte the Subject compound and its transformation and degrada rium species described herein are employed, the proportion tion products can be performed using a diode-array detector, of Methylobacterium species to other microbe(s) can range measuring UV absorption at selected absorption maxima from, for example, about 1000:1 to about 1:1000, e.g., about and/or continuous scanning over a suitable wavelength 500:1, about 200:1, about 100:1, about 10:1, about 1:1, range. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) about 1:10, about 1:100, or about 1:200. These proportions has a standard set of conditions used to measure nitroaro can be an organism to organism ratio or, for example, a matics and nitramines in soil. This method, referred to as weight to weight ratio. Method 8330, titled “Determination of Concentration of 0118. The Methylobacterium species preparation can be Nitroaromatics and Nitramines by High-Performance Liquid provided in the form of a liquid Suspension or slurry that is Chromatography (HPLC) is incorporated herein by refer sprayed onto or into a material to be decontaminated. Dried ence and Summarized below: preparations of the bacteria can also be used for inoculation, 0.125 EPA Method 8330 provides three optional proce and are discussed herein above. dures for low concentration (parts per billion (ppb) or 0119) C. Determination of Nitroaromatic and Nitramine nanograms per liter (ng L') of certain explosives residues Compound Degradation in Surface or ground water. These options are salting-out 0120 For degradation in experimental cultures, the extraction, cartridge Solid-phase extraction, and membrane analysis of nitro-substituted compounds (e.g., TNT, RDX, solid-phase extraction. Direct injection of diluted and fil HMX, and their metabolites) can be performed by reverse tered water samples can be used for water samples of higher phase HPLC (HP Series 1100: Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto, concentration, and a similar method is used for soils and Calif.) on a Cls Supelcosil R. LC-18 column (25 cmx4.6 mm, sediments. 5um; Supelco, Bellefonte, Pa.). The system is equipped with 0126 EPA Method 8330 Low-Level Method No. 1: Salt a UV-visible photodiode array detector (HP Series 1100), a ing-out with no evaporation: mass spectrometry detector (Agilent 1100 Series LC/MSD, Palo Alto, Calif.), and a Radiomatic Flo-One B radio 0.127 Aqueous samples of low concentration are chromatograph (Packard Bioscience, Meriden, Calif.) for extracted using a salting-out extraction procedure with the detection of C-radioactive compounds. The mobile acetonitrile and sodium chloride. The small volume of phase consists of AcCN:0.1% w/v ammonium acetate acetonitrile that remains undissolved above the salt water is (NHCHCOO) running at a flow rate of 1 ml min'. For drawn off and transferred to a smaller volumetric flask. It is mass analyses, a Zorbax 80 A Extended-Cls column (2.1X back-extracted by vigorous stirring with a specific volume of 100 mm, 3.5 um; Agilent) running at flow rate of 0.2 ml salt water. After equilibration, the phases are allowed to min is used. The mass spectrometer is equipped with an separate, and the Small Volume of acetonitrile residing in the electrospray ionization Source (ESI) used in negative mode. narrow neck of the Volumetric flask is removed using a Operating parameters are as follows: Capillary Voltage, 3.0 Pasteur pipette. The concentrated extract is diluted 1/1 with kV: drying gas flow, 12.01 min', nebulizer pressure, 35 reagent-grade water. An aliquot is separated on a C-18 psig, drying gas temperature, 350° C. TNT and its metabo reverse-phase column, determined at 254 nm, and confirmed lites are detected by their M-H ion masses, while RDX, on a CN reverse-phase column. HMX, and their metabolites were detected by their M+60-H 0128 EPA Method 8330 Low-Level Method No. 2: Car (acetate) ion masses. tridge Solid-phase extraction: 0121 ''C-Radioactivity in solution, in extracts, and in 0129. Extraction cartridges are fitted with frits at one end, CO, traps is analyzed with a Beckman liquid scintillation then packed tightly with Porapak RDX. A second frit is counter (LSC) LS 60001C (Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, placed over the open ends of the cartridges to retain the Calif.) using Ultima Gold XRR) (Packard Bioscience) as material inside. Using a Visiprep Solid-Phase Extraction Scintillation cocktail. Manifold (Supelco), the aqueous samples are extracted 0122 Radioactivity remaining in cells is analyzed by through the cartridges; the cartridges are then eluted using bio-oxidation using a biological oxidizer Harvey OX600 (R. acetonitrile. The resulting eluate is diluted 1/1 with reagent J. Harvey Instrument, Hillsdale, N.J.). ''CO, contained in grade water prior to analysis. outgoing gases was trapped into 10 ml of '"Carbon R. Scin tillation cocktail (R. J. Harvey Instrument) and the radioac 0130 EPA Method 8330 Low-Level Method No. 3: tivity is determined by LSC. Membrane solid-phase extraction: 0123 Bacterial growth is recorded by the OD at 600 nm 0131) Empore styrene-divinyl benzene (SDB) RPS disks and the biomass dry weight. Cell dry weight is determined are placed in a vacuum filter apparatus and Soaked with US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008

acetonitrile. The acetonitrile is pulled through the disk, teaches the determination of total organic carbon in Soils followed by reagent-grade water. Just before all the water using chromic acid digestion followed by a spectrophoto has been pulled through, the vacuum is turned off and an metric procedure. A review of several methods is provided aqueous water sample aliquot is placed in the reservoir. by Haverty (Ultrapure Water, 1(2), 29-31 (1984)). Turning the vacuum back on, the aliquot and any remaining water is pulled through the membrane. Air is then pulled 0.138 Nitroaromatic and nitramine compounds are con through the disks for a short time to remove any excess sidered “degraded when one or more chemical bonds in a water. Once they are dry, acetonitrile is added to the reser nitroaromatic or nitramine target compound are broken. voir and allowed to soak into the membrane. Next, the Degradation preferably continues to completion, that is until acetonitrile is pulled through the disks into a test tube that mineralization of the compound to H2O and CO and where has been fitted into the vacuum flask. The resulting extract none of the starting material is present. However, degrada is removed using a Pasteur pipette and placed into a gradu tion to a form having reduced toxicity relative to the starting ated cylinder where it is diluted 1/1 with reagent-grade water compound(s) is beneficial. prior to analysis. EXAMPLES 0132) EPA Method 8330 High-level direct injection method: Example 1 0.133 Aqueous samples of higher concentration can be diluted 1/1 (v/v) with methanol or acetonitrile, filtered, Degradation of Nitroaromatic and Nitramine separated on a C-18 reverse-phase column, determined at Explosives 254 nm, and confirmed on a CN reverse-phase column. If 0.139 Cell suspensions of Methylobacterium sp. strain HMX is an important target analyte, methanol is preferred. BJO01 in pure culture were exposed separately to nitro 0134 EPA Method 8330 Method for soil and sediment substituted explosives TNT, RDX, and HMX. Bioreactors samples: consisted of 250-ml conical flasks equipped with lateral tubing for sample collection and closed by a rubber stopper. 0135 Soil and sediment samples are extracted using Flasks were equipped with a CO trap consisting of a 5-ml acetonitrile in an ultrasonic bath, filtered, and chromato glass vial containing 1 ml of 1.0 N NaOH. Each bioreactor graphed, as in the high level direct injection method. contained 100 ml of liquid LB medium supplemented with 0136. Another method for determining the amount of '''CL-U-ring-TNT (25 mg L'), ''CL-U-ring-RDX (20 mg degradation of a nitrogen-containing compound such as a L'), or '''CL-U-ring-HMX (2.5 mg L'). Each flask was nitroaromatic or nitramine compound is to analyze the inoculated with a concentrated cell suspension (1.0% w/v). amount of nitrite released during the degradation process. The inoculum was prepared from a 48-hold log-phase cell Methods for determining the amount of nitrite released from Suspension growing in LB medium Supplemented with nitrogen-containing compounds are common and well methanol (0.5% V/v) or fructose (0.5% w/v) and incubated known in the art. For example, Misko et al. (Anal. Biochem. under stirring at 28°C. Cells were harvested by centrifuga 214, 11, (1993)) teach a fluorometric assay for the measure tion (30 min, 5,000 rpm) and re-suspended in sterile DI ment of nitrite in biological samples which is designed to water. The procedure was repeated two times in order to detect nitrite/nitrate. The method is based upon the reaction wash the bacterial cells and the final inoculum exhibited an of nitrite with 2,3-diaminonaphthalene to form the fluores ODoo of 1.0 (i.e. approximately 10 cells ml). Bioreactors cent product, 1-(H)-naphthotriazole. Carson et al. (U.S. were incubated at room temperature under agitation (125 Government Report, DC/WRRC-42, W83-02296, OWRT rpm). One-ml samples of the solution and the CO traps A-019-DC(1); Order No. PB83-180331, 31 pp. From: Gov. were collected periodically for analysis. Control experi Rep. Announce. Index (U.S.) 1983, 83 (14), 3113) discuss ments were carried out with non-inoculated flasks or flasks the determination of nitrite and nitrate in water by reduction inoculated with the bacteria, but without toxic compound. to ammonia followed by enzymatic cycling involving the Experiments were conducted in triplicate. reduction of NO, and/or NOT to NH with Devarda's 0140 Bacteria were shown to fully transform the nitro metal while simultaneously trapping the released NH gas substituted explosives over the 55 days of experiment (FIG. with diluted aqueous HC1. Another nitrite release assay is the 3A). Bacterial biomasses (monitored by the OD) showed method described by Smibert et al. (Method I in Manual of typical growth curves with an exponential phase (until Methods for General Bacteriology, Gerhardt, Murray, Cos approximately day 12) followed by a stationary phase (FIG. tilow, Nester, Wood, Kreig & Phillips, Editors, p. 419 3B). By comparison to the control bioreactor, bacterial (1981)). This method involves the colorometric detection of growth was not significantly affected by the presence of nitrite by mixing a sample Suspected of containing nitrite TNT, RDX, or HMX. with N-1-naphthyl ethylenediamine HCL and sulfanilic 0.141 While TNT disappeared completely in less than 10 acid, with detection at 540 nm. days, no significant mineralization (i.e. release of ''CO.) or 0137 Measurement of the levels of total organic carbon decrease of the radioactivity in solution was observed (Table (TOC) in culture media is another indication of the level of 1). In contrast, RDX and HMX concentrations decreased degradation of microbial carbon sources. Methods for the more slowly (reaching non-detectable levels after 40 days), determination of TOC are common and well known in the but with a significant release of ''CO, corresponding to art and any Suitable method can be used. Sakamoto et al. 58.0+3.0 and 62.0+3.9% of the initial radioactivity respec (Ultrapure Water, 4(9), 24, 26-8, 30-1 (1987)) discuss a tively (FIG. 4 and Table 1). As a consequence, the radioac method for measuring TOC by wet oxidation and Heanes tivity remaining in solution decreased to 12.8-1.5 and (Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 15(10), 1191-213 (1984)) 12.5+1.3% of the initial dose after 55 days. Radio-chro US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008 matograms of the CO traps showed only a single peak, their M+60-H (acetate) ion masses. C-Radioactivity in identified as aqueous ''CO by comparison with a Solution, in extracts, and in CO traps was analyzed with a NaH14CO standard. No significant mineralization or change Beckman liquid scintillation counter (LSC) LS 60001C in the initial concentration or radioactivity was observed in (Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, Calif.) using Ultima Gold control experiments. XRR) (Packard Bioscience) as scintillation cocktail. 0142 Radiochromatograms of the solution initially con 0145 Radioactivity remaining in cells was analyzed by taining "C-TNT showed a single peak eluted after 18.9 min, bio-oxidation using a biological oxidizer Harvey OX600 (R. which corresponded to TNT (FIG. 5A). After 4 days of J. Harvey Instrument, Hillsdale, N.J.). ''CO contained into treatment, the radioactivity was distributed into 3 peaks outgoing gases was trapped into 10 ml of '"Carbon R scin eluted after 15.0, 5.1, and 2.7 min respectively. At the end of tillation cocktail (R. J. Harvey Instrument) and the radioac the experiments, the radioactivity was concentrated in a tivity was determined by LSC. single peak eluted after 2.7 min. Spectral analysis of the second and third peaks (eluted after 15.0 and 5.1 min) gave 0146 Bacterial growth was recorded by the OD at 600 masses of 196 (M-H) and 166 (M-H) respectively, suggest nm and the biomass dry weight. Cell dry weight was ing the presence of aminodinitrotoluenes (ADNTs) (MM= determined by harvesting cells by filtration on glass fiber 197) and diaminonitrotoluenes (DNATs) (MM=167). The and drying overnight at 105° C. Cell concentration was profile of metabolite formation showed the transient appear determined by direct counting using a hemocytometer ance of ADNTs and DNATs, reaching a maximum after 4 (Hausser Scientific, Horsham, Pa.). Photometric data were and 18 days respectively, and the final accumulation of converted to biomass dry weight and to cell concentration unknown compound(s), accounting for 94.3% of the initial using standard curves. radioactivity. 0147 To determine whether the transformation/mineral ization of nitro-substituted explosives was metabolic or 0143 Radiochromatograms of the solution containing co-metabolic (i.e., associated or not with a carbon or nitro RDX at the beginning of the experiment showed a single gen utilization), additional degradation experiments using peak eluted after 8.7 min (FIG. 5B). After 4 days, the growing cells were carried out in minimal liquid medium remaining radioactivity was concentrated in three peaks Supplemented with the following carbon and/or nitrogen eluted after 8.7, 7.8, and 2.7 min respectively. Remaining sources (See Table 2): Fructose (5 g L') and NHNO (1.2 radioactivity after 55 days was concentrated in a single peak g L' or 3 mM N), fructose only, NHNO, only, and no eluted after 2.7 min. The first peak (eluted after 8.7 min) was fructose and no NHNO. Bioreactors consisted of 30-ml characterized by a mass of 281 (M+60-H) and corresponded serum vials equipped with a CO trap composed of a 4-ml to initial RDX. The second peak (7.8 min) was characterized glass tube containing 500 ul of 1.0 N NaOH. Each bioreactor by mass of 265 (M+60-H) and was identified as the mono contained 10 ml of liquid medium Supplemented separately nitroso derivative of RDX (MNX). The final metabolite(s) with ''C-U-ring-TNT (25 mg L'), ''C-U-ring-RDX (20 eluted after 2.7 min exhibited an ion mass of 135 (M-H) mg L'), or ''C-U-ring-HMX (2.5 mg L') and were Suggesting the generation of methylenedinitramine inoculated with a concentrated cell suspension (1.0% w/v). (ONNHCH-NHNO). The concentration of MNX reached Control experiments consisted in the same set of media but a maximum after 4 days before decreasing slowly to an without addition of TNT, RDX, or HMX. For each set of undetectable level. Unidentified metabolite(s) accumulated experiments, LB medium and non-inoculated minimal in the solution and accounted for 14.9% of the initial medium were used as positive and negative control media radioactivity after 55 days. In addition to mass analysis, respectively. Bioreactors were incubated as previously DANTs, DANTs, and MNX were identified by comparison described. of their retention times and UV spectra with authentic standards. 0.148 Similar degradation experiments were carried out 0144 Analyses of nitro-substituted compounds (i.e. TNT, with other members of the genus Methylobacterium, M. RDX, HMX, and their metabolites) were performed by extorquens (ATCC 14718), M. Organophilum (ATCC reverse phase HPLC (HP Series 1100: Hewlett-Packard, 27886), M. rhodesianum (ATCC 21611) growing on LB Palo Alto, Calif.) on a C Supelcosil(R) LC-18 column (25 medium supplemented with Succinate (2.0 g L'). cmx4.6 mm, 5um; Supelco, Bellefonte, Pa.). The system 0149) In all sets of experiments (with and without 'C- was equipped with a UV-visible photodiode array detector TNT, ''C-RDX, or 'C-HMX; see Table 2), only minimal (HP Series 1100), a mass spectrometry detector (Agilent media supplemented with fructose (5.0 g L') supported 1100 Series LC/MSD, Palo Alto, Calif.), and a Radiomatic bacterial growth (reaching 0.7-1.1 g dry biomass L'after Flo-One B radio-chromatograph (Packard Bioscience, Meri the 20 days), regardless the presence of a nitrogen source. den, Calif.) for the detection of C-radioactive compounds. Significant mineralization of nitramines (accounting for The mobile phase consisted of AcCN:0.1% w/v ammonium 7.0–7.7% of the initial "C-RDX and 5.0-6.8% of the initial acetate (NHCHCOO) running at a flow rate of 1 milmin'. 'C-HMX) were observed under the same conditions, i.e. in For mass analyses, a Zorbax 80 A Extended-Cls column the presence of fructose. No significant mineralization of (2.1 x 100 mm, 3.5um; Agilent) running at flow rate of 0.2 'C-TNT was recorded. Mineralization rates of nitramines ml min' was used. The mass spectrometer was equipped '''C-RDX and ''C-HMX were shown to be higher when the with an electrospray ionization source (ESI) used in negative bacteria were grown on LB medium (i.e. 18.1 and 15.5% of mode. Operating parameters were as follows: Capillary the initial radioactivity respectively). Interestingly, nitrogen voltage, 3.0 kV: drying gas flow, 12.01 min', nebulizer free control medium (i.e. without TNT, RDX, or HMX) was pressure, 35 psig, drying gas temperature, 350° C. TNT and able to Sustain bacterial, growth (reaching 1.1 g dry biomass its metabolites were detected by their M-H ion masses, L'), as long as a carbon source (i.e. fructose) was provided. while RDX, HMX, and their metabolites were detected by For all sets of experiments, neither significant biomass US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008 growth nor release of ''CO, was recorded in the absence of dation experiments) would hardly Sustain a significant bac a carbon Source or from non-inoculated control flasks. terial growth on minimal medium. On the other hand, the apparent capacity of Methylobacterium sp. BJ001 to fix 0150. The ability to mineralize nitramines RDX and atmospheric nitrogen prevents any conclusion about the HMX was investigated among other representative members potential use of RDX and HMX as sole nitrogen sources. It of the genus Methylobacterium. Methylobacterium strains is emphasized, however, that whether or not Methylobacte tested were able to significantly degrade nitramine explo rium sp. BJO01 can utilize RDX or HMX as a sole carbon sives. Strain BJ001 exhibited higher mineralization rates and/or nitrogen Source has no real bearing on its ability to (Table 3). degrade these compounds to less toxic forms, or its use in 0151. The data show that Methylobacterium species bioremediation of materials contaminated with Such com strain BJ001 transforms TNT and mineralizes RDX and pounds. HMX into CO. The transient generation of reduction 0154) In contrast to RDX and HMX, which are easily derivatives early in the degradation process (i.e. ADNTs and broken down upon the initial reduction, nitroaromatic TNT DANTs from TNT, MNX from RDX) indicates that the is not well mineralized. Indeed, even though TNT was very metabolism of explosives by Methylobacterium sp. BJ001 quickly transformed (i.e. reduced) by Methylobacterium sp. began with a reduction reaction. Bacterial transformation of BJ001, no significant release of CO was recorded. For heterocyclic nitramines frequently involves an initial reduc several decades, bacterial metabolism of nitroaromatic com tion step (31) and nitroso metabolites have been previously pounds has been known to lead to the formation of “dead detected, both under aerobic and anaerobic conditions (15, end’ reduced derivatives not further transformed. Even 18). Initial nitroreductase-catalyzed reduction of the nitro though the reduction of nitro groups (electron withdrawing) groups is known to occur either via a two-electron transfer into amino groups (electron donor) increases the reactivity (type I), generating nitroso derivatives, or via a one-electron of the aromatic ring, only very limited mineralization of transfer (type II), producing nitramine anion radicals (17. TNT (less than 5.0%) has been observed in bacterial systems 18). The detection of MNX (and possibly methylenedinit (29, 33). On the other hand, several reports have described ramine) indicates that the metabolism of RDX by Methylo a denitration of TNT with a release of nitrite (NO), which bacterium sp. BJO01 followed a two-electron reduction can be used by bacteria as a nitrogen Source (6, 29, 56). pathway. However, the potential of Methylobacterium sp. BJ001 for 0152 On the other hand, being a highly oxidized mol fixing nitrogen prevents any conclusion about a possible ecule, TNT can be reduced by many different organisms utilization of TNT as a nitrogen source. Although bacterial (57). The stepwise reduction of the nitro groups, with the transformation of TNT did not lead to a complete detoxifi Subsequent generation of reduction derivatives (i.e. cation (i.e. mineralization), recalcitrant reduction metabo hydroxylaminodinitrotoluenes (OHADNTs), ADNTs, and lites are significantly less toxic than parent TNT (28) and DANTs), is known to be the major transformation pathway may be bound to Soil particles and humic acids, or conju of TNT, even though NADPH-dependent reductive hydro gated to organic molecules, resulting in a reduction of genation of the aromatic ring (with the formation of (di)hy bioavailability and toxicity (3). dride-Meisenheimer complex) has been reported (29). Example 2 0153. However, following these early reduction steps, the fates of the nitro aromatic explosive TNT and of heterocy Taxonomic Analysis of BJ001" clic nitramines RDX and HMX diverge considerably. Indeed, while the metabolism of ''C-RDX and ''C-HMX by 0.155 The bacterium isolated from poplar tissues, Methylobacterium sp. BJO01 resulted in an extensive release BJ001", was identified by phylogenetic analysis as a Methy of ''CO, no significant mineralization of ''C-TNT was lobacterium sp. (FIG. 9). Members of the genus Methylo observed. Mineralization of RDX and HMX by aerobic bacterium are known to colonize the rhizosphere and the bacteria is well documented (17. 53). However, several phyllosphere of a variety of plant species (60, 84, 64, 21. bacterial strains were reported to convert RDX and HMX 51), although BJ001" is the first reported endophyte asso into nitroso derivatives, which accumulate in the medium, ciation with a poplar tree (Populus sp.). As discussed above, Suggesting that they are neither mineralized nor serving as the isolate has characteristics of the Methylobacterium genus carbon or nitrogen sources (24). It is a common feature that (13): Cells are rod-shaped (0.8-1.0x1.0-10.0 um), frequently a slight change in the chemical structure of hetero cyclic branched, occurring singly or in rosettes (FIGS. 11 and 12). nitramines—such as the reduction of a nitro group—desta They exhibit a polar growth and are motile by a single polar bilizes the entire molecule (inner C N bonds are less than or lateral flagellum (see microphotographs of BJ001" in 2 kcal mol"), resulting in a ring cleavage generating various FIG. 13). Cells stained Gram-negative and colonies were aliphatic hydroxylamines and nitramines (17, 18, 53). The pink to red. Cells are strictly aerobic and were tested latter may decompose and/or rearrange, eventually produc catalase- and oxidase-positive (9). Due to the chemotaxo ing methanol (CHOH), formaldehyde (CHO), CO, and nomic homogeneity of the genus Methylobacterium, phylo NO (17,31). However, besides the formation of ''CO, no genic analyses constitute a critical tool for species identifi clear conclusion can be stated about the ability of Methylo cation (70, 66). According to 16S rDNA sequences, the bacterium sp. BJO01 to use heterocyclic nitramines as car closest relatives to BJ001" were Methylobacterium thiocy bon and/or nitrogen sources. The inability of the bacterium anatum, Methylobacterium extorquens, Methylobacterium to grow on RDX or HMX when added in high concentration zatmanii, and Methylobacterium rhodesanium, with 99.3, (as applied for carbon source-utilization tests) might be the 99.1, 98.6, and 98.5% 16S sequence similarities respec result of a toxic effect, while concentrations of RDX and tively, which corresponds to the interspecies separation level HMX as low as 20 and 2.5 mg L' (as applied for degra of the genus Methylobacterium (94.2-99.4%; (67)). On the US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008 basis of 16S-23S IGS rDNA sequences, BJ001" shared Succinate, lactate, tartrate, pyruvate, fumarate, Salicylate, 78.7-82.1% similarity with M. extorquens (The Genbank formaldehyde, methylamine, methane, and betaine. Cells accession numbers of the 16S-23S IGS r)NA reference grow on LB and NA plates at 28°C. The cells do not use D sequences are the following: M. extorquens, AF293375 and or L-arabinose, D-fucose, D-galactose, D-glucose, D-lac AF338180, M. organophilum, AF338181) and 66.5% with tose, D-mannose, D-xylose. Sucrose, iso-propanol, n-bu the type species, M. organophilum. The 16S and 16S-23S tanol, inositol, mannitol, Sorbitol, L-aspartate, L-glutamate, IGS rDNA sequence of BJ001" and the sequence similarity glycine, citrate, sebacate, dimethylamine, trimethylamine, matrixes are shown in Tables 6 and 7. The levels of DNA chloromethane, dichloromethane, cyanate or thiocyanate. relatedness between strain BJ001" and its close relatives as determined by DNA-DNA hybridization ranged from 15 to 0.160 The utilized nitrogen-sources are ammonium, 59%, which allows the separation of BJ001" from the other nitrate, L-alanine, L-aspartate, L-glutamate, L-glutamine, members of the genus Methylobacterium (Table 5). Pheno glycine, L-tryptophane, and methylamine. typic differences between Methylobacterium species are 0.161 The cellular fatty acids are hexadecanoate (palm limited and often rely on carbon- and energy-source utili itic acid, C16:0), 6.4+0.4% (n=3); cis-9-octadecenoate zation (68). Like the other members of the genus, BJO01" (oleic acid, C18:1), 81.6+2.1% (n=3); and octadecanoate grew on C-substrates, such as methanol, methylamine, (stearic acid, C18:0), 11.9+0.3% (n=3). formate, and formaldehyde. In addition, BJ001" did use methane, an ability shared with only one other species of the 0162 Optimal pH is 7.0. Cells do not grow at pH 4.0 or genus, M. organophilum (78). BJ001" may play an impor 9.O. tant ecological role by consuming methane, whose green 0163 Optimal temperature is 20-30° C. Cells do not house effect is 20 times more elevated than carbon dioxide grow at 15 or 40° C. (Trotsenko et al., 2001). 0.164 Cells do not grow in the presence of 2.0% NaCl. 0156 BJ001" differed from its closest relatives (i.e., M. thiocyanate, M. extorquens, M. zatmanii, and M. rhode 0.165. The G+C content is 70.4+0.3% (n=3). The Gen sianum) by carbon-source utilization features Summarized in Bank accession number for the 16S and 16S-23S IGS r)NA Table 4. M. thiocyanate grows on glucose, arabinose, sequence is AY25 1818. glutamate, citrate, and cyanate and thiocyanate, M. zatmanii 0166 The type strain, BJ001", was isolated from internal grows on trimethylamine, and M. rhodesianum grows on poplar tissues (Populus deltoides x nigra DN34) obtained dimethylamine, which did not support the growth of from Hiramoor Nursery (Manistee, Mich.) and has been BJ001"; on the other hand, M. extorquens does not use deposited in the American Type Culture Collection as ATCC fructose, M. zatmani does not use betaine, and M. rhode BAA-705T and at the National Collection of Industrial, sianum does not use tartrate, which were all substrates for Food, and Marine Bacteria as NCIMB T. BJO01 (79, 83, 68, 58). Fructose, the first hexose synthe sized by plant photosynthesis, is an optimal carbon Substrate 0.167 All chemicals used in the experiments described for BJ001". Carbon and nitrogen source utilization and herein were of analytical grade and were purchased from enzymatic reactions of BJ001" are shown in Tables 7-9. Fluka (Ronkonkoma, N.Y.) or Sigma (St Louis, Mo.). Plant growth regulators and Phytagar were from Sigma. Phytagel O157. On the basis of 16S and 16S-23S IGS rDNA was purchased from Gibco BRL (Rockville, Md.). ''C-U- sequence similarities, DNA-DNA hybridization values, its ring-RDX and 'C-U-ring-HMX was purchased from carbon-source utilization pattern, including the use of meth DuPont NEN (Boston, Mass.) and exhibited an initial spe ane, and its endophytic association with poplar trees, BJO01" cific activity of 8.3 and 6.8 mCimmol' respectively. Both is a novel Methylobacterium species, named herein Methy '''C-RDX and ''C-HMX were mixed with corresponding lobacterium populum sp. nov. non-labeled compounds to obtain final specific activities of 4.5-9.1 and 3.0-1.6 nCimmol for 'C-RDX and 'C-HMX Example 3 respectively. C-U-ring-TNT was purchased from Perki nElmer Life Science (Boston, Mass.) and exhibited an initial Description of Methylobacterium populum sp. nov. activity of 40.0 mCi mmol'. ''C-TNT was mixed with Methylobacterium populum (po.pu.lum N. L. neut. adj. non-labeled TNT to give a final specific activity of 2.1-3.3 Populum of Populus, the Latin name of poplar). nCimmol. 0158. The cells are aerobic, Gram-negative, asporog 0168 All patents, patent applications, and published ref enous rods (0.8-1.0x1.0-10.0 um) occurring singly, in pairs, erences cited herein are hereby incorporated by reference in or in rosettes. Cells are motile by one single polar or lateral their entirety. While this invention has been particularly flagella. Colonies are pink to red, slow growing, 0.1-0.2 mm shown and described with references to preferred embodi in diameter after 4 days at 28°C. on LB or nutrient agar ments thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in the (NA) plates. The pink pigment is water-insoluble and has art that various changes in form and details may be made absorption maxima at 390, 473, 505, and 534 nm in a therein without departing from the scope of the invention mixture of chloroform:methanol 1:1. The cells tested posi encompassed by the appended claims. tive for the following enzymatic reactions: Catalase, oxi dase, alkaline phosphatase, esterases (C and Cs), Valine REFERENCES arylamidase, C.-chymotrypsine, acid phosphatase, and napthol-AS-BI-phosphohydrolase. 0169. 1. Ausubel, F. M., R. Brent, R. E. Kingston, D. D. Moore, J. G. Seidman, J. A. Smith, and K. Struhl. 1999. 0159. The cells utilized the following carbon-sources: Short Protocols in Molecular Biology, 4th ed. John Wiley D-fructose, glycerol, methanol, ethanol, formate, acetate, and Sons, New York, N.Y. US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008

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Further studies of the genus Methylobac 1971) comb. nov. corrig.; and Methylobacterium meso terium and description of Methylobacterium aminovorans philicum (Austin and Goodfellow 1979) comb. nov. Int J sp. nov. Int J Syst Bacteriol 43, 504-513. Syst Bacteriol 33, 875-877. 0251 83. Urakami, T. & Komagata, K. (1984). Protomo 0238 70. Green, P.N., Bousfield, I.J. & Hood, D. (1988). nas, a new genus of facultatively methylotrophic bacteria. Three new Methylobacterium species: M. rhodesanium Int J Syst Bacteriol 34, 188-201. sp. nov., M. zatmani sp. nov., and M. fijisawaense sp. 0252) 84. Yoshimura, F. (1982). Phylloplane bacteria in a nov. Int J Syst Bacteriol 38, 124-127. pine forest. Can J Microbiol 28, 580-592. US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008 18

TABLE 1. Mass Balance for 'C-TNT (25 mg L'), ''C-RDX (20 mg L'), and 'C-HMX (2.5 mg L') treated by Methylobacterium sp. BJ001 growing in LB liquid medium after 55 days of exposure. Radioactivity is expressed as a percentage of the initial dose. Control eXperiments consisted in non-inoculated flasks. C-TNT (25 mg. 1) C-RDX (20 mg. 1) C-HMX (2.5 mg. 1) Radioactivity (%) Cells Control Cells Control Cells Control Initial Solution 1OOOOO 1OOO 100.0 OO 100.0 OO 10O.O. O.O 1OOO Final Solution 93.3 3.4 103.4 12.8 1.5 104.4 12.5 1.3 98.3 Bacterial Cells 6.3 1.3 O.2 1.O. O.2 O.O O.9 O2 O.2 Mineralization O.7 O.4 O6 58.0 3.0 1.2 62.O 39 1.1 Mass Balance 10O3 + 4.7 104.2 718 - 4.7 105.6 754 - 5.4 99.6



Mineralization of 'C-RDX (20 mg 1), 'C-HMX (2.5 mg 1), and 'C-TNT (25 mg 1') by Methylobacterium sp. BJ001 after 20 days of exposure. Cells were growing on minimal medium Supplemented with the following carbon and/or nitrogen sources: Fructose (5.0 g 1') and NHNO (1.2 g 1, 3.0 mM), fructose only, NHNO, only, and no fructose and no NIHNO3. For each set of experiment, LB medium and non-inoculated minimal medium were used as positive and negative control media respectively. Control experiments consisted of the same set of media without addition of 'C-RDX,'C-HMX, or 'C-TNT.

'C-RDX (20 mg. 1) 'C-HMX (2.5 mg. 1)

Minimal Medium with 'CO (%) Biomass (mg 1') 'CO, (%) Biomass (mg 1')

Fructose and 7.74 - 0.33 1.03 - 0.11 6.75 O.66 1.02 - 0.22 NHNO, Fructose 7.03 - 0.91 O.74 - 0.16 5.03 - 0.32 1.07 - O.OS NHNO O.O8 O.O3 O.11 - O.O2 O.12 0.08 O.09 0.04 No Fructose and O.19 O.15 O.14 - 0.08 O.18 0.14 O.16 0.06 no NHNO Control (+)LB 18.08 3.03 1.OS O.O7 1554 1.8 1.08 0.06 Control (-) O.35 - 0.23 O.O6 O.O2 O.11 - 0.04 O.22 - 0.24

Control without''C-RDX, 'C-HNX, or 14C-TNT (25 mg 1-1) 14C-TNT

Minimal Medium with 'CO (%) Biomass (mg 1') 'CO, (%) Biomass (mg 1')

Fructose and O34 - 0.13 O.97 0.06 1.06 - 0.08 NHNO Fructose O.25 + 0.17 O.97 - 0.13 1.08 - 0.14 NHNO O.21 - 0.10 O.16 0.08 O.11 - 0.03 No Fructose or O.19 O.13 O.19 O.OS O.17 O.OS NHNO, Control (+) LB O.S6 O.O7 1.06 0.15 1.12 O.O7 Control (-) O3S O.O7 O.O9 0.06 O.09 OO1 US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008 19

0254) TABLE 3-continued TABLE 3 Mineralization of 'C-RDX (20 mg 1'), ''C-HMX (2.5 mg 1'), Mineralization of 'C-RDX (20 mg 1), 'C-HMX (2.5 mg 1), and 'C-TNT (25 mg 1') by members of the genus Methylobacterium and 'C-TNT (25 mg 1') by members of the genus Methylobacterium after 20 days of exposure. Cells were growing on LB medium after 20 days of exposure. Cells were growing on LB medium supplemented with succinate (2.0 g 1'). Control experiments supplemented with succinate (2.0 g 1"). Control experiments were carried out with non-inoculated flasks. were carried out with non-inoculated flasks. Biomass (mg 1') 'CO(%) 14C-RDX 14C-HMX 14C-TNT Methylobacterium 14C-RDX 14C-HMX 14C-TNT (20 mg 1') (2.5 mg 1') (25 mg 1') Strain (20 mg 1') (2.5 mg 1') (25 mg 1') M. extorquiens 1.01 - 0.10 1.12 O.O6 1.07 - 0.08 M. extorquiens 15.2 24 13.8 - 1.9 O.2 O.2 M. organophilum 1.23 - 0.07 1.19 O.10 1.13 - 0.05 M. organophilum 8.4 3.0 8.1 - 0.7 O.4 O.3 M. rhodesianum O.95 - 0.15 O.98 O.08 1.00 0.04 M. rhodesianum 13.7 3.2 11.6 2.O O.3 - 0.1 BJOO1 O.98 - 0.11 O.99 O.O6 O.97 O.OS BOO1 18.5 - 1.7 17.2 2.3 O.S. O.3 Control O.O2 O.O1 O.O2 O.O2 O.O3 + O.O7 Control O.1 O.O O.6 O.2 O.2 O.O 0255

TABLE 4 Differential carbon-substrate utilization among Methyliobacterium species. Utilization of various compounds used as sole sources of carbon and energy are shown. Adapted from Green (13). See also Table 8. Carbon-Sources

M. amino- M. chioro- M. ichioro- M. extor- M. fiti- M. iiisi- M. meso Organisms BJO01 vorans(?) methanicum (76) ethanicum) quens) sawaense(7) tanum (67) philicum (9)

D-Glucose -- -- D-Fucose ND ND ND -- ND -- D-Xylose -- L-Arabinose ND ND ND -- -- D-Fructose ------w -- L-Aspartate? -- -- w -- -- L-Glutamate Citrate ------Sebacate ND ND ND -- ND w Acetate ------Betaine ------Tartare -- ND ND ND w w Ethanol -- ND ND ND ------Methane -- ND Methylamine ------Dimethylamine -- ND ND Trimethylamine -- Cyanate ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Thiocyanate ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Nutrient agar -- ND ND ND w -- ND


M. Org- M. radio- M. rhode- M. rho- M. Stio- M. thio- M. zai Organisms anophilium'78 tolerans' sianum'7' dinum(7 miense cyanatum manii'

D-Glucose -- -- W -- -- D-Fucose -- ND ND D-Xylose -- ND L-Arabinose -- W D-Fructose ------L-Aspartate? -- w -- -- L-Glutamate Citrate ------Sebacate -- ND ND Acetate ------Betaine ------ND US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008 20

TABLE 4-continued Differential carbon-substrate utilization among Methyliobacterium species. Utilization of various compounds used as sole sources of carbon and energy are shown. Adapted from Green (13). See also Table 8.

Tartare ND w Ethanol -- w ------ND -- Methane w ND Methylamine ------Dimethylamine -- Trimethylamine -- -- Cyanate ND ND ND ND ND -- ND Thiocyanate ND ND ND ND ND -- ND Nutrient agar ------ND -- -- +, Growth; -, no growth; V, variable; w, weak growth; ND, not determined

0256 TABLE 5-continued TABLE 5 DNA-DNA hybridization of Methylobacterium BJ001 with DNA-DNA hybridization of Methylobacterium BJ001 with the closest relatives. Hybridization procedure was carried the closest relatives. Hybridization procedure was carried out according to the method of Denhardt (65) out according to the method of Denhardt (65)

DNA-DNA DNA-DNA Methyliobacterium Species Hybridization (%) Methyliobacterium Species Hybridization (%)

Methylobacterium BJ001 1OO Methyliobacterium lusitanum VKM B-2238 15 Methylobacterium thiocyanatum DSM 11490 47 Methylobacterium organophilum JCM 2833 28 Methyliobacterium extorquens ATCC 14718 59 Agrobacterium tumefasciens NCPPB 2437 7 Methyliobacterium zatmanii JCM 2819 34 Methyliobacterium rhodesanium JCM 2810 25 Methyliobacterium suomiense VKM B-2238 33 0257)

TABLE 6 16S rDNA sequence similarity matrix (%) for the genus Methyliobacterium. GenBank accession numbers are as follows: Agrobacterium tumefasciens, D14500; BJ001, AY251818; Escherichia coli, JO1859; M. chloromethanicum, AF198624: M. dichloromethanicum, AF227128; M. extorquens, AF283375; M. fijisawaense, AJ250801; M. lusitanum, AY009403; M. mesophilicum, AJ400919: M. nodulans, AF220763; M. organophilum, D32226; M. radiotolerans, D32227: M. rhodesianum, D32228; M. rhodinum, D32229; M. Suomicum, AY0094.04; M. zatmani, D32230; Rhodopseudomonas palustris, D25312 Organism BJOO1 M. thiocyanatum M. extorquiens M. zaimanii M. rhodesianum M. Suomiense M. chloromethanicum

BJOO1 100 99.3 99.1 98.6 98.5 97.5 97.3 M. thiocyanatum 100 98.8 98.3 98.2 97.2 97.1 M. extorquiens 100 99.0 98.8 97.5 98.2 M. zaimani 100 98.2 97.0 97.2 M. rhodesianum 100 97.4 97.0 M. Stioniense 100 95.8 M. chioromethanicum 1OO M. iusitanium M. rhodinum M. organophilum M. dichloromethanicum M. filisawaense M. mesophilicum M. nodulians M. radiotoierans R. palustris A. tunefasciens E. coi Organism M. iusitanium M. rhodinum M. organophilum M. dichloromethanicum M. filisawaense M. mesophilicum

BJOO1 97.0 95.9 95.8 94.7 94.3 94.0 M. thiocyanatum 96.7 95.9 95.5 94.4 94.O 93.7 M. extorquiens 96.8 96.2 96.4 95.0 94.3 94.3 US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008 21

TABLE 6-continued 16S rDNA sequence similarity matrix (%) for the genus Methyliobacterium. GenBank accession numbers are as follows: Agrobacterium tumefasciens, D14500; BJ001, AY251818; Escherichia coli, JO1859; M. chloromethanicum, AF198624; M. dichloromethanicum, AF227128; M. extorquens, AF283375; M. fijisawaense, AJ250801; M. lusitanum, AY009403; M. mesophilicum, AJ400919: M. nodulans, AF220763; M. organophilum, D32226; M. radiotolerans, D32227; M. rhodesianum, D32228; M. rhodinum, D32229; M. Suomicum, AY0094.04; M. zatmani, D32230; Rhodopseudomonas palustris, D25312

M. zaimani 96.1 95.8 95.5 944 93.9 93.7 M. rhodesianum 96.1 95.5 95.3 94.2 94.O 93.8 M. Stitomiense 95.8 95.4 95.2 94.1 93.9 93.5 M. chioronethanicum 95.0 94.6 94.6 93.3 92.7 92.5 M. iusitanum 100 94.2 94.2 92.8 92.2 92.6 M. rhodinum 1OO 94.6 92.9 93.8 93.4 M. organophilum 1OO 93.1 95.7 95.5 M. dichloromethanicum 1OO 92.6 91.7 M. filisawaense 1OO 97.5 M. mesophilicum 100 M. nodulians M. radiotoierans R. palustris A. tunefasciens E. coi

Organism M. nodulans M. radiotolerans R. palustris A. tumefasciens E. coli

BJOO1 94.O 93.6 89.3 86.8 75.4 M. thiocyanatum 93.7 93.3 88.9 86.5 75.2 M. extorquiens 94.1 93.9 89.1 86.8 75.4 M. zaimani 93.6 93.3 886 86.8 75.2 M. rhodesianum 93.6 93.5 88.4 86.2 75.1 M. Satomiense 93.1 93.3 88.4 86.4 74.9 M. chioronethanicum 92.3 92.3 87.6 85.3 74.O M. iusitanum 92.5 91.8 87.9 85.1 74.3 M. rhodinum 92.4 93.2 88.3 86.2 74.1 M. organophilum 93.0 95.3 89.5 87.5 75.9 M. dichloromethanicum 91.3 92.5 87.3 84.8 74.3 M. filisawaense 93.2 98.8 89.6 86.9 76.1 M. mesophilicum 93.6 97.1 89.8 86.4 76.4 M. nodulians 1OO 93.0 88.8 85.8 75.1 M. radiotoierans 1OO 89.6 86.5 75.8 R. palustris 100 87.1 75.2 A. timefasciens 1OO 75.6 E. coi 1OO

0258 0259 TABLE 7 TABLE 8

0. Carbon-substrate utilization by Metylobacterium sp. BJ001'. 16S-23S IGS rDNA sequence similarity matrix (%) for Experiments were carried out in mineral liquid medium members of the genus Methyliobacterium. GenBank accession supplemented with NHNO (30 mM N) and various carbon numbers are as follows: BJ001, AY251818; M. extorquens, sources (0.3-0.5% viv or w/v) (69). Growth was monitored AF283375 and AF3381.80; M. organophilum, AF338181 by the OD at 600 nm after 14 days incubation at 28 C. C-Source Growth M. M. extorquiens extorquiens M. organo- Control O Organisms BJOO1 (AF33818.0) (AF293375) philum L-ArabinoseD-Arabinose O D-Fructose -- BJOO1 100 82.1 78.7 66.5 D-Galactose O M. extorquiens 1OO 846 64.6 D-Glucose O (AF338.180) Glycerol -- D-Lactose O M. extorquiens 1OO 65.2 Saccharose O (AF293375) D-Mannose O M. organophilum 1OO D-Xylose O D-Fucose O Methanol -- US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008 22

0261) TABLE 8-continued TABLE 10 Carbon-substrate utilization by Metylobacterium sp. BJ001'. Experiments were carried out in mineral liquid medium Phenotypic characterization of Methylobacterim sp. BJ001'. Dehydrated Supplemented with NHNO (30 mM N) and various carbon carbon-source utilization test based on a set of 49 organic compounds sources (0.3-0.5% viv or w/v) (69). Growth was monitored using API50CH System (Biomerieux, Montalieu-Vercieu, France) and by the OD at 600 nm after 14 days incubation at 28 C. biochemical (enzymatic reactions) test based on a set of 19 enzymatic assays using API ZYM System (Biomerieux C-Source Growth

Ethanol so-Propanol C-Source Control Glycerol Erytritol D-Arabinose L-Aspartate L-Arabinose L-Glutamate Ribose Betaine D-Xylose Formate L-Xylose Acetate Adonitol Propionate B-Methyl-Xyloside Succinate Galactose Oxalate D-Glucose Lactate D-Fructose Citrate D-Mannose Tartrate L-Sorbose Salicylate Rhamnose Dulcitol Pyruvate nositol Fumarate Mannitol Sebacate Sorbitol Formaldehyde" C-Methyl-D-Mannoside Methyamine C-Methyl-D-Glucoside Dimethylamine N-Acetyl-Glucosamine Trimethylamine Amygdaline Chloromethane Arbutine Dichloromethane Esculine Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Saliciline Methane Cellobiose Maltose Nutrient Agar (NA) Lactose Luria-Bertani (LB) Melibiose Saccharose +, Growth; 0, no growth Trehalose 1.25 nM Inuline Atmosphere methane:oxygen 95.5, 90:10, and 80:10% Melezitose Solid medium D-Raffinose +, Growth; 0, no growth Amidon Glycogene Xylitol B-Gentiobiose 0260) D-Turanose D-Lyxose TABLE 9 D-Tagatose D-Fucose Nitrogen-substrate utilization by Methylobacterium sp. BJ001'. D-Arabitol Experiments were carried out in mineral liquid medium Supplemented Gluconate with fructose (0.5% w/v) and various nitrogen sources (30 2-Keto-Gluconate mM N) (69). Growth was monitored by the OD at 600 nm after 5-Keto-Gluconate 14 days incubation at 28 C. Enzymatic Reaction N-Source Growth Control Alkaline Phosphatase Control Esterase (C4) NHCI Esterase Lipase (C8) KNO. L-Alanine Lipase (C14) L-Aspartate Leucine Arylamidase L-Glutamate Valine Arylamidase L-Glutamine Cysteine Arylamidase Glycine Trypsin L-Tryptophane C.-Chymotrypsin Urea Acid Phosphatase Methylamine Naphtol-AS-BI Phosphohydrolase +, Growth; 0, no growth C-Galactosidase US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008 23

TABLE 10-continued TABLE 10-continued

Phenotypic characterization of Methylobacterim sp. BJ001'. Dehydrated Phenotypic characterization of Methylobacterim sp. BJ001'. Dehydrated carbon-source utilization test based on a set of 49 organic compounds carbon-source utilization test based on a set of 49 organic compounds using API50CH System (Biomerieux, Montalieu-Vercieu, France) and using API50CH System (Biomerieux, Montalieu-Vercieu, France) and biochemical (enzymatic reactions) test based on a set of 19 enzymatic biochemical (enzymatic reactions) test based on a set of 19 enzymatic assays using API ZYM System (Biomerieux) assays using API ZYM system (Biomerieux)


B-Galactosidase C-Fucosidase O B-Glucuronase Oxidase -- C-Glucosidase Catalase -- B-Glucosidase N-Acetyl-B- +, Growth positive reaction; 0, no growth negative reaction Glucosaminidase Carried out according to Gerhardt et al. (9) C-Mannosidase 0262)


<160> NUMBER OF SEQ ID NOS : 1 <210> SEQ ID NO 1 &2 11s LENGTH 2276 &212> TYPE DNA <213> ORGANISM: Methylobacterium sp. &22O > FEATURE <221> NAME/KEY: misc feature <222> LOCATION: (1) . . (1477) &223> OTHER INFORMATION: 16S rRNA gene sequence &22O > FEATURE <221> NAME/KEY: misc feature <222> LOCATION: (1478) ... (2110) &223> OTHER INFORMATION 16S-23S Intergenic Spacer &22O > FEATURE <221> NAME/KEY: misc feature <222> LOCATION: (2111) . . (2276) &223> OTHER INFORMATION: 23S rRNA gene <400 SEQUENCE: 1

agg gtttgat cotggcticag agcgaacgct ggcggCagg C catg caagttcgaac 60

gggcttcttic ggaagttcagt gg Cagacggg tgagtaacac gtgggaacgt gcc.citt.cggit 120 toggaataac to agggaaac ttgagctaat accggatacg cc cittacggg gaaaggttta 18O citgcc galagg atcggcc.cgc gtctgattag cittgttggtg gggtaacggc ctaccalaggc 240 gacgatcagt agctdgtotg agaggatgat cago cacact gggact gaga CacggCCC ag 3OO acticcitacgg gaggcagcag tggggaatat tgga caatgg gc gcaa.gcct 360 tgcc.gc.gtga gtgatgaagg ccittagg gtt gtaaagctot tttgtc.cggg acgataatga 420 cggtaccgga agaataagcc cc.ggctaact togt gcc agc agcc.gcggta atacga aggg 480 ggctago gtt gctoggaatc actggg.cgta aaggg.cgcgt. aggcggc.cga ttalagtoggg 540 ggtgaaagcc totggctcaa ccacaga att gcc titcgata citggttggct to agaccgga 600

agaggacagc ggaactg.cga gtgtagaggit gaaattic gta gatattogca agaacaccag 660

tgg.cgaaggc ggctgtctgg to cqgttctg acgctgaggc gC gaaag.cgt ggggagcaaa 720 US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008 24

-continued caggattaga taccctggta taaacgatga atgcc agcc.g. ttggcctgct 78O tgcaggtoag togc.gc.cgct aacgcattaa goatt.ccgcc tiggggagtac ggtogcaaga 840 ttaaaactica aaggaattga cqgggg.ccc.g. cacaag.cggt ggagcatgtg gttta attcg 9 OO aa.gcaa.cacg cagaac citta coatc.ccttg acatggcato ttaccto gag agatcgggga 96.O to citctitcgg aggcgtgcac acaggtgctg catggctgtc. gtcagotcgt gtcgtgagat O20 gttgggittaa cacgtc.citta gttgc catca ttcagttggg O8O cactictaggg agactg.ccgg togataag.ccg cqaggaaggt gtggatgacg toaagtc.ctic 14 O atggcc citta cqggatgggc tacacacgtg citacaatggc ggtgacagt g g gacgcgaaa 200 cc.gc gaggitt gag caaatcc ccaaaag.ccg. tcticagttcg gattgcactic togcaacticgg 260 gtgcatgaag goggaatcgc tagtaatcgt ggatcagdac gocacggtga atacgttcc c 320 gggc cittgta gtcacaccat gggagttggit cittaccc.gac gg.cgctg.cgc 38O Calacc.gcaag ggggcaggcg accacggtag ggtcagogac toggggtgaag togtaacaag 4 40 gtag cogtag g g galacct gc cct cotttct aag gatgttt cittittgg gag 5 OO tittggctocq goc gatctgc tactc.gagac gito attggat acatgaagcc cagtcagggc 560 titcgattggc ggg acctgga togtttctot ttcto atcc g gataag.cggg 62O atcgctggac gcggcgttgc gtgatgcaac ggctgtcgat C gggC gaccg gctggggcct 680 gtag Ctcagg toggttagagc gCaccCCtga taagggtgag gtcggacgtt cq agtcgtoc 740 caggcc cacc atgatcaggg gacgtagotc agctgggaga gcagttgctt togcaa.gcatc 800 aggtogtogg titc toc gttctoca ccago gottc titcgtgaggc gcggtcgitat 860 cc.ggagagag agtgcaagtt toccottgtg agtgctdagc gcc.gcaggc g g cattgatat 920 cgaacatcgt gaa gagggaa totggcc.gca ggttcc.gcga aag.cgggtog cct gttgcag 98O gtoatgttcg gcaa.gcatgt gatgcgggitt cog agaggag cct gcatcac togtotttat 20 40 cgtgaccgtg gctgggtgat cqg cagoagc titagctocto cqgatcacac cqgacatcga 2100 to atgaga.gc gatcaagtgc cittaa gag ca titcggtggat gcc.ittgg.cgc tigagaggcga 216 O tgaaggacgt ggtacgctgc gataagccitt goggagctgc gaacgagctt to atcCaggg 2220 attitcc gaat ggggcaa.ccc ggaatcga at toccg.cggcc gcc atgg.cgg cc.ggga 2276

1. (canceled) 4. A composition comprising: 2. An isolated Methylobacterium comprising a nucleotide an aqueous slurry of solid material comprising a nitroaro sequence having at least 95% identity to the 16S ribosomal matic or a nitramine compound, wherein said aqueous DNA and 16S-23S IGS DNA sequence of nucleotides slurry is 30% solid material (w/w); and 1-2110 of SEQID NO: 1, and wherein said isolated Methy a Methylobacterium comprising a nucleotide sequence lobacterium degrades nitramine and nitroaromatic com having at least 95% identity to the 16S ribosomal DNA pounds. and 16S-23S IGS DNA sequence of nucleotides 1-2110 3. A composition comprising: of SEQ ID NO: 1, and wherein said isolated Methylo bacterium degrades nitramine and nitroaromatic com a Methylobacterium comprising a nucleotide sequence pounds. having at least 95% identity to the 16S ribosomal DNA 5. The composition of claim 3, wherein said Methylobac and 16S-23S IGS DNA sequence of nucleotides 1-2110 terium species is present at a density of 10 cells/ml or of SEQ ID NO: 1, and wherein said isolated Methylo greater. bacterium degrades nitramine and nitroaromatic com 6. The composition of claim 3, having a pH in the range pounds; and of pH 3.0 to pH 11.0. 7. The composition of claim 6, wherein the pH is in the a nitroaromatic or a nitramine compound. range of pH 6.0 to pH 8.0. US 2008/0032382 A1 Feb. 7, 2008

8. The composition of claim 3 which is at an oxygen 13. The preparation of claim 12, further comprising an Saturation of 5% to 100% additional microbial species. 9. The composition of claim 8 which is at an oxygen 14. The preparation of claim 13, wherein said additional Saturation of 20% to 100%. microbial species is another member of the genus Methyllo 10. The composition of claim 3, further comprising an bacterium. additional microbial species. 15. The preparation of claim 12, further comprising one or 11. The composition of claim 10, wherein said additional more nutrients for said Methylobacterium. microbial species is another member of the genus Methyllo 16. A kit for the degradation of a nitramine or nitroaro bacterium. matic compound, the kit comprising a Methylobacterium 12. A preparation comprising a viable, dried Methylobac comprising a nucleotide sequence having at least 95% terium comprising a nucleotide sequence having at least identity to the 16S ribosomal DNA and 16S-23S IGS DNA 95% identity to the 16S ribosomal DNA and 16S-23S IGS sequence of nucleotides 1-2110 of SEQ ID NO: 1, and DNA sequence of nucleotides 1-2110 of SEQID NO: 1, and wherein said isolated Methylobacterium degrades nitramine wherein said viable, dried Methylobacterium degrades nit and nitroaromatic compounds. ramine and nitroaromatic compounds k k k k k