CELEBRATING CDPAP in Jeopardy DOH Sued Mayor And MOPD Present Annual Awards Over Proposed Plan Page 3

DiNapoli Audits Medicaid Flaws in System Cause Duplication of Payments Page 3

Accessibility Report Mayor and Commish Update NYers on Progress Page 8

PHOTO BY ANGELA MIELE MELLEDY Most Walkable City Sidewalk Safety Settlement Approved by Court Page 8

Staten Island Special Ed Elementary School Programs Expanded Page 9

Sapolin awardees join Mayor Bill deB- Surpin of Independence Care System, Jill Rothstein AAPD Asks Candidates lasio, fourth from left, and Commissioner of the May- of the Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Li- Questions On Where or’s Office for People with (MOPD) Victor brary, Eric Petersen of the NY Mets, Adam Weinberg Campaigns Stand Calise, foreground, at the 2019 Awards Ceremony. of the Whitney Museum and Carol Olivia Bentinck of Page 10 Displaying their awards are, left to right, Rick Fountain House. he NYC Mayor’s Office Disabilities (MOPD) and the eas of public accommodation, held its annual Sapolin Mayor host the Sapolin Ac- public service, communication TAccessibility Awards cessibility Awards, named in and technology, and employ- on the back lawn at Gracie honor of the late MOPD Com- ment. Mansion with more than 700 missioner Matthew Sapolin. Rick Surpin of Indepen- enjoying a barbeque. Each These awards are present- dence Care System was pre- year in conjunction with the ed to organizations that are sented with the Frieda Zames anniversary of the signing of actively working toward in- Advocacy Award for outstand- VISIT the American with Disabil- clusion and wellness for peo- ing work within the ABLE’S ities Act, the New York City ple with disabilities in the ar- community. WEBSITE Mayor’s Office for People with SEE MORE ADA CELEBRATIONS ON PAGE 7 WWW.ABLENEWS.COM context. and whatthatmeansinthis are fining whothosepeople necessary, without clearly de - voluntary confinement”when some should be forced into “in- ident continuedbysayingthat trigger, notthegun.”Thepres- tal illness and hatred pulls the that “men- shootings andstated issues are arootcauseofmass accusation that mentalhealth once againassertedthefalse on August5,PresidentTrump making. people like the president keep and angry about the excuses ic inactionbyourgovernment also angry.Angryaboutchron the blameonmentalillness. of misdirection to falsely lay the oldmagician’strick tempt political leaderscontinue to at- lives ofthousands, far toomany the ons that havedevastated Instead ofgettingridweap- er incidences of gun violence. curtail mass shootings and oth- control measures that could to enactcommonsensegun over andagainbyfailing United Stateshaveletusdown tion’s capitalandacross the terrorism. creased incidentsofdomestic and ammunitionhasledtoin- weapons easy accesstodeadly ed States’ bigotedbeliefs and in theUnit- violence, isthat uine solutions to rampantgun illness rather thanenactgen- would prefer toblamemental convenient truth forthosewho NEWmass murder. bia, mentalhealthstigmaand YORKsolutions toracism,xenopho- who seekreal,effectivepolicy ABLEfriends, colleaguesandallies stands insolidaritywithour including gun violence, and NEWSPAPERmental illness in allareas, to scapegoat jects attempts Gilroy. ings in Dayton, El Paso and - SEPTEMBERharmed byrecentmassshoot- To theEditor, 2019 PAGE 2 LETTERS DREDF condemnsthepresi- In an address to thenation We are not fooled. We are Elected officialsinthena- The honest,difficult,andin- DREDF unequivocally re- We grievewithallthose TO THEEDITOR - used mostrecentlyinGilroy, capacity magazineslike those ning assaultweaponsandlarge gun show loopholes, and ban- ing backgroundchecks, closing halt massshootingsbyimprov- crete stepsthatcouldactually ing increasingly urgent, con- mental illness rather than tak- not. tragedies. They clearly have ingful steps toprevent such over two decades to take mean- every sixweeks.” After Charleston? One almost every twoandahalfmonths. June 2017,thecountwasone shooting in Charleston, S.C., in tween Columbineandthemass roughly every six months. Be- mass shootingstookplace High School in Littleton, Colo., and wounded24atColumbine in whichtwoteenskilled13 Post, “Before the 1999 shooting nity settings. more lethal in group or commu- make deadly weapons even large capacitymagazines,that ation and to ammunition, like able forwarfarethanrecre sault rifles, that are more suit- array of firearms, including as- to allow easy access to a wide the United States,we continue factor missing elsewhere – in veniently sidesteps one critical the presidentandotherscon- goating ofmentalillness by that occur in theUnitedStates. the number of mass shootings try experiencesanywherenear lent video games, but nocoun ness andpeoplewhoplayvio- home topeoplewithmentalill- remains clear–allnationsare political rhetoric, and thismuch tention fromtheir own failures. misguided, italsodistractsat- tions togunviolenceisnotonly failing toacton available solu- health issuewhilerepeatedly ing massmurderasamental lence withmentalillness. Cast- hatred, bigotryandgun vio- posefully confuse and conflate dent’s wordsthatseemtopur- To continue to stigmatize Our governmenthashad Last weektherewerethree. According to the Washington The unsubstantiatedscape- Cast asidetheself-serving - - bring peoplewithdisabilities tal intellectual and developmen- tion toensure that peoplewith cating forde-institutionaliza- The Arc has focusedonadvo- and abuse. For nearly70years, and subject to horrific torture imprisoned against their wills all different disabilities were of thepast,wherepeoplewith calls toreopentheinstitutions ents arealltoofamiliarwith tal healthneeds. stitutions for people with men- ments about creating new in- on President Trump’s com- leased thefollowing statement for decadestoclosethem,re- jected institutionsandfought and familymemberswhore- which was foundedbyparents disabilities (I/DD), velopmental people with intellectual and de- est civilrightsorganizationfor To theEditor, complicit. the president are increasingly liction of duty. Congress and El PasoandDaytonisadere- building thecommunityser services. accompanying supports and their familiesandpeers,with munities oftheirchoiceamong independent lives in the com abilities canlivemeaningful, support communityliving. critical servicestheyrequireto tal illness, have access to the diagnoses ofI/DDandmen but especiallythosewithdual people withalldisabilities, have sofartogoensurethat vices weneed,andstill the disabilitycommunity. harmful and discriminatory to causes violence is inaccurate, guided ideathatmentalillness perpetrators ofit.Themis- victims ofviolentcrime than illness are farmorelikelytobe The Arc and our constitu- The Arc,thenation’slarg- We have spent decades Re-institutionalization People with I/DD and mental Disability RightsEducation disabilities and other dis Continued onpage16 and DefenseFund. Written by would - - - -

Able NewspaperWill P.O. Box 395, Old Bethpage, NY 11804 right todeclineadvertisingforanyreason. by theerror.occupied reserves the The publisher in advertisementsbeyondthepriceof the space of thepublisher. for errors Able isnot responsible lication maybereprintedwithoutthepermission the content of advertisements. Nopart of this pub- of Able Newspaper. for Advertisers are responsible of theeditor/publisher reflect theview necessarily material doesnot without furtherapproval.Editorial of others andthat the materialmaybepublished of therights the materialisnotaninfringement warrantythat are theauthor’s or art.Submissions manuscripts is assuredforunsolicited sponsibility No re- envelope. stamped by aself-addressed nied assure safe return, manuscripts must be accompa- to However, articles. for suggestions and uscripts N.Y.Court, Bethpage, 11714. man- welcomes Able is published monthly by Melmont Printing, 6 Robert NEWSPAPER.©1994 ABLE fice. Newspaper Able of- N.Y.post Bethpage, at for paid being are icals at P.O. Box 395, Old Bethpage, N.Y. 11804. Period Postmaster: Send addresschangesto Able News United SpinalAssociation Be September13 516 939-2253FAX 516939-0540 October Issueof Social MediaAssistance Deadline forthe Furnished Upon Request Upon Furnished Beth Guarino(emerita) Technical Assistance Fannie Miele(emerita) ABLENEWSPAPER Production Director Angela MieleMelledy Editorial Assistant Disabled inAction Art &Production Anthony Trocchia Melmont Printing Margaret Wenzel Office Manager Advertising Rates Advertising Marilyn Wheeler Jennifer Becker www.ablenews.com [email protected] Ann Imbrogno Staff Writers Published By Edith Prentiss Debbie Simko Louis Melledy Sofie Melledy Jim Weisman Allison Howe Accounting Columnists Publisher - PAGE 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 - NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER ------CDPAP Continued on page 15 DiNapoli recommends that There are processes to confirm goes into being a fiscal in fiscal a into being goes cate premium payments remain unrecovered. pay premium improper in lion ments identified and make re coveries, among several other important remedies. DOH indi haveactions certain that cated already been taken and others will be implemented to address this issue. termediary and the associ ated costs, DOH arbitrarily picked funding levels, based be to it costs what on not an FI, but the amount they wanted to save in the bud get,” said Lindsay Miller, NYAIL. of director executive “Under these new rates, we closure rapid face to expect of FIs around the state, putting the entire consum er directed model at risk.” “Fiscal intermediaries are being forced to consider clos sys downstate a are which nents, up and an York City tem for New state system for recipients in the rest of the state. and resolve cases of multiple CINs managedimproper recover to and care premium payments. Unfor notare those because tunately, fully integrated, many of these cases were not resolved quickly or remain unresolved. Therefore, dupli improper of amounts large the DOH review the $102.1 mil

------Gregg Beratan, director of Center development for Disability for Rights; and the ADAPT member Megan Coffey. Auditors found many break They also found limitations The state’s local departments The local departments use the the Supreme Court’s Olm downs that led to the improper payments, including flaws at the local level for updating incorrect and incomplete applicant infor mation. anddownstate the of usage in upstate Welfare Management YorkNew and (WMS) Systems State of Health (NYSOH) system flaws that failed to notify DOH’s payment system when some resi eligibil Medicaid their lost dents ity. of social services determine eligi certainfor enrollment and bility pro Medicaid the of segments gram. WMS to process applicant data for the various public assistance programs, including Medicaid. compo two of composed is WMS decision, which guar stead decision, antees access to services in the least restrictive setting. attack this let cannot “We on critical services for peo ple with disabilities and se niors go unchecked,” said Bryan O’Malley, executive director “We have offered alternative of struc rate and savings ideas CDPAANYS. tures to the state and have been repeatedly rejected.” “Despite ongoing attempts over the past few months to explain all of the work that


The rate proposed would The rate proposed would DiNapoli’s auditors found this Each individual who applies

PHOTO BY ALEXANDER THOMPSON ALEXANDER BY PHOTO which does not represent busi doing of cost actual the of the state’s Medicaid recipientsMedicaid state’s the of receive their services through MCOs. The DOH pays MCOs a each en premium for monthly uary 2014 to June 2018, DOH inappropriately made $102.1 million in Medicaid payments for managed care premiums on be of 65,961 recipients who hadhalf multiple CINs with active Medic aid eligibility. tive eligibility at a time. Jan From case. the been not has rolled recipient, and then the MCOs pay providers for services required by their members. assignedis benefits Medicaid for NumberIdentification a Client severalhave Individuals (CIN). options for enrolling in Medicaid and as a result may have more them,to assigned CIN one than but only one CIN should have ac ber, per month system. It ber, per month system. It would also dramatically re duce funds available to actu which business, the run ally hour per $0.34 become would or less for services provided. The suit asserts that the new will be unsustainable rates and drive FIs to close their that claim also They doors. violates CDPAP destroying Attending the protest, left to right, are Laura Card- well of the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance state; an unidentified man; York Association of New ness. from reimbursement change an hourly basis to a per mem


group of associations group of associations recent and providers York New the sued ly

New York state paid more The Medicaid program is ais program Medicaid The “System flaws and incorrect “The governor has the the has governor “The Medicaid’s increasingly Medicaid’s increasingly

DOH Tries to Recoup More than 100M in Medicaid $$ to Recoup DOH Tries Advocates Sue Over Plan to Gut Plan Over Sue Advocates

payments to managed care orga care managed to payments than $100 million in duplicate special health care needs. care health special nomically disadvantaged or haveor disadvantaged nomically services to people who are eco ment-funded program that pro medicalrange of wide a vides federal, state and local govern local and state federal, communication.” stakeholders in the Medicaid sys prove efficiency and streamline better job coordinating with all im waste, this eliminate tem to of Health (DOH) needs to do a caused duplicate Medicaid pre Departmentsaid. “The DiNapoli or incomplete information haveinformation incomplete or mium payments for a long time,” Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli. a recent audit by New York state more than four years, according to nizations (MCO) for premiums for ing a new rate for agencies agencies for rate new a ing They allege the DOH violat DOH They allege the ed state laws in formulat fiscal intermediaries (FIs). (NYAIL), as well as 12 indi 12 as well as (NYAIL), as known agencies, vidual the New York Associa tion on Independent Living Care Providers (HCP) and Care Providers (HCP) and State Association of Health State Association of Health PAANYS, the New York PAANYS, the New York Personal Assistance Associ Assistance Personal ation of NYS (CDPAANYS) The suit was filed by CD of the Consumer Directed of the Consumer Directed he oversees all state agen cies,” said Laura Cardwell ability to call it off, because because off, it call to ability Cuomo steps in. Cuomo steps in. Sept 1, unless Gov. Andrew Sept 1, unless Gov. Andrew and it is set to go into effect effect into set to go is and it ardizes the entire program, program, entire the ardizes policy statement that jeop that statement policy own services. DOH issued a a issued DOH services. own them to take charge of their their of charge take to them their community by allowing their community by allowing seniors and disabled live in in live disabled and seniors Program (CDPAP). 90,000 lets CDPAP popular rected Personal Assistance rected Personal Assistance bankrupt the Consumer Di bankrupt the policy that they claim will policy that they claim will (DOH) because of a funding of a funding (DOH) because state Department of Health of Health state Department A N ported andactionsaretaken. health facilities is properly re- and mistreatment in mental help preventtragediesifabuse oli. “Jonathan’sLawcanonly kept inthedark,”saidDiNap- ents andfamilymembersare greater risk when their par- Napoli. State ComptrollerThomasDi- dit recentlyreleasedtodayby neglect, accordingtoanau- fied ofincidentsabuseand guardians areproperlynoti- pharmacy counter.Currently, rience medication denials at the for PartDenrolleeswhoexpe- providers. people withMedicareandtheir the system less burdensome for Part Dappealsprocess,making necessary stepsintheMedicare bill thatwouldeliminateun- cently introduced a bipartisan and JohnCornyn(R-Tex.)re- NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER - SEPTEMBER 2019 PAGE 4 Senate BillAimstoImprove Process Appeals Medicare OMH Audited For Abuse Failure toReport “Vulnerable patientsareat It wouldsimplifytheprocess Sens. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) Kew 11415Gardens, NY 400 Suite Kew80-02 Rd, Gardens Queens New York, NY 10003 841 Broadway, Suite 301 Manhattan of theDisabled,NY Center forIndependence • • • • • • • people withdisabilities… NY Connectscanhelp CID Find housing— Apply for benefits Medicare, and health insurance Get answers about Medicaid, Learn about supports in caregiving Find transportation— Understand care options— Remain independent • Learn housing options Learn about caregiver supports Discover transportation options Understand paths to care ing thatparentsand facilities are not ensur- ew York’smentalhealth • NY Brooklyn, NY 11201 NY Brooklyn, 27 Smith St, #250 Disabled (BCID) Independence ofthe Brooklyn Centerfor Staten Island,Staten 10301 NY 56 Bay St, 4th Floor of StatenIsland(CHASI) Community HealthAction Call 1-844- Call Conne NY their plan. request aformalappealfrom mination, may the beneficiary request, calledacoveragedeter- ten denialinresponsetothis the plan. file anexceptionrequestwith their prescribingphysicianto tion, they must then work with plan will not cover a prescrip- the pharmacy that their Part D when beneficiaries are told at incidents involvingfamily access torecordsrelating ents, spousesandguardians Law was enacted to give par- pected abuseandneglect. changes intreatmentandsus- plained injuries,unauthorized tion concerningseveralunex- tiple timestoobtaininforma- parents hadattemptedmul- the careofastatefacility.His with autism,diedwhilein a 13-year-old non-verbal boy requirements.” ensure facilities are meeting State officials must do more to Only uponreceiptofawrit- Later that year, Jonathan’s In 2007,JonathanCarey, cts can help!cts 1-800-342-9871 Locations andPartners 862-7930 Bronx, NY 10457 NY Bronx, 4419 Third Ave, #2C Living Services(BILS) Bronx Independent Services andSupports Your LinktoLongTerm NY Connects rect policy assistance and re- (ODEP). SEEDprovidesdi- ability Employment Policy ment ofLabor’sOfficeDis- tiative fundedbytheDepart- (SEED), afederal-stateini- Employment andDisability of theStateExchangeon the governorstomakeuse tion. routinely trackthisinforma- Currently, onlyafewstates results withotherstates. practices andcomparetheir to betterassesstheirhiring ployment dataallowsstates ment, trackingdisabilityem- ees withdisabilities. the numbersofstateemploy- aging themtocollectdataon America’s governorsencour- cently sentletterstoallof Labor Patrick Pizzella re- facilities wasexamined.Audi- Jan. 9, 2019, a sample of eight period April1,2015through ate privatefacilities.Forthe than 650providersthatoper- ters andtheoversightofmore tion of 24 state psychiatric cen- patient. that mayresultinharmtoa ical abuse,neglectorincidents physical, sexualorpsycholog- der Jonathan’s Law involve cies. Reportableincidentsun- (OMH) and other stateagen- by the Office of Mental Health operated, licensedorcertified members residinginfacilities this process,limitingdelaysin medication.” too long to go without needed disabilities, this is dangerously older adults and people with up toseveraldays.Formany calls andlongwaittimes,often which mayinvolvemanyphone scriber onmultipleoccasions, both theirplanandpre- Medicare tocorrespondwith (MRC). “It requires people with of theMedicareRightsCenter said FredRiccardi,president overly onerousforallinvolved,” Pizzella alsoencouraged Although notarequire- Acting U.S.Secretaryof The billwouldstreamline “This multi-step process is OMH managestheopera- Improve HiringandTracking DOL Urges Governors to Governors DOL Urges ed issues. disability employment-relat- and legislaturesonvarious sources to governors’ offices people withdisabilities. ment success,isinclusiveto el policy, critical to employ- tance toensurethatstate-lev- ples and offer policy assis- promote positivestateexam- ly data,reviewpolicyoptions, policymakers toprovidetime- zations thatrepresentstate works directlywithorgani- zella. their chosen field,” said Piz- can to secure employment in shared goalforeveryAmeri- with disabilities meet our significantly helpAmericans formation fromstatescan and technology. development, transportation not providingthemwithinthe ians whenrequestedorare records to parents and guard- ties do not always provide all ported toapatient’sguardian. er, 42incidentswerenotre- 24 hoursofincidents.Howev- for notifying guardians within ties hadestablishedpractices athan’s Lawrequirements. ties were complying with Jon- state andprivately-runfacili- tively monitorwhetherthese implement processestoeffec- tors foundthatOMHdidnot higher costs,”saidRiccardi. cols, worsehealthoutcomesand adherence totreatmentproto- scribed medications, reduced scriptions, abandonment of pre- delays inaccesstoneededpre- appeals process,resultingin to navigate the highly complex many PartDenrolleesstruggle mination. to qualifyasacoveragedeter- denial atthepharmacycounter and prescribers,byallowinga istrative requirementsforplans therapies and reducing admin- beneficiary accesstoneeded “Promoting valuablein- Thisincludedworkforce Through SEED,ODEP Auditors alsofoundfacili- Auditors foundthatfacili- “We consistently observe that Continued onpage15 PAGE 5 SEPTEMBER 2019 - NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER PHOTO COURTESY OF IOWA STARTING LINE - It was part of Gillibrand’s week-long campaign stop through The event focused on disability issues and policies. Disability has first-hand knowledge of disability issues. Harkin is a long-time a is Harkin issues. disability of knowledge first-hand has disability rights champion. rights advocates participated in the forum, as well Pam Jochum, whose late daughter had physical disabilities. as Iowa Sen. Iowa. She made several pledges at the forum with regard to disabil to regard with forum the at pledges several made She Iowa. ity rights in the legal system and in . - - - Gillibrand and Harkin Host Iowa Forum On Disability and Harkin Host Iowa Gillibrand She said she believes that a president should have a very di verse cabinet of people from various backgrounds and experienc who es, including someone to represent the disability community Former Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), third from left, speaks at a Sen. Fo candidate Presidential Iowa. in held recently Disability on rum Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), third from right, co-hosted the with forum Harkin. She declared that if she is elected, someone with disabilities in her cabinet. she will appoint NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER - SEPTEMBER 2019 PAGE 6 (between Amsterdam&WestEndAve.) Located at250West64thS For moreinformationcall212-769-6313 • • • We provide: medical issues. functional visionandweaddressunderlying specialized programs tomaximizeyour coordinated visionandhealthcare.We have Lighthouse GuildHealthCenterprovides insurance plans. We are aMedicareandMedicaidprovider andacceptmany We canhelp! needs? loss orhealthcare diabetes, vision Do you have services Vision rehabilitation specialty physicians Primary careand education self-management Diabetes careand lighthouseguild.org @LighthouseGuild @LighthouseGld @LighthouseGuild • • • management and medication treatment day group therapy, individual and services including Behavioral health Occupational therapy t reet

CHIEF EXECUTIVEOFFICER BY JAMESWEISMAN J 250 percentofthepovertylevel. private unsubsidized health insurance; having income at least unlikely tobeableprovidefinancialsupport. glish skills sufficient to enterthejobmarket;or having asponsor having alowcreditscore;, lacking a college degree;lackingEn- reasonably foreseeablemedicalcosts; having financial liabilities; tion that interferes with work or school; lacking money to cover 125 percentofthefederalpovertylevel;havingamedicalcondi- sider negativeevidence-havingahouseholdincomelessthan card holderswillnotbesubjecttothenewstandard. efits. one month,itwillcount asreceivingtwomonths’worthofben- in theaggregate–meaning,ifyoureceiveSSIandMedicaid considered a“publiccharge.”However,benefitsare months of public benefits during a 36-monthperiod, they can be against asylumseekersandotherat-riskpopulations. delivered in school settings. Receipt of Medicaid will not be held en willnotbecountednorservices funded byMedicaidbut for rentalassistancewillbeheldagainstgreencardapplicants. plemental NutritionAssistanceProgramandSection8vouchers charge.” CashbenefitslikeSSI,non-emergencyMedicaid,Sup- benefits, receiptofwhich could renderanindividual“apublic the categoryof or tobegrantedentry,theregulationexpands self-sufficiency. DHS’s intentiontodiscriminateagainstPWDs–justensure PWDs, nor wasit rule thatCongressdidnotintendtoexempt in responsetocommentsontheproposed DHS evenadmitted child orneedhelpwithhealthcare, food orhousing at sometime. they arrive, gethurt in an accident after arrival, have adisabled are poor. most immigrantsseekingtoleavetheircountryandenterours “self-sufficient” immigrants,therulecruellyignoresfactthat ly tobecomea“publiccharge.”Intendedpromotetheentry of try ordeny“greencard”residentstatus. land Security (DHS) can exclude applicants for entry to our coun pand the circumstances under which the Department of Home- I waswrong. “Vote likethequalityofyourlifedependsonit.”Justinwasright. abilities (PWDs) to registervote,butactuallythoughtitmeant, was abitoverthetop.Irepeatedittomotivatepeoplewithdis- his advocacy,butIthought,“Votelikeyourlifedependsonit,” it. Itdoes.” to say,“Votelikeyourlifedependson UNITED SPINAL According to DHS, this is evidence of self-sufficiency - having Here aresomeexamplesofwhattheadministrationwillcon- The rulestatesthatifanindividualreceivesmorethan12 Medicaid benefits for children under 21 andpregnant wom- To makeitmoredifficultforimmigrantstoreceivegreencards disabilities after have disabilitiesorcoulddevelop Some may The rule would permit DHS to barentry to anindividuallike- The Trump Administration released final regulations that ex- I knew Justin, andalwaysadmired Proof ThatLivesDependon Your Vote

with DisabilitiesAct(ADA),used to asthefather of theAmericans ustin Dart,sometimesreferred Incidentally, the rule is not retroactive, so current green Continued onpage16

NOW - PAGE 7 SEPTEMBER 2019 - NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER Grand Marshal the of 2019 Pride Disability Parade Advo- cate Nadina LaSpi- from left, third na, prepares step for the LaDon- Mary with off ne, left, and MOPD Commissioner - Vic tor Calise, right. Thousands marched this year’s parade. in ears A member A of Heidi Latsky Dance “On Display.” Edith Prentiss and Dir. Christina Curry of the Harlem Independent Center enjoy the evening. PHOTO COURTESY OF N.Y. YANKEES - SAPOLIN AWARDS SAPOLIN 29 Y 29 elebrating YANKEE HONORS YANKEE

MOPD Commissioner Victor Calise and General Counsel Kleo


dignitaries including MOPD Commissioner Victor Calise, Assembly far right. State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, (D-Dist. 24), and N.Y. Grand Marshal Nadina LaSpina addresses the crowd surrounded by person Jo Anne Simon (D-Dist. 52), Assemblyperson David Weprin

looks on. Yankee outfielder Mike Tauchman congratulates him. outfielder Mike Yankee looks on. King, left to right, present the certificate to Weisman as his wife Holly wife his as Weisman to certificate the present right, to left King, across the country. access to transportation for users in New York City and the Bronx, for his dedicated advocacy to expand disability rights and rights disability expand to advocacy dedicated his for Bronx, the Disabilities during Disability Awareness Night at Yankee Stadium in Certificate of Recognition from the Mayor’s Office for People With United Spinal president and CEO James Weisman was awarded a

for the Awards Ceremony. Awards for the Carr Massi joins the large crowd that assembled at Gracie Mansion N

cle sector. The Departmentof cessibility in the for-hire-vehi wheelchair and mandated ac- the number of accessible taxis (TLC) has steadily increased and Limousine Commission have beenmade.TheTaxi report statesthatgreatstrides disabilities.” great equalizerforpeoplewith new section on technology, the previous reportsandaddsa of Accessible NYC builds on our said Calise. “The fourth edition NEWdisabilities in all facets of life,” sibility for New Yorkers with YORKcontinued to improveacces- cation. ABLEaccess to cityservices and edu- es, housing, health, technology, NEWSPAPERfinanc- portation, employment, abilities intheareasoftrans- life forNewYorkers with dis- have improvedthequalityof programs andinitiativesthat - SEPTEMBERal ly released their fourth annu- missioner VictorCaliserecent- with Disabilities (MOPD) Com- 2019 PAGE 8 Report Illustrates City’sReport AccessibilityProgress As fortransportation,the year, wehave “Over thepast exclusion frompublicandsociallife. not throughcure,butorganizing toend dards ofnormalcy, showingthatfreedomcomes the storyofherliberationfromoppressive stan- Nadina LaSpina,adisabilityrights activist tells Accessible NYC report on or’s OfficeforPeople de Blasioand theMay- ew York City Mayor Bill - Telecommunications and Tech- the Department of Information ty Coordinatorisworking with care forpeoplewithdisabilities. access toreproductivehealth MOPD isworkingtoincrease tal in September. Additionally, be heldatNYU LangoneHospi impaired todevelopaforum uals who are deaf and hearing nizations representing individ to theresident. from existinghomesatnocost remove architecturalbarriers MOPD has anewinitiativeto tions to current housing units. portunities to providemodifica- housing andcreatingmoreop- develop additionalaccessible their families. coaching to individualsand bility. Itprovidesfree finance abilities improvefinancial sta- gram tohelppeoplewithdis- transit andAccess-A-Ride. ing made with regard to mass and ramps.Progress is also be- of accessible pedestrian signals tinued toincreasethenumber Transportation (DOT) has con- The cityiscontinuing to NYC is apro- Empowered The city’sDigitalAccessibili MOPD is working with orga A StoryofStruggle, Empowerment and Disability Pride Pretty Girl” & LocalBookStores Press, Amazon.com Available atNYU “Such a - - - - committed tomakingeverycor- security. disabilities inthefieldofcyber with certify andplacepeople curity Academy thatwill train, and Cisco to launch a CyberSe- stitute forCareerDevelopment MOPD partnered with the In- organizations. Additionally, agencies, aswellprivate nerships withcityandstate tive employers through part- disabilities directlytoprospec- nect atalentpoolofpeoplewith and otherprogramswill con- city’s NYC ATWORKinitiative employment outcomes, the inclusion conferences. Communications toholddigital the Mayor’sOffice of Creative addition, MOPD partners with all otherdigitalproducts.In cessibility of citywebsites and report notes the progress of ac- accessibility report.This digital nology topublishtheirsecond for mobility,” said Michelle Cai or for those who use a wheelchair including for those who are blind most walkablecityinthenation, allowing ittotrulybecomethe turning pointforNewYorkCity, sively-sloped ramps. The first was filed in 1994, and The firstwasfiledin1994,and separate class action lawsuits. oversee theagreement. work. Anoutsidemonitorwill ule for completing the necessary upgraded. It also calls for a sched ners needcurbcutsinstalledor wide surveyto identify whichcor ering packages.” ers with luggageandthosedeliv people pushing strollers, travel with disabilities,butalsobenefit walks areessentialforpeople igation. “ADA-compliantside (DRA) managingdirectoroflit ola, DisabilityRightsAdvocates inaccessible curbcutsandexces disability community,including accessibility forNewYorkCity’s dramatically improvesidewalk comprehensive remedialplanto settlement that establishes a recently approvedaclassaction Southern District of New York “The administrationhas In anefforttoimprove “This agreement marks a “This agreementmarksa The settlement resolves two The settlement resolves two The agreementrequiresacity Judge George Daniels of the Judge GeorgeDanielsofthe Court Approves Sidewalk Court Safety Settlement

------for EqualAccess. dent LivingCenterandUnited abled inAction,HarlemIndepen dependence oftheDisabled,Dis Services, Brooklyn Center for In Blind, Bronx Independent Living cluding American Council of the support to the settlement, in other organizationsleanttheir safer becauseoftheselawsuits.” streets ofNewYorkCitywillbe of thelawthatrequiresit, almost 30yearsafterpassage Director Susan Dooha. or family,” said CIDNY Executive and classesorgooutwithfriends the streetjusttogotheirjobs lives intheirhandswhilecrossing chairs shouldn’thavetotaketheir ple whousewalkersandwheel holes. the cutorleddirectlyintopot tained high lips at the bottom of lacked detectiblewarnings,con crumbling, toosteeptonavigate, Manhattan thatwerebrokenand dangerous pedestrianrampsin two individuals who challenged Disabled NewYork(CIDNY)and Center for Independence of the cent casewasfiledin2014bythe Spinal Association. Themorere initially settledin2002byUnited www.nyc.gov/accessiblenyc. Living Services. rector of Bronx Independent Brett Eisenberg, executive di- York Cityhastooffer,” said can allenjoyeverythingNew cessibility foreveryonesowe ing yeartofurtherenhanceac- work with MOPD in the com- look forwardtocontinuing and overallaccessibility. We powerment, civic engagement tives includingfinancialem- past yearon important initia- other cityagencies over the very closely with MOPD and United SpinalAssociation. James Weisman, president of plaud the mayor’s efforts,” too. We acknowledge and ap- rideshare services accessible to maketaxis,liveriesand this effort,andisworking hard ed resources andpersonnelto chair accessible,hasdedicat- ner in New York City wheel- In addition to DRA, several In additiontoDRA,several To view the full report visit “BILS hasenjoyedworking “People who are blind and peo

“Finally, “Finally, said ------PAGE 9 SEPTEMBER 2019 - NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER - - - - Continued on page 17 The EEOC and DRA are are DRA and EEOC The “The FDNY recruits veter “The FDNY recruits This past April, Reilly Reilly April, past This would have to be willing to to willing be to have would travel to another borough. ous record of PTSD. the of level school middle The be ACES Program will also to Intermediate expanding will it addition, In 34. School continue to be offered at In termediate School 75, McK ee High School and Wagner High School. wrote a letter to Chancellor express to Carranza Richard ing the FDNY’s conclusions.” the FDNY’s ing so. This ans, and deservedly the that demonstrates ruling military value cannot FDNY people for service but punish getting mental health care after that service,” said Maia Goodell, Supervising Attorney at Disability Rights Advocates the (and herself a veteran of Navy). with issue the resolve to trying group a of behalf on FDNY the were who applicants FDNY of disqualified due to their previ ------“There is is “There “Plenty of active, success active, of “Plenty “Everyone in the hiring “Everyone in the hiring Public School 58 will be the Public School 58 will be the discrimination,” said Leop discrimination,” no scientific evidence back other advocates spent many months trying to convince the DOE to roll the program out in full on Staten Island, of where it had only been fered locally to middle and but not school students, high elementary school students. first Staten Island elementa ry school to offer the ACES Previously, fall. this Program parents who wanted to enroll their child in the program old. have a FDNY firefighters ful and do the job PTSD diagnosis any just fine. It doesn’t make new fire sense to disqualify fighters for it.” qualified on a blanket basis Mi said stereotypes,” to due di chelle Caiola, managing City York New the of rector office of Disability Rights (DRA). Advocates process has the right to be be process has the right to an treated and assessed on dis not basis, individual ------RAMPS STAIRLIFTS recently an recently The EEOC EEOC The CEILING LIFTS HOME MODIFICATIONS “Veterans groups have “Veterans groups have It will allow students with It will allow students with Assemblymember Michael Assemblymember Michael Special Ed Program Island in Staten Expanded Reilly (R-Dist.62) Reilly intellectual disabilities, such intellectual disabilities, such as down syndrome, an oppor gram will be expanding on gram will be expanding on Staten Island, just in time for the 2019-2020 school year. their local learn in tunity to community school. Reilly and nounced that the New York nounced that the New York City Department of Education’s (DOE) Academics, Career, and Essential Skills (ACES) Pro vious diagnosis of PTSD that of PTSD that vious diagnosis and the candi were years old if any, remain dates had few, symptoms. ing can these of many that found qualified likely were didates did for the job, but the FDNY not even consider them based on outdated medical informa tion and speculation. time that a long known for the FDNY was doing this, and I’m glad the EEOC called this what it is – unfair and illegal fused to hire about 70 percent 70 percent fused to hire about Many of of the candidates. had a pre these candidates ------

he federal Equal Em he federal Equal ployment Opportunity (EEOC) Commission He applied to become a a become to applied He

95A EDISON AVE. WEST BABYLON, NY 631 203-8781 95A EDISON AVE. WEST BABYLON, NY 631 203-8781 The EEOC determined The EEOC determined The EEOC concluded that According to Leopold, after According to Leopold, after

One of those veterans is Jo is veterans those of One Now Serving New York For All Accessible Van Needs For Now Serving New York

FDNY ChargedFDNY Vets Against Discriminating with recently issued the determina recently issued to be firefighters but then re FDNY position due to a previ position FDNY ans with disabilities to apply applicant who was denied a applicant who was denied a and Leopold was not the only and Leopold was not the only that this was discrimination, discrimination, was this that ous mental health diagnosis. the FDNY encouraged veter PTSD diagnosis. disqualified based only on his his disqualified based only on a FDNY psychiatrist, he was a FDNY psychiatrist, he was a 15-minute interview with with interview 15-minute a

chological tests. 2012. a volunteer firefighter through a volunteer firefighter through passed their physical and psy Marines in 2005, and became became and 2005, in Marines FDNY firefighter in 2011, and ably discharged from the U.S. ably discharged from the U.S. seph Leopold, who was honor firefighter hiring process. stress disorder (PTSD) in its its stress disorder (PTSD) in a history of post-traumatic a history of post-traumatic of New York (FDNY) discrim of New York with veterans against inates tion that the Fire Department Department tion that the Fire T T ating a high demand for skilled and global competitionare cre- historically lowunemployment cess, especially in an era when play in America’s economic suc that people with disabilities to emphasize theessentialrole Talent, RightNow”. (NDEAM) will be “The Right Employment Awareness Month for the 2019NationalDisability campaign hasbeenaskedto ple withdisabilities.Each ety ofissuesthatimpactpeo candidates standonavari voters determinewherethese idential candidates. been sent to all the 2020 pres disability policies, which has presidential questionnaire on ing (NCIL) havedevelopeda Council onIndependentLiv (AAPD) and theNational of PeoplewithDisabilities NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER - SEPTEMBER 2019 PAGE 10 Theme Announcedfor October’sTheme NDEAM OPPORTUNITIES INABLE’SOCTOBER, AAPD Reaches OuttoCandidates onPolicy Stances NOVEMBER ANDDECEMBERISSUES This year’sthemeismeant Their answers will help The We CanAccomodateEveryBudget PEOPLE NEEDTOKNOWABOUT And LockinPricingFor2020 PRINT/ONLINE COMBINATIONS announced Labor (DOL)recently he U.S. Department of LET USADVISEYOUONYOUR YOUR PRODUCTANDSERVICE BEST ADVERTISINGOPTIONS American Association ABLE HASONLINEADSAND DON’T MISSOUTON 516 939-2253 CALL USNOW the theme - - - - - ident ofAAPD.“Ourorgani vote,” saidMariaTown,pres dates to engage the disability age all the presidential candi abilities in2020.Weencour lion eligible voters with dis bate onanongoingbasis. posted after the October de All late responses will be tember presidentialdebate. with votersbeforetheSep can share their responses Sept. 6,soAAPDandNCIL return the questionnaire by right talent,now.” als with disabilities havethe and achievesuccess. Individu- on howtotacklechallenges employers diverseperspectives dividuals withdisabilitiesoffer of Labor Alexander Acosta. “In- and economy,”saidSecretary ue andtalenttoourworkforce significant val- disabilities add NDEAM. Policy (ODEP)administers fice of Disability Employment talent. DOL’s Department’s Of- “Every day,individualswith “There will be over 35 mil ------out to the presidential can encourage voters to reach utive directorofNCIL.“We said KellyBuckland,exec empower our community,” engage ininitiativesthat on disabilitypoliciesand candidates to stay informed sues withthecandidates.” speaking outaboutcriticalis powering ourcommunityand zations arecommittedtoem tional Employ the Physically first week in October as Na- when Congress declared the do so. and supports to enablethem should haveaccess to services It also acknowledges that they who want towork can work. to ensurethatallAmericans inclusive policies andpractices, emphasizing the importance of ica’s workers with disabilities, ber, NDEAM celebrates Amer- the programsandservicesforstrokepatients. hensive stroke rehabilitation program, where she oversees of careprograms.Sheisalsothedirector of the compre- profes- sional associationsandeditorialboards. various in roles leadership in serves and awards teaching 15 of recipient the is She services. and programs Burke’s of expansion the as well as hospital; the of tions opera- clinical the oversees Oh-Park academia. and ence sci- medicine; startups; organizations; care health in ing in Women Notable 2019 Health Careby “Crain’s named New York Business.” recently were Oh-Park Mooyeon Officer Medical Chief and left, Dohle, Carolin cer Offi- Medical Chief Hospital Assistant Rehabilitation Burke “It isimportantforthe NDEAM began in 1945, Observed annually in Octo- Dohle oversees the hospital’s patient safety and quality and safety patient hospital’s the oversees Dohle Crain’s Rehab LeadersRecognized annual list celebrates outstanding women work- women outstanding celebrates list annual - - - -

dential-questionnaire. press-releases/2020-presi is availableatwww.aapd.com/ ployment andeducation. emergency preparedness,em climate change,healthcare, categories suchascivilrights, The questionnaireissplitinto and requesttheirresponses.” presidential questionnaire social media,tosharethe didates, includingthrough odep/topics/ndeam. information atwww.dol.gov/ participating inNDEAMtoget all organizationsinterestedin for NDEAM.ODEPwelcomes which assumed responsibility the DOLestablishedODEP, the nametoNDEAM.In2001, the weektoamonthandchanged of disabilities. clude individuals with all types ly” wasremovedinorderto- the use of the word “physical- Week. In1962, Handicapped A copyofthequestionnaire In 1988,Congressexpanded

- -

PAGE 11 SEPTEMBER 2019 - NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER - - - t, ld Community oyees on the per week). raining and/or ADA ADA program; d employees to Department, Department, ersey 07042 vities, Township ode in any other d compliance and bject to the ADA or ADA the to bject fi nish. The position The nish. fi tion issues ensures issues tion nnel administration perform the work of oncerns. Other duties include ccessibility guidelines guidelines ccessibility ures that workers with utreach to employees a position that involved that position a

The TCC works to bring aboutbring to works TCC The ates a pipeline of lawyers with dis abilities to populate the bench and hold elected office. It was founded congressmem a former Coelho, by ber and disability rights icon. L.A. County’s Disability Athletics Faire, disability pride parade and asserving While activities. related U.S. secretary of labor under Pres. advocatetireless a was she Obama, disabilities infor individuals with the workplace. positive change on disability issues, leverages technology to advance the lives of the disabled, and cre - - - ective and reasonable accommodations; develops accommodations; reasonable and ective ective and reasonable accommodations allowing them EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY or email: [email protected] Job posting will remain open until position is fi lled. Job posting will remain open until position is fi Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator (Part-Time) Americans with Disabilities : EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Township of Montclair, 205 Claremont Avenue, Montclair, New J Montclair, Avenue, 205 Claremont of Montclair, Township Ms. Braedon Gregory, HRIS Coordinator, Human Resources HRIS Coordinator, Ms. Braedon Gregory, airs or a department which oversees the Uniform Construction C All four officeholders have abeen has Solis Meanwhile, rights and duties under the ADA; coordinates with management an compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies; ass to work productively and safely; assure Township-Sponsored acti upon and administer the ADA accommodation program from start to start from program accommodation ADA the administer and upon but are not limited to es the and following: performs Identifi o possibly requiring accommodations; educates management and empl eff employees provide and develop written materials and develops and maintains other internal measures to track ADA status an informational accommoda and disability all of pieces records documents and maintains regarding the disabilities are provided eff Facilities and events address accessibility and accommodation c business administration or eld related and fi two years of perso Job Title Description: Act (ADA) Coordinator will bui Americans with Disabilities The will also be involved in the Light Duty/Return-to-Work program. managemen Requirements: resource human sciences, social in degree Bachelor’s experience are required (or a combination of education and/or t Closing Date: experience which provides an equivalent background required to su issues accommodation reasonable administering and evaluating Aff the or Association, rans Vete Paralyzed the Architects, of Institute American the State, Association, within twelve (12) months of hire. United Spinal Salary: DOQ twenty one hours three days weekly (not to exceed Hours: Part-Time, Apply: Send resume or application to: the class); a minimum of eighteen (18) months of experience in experience of months (18) eighteen of minimum a class); the a ADA or design barrier-free on course a of completion and §504 which was sponsored or approved by the New Jersey Department of A roundtable included law students with disabilities as well as, left left as, well as disabilities with students law included roundtable A Lamb. side, Lieu, Solis, Coelho and rector. strong experience with disability issues. Lamb recently introduced legislation to automatically elimi nate federal student loan debt for some veterans who are perma nently disabled. Lieu is known for his sponsorship of such bills as the ALS Disability Insurance Act of IntegrationDisability the and 2019 Act of 2019. likeprograms of advocate staunch the fellows. They were joined bythe fellows. They were joined di Katherine Perez, TCC founding ------Lamb and Lieu, both attorneys, Coelho, the architect of the “New York State’s repeal of “Those with disabilities and the religious exemption flies in the face of the IDEA’s purpose to protect these vulnerable chil tect these vulnerable children,” said Kennedy. “Religious rights unconsti is It fundamental. are tutional for the state to deprive people of such important rights when religious animus has played a key role.” sen instead to lock the school and children these to doors house educational to access them deny and other services they desper while so done has It need. ately denying them proper notice, due process and other rights guaran teed under federal law.” their families have had to fight pro to battles difficult and long dren and assure them the right the them assure and dren to access appropriate education al and related services,” said Rosenberg. “New York has cho cussing how he rose to one of the na the of one to rose he how cussing tion’s highest elected offices while overcoming the unique challenges of epilepsy. He then introduced So lis, Lamb and Lieu for comments. engaged in a discussion, as well as a question-and-answer period with abilities who will go on to serve as attorneys, judges, public policy professionals and elected officials. The 15 inaugural TCC fellows were competitively selected from across inthe country for their interest orpursuing careers in law, politics ofother forms of advocacy on behalf those with disabilities. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), began the session by dis ------

Coelho Center for Center Coelho

Loyola Law School in in Loyola Law School he Policy Disability Law, and Innovation (TCC) at

NYS Sued On Religious NYS

Exemption for Vaccines for Exemption

A roundtable was the highlight The six plaintiffs have chil

Attorneys Kim Mack Rosen- Attorneys Kim Mack

Coelho Law Center Hosts Conference Center Hosts Law Coelho ty Law Fellowship. ral Coelho Center Disabili- as part of their inaugu- part as on disability rights issues Hilda Solis for a conference geles County Supervisor Supervisor geles County Lamb (D-Pa.) and Los An- (D-Calif.), U.S. Rep. Conor (D-Calif.), U.S. Coelho, U.S. Rep. Ted Lieu Coelho, U.S. mer House Majority Whip Tony Whip Majority House mer LMU hosted for- recently California pipeline of law students with dis TCC’s mission of creating a stronga creating of mission TCC’s sive program designed to fulfill the Tony Coelho and U.S. Rep. Conor Lamb (D-Pa.). Coelho and U.S. Rep. Tony geles County Supervisor Hilda Solis, former House Majority Whip ed a forum featuring, left to right, Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.), Los An- Los (D-Calif.), Lieu Ted Rep. right, to left featuring, forum a ed The Coelho Center for Policy Disability and Law, Innovation host-

of their weeklong summer inten summer weeklong their of dents receiving vaccines. of religious exemptions for stu- exemptions for religious of from enforcing a recent repeal a recent repeal from enforcing the court to enjoin the state District of New York, asking York, New of District District Court for the Eastern cently filed a lawsuit in U.S. Children’s Health Defense, re- Children’s Health Defense, F. Kennedy Jr., chairman for berg of Bouer Law and Robert and Law Bouer of berg

conflict as they do here, the fed prevail. where, if a federal and state law state and a federal where, if eral law is paramount and must Clause of the U.S. Constitution state law under the Supremacy argues that the IDEA preempts are entitled to free public spe complaint The education. cial all children with disabilities Act (IDEA), which ensures that uals with Disabilities Education protected by the federal Individ dren with disabilities who are T I

all of them lived with inadequate all ofthemlivedwithinadequate niors inNewYorkCity,nearly residential lightingstudyofse- reduced visualperformance. In a ated withincreasedfallriskand of hazards. walls, doorsorcounterstowarn ing furnitureorcuesplacedon able toorienthimorherselfus- NEW over objects.Apersonshouldbe without fearofhittingortripping YORK have tobeablesafelynavigate ments. Peoplewithvisionloss ABLEcan createhazardousenviron- floors andinadequatelighting NEWSPAPERClemson L,etal. BJ, BonifaceGJ,SherringtonC, Hopewell S,AdedireO,Copsey fall atleastonceayearaccording - people livinginthecommunity SEPTEMBER proximately onethirdofolder increase theriskoffallsandap- 2019 PAGE 12 Designing Vision-Friendly LivingEnvironments Low lightinglevelsareassoci- Protruding objects,uneven Aging andvisionimpairment for people with vision loss. for peoplewithvisionloss. to safetyathome, especially t is important to pay attention Tha Nominations W ByGordonRovins nominate you as a as you nominate nk you inner ReceivesAward $3,000 providing Dedicated to employment disabilities promoting the Dedicated of with people at at Winner Winner thecorporatesource.org National Disability National Encourage your company to to company your Encourage full to to (2018). (2018). - service outsourcing solutions for PRESENTED BY will be be will NDEAM CHAMPIONS 2019 NDEAM CHAMPIONS A ccepteduntil September 30 announced announced Employment Awareness MonthAwareness Employment and and NDEAM CHAMPION NDEAM Nominating CompanyVideo Receives in October in .

lighting, floorlampsandadjust- cluding natural light, overhead ous typesoflightingsources,in- consist ofacombinationvari- safety. Properlylitenvironments unsecured rugs. radiators, overloaded outlets and der tables;checkforuncovered areas; pushchairscompletelyun- furniture away from main traffic truding objectsfromwalls;move be atriphazard;removepro- of obstacles or clutter that may feel incontrolandsafeathome. to help people with vision loss on alightwhengettingoutofbed. did notuseanightlightorturn More thanhalftheparticipants for the Elderly, Vol. 18, No. 2.” Older Adults,JournalofHousing in theDwellingsofHomebound cent ofallfallsoccur. rooms arewherealmost50per- was thebathroomfloorandbath- lighting levels.Thedarkestarea Proper lighting is essential for Proper lightingisessentialfor People shouldkeepspacesfree There aresomekeyelements According to“LightingLevels /ndeam.html in celebration of of in celebration all all your business needs. business your

Sponsor , 2019 by ! ! s soap dishes and colored towels. soap dishesandcoloredtowels. chairs, contrasting colored soap, used in showers as well as shower Additional lightingshouldbe Contrasting toiletseatscanhelp. anti-scald temperaturecontrols. trols forhotandcoldwater well asfaucetswithseparatecon- in showers and around toilets as used. Grab bars should be used in andoutsidetubsshouldbe bath matsincontrastingcolors stand out. contrasting colortomakethem handrails shouldbepainteda or dark.Doors,floormoldingand difficulty seeing in extreme light conditions mayhaveincreased level toseewhichworksbest. LED bulbsandtestthelighting wattage, compactfluorescentor more light and should use higher room. should beuniformfromroomto able tablelamps.Lightinglevels the fiat rstofaseriesreadings. Girl,” Pretty a “Such memoir her autographs LaSpina Nadina Kitchen should be free of ob- In thebathroom,non-skid Individuals withcertainvision Seniors can require 3 to 6 times NJS ELECTRIC LL LL ELECTRIC ELECTRIC NJS NJS NJS ELECTRIC LL ELECTRIC NJS NJS ELECTRIC LL LL ELECTRIC ELECTRIC NJS NJS Advocate Releases Autobiography systems for the safety of the disabled ** Nassau and Suffolk Licensed Electrical Contractors “We don’t just Keep intruders out - ** Specializing in home monitoring New York StateLicensed Alarm Contractors We keep loved ones in” ones loved keep We www.njswiringsolutions.com 516 596-1895 516 Guild. special programs at Lighthouse area ofthebed. and alwaysplacedinthesame room slippers should be non skid lowest height,ifpossible.Bed- well-lighted. glare. Stairsandhallsmustbe avoid highglosswaxtominimize to use non-skid floor wax and pile carpeting. It is important should be replaced with low- be used.Wornoutcarpeting trasting flooringadrugsshould confusion and falls. Solid, con- flooring orlooserugscanleadto in contrastingcolors.Patterned treads shouldbenon-slipand with non-slipmaterials.Stair the counters. strip lightsshouldbeputunder be removednearthestove.LED tape. Allflammableitemsshould be secured with double-sided rugs andmatsshould stacles withnon-skidkitchen Gordon Rovins is director of Gordon Rovinsisdirectorof Beds shouldbekeptattheir Surfaces should be covered C C C C C PAGE 13 SEPTEMBER 2019 - NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER SCENE

Sailors Enjoy Annual CRAB Regatta Annual CRAB Sailors Enjoy This year’s top finisher was Jay Streit, a veteran who is disabled. The regatta was established in 1999. It was initially served as a SPORTS Race committee personnel, skippers and crew gathered for the annu- the for gathered crew and skippers personnel, committee Race Regatta in Maryland. al Don Backe Memorial CRAB Prior to the awards ceremony, Maryland Department of Disabilities Secretary Carol Beatty presented a proclamation to Chesapeake Re- gion Accessible Boating (CRAB) from Gov. Larry Hogan, declaring month in the state. June 2019 as adaptive boating qualifying race for the national disabilities sailing of- regatta, nonprofit The program. but sailing premier well-known, a then into evolved war- wounded disabilities, with people recreation to fers therapeutic riors and at-risk children. ------www. wheelchair basket challenger baseball divi SEPTEMBER 7 SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 4 SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 5 SEPTEMBER Central Park. For infor For information call Chris OF SPORTS

ONGOING EVENTS ONGOING 5+ , every other Saturday (Al Saturday other every , 5+ Adaptive Sports (S.P.A.R.E.S), disabil a with kids for p.m. 2 to 1 Adaptive Rowing, Wednesday and Saturday morning on-water Sports Club, Pal NY practices at 7:30 to 7:30 Wheelchair Basketball 9:30 p.m. at the West Bronx Rec mation message www.facebook. com/Sandra.Dickson.DeRosa. ing League for adults with I/DD at JIB Lanes, 67-19 Parsons Blvd., Flushing. For information call 646 515-1695. Greenwich Village Little League sion for boys and girls with phys ical & developmental disabili http// visit information For ties. gvllnyc.com/site. NY Rockers Blind Baseball Team ity Oerter Rec Center, 131-40 Fowler Flushing) Ave, ball, football, tennis, floor hockey, volley sitting hockey, sled softball, ball, swimming, power wheelchair soccer and track and field. ter, 450 St. Ann’s Ave., Bronx. For information call Rodolpho Gue vara, 212 360-3341 Also Sept. 12, 19 & 26 infor For Nyack. W. Mall, isades mation contact Greta Nettleton, 917 881-6768 nycgovparks.org/accessibility Lifespire Foundation Bowl tan. For information call Chris topher Noel, 212 360-3319. Also Sept. 12, 19 & 26 8to Wheelchair Basketball 6 p.m. at St. Mary’s Recreation Cen reation Center, 1527 Jessup Ave.,Jessup 1527 Center, reation Bronx. topher Noel 212 360-3319. Also 18 & 25 Sept. 11, Roll Call Wheelchair Dance at1:30 to 2:30 and 2:45 to 3:45 p.m. Brandywine Living, 70 Pinelawn Ave., Commack. Also Sept. 12, 19 & 26 7to Wheelchair Basketball 6 p.m. at the East 54 Recreation Center, 348 East 54 St., Manhat ------

Also Sept.14, 21 & 28 12:30 to 1 p.m., Chelsea 7 to 9 p.m. at the East 54 SEPTEMBER 3 SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 1 SEPTEMBER

Also Sept. 10, 17 & 24 Also Sept. 10, 17 & 24

Also Sept. 8, 15, 22 & 29 Also Sept. 8, 15, 22 & 29

212 360-3319. Also Sept. 8,


Indoor Hand Cycling free train NY Rolling Fury Youth Wheel NY Rolling Fury

org. www.adaptiveclimbinggroup. in Queens. For information visitin Climbing Group 6:30 to 9 p.m. 9:30 p.m. at the Al Oerter Recre Also Sept. 10, 17 & 24 7:30 toWheelchair Basketball 7:30 Christopher Noel 212 360-3319. Also Sept. 10, 17 & 24 Queens. For information call Christopher Noel 212 360-3319. ation Center, 131-40 Fowler Ave., Manhattan. For information call Recreation Center, 348 East 54 St., Project Wheelchair Basketball Axis org. Megan Frisco Mfrisco@burke. Hospital. For information contactinformation For Hospital. ing 5 to 6:30 p.m. at Burke Rehab . group.org to 8 p.m. in Brooklyn. For infor mation visit www.adaptiveclimbing Adaptive Climbing Group 5:30 Also Sept. 8, 15, 22 & 29 go.teamsnap.com/login/signin. lyn. For information visit www. at Cadman Plaza Park, Brook 1 to 3 p.m.3 to CP Soccer Camp 1 call 15, 22 & 29 St., Manhattan. For informationManhattan. For St., blindness Recreation Center, 430 West 25 for Kids and Teens with vision loss/ Center, 430 West 25 St., Manhat St., 25 West 430 Center, Balance and Mobility Classes to 1 p.m. at the Chelsea Recreation tan. NY Knights Goalball Team 12:30 ments taught one-on-one by thements taught one-on-one by Kids and Teens with visual impair Beginner Goalball Classes forBeginner Goalball Classes Center, 430 West 25 St., Manhat St., 25 West 430 Center, tan. a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Chelsea Rec. Adult Advanced Goalball 10:30 Also Sept. 8, 15, 22 & 29 ter, 232 W. 60 St., Manhattan. Gertrude Ederle Recreation Cen chair Basketball 1 to 2 p.m. at a list of experts and people with disabil with thedisabled,relatednewstories,and best practicesoninterviewingortalking ists. ities whoarewillingsourcesforjournal nest.Reeve foundation.org. most outofthisdevice,visit www.google es, itcanhelpmakehomesmoreaccessible. smart thermostatsorotherconnecteddevic voice commands.Pairedwithsmartplugs, tion. ing caretosomeonethatfitsdescrip dition, itisonafirstcome,servedbasis. physical disability, paralysis or are provid Google Home Minis to people who have a Foundation to provide up to 100,000 free about. Leadership AwardsGalainMarch. new orexistingproject. their contributions and $7,500tofurther a in recognitionof will eachreceive$2,500 leadership andadvocacy.Twoindividuals ities who have demonstratedoutstanding ing LeaderAwards. inations fortheirPaulG.HearneEmerg- with Disabilities(AAPD)isacceptingnom- /initiatives/project-open-house.page. by evaluating income and disability. In ad the fiveboroughs.Eligibility is determined eight incomeguidelinesandresidewithin with permanentdisabilities. chitectural barriers in the homes of people ple withDisabilities(MOPD), removes ar- the New York City Mayor’s Office for Peo- with disabilities. nalists andotherswhowriteaboutpeople language forjour- guide onappropriate Arizona StateUniversity,providesastyle ability andJournalism,headquarteredat NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER - SEPTEMBER 2019 PAGE 14 CENTER ONDISABILITYOFFERS REEVE FOUNDATIONOFFERING INFORMATION NOMINATIONS OPENFORAAPD To apply, or to find out how to get the The Google smart devicerespondsto For information,visitwww.ncdj.org/ Some oftheirotherresourcesinclude To apply,visitwww.aapd.org. Recipients will be honoredattheAAPD They will recognize people with disabil- The AmericanAssociationofPeople Google Nest is partnering with the Reeve visitwww1.nyc.gov/site/mopd To apply, Participants mustmeetfederalsection Project OpenHouse, administered by Welcome to theNational Center on Dis- FREE HOMEMODIFICATIONS EMERGING LEADERAWARDS APPLICATIONS OPENFOR WRITERS’ STYLEGUIDE FREE SMARTDEVICES ------tions. riencing difficultygettingaccommoda dants in a civil court case but are expe wants tohelpindividualswhoaredefen CP 2019 fected bythedisease. ports andservices,meetothersaf- palsy, gainknowledgeof available sup- Center inHartford,Conn.,onOct.7. ference at the Holiday Inn Conference hold itsfourthannualcerebralpalsycon- com. agnosis andpersonalsafety. socializing, education, career,dating,di- spectrum. It covers challenges related to males ofallages, who are on the autism book “AutismandGirls”isnowavailable. gf5bm8. tube, www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPqRC illness. the videocanbeviewedonYou- help peoplewho have experiencedmental natives toresiding in psychiatric hospitals. mental healthtreatment,aswellalter- about alternativestocoercive and harmful tion. the Christopher and Dana Reeve Founda- ships areavailablethrough a grantfrom and recreational activities. Somescholar- Edison, N.J. on Sept. 20 to22,atthe Crowne Plaza in host a retreat for adults 21 years and older org. Brandt-Young, ting aninitialhearingbytelephone. the courthouse or are havingtroubleget- VIDEO COVERSALTERNATIVESTO CEREBRAL PALSYCONFERENCE DRA ASKSPUBLICTOCOMMENT PSYCH HOSPITALSANDDRUGS The SpinaBifidaResourceNetworkwill To register online visit Attendees will learn about cerebral Green Mountain SupportServices will For information,visitwww.fhautism. It describes the unique challenges of fe- editionofthe The revisedandupdated For information,visitwww.thesbrn.org. The organizationisauser-ledgroupto Voices forChoices, has createdavideo The eventwillincludebotheducational For informationcontactChristina This includes those whocannotgetto Disability RightsAdvocates(DRA) PLANNED ATCROWNEPLAZA ON CIVILCOURTPROBLEMS AUTISM BOOKPUBLISHED PLANNED FOROCTOBER

FORUM SPINA BIFIDARETREAT . NEW EDITIONOF brandt-young@dralegal. www.gmssi.org/ - - - - Lewin.com webinar or for information contactRIC@ abilities. To submitquestionspriortothe ing carecoordinationforpeoplewithdis- the chance to ask questions about improv- care onSept.5,from2p.m.to2:30pm. half-hour live webinar about competent Director Elaine Castellucciowillhosta chael Stacom and ICSDisabilityProgram Vice PresidentforPopulationHealthRa- 973 250-9500. bag. shop class, entrance to expohall and tote nental breakfast, buffet luncheon, a work require. keep patientsfromaccessingthecarethey and/or facilities which create barriers that accessible. and services due toproviders who are not disabilities whoavoidmedicaltreatments terest wantsfeedbackfrompatientswith dress duringlunch. A specialguestspeaker will give anad- portation products,vehicles and services. and communitytrans- their paratransit 3 p.m. ter inEdisononOct.8,from8:30a.m.to expo attheNewJerseyConventionCen- Transportation willhostits24thannual org. discussions andworkshops. ities. Itwillincludepresentations,panel ment issues relatedtopeoplewithdisabil- Rights Network. Support CenteroftheNationalDisability specialist fortheTrainingandAdvocacy Bates-Harris, asenior disability advocacy The keynote speaker will be Cheryl in NewBrunswick on Oct.7,9a.m.to3p.m. present a conference at the Hyatt Regency LAW GROUPTOASSISTPATIENTS DISABILITY RIGHTSN.J.TOHOST WITH INACCESSIBLEPROVIDERS DISCUSS CARECOORDINATION It willofferhealthplansandproviders Independence CareSystem(ICS)Senior For informationcontactMichaelVieira, New York Lawyers for the Public In- For informationcall212244-4664. This includesinaccessibleequipment Disability RightsNewJersey(DRNJ)will The $75 registration fee includes More than40exhibitorswilldisplay The NewJerseyCouncilonSpecial For more information visit www.drnj. The event will focus on various employ- EMPLOYMENT CONFERENCE PLANNED FOROCTOBER TRANSPORTATION EXPO LIVE ICSWEBINARWILL . conti- - PAGE 15 SEPTEMBER 2019 - NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER ------516 802-3142 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. hosted by The Out OCTOBER 7 OCTOBER meets once a month at meets once at presented by Disabili SEPTEMBER 26 SEPTEMBER 28 SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 24 SEPTEMBER ONGOING EVENTS ONGOING mit ty Rights New Jersey 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Confer ence Center at Mercer County Old 1200 Community College, Trenton Road, West Wind For infor N.J. sor Township, mation visit www.drnj.org/ events.htm. NOD Forum “Shifting the Talent Paradigm: Inclu sive Culture for a Modern Workforce” information For Va. lington, visit www.nod.org/events/ Fundraiser for R. Jeff Cal lahan, Spinal Cord Re search and Our Troops Overseas doorsmen Helping Others 4 p.m. at Ryan Family Farm, 2517 Rt. 82, Lagrangeville, call Jeff information For N.Y. 845 337-4914. Making It Work: Under standing Workplace Rights for People with Disabilities Rights Disability by Hosted New Jersey at the Hyatt Re in For gency, New Brunswick. formation call 609 292-9742. Free Workshops and Ser vices of New York City Family Con nect Centers throughout the five boroughs. For information call 718 436-7979 ext.704. Lupus Alliance of Long Island/Queens Support Group For Flushing. in p.m. 9 7:30 to information call National Voter Registration National Voter Day Sum at Marriott City Crystal at Ar Airport, National Reagan To have your event or meeting or event your have To information toable- send listed, for deadline The [email protected] 10th day the is items calendar the of the month preceeding date of publication. Calendar if be accepted only will items they have a specific date. ------646 836- 1 to 3 p.m. at Inde 1 to SEPTEMBER 12 SEPTEMBER 20 SEPTEMBER 21 SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 14 SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 11 SEPTEMBER formation call 718 253-4948. Spinal Cord Injury Aware ness Day Expo, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Burke Rehabilitation Mamaroneck 785 Hospital, Avenue, White Plains, N.Y. For information call Sarah Caro 914 597-2846. Wonderfully Made, an art exhibit by people with disabilities will be on view through Dec. 20, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sundays or in Nails at appointment by Luke’s St. Gallery, Wall the Episcopal Church, 17 Oak Re N.J. Metuchen, Ave., ception from 2 to 5 p.m. For information call 832 548- 4308 4078. Also Sept. 25 ents/2019dcna-we come/. at p.m. ciation Luncheon 12 S. Double Tree by Hilton, 455 Broadway, Tarrytown. For in Helm Christine call formation ke, 914 592-0471. Empowerment Retreat for Adults with Disabilities hosted by Spina source Network at the Crowne Bifida Re Plaza, 2055 Lincoln Highway, Edison, N.J. For informa tion visit www.thesbrn.org/ news-and-events/retreat/. Family Legos: Imagine It! Build It! For children and teens with and without dis abilities 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at S. Thomas 8 Library, Saratoga in For Brooklyn. St., Boyland pendence Care Systems, 25 pendence Care Systems, Elm Pl., Brooklyn. For infor Evelyn, call mation We Are Better Together: Disability Connect hosted by UPMC 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. at The Center for Connect ed Medicine, 600 Grant St., Floor 60, Pittsburgh, Pa. For information visit www.con sultspringboard.com/scev Charcot-Marie-Tooth Asso The Rainbow Connection The Rainbow meeting ------Also 718 907-1622. 841 Broadway www.ilny.org/ 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at SEPTEMBER 4 SEPTEMBER 5 SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 6 SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 7 SEPTEMBER OF EVENTS OF SEPTEMBER 10 SEPTEMBER at BCID, 27 Smith St., Smith 27 BCID, at

Aug. 13, 20 & Aug. 13, 20 & 718 907-1622. 27 TBI Support Group 12:30 to 2 p.m. at BCID, 27 Smith St., informa For Brooklyn. #200, #301 13-14 Sts. For informa Brooklyn. For information call information For Brooklyn. 718 998-3000. Also Sept. 12, 19 & 26 6 Writers Workshop 4 to p.m. at CIDNY Sept. 17 ability: One-to One Expert Assistance Memory Arts Café free art living with people for events Alzheimer’s, caregivers and public 6 p.m. at NY Memory Center, 199 14 St., Brooklyn. For information call 718 499- 7701. 3 to Peer Support Group 1 p.m. tion call 718 998-3000. Navigating Your Child’s Dis Room Commons, Information 2, Central Library, 10 Grand Army Plaza. For information call 212 677-4650 ext. 19. NYAIL Statewide Confer ence and Expo Albany Capi tal Center, Albany, N.Y. For in visit formation Family Legos: Imagine It! Build It! For children and teens with and without disabil ities 1 to 3 p.m. First Saturdays Flat 2065 Library, Flatlands at infor For Brooklyn. Ave., bush mation call 718 253-4948. Movie Club, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at NAMI, 505 Eighth Ave., 35 St., #1103. For information call 212 684-3365. conference.Through Sept. 11 tion call Eva Eason, 646 442- 4156. Also Sept. 12, 19 & 26 Friday Night Hangout for phys with adults and seniors p.m. 8:30 to 5 disabilities, ical at ICS, 25 Elm Pl., 5th floor, call information For Brooklyn. Latricia James, Also Sept. 13, 20 & 27 ------6 to 8

Also Sept. 9, 16, 23 16, Also Sept. 9, Labor Day 841 Broadway #301 Broadway 841

6 p.m. For information

SEPTEMBER 2 SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 3 SEPTEMBER 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at p.m. 1:30 to a.m. 10

212 684-3365. Also Sept.

CALENDAR Floor, Brooklyn. For informa For Brooklyn. Floor, 1 p.m. at ICS, 25 Elm Pl., 5th Pl., Elm 25 ICS, at p.m. 1 physical disabilities 11 a.m. to physical disabilities 11 a.m. for seniors and adults with for seniors and adults with Knitting & Crochet Group Knitting & Crochet Group 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to a.m. with Rich 11 Learn to Draw & Paint Learn to Draw & Paint Also Sept. 9, 16, 23 & 30 Elizabeth Lee 646 Elizabeth 486-4444. 23 St. For information call 23 St. For information call 3 p.m. at Selis Manor, 135 W. 3 p.m. at Selis Manor, 135 VISIONS Senior Speak Out VISIONS Senior Speak Out Rd., 10th floor, Bronx. For in formation call Latricia James, 1 p.m. at ICS, 400 Fordham 10 a.m. to a.m. Art for Everyone 10 tion call 516 783-3370. Rd., Forest Hills. For informa est Hills Hospital, 102-01 66th

7:30 to 9 p.m. at NSLIJ For NSLIJ at p.m. 9 to 7:30 Group/Meet and Greet Island/Queens Support Lupus Alliance of Long 24 & 30 Housing and Benefits Clin ics, CIDNY Also Sept. 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, Feliciano 212 246-0803. call Eva Eason 646 442-4156. For information call Anthony information For Sts. 13-14 123 Williams St., 16th floor. p.m. at Urban Justice Center, lic’s Health System 6:30 Clutterers/Hoarders Commission on the Pub SORT Support Group for 212 308-2210. formation call 212 938-4040. call information For floor. 11th Stroke Brain Injury Sur Op of College SUNY at p.m. tometry, 33 W. 42 St. For in Lane, Maiden 80 EIS, at p.m. 9, 16, 23 & 30 vivor Support Group 12:15 call

Group Double Trouble Support Double Trouble Support & 30 907-1622. tion call Latricia James 718 NEW YORK Continued frompage3 DOH SUED FOR PLAN TO GUT CDPAP said JonathanDollhopf,an life inanursinghome,” choose CDPAP and avoid sumers will be unable to function. ly inadequate to allow FIs to with thefaceofCuomo. coffin, led by a grim reaper bearers carrying a cardboard neral procession, with pall the Medicaidcuts. people whomightdiedueto form ofamockfuneralfor Concourse inAlbanythe at theNewYorkstatePlaza a protestwasheldbyADAPT Febraio, presidentofHCP. independence,” saidKathy tially surrendering their day-to-day careandpoten facing theunknownfortheir untold numberofconsumers NEWing theirdoors,leavingan YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER - SEPTEMBER 2019 PAGE 16 Ramps •StairliftsPorchWheelchairLifts Theywillclose,andcon “The new rates are whol The actionfeaturedafu In addition to the lawsuit, Expert HelpForPeopleWith Disabilities INDEPENDENCE CARESYSTEM Serving The EntireMetroNYC Area ALPHA CARESUPPLY, LLC CARE COORDINATION ACCESS EQUIPMENT Serving Manhattan,Brooklyn, Queens &theBronx & LIFor20years 866 291-7039 877 427-2525 THE ACCESS INDEX - - - - any accessissues,particular it “iscurrentlyunawareof of thedisabled.TheDOHsaid to greaterinstitutionalization aware thattherateswilllead DOH indicatethestateisfully Medicare Services (CMS) by “The [memorial]serviceto of Capital Region ADAPT. Blaise Bryant, a member is justfinewiththat,”said and thestategovernment our livesinnursinghomes, of Capital Region ADAPT. Alex Thompson,amember into thisdarkday,”said pact isreal,anditkills.” day istoshowthattheim nursing homes.” pacity forbothhospitalsand ly sincethereisexcessbedca C ADAPT. organizer with Rochester enters forMedicaidand “We loseourfreedomand “We canbringsomehope Documents senttothe Sales, Installation,Rentals,Repairs Stairlifts, Porchlifts,Ramps&More HOME ACCESSIBILITY www.patriotmobilityinc.com PATRIOT MOBILITY INC 631 392-4050 - - - - Continued frompage4 MENTAL HEALTH OFFICE AUDITED ting allpertinentinformation. results intheguardiannotget not providefullrecords,which found that some facilities do requirements. Auditors also ficials aremeetingthelaw’s determine whetherfacilityof compliance and cannot readily tion related to Jonathan’s Law ing Systemtocaptureinforma dent ManagementandReport use theNewYorkstateInci the requiredtimeframe. reviewed wereprovidedwithin Only 33 percent of the records required 21daysofarequest. partment ofHealthtowork kill people and for the De sion of the policies that will this now. “Governor Cuomocanend YOUR AD COULDBEHERE Additionally, OMHdoesnot DiNapoli made severalrecom We are asking for a rescis Call 516939-2253 • EducationHealthCoverageTransportation Helping With Housing •Bene CENTER FORINDEPENDENCEOF INDEPENDENT LIVING ------DISABLED NY -CIDNY access totheserecords. Senate thatwouldallowOSC islative sessionandpassedthe disagree withtheauditfindings. OMH officialsstatethatthey with Jonathan’sLaw.However, tion andtoimprovecompliance mendations torectifythissitua was introduced in the last leg unsubstantiated records.Abill (OSC) wasunabletoexamine Office of the State Comptroller due tolegalrestrictions,the People with , but Center fortheProtectionof information from the Justice work, auditorsalsosought 518 474-8390. about rescindingthecutsat lic to contact the governor way topayforservices.” with ustocreateabetter During thecourseoftheir ADAPT isurgingthepub 212 674-2300 fi ts •Employment - - - PAGE 17 SEPTEMBER 2019 - NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER d on lope Peter Berns, ions. Advertisers ions. e published seek- published e CEO of The Arc. ertisements of sin- with the A# of the pers the of A# the with P •Professional S •Single W•White S •Single P •Professional The Arc has a network of a network has Arc The Your life or the life of some- of life the or life Your P •Professional S • Single W •White P serves people with I/DD, in- I/DD, people with serves - au syndrome, Down cluding spectrum fetal alcohol tism, cerebral palsy and disorders, other diagnoses. the across 600 chapters over country promoting and protect- people of rights human the ing with I/DD and actively sup- and inclusion full their porting community the participation in throughout their lifetimes and without regard to diagnosis. feet” was just a metaphor. But in fact, “stand on your own two feet,” taken literally, might just be a requirement for admission to a country that until recent- re- “wretched the welcomed ly, fuse” of “teeming shores.” one you love may in fact depend on who you vote for. Register, about your educate yourself vote. means, by all and choices, 516 939-2253 - - - - TO PLACE AN AD AN PLACE TO TO ANSWER AN AD AN ANSWER TO CUT OUT AND SEND CUT OUT Able personal number and forward all responses Able personals, P.O. Box 395, Old Bethpage, N.Y. CHECK ENCLOSED CHECK ENCLOSED WITH YOUR PERSONAL AD YOUR PERSONAL WITH OR CALL OUR OFFICE TO PLACE YOUR AD YOUR PLACE OUR OFFICE TO OR CALL Able Personals, P.O. Box 395, Old Bethpage, N.Y. 11804. We you are writing on the front. Put this envelope in another enve another in envelope this Put front. the on writing are you addressed to an handling of cost the cover to response per $2 Enclose 11804. mailing fees. Do not send cash. Checks or money Be sure to orders include your address only. or phone For number. faster re- sponse place 47 cent stamp on envelope. Make Checks payable to Able Newspaper Make Checks payable to VISA_____MASTER CARD______ACCT#______DATE______SIGNATURE______EXP Just write your ad and mail it with payment and coupon below- to will assign an to you. Be sure to include your name and address. Just $12 for to appear one month. 15 words plus $1 for each additional word envelope an in letter response your Put

A384 A377 A389 A392 A388 A393 The Arc advocates for and Ken Cuccinelli, acting direc- Cuccinelli, Ken A386

ing persons under the age of 18. inappropriate. This service is intended solely for personal adv gles. No ads will be accepted from couples, groups or organizat b will ads No older. or age of years 18 be must respondents and LETTERS Continued from page 2 back into the dark ages of iso Nearly segregation. and lation 30 years after the enactment of the Americans with Disabil integration its and Act ities far. so come have we mandate, insti have still states 37 Yet tutions, and these comments impede our progress. Clearly, and do, to work more have we encourage people to join our world where a build efforts to people with disabilities do not stereotyp harmful this face ing. tor of U.S. Citizenship and Im- tor of U.S. seriously migration Services, said that Emma Lazarus’ fa- mous poem that has been dis- the Statue of Liberty played on changed be 1903 should since to, “Give me your tired, and your their stand on can who poor own two feet, and who will not become a public charge.” Obvi- two own your “stand on ously, UNITED SPINAL NOW SPINAL UNITED Continued from page 6 per- ements. Able may, ch liability rests ex- • rest rooms • seating • grounds ments which it deems y H •Hispanic J •Jewish M •Male N/D •Non drinker N/S • Non Smoker Smoker N/S • Non drinker N/D •Non M •Male J •Jewish y H •Hispanic parks & kid friendly venues • and other import details • parking conditions • ease of navigation • food services


Able assumes no liability for the contents of or replies to any MEET A COMPANION, PHONE FRIEND, PEN PAL, OR EVEN A SPOUSE A OR EVEN PEN PAL, PHONE FRIEND, COMPANION, A MEET museums for people with mobility challenges • We’ve been there, so you can.... shing, baseball, the outdoors and comedy clubs. I do not drive. not do I clubs. comedy and outdoors the baseball, shing, Know Before You Go!!!!  Accessibility information of leisure locations theaters SWF, looking for that special guy to spend the rest of my life with. I’m with. life my of rest the spend to guy special that for looking SWF, Lets everything. most doing love I and person going out going, easy together. life enjoy SWM, 45, Looking for a nice woman 50 to 60 for friendship, possi- phone number. ble LTR, send picture and SWM 70, seeks nice lady for companionship to spend quality time with. time quality spend to companionship for lady nice seeks 70, SWM I live in Babylon Township. In your response include you telephone NS. number, DBW-60, Seeking friendship, companion. Love to read, music and number. movies. Please enclose phone Gentleman looking for a girlfriend/pen pal. I live in Kansas. Gentleman looking for a girlfriend/pen SWM, wheelchair user 53, looking for SWF for friendship and more, and friendship for SWF for looking 53, user wheelchair SWM, into I live in Sayville, N.Y. • SWF, Nassau County, widow wishes to meet senior male retiree, 74 plusfor companionship. sonal advertisements, or the Any actions su of any individuals. clusively with the advertiser, or a respondent to such advertis in its sole discretion, reject of delete any personal advertise GUIDELINES: A • Asian B •Black C •Christian D •Divorced F •Female G •Gay H •Hispanic J •Jewish M •Male N/D • Non drinker N/S • Non Smoker • A www.destinationaccessible.com A •Asian B• Black C •Christian D •Divorced F•Female G •Ga F•Female D •Divorced C •Christian B• Black A •Asian F

dents receiving classroom in- how toflyaplane. ities theopportunitytolearn with disabil- that givespeople Flight to provide a program NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER - SEPTEMBER 2019 PAGE 18 flight checklistatPurdueUniversity Airportwithherinstructor. pre- her through goes California of Hupe Emily student Flight Able Aspiring Pilots Go to Flight SchoolAspiring PilotsGotoFlight Trained live-inaide/compan CNA/ HOMEHEALTH AIDE 754-2486. references areavailable.347 years ofexperience.Great and compassionatewithmany person orasananny. Caring ion forelderlyoradisabled The programbeginswithstu- AIDE AVAILABLE teamed up withAble teamed Purdue University has or thepast10years COULD BEHERE ByBrianHuchel 516939-2253 YOUR AD Print myPrint adasfollows (Use onespaceperword) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MAIL-INFORM - 516 887-3600. tion has free equipment. Call The Nat’l Amputation Founda 348-5573. Call for more information experience, great references. disabled person.Manyyears Private carefortheelderly, AIDE AVAILABLE

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING HOME HEALTH CARE FREE EQUIPMENT Arrow LSAplanesthatcanbe es. their studieswithonlinecours on program, the students begin earn alight-sportpilotlicense. The goal is for participants to to getlessons on the runway. struction and then proceeding Most ofthestudentsuseSky Prior to starting the hands- FREE 516 - 631 484-4345. power wheelchair, $500. Call power lift,asking$2,000also Astro van, wheelchair side $16,500 neg.Call516564-1124 bed, loaded,excelcondition, 60,000 miles, TV, trifold electric sion van,sidelift,4ptlockdown, E-150, handicappedconver Signature______Security code______Signature______Security Acct# ______Exp. Date______VISA MASTERCARD Make Checks payable to Able Newspaper CHECK ENCLOSED$______PHONE ()______ZIP______ADDRESS ______NAME ______AUTOMOTIVE 1995 CHEVY 2008 FORD

- PHOTO BY PURDUE UNIVERSITY PHOTO/BRIAN HUCHEL. PHOTO/BRIAN UNIVERSITY PURDUE BY PHOTO fice soon responded and pledged fice soonrespondedandpledged en’t evenpartof.”Carranza’sof- school ina community theyar- borough sothattheycanattend toll in the nation,to another over commute time in the nation, the boroughwithlongest tal disabilitytotravelfrom intellectual ordevelopmen the parentofachildwithan it was“ridiculoustoexpect next schoolyear,writingthat their decisionintimeforthe ed thattheDOEreconsider Staten Island.Herequest program wasnot offered on frustration thatthecomplete Continued frompage9 and succeed.” are really motivated tolearn “They’re hereforapurposeand ty slowthemdown,”saidWulle. are allgoal-oriented. of people each year, but they the program brings in all types Able Flight Program. He said Purdue’s involvement in the fessor of aviation, coordinates the student. the instructor sitting behind for hand controls adapted with SPECIAL ED PROGRAM EXPANDED “They don’tlettheirdisabili- Bernie Wulle, associate pro- a bridge with the highest a bridgewiththehighest - 516 233-5074. Call Sally for more information 21 American Homes,$499,999. 2 baths,lightandbright!Century ceiling lift,4bedrooms,garage, ADA compliant,bathandelectric 38 Forster Lane, Westbury, N.Y. Call HAIRCUTS IN YOUR HOME HOUSE FOR SALE HAIRCUTTING 917 363-6834. WESTBURY - - BUSINESS -$15PER5 WORD LINE INDIVIDUAL -$10PER5 WORD LINE com OR by emailtoableangela@aol. card by phonecall516939-2253 OR toplaceyour adwithacredit N.Y. 11804 publication to The 10thdayofthemonthprior DEADLINE: P ABLE NEWS, MAIL TO: cation possible.” get theirchildren the best edu- who fight each and every day to er parentadvocateslikethem student’s parentsandmanyoth- out thedeterminationof those never bepossiblethough,with- serve,” said Reilly.“Thiswould high-quality educationtheyde- students cantrulyreceivethe cided toexpanditsothatthese partment ofEducationhasde- and IampleasedthattheDe- of someourneedieststudents, cially importanttothesuccess ing theprogram. to workwithReillyonexpand- ty. offered atOhio State Universi is also by pilots.Theprogram is a nationalnonprofit created special ceremony. Able Flight a their AbleFlightwingsat gram, studentswill receive lot whoisparalyzed. Army Blackhawk helicopter pi- thony Radetic,aformerU.S. chair Georgia in 2015, andAn- Georgia, whowonMiss Wheel- include modelLeslieIrbyof O Box 395, OldBethpage, CLASSIFIED AD RATESCLASSIFIED AD “The ACESProgramiscru- After completingthepro- The mostrecentparticipants formation 6317046212. Hospital Beds.Callformorein Chairs, ReclinerLiftChairsand , Scooters,Power S.I. Petfriendly. 212731-4601 elevator inall boroughs except Must be accessible, first floor or cessible apartmenttoshare. Single womanlooking for ac APARTMENTSHARE WANTED APT. WANTED WE FIX THEM ALL FIX THEM WE REPAIRS - - - PAGE 19 SEPTEMBER 2019 - NEW YORK ABLE NEWSPAPER | (888) 99-BURKE(888) | Registration begins Registration at 8:30 a.m. fee is $25 Entrance for athletes assistance Financial fee registration with is available for spectators Free entertainment,Live parking games, free “This is a historic moment a historic is “This In addition, the USOPC | WHITE | PLAINS, NY 10605 livered a record-setting perfor- mance at the Paralympic Win- ter Games in Pyeong Chang a delegationof 73 2018, with athletes earning 36 medals. for the Paralympic movement in the United States,” said An- the drew Parsons, president of International Paralympic Com- the USOPC mittee. “To see statement inclusive make this by changing its name demon- strates the true parallel nature and Paralympic Olympic the of movements.” mone- board voted to increase tary awards for medal-earning earned Paralympians who U.S. Chang Pyeong a medal at the retroac- received 2018 Games perfor- their payments for tive mances, and the award parity will be reflected in every games moving forward. THE TRADITION TRADITION THE CONTINUES VENUE VENUE ™ 785 MAMARONECK A 785 MAMARONECK WWW.BURKE.ORG | BURKE WHEELCHAIR GAMES HOTLINE HOTLINE GAMES WHEELCHAIR BURKE On Saturday, September 21st wheelchair On Saturday, athletes of in compete all ages and abilities will course and field, table tennis and slalom track Plains. White in campus Burke the on events cheer to come is invited community The on the athletes! For more information, the more call For www.burke.org (914) 597-2850 or visit form. the registration to download Pioneering Rehabilitation THE 2019 BURKE WHEELCHAIR GAMES WHEELCHAIR BURKE 2019 THE “The decision to change to change “The decision American athletes have rep- included, embraced and cele- included, said USOPC,” brated by the four-time Paralympian Oksa- personal- “I have Masters. na for ly felt the growing support Paralympic and the athletes Paralympic movement by this organization.” the organization’s name rep- resents a continuation of our commitment to long-standing environ- inclusive an create athletes,” Team USA ment for said USOPC CEO Sarah Hirsh- are land. “Paralympic athletes integral to the makeup of Team to inspire mission USA and our generations and future current of Americans.” resented the United States in the start- ing with the Rome 1960 Games where 24 athletes competed. de- Team USA recently, Most The name change is effective is name change The “This change is about and by the strength of the U.S. U.S. the of strength the by and world- Paralympic Team. The and Paralympic athletes class staff who support them deserve outstanding as recognition this representatives of Team USA.” immediately. Physical changes centers, at training to signage headquarters and all associat- be made as ed properties will as possible, with a goal of soon completion in 2020. Addition- of Hall Olympic U.S. the ally, U.S. renamed the be Fame will Paralympic Hall and Olympic of Fame. more than an organizational name. To me this means that Paralympic athletes are fully SCENE Olympics Paralympics and Unite Kids and Dog Catch Some Waves

he United States Olym- for- pic Committee has name its mally changed SMA is a disease that robs individuals of physical strength physical of individuals robs that disease a is SMA Ricochet helps calm and assure the young surfers, some surfers, young the assure and calm helps Ricochet

“This is a proud day for day a proud is “This by aff ecting motor nerve cells in the spinal cord, which can by aff impede their ability to stand, crawl, walk, swallow food or breathe. There is no treatment or cure. of which have severe physical disabilities. However, even those who use ventilators can participate, thanks to well- trained who staff know how to ensure that nointo the opening of their tracheostomy. water gets Surf Dog muscular atro- spinal with Ricochet and children fi fth annual ngphy during(SMA) therecently enjoyed surfi San in held was which event, Ricochet with SMA Away Surf Diego, Calif.

SPORTS athletes who receive support by the number of Paralympic established value, evidenced evidenced established value, dedication to Paralympics is an dedication to Paralympics is “While the name is new, our new, is name the “While USOPC Chair Susanne Lyons. USOPC Chair Susanne Lyons. mitment to inclusivity,” said mitment to inclusivity,” said tive of our organization’s com- change that is representa- in the United States and a in the United States. Paralympic Olympic sport and the Paralympic movement in the Paralympic movement the athletes of Team USA and the athletes of Team USA and (USOPC), a change celebrating (USOPC), a change celebrating and Paralympic Committee and Paralympic Committee to the United States Olympic to the United States Olympic T