“The Art and Craft of the Director” Film Directing Audio Seminar Peter D. Marshall Website: http://actioncutprint.com Blog: http://filmdirectingtips.com Email:
[email protected] Film Directing Coach http://actioncutprint.com/filmdirectingcoach Peter D. Marshall has worked (and survived) in the Film and Television Industry for over 40 years - as a Film Director, Television Producer, First Assistant Director and Series Creative Consultant. Credits & Awards http://actioncutprint.com/credits1 NOTE: This Course has been updated as of November 8, 2018. Please download the updated version here: http://www.actioncutprint.com/files/18-AOTD-AS.pdf Copyright (c) 2018 Peter D. Marshall /ActionCutPrint.com All Rights Reserved “The Art and Craft of the Director” Audio Seminar Dear Filmmaker, Thank you for purchasing this 2016 version of "The Art and Craft of the Director Audio Seminar” - a comprehensive, multi-media audio course that demystifies the process of directing and fast tracks your way to becoming a working film and television director. When I first created this course in 2007, I wanted it to be an Online insider's reference guide for filmmakers. Having now updated it seven times, I believe this 261 page course (with over 1000 online reference links and videos) will help you to become a successful film director by providing you with the “insider” knowledge I have gained from over 40 years in the film and television business. Although the majority of productions I have worked on were Hollywood feature films, television movies and TV series, the information you will find in this course is easily adaptable to your own low budget independent films - anywhere in the world! All you need to do is take the information in this course and scale it down for your own productions (short films, small indie films, music videos etc.) I talk a lot about PASSION and TRUTH in this course because these are two of the essential ingredients to having a successful directing career.