9x19mm 5.56x45mm 7.62x51mm .338 Lapua Magnum Small Caliber Division - Military Specialities

Vanäsverken AB P.O. Box 4 SE-546 23 Karlsborg

Tel: +46 505 181 00 Fax: +46 505 181 55 SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION

Nammo Small Caliber Division (SCD) has the widest product range of combat ammunition offered to the market today and is serving cus- tomers worldwide.

For Defense Forces, Nammo can offer a full range of products in all common small arms calibers used today. The range include NATO calibers 5.56mm, 7.62mm, 9mm and .338 Lapua Magnum. In these calibers the product range covers both standard ammunition – ball/tracer – and spe- cial niche products such as Armor Piercing, Infra Red Tracer, Non Toxic High Performance and Reduced Range Combat ammunition.

The know-how and skills of Nammo in defense areas has successfully been combined for the Law Enforcement and Federal Agencies around the world. Several products are offered to this market, numerous innovative special rounds are available. AMMUNITION

Nammo Small Caliber Ammunition, is developed to deliver Maximum Performance. AP – Armor Piercing (US M995 / M993) increase the war fighters lethality tremendously. 5.56mm AP penetrates 12mm RHA 300HB @ 100m, heavy body armor and concrete walls. 7.62mm AP penetrates 18mm RHA 300HB @ 100m, heavy body armor and more than 200mm reinforced concrete at normal battle distancies.

Non Toxic High Performance is 100% Lead Free and has an improved performance compared to Standard NATO Ball. Exists in all three NATO Calibers – both Ball and Tracer. Nammo has a NATO Qualified Lead Free ammunition portfolio in full production.

9mm HP – High Performance is a 9x19mm High Performance cartridge penetrating more than 50 layer of para-aramid or 3mm steel at 75m. Very suitable for SF units or Police using Glock, MP-9 and HK MP5. Also available in Non Toxic version.

IR-Tracer (USMC Mk301 Mod 0) is totally invisible to the naked eye. Can only be seen with Night Vision Devices (NVD’s), giving the user clear advantages as a stealth fighter at night.

RR – Reduced Range has the same perform- ance as NATO Ball up to a distance of 200 me- ters, but with a Dmax (Safety Fan) of maximum 1500m. For use in populated sensitive areas, protection of Dangerous Goods transport-, Air- port-, Harbour- or Embassies protection. Excellent for training in restricted areas.

All ammunition types can be linked and used together in various configurations in all corresponding NATO weapon systems. PUNCHING POWER Servicemen equipped with the Nammo AP–M995 / M993 (5.56mm/7.62mm) and 9mm HP has the highest level of fire power available on the market today.

AP - ARMOR PIERCING AMMUNITION The individual rifleman will also have the abil- Threats on the battlefield are tougher than ever. ity to stop enemies/insurgents with heavy body The new type of enemy our war fighters are fac- armor and threatening vehicles by penetrating ing today is very mobile and flexible in the envi- body armor and/or vital parts of the vehicle. ronment where the fighting takes place. An urban terrain created by clay, bricks or con- Nammo AP, also type classified in US with crete, streets filled with car wrecks and debrie designation M995 and M993, have been sold in provides the enemy with numerous places to large numbers to Governments, Armed Forces, hide or take cover from conventional Small Federal Agencies and Law Enforcements, who Arms ammunition. want their servicemen and women to have the very best. War fighters using Standard Regular Ball am- munition have a very small or even none effect ACCURACY WITH POWER in these targets and Medium caliber weapons, Nammo does also offer the world’s most com- not always available, might often be brought in plete line of precision ammunition for military to penetrate the obstacle covering the enemy and law enforcement purposes. fighter – momentum and time is lost. .338 Lapua Magnum has become the round to bridge the gap between the 7.62mm and.50 Cal. By using Nammo 5.56mm and 7.62mm AP in It is superb in terms of tactical use offering urban terrain you can tremendously increase much less weight than a light .50 cal system, the lethality of each single war fighter. but gives great ballistics, accuracy and fire- His extreme firepower will easily penetrate the power. enemy hideouts no matter if it’s made of con- The .338 Lapua Magnum AP is really an excel- crete or steel. lent round, slicing through body-armor with ease at long ranges. Linked AP ammunition

5.56mm AP3 (M995) and 7.62mm AP (M993)

AP3 (M995) penetrates 12mm Armor at 100m AP8 (M993) penetrates 18mm Armor at 100m

AP - ARMOR PIERCING - TECHNICAL DATA Caliber: Name: Performance: Penetration: 5.56x45mm AP3 (M995) STANAG 4172 12 mm RHA 300HB at 100m 7.62x51mm AP8 (M993) STANAG 2310 18 mm RHA 300HB at 100m 7 mm RHA 450HB at 500m

Can be linked, mixed with other types of ammunition.

PACKAGING: -Paper box -Clips -Linked


Nammo has a long experience in development THE IR TRACE: and production of tracer ammunition. Nammo Not visible for enemies without NVD’s offers customers both conventional and Infra Red tracer ammunition with long burning No tracking of own firing position, reducing times, useful for Army, Navy and Aviation who risk of own casualties might need to direct and adjust fire at very long distances. No disturbance in own NVD’s Maintained target location and observation IR- [INFRA RED] TRACER/ DIM-TRACER after opening of fire, maximum hit probability Today’s combat units are to a grooving extent with a low ammunition usage using Night Vision Devices [NVD’s] to enable stealthy night combat operations. This has put No backwards illumination by your own trac- the focus on the need to adopt traditional vis- ers. Prevents enemy equipped with NVD’s to ible tracer ammunition to a new operational evaluate your firing position scenario. Nammo has met that need with the develop- Reduced muzzle flash ment of the new 5.56mm and 7.62mm Minimal exposure of own units reducing the IR-Tracer. possibility for enemy to judge your numbers or The latest IR technology adopted in these ca- see the size of attacking force libers makes the IR Tracer totally invisible to the naked eye and solves several operational Short ignition distance combat obstacles, giving the user clear advan- Optimal aiming aid in night combat at tages in stealth combat scenarios. short distances Standard Tracer – Visible IR Tracer – Invisible to the naked eye

Standard Tracer - Burst towards target IR Tracer - Burst towards target

Standard Tracer - Burst over a field IR Tracer - Burst over a field

Standard Tracer single shot (using silencer) IR Tracer single shot (using silencer) a NVD (Night Vision Device) seen through These images are

Standard Tracer at target, 100m IR Tracer at target, 100m

IR - TRACER - TECHNICAL DATA Caliber: Name: Performance: 5.56x45mm IR-Trace (Mk301) STANAG 4172 7.62x51mm IR-Trace STANAG 2310

Can be linked, mixed with other types of ammunition.

PACKAGING: -Paper box -Clips -Linked


BACKGROUND The Non Toxic High Performance ammunition The environmental requirements for various has a better performance than standard lead- types of products have become more strin- ed NATO Ball while also being functional for gent in recent years and environmental aware- indoor- out door training. ness has increased within both authorities and armed forces. The Nammo Lead Free program is today NATO Qualified in calibers 5.56x45mm and Many of the existing ranges and indoor train- 7.62x51mm Ball and Tracer and is in service ing centers do not have the necessary bullet by Armed Forces, Federal Agencies and Police catchers or ventilation systems to handle lead since several years. deposits or dangerous vapours. Costs for solv- ing these problems are increasing every year resulting in ranges closing down or less train- ing time given in existing centers. With Nammo’s 100% Lead Free ammunition, [also free from heavy metals in powder and primer], the absence of these facilities will not affect the user. Governments’ concerns about Health & Safety and environmental issues will not arise nor will future demilitarization prob- lems with old stocks of leaded ammunition.

SUCCESSFUL DEVELOPMENT Nammo has for a long time, been working with development of a lead free improved Standard ammunition for both Combat and Training, this to save the Armed Forces logistical problems when going from training directly to missions. The successful work was finalized year 2000 and Nammo started a full serial production of 5.56mm and 7.62mm Ball and Tracer. NAMMO NON TOXIC AMMUNITION PORTFOLIO:

9mm Ball 9mm HP

5.56mm Ball 5.56mm Tracer

7.62mm Ball 7.62mm Tracer

5.56mm RR 7.62mm RR

This is a 100% LEAD FREE ammunition with the same performance as standard NATO Ball ammunition. NO heavy metals in powder or primer. The steel core gives an improved penetration.

NON TOXIC (LEAD FREE) - TECHNICAL DATA Caliber: Name: Performance: 9mm Ball HP STANAG 4090 5.56x45mm Ball HP STANAG 4172 5.56x45mm Tracer Tracer - NT STANAG 4172 7.62x51mm Ball HP STANAG 2310 7.62x51mm Tracer Tracer - NT STANAG 2310

Can be linked, mixed with other types of ammunition.

PACKAGING: -Paper box -Clips -Linked


The demands on training grounds become Practice realistically combat scenarios with tougher and tougher. The three main change right battle technique from moving platforms at drivers for the training ranges are environ- the range, i.e. 360° / 6400 mills firing directions ment, health and safety and the increased land from APC, HUMVEE or Helicopter. needs. More people and housing becoming neighbours Open new ways to practice as a unit. Train sev- to shooting ranges, causing conflicts with ex- eral units at the ranges simultaneously. isting safety regulations. Use live ammunition in politically sensitive Nammo’s answer to this growing problem populated areas. is the 100% lead free 5.56mm and 7.62mm RR Ammunition, which has full combat per- Nammo RR projectile is solid and will not frag- formance and matched trajectory against ment in the body at impact if there’s an acci- NATO Ball up to 200 meters, but a safety fan dental wound fired at the range, which will re- of only 1500 meters for 5.56mm and 7.62mm. live medical treatment.

WITH A RR AMMUNITION IT’S POSSIBLE TO: The RR is also perfect as a combat round in Build new or continue to use old ranges close missions where combat risk zones may be lim- to barracks, less troop transports with saved ited. It’s also very suitable for Federal- and Law time and less mileage as bonus effect Enforcement operations in public areas.

REDUCED RANGE COMBAT - TECHNICAL DATA Caliber: Name: Performance: 5.56x45mm RR (Reduced Range) STANAG 4172 Full combat performance up to 200m 7.62x51mm RR (Reduced Range) STANAG 2310 ull combat performance up to 200m

Special Ammunition for use in areas with a need for short Dmax.

PACKAGING: -Paper box -Clips -Linked 4300 m 1500 m

4300 m



360° / 6400 mills realistic Live firing training from moving platforms Multiple training options on small sized ranges

FIELDS OF LIVE APPLICATIONS: Guarding transportations of sensitive goods Protection of govt. buildings, Installations of public interest, e.g. power & water plants Harbour control Airport security Embassies Peace keeping missions.

TRAJECTORY SAFETY FAN Standard ammunition Nammo RR ammunition

meter 1500 4300 Full combat performance and matched trajectory against NATO Ball up to 200m, safety fan of only 1500 meters. NAMMO

AMMUNITION, & SPACE PROPULSION PRODUCTS NAMMO AS is a leading developer and manufacturer of ammunition systems and missiles & space propul- sion products. The company is also world leader in demilitarization technology. Nammo’s shareholders are the Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry (50%) and Oyj (50%). Nammo is a Group with wholly owned subsidiaries in , , , , Sweden and USA.

OPERATIONAL STRUCTURE Nammo’s operational structure is divided into five strategic business units:

SMALL CALIBER DIVISION (SCD) the space industry, with separation boosters The division offers a wide range of small caliber and new acceleration motor for the “” ammunition to the civilian and military mar- Second Stage as main product areas. ket including calibers from 5.56mm up to .338 Lapua Magnum. The product range covers ball, DEMIL DIVISION (DEMIL) tracer, armor piercing, infrared tracer, Non Tox- Nammo’s Demil Division activities – with a ic High Performance, reduced range and sniper broad range of different technologies and proc- ammunition. SCD delivers also high-quality esses for demilitarization (environmentally products for competition shooting and hunting. friendly disposal) of obsolete and old ammuni- tion and explosives – are unique worldwide. The MEDIUM & LARGE CALIBER DIVISION (MLCD) Demil Division range covers everything from Medium and Large Caliber Division in Nammo fully disassembly and recycling of most types of provides solutions for combat- and training ingoing materials to thermal treatment fulfill- ammunition for Army, Navy and Air Force ap- ing the strictest European air emission control plications. regulations and environmentally controlled un- The division supplies components and ammu- derground detonations. nition in the caliber range from 12.7 to 57mm as well as for mortar, artillery and tank appli- NAMMO TALLEY cations. MLCD also supply the M72 LAW, hand Nammo Talley has over 50-years of experience grenades, pyrotechnical products and excellent in energetic systems; successfully developing ammunition restoring solutions. new, unique, and critical technologies to meet New products such as smart programmable key defense and commercial program needs. airburst ammunition and hydra-ballistic mine The division’s reputation was earned through clearance ammunition have received increased developing creative solutions to tough technical interest in the market. challenges. Designing and producing a wide va- riety of products for DoD and commercial appli- MISSILES PRODUCTS DIVISION (MPD) cations, product lines include; motors, The Missiles Products Division business is ballistic devices, gas generators, store ejec- mainly comprised of propulsion systems and tion racks, specialty propellant products, CAD/ warheads for missiles as well as small rocket PAD components, warheads and shoulder-fired motors for space applications. Development weapon systems. The only US development and major production programmes such as and production source for lightweight, high NSM, ESSM, IRIS-T and Exocet Block 3 have performance, shoulder-fired weapon systems, created an industrial environment enabling ad- Nammo Talley continues to provide quality vancements in design, engineering and manu- products, and offers a diverse range of reliable facturing capabilities. The division has become tools that our men and women of the armed an attractive partner to the world’s leading forces can depend on. groups. The Division is also involved in PORTFOLIO [PART OF] Technical information -available on IR -Infra Red RR –Reduced Range HP –HighPerformance AP –ArmorPiercing .338 LapuaMagnumAP(8.6x70mm) .338 LapuaMagnumBall(8.6x70mm) .338 LapuaMagnum 7.62x51mm AP 7.62x51mm IR-Tracer 7.62x51mm Tracer 7.62x51mm HPBall 7.62x51mm RR 7.62x51mm Tracer 7.62x51mm Ball 7.62 NATO 5.56x45mm AP 5.56x45mm IR-Tracer 5.56x45mm Tracer 5.56x45mm HPBall 5.56x45mm RR 5.56x45mm Tracer 5.56x45mm Ball 5.56 NATO 9x19mm HP 9x19mm Ball 9x19mm HP 9 NATO NATO Lead free Lead free Lead free Lead free Lead free Lead free Lead free Lead free CD PRECISION PEOPLE TECHNOLOGY

deanlight Stockholm AB | Nammo AS, P.O. Box 142, Box Nammo AS, P.O. NO-2831 Raufoss, Norway NO-2831 Raufoss,