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The Ledger and Times, June 28, 1963

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Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper

In The Afternoon Daily Newspaper God For Murray We arid Trust Calloway County

United Press International Murray, Ky., Friday Afternoon, June 28, 1963 MURRAY POPULATION 10, 100 Vol. LXXX1V No. 153 SUE 'A' le APPOINTMENTS CONFIRMED BY COUNCIL 'Rev. And Mrs. John AAUVV Seeks Articles John Herdmen In Carried On Sutton Now In Greece Fire Chief Is Written By Dr. Hugh Army Pistol Match Routine Business McElrath Of Murray Rev and Mrs, Saul Sutton are FORT BENNING, Oa. tABTNCI Meet Last Night Tax Class John In Regular Sales, Use First now working with the Methodist Speaker For --Army Sergeant The Murray Branch of the AAUVV Church in its missm program at Hodman, whose wife, Rose. lives plans to make a book of the writ- Athens. Greece. on Route I, Almo. Ky.. participated the Coun- ings of the late Dr Hugh McElrath, The Murrall City Council met last tion with the Fire Chief, in the all-Army and Pistol Matches and other Mrs. Sutton-lis the former Ann Rotary Club Dr McElrath was a local historian night and confirmed appointments ty Health Department luScl at Fort Bcnning, Ga.. June concerning 19c Eva Gibbs, daughter of the late who compiled a large number of in- to the Murray Electric Plant Board. officials and agencies Can 5-15. condition of daellings or other Be the Used To Mrs. Murray and Mr. and Ed Gibbs. of Board of Zoning Adjustment, teresting facts about Mueray and Sergeant Herdman and 900 other and was a youth dIregtor of church named a City Building Official_ buildinas. Fire Chief nava Robertson was many of his articles were rim in the Army shooters representing com- work in Texas before her marriage. Riley Peeler, who is a regular the speaker at the Murray Rotary Ledger and Times mands around the world competed Ceylon Thurman Jr. was reap- She is well known in Murray hay- employee with the Murray Street Club yesterday. He was introduced in the 43 'individual and team events pointed to the Murray Electric lb. 29' mg lived here uns, her graduation At least two articles are not in Department, was given a increase by Fleetwood Crouch, who was in fired during the annual event. Plant Board for a term of four Enforce Order from Murray State College. the possession of the AAUW and $15.00 per month in salary to of charge of the program Winners at the meet now advance years_ Thurman's appointment was The Suttons ha', four children. they have asked that anyone having compensate for his irregular work- to the National Rifle and Pistol to expire on June 30 of this year. 49', Su.phen, Marsha Ann, Margaret, Chief Robertson recounted the clippings from the Ledger and Times ing hours. Peeler operates the street lb. By JOSEPH Matches in Camp Perry, Ohio, in Reappointed to the Murray Board VAIOLLA use tax permit and most whole- and John. Prior on their going to history of the local fire department,' about -Early Hotels and Taverns in sweeper, beginning at 2:00 a. m. August. of Zoning, Adjustment were Wells United Press International salers also must have one. Greece. the Sutton family lived in told of the duties of the firemen, Murray" and "Some Horses I Have each day when few cars are parked However, Marcum pointed out their qualifications.and their school- Herdnian entered the Army in Overbey and R. B Parker. FRANKFORT, Ky ret - Rev- Edingurgh. Scotland Known", to contact one of the mem- on the city streets. that further study is necessary by to the ing_ bers 1942. Building In- enue Commissioner James Marcilin Rev. Sutton %as called Humphrey Key. City Two temporary employees of the the legal division of the Revenue 'United States a Iew months ago Last year fire lasses in the Unit- spector was apiiroved as City Build- said today it is his "tentative opin- Anyone having all the articles or Murray Sanitation System were ion" Department before a final decision due to the death chas mother who ed States amounted to over one ing Official also. The office of that the sales and use tax just the two listed, is asked to- con- named as permanent employees last is made. The attorneys are expect- passed away in XlsoiMille, Tenn. billion dollars. Robertson said Over Nunn Criticizes Building Official is called for by permit used to department can be tact Mrs Russeal Terhune or Mrs night They are Willard Pace and $1 ed to complete their research into 300.000 home fires were recorded the Unsafe Housing and Building use to enforce an executive order Edmund Steytler The articles will Combs Road Program Curt Jackson. the question about the middle of with over 7.000 people losing their Code and he is the person who will banning discrimination borrowed and copied. then discuss:, the City Po- next week. lives at fires Of these people, 4,000 only be administer the code The Building In a T! the commissioner is correct, X-15 Can Fly To wits brought out were children, he continued returned. work in close coopers- lice Department it permit The same kind of study that was GREENSBURG, Ky. 1St - Louie Official will could well develop Into Chief Robertson pointed out that that the department received only the most being initiated in the Revenue De- 67 Miles, Pilot B Nunn. Republican candidate for lb. 69' weapon in the anti-dis- fire department and equipment and one call last Saturday when Leon cranination partment also was stated in other governor, in a speech at the Green arsenal %Ouch is now personnel is gardually being up- Beale was murdered about 6:00 being departments and agencies of state F13WARDS AFB Calif EMI — County Fair Thursday night. crit- prepared fur Gov. Bert graded A list of qualifications for rrat osfritai p. m. Councilman Charles Mason Combs. government, The governor gave the America's newest astronaut, X-15 Fiscal Court icized the present administration's firemen weSe adopted by the city Baker said that rumors were going department and agency heads 60 pilot Bob Rushworn, rays the rock- rural road program lb. 39' It is issued to more businesses are always be- about town that the police had re- days to come up with a tangible will has no. trouble" in council and efforts charged that the Demo- Adult Beds -- 65 and individuals than any other per- et ship - Nunn ceived a call earlier and refused to program, complete with the nes world altitude ing made to obtain intelligent young had failed to provide Patient:: Admitted 5 mit or license in the state. Every neces- shooting to a Works On cratic regime answer it. but that this was not men who desire to do a good Job, Isary regulations. record of 67 miles :text month an adequate ssstem of rural roads, Patients Dsisuissed 0 retail outlet must have a sales and he said. He listed a retirement plan true. The department received a call Regulation The 38-year-old Air Force ma- and said there ass us real change New Citizens Necessary as one way to obtain and hold good at 5:59 p m. and within slightly over yor based his prediction on his of facealin Frankfort when one Emergency Beds 0 An administrative regulation men for the department. Budget Today one minute's time, was on the scene "very smooth" X-15 flight Thurs- Democratic faction replaced ano- Patients Admitted From Monday would be necessary if the sales and Chief Robertson gave credit to of the shooting. day to nearly 56 miss in space ther. 10:00 a. sa. to Wednesday 8:34 a. m. use tax permit is to be used. just as former Fire chief A 0. Hughes, The Council approved a payment Weather He became the nation's ninth Nunn told a crowd estimated at Emit Keys, Rt 1, Almo: Mrs_ it will be necessary to use other per- Who headed the department on to the architect and the contractor astronaut by skyrocketing above 50 1,500 persons that Kentucky need- Hobert Brandon, 523 So. 11th. Mrs. mits and licenses in the fight December 16, 1921 and guided the The Calloway Fiscal Court met for the new Murray Hospital miles, the altitude A. man must soar ed to return to constitutional gov- Warren Hardin Williams, 204 The Board of Health, which issues department for the next twenty this morning to adopt a budget for Report beyond in a spa raft or winged ernment. Spruce: Mrs. James Frank Phil- I By motion it was agreed that the countless licenses and permits years. Chief Hughes laid the ground- the fiscal year beginning July 1. tuitsa Puss International vehicle to earn etronaut's wings. lips. Rt 5: Mrs. Ronald Lee Kelley, Mayor, the Street Cotrunittee and busy looking into the various aven- work for the department as exists The budget of the Murray Inde- -I think we ce 'easily ga 12 or 1716 sycamore; Mrs. Donald Ed- the City Attorney would receive the ues it could travel to comply with today, he indicated pendent School District and the 13 miles higher tiart I flew," Rush- ward Tress Rt. 4; J. Voris Pickard,;bids on the Olive Extension project High Yesterday the governor's adrectives to "use 'The institution of the Murray County School District were received Bro. Henson Will - 83 worth said Rt I, Lynn Grove; James Mann- Ion July tg. project tOcludes every law- to emit dLscrimination System has cut the num- d by the court. Low Yesterday US He referred to at. flighteneal asait.ation Speak This Sunday ing. RI 2; Mrs. Jamea Score. ftt. 3: the extehdon of° Olive Street the The heads of professional licens- ber of snots fires Chief Robertson liniecrtyteschool budget 16 $452,401.- 7 15 Today 73 month In wine, Jee Waiker, the Miss Lynn Stone. Rt 6: Mrs Olen extension of North Third street, ing boards, who have not yet met told the club. In 1960 84 grasa fires 00 .which is $16.147 00 more than Kentucky Lake: 1 a in 358 8 down national space ncy's chief test Eldridge. New Concord: Mrs. Geor- the relocating and widening of the • with the governer to discuss his exe- were recorded. In 1961 when the last year's budget The increase is Bro. L. V. Henson oS Benton, and 06 ft in 24 hours pilot, is schedule to climb to 67 ge Underhill and baby girl, Rt. 3: culvert under north Second street, cutive order, were awaiting more pickup system was started, grass due to increased property evaluation. the past thirty onesyears pastor Below dam 3034, down 0_4 ft. miles. for Myrtle Edwards, Rt 1, Benton; Mrs. and the installation of metal cul- structions. fires dropped to 46 In 1962 only The county school budget is $626.- of the Salem Baptist Church, Lynn Sunset 7 20. sunrise 4:40.' J W Wilcox. Hazel. Henry Macon verts under Johnson, Story and 39 grass fires were reported. 831.00 for the coming year. which is speaking Sunday ..tune Some said they were skeptical Grove, will be Newport. 108 E Poplar. Mrs. Willie Meadow Lane The present fire fighting equip- also more than test year for the same 11:00 a. m. worship ser- about tust how much they could 30 at the Anglin. So. Broad Ext Miss Marsha The Murray Electric System con- Winners Named For ment for the city of Murray con- reason vice. Western Kentucky — Consider- do They wondered if there was Carol Erwin, Rt 1, Hardin; Mrs. tributed $1100 on the North Third sists of one 500 gallon per niinute Tax levies were adopted by the An invitation is extended by the able cloudiness, warm and humid any way that they could revoke Ladies Da N Golf Charles Hoke and baby girl. Rt. 1, street extension project The city I 0 ( .11 General pumper. one 750 frall0111 court, being the same as last year. Salem Baptist Church congregation with widely scattered thundershow- a license because the licensee prac- Alm°, Mrs Kenneth Cunningham will pay one-half of the cost and — — per minutes Central Quad pumper Taxes will be as follows county and the pastor Bro. Harold Lassiter, ers today and tonight High today ticed discrimination. and baby girl, Rt.. 2, Hazel: Mrs. the other funds will cane from the Winners for the Ladies Day golf and ladder truck and one 750 gal- schools, $1 50 for general schood use. to the general public to attend this 87 to 92. low tonight 67 to 72. Part- Drug Stores Altested Earl Osborne and baby girl. Rt. 5. Federal government under the Ac- at the Calloway Contry Club have lon Howe pumper These trucks 40e per $100 bank shares and $200 87c, ly overcast and warm Saturday. "I'm waiting to see %that the Board service. Benton: Mrs Lori Lynn Brandon, celerated Public Works program been announced carry salvage equipment. portable poll tax of Health does,- said E. M. Jose-v. Rt. 2. Hazel, Miss, Kathy Ann Thom- The council passed the annual tax Twenty five members participated power plant. gas masks, tools and City schooLs. $1 50 for general executive secretary of the state pson. Rt. 5. levy with the taxes being the same in the /5 attended the Robertson con- schools use, sinking fund, Board of Pharmacy event an: extinguishers. Chief Sc JayCees Name New Patients Dismissed From Monday as last year An ordinance listing Temperatures at 5 a m 4E8T1: regular ladies the iuncheon tinued The present departmen has 25e special tax. 40e on bank shares, But Josey indicated that he felt 10:00 a. at. to Wednesday 8:30 a. m. the taxes for 1963 is run in today's Louisville 71, Lexington 69, Cov- Rebecca treats ws golf medal- eleven paid firemen with a number and $200 poll tax. National President even if there was no action taken Mrs. Silcion Housden. Rt. 2: James Ledger and Times_ ington 70, Paducah, Dowling Green ist Pauline Parker won the high of volunteers County, 50e on real estate. 50e in regard to licensing of pharmac- Moore, Rt. 1, Dover: Mrs. Agnes Mayor Holmes Ellis will go to At- and Hopkins% ille 68 Huntington, putts, Sue Costelle the most 7's and Fires in Murray last year totaled on tangibles. 20e on bank shares. Walker, 214 Eleventh St.; Miss June lanta, Georgia on July 2 with Ev- W VA , and Evansville, Ind 66 (Continued on Ky lIPli - The Page 6) La Verne Ryan' stSd hole 194 Chief Robertson explained to and Se on unmanufactured agricul- to seek CO States Junior Chamber of Ginales, 511 Co. 19th: Charles Gar- ans McGraw. engineer, 29c the Rotarians These were broken tural products on hand United other projects planned In Commerce convention, on an early- ner. Sefastapol. Miss: James Mar- expedite down as follows: structural 83, Special taxes 6e health center especially the curb and morning fifth ballot, today elected shall, Hazel: Master Timmy Scruggs, the city, false alarms 8, grass fires 39, car tax. 13e oh i real estate, tangibles. and gutter project in Circararna This Dick Headless. 33. of ROI/litiful. Box 126 Hazel: T. Rafe Jones. 1308 fires 39 smoke scares 4, mercantile franchise for the hospital bond Is- be under the Accelerated Pub- Utah, as national Jaycee president. Poplar; Mrs. Eugene Hogges.s. Rt. will 16 and others S. sue. and 24- per acre on timberland. Works program also with the Headles, an account executive who 3, Paducah, Billy Earl Brandon lic Several visitors were present lot By noon the budget had not been of the area paying one has been Jaycee vice president for 429 So 8th; Mrs. Robert Airings residents :he meeting. Vernon Shown was a adopted by the court and a !session Federal gov- R 69c Americanism and governmental af- and baby boy. Hardin: Euple Harr, half othe cost and the guest of W. 0. and Joe Lo- ,.as planned for this afterneon to other half. fairs, led from the first ballot and 105 E. 7th. Benton: Gertie Wilkins, ernment the vett was a guest of Hiram Tucker complete the business at hand riding mower was purchased became a unanimous choice when 1635 Miller; Carl Vick, Rt. 2. Ha- A Rev. Lloyd Ramer new pastor of The desire was expressed t his other candidates conceded. zel for the city park the First Methodist Church was morning that more funds be placed three .1 guest of Luther Robertson in the road fund of the budget Last 4 for 89' Don Overbey was a guest of Fleet- year about $50.000 was earmarked wood Crouch. Wesley Kimble was for roads, but actually over $75,000 a guest of Eugene Schanbacher ails :mem in this department The club will not have a meet- The court approved an increase pkg. 81.00 4 ing on next Thursday, July 4 to the county agent's department of $600. The court also voted to reduce the airport funds from $3,000 to pkg. 12-oz. Minuteman Streaks $2.000. ; for $1.00 A new fund In the budget this 4,000 Miles To Target :ear is $2375 for Civil Defense pending. okgs. $1.00 CAPE CANAVERAL Iris A Revival Will Begin sleek swift Minuteman, the -1E- stant. ICBM" that forms the back- At Coldwater Sunday bone of the tuition's continent- - -- based missile striking force, streak- A revival meeting Will begin at ed more than 4.000 miles to a target the Coldwater Baptist Church on In the Atlantic Ocean Thursday Sunday June 30 with Bro Billy .19' night. Turner, pastor of the Scott's Grove Minutes after the rocket blast- Baptist Church 'as the evangelist. Trenholm's Tastee Freez Drive-1n Restaurant, located on Chestnut Street, just west of ed from its underground laundising Bro James Hardison will be the 12th, is open seven days a week from 6:00 a.m. until midnight. Serving complete dinners, site, the Air Force said the firing songleader Two services will be held one at ;he drive-in also features pizzas' andamburgers. Garnet Trenholm, from Canada, Is the was a "complete snoceas daily, one at 2.00 p m and a. owner of the firm. More than 100 nuclear-tipped 7 30 p. m. Minuteman rockets already are in The congregation and the pastor firing position at underground W. Page invite the Garnet Trenholm was born an hamburgers, a line of frozen custard dicated that a 'lean, wholesome Rev. tirover 10c, launching silos throughout the public to attend. raised in Canada but the pizza is is handled by the firm, excluding business is his aim with the em- • what he features primarily at Tren- the fifty flavors. Complete fountain phasis on serving tasty, well cooked United States Eventually, the na- 4-HERS WIN ('AMP HONORS — Calloway County 4-H Club members receiving awards tion will have 909 of them on sta • holm's Tastee Frnez, located Nst service is offered also food in a mininrun of time. Missing Boat Is as outstanding campers at Western Kentucky 4-H Camp, near Dawson Springs, are pic- west of 12th Street on open from 7.0o let is located on tion. Chestnut The firm is The restaicant, tured with camp leaders Front row (left to right) Barletta Wrather, Home Agent; Drena heads 29 Street, the morning until midnight each Chestnut Street laid west of 12th Reported Thursday Bazzell, Star Camper; Nancy Williams. Star Camper; Nona Bazzell, Citizenship; Pat The drive - in restaurant serves day. and Mr. and...,Mrs. Trenholm live at HIGH—LOW Calhoun, Star Camper; Pat Lampe, Star Camper. Batk row dinners, but "pushes" pizzas and Mr. Trenholm attended public 404 North L2th Street. A missing boat was reported of. Scott, Star Camper; Craig Armstrong, Star Camper; Debbie Cal- hamburgers. schools in New Brunswick, Canada Trenholm invites the people Thtirsday to the sheriff's office The (left to right) Glen Sims, Associate Agent; Henry 2 lbs. 29' Delivery service is a part of the and is now married to the former of Murray and Calloway County NEW YORK (111) -- The lowest boat. is owned by Pete Purdont and houn, Star Camper: Kathleen Madroy, Citizenship; Johnny Kelso, Citizenship; Mary service of the drive in, with this Vida Atkinson. The couple have to come by Trenholm's Tastee Freez temperature in the nation-Sexclud- Brent Hughes and reported stolen Beth Bazzell, Jr. Leader; Mrs. Bill Bazzell, Leader; R. W. Burrow, Kentucky Utilities available from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 two boys and one girl, ages 14, 18 after the show, ball game, or just ing 'Hawaii and Alaska--reported to sometime during the past four weeks. Farm and Commercial Service Adviser. is a 14 foot Arkansas p.m. and 21. when they want some good food. the U S Weather Bureau this The boat Campers from this and other counties took part in a varied camp program of fun and • Both curb service and table sem-, Mr. Trenholm said and place Sexton Summit. Traveler, aluminum, heavy duty, 10 that he yea Remember to call orders morning was 35 at Instruction which included boating, electrical classes, swimming, archery, casting, crafts, ice is available at the restaurant. highly appreciative of the patronage for your pizza Mr. Trenholm re- Ore. Thursday's high was 108 at hp motes green, serial number flag exercises and vesper and evening programs. 19c • In addition to dinners, pizzas and which had been given him. He in- minded. Oils Bend, Ariz 1186390. Sit Under The Stars Tonight And View 'Slats In illyitrown' A Drama Of !Western Kentucky In Words, Music And Dance

tor •

." a I nor TWO THE LE 4ER is TIMES — MURRAIT. FRIDAY — JUNE 28, 1963

THE LEDGER & TIMES News • PUBLISHED by LEDGER & TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY. Inc.. MURRAY LOAN CO. Coneolidation of the Murray Ledger. Getnoway The •Tunes, and The 508 W. Alain St. Telephone PL 3-2621 Times-Hera.d, October 20, 1928, and the West Kentuckian, January ' Coldwater , 1, 1942. 'YOUR HOME-OWNED LOAN CO.'' 'N't`lreBillehTlersee. JAMES C. WILLIAMS, PUBLISHER The Bluer fennlY :reunions:: held at Mr: and Mrs. Lester We reserve the right to reject any Advertising. Letters to the Editor, or Public Voice items where in oar opinion, are not ior the best in- Sunday June 16 'Titose present terest . of our readers. • Sere Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Black, Mr and Mrs Don Black, and chil- Murray Lumber Co. Inc. NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES: WALLACE WIT:v.1ER CO., 1509 dren. Mr and Mrs. Wayman Green, Madoon Ave., Meneiphis. Tenn.; Time & Late Bldg., New York, N.Y.: Mr .and Mrs Kay Black and faintly. OLDEST AND LARGEST LUMBER CO. IN MURRAY Stephenson Bete , Detroit, Mee. Mr and Mrs. Harlan Black and Entenei a: the Poet Office, elerrey. Kentusky, for tranehussion as children. Mr and Mrs Meson Black EVERY FOOT A SQUARE DEAL Second Clies :Matter. and children. Mr and Mrs. James Bbsetnind cheicitelle-Mr. and 'Mn. 104-East Maple St. - Tel. 753-3161 7-SU1lSCRIPTIe RATE: B Cerrier in Miirray. per week 20r, per Carkla Bleck and tangly. Mr. and neeen 85c. e. teeloway and ieinaining ceuneese per year. S4 50; else- here, $8.00 Mrs. Rdnert %hick. Ste and Mrs. J C. Pace and deadlier and &eV- "The Outstanding Civic Assst of a Community is the er.s1 other referees and friends. Integrity of its Newspaper" Mr. and Mrs. Csraham Rovers and faintly of Fla.. are visiting relative* taDAY NI. .n Ky. SPACr—Premier Mr and Mrs Fluood Black and 'FIRST IADY OF Nikita Khrushchev presents the Soviet's newest space eine of Pasco. Washineton are sinn- heroes to a cheering throng in Moscow's Red Square. They are Valentina Tereshkuva, 26, the "first ing relatives in Ky. lady of space," N, ho orbited the Earth 48 Umes, and Valery Bykovsky, who set TYPEWRITERS Quotes From The News a new mark of 81 orbita. Mr and Mrs Clarence Graham (Radiophoto) By UNITLD Pliniess INTLRNATIONAL if Mich are spending a few days SAN FRANCISCO -- Sell Barry Goldwater (R.-Arieen ales relatives in Ky. aCidreeeing the National Reptiblieen convention: Friday afternoon callers of Mrs. Nature Unfair Ophelia Baezell were Mrs. Jumny -It is the Moral bankruptcy ef the liberal politicians Ten Years Ago Today Turner, Mrs Aeines Bazzell. Ma's. ADDING MACHINES VILE which Le catleing the youee people to Move toward the LEDGER & TIMES Re-4 Jewell Kufee.and Kay. Calib Snater publitein Party. They are tilt re:it-titularies. They haven't and Cathy Lamb. • To,Women, had a new idea for 30 yeers Mrs Blahs Hill spent a few days W. B. McReynolds passed away this morning at th( with Mr and Mrs. Ira Hill home of his brother, Gaylon McReynolds, of Murray rout( FOR SALE or RENT CORK. Ireland Prt,:d, nt Kennedy, addressing a Crowd Mr. and Mrs. David Raider and Favors Men five. at tie City Hall: children and Mrs. Bob Guthrie and ^ The Giants downed the Braves 13-5 in a thrilling gamt "We are In the Most el:ma:tie peried in the Most dan- daughter are spending a few days with lame folks here tonight. t nit and daneeruus etreeeie- el the Inetory of the World." By DELOS SMITH Mr J E Tildon Edwards, age 76, passed away today at his horn. Duncan is spending UPI Science Editor 11 few days with relatives in Mich. on North Fifth Street. LEDGER & TIMES LONDON -- Party Lerl Christine Keeler, NEW testifying .at Mr. CI:L. Bareell and Mr Ethel YORK rfe -- It is the con- Master Sergeant Joseph T. Barron, of Murray, has re- :le vice trial of Dr. Stephen of •(— Waed about gifts she received Darnell acre Wednesday afternoon tention Dr. Robert A. Wilson, ported to Armour ROTC Summer Camp at Fort Knox, Ky. front men: I veteran ' cellers of Mrs.. Onleha Baleen woman's doctor, that na- 103 N. 41h Street Murray, Ky. -alt. ture is unfair of the men (Tele P: feline who cave me present.. Mr. and Mrs Fred Wilderson were to elderly women but did . • that medical science can do some- t for myself. It was for 111 afternoon callers of Mr. st'ndaY thing about It. Dial 753-1916 mete,. end Mrs. Charles A. Lamb and Nature family. "desexes" women when she approaches her 50s and there- NEW LONDON, C..e.i. Mr aed Mrs. Bobby Barnett and holes Ukraine, Waiting for , after she declines rapacity men- nolice Children were Haturday callers of oateicle a home v411. rt ilu -dl hed Coup tally and physically it' Mr and Mrs Davy Bartell and sons. even thong: eild their eon: she may live to be Miss Ka', Penderzrass is spending. a hundred it, ia,t. is e his view Nature does no a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Bun such de- teriorating thing H Hughes and, to man. althoten. It usually kills Miss Patsy and Alisa Barnhill him sooner. "Our streets abound with and Mss Anita Pendergrass are then elderly women, walking spending a few days with their stiffly e. I twin and threes, erandparents Mr. and Mrs. Novell seeing little ob- serving Pendergrass. less. he said. "It is not unusual to see an erect man Mrs John Travis is seending a of ';' vigorously striding 'along few days with her parents Mr. and on the golf course, but . Sirs. J. D. Lamb and daughter. never a woman of this age." i ' Sir and Mrs. Vireie Bridges. Mr. The young girl is - and Mrs Pat Riley. Mrs Lome cesentially of nueter gender" With Peeuergrass and Mr and Mes puberty her '63 OLDS 98 4-Dr. '57 MERCURY body chemistry is flooded araard were Sunday afternoon with the Poker & Air, 8.400 4-Door hormones of fenunity nieers of Mrs. Laura Mayfield and and the:. make her a Miles. Clean as nest Tenney Pullen. woman At the meno- '56 OLDS 4-Dr. pause. the -change Mr Robert Hoke and daughter of life." estrog- THREE YEARS IN CZECH PRISON- Mrs. Helen Kuzeradsky. 52, '60 FALCON 4-Dr. '55 PONTIAC ens production is abruptly curtail- weeps with loy as she Is reunited with her (army at New 11,, se' :seemed home irons a neat ed She returns to 1-Dr.. Fair 5279.95 with- relative in Ohio. essential "neuter York's Idlewild Airport after spending 38 months in a Czech '59 PONTIAC gender." prison. She was accused of being • Central Intelligence Star Chief, 1-Dr. '55 PONTIAC I • 'I Agency spy while on a business trip to Czechoslovakia in Rettig h. SI 50.00 Men Fade Gradually ' 1960 With her here are daughter Helen, le. and an Michael, '59 FORD 4-Dr. 23.. Her busband John also her "There is variation in degree but met at the airport. The '55 OLDS S. 88 family lives '59 FORD 4-Dr. Tee in fact." continued Wilson, In Passaic, N.J. 4-Dr. fUtop $199.95 1 -Seen do not live as long as the '59 FORD '54 FORD 2-Dr. so-called weaker Sex However. they Station Ilagon FRANK'S lUtop. 575.00 ..ce if free from serious discus. '58 FORD 4-Dr. , ei a proportional manner. Ile '54 PLYMOUTH siS Cylindt•r I neeide fade gradually, but tlitn "ENTERTAINMENT AS 4-Door. . 899.95 1 is ee s idden shutdown." REPUBLICAN CHOICE—This aerial view Shows 57 FORD 2-Dr. San Fran- Becatiee these YOU LIKE IT" '47 DESOTO c s Coss ea a where the Republican National Conven- gonad horrnote are responsible for 57 FORD 4-Dr. $50.00 t...iv win open ,hi.y 13, 1944. The Republicans also consened conspicuous se\ featuring (haractenstica. Lire in leee. The Cuw Palace Las a 16,000 seating capacity. the layman thil',S, 11P, • ,if them as "sex hornenies " Ine- .9 DOME DOWDY thenastry knows. however, '4 See A C Sanders. Wells Purdom, Jr, or Bennie Jackson ti,,. 4e Vocalist and Trumpeter they play important parts in the chemical processes which maintain DANCING with all 'le body functional efficiency HIS SANDERS-PURDOM Tiiesdar thru 9aturday BUNCH Wilson said that in the "estrogen- BANNANA and eat-vett" elderly women, muscle cells 8 tilt 12 JOE lose their strength. there is a loos No Corer Charge MOTOR SALES :it ueighe, energy and height. ar- "Music With A Peel" 1406 Main Street Phone 753-5315 ena, -harden- at a greatly at- Ladies Invited celerated rate, she is made sincept- ;tee to mountine bead pressure. and her bones become progreasive- ly niore beetle.

Note Mental Effects • And there are mental effects. "A iree percentage of women who 1,1' ape severe d.preesion acquire .% vapid cos -like feeling called a 1.-eativi• state: " he said "It IN a. nretive niisery such people react to pleasant stimuli. yet do net erat to great depths of degree- ion The eorld appears as through ..ray seal. and they live as docill harahleseltreatwe.s missing most of ;.teN talaes"

sinker. a i -he', merle al science OFF TO HUNT HURRICANES AND TYPHOONS—Blasted off 1114 FOOTSORE — Barry Bishop, repleccreetit therapy" to (eerie tan :.•• Ina, a earn. ra-carryinglerus VII weather el, has.* wave and a big relerly a 'eaten S110 are markedly satellite rres Into orb.r. Leap a sleek, welts Delta rocket. seele ad two frostbitten declining that is, give them syn- Tee veva...1,er staeon w.11 seek out end peutegraph - burnt f• ,t as he arrives home In thetic eerogens to replace threse canes and typhoons this ' Tenni frum that climb a-hich their gonad glands are no long' r producing.

He is devoting himself to per. other gvnecoloents , to at- TRIMCUTS . eept this view At present and gen- erally '-peaking. emthetic intruseess are. admenietered to elderly wernen with ceetion Wilson receritly re- butted et 'teeth iii the Iceirrwil of Anierickli Medical Aaeociation a nenneel inedical suspicion that 1 'icy reicet sornehew cause cancer.

into a pair—and see IA hy we call 'em Trimcuts. FOR CORRECT ...limb TIME sad ievere plain-front styling and trim, tapered lines look TEMPERATURE so right—fit so neat. Solids and patterns in sturdy DA t' OR NIGHT wash-and-wears. DIAL -753-6363cey,,e1FIBY .a PEOPLES WO 1 "0 • 411. reeeeles-r 7 , 11 1 VI hi ' 7- • . , Iirnan of New Neek der sir I S. t Vet; an for le A J (/4.441401.•40tr.)) Murray, Ky. - 4 em - - - isa



I A, r 107



ORDINANCE NUMBER 405, BELNO parts of $100.00 of assessed value- CLIP THIS AD CLIP THIS AD AN ORDINANCE LEVYING GEN- Son, taxes as set out in Sections 1,1 tti ERAL AD VALOREM TAXES FOR II, III, IV, and V hereof shall be "7-Or THE GENERAL FUND, POLL levied and collected according to the TAXES, AND TAXES FOR THE rates and classifications set out in MURRAY Driveln Theatre RETIREMENT OF CITY OF MUR- said sections. o. Inc. RAY VOTED HOSPITAL BONDS, FOR THE YEAR 1963. SECTION VII: This Ordinance Open 6:30 * Start Dusk IN MURRAY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COM- shall take effect from and alter its final MON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF adoption by t h e Common DEAL MURRAY, KENTUCKY, AS FOL- Council. LOWS: PASSED ON FIRST READING ON -3161 THE rith DAY OF JUNE, 1063. Hootenanney 'Week SECTION I: For the year of 1963 • there is hereby levied, for general COMMON couNcri.... municipal purposes, a general ad CITY OF MURRAY, JUNE 30 THU JULY 6 valorem tax of One Dollar (81.00) KENTUCKY FEU 15,000 FEET-Lt Cliff 3. on each and every One Hundred By: HOLMES ELLIS, Dollars' (8100.00i worth of property, Judicina III, 26, rests at El Mayor Sta- Including franchise (assessed fair Turo Marine Corps Mr City of Murray, Beach, Calif.. °Diffurnt Feeture cash valuei, located in the City of tion in Long Kentucky fall of 15,000 feet In- Murray, Kentucky. after a ATTEST: Pacific. His F-8 Cru- SECTION II: For the year of to the STANFORD ANDRUS, CLERK sader became disabled and Nite!! 'RS 1963 there is hereby levied, for gen- Every City of Murray, Kentucky balled put. His parachute eral municipal purposes, a general he failed tupen. His fall was ad valorem tax of Twenty Cents SUNDAY NITE ONLY slowed a bit by the small (8 .20( on each One Hundred Dol- FIVE DAY FORECAST drogue, or pilot chute, which lars' 18100.001 worth of bank shares was supposed to open the NO. 1. "KETTLES ON OLD ,assessed fair cash value) issued by main parachute. JudkIns was NES each and every bank and trust com- McDONALDS FARM" picked up 600 miles at sea pany in the City of Murray, Ken- By United Press international by the minesweeper Embat- tucky. "FRANCIS JOINS the WAC" k. LOUISVILLE ITPD - The advan- tle after three hours in the NO. 2. SECTION W. For autttl, Loy the year of ced forecasts for the five-day per- water. He suffered internal 1963 there is hereby levied for P-L-U-S -"- INT CHATTY BABY DOLL that talks has a really convertible carriage, at left, that can be gen- iod, Saturday through Wednesday, injuries and broken ankles. turned into a atving, at right, and into IAA'en other playthings, including a• eral municipal purposes, a poll tax by the U S. Weather Bureau: 10 CHICKENS WILL BE THROWN OFF THE ROOF of One and 50,100 Dollars (111.50) Temperatures for the period will IF YOU KETCH EM - THEIR YOURS! on each and every male inhabitant average near the state normal of proximately one-half inch with scat- of the City of Murray, Kentucky, 76 degrees, with only minor changes tered thundershowers likely to- MONDAY NITE ONLY Plaything, save and except those individuals through Wednesday. night and east Saturday and again exempt under the terms of KRS Total rainfall will average ap- about midweek. Two More Big Motion Pictures!! For Summe 142.020. • IN WNW gECTION IV For the year of 1963 there is hereby levied, for general NO. 1. "DANCE WITH ME HENRY" y JOAN O'SULLIVAN municipal purposes, a general ad YOU TAKE NO CHANCE WHEN YOU 1.11SlitERTIME and life's kit that allows Junior to create cary-all baslt et. valorem tax of Five Cents (6 .05) NO. 2. "FRANCIS IN the HAUNTED TRADE WITH .. . . " easier than ever for Morn, a whole series of vehicles. The Ball games are also poplin on each One Hundred Dollars 8100.- vLs. HOUSE" becauie the kids all but live kit. contains varied tops and With both boys and 00> worth of unmanufactured tobac- One novel game has a plas- outdoors. Even getting them other interchangeable autotuo-, co ,assessed fair cash value( within p-L-U-S inside for meals Is something bile parts. tic stand. When the ban is the City of Murray. Kentucky. PARKER MOTORS the stand pops aysabol of of an effort. For the prospective *road thrown into For the year 1963 there is hereby GONNA GIVVA WAY ONE OF EM SAVAGE STORE builder, a hydsaulic trailer right badk, making it T..:.ssible, Ky, • What's the big attraction? levied, for general murncipal pur- PLaza 3-5273 Murray, GUITARS . . . THEN YOU KEN PLAY JEST LIKE sunshine and, re- dump truck is exciting. The for a child to enjoy a mune poses, a general ad valorem tax of Fresh air, OLD LESTER FLAW!! ports the Toy Guidance Coun- trailer body raises and dumps of catch solo. Fifteen Cents ($ .15) on each One, LARGE VOLUME - LOW PROFIT Gonna givvet to the best lokin hillbilly dress up ir cil. some of the most intri- It. load automatically by Baseball Set Hundred Dollars' ($ico.orn worth of "Service Built Our Business" means of a hydraulic cylinder a Hootenanney outfit-you might win that akar! guing outdoor toys to come A portable baseball sot with all other unmanufactured agricul- ON A NEW OR USED CA/U which operates exactly like its IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US along In many a summer. light plastic bats and aat is tural products (assessed fair cash giant prototype. On stilts another summer ape.. value) within the City of Murray, TUESDAY NITE ONLY Stilts, for example, are all Miniature Marvel For junior golfers, :here's Kentucky, that are not actually on Ma- station wagon with the rage this year. In a plas- A toy an automatic tee. W-.-rt you hand at the plants of manufactur- a horse trailer is another min- !!Two More Gooduns !! tic version, stilts are niodeled step on the tee, a all is ing concerns for the purpose of PRODUCTION marvel that ptovides 'A to resemble a palomino horse. iature ejected into driving 7,3101011. manufacture, nor in the hands of playtime fun. NO. 1. "FEUDIN, FUSSIN, FITIN" And with a little practice, the Six balls come with U. :es. the producer or any agent of the CREDIT LOAN • The big attraction for little kids can all but gallop around Bar Bells producer to whom the products have on them. girls is, not surprisingly, a _ been conveyed or assigned for the GOOD NO. 2. "LAST TIME I SAW URY The l'resldent's physial fit- is doll carriage- but one that's purpose of sale. Newest addition to push- ness drive is reflected 11 Toy- ARCHIE" extraordinary because it's nine SECTION V - For the year of 1963 FARM pull toys is a miniature ice land, says the Toy C.idance toys in one. - there is hereby levied for the re- 4-Dr. cream truck embellished with Council, by a big boom Inter P-L-U-S * Murray voted BUSINESS.- IAC a display sign that moves Convertible Carriage bells. Weights vary from 25 tirement of City of when the vehicle is pulled The carriage comes with pounds for beginners to 45 hospital bonds a tax of Nineteen . "TEN DOLLARS TO THE THE PERSON BRINGIN Ir $279.95 along. extra. frames and parts so it pounds for husky yo.r.gsters. Cents (8 .19) per One Hundred this THE LARGEST PONE OF CORN BREAD" IAC The heavy gauge steel truck, can be converted into a swing With so many f play- Dollars ($100.00) taxable valuation Finance That's right, bake it rite with Martha White! 8150.00 a prime summer favorite with seat, a rocker cradle, a swing- things to enjoy outs: • -a, it's on all taxable property within the easy, low-cost way-for boys, is bed, a car seat, a regular no wonder the kids ate to City of Murray, Kentucky. out in a number of ing WEDNESDAY NITE ONLY S. 88 new versions. stroller or backward -facing come indoors. SECTION VI: On all fractional • TODAY'S FARMING NEEDS op $1 99.95 Most versatile is a truck stroller, a rocker seat and a Do you blame 'ern? its Just Geed "14oss-Soris•" to Borrow Whet. Folks Em Shore Enuf 2-Dr. Two More of Are Interested in You and Your F011/A Firioncinp Needs Shows! ! $75.00 FOR SALE Good OUTH HERS WHY, PRODUCTION CREDIT p.ossides loons for 011 nes& to help NO. 1. "ELMER GANTRY" $99.95 • you f arm rnor• probtobly

TO 1963 CUSHMAN sound repayment plea ADC NO. 2. "PRIVATE LIVES OF ADAM • res borrow on • ploor,•d end INTEREST . $50.00 that you con afford -and you pop only SIMPLE AND EVE" on the doily asostanding balance. SUPER-HUSKY terrIce P-L-U-S • PRODUCTION CREDIT LOANS become a useful irk:on -specifically tailored foe • rung your FARM ROSINESS THIS pion JEST LOOK AT THIS . . . 350 cc motor, windshield, yow needs. A DRESS SEWING CONTEST OUTTA A GRASS you how to SAVE on form loons-loons mod* OM crash bars, buddy seat, Eel PCA show SACK . . . YOU KNOW, A TATER BAG! hatks who know form business and o former's seeds. speedometer. Perfect con- Girls, get them pins and neddles outta there . . . Always See Your PCA FIRST! if you wear the best dress made out of a grass sack dition. Retail price $6 CO. we gonna give yea a Salvage Store transistorized Will Sacrifice For Only Always See Your_ PCA FIRST! Radio. THIntSDAY SITE ONLY $425.00 Jackson Purchase • LOOK A HERE WHAT WE GONNA HAVE JULY 4th The Murray Drive-in Theatre Annual Call Jim Williams, Jr. Production Credit Assin. at 753-3147 or see at FIREWORKS DISPLAY 207 S. 13th Street 307 N. 4th Murray PLasa 3-3602 Bigger and Better Than Ever! - Rite Here In Calloway County! PLUS THESE TWO BIG HITS ON THE SCREEN! NO. 1. "THE OUTSIDER" • NO. 2. "UP FRONT" Structo 915. Co. Protect OFERE'S A NEW TOI-CH of realism for the junior rancher to enjoy outdoors. This cub too. FIREWORKS, AND TWO BIG PICTURES ;station wagon made of heavy gauge stecl tonics with a Muse ttailcr and toy houses, tobacco quality; stop THURSDAY NITE, JULY 4th!! FRIDAY NITE ONLY ATTENTIOV! TWO MORE OF EM GOOD SHOWS BETTERS THEM insect damage to leaves! OTHERNS WE ALREADIE SHOWED OUT THEAIRE! • ALL TOBACCO GROWERS NO. 1. "TEENAGE MILLIONAIRE" NO. 2. "ROCK PRETTY BABY" DO YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT Endrin is the dependable way to protect ... AND SUMPIN ELSE TOO!!!! tobacco leaves from hornworms, tobacco flea 10 PASSES TO THE MURRAY DRIVE-IN THEATRE SUCKER CONTROL? beetles, tobacco budworms, grasshoppers, TO THE PERSON WHOME CAN DRUNK THE MOST cutworms, loopers, and many other insects. BUTTERMILK! That's right. if you can drink the initial most buttermilk you'll receive 10 Passes to the Drive- A Representative of the U.S. Rubber Comnany - who M11-30 - Endrin gives both high kill and make In. will be at the Co-Op Store all day Tuesday, July 9th, 1963. He wants to lasting action. It's economical, easy to use, meet you and answer any ouestion You might have on the use of M 11-30, and pays for itself many times over by • BIG WINDUP SATURDAY'NITE - on both your Burley and Dark Tobacco. protecting leaf quality. Sec your dealer -AND A today for Endrin. Two More Jim Dandies of a Thrill!! - TIIERE Will BE A NICE DOOR PRIZE - e d Velsicol Chemical Corporation FOR ALL YOUR INSECTICIDE NEEDS, CHECK me 330 East Grand Ave., Chicago fl, NO. 1. "ALIAS JESSE JAMES" YOUR CO-OP STORE FIRST! NO. 2. "COMIN' ROUND THE MOUNTAIN" •••I • THIS IS THE NITE that anything and everything "7 can, may, and probably will happen! Don't, miss this • • Calloway County Soil Improvement Kill tobacco insects 0.4 hereone! THIS ADD AND 50e WILL ADMIT YOU fl Association with Endrin! SATURDAY SITE, JULY 6th!! a. Clip This Add for A Reduction Sat., July 6! • INDUSTRIAL ROAD • .1113 • (IV SIHI .11'1.) II▪ I13 -V. (IV SIN/.

• •


• PAGE FOUR THE LEDGE/1 Es TIMES --• !MURRAY, KENTUCKY FRIDAY — JUNE 28, 1963 dress of sheath style with matching flowered hat. Bhp wore white bates- sories and a corsage of white donut- PERSONALS Mrs. J. B. Burkeen - 753-4947 [Ions. Dear Abby. . . The groom's mother, wore a Light Mrs. Max Brandon and children, Lee, age 8.1, and Sheilah Gaye, age blue brocade dress with inatehing Sheree and Karen. of Paducah are 13,1. Mrs. Mae Jones and Mr. at'. hat and white Bal.THSSO les and her visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Leo Ctu-raway are the gran - corsage was of white carnations 0. C. Ashcraft and Mr. and Mrs. parents. also. Better A Kind Lie! Owen Brandon of Hazel. Mr. Bran- • • • Mrs. Thomas, maternal grand- don, who is home office manager of Miss Myra Bagwell of Chatta- mother wore a royal blue lace dress =wawa- Friendly Finance, is attending Col- nooga, Tenn., has been the guest of with matching hat and white ac- ., •=1•1•16 umbia University School -of Com- Mrs. Tom Rowlett and family and cessories. Mrs. T. 0. Martin, paternal Abigail Van Buren merce in New York. other friends in Murray. Sykes-Hunt grandmother, wore a black eyelet1 • • • • • • &OM Calairidas Vows Read dress with matching accessories,I Mr. and Mrs. Rex Brown and Mr. Ronnie Workman, chil- /////// / / Judy and Mrs. William E. Davidson, paternal FR ///' ///// // / ./.' /117/ ,Friday. June 28 and Mrs. William Thomas Brown dren of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Work- grandmother, wore a lavender dress was Pittsburgh, Youth Day for 7th grade through DEAR ABBY: I'm sick of all this Henrietta Leaver of and their two sons, Bobbie and Ron- man of Detroit, Mich., are visiting of dac.ron and cotton and matching "The Million the college will be held. at Callowas talk about helping people to "come pedlar Baby frorn nie, have returned from a western their grandparents, Mr. and Mr headpiece. All wore corsages of, -and County Country Club from one to hark". What about those of us who Five -Ten tent store," she sas trip. They visited Chief James Rob 011ie Workman. They came to Mur- white carnations. Indeed Miss otter- five o'clock in the afternoon and have always been okay? Who helps .tanerica of 1935. Brown and his wife who are sta- ray with their uncle and aunt, Mr. All men in the bridal party wore' vitae, she seven to ten o'clock at night. Ea. Us? I was married to an alcoholic hasn't a beautiful let to tioned in White Sands, New Mexico, and Mrs. Howard Robinsonl of May- a-hite carnation boutonnieres. stand on. member may bring one non-mein- for 15 years and finally divorced where he is a radar technician on field who had been visiting them. Reception 1 • • • ber guest. him. Now another alcoholic is ruin- the missile range. Points of interest The children's maternal grandfa. Immediately following the wed- • • • ing my life. She came to work here For a persoual reply, write to they visited on the trip were the Hier, Claude Miller, returned to ding a reception was held in the ABBY, Saturday, June 29 three months agog I was nice to her. Box 3365, Beverly Hills, CA' Grand Canyon, Painted Desert, the Murray with them after a visa In church basetneut. Misses Debbie and and The MiuTay Manufacturing Wives She confided that she was an alcoh- forma include a self-addreaed, Meteor Crator, and the Petrified Detroit. Nancy Bailey. cousins of the groom stamped Club will have a dinner for members ; olic and a member of A.A. I told the envelope. Abby anoiaa Forest in Arizona. • • • greeted the guests and kept the and husbands at Parts landing Inn others in the office because I ALL mail. • • • Mr. eud Mrs. Roy F. Crotzer and register_ • • • at 6 pm. Hostesses will be Mes- thought they had a right to know. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ross of Children, Debra, Donna, and Steven, The reception table was covered. Don't dames Robert Wyman. K. D. Wing- You should see how they reacted! put off writing letters. and Allen Park, Mich. have been the returned to their home in Bowlin.. ; with a white linen cloth with crystal one to ert. Ann Thomp.sara Eva Brink. and You'd think she was a saint or dollar Abby for her booaot. guests of her brothers and wives, Green on Wednesday after a visit punch service used. White tapers in L. R. Yates. something She started dating an "How. To Write Letters For all Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Clark and Mt. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. silver candle holders were used. The • • • important man in the office. (Di- cations." and Mrs. Oliver Clark. Burkeen of Almo, and other reia- centerpiece was a floral arrange- • • • vorced.) One day in the lounge a • • • tIves at Paducah. Their nephew, ment of white gladioli a bite and Sunday. June alith girl said to her. "You don't look like James Michael is the name chos- "Butch" Thompson, returned to yellow baby mums. A large three- NOW 7011 1E1Nr.".V Open House will be held by St.; you've ever had a drink In your en by Mr. and Mrs. James D. Har- Bowling Green with them for a tiered wedding cake topped %oh By United Prows International Leo's Catholic Church, 2 to 6 pm. ' life". It was more than I could rison of Kirksey for their baby boy, visit. • • • was cut and served to The Hawaiian Islands con:.,n a bridal pair stand. so I told her the truth. I said, weighing eight pounds ten ounces, • • • the guests. Mrs. J. M. Hunt Jr., cut more than 400 beef cattle ranches, You look hard and you've earned born on Monday. June 10. at the Mr and Mrs. Walter Doherty of Monday. July 1st the cake and Mrs. Don Jones served one of which is said to be the sec- " She ran out crying, and hasn't Murray Hospital. They have two Bowling Green spent the weekend 4, The WSCS of the Bethel. Brooks' the punch with Mrs. Ray Bailey ond largest in the nation, accord- been to work since. Now no one In other children, Dairy Mitchell, age with his brother, A. A. Doherty and Chapel. and Independence Metho- assisting in the serving. ing to the American Geographical the office speaks to me. I was eight, and Dianna Gail, age six. The Mrs. Doherty. dist churches will meet at the par- The couple left for a short un- Society. taught to be truthful, Abby. What grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wade • • • at 7 pm. announced wedding trip. For travel- has happened to the world, any- Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mrs. J. W. Burkeen and sons, ing the bride wore a white cotton way? I'm for honesty Am I wrong? I awns. David and Danny, are visiting he: The Louie Moon Circle of the MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM RREA.N HUNT lace dress with red accessories and "'""'"•••••••••• HONEST AND ALONE • • • parents, Mr. and Mrs. 011ie Work- First Baptist Church WatS i ll meet the orchid from her bridal bouquet. DEAR HONEST: Your story sug- adrs., with Mrs. James Ward at Miss Janet Louise Sykes. daughter with the waist coming to a point in man, and his parents. Mr. and 7'30 pm. They will reside in their lovely gests that you are harder than your Mr ano Mrs Billy Ray Thurman • • • B. W. Burkeen. Mr. Burkeen spent of thee Rev. and Mrs. J. Max Sykes back and fastened with tiny self- new home on Wickliffe Route where friend looks. (How does that kind of Jf Murray Route Six are the parents the weekend here and his family The Kathleen Jones Circle of the becami the bride of William Bryan covered buttons. A large bow was the groom is engaged in farming. "honesty" appeal to you?) Better a of a son ,Gene Cary. weighing eight remained for a longer visit.. First Baptist Church WNIS will Billy Hunt on Sunday afternoon, attached Co the waist front. The Out-of-town guests were: kind lie than a cruel truth. Or better pounds, born on Tuesday, June 11, • • • meet with Mrs. Craves June 16 at four o'clock in a a edding full skirt was of satin-faced peau Sledd at 7.15 Mr. and Mrs John HE] Thomas still, an eloquent silence. at thy Murray Boat:Mal. They have pm. . solemnized at the First Methodist de some designed with soft pleats on of Cumberland City, Tenn., Mr. and • • • two fther son's. Larry, age nine, and Miss Anna Story and Mis Mar- • . • Church in Wickliffe. The double- either side, enhancing the volumin- Mrs. William White of Cairo, Mr. Giurey, thirteen months. Mr and sha Burpoe of the Wait Fork Besp-I, ring- ceremony was performed by ous skirt was a front panel trimmed Tuesday. July 2nd and Mrs. Glen Brewer and Marcia DEAR ABBY I am a I4-year old, M r s. Gairey Walker of Murray tist Church Girls Auxiliary attended Group I the bride's father. in bust motifs and circling the back of the First Chriolan -To and Jere of Murray. and Mrs.! boy with 1,14.55 50 in the bank. II Route Six are the grandparents. the National GA convention being Church CIAT will The vows- acre exchanged before ending on bottom of the train. Her meet at the home Paul Erwin of Troy. Tents. suppose you think that makes me • • • held in Memphis, Tenn., on Wed- of altar banked with baskets of was a tiny heart-shap- Mrs Jewel Ehans. Nsr.h 16th the only jewelry The groom's parents entertained rich Well, as far as I'm concerned, nesday. magnolia leaves and large baskets necklace, a gift of the Street. at 2:30 pm Mrs. C S Lowry ed diamond with a rehearsal supper on Friday I. am pour. I got $1000 from my A daughter. lanesa Carol, weigh- • • • will Aotraik on "Japan and visitors of white gladioli and yellow baby groom She wore white lace gloves. night at their home following re- grandfather for my Bar Mitzvah ing six pounds 13., otuices. was born are welcome. Mums. flanked by tiered candelabra The bridal veil was of imported silk hearsal. and the rest I got for birthdays, to Mr. and Mrs Harold L. Jones J. R. Williams and family of • • • holding white tapers that illurturat- illusion attached to a crown of tiny holidays and making the honor roll. of Murray Route Five on Tuesday, Amarillo, Texas. are the guests of Miss Beatrice Frye will be hastess ed the seating seed pearls and sequins She carried It all goes right in the bank and / June 4, at the Murray Hospital. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. la D. for the meeting of the Jessie Lai. A program of nuptial music aas a aline Bible with mother-of-pearl am not alloued to touch any of it. They have liwo caller children, Barry Williams. 1110 Sycamore. wick Circle of the College Prespy- presented by Mrs. William White, cover, topped with a white orchid So a-hat kind of a present is that? terian Church in the antreti rplwlor organist including t he folios .rig surrounded by white robes and lily- I would rather have a bird in the sw,m•m• at 1.30 pm. numbers "Salut-d' Amour" iEdgari: of-the-valley and tied with white PERSONA hand than two in the bush • • • -Poems.- - uFiBich.. ** Andante" satin streamers in love knots. FOURTEEN AND BROKE The Woman's Society of Christian 3.tendelssohni and -0 Perfect Maxine Sykes. taster of thel Miss Colleen Moore is Than:1g DF lift FOURTEEN: You may be See... Service of the First Methodist Chur- Love" .liarnby.. - • a bride was maid of honor. She was relatives in Detroit, Mich. 14. but you're far from broke. Don't KILLED PARES — William • • • ch sill hold its general rr.eret.r.g in The bride, given in marriage by attired in a street length dress of compare a bird with a buck. A buck CaldwelL 18, under arrest the social hall at 10 a.rn oh the her grandfather, John Hill Thorr.a.s. yellow silk organza over cotton fiat- Mrs Eloise Kesterson Crute of in the bank could be worth two in in Crystal e, Ill,. airier board meenr.g :5 am acre a white bridal gown with fitted in. It featured a scoop neckline with Detroit, Mich, is the guest of Mrs. the band And it's HOE SO apt to fly admitting is gunshot kill- Folios trig the general meet.r.g the bodice of Alencon lace, scalloped a full skirt Her matching heaopiece Amanda White. away. ing of his ts over a dis- "STARS IN MY • CROWN" • • local oificers nh hale a training bateau neckline, elbow length sleeves was of dainty nylon flower petals pute about nding money aesaion family car. with short tircular veil She wore Mr. and Mrs Charles Farris of DEAR ABBY My wife clatrrie she and use of e FOR TICKETS CALL 753-6843 • • • have annual menic at the home of matching shoes and white gloves. Dayton. Ohio have been the guests a-as MISS AMERICA of 1935 I The victims were Edward Murray Assembly No 19 Order of Mrs. Edward Brunner, Olive Boule- She carried a colonial bouquet of of his mother, Mrs Gerne Farris would like to know if she really was. Caldwell. 49, and wife Lu- Write Box 679 - Murray, Ky. cille, the Rao:bow for Girls will hold its vard. white carnations and baby mums Evans. and other relatives. Their Can you tell me? 4S. Yosig Caldwell put tile Mason. with yellow streamers Her jewelry son. Bill, remained with his grand- CURIOUS their bodies as the car trunk at 7 p Thuraday. July 4th ass a pearl pendant mother for the summer months. DEAR C'.111LIOUS: If your wife and left the Itar in • ditch. Family Day u.ciuding golf, swim- Serving the groom as best man tiedneal„., Jul. 3rd and supper v :11 be at the was Norris Johnson Ushers were The Cor.i (..-r 7 • • C.r;:e of the Calloway County Country Club. Dan Jones and Daniel Davidson. Ch ;ha- Pr• • Hoots will be Messrs and Mesdames a ho also lit the candles preceding Row McClain. William Fandrich. the ceremony. Ends SATURDAY Crouse. Eine Garland, and For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Phnim Mitchell. Sykes selected a light blue lace FREE INDESTRUCTIBLE! What was this BEAST born fifty million FREE years out

mow of time?


FIRST APPEARANCE AS POPE—Elected Pope of the Roman Catholic Church., Giovanni Bat- tista Cardinal Montini, 65, archbishop of attan, makes his first appearance as Pspe Paul \ SMOKER VI on the central balcony of 1St Peter's Basilica shortly after his elecUon. (Radiophoto) BRAZIER lifigovastr LEGS-- PORTABLE A Tribute - - STURDY STEEL CONSTMXTiCrei with the v warn purchase of a .1:11.-Ril To Our Town!

7h18 itt PATIO COVER Sometimes there are "acres of diamonds" op our ler, doorstep. That is how we feel about OUR TOWN. Wonderful people. Fine stores and services. (rand organizations and clubs—for men, women and children. Healthy, bappt, secure youngsters going to good schools. lies, we have everything in OUR TOWN for which to give thanks.

This marks the beginning of A Tribute to Our Town, and for what it stands. We hope you will 'tinkle these out . joining with us in paying tribute and respect to a fine. typically American community ... 01 R TOWN!


lets Ir;ii ESTIV aruRRAYCiiItY: •

Home John W. was sor- Murray CAUGHT NAPPING IN HOUSE—Rep. McCormack (right), House speaker, We Sulute Our Town! Improvement Co. Di fr'llINti defines the trim lines of this piqae prised to find Brian Etheredge of Illinois fast asleep in the waiting room to his office In "- la.a ae.til ialatk ricateta add an off-be rat look•_; the House of RebresentaUves in Washington, D. C, The boy's parents left him there while 10, s ' Ir414, 1J:ic7 Loured the CapitoL Looking on la Rep. Kenneth J.(mray, 1)-111.

• •


EarmispeI ••••••.-


Answer 's Ourzle S FEMALE HELP WANTED CROSSWORD PUZZLE ace 7- Dormouse 210:4 M1300 MOSIM and Shelta.h Gaye, age COOK, SALARY $200.00 PER month 8-Sob ORM OUTW vann Prace 1- Male sheep 11- Faroe e Jones and Mr.nae plus meals - Nurses aids - 4-Caudal Islands IS3Z OMaRAMMII:4 re.way are the g tical nurses - Licensed practical appendage hirlaind MORO® co Meadowview Retirement 11-51ale swan 10-Common- MO OMM MCSOM • nurses. 11-Mountain place 4WM OMB folUMOM • • • Horne. Phone Farmington 34,5-2116. on Crete 14-Lounge 13-Comeal about aua woo MB Bagwell of Chatta- 37.8c I2-Act ua I 16-Golf mound DIM= =SI 230 has been the guest of 14-Ltiggage 18-Near 112TZA Lua um carrier 21-Hurries rwlett and family and •11- 17-Beam 22- M a '• MUM MOIM3M in Murray. CARD OF THANKS 19-Negative nickname WMMMIEEM61 MMM Tenn. blocks from court square, 80'x450' Weaks, 753-4541. j29c 20-Toeci of 23-Cook In fat OMER WINS 3MM • • • fed NOTICE FOR lot, plenty of shade, 2 car garage, The Family of the late W. F. voles 24..C'on erat• MEMO GOMM BUM Lonnie Workman, chit- TOBAOCO INSURANCE - FO SALE ONE THREE ROOM APARTMENT 21 -Torrid general large screened in front porch. Call McCage wishes to express their ap- Hindu 25. Poseessee us Work- 22- rid Mrs. Clayton CONTRIBUTIONS NEEDED FOR the best hail and fire insurance c J29e Pe blocks from college. Will be cymbals 26- Pronoun 753-5029. I predation to Dr. James Ammons, drink -Evergreen oh, Mich are visiting Ray Broach, your Farm Bureau NEW BRICK liCeISIk THREE bed available by the first of July. Call 23-Escape 34-Fruit 44 the upkeep of the Goshen Cemetery. I Dr. Donald Hughes, and the nurses. 25-Chapeau 28- Small lump -Cyst tree arents, Mr. and Mr All persons interested please contact surance agent. 209 Maple Etre rooms, ceramic 1., bath, carpet in MISCELLANEOUS HAND TOOLt3, PL 3-4889 after 5 p.m. jlp 26- Mound 29-Collection of 37- Parent 46- Shoemaser'• To Mr. Rudolph Howard, and to tool in. They came to Mur- 753-4703. 11 acing room. Deer, Heights Subdivl- two wheel barrows, used lumber and 21 -Soak facts 38- Lean-to Mrs. Mary Ray, Route 1, Murray, Bro. Lloyd Wilson our special ap- 7.•• Existed $9- hips 47 - Bitter vetch aunt. Mr. • aeae FIVE ROOM MODERN FURNISH- 31-Indefinite Ir uncle and Ky. j28c $11,250. Call 753-1616. tfc doors. Contact Mr. Pul is, Supt., 29-Goal no in her 40 -Chief artery es-Men'• name ed house, also three room modern preciation for their cherished songs 45-Tattered ward Robinson of May- Bank Building Corporation at the 30-Old pronoun 32- Sea eagle 41- Small rug furnished house Nine miles North- and comforting words Also to the 31-75es cloth been visiting them. SPINET ORGAN. TAKE OV ER CHAIN SAWS, HOMELITE AND between 8:00 a.m. 33- Household 43- sue nish for 51-Cooled las a 4 WANTED TO BUY Bank kof Murray many people who sent floral ar- 33- Ss. m hot for east of Murray. Phone PL 3-4681 - ergli II I .5 i's maternal grandfa- small balance on small monthly F Mono. Mowers - Mono, Moto Mower. and 4.00 p.m. Monday through Fri- calcium Pet rangements and sent food. May God it,. Marry Miller, returned to payments. Write: Finance Depart- New and used mowers. Mowers for package. j29c it::::. BARLEY, RYE, WHEAT AND day. Must bi.y whole . _ bleu and keep each of you. 34• 'en rid of 2 UMW;4 ill 0 7 ::::M9 10 them after a visit in ment, P.O. Box 2, Floyds Knobs, rent. Waldrop's Mower and Saw time X:tel. Farmers Grain & Seed Compaq Opal McCage & Family 37-Novelty I 11111:42 Shop, Concord 753- 17-INCH MOTOROLA TV, TABLE 1 I APil i 2 ekee3 J3c t* Read, Phone FOUND 2,4-Conk Moiety • Vereo • • • 6A33. model, Duncillrhyle dining butte LOST & 40•Oirl's name - Partner 7 illi I *.f.C.e I 9 with six chair immons sofa loun- 41- 13.116 rs. Roy F. Crotzer and DINE AND DANCE TO THE music WANT TO BUY TEAM MOWER 1.11 42-rhti•ken : tet.e5 FIVE NEW RUN-ABOUT BOATS- ge, makes bed. All al good condition. LOST: NURSES BAG )3L0OD pres- 43-1 iist rasa re, Donna, and Steven, of Rayburn anenony every Saturday good condition.' Phone 492-3530. IAfi20 X*:21 •••„• • tee) 14' Lone Sees, three 16' run- Call Mrs. Grayson McClure at 753- apparatus stethescope. If signal „heir home in Bowline sure and 44- Stroke :•:4..t.c.:lull. night at Maxine's, Paris Landing, 329e abouts. Also 1 eeurenum 12' Fticti ednesday after a visit 5150. .119 found pease call Health Depart- 43. ft.hy Ionian au te 25 Line Car Top faaing boat. See theft deity §$1111 nta, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. ment. These items belong to State Ventilate • now at the Ems dpetteng and Gilt EXTRA NICE 8 BEDROOM Brick 27 •,•.•• Almo, and other rela- 47-Conjunction !.•.91. ! .1. Shop, Concord Reed, Murray, Ken- house on Ryan ave. Nice entrance SArOk1Y5AN5: SO- Delineate ducah. Their nephew, LOST OFF TRUCK, GREEN foam I 62- 32 34 7511-6281, J-211-c hall, dining room, kitchen, Pe baths, Mountain mpson, returned to tucky. telephone lake il Mil Mb- cushion on highway between carport and storage root's, air con- chair 54-Guido's 36 en with them for a Pine Bluff Shores.1 d'efie ll PARTS FOR ALL EleECTRIC shaY- detioner, storm windows and doors. Murray and Nati note IU 4'.•:.•! •••••• Vester Orr at Be sure 55- Sodium es's at Lindsee's Jewelers. july23c $15.500. NEW 3 BEDROOM BRICK Finder please contact chloride 38 39 • • • .iidl An with built-in range, ceramic tile 753-1963. jlc out 66-The mama II's. Walter Doherty of GOOD USED 66 AC QOMBINE with fres Are 47-Outfit 42 :::::: 41C:•:•: bath, panel kitchen and dining area, •••!•!..a ::::::.a0365 :!C!:!•!:!:!.: en spent, the weekend grain bin. email Tractor 'to., big electric heat, storm windows and DOWN 4.5 ::::1C 46 48 41 her, A. A. Doherty and TO RENT Cadiz Rd., 753-482. doors, city sewer and water, $13,750. WANTED • 1-War AM '•:',44 or I 4 BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE and 2- Puss 50 51 •:•:::eanill • • • 3-Offer for sale :•:•.• THREE BEDROOM ROUSE WITH 10 acres of land, on highway only 3 WANTED AT ONCE 3 BEDROOM 4-Pronoun Km 1. Burkeen and sons, 5- Ventilate VA'i a I 4 acre of ground aged ten trailer miles from Murray. Full basement, house on North side of town. Con- 44:2:=1 XiaNI I hinny, are visiting he: 4- prInold saes. A brand new business and It electric heat, fire place In the base- tact Jack Davenport Ledger and nab Distr. by United Feature Syndicate. Inc. 7 a and Mrs. 011ie Work- is ready to (Jour. One of the best ment, stock barns and nice building Times. j28p parents, Mr. and Mrs.. water and sea- systems in Ken- for work shop, $14,750. 3 BEDROOM M. Schulz • en Mr. Burkeen spent by Charles tucky. Approved ii tale State Health HOUSE on Pe acres of land near PEANUTS® here and his family Department and elide. The reason New Concord This noose is modern a longer visit. for selling is per bealth. Contact in every way, well kept, a garage, • • • priced to at only $7500 A -With a flick of the wrist, 87-year-old Chancel- the United Far::. Agency, 753-500. and sell THE VETERki HE JV5T (L)A9'T FEELING ALL. I 60E55 THAT5 THE 8E51 THE TV? MESS CALL Pea GOOD 2 BEDROOM BRICK at 803 Story and Mls Mar- lor Konrad Adenauer escorts 45-year-old President Kennedy CAME, AND THEL/IL 040te WHAT TO DO RIR PLACE FOR HIM.., HE'LL BE Vine Street. Yule-easement, gas heat, • the Weal. Fork Bap-e to dinner Us Bunn, West Germany. (Radiophoto) 60T HIM HA AT THE ANIMAL HOSPITAL.. MORE COMFORTABLE THERE... -• NINE ROOM FRAME HOUSE 3 nice shady lot, $8400. FOR THESE iirls Auxiliary attended '77( I" GA convention being AND OTHER choice real estate list- see or call Hoyt Roberts or Ray 1. e pins. Tenn., on Wed- ing ,/ OR4'1.0 *Poses Ail 41 IMF Roberts at ROBERTS REALTY or If • • • • dial 753-1661. jic I 1952 PICKUP 1954 ft Mains and family of 014C TRUCK. Chevrolett, 4 door sedan, black, a L. luta. are the guosta of \% 91111,q0 NE real clean car. 1964 Cadillac 4 door Mr. and Mrs. L. D. By CEO STEPPIENS sedan, exceptionally clean. Call or O Syearnose• ••• egMai P4•11••••4 44 14.1.•• • •• 4,•••• •T •,•••••••• D....•••••W 11.11 see Ruble Taylor, Lynn Grove, 435- 11.LAtiti by Don Sherwood 4465. jlp EN:yER FOR emEPOPY L001c5 LIKE • 1 MARINES AS USUAL, AN DA...sallow, LARGE BEAUTIFUL BUILDING &euLAice! have TWE SITUATiON 100 AND KELL CMS PT1FT. le Iota in College Terrace subdivision, weu.. IN NAIC. WaS eiee IT wee it5 !fire with tiny splinters of pine eyes In a yeen lo eeii YCU'RE choose your want a C Mae,Ref CLIFF lot If you build- ROBERTS uegan to until there was no possibility her people. LOSING A aENT •-• feel the solemnity of the that it would die, then he lit First her freal hnd dis- ing contractor see Glindel Reaves ...He's GOING occasion as ne seated himself one of the torches and turned appeared and n r het greed- and Damon Lovett We may be con- 70 CLEAR CAN• on tacted during the day at College i the throne. And if he to Wasso. father, a smut, 7 With A4 Y INN" thought the situation ludicrous, The old man was slumped she felt powere to cope. If Terrace subdivision or by phone at he had no desire to laugh. down on the rock_ The flicker- the Great Spol lhad taken night °Linde' Reaves 753-5111 or Here Damon -6843 he was, being made ing light thrown by the sput- them, why had - a not taken Lovett, '153-4449. 15e Chief of a tribe of five people. teling torch picked up the deep bar too? In Ky. a ceremony performed M creases on his tired face. Cliff Chlnitza hear' tbe slapping the manner in which it must bent lower. mound of the ladar against the FOR RENT I have been carried out when "Chief Wasso," he said e ftly. rock wall, and I • heart began ‘fr this had been a powerful tribe. "whatever it is we are to do, to pound Wade. Could it be 3 ROOM dz BATH APARTMENT, Cliff solemnly watched Was- you are not able to do it now. her grandfather' She stood up, newly decorated. available July 1st. ,* walk with measured tread You need care: it 4 will have to holding her brea•-. as Yucaipa See at. 603 Vine Contact Barney to the pool of water. A small, Walt" pulled himself the edge. by Ernie Bushmiller OW! round clay bowl lay besiee Wasso raised his head with -Why has • not been NANCY and Wasso filled it with water difficulty. -No time.- he said taken?" Chant'. thought in SATURDAY and came back to stand in "1 nave made big rope, must disgust front of the throne. leave valley. No time-" Yucaipa glam ' at her did "Speak only for the good of "Why?" But Cliff's question then turned to p up a haunch WEATHER your people.- he said, THIS HOT and clip- went unanswered. Wassoee head of venison that 'as tied to a mAKES LAZY-- ping his finger into the water, drooped again, and he would rope hanging d ail beside the ME SO he touched it to Claret mouth. have slipped off the rock with- ladder. I WISH I COULD -Lead your people only in out the supporting arm of the The girl wnt ed him ree- TAKE A NICE NAP good ways." He knelt to anoint younger man. rawly, not ca' ig that i.e Cliff's feet "Why the hurry." Cliff won- stared at her, lacking the 1e, "Act only for their good." dered as he knelt holding the energy to go 'te her room He touched the water to each old man. -Does he expect trou-e away from his eole look, as of minds. sphee We from Yucaipa. or Is it pos- arecdis:tally did When he aP- There followed a long recita- sible he knows the meaning of tion in Indian dialect, through the strange expectancy in the The man wielded at leer which Cliff sat in respectful air 7" apathetic manner \ rE7E ....c._ -N THE SHEEP ARE silence. Then, returning to Cliff leaned nearer to Wanso. "Perhaps the dd man le TOO LAZY TO JUMP WEIRMO said. - You are "You are closer to nature than finally dead," he thong tiL 11e now Chief Bird Man. You will I am, and whatever you say watched her dwelt as he car- OVER THE FENCE Id succeed Chief Wasso and rule I'll do. But right now you're ried the venison down to the your people well.- TODAY ) In no shape to make decisions. other end of the edge and be- efreeseaaerese_460eee He waved his hand in a I've got to get you out of here." gan making a Lai. grand manner as though tak- Cliff extinguished the torch Yucaipa considered himself a ing in the whole world, then and waited for is moment very patient man. Wasso had waned for a response. to Raeburn Van Buren accustom his eyes to the refused when feicaipa had by Strangely, • burden of re- dim ABBIE AN' SLATS light, then he gnehered the frail wanted to marry Cbinitzn after sponsibility seemed to settle on 11•11rnwe body of the Indian in his arms, his wife had died But he Would IC. SAG" Cliff's shoulders as he stood Walked to (be edge of the pool, marry her. up. head held high, to answer MAN TC MAN-- HE LATER. rYOU MEAN NEITHER OF I DIDN'T HEAR NOR I, stepped into It, and sank below She Was the only woman left the dignified old Chief. WON'T ANSWER - -- YOU HEARD HIM'? HIS VOICE A THING, SLATS.' DARLING / ty profesor" the water. in the tribe, and as soon as FOP 'NE, "I am honored." Cliff said WAIT WHERE IS HE Out OF THE WOODS - PLAIN the ancient %Vase° was out of SLATS SCRAPPLE -- CAME Solemnly. "I will try In every The surprisingly light body AS DAY. IT WOKE ME UP AND hampered him the way, Yucaipa Would make I SHALL COME TO /1 ( way possible to fulfill my duties little as he Chinitza his aqua,, by force, I RAN OUT-- BUT-- BUT YOU --• as leader of your people." fought his way through the SEE You AT if necessary. It would be a 4110CW:04T An expression of relief spread pressure of the waterfall and pleasure to break her will, to over Waaso's face, then his up to the surface of the pool TO/AOR A0 outside. . make her pay for her aloofness shoulders slowly lowered; he toward him- seemed to shrink into himself, Outside her cave, Kit Adams • wilting before the younger looked Leer the lovely scene Yucaipa stood watching the ' man's eyes. before her. Glarit ferns waved girl who sat witeout moving, Cliff reached out to him, took gently in the slight breeze, gazing out over the valley. She Town 1 his arm,- and supported him to flowers nodded, displaying their seemed unaware of his pres- • ence. a rock, where Witaao sat down range of colors. He had never seen her look like this. heavily, breathing with diffi- -We'll have to leave all this inch" op our culty. It was obvious the dive today," Kit thought sadly. -The old man Is dead. It is about OUR I had drained away his small "Chinitza will be sick with true!" Yucaipa forgot the veni- son fire and verviers. store of strength. worry if she has gone to the hanging ovcr the He thought men. women "Chief Bird Man will light nest and found me gone." only of confirming his torch, there is much suspicions. • young•teen to be Kit WWI feeling well enough done." Wa5.40 motioned to a Chinitza Raw tim coming He rerything to travel now but still had by /11 Capp in ledge nearby. had LIL' ABNER made no plans for the future. been warned never to come On the ledge were bundles She loved Cliff, this she knew, to this end of the ledge when of fagots GOT TO GCOD SW!-mE5BE G ONE. made up of pine arid at the moment she was there. His qui( k, pur- AN'CuDDLiN'OKIE IT'S hut, 141 Our it was F BRING splinters, and beside them were enough. poseful stride and set face FEELS LIKE A FOR SOMETHING- MANKNozES epe you will the fire sticka the Indiana used brought her out of her lethargy IN A CHILD!! The surface of the pool below ARMFUL 0' OR t.IATURE ACULDN'T CmILLuN e in paying but with which Cliff himself as nothing else could, and she Kit's cave was stuiplenly broken HAVE CREATED IL!' ly American had failed to produce even a sprang to her feet and was SWITCH -BLADES!' SIR.? by two heads. ' bit of smoke. Inside her room, facing the door "It's Cliff!" Kit exclaimed, He looked doubtfully at them with a businesslike /Tear held seeing the dark hair but felt that It was beneath and beard,"ready in front of her. "but who's the other?" the dignity of a Chief to admit "Ha' Little cat with claws!** She inability to make fire. tie ran down the slope and Yucaipa sneered, but he stopped ANIC was picked tip the small, pointed waiting to help when the before the door. "So the old stick and industriously began limp body of the Indian was man Is dead. Does the small rubbing it down the groove In lifted out of the water. kitten think she can keep away e the larger one, making up in • • • from me now?" enthusiasm for what he lacked rIIINITZA mat on the ledge in technique. Mid miraculously, of the cliff dwellings, Cliff will have a plan to get the stick Town! almost immediately staring over the valley. For Militia down from the cliff. began to smoke. over . an hour she had been But will 14 a ork continue Chef triumphantly fed the searching the valley with her the story here on Monday.


4 9

PAOK SIX THE LEDGER & TIMES — KENTUCKY FRIDAY — JUNE 28, 1983 Cleveland's Al Luplow Is Big Controversy Kentucky News READ NE LEDGER'S CLASSIFIEDS Today As He Robs Dick Williams of 400 Footer Briefs Bs MILTON RICHM.AN L.akeman. conceded Luplow never series with the world champs nited Press International dropped the ball but argued with Minnesota erupted for six runs in By l'nited Press International Cleveland Al Luplow Pesky that the catch actually was the sixth inning to down Detroit RI QUEST'S' HELL RINGING ,as ih the middle of baseball's lat- made in the . behind the eight- pitching of LoutsvnIE. -_ Mayo, Wil- est controversy today and there's . up To l'roniu Jun Perry. who gained his eighth ham 0. Cosiger has reauested Louis- about as much hope of settling this So Amencan League CO611 president Joe victory Jimmie Hall started the vil!e churches to Join in a nation- one as there :s of proving which Cronin. who a-ill find Pesky's pro- Twins off quickly with a two-run wide bell-ringing at 1 ' in. tEST,. came first, the chicken or the egg. test on his desk today, will have to, homer off Phil Regan in the first July 4 in observance of the sienim: The only pant everyone agrees rule whether Luplow caught the ball inning and Harmon Killebrew blast- by United Press international of the Declaration of Independence on is that Lupien turned in the before or after he landed in the ed his lath homer with the bases ----- catch NEWS! of the year Thursday when bullpen. Good luck. Joe! empty in the fifth. Terry Fox was i,.. se I... t it I ANNOUNCE PHOTO PRIZES he flipped over a five-foot fence Anyway, the victory, credited to :he loser. New York 41 27 603 FR1NKFOIRT. Ks. III — Win- and landed in the Bost-on bullpen Cleveland starter Barry Littman. Home runs by Jim King. Don Chicago 44 30 .595 ners In the state Division of Parks while snaring Dick Williams' 400- snapped a four-game /led Sox win- Zimmer and Hobie Landnth carried Boston . 39 30 .565 2 photography contest Announced twit drive. • The Murray Natural ning string_ Mike De La Hoz pro- the Senators to their victory over Minnesota 40 32 .556 3 1 hursdav were David H. Stanley, 'The Indians.' who won the game, dwed the Tribe's winning margin the Athletics. King's homer was Cleveland _ 37 35 514 6 Padut Ah, in the Activities divi- 6-4_ called Luplow's fantastic sev- with his third hit of the dame, a his 13th and Zinuner's his first as Los Angeles 39 37 513 6 sion. And Ed Roden Jr., George- Gas enth inning catch one of System is the great- two-run single off reliever Dick an American Leaguar. Norm Siebern Baltimore 38 37 507 6 town. in the scenic division. The est In baseball history. . Radatz in the eighth Rookie Wilbur aLso homered for the A's. Bennie Kansas City _ 33 37 471 9 pnite In each divie'on was a one- Some of the Red Sox went along Wood was the loser. hoaever. Daniels uas crecuted with his first Detroit 27 43 386 15 week vacation for two people At with that, but to a man they in- Jerry Kuidall. M a x Alvis and win of the Year while Dave Wicker- Washington 23 53 303 22 any stale park. Doing 'I. tee it was illegal It Again! because Luplow Gene Green hit homers for the sham suffered his seventh setback. Thursday's Results actually was outside the playing Indians while Carl Yastrzemski and Rookie Wins Tenth Cleveland 6 Boston 4 RESUMES TEACHING ROLE :aid at Fenu ay Park. Russ Nixon connected for the Red Calllson's one-mart slugging snow Miruaetota 10 Detroit 6 DANVILLE. Ky tb — Dr. M. Makes Official Protest Sox. pac.'d an 18-hit attack by the Ehil- Chicago 6 New York 0 Sweeney. dean of women and plc- In -As far as I know, the rules say other AL iction. the Chicago lies that enabled rookie Ray Culp Washington 4 Kansas City 2 fessor of English at Centre College you've got to be on the White Sox moved within eight per-' to register his 10th Only games scheduled will return to teaching fulltime Heating playing , victory. Culp And centage field " sad Red Sox manrieer John- points of the first-place blanked the Pirates until the sev- Today's Games Cowan professor of English in Sep- it New tember, - Pesky. who off'cially r,rotested York Yankees by beaung them, enth. then gave way to Dennie Ben- Cleveland at Chicago. night and be succeeded as dean ol 6-0. the game. believing that Williams on Ray Herbert's sixth shutout nett in the eighth. Los Angeles at Detroit. 2, ton-night women by Fusan A. Clay. Ashy ill. %vas of the N. C.. a entitled to a . season., Minnesota drubbed Tony Gonzalez. the Phils' left Minnesota at Washington. 2. twi- native of Clark County, Two Detroit. 10-6. Boston runners were on base and Washington clip- fielder, committed his first error in night Appliance at the ped Kansas City. CANTRACT time and one of them. Lou 4-2, in the only 205 consecutive games when he Kansas City at Baltimore. night LET Clinton other scheduled F. KNOX, Ky. scored from third base after contest. bobbled Johnny Loga.n's single and Bo4on at New York, night Let — A 157.- 431 the catch. Only one game was played in the turned it into a double. Saturday's Games contract has been let to the National II. Grohne -Hell. a home run means three League where Johnny Cal- CI eland at Chicago Co. of Decatur, III. runs uson of the for maintenance to us and it ties the game at Philadelphia Philhes Angeles at Detroit work at the Fed- Cash eral Bonus 6-6.- Pesky said drove in four runs with a homer, Niinneiota at Washington. night Cold Depositors. including triple, double inside and outside painting, Umpire Joe Paparella ruled Lup- and a single in a 13-4 Kansas City at BaltiniOre ea low's win over tension of Air conditioning, catch valid. He said he -saw the . Sales. [se Boston at New York im- .. . proved drainage. driveway Luplow catch the ball falling uito NATIONAL LEAGUE and the Handcarts Yankees iContinued From Tttaitt roadarty repairs And relocation bullpen. I saw the play all the Page 11 VC I. It tit of air. He disappeared St. Louis 43 30 .589 the flagpole. behind the Herbert limited the Yankees ists, drug stores fence to would feel the full Los Angeles 42 but came up almost instantly, five hits in out-pitching 30 583 Jim Houton weight .of the order through other San THROUGH carrving the Francisco 42 32 56E 1 GOVERNOR TO SPEAK JULY ban. He couldn't for his eighth 31st have 'victory means. in 12 decisions. Cincinnati LONDON. dropped it. He didn't have The 40 33 .548 3 Ky rrt - Gov Ser . tinie." White Sox rapped Houton for -They would all be affected by Chicago 39 34 .534 4 Combs will speak Saturday at deci.- three runs in the first inning Some of the Red Sox with the sales and use tax I Milwaukee 36 cation cermonies for the new plait: That's Right Folks players in permit if It is 36 500 6'.: .. . Floyd Robinson singling home the bullpen at the tune. two used." Josev said -And Philadelphia 34 if the Caron Spinning Co, newt.: including of the runs. The those with 40 459 9‘, Chet Nichols victory was the lunch counters Pittsburgh aidustry in this area and coach Al White Sox or fountains also 33 39 458 9' The plant [toy third in their four-game would employs The Pressure Was On To Repeat come under the powers of the New York 29 45 392 14•.; 115 persons in yarn-spin!, - This Great Offer Board of Health" Houston 28 47 373 16 Mg. and expnts the fi•i-ure to ris• Josev added that the order had Tuesday's Results !o 403 in a few years alarmed many drug store owners in Phila. 13 Pittsburgh 4. rught western Kentucky, but he said there Only game scheduled . Our CGsh BonusCiffer On Gas Was Heating little reaction in other sections Today's Games of the state He said that some west- Chicago it Philadelphia, night ern Kentucky druggists are even New York at Pittsburgh. night thInkine St & Appliances Is Good about taking out their Louis at Houston. night Thru July fountains. , Milwaukee at Las Angeles. night But if the sales and use tax Cincinnati at San Francisco, night permits can be used." he said. -they Satarday's Games would still In A \ut Shell come under Chicago at Philadelphia. .. . the law night However Josey pointed out that New York at Pittsburgh. night no one is ever refused a prescrip- St Louis at Houston. night Yo ,.;et a Bonus for installing Gas Heating Equip- tion because of color He said same Milwaukee at Las Angeles, night of the mc t or Appliances between Now and drug store operators Jus• Cincinnati at San Francisco July 31! - don't want Negroes hanging around their Just stores or us:ng their lumh install an Gas Ap- c xinters They feri it's bad for bun plianee in ti r home egitaas4e 4',19rsiallYMAR GAS APPLIANCE BONUS mass - .nil we rive i• cash Another us: Gas Water Heater complication is that Ne- bonus for doin 12p0 gro drug store operators might pre- SMOKEY SAYS Gas Range, built-in fer the status quo 45.00 Most retail outlets, however, ex- Gas Range, upright 15.00 pressed no fear about the order. lways ACT Gar Ciott!es Dryer even if it included A 15.00 the sales and use JITNEY BUST—Police Inspec- tax permit A spokesman for the tor Igg-y Borkowski examines Refr;gerator 20.00 retail b,reak matclies grocers association said that somebody's Idea for picking „„ ONE-MAN AaSAT group G.,s Incinerator LOSES BAJAIrE—a Detroit policeman sub-- felt the order was unconstitu- up some easy change In 15.00 a a a • ••• elan a to tional, in two! 'tried sineehandedly to stop the but that it made little dif- Pittsburgh. The can was Gas Light to Freed,rr.- of thousand' ference 5.00 of Netenres in their march directly to the a.ssocuition $ taped to the meter. although includes All Replacement • - tr. ;-• - ! members 1 MEI! Equipment • • '; - • She said she knew of no the meter was in working . grocer who practiced discrimination tsrder, and there were quilt a few coins in the cioi. =NMI HEATING BONUS You Can Save On Gas Heat Too YCIUR CASH BONUS* FOR INSTALLING ANY OF THE FOLI,OWING COITAL New or Converted — — — $50" . . . Gas Heat and Appliance Is time time to $9500 instill ”itir heating sys- Bonus Good Luta July 31 FLOOR Nall Furnace tem and FURNACE or the installation of a Natural Gas Heating Unit is no ese.tption. $9-00 WE PROPOSE THIS IS NO GIMMICK! MING FURNACE or Unit Heater TO GIVE VOU A What the Murray Natural Gas System is to reward you for actually is doing installing gas appliances and gas heating equipment. care You take $1500 Cash Bonus of the purchase of whit ever vou are going HEATING STOVE Over 40,000 IITI• necessary, to buy, on whatever terms you find IF YOE INST.%1.1. then have it installed. When NATI.It I. GAS equipment is properly installed, during peri- !HEATING KV JULY 31 HEATING STOVE nder 40,000 BTU $1000 • od specified, then ALL YOU When sour DO IS COME BY MURRAY Gas Heat is installed, NATURAL GAS SYS- by stop Murray. Natural Gas and TEM BATH $ 500 AND PICK UP YOUR BONUS FOR USING GAS! You HEATER or Log Pick Up Your get this money, this Bonus! bonus, in COLD CASH!. *includes all replacement equipment

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