The Qba Bulletin
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1 THE QBA BULLETIN Published by the Queensland Bridge Association November-December 2004 Volume 30 No Email: [email protected] 66 From the President Qld Open Teams clubs without whom a club would have HE two-day event must put some difficulty. Any task done with a smile will people off as although many one- be appreciated. Perhaps we could all add Tday teams have had entries of up this to our list of resolutions. Kim Ellaway to 44 teams, the State title held on 4/5 Sep- has performed her duties for another year tember attracted only 30 teams, although Keith with distinction and my deep thanks. The it did appear as if most of the best per- McDonald Management Committee has been out- formed Queensland players were present. standing. I have but three resolutions - My team (Richard Ward, Lindy Vincent, HE Festive season is almost here and 1. Try harder to do a better job. Richard Wallis and Therese Tully) started then New Years resolutions. I thank T 2. Ensure that we market the game we scratchily and continued in that vein to all of you, on behalf of the QBA, for your th love so that others can share the joy. finish 10 . This year the director with the support during 2004. May you have a very good ideas, David Anderson, came up Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 3. Prepare a timely report for the next QBA with another one when he asked all teams I thank all those hard working helpers at Newsletter. Sorry Phil, I will do better! to fill in result slips, and the top 12 matches were used to calculate Butler averages. Each pair was then cross- Contents checked against the averages, and the From the President by Keith McDonald ..................................... 1 inaugural prize as the Butler winners was Qld Open Teams by Richard Wallis .......................................... 1 awarded to Anthony and Nadya Tuxworth. The Last Board by Margaret Drake ........................................... 3 Cuppaidge’s Column by George Cuppaidge ............................ 4 M 1 ♠ Q54 25 Years Ago .......................................................................... 5 Bd 6 ♥ AJ5 25 Years Ago .......................................................................... 5 ♦ Qld Open Pairs by Richard Wallis ............................................ 6 Dlr E A52 Vul EW ♣ A954 Book Reviews .......................................................................... 7 ♠ ♠ Results .................................................................................... 9 K632 J97 ♥ K1063 N ♥ 42 Director’s Corner by Jan Peach .............................................. 12 ♦ W E ♦ J963 S K1074 ♣ 6 ♣ KJ87 ♠ A108 ♥ Q987 ♦ Q8 ♣ Q1032 WN E S PP P1CP 1H P 1NT P 3NT All pass This contract started well when East led 2005 Gold Coast Congress the D4, and dummy’s queen won the first trick. In case East’s entry was in hearts, I February 19-26 next led to the HJ, which won, and then led the CA and another towards dummy, East playing low. If I had played the CT, there would be no story, but when I played QBA Contact details the CQ, I set up 2 tricks for EW, which 22 Mareeba Court, Arana Hills QLD 4054 ultimately led to a 1 trick defeat and 10 Ph: 07 3351 8602 Mob: 0412 064 903 Fax: 07 3351 8603 IMPs away when 3NT was more success- Email: [email protected] Website: ful at the other table. The board average was only –220, so I was not alone. The QBA Bulletin November - December 2004 2 M 1 ♠ 1098743 M 1 ♠ 73 M 2 ♠ K986 Bd 7 ♥ 65 Bd 9 ♥ KJ10874 Bd 19 ♥ QJ875 Dlr S ♦ K86 Dlr N ♦ 7542 Dlr S ♦ 104 Vul Both ♣ 73 Vul EW ♣ 10 Vul EW ♣ Q6 ♠ AKQ52 ♠ J6 ♠ KQJ5 ♠ A9 ♠ 1075 ♠ Q43 ♥ KQ987 N ♥ 43 ♥ Q6 N ♥ A932 ♥ 3 N ♥ 106 ♦ W E ♦ ♦ W E ♦ ♦ W E ♦ — S AQ5 KJ96 S AQ8 K972 S J8653 ♣ A84 ♣ Q109652 ♣ AK7 ♣ J985 ♣ J10987 ♣ 543 ♠ — ♠ 108642 ♠ AJ2 ♥ AJ102 ♥ 5 ♥ AK942 ♦ J1097432 ♦ 103 ♦ AQ ♣ KJ ♣ Q6432 ♣ AK2 WN E S WN E S WN E S P 2D P 2H 2C 3D P 3H P X All pass P 2D P 3NT 3S P 3NT P P4CP 4H 4S All pass I took advantage of the vulnerability to P 6H All pass open a multi-2D with the North hand, and EW were using 2-way 3-level pre-empts, after West’s takeout double, East ap- Therese’s rebid of 3NT showed 25-27 and 3H was either weak in hearts (hence peared to be caught with no good bid, HCPs, and my 4C was Baron. The 4H bid East’s response) or a strong 2-suiter with so decided to take whatever was on was such a joy that I simply bid the slam, spades when she rebid 3S. 3NT was natu- offer in 2HX. with no thoughts of a grand slam. ral, but why West did not bid her second West led the CA and then the CK, ruffed 13 tricks were made on the spade finesse suit is a mystery, although when dummy in dummy. With no entry to her hand, for a flat board, also flat against the went down, 4S looked pretty good. Therese was forced to lead the hearts averages, but there were a couple of pairs I, North, led the C7, declarer won with the from dummy and eventually finished with who bid the grand and were greatly ace and led a trump to dummy getting only 4 tricks and –800. relieved when the finesse won. the bad news. If declarer now leads a At the other table Richard and Lindy had heart, South ducking, and exits with a a free run to 6NT, and made all 13 tricks M 2 ♠ 873 club, Therese is forced to lead hearts after a club lead and a pseudo squeeze, Bd 20 ♥ 943 again or lead into dummy’s diamond so we picked up 12 IMPs. The slam was Dlr W ♦ QJ1084 tenace, and 9 tricks would likely be made, not made at too many tables, as the Vul Both ♣ A8 but she exited with a club and we came average was only –680. ♠ ♠ to 2 spades, 2 hearts and a club for +200. K2 AQJ65 ♥ AK10 N ♥ J65 At the other table Richard and Lindy ♦ W E ♦ opened at the 1-level, which allowed the DID YOU KNOW? 73 S K95 clubs to be bid and rebid, but 4C was ♣ Q96532 ♣ J10 You must not explain your alerted thought to be forcing by West, but not by ♠ 1094 East, and thus the cold game was missed. calls or delayed alerted calls un- ♥ Q872 However it was still 8 IMPs to us. The less an explanation is requested. ♦ A62 board was too hard for most people as ♣ K74 the average was only +40. Going to the Gold THE TOOWONG Coast next year? WN E S BRIDGE CLUB 1NT P 2H P The Gold Coast Booking Centre 2S P 3NT All pass The Toowong Bridge manages 15 properties. The Club would like to thank properties in Surfers are EW had a routine transfer auction to 3NT, the Queensland Government’s Moroccan but this time the wrong hand was declarer, Gambling Fund for providing $30,000 and my obvious diamond lead netted us towards the replacement of our air- Crown Towers the first 7 tricks for 3 off and +300. conditioner. Chevron Renaissance Declarer rued covering the 2nd diamond The Gambling Community Benefit Imperial Surf allowing Therese the luxury of winning Fund improves the lives of St Tropez and returning a diamond, but it would not Queenslanders through investing in Aloha have mattered, as if the DJ had won, my Queensland’s communities. next lead of the D4 would have suggested Enderley Gardens to Therese that my entry was in clubs. Equinox At the other table they played in 4S which Website was also easily defeated. The board Phone 1300 553 800 and this average was only +50, so some EWs is a local call cost. must have been getting positive scores. Continued on page 13 (web version) November - December 2004 The QBA Bulletin 3 The Last Board ♣♦♥♠ TABLELAND BRIDGE CLUB’S T was the last board on the Tuesday evening $100 night duplicate session, NEW YEAR CONGRESS I and though that may have been a ♣♦♥♠ contributing factor, it certainly does not excuse me. 1st - 3rd JANUARY 2005 ATHERTON CLUB ROOMS Dlr E ♠ — Room 14, Old State School, Mabel St, Atherton ♥ Vul EW KQ105 Pairs Qualifying Saturday 1st January 12.30 pm ♦ AKQ876 st ♣ Pairs Championship Saturday 1 January 7.30 pm A106 Swiss Teams Sunday 2nd January 12.30 pm ♠ KQ102 ♠ 876543 N 7.30 pm ♥ AJ9876 ♥ 432 rd ♦ W E ♦ Monday 3 January 9.00 am 10 S 953 Presentation Luncheon Monday 3rdJanuary 1.00 pm (app) ♣ J5 ♣ 4 ♠ AJ9 ~ FEES (including presentation luncheon) ~ Pairs only $30 per player Teams only $30 per player Both $60 per player ♥ — ♦ Julie Wyburn (07) 4091 3612 Bernice Morton (07) 4095 4756 J42 TH ♣ KQ98732 ENTRIES CLOSE 24 DECEMBER 2004 PO Box 617 Atherton Qld 4883 East passed and South bid 1C. I was West so I overcalled 1H and after some thought North bid 6NT! The double was on the bidding pad before I realized I would not be on lead. I am sure I would not have doubled had my QBA Auction brain been in gear (although the good book says that if all your doubles are All proceeds will go to the World Youth Event successful then you are not doubling to be held in Sydney 2005 enough) and I was doubling Ralph Parker. Silly me! Partner dutifully led a heart and Do you wish you could play with some of the best? You can. Some of that was that.