November 2020 vol 42 no 4 RESEARCHING,Australiana PRESERVING AND COLLECTING AUSTRALIA’S HERITAGE Australiana RESEARCHING, PRESERVING AND COLLECTING contents AUSTRALIA’S HERITAGE 4 November 2020 vol 42 no 4 SSN 0814-107X Update from the President Colin Thomas 6 THE AUSTRALIANA SOCIETY James Cook’s Killora Resolution and Adventure medal Peter Lane PO Box 31, Waratah NSW 2298 8
[email protected] Tasmanian Magnificence part 2 Secretary, Lynda Summers: 0428 276 412 R.A. Fredman ABN 13 402 033 474 14 Australiana, the magazine of The Australiana Society Australian Toys: A Collector’s Story Inc, is published in February, May, August and Luke Jones November and is available only by subscription. 18 Carl Ewald ‘Gluepot’ Graetz of Graetztown, South Australia David Bedford and Richard Phillips EDITOR John Wade 0400 674 466 28
[email protected] William Paul Dowling: artist, artist-photographer and photographer SUBSCRIPTIONS 2020 Robert Stevens Household and institutions............$90 Life..............................................$1800 49 Overseas: please contact us for rates. James and Charlotte Cowlishaw’s ‘Golden Wedding’ Napkin Rings, c 1912 To subscribe, email us for a brochure or download a membership form from the website and mail with your Dianne Byrne payment, or email with your credit card details. 54 ADVERTISING AND EDITORIAL Australiana Society Annual Report Contact the editor about advertising or contributing an President’s Report: Dr Jim Bertouch article.You can download a Style Guide from the website. Treasurer’s Report: George Lawrence INDEX An index to Australiana and downloadable copies of issues from 1978 to 2008 are on the website.