DIRECTORY.------· . NORTH Post Office, CAPEL Cunw, Henry Parry, Post "~Taster. Letters arrive (from Bettws y Coed) at thirty minutes past ten mormng, and are despatched thereto at ten minutes past three afternoon. Nearest Money Order Office is at BETTws Y CoED. Post Office, YsPYTTY EvAN, Thomas Davies, Post Master. Letters arrive from Llanrwst (by foot post) at thirty­ five minutes past cle-,en morning, and are despatci:wd thereto at one afternoon. Nearest ~Money Order Office is at LLANRWST. Post Office, PENTRE VoELAs, John Roberts, Pust 1lfaster.-Letters arrive (from Llanrwst) at fifteen minutes past nine mornmg, amlare despatched thereto at ten minutes past four evening. Nearest !Jioney Order Office is at LLANRWST. Post Office, LLANDDEwr, John Price, Post .Zllaster.-Letters from all parts arrive (from Llanrwst) at nine morning, and are despatched at follr evening. · Nearest Money Order and Telegrayh Office is at LLANGERNIEW. Post Otfice,_ TYN-Y-GRoEs, near T~LY-CAFN, John Williams, Post Master. Letter& from all parts arrive (from Conway) at thirty mmutes past five mormng, and are despatched thereto at five minutes past eight evening. Nearest JJ1oney Order and Telegraph Office is at CoNWAY. NODILI'IY, GENTRY & CLERGY. Williams Mr. John, Bryngolan I Davies William & Co. (photographic), Williams Mrs. Laura, Glanwar House, Bettws-y-Coed Ashley Mr. George, Cae Groes, Llan- Castelle, Tal-y-Bont [rwst I Jiughesllugh J. (photogrn.phic), rwst [Llanrwst Williams 1\Ir. Thomas, Plasheli, Llan-1 Johnson John, Trefriw Blackwall John, Esq. Hendrehouse, Willoughby D'Eresby, The Right Hon. Knight Joseph, Tyn Twll, Trefriw Crellin Mr. James, Bettws-y-Coed Baroness, Gwydr Castle, and Grims- Parker William, 'l'refriw Davies 1\ir. Dariiel P. Bodhyfryd, Llan- thoqle Castle, Lincolnshire Pettitt Edwin A. Bettws-y-Coed rwst [Llanrwst 1 Roberts Edward (photographic), Peni- Davics l\Ir. David, M.D. Dale Cottage, sar Dre DaVleS · .!\[· rs. l\I· ary, B rynconway, Ll an- ACADEMTES & SCHOOLS. Sibley Frec1crick J. Bettws-y-Coed rwst BoARD Scrroor,s :- Toplis William A. ncttws-y-Coed Davies Mr. RobBrt Owen, Cyffdy Llanrwst-Henry J. Hnghes,mastcr; Dawcs Mr. Goorgo Moslogan, Llanrwst Margarct Owen, mistress AUCTIONEERS. De Crespigny Captain Champion, Tal-y-Bont WilliamGriffiths,master Beaver Grove, Bottws-y-Cocd (;iwythorin-Richard Jones, mastor Davies, Pierce & Davies (& Cttato & Edwards Hev. Edwards, Pemnaehno Br.rnsH ScHOOL, Llanddcwi John lanu agents), Willow st Elias Mr. Edward, The Abbey,Llanrwst Price, master J ones Robert, l\Iarket square Evans Joscph, Esq. Tho Plas,Llanrwst Davies Sidney (ladies'), Penisar Drc Jones William G. Denhigh st • Evans Rev. William A. Penisadre FREE GnArvnun ScrrooL, SJhool Bank BA.KEHS AND FLOUH DEALERS. Finch Colonel Owen, Esq. Voelas Hall, -Rev. G. T. Farr, head master; Pentre Voelas Charles J. Hntchins,assistant master Edwards John, Gwytherin Gowur Rev. John, The Rectory,Trefrin GLANLLUGWY ScrrooL, Bettws-y-Coed- Evans Hobcrt, Denbigh st Gresley Mr. Charles, Gartharin,Bcttws- Caroline Rees, mistress Evans Sarah, Llangerniew y-