1937-12-24, [P ]
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12 THE BISMARCK TRIBUNF, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24,1937 South American Concert Pianist Will Be Heard With Concert Group Sunday 2:00— Pepper Young's Family — • • (barge. program will originate Camay Dm fKFYR-NBC Program] 2:15—Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins I Survived Massacre [ la Jfcrgo wtih spedsl numbers coming | (Subject to Revision) j 2:30— Vic and Bade—Crlsco « £ CONCORDIA PLANS from the president's offloe and FJel- 2:45—The O'Neills—Ivory ARMANDO PALACIOS IA Moor head. • " 3:00—Markets and Weather 3:05— F * F News net-hand campus news and high Tue»dar, Deft 38 1:15—The Uuldlng Llffbt—P * Q lights of the a^XHnlle basketball tour ":00—Malcolm Clair# Naphtha RADIO BROADCAST :1S—Good Morning MslodUs 3 :30—Club Matins* MAKES RADIODEBUT will be featured. "Baking part will T :SO— Agriculture Id ths Nsws 3 :45—Kltiv Keene—Dreft be President J. if. Brown, Sean VtMa t :45—Do You Remtmbu 4 :0B—Clifford Mens, Tenor Nllsen,\ Prof. J. H. HJelmstad, El 8 :00—Breakfast Club 4 SO—Vagabonds If all the good wishes S :40—N»w» 4 :45—The Callfornians KFYR and WDAY to Hook Up Plough, WDAY sport soaster and Bow 8 :(5—Braakfast Club 5:0CI—Education In the News IN NEC'S PROGRAM aid Nelson, *M, WDAT -staff I :00—Sheffter and Brenner :30—Jack Armstrong General Mill* on Deo. 28 for Spooia! Half nounoer who will be master of cere- in the world were 9 :15—Vaughn da Laath 5:45—Bismarck"I bakingBi " " Co- —Freshest~ 9 :30—Top O'ths Dial Thins In TOwt Hour Program 9 •45—Church In ths Wild wood 1:00—Striking of Big Ben Now Will Join With Mishel Piastro, Parties will be held in 93 Minnesota put together they'd 10 :00—Market,. Wsstbsr and Aunt Year's Eve and to North Qekota communities. Sammy • 05—Studio Violinst, Helen Jepson and express our Christ 10 .15—Josh Hlgglna of rinchvlils 15—Uncle Esrs's Rsdlo Station — Although Concordia college stu There will be 11 parUee In Montana, 10 JO—Hymns of all Cburehss Dr Ml las Donald Dickson dents have separated to ftr-flang three in Wisconsin, three in South 10 :45 —Betty and Bob 30—Henrlk Wlllem Van Loon communities for the Christmas holi Dakota and two in IMre. With local mas greetings to you.. 11 :00—Markets and Pollca Bulletin* tS—Chevrolet Musical Momenta 11:15—Fausto Alverss. Tenor 00—Cities Service Concert days, they will be reunited Dec. 91 parties in students' homes or church 11 3 >—National Farm and Horns Hour :00—Pontlao Varsity Show TWO VOCAL SOLOS PLANNED by the third annual Christmas radio pArtea, the broadcast wW be the 12 .25 —News 30—Safety on the Highway party broadoast from 10:10 to ll p. m. highlight of the evening's entertain' 12 :30—Sue Blake 45—Dance Hour 12 :45—Grandma Travels—Sears-Roe 00—Russian Rhapsody over WDAY, Ztego, sad DTO, Bis ttent. T. M. Casey buck :<:30—Marek Weber & Orch. To Hear John B. Kennedy's Talk marck. To insure perfect recepttoo west of :00— Dr Maddy'a Band Lsssons 1 10:00—Weather All details o< the program will not Bismarck, kFVk will book 19 with 1:J0—General Federation ot wont' 10:01— News on Scientific Progress and en's Clubs 10:15—Lang Thompson A Orch. be revealed by tbe committee in the Ifcrgo station. & Son 1: 45—Armchair Quartet 10:30—Watchnlght Service from Rlv- Orchestral Numbers 1:5B—Markets and Weather erdale Church REAL ESTATE :00—Pepper fount's Family- 11:01—America Dances US Breadwaj Camay 4:00 A. M.—Silent :1S—Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Armando Pal ados, young South PHONI MS :4»—The O'Nellla—Ivorjr American concert pianist, and Mtehel :00—F & F News .. „ Satarday, Jan. 1 Piastro, concert violinist, will Join Jacob Horner, Bismarck, Is one of :T5-Guiding Light—P. A Q. Nsptna 7:00—Malcolm Claire the few living members of Gen :30—Studio 7:15—Good Morning Melodies Helen Jepson and Donald Dickson, :<5 Kitty Keene—Draft 7:30—Do You Remember regular members of the cast, In the eral Custer's Seventh Cavalry, At this glad sea$on, :00—Songs by Carlotta 8:00—Breakfast Club concert broadcast of Sunday, Dec. .38. part of which was wiped out In 10—Irma Glen. Organist 2:40—News Its historic expedition to Mon .15—Don Winslow of the Navy 2:45—Breakfast Club The program, which will be broad we want to extend our ,;30—Haze] Johnson 9:00—Sweethearts of the Air cast over the NBC-Blue network at tana against the Sioux Indians :45—The Callfornians 9:15—Swing Serenade in 1178. :00—Dakota Maid Program 9:30—The Child Grows Up 7 p. m. (OSD, will be a seoond "Re sincere best wishes for :15—Tthythmalres 9:45—The Three Romeos quest Night." :30 Tack Armstrong—General Hill* 10:00—Weather The Symphony orchestra, con :45—Betty and Escorts 10:10—Ford, Rush and Sllont Slim your happiness and :00—Newscast 10:J0—Our Barn ducted by Erno Rapee, will open the :05—Master Singers 11:00—Police Bulletins program with 'Tales from the Vienna Baby Gets Around :30—Talk by Henrlk Wlllem Van 11:15—4-H Club Program _ _ Woods" by Strauss. Dickson's solo I'OOn »• . 11:30—National Farm and Bom* Bour on Roller Skates prosperity. :45—William Primrose—Viola Vir- 12:00—Rose Bowl Parade will be "Valentine's Air" from Oou 12:30— News nod's "Faust," following which Miss :(><•—Russ Morgan's Philip Morris 12:35—Weather Chicago, Dec. 24.—</P>—Thir 12:40—Club Matinee Jepson will sing "Ave Maria" from May the New Year bring you joy Orch. _ •1:00—Sugar Bowl Football Game Mascagnl's "CavaUerla Rusttcana." teen-month-old Philip Holzworth ;30—Lady Esther Program 3:46—Rose Bowl Football Game took his roller skates outside Fri 00—Studio . ^ 4:30—Tex O'Rorke and Orch. Tor his piano solo, Palados, who day to show amazed neighbors 30—NBC Night Club t 4:45—Jean Sablon, Singer Is making bis North American radio ;00—Thursday Music Club 7:00—Bob Ripley and B A. Rolf Orch. how well he has learned to use :15—Kldoodlers debut, has selected lecuoaa's "Mal- them in the last six weeks. J. S. FEVOLD :io—Jimmy ridler In Hollywood —General Foods aguena." Ifee mixed chorus will close Gossip 7:30—Talk by Linton Wells When the boy was less than a 406 Broadway INSURANCE Bipmarek 7:45—Nola Day—linger the first half of the program singing a year old, his father, Alva, put CfaiSCvM* Ghcc\ 9:45—Top Hatters 2:00—National Barn Danes Itehalkowsky's "HumoreKue." 10:00—Weather 2:00—Nt)C Symphony Orch. an old pair of skates on his feet All of the"good cheer in the world is our Yule greeting 10:01—News 10:30—Barn Dance Following John B. Kennedy's talk one day Just to see what would 10:15—King's Jesters on "The Parade of Scientific Prog wish to you this year. Accept our best wishes. 10:30—Jimmy Dorsey and Orch. 11:00—Eddie Rogers A Orch. happen. Philip promptly began 11:00—Joe Relchtnan and Orch. 11:30—Joe Reichman and Orch. ress," the orchestra will be beard In to skate around the house. 11:30—Freddie Nagel and Orch. 12:00—Silent Tschalkowsky's "Andante CantabUe," 12:00—Silent Now he's able to handle them Sunday. Jaa. 2 followed by Plastron violin solo, "Arise on sidewalks to the envy of older Sang" from Wagner's "Die Meister- W«4sMiUr. Dec. SO 2:00—Coast to Coast on a Bus playmates. Klein's Lumber Yard 9:00—Rsdlo Pulpit singer." »:»»—Malcolm Claire 9:30—Madrigal singers 7:15—Good Morning Melodies 10:00—Press Radio Nsws Miss Jepson's seoond solo will be 7:30—Agriculture In the News 10:05—Alice Remsen, Singer "Aid Du Mlroir" from Massenet's Commodity Markets HIGH GRADETOSLraNGMATERIALS 7:45—Do You Remember 10:15—Neighbor Nell "Tliais" and Dickson will Join nsr la NT Bread way Wswsirlr, N. Dak. 1S7 8:00—Griggs Cooper Good Morning 10:30—Felix Knight, Tenor Close Friday Noon Hour _ 10:45—Bill Sterns, Sport Scraps the duet from the same opera. Rapee 1:30—Breakfast Club 11:00—Southsrnalrs will close the program with "Ride of 1:40—News ^ 11:30—University of Chicago Round the Valkyries" from Wagner's "Die New York, Dec. 24.—(JP)—American 1:45—Breakfast Club Table Discussions ^CHRISM »:00—Sweethearts of the Air Walkuere." and European financial and commod »:15—Vaughn de Leath IS:00—Weather ity markets will be closed Saturday for IN APPRECIATION 1 12:02—Paul Martin and His Music •:30— Top O'the Dial 12:30—Smoke Dreams—Fendrlch, Inc. Christmas. European exchanges will >:40—Montana ITlour Mills Program 1:00—Maglo Key of RCA Declare Non-Campus extend the holiday through Monday. of the patronage we have received during the jeer 9:45—Viennese Ensemble 2:00—There Was a Woman Just ending, we wish to extend to our patrmr" 10:00—Markets, Weather pad Aunt 2:30—Heart to Heart Hour Principal commodity markets in New 3:00—Sunday Vespers Properly Untaxable York were to suspend business a half 10:15—Josh Hlggtns of FlnshYtlls 3:30—Lutheran Hour day Friday for Christmas Eve. x HEARTIEST WISHES 10:10—Hymns of all Cburehea 4:00—Studio Minneapolis, Dc.