Valerian and laureline movie

Continue Valerian and Lorelin Valliereian and Lorelin, as drawn by Jean-Claude MezierSosdan Pierre Christine Jean-Claude Mezier Publishing informationPublisherDargaud Title (s) Bad Dreams City Shift The Water Empire of a Thousand Planets Of the World without the Stars Welcome to Alflol Birds Master Ambassador of Shadows on the False Lands of Heroes Direction Cassiopeia Brooklyn Station, Terminus Cosmos Ghosts Inverloh Anger Hypsis On Borders Live Arms Circles of Power Hostages Ultralum Orphan Stars in Uncertain Times on the Edge of the Great Void Order of Stones Time Opener Formats Original Material for series was published as a strip in comics anthology (s) Pilote magazine and a set of graphic novels. Original languageFrenchGenre Science Fiction DateNober 1967 - March 2018Maine character (s) Valerian Lorelin Creative TeamWriter (s)Pierre ChristinArtist (s) Jean-Claude MezierCourist (s)Veline Tranl'Reprints Series was reissued, At least partially, in Dutch, Danish, English, Finnish, German, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.Collected editionsValerian: New Future TrilogyISBN 0-7434-8674-9 Creators Valerian and Lorelin: Evelyn Tranne (colorist), Pierre Christine (writer), : Valerian and Lorelin) , also known as Valerian: Spatio-Temporal Agent (French: Valerian, agent spatio-temporel) or simply Valerian, is a French sci-fi comic series created by writer Pierre Christine and artist first published in The Pilote magazine in 1967, the last part was published in 2010. All of Valery's stories were collected in the format of a comic album, including about twenty-one volumes plus a collection of short stories and an encyclopedia. The series is dedicated to the adventures of dark-haired Valerian, a spatio-temporary agent, and his red-haired female colleagues Lorelin, traveling through the universe through space and time. Valerian is a classic hero, kind, strong and brave, who follows the orders of his superiors, even if he feels, deep down in life, that this is the wrong thing to do. On the other hand, his partner Lorelin combines her superior intelligence, determination and independence with sex appeal. Influenced by classical literary science fiction, the series mixes space opera with time travel subjects. Christine's scripts are marked by their humor, complexity and strongly humanist and left-wing liberal political ideas, while Mezier's art is characterized by vivid images of alien worlds and species that Valerian and Lorelin encounter in their adventures. The series is considered a mark in European comics and pop culture, and has influenced other media as well: traces of it storylines and projects can be found in sci-fi films such as Star Wars and The Fifth Element. Many of these stories have been translated into several languages, including English. The series has been recognized through a number of prestigious awards, including the Grand Prix de la Ville d'Angouleme. In 2007, the animated series Time of Jam: Valerian and Lorelin was released, and in 2017 the feature film directed by Luc Besson Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets was released. The concept and installation of the original setting for the series was the 28th century. Humanity has discovered the means of instant travel in time and space. The capital of the Earth, Galaxiti, is the center of the vast Terran Galactic Empire. The Earth itself has become a virtual utopia, most of the population lives a life of rest in virtual reality dream-state ruled by benign technocrats of the First Circle. The Spatio-Time Service protects the planets of the Terrano Empire and protects against the temporary paradoxes caused by rogue time travelers. Valerian and Lorelin are two such space-time agents. However, after the end of The Wrath of Hypsis (Les Foudres d'Hypsis), in which Galaxity disappears from space-time as a result of a temporary paradox, the couple has become freelance vague shooters traveling in space and time, offering their services to anyone who is willing to hire them, and looking for their lost home. In the first two albums, Valerian travels through time on a two-seater XB27 device that transports him to various relays that Galaxity has hidden in time (e.g. in Bad Dreams (Les Mauvais R'ves), a relay hidden under a tavern). In subsequent stories, Valerian and Lorelin use saucer-like astroship XB982 (which debuted in 1969 in le Grand Collectionneur). a kind of hyperspace disc, allowing almost instant transportation anywhere in space and time. , sociology and ethnology, as this series progresses, situations tend to arise from misunderstandings or ideological differences between different groups, which can be resolved through reason and perseverance. The main theme of these stories is optimistic liberal humanism: adventure is not about defeating enemies, but about exploring the challenges and celebrating diversity. So, according to academic John Dean, Christine usually works in her narratives of political, environmental and feminist issues - thus showing social ills are universal, no matter what planet you land on. Another which was developed, was Galaxity Galaxity Proxies for Western democracy; contrary to his benign self-esteem, he is actually imperialist and prone to corrupt real politics. Other topics include: Natural simplicity, surpassing technological complexity. Rejection of male chauvinism, violence and war in favor of femininity and nature. Distrust of power and suppression of individuality. Women's ability to manipulate men sexually without manipulating themselves. These themes are reinforced by the vivid drawings of Jean-Claude Mezier, whose visually stunning backgrounds: complex architecture, futuristic cars, otherworldly landscapes and strange aliens - that's what John Dean calls the staples of Mezier's seemingly limitless visual ingenuity, which leads to what artist Pepo Perez compares to National Geographic. The main characters of Valerian Valerian were born on Earth, in Galaxiti, the capital of the Terranova Galactic Empire in the 28th century. In 2713, he joined the Spatio Provisional Service. He has been trained to think that Galaxiti is always right - even when he receives orders that go to the detriment of his morality, he will be reluctant to follow them. Early stories portray Valerian as a typical square-jawed figure of a hero who is strong and reliable (although the early joke was that, despite being a time traveler, he is always late, especially when he is called by the boss). However, as the series continues, it is increasingly portrayed as somewhat knuckle-headed. In World Without Stars (Le Pays sans' theile), he gets recklessly drunk on the colonists' homemade booze, in On False Lands (Sur les terres truques), the historian, Jadna, sees him as useful only as cannon fodder and nothing else while in Heroes of the Equinoxe (Les H'ros de l'Equinoxe), he comes through such as Heroes of the Equinox and Brooklyn Station, Terminus Cosmos. When Galaxiti disappears into The Wrath of Hypsis he contemplates following his comrades into oblivion, to the consternation of Lorelin. Even after that, he feels the loss of Galaxiti much more than Lorelin, as it is his homeland. The name Valerian comes from Eastern Europe, although its origin is Latin, from valere (to be strong). Valerian was created by Mezier and Christine as a reaction to the intrepid Boy Scouts (such as the Adventures of Tintin) and American superheroes, which were common in comics available in at the time. Instead they sought to develop a banal character with no emergency means of action. After all, with Christine feeling that they had gone too far with this angle, and that the character became too silly, from the Ghosts of Inverloch (Les Spectres d'Inverloch) and onwards, Valerian became more responsive and got most of the action. Loreline Lorelin - a peasant from France of the 11th century. In her debut adventure, Bad Dreams, she rescues Valerian from the enchanted Forest of Arelaun. When she accidentally discovers that Valerian is a time traveler, he is forced to return her to Galaxiti, where she is trained as a temporary agent of Spatio and appointed by his partner. In early stories, Lorelin usually sits in the background, while Valerian saves the day in any situation the couple found themselves, but her situation changes as the series progresses. World Without Stars, the fourth series published in Pilote, two characters separated for much of the adventure, with Lorelin emerging from under Valerian's shadow for the first time, and she finds herself more than equal to Valerian in ensuring that their mission succeeds. Welcome to Alflolol (Bienvenue sur Alflolol) displays the rebellious nature of Lorelin on the first urec; unlike Valerian, she was not born or raised by Galaxiti and is ready not only to question the power of The Galaxy, but also to openly rebel against them when their orders contradict her sense of morality. It also demonstrates its impulsive streak; she's on the Indigenous side against Galaxity and Valerian without thinking about the personal consequences she might have to face herself. Her position as the true star of the series is anchored in the Ambassador of Shadows (L'Ambassadeur de Ombres), which is practically a solo adventure for her as she searches for the vast Point Central space station for the kidnapped Valerian and ambassador to Earth. Later, acting as an independent agent, it is Lorelin who questions the ethics of some of the jobs they are forced to take to make ends meet, particularly in live weapons (Les Armes Vivantes). Despite independence and efficiency, Lorelin is not afraid to use her considerable sex appeal, if it is in her favor. For example, she attracts the attention of Emperor Valsennar in World Without Stars and, dressed in leather gear and boots, she manipulates Crocbattler and Rackalust at the Brooklyn station, Terminus Cosmos and regularly charms Shingouz when negotiating with them for information. She appeared nude in some adventures. Mezier painted her for the French edition of Playboy in 1987. It also has a certain affinity for animals such as Alflololian's Good in Alflolol, Grumpy Converter of Bluxte, first spotted in Ambassador of the Shadows, and Tom Tom (de Lum) and Tchoung- Tracer, both featured in les Frontier). The name Lorelin was invented by Mezier and Christine, who were looking for a name that would sound medieval and soft. The name has proved popular and now several thousand women in France named Lorelin, first born in 1968, just a year after the publication of Bad Dreams. There were also options such as Loreline and Laurelyne. Lorelin was originally created only for the first story, Bad Dreams, but while acknowledging that they had a female character that was different from the types of bimbo common to the comics of the time, Mezier and Christine fell in love with her and, in response to positive reviews from readers, saved her for subsequent stories. In Luc Besson's 2017 film Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, Lorelin plays Cara Delevingne. Other symbols of Mr. Albert Mr. Albert are Mr. Albert's contact of The Galaxy on 20th Century Earth. He first appeared in the metro-chatel, the direction of Cassiopeia. He is a retired gentleman who drives an outdated Renault 4CV and lives in the suburbs of , France. It maintains a wide range of contacts in government and academia, as well as with many experts in areas such as ufology, telepathy and witchcraft. He is also a fan of pigeons and uses his native pigeons to communicate between some of his contacts. Unlike Valerian, he tries not to get involved in the thick of the action and never acts impulsively, always preferring the wrong time about things. He enjoys the wonderful things in life: fine dining, fine wines and likes to take things easily. Albert's character is partly dependent on August Faust, the main character in the extraordinary and disturbing adventure of Mr. August Faust (L'extraordinaire etante Troubl Aventure de M. August Faust), written by Fred and drawn by Mezier in 1967. The Shingouz Three shingouz from The Shingouz's Ghosts of Inverloch are aliens who first appear in Ambassador of the Shadows and regularly appear on subsequent albums. They are brown, short-skinned creatures, just under a metre high, resembling flightless birds with a snout instead of a beak. Shingouz have a high tolerance for alcohol and a preference for strong alcoholic beverages, which they consume in large quantities. The Shingouz society is capitalist to the extreme. Shingouz want to profit from everything they do. They are particularly adept at trading important and confidential information to stakeholders. Valerian and Lorelin have struck up a relationship with a group of three syngus, which have a particularly useful network of contacts in all the major space communities. They especially love Lorelin, whom she often takes advantage of in striking bargains with them. Origin of Valerian and Lorelin XB982 as it appears in Orphan Stars (L'Orphelin de Astres) Childhood Friends Jean-Claude Maiziere and Pierre Christine previously collaborated on the comic Le Rhum du Punch (Rum Punch) in 1966, when both lived and worked in the United States. On their return to France, they originally intended to create a western band, but, with a genre already well represented in French comics thanks to Lucky Luke, Chernik and Jerry Spring, Christine instead invited them to turn their hand to science fiction, a genre that he believed was unrepresented in French comics at the time. The decision to work in the science fiction genre was also influenced by the political climate in France at the time; Mezier and Christine viewed Valerian as a backdoor as a means of responding against the prevailing doctrine of Gallism. Although science fiction was not a favorite of Pilote editor Rene Goscinny, Goscinni wanted his magazine to be diverse and innovative, so he agreed to commission Valerian. Before Valerian, there were French science fiction comics such as Clyne's Casa the Martian (Mezier's childhood favorite), Roger Lecure and Raymond Poivet's Les Pionniers de l'Esp'rance (Pioneers of Hope) (which Christine found tired and repetitive) and Barbarella Jean-Claude Forest. Barbarella is famous for her strong, feminine, titular character, but Christine denies any influence on Lorelin's character, claiming she was inspired by Simone de Beauvoir's Second Sex, as well as a growing feminist movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Mezier and Christine were also heavily influenced by literary science fiction, such as Isaac Asimov (especially The End of Eternity), Jack Vance (especially Blue World) and John Brunner. In addition, Gin-Mark and Randy Lofizier suggested that Pool Anderson's book, Time Patrol, about the official organization dedicated to protecting time from interference, had a big impact on the series. Christine also named the genre whodunit, in particular the novels of George Simenon and Ed McBain, as an influence on Valerian, as they taught him as a writer that all the characters in the narrative should be seen as motives. Mezier's drawings in the early albums were influenced by such comic-dynamic artists as Morris (Lucky Luke), Andre Frankwin (Spirou et Fantasio) and Jack Davis (Mad Magazine), leading Jean-Pierre Andrevon, who called Valerian a kind of Lucky Luke of space-time. As the series progressed, Mezier developed a more realistic style, akin to Gee's style, although in later albums he returned to the more cartoonish style of earlier stories. Legacy in valerian comics arrival on The French comic book scene was at the same time as the debuts of other famous French sci-fi bands including Luke Orient Greg and Eddie Paap and Lone Sloane by Philippe Druyer. The success of these bands will eventually lead to the creation of Metal Herlant, a highly influential French comic book magazine dedicated to science fiction. Valerian's influence has been seen in bands such as Dani Futuro (de; de; it) (Victor Mora and Carlos Jimenez) and Gigantik (Mora and Jose Maria Cardona). Valerian's visual style has also influenced some American comic book artists, notably Walt Simonson and Gil Kane. Sometimes Valerian's influence goes beyond mere influence; Following Mezier's complaint, artist Angus McKee admitted that several panels of his band So Beautiful and So Dangerous had been copied from the Shadow Ambassador. In other media outside of comics, Valerian's series has been particularly influential on science fiction and fantasy film. Some commentators, such as Kim Thompson of The Comics Journal, film critic Ian-Philippe Geran and Liberacon, noted some similarities between Valerian albums and the Star Wars series. Both series are marked behind the live in the look given to their different parameters and for the different alien creatures they have. Mezier's response, seeing Star Wars, was that he was blinded, jealous... And furious!. As a ripost, Mezier created an illustration for Pilote magazine in 1983, which depicts Star Wars characters Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, meeting Valerian and Loreina in a bar surrounded by a bestiary of alien creatures typical of both series. An unusual meeting with you here! This is Leia. Oh, we've been stuck here for a long time! Lorelin objects. Since then, Mezier was informed that Doug Chang, the design director of The Phantom Menace, kept a set of Valerian albums in his library. Mezier also noticed similarities between some of the scenery in the 1982 film Conan the Barbarian and the planet seen in Les Oiseaux du Ma'tre and some production sketches for alien fighters in the 1996 film Independence Day and the astrocystheism of Valerian and Lorelin. In the 1999 Danish film The Last Song of Mifune, directed by Seren Krag-Jacobsen, there is a character of Rude, who is a fan of Linda and Valentin (as Valerian is known in Denmark), who believes that Liva's character is actually Linda (i.e. Lorelin). Jean-Claude Mezier himself worked as a concept artist on a number of sci-fi film projects. The first was in 1984 for director Jeremy Kagan, who tried to adapt The Ice People's novel by Rene Bardjavel La Nuit des Temps. The film was never made. This was followed in 1985 by a proposed Arkady and Boris Strugatsky's novel It's Hard to Be a God for director Peter Fleischman. This film was eventually completed in 1989, although Mezier's concepts for the film were barely used. Mezier's artwork, created for both projects, was later published in the magazine Mezier Extras. In 1991, Mezier began working on a concept art for director Luc Besson for his film The Fifth Element. When the project stalled and Besson moved to work on Leon in 1994, Mezier returned to Valerian for the album Circles of Power (Les Cercles du Pouvoir). It featured the character, S'Traks, who led a flying taxi around a large metropolis on the planet Rubanis. Mezier sent a copy of the album to Besson, who was inspired to change the background of Corben Dallas, the protagonist of The Fifth Element, from a rocket factory worker to a taxi driver who flies a taxi around futuristic New York inspired by Rubanis. Mezier has prepared additional conceptual drawings for Besson, including flying taxis. He also re-used some aspects of the design of the space liner seen in 1988 in the Valerian album On the Frontiers for the liner Fhloston Paradise, which was seen in the second half of the film. The fifth element was finally completed and released in 1997. The importance of the four classic elements for the film is similar to the meaning of the elements in the two parts of the Valerian history of Metro Chatel, The Direction of Cassiopeia and the Brooklyn station, Terminus Cosmos. However, Besson claims that he first came up with the idea for a film at the age of 16, which will be before the publication of these two albums. The Valerian Awards and its creators have also been recognized through a number of prestigious awards. It is noteworthy that in 1984 he was awarded the Grand Prix of Villa d'Angouleme for his comics, including Valerian, for his comics. Mezier and Christine also won the European Science Fiction Society award for valerian in 1987, and the album Hostages de l'Ultralum won the Tournament Award, which best reflects the ideals of the Green Party, at the International Comic Festival in Angouleme in 1997. The encyclopedia of alien beings found in the universe of Valeria Les Habitants du Ciel: Atlas Cosmique de Val'rrian et Laureline (Inhabitants of the Sky: The Cosmic Atlas of Valerian and Lorelin) received a special mention from the jury at the 1992 International Comic Festival in the Prix Jeunesse 9-12 as (Youth Award 9-12 years). Valerian was also nominated for the 1995 Haxtur Award for Circles of Power and the Harvey Award in 2005 for The New Future Trilogy, an English-language compilation of three albums. History Publishing See also: List of books by Valerian and Lorelin Valerian's publication first appeared on November 9, 1967, in the #420 of the French-Belgian comic book pilote, and every Valerian story from Bad Dreams to The Wrath of Hypsis was originally released in Pilote. The second Valera story, La Cite des Eaux Mouvantes, was the first collected by Dargo in the graphic novel format. Since On the Frontiers, every Valerian story has debuted in the album format. Seven short stories were also published in the Super Pocket Pilote digest in 1969 and 1970, and then collected in The Pathways of Space (Par Les Chemins De l'Espace) in 1997. The series was originally published under the title Valerian: Spatio-Temporal Agent. However, with the publication of the Order of the Stones in 2007, the series now goes by the title valerian and Lorelin. On January 22, 2010, the last album, L'OuvreTemps (The Time Opener) was released. With this album, the authors completed the entire comic series with the intention of preventing the series from weak, or staggering for new comics. However, Christine wrote a 270-page novel by Valerian and Lorelin, Valerian and Lorelin: Lininil disparu (Valerian and Lorelin: Lininil disappeared), and pointed out that Valerian and Lorelin would continue to live in an ascoly. English Translations Cover Valerian: The New Future Trilogy. The first Valerian album to be translated into English was Ambassador of the Shadows, which was released in four issues of Heavy Metal magazine in 1981 (Volume 4, number 10 (January 1981) at volume 5, number 1 (April 1981).) The Shadow Ambassador was later re-released in English as an album, as was World Without Stars, Welcome to Alflolol and Heroes of the Equinox of the short-lived Dargaud-USA and Dargaud-Canada between 1981 and 1984 and in the United Kingdom by Hodder-Dargo in 1984 and 1985. In 1989, it was announced that NBM Publishing was going to re-release four English-language albums published by Dargaud-USA, as well as a translation of Empire of a Thousand Planets, but nothing seemed to come of it. Heroes of the Equinox were re-released in July 1996 in black and white by Fantasy Flight Publishing (an offshoot of Fantasy Flight Games) in two editions as standard American-sized comics as part of a failed attempt to translate and print several European comics, including Spirou et Fantasio and Lucky Luke. In November 2004, iBooks published the Valerian: A New Future trilogy, collecting Albums On the Frontiers, The Living Weapons and The Circles of Power in a volume reduced to a standard American graphic novel. These were the only Valery stories published by iBooks, and the company has since declared bankruptcy. Since July 2010, British publisher Cinebook English editions of Valerian. They started at the speed of one volume every six months. However, as the cinematic release of Luc Besson's film Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets approached, this figure increased to once every three months. By the end of 2017, 22 volumes had been published. According to separate releases of the title softcover, the publisher announced in December 2016 a full series of hardcover books, aka Int'grales, Valerian, scheduled for launch in 2017 as Valerian - The Complete Collection. Completed in 2018, each release in the seven-volume series collects 3-4 titles of original individual book releases. International efforts, the release of Cinebook was, except for the language, identical to those simultaneously released in French, Dutch, Portuguese (only Brazil), and standard Chinese. In other languages, many Valera stories, whether in part or in the whole in the series, have been translated from original French to several languages other than English, including German (as Valerian and Veronica), Dutch (as Ravian: Tijd/ruimte-agent), Scandinavian languages (Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish) (as Linda og/oh Valentin), Finnish (as Valerian J Lorelin and formerly as Avaruusagentti Valerian Int'grale editions were also published in several of these languages, of which later, the aforementioned version of Cinebook and the version of its international companions, by the way, were only slightly updated editions, only reinforced by long interviews with two creators and director Luc Besson, scattered on separate volumes of the collection. Adapting to other media Animated television series Home Article: Time Jam: Valerian and Lorelin The concept of making an animated adaptation of Valerian dates back to at least 1976. In 1982, Mezier produced concept art for an episode called Les Ast'reos de Shimballil, which was later published in 2000 as an annex to the album Bad Dreams. In 1991, Dargaud Films financed the production of a three-minute pilot, directed by Bernard Devier and the animated film Studio 32 in Paris and Luxembourg, but nothing came out of this endeavor. Several dossiers from this pilot episode have been published in Mezier Extra. Another pilot, director Florice Ferrier, was made by French animation studio 2 Minutes in 2001. Nothing came out of that attempt either. The animated series, Time Jam: Valerian and Laureline, debuted on Family in France on October 20, 2007. A total of 40 26-minute episodes were made. The series - French-Japanese penny, directed by Philippe Vidal. [49] (50) were written by a French team led by Peter Burt; while Charles Vaucelles was responsible for the implementation of the characters and Vincent Momm'ja was responsible for designing the seats and spacecraft. Music by Alexander Azzaria. In the French dub series Valerian voices Gwendal Anglade and Loreline Melody Orru. Three trailers were released to promote the series: the first on April 24, 2006, the second on October 10, 2006, and the third on August 30, 2007. The series differs from the original comics in that Valerian comes from the year 2417, instead of 2720, and meets Laureline in the year 912 instead of 1000. If in the comics Valerian easily returns Lorelin in the 18th century, in the animated series it leads to the disappearance of the Earth from the solar system. According to the Animation World Network, Time Jam - Valerian and Lorelin sets out to answer the question: Where on Earth has gone? Valerian and Lorelin, our two young heroes, seem to be the only members of the human race in an insecure galaxy where the nightmarish Vlaho conspired to control the world. Sent on the instructions of the head of the STE (Space-Time Service), Valerian and Lorelin discover the existence of a portal of time, a mysterious phenomenon that can be the key to the restoration of the Earth. The series from Dargaud Marina mixes 2D and CGI animation with anime touch. The series was also sold to Belgium, Spain, Israel and Morocco. In 2012, it was announced that Luc Besson was planning to make a film for the big screen Valerian and Lorelin. The film was shot in January 2016 and starred Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevingne. It was released on July 21, 2017. Notes and the Italian announcement of the final release: b Valerian eri kielille - Val'rian in different languages. Received on September 16, 2006. Mezier, Jean-Claude; Christine, Pierre (2000). Le Mauve Chavez. Valerian: Agent Spatio-Temporel (french). Paris: Dargo. ISBN 2-205-04880-5. Mezier, Jean-Claude; Christine, Pierre (1997). Le Grand Collectionneur. Par les Chemesins de l'Espeis. Valerian: Agent Spatio-Temporel (french). Paris: Dargo. ISBN 2-205-04456-7. a b c d e f h i Pomerleau, Luc (May 1989). Pierre Christine and Enki Bilal, called for comics. Comics magazine (129): 62-67. ISSN 0194-7869. Archive from the original on May 19, 2006. Received on September 2, 2006. a b c Dean, John (1996). Comic interlude. In Dean, John; Gabile, Jean-Paul (0313294291). ISBN 0-313-29429-1. Archive of February 10, 2006. Received on September 16, 2006. a b c Klein, Gerard (1983). Des messagers de l'actuel. Une reconnaissance de mondes de Valerian. In Mezier, Jean-Claude; Christine, Pierre and Christine Avec... (French). Paris: Dargo. ISBN 2-205-02513-9. Archive from the original on May 16, 2011. Received on March 20, 2007. a b c d e f h i Perez, Pepo (February 2002). Tierra de Gigantes. U (23): -. Archive from the original on May 23, 2006. Received September 16, 2006.CS1 maint: additional punctuation (link) - b d e f h i j k Maltret, Olivier (August 2001). Mezier's dossier. Le Dossier de la Bande Desine (DBD) (12): 1-40. Archive from the original on October 28, 2005. Received on September 1, 2006. URL th b c Mezier, Jean-Claude (1995). Les Extras de Maiziere (french). Paris: Dargo. ISBN 2-205-04443-5. Clins d'oeil. Valerian and Lorelin, advertise sur le agents spatio-temporels de Galaxity (in French). Archive from the original on June 16, 2006. Received on September 1, 2006. Mezier, Jean-Claude; Christine, Pierre (1980). Metro Chatel, Cassiopeia Direction. Valerian: Agent Spatio-Temporel (french). Paris: Dargo. ISBN 2-205-04639-X. ^ Mézières, Jean-Claude; Christine, Pierre (1991). Les Shingouz. Les Habitatants du Ciel. Atlas Cosmic de Valerian and Lorelin. Valerian: Agent Spatio-Temporel (french). Paris: Dargo. ISBN 2-205-03921-0. a b Christine/Mezier, l'ab'c'daire (press release). Dargo. 2001. Archive from the original august 28, 2007. Received on September 1, 2006. a b Andrevon, Jean-Pierre (December 1970). La Site de eaux mouvantes. Fiction (204): -. Archive from the original on August 28, 2007. Received September 17, 2006.CS1 maint: additional punctuation (link) - Andrevon, Jean-Pierre (December 1971). L'Empire des mille plan'tes. Fiction (216): -. Archive from the original on August 28, 2007. Received 17 September 2006.CS1 maint: additional punctuation (link) - Lofficier, Jean-Marc and Randy. Cool French comics - Valerian. Cool French comics. Received on September 1, 2006. Lofizier, Jean-Mark and Randy (2004). Shadow people 2. Heroes and villains of French comics. Encino, California: Black Coat Press. ISBN 0-9740711-8-8. Gravett, Paul (2005). Futures and fables. Graphic novels. Stories to change your life. London: Aurum. page 88. ISBN 1-84513-068-5. a b Kane, Gil; Grotto, Gary (May-June 2004). Confession: Conversation with Jean-Claude Mezier. Comic magazine. Books of science fiction (260): 88-112. ISSN 0194-7869. Thompson, Kim (2004). Introduction. In Mezier, Jean-Claude; Christine, Pierre: The New Future of the Trilogy. ISBN 0-7434-8674-9. Geuran, Jean-Philippe (November 1999). Noirs dessins. Le Nouveau Sinema. –: –. August 28, 2007. Received September 1, 2006.CS1 maint: additional punctuation (link) - F.A. (October 13, 1999). Sur-le-traces de Valerian and the spouses. Release. –: –. Archive from the original on August 28, 2007. Received September 1, 2006.CS1 maint: additional punctuation (link) - Troisi'me p'riode (1980-1984). Tout (ou presque) sur Claude Maiziere... Archive from the original on October 2, 2005. Received on September 17, 2006. Mezier, Jean-Claude; Tierney, D. (October 1, 1983). Le retour du Jedi: c'est de la B.D. Pilot (M113): -. SU1: additional punctuation (link) - Krag-Jacobsen, Seren (director) (1999). Mifunes Sidste sang (The Last Song of Mifune) (Film). Denmark: -. CS1 volumes: additional punctuation (link) - Mezier, Christine, Pierre (2004). Circles of power. Valerian: The New Future of the Trilogy. Valerian: Spatio-Temporary Agent. Trans. Timothy Ryan Smith. New York: iBooks. ISBN 0-7434-8674-9. Mezier, Jean-Claude (2004). Afterword. In Mezier, Jean-Claude; Christine, Pierre: The New Future of the Trilogy. ISBN 0-7434-8674-9. Mezier, Jean-Claude (1998). Les Extras de Maiziere No 2. Mon Cinciem Element. Decors for the film de Luc Besson (in French). Paris: Dargo. ISBN 2-205-04751-5. Slip, Simon (Director) (2003), Opening the fifth element, in the Fifth Element (DVD), Disc 2, Way. List of Grand Prix winners. The official website of the International Comic Festival in Angouleme. Archive from the original on November 16, 2006. Received on September 17, 2006. ESFS Awards 1987-89. The official website of the European Science Fiction Society. Received on September 17, 2006. Bandes dessines et Prix Tournesol. Les Verts (Official website of the French Green Party). Archive from the original on August 19, 2006. Received on September 17, 2006. Le Palmar 1992. ToutEnBD (French). Archive from the original on June 25, 2007. Received on April 8, 2007. Hakstur Award nominees 1995. The official website of the haxtur Awards. Archive from the original on May 10, 2006. Received on September 29, 2006. Harvey Award nominees 2005. The official website of the Harvey Award. Archive from the original on February 27, 2012. Received on September 29, 2006. Le magazine Pilote en 1967. BDublies (French). Received on March 22, 2007. Destraz, Camilla (October 17, 2009). Pierre Christine: J'ai'crit ce roman parce que val'rrian s'arr't. le mateen. Received on October 28, 2011. a b c Unknown (March 1989). Shadow ambassador. Amazing Heroes (160): -. Archive from the original on September 27, 2003. Received September 1, 2006.CS1 maint: additional punctuation (link) - Heavy Metal Magazine List - 1981. Heavy metal magazine fan page. Received on September 16, 2006. Fantastic Flights - The Company's History. Fantasy Flight Game. Archive August 30, 2006. Received on September 1, 2006. Agonizing and difficult. iBooks Bankrupt. News of the comic world. March 13, 2006. Received on November 12, 2006. Cinebook catalog - Valerian. Cinebook. Received on March 24, 2011. Rich Johnston (December 23, 2016). Cinebook For publication full valerian starting in 2017. Bleeding Cool. Received on September 16, 2018. B Ravian. (in Dutch). Received on June 16, 2019; International publications are also listed. Ferrier, Flac oriented (director). Valerian and Lorelin - pilot (Flash Animation). Two minutes. Received on September 1, 2006. A b Time Jam: Valerian and Lorelin. Mediatoon International Distribution. Archive from the original on June 26, 2007. Received on October 22, 2006. I'd like Vidal, Philippe. Le partage des t'ches. Blog Time Jam directed by Philippe Vidal (in French). Dargo. Archive from the original on October 26, 2007. Received on September 1, 2006. Dargo Distribution listing for Time Jam. TV France International. Archive from the original on September 28, 2007. Received on September 1, 2006. Vidal, Phillip. Bon anniverser Mr. V!. Blog Time Jam directed by Philippe Vidal (in French). Dargo. Archive from the original on May 19, 2007. Received on September 15, 2007. Time Jam: Valerian and Lorelin - First trailer. Dargo. Archive from the original on June 14, 2006. Received on September 1, 2006. Jam Time: Valerian and Lorelin - Second Trailer. Dargo. Archive from the original on March 15, 2007. Received on November 12, 2006. Time Jam: Valerian and Lorelin - Third Trailer. Dargo. Archive from the original on October 26, 2007. Received on September 15, 2007. - World Animation Network (October 5, 2006). Dargaud Distributions Spirou and Fantastic Planes in Cannes (PDF). Flash Animation (MIPCOM 2006 Special Edition No. 3): 7. Archive from the original (PDF) dated December 29, 2010. Received on November 12, 2006. Luc Besson Adapts Sci-Fi Comic VALERIAN for the Big Screen. GeekTyrant. Luc Besson's next sci-fi project sounds a little familiar. Luc Besson - Hello everyone - As you've probably noticed that I am... - Facebook. Luc Besson on Twitter. Twitter. Vlessing, Ethan (May 18, 2015). Luc Besson's Sci-Fi Epic 'Valerian' Gets Release Date. The Hollywood Reporter. Sources of Valeria publications in Pilote on BDoubli'es (in French) External links Jean-Claude Mezier official site (in French) Valerian entry to Cool French comics Valerian and Laureline fan site (in French and English) Valerian@uBC on (in Italian) Time Jam: Valerian Lorelin's official blog series (in French) Valerian and Lorelin animated series official site (in French) Valerian and Lorelin series official site (in English) Valerian and Lorelin episodes on VALERIAN and LAURELINE ENGLISH OFFICIAL (English) Spaceships, Simulakra and Star Wars Wars Storie di un futuro amico на Spigoli-Culture spigol@ture (на итальянском языке) извлечен из valerian and laureline movie kiss. valerian and laureline movie fanfiction

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