Public Livingston North Local Area Committee Community
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DATA LABEL: PUBLIC LIVINGSTON NORTH LOCAL AREA COMMITTEE COMMUNITY REGENERATION UPDATE REPORT BY HEAD OF PLANNING, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & REGENERATION A. PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to inform the Local Area Committee of progress towards developing a regeneration plan within the ward, and other related activities. B. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Local Area Committee notes: 1. the ward specific information on the Town Centre Capital Grant Fund 2019/20; and 2. an update on the local regeneration activity for Knightsridge area. C. SUMMARY OF IMPLICATIONS I Council Values Focusing on our customers' needs. Being honest, open and accountable. Providing equality of opportunities. Making best use of our resources. Working in partnership. II Policy and Legal Community regeneration reinforces the council’s (including Strategic commitment to community planning at a local Environmental level. Assessment, Equality Issues, Health or Risk Assessment) III Implications for None. Scheme of Delegations to Officers IV Impact on performance Performance indicators relating to the activity and performance within the plans are captured within the set of Indicators regeneration key performance indicators. V Relevance to Single - We are better educated and have access to Outcome Agreement increased and better quality learning and employment opportunities. - We live in resilient, cohesive and safe communities. - We live longer, healthier lives and have reduced health inequalities. 1 - We make the most efficient and effective use of resources by minimising our impact on the built and natural environment. VI Resources - (Financial, Activities will be funded from existing budgets or Staffing and Property) external sources. Town Centres Budget – 2019/20: £138,510 allocated to ward. VII Consideration at PDSP Annual updates on regeneration plans will be presented to PDSP. VIII Other consultations None. D. TERMS OF REPORT Town Centre Fund Capital Grant – 2019/20 Council Executive approved the use and allocation of this fund. As members may be aware the approved allocations for each settlement within the ward are as follows: Area Population Ward Allocation Carmondean 5,170 £30,495 Eliburn 8,211 £48,432 *Livingston Village / 2,958 £11,340 Kirkton (£17,447 total for area if including Livingston South allocation) Deans 4,234 £24,974 Knightsridge 3,945 £23,269 Total Allocation £138,510 * as Livingston Village/ Kirkton crosses both Livingston North and Livingston South boundaries, applicants may have to apply to both Local Area Committees for support. The Community Regeneration Officer with responsibilities for Livingston North area has contacted the following community groups: - Carmondean, Knightsridge, Eliburn and Livingston Village Community Councils - Management Committees for Livingston Station, Carmondean Community Centre, Mosswood Community Centre, Newyearfield Community Centre - Voluntary organisations based in the ward such as the Vennie and Almond Valley Heritage Centre. The initial deadline for applications is 31 August. Regeneration Plans A report was provided to the Local Area Committee in 2016 outlining the background to developing regeneration plans, including the processes, structures, 2 and timescales involved. Eight regeneration were identified, based on the data zones within the bottom 20% of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation. At present, this process has started in all of the eight regeneration areas, covering 13 individual plans, including Bridgend in the Linlithgow Ward. It has also been agreed that the Regeneration Plans will be the local plans required by the Scottish Government as part of their Community Empowerment approach and reported through the Community Planning Partnership. Knightsridge Regeneration The first version of the plan has been developed and agreed by the Knightsridge Regeneration Group. This was provided to the previous meeting of the Local Area Committee in November 2018. This focusses on the following three priorities which were identified following extensive community consultation: a) Improving access to services and amenities. b) More community activity, play and learning opportunities. c) The environment and community safety. Whilst this is the first version of the plan, partners have already identified areas for further action with the plan which will be worked on in the meantime by the community representatives and services on the Knightsridge Regeneration Group and built into the next version of the plan. Regeneration Group The Knightsridge Regeneration Group last met on 22 May. Members have been emailed a copy of these minutes. There are a number of activities up and running that are trying to mitigate some of the needs in the community i.e. loneliness, youth provision, and officers are trying to support the community groups to self-organise better through the proposed the 'vision' type group for Knightsridge. In recognition of this the regeneration has group agreed to have more focussed meetings on particular themes or issues. This itself recognises the increasing role the community has played in regeneration to date. This is to avoid duplication of effort of these other groups and to now focus regeneration on looking to engage services around other issues such as early years, health, employability, garden maintenance etc. The CRO will issue dates of meetings going forward with the above examples have been suggested. Regeneration Plan The CRO will begin updating this over the coming months to record and reflect the progress made, the new activities and groups that have been created and any changing circumstances within the community. Knightsridge Walkabout/ Cameron Way Shops 3 Following the previous Local Area Committee, a walkabout in Knightsridge for members and community council representatives in the ward was held on the afternoon of Tuesday 4 June with visits to the Vennie, community garden, the ex- Harvester site and the adjacent shopping area. Ongoing activity was noted from these projects. An action was agreed to enquire about the clean-up of the shop façade of these units which was identified through a previous walkabout. Property Management and Development have informed members that this is to be contracted and works will be carried out by the end of July. E. CONCLUSION Knightsridge is part of the Livingston Central regeneration area for which a regeneration plan is being developed. An update on progress will be brought to the next meeting of the Local Area Committee. F. BACKGROUND REFERENCES Town Centre Fund - Capital Grant 2019/20 Report to Council Executive on 11 June 2019 available at: Appendices/Attachments: none. Contact Person: Scott McKillop, Community Regeneration Officer, 01506 281082 [email protected] Craig McCorriston, Head of Planning, Economic Development and Regeneration 28 June 2019. 4 .