The Republic of Moldova The National Agency for Energy Regulation ANRE Alexandr Pushkin Street, no. 52 / A, MD-2005 Chisinau, Tel: 022 852 901,
[email protected], ADMINISTRATION COUNCIL DECISION no. _____ March 2, 2021 Chisinau on the provisional certification of the natural gas transmission system operator "Vestmoldtransgaz" LLC, IDNO 1014600024244, legal address: MD-2004, Chisinau municipality, Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Avenue, no.180, off. 515 According to the provisions of art. 36 of the Law no. 108 / 27.05.2016 on natural gas, based on the application no. 9532 of 05.11.2020 on the certification of "Vestmoldtransgaz" LLC according to the "ownership separation" model and the attached documents that are in line with the established requirements, submitted by the nominated transmission system operator, as well as the information provided by the Motivation Note on the certification of TSO „Vestmoldtransgaz” LLC, the Administration Council of the National Agency for Energy Regulation, DECIDES: 1. To provisionally certify the natural gas transmission system operator „Vestmoldtransgaz” LLC, IDNO 1014600024244, holder of the license Series AC no. 001338 issued on 06.01.2016 for the natural gas transmission activity, according to the “ownership separation” model. 2. The Licensing, Monitoring and Control Department shall notify the Energy Community Secretariat within 5 working days of this decision and shall send it the Motivation Note on the provisional certification of TSO "Vestmoldtransgaz" LLC, which was the basis for issuing