






MEDAN 2019





Drs Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum. Riko Andika Pohan SS.,M.Hum. NIP. 196302161989031003 NIP. 196801221 99803 2 001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English


Universitas Sumatera Utara Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination

Head, Secretary,

Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti,M.A.,Ph.D. NIP. 19540916 198003 2 003 NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002

Universitas Sumatera Utara Accepted by the Board of Examiner in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on May 7, 2019

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S. NIP. 196008051 987031 001

Board of Examiners

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D.

Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum.

Dr. Martha Pardede, M.S

Universitas Sumatera Utara AUTHOR’S DECLARATION


Signed : Date : 7th May 2019


Universitas Sumatera Utara COPYRIGHT DECLARATION






Signed : Date : 7th May 2019


Universitas Sumatera Utara ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, Alhamdulillahirobbil‗alamin. First of all, I want to thanks to Allah SWT the almighty, the creator who has give me his blessing and mercy in my entire life. And I thank you to Allah SWT for all of the great situation and any things that I can completed my thesis which is entitled “AN


NOVEL THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW” and obtain the bachelor‗s degree of

English Literature from English Department. Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara; and Shalawat and Salam to the Prophet

Muhammad SAW, along with his family and his companion, peace be upon him.

Similarly, my special belongs to:

1. I would like to thanks to my beloved big family especially for my parents for their support, care and great to me for finishing this thesis. I do not know how to pay back your effort to me. For my mother, Thanks for understanding me in every situation. And for my father, big thanks to you who always be my fighter to make his daughter happy and make all his daughter needs be happen. so I would like to present this thesis to them.

2. Drs. Parlindugan Purba, M.Hum. and Riko Andika Rahmat Pohan, M.Hum. as my great supervisors for their , knowledge, support, and encouragement to write and finish this thesis decisively.


Universitas Sumatera Utara

3. The Head and the Secretary of English Department, Prof. T. Silvana Sinar,

M.A., Ph.D. and Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D. and all the lecturers and the staff of English Department for the facilities and opportunities given to me during my study in this faculty. And the last and not least, bang Kirno who gave the best effort to help my document and stuff.

4. I want to thank to The Kardashians family (Runi, Yana, Julia) who fullfill my days from Diploma till Extension,

5. And then I want to thank to my friends one guidande Runi and Nadha who helping me for every needs on the way of SEMPRO till SIDANG.


Rusydina Sihombing No. Reg. 170721001


Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRACT

This thesis entitledAn Analysis of Agoraphobia through the Leading Character in A. J Finn‟s The Woman in the Window.The discussion agoraphobia which is suffered by a woman named Anna Fox. Before she experience agoraphobia she works as a child psychologist but she must give p on her job because of the agoraphobia she experience makes her can not lave her house. The source of data in this research is novel The Woman In The Window by A. J Finn. This novel is a fiction storyinspired from reading the novel that used as the problem in the novel.The purpose of this thesis to analyze the cause of agoraphobiaand the effects of agoraphobia experience by the leading character. The trauma of losing her family is the cause of Anna experience agoraphobia.The physical, emotional and social effects.are the effects from agoraphobia that Anna experience.In this thesis the writer use theoryJacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC use descriptive qualitative method for analyzing data and use library risearch to collect the data that needed in this thesis and selecting quotation from The Woman in the Window.

Keyword: Agoraphobia, cause of agoraphobia, effects of agoraphobia.


Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRAK

Skripsi ini berjudul An Analysis of Agoraphobia through the Leading Character in A. J Finn‟s The Woman in the Window.Yang membahas tentang penyakit agorapobia yang diderita seorang wanita yang bernama Anna Fox. Sebelum mengidap agoraphobia Anna Fox adalah seorang psikologi anak tetapi di harus berhenti dari pekerjaannya karena agorapobia yang dideritanya membuatnya tidak bisa meninggalkan rumah. Sumber data pada penelitian ini ada;ah novel The Woman In The Window karangan A. J Finn. Novel ini adalah cerita fiksi yang terinspirasi dari membaca novel yang menggunakan psiologi sebagai permasalahan dalam novel. Tujuan dari penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk menganalisis penyebab agoraphobia dan efek dari agoraphobia yang dialami oleh tokoh utama. Trauma atas kehilangan keluarganya adalah penyebab dari Anna mengalami agoraphobia. Gangguan panik dan adalah efek yang disebabkan oleh agoraphobia yang dialami Anna. Pada skripsi ini penulis menggunakan teori karangan Richard P Halgin dan Susan Krauss Whitbourne dan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk menganalisis data dan menggunakan riset perpustakaan untuk mengumpulkan data yang diperlukan dalam skripsi dan memilih kutipan dari The Woman in the Window.

Kata kunci : Agoraphobia, penyebab agorapobia,efek agorapobia.


Universitas Sumatera Utara TABLE OF CONTENTS




ABSTRACT ...... ix

ABSTRAK ...... x


1.1 Background of the Study ...... 1

1.2 Problem of the Study ...... 6

1.3 Objective of the Study…………………...... …..…...... 6

1.4 Scope of the Study….……....…………….....…...... 7

1.5 Significance of the Study………....……………...…... 7


2.1 Psychology of Literature……..…………….….…...…. 8

2.1.1 Character ...... ………………….....…….…...... 10

2.2 Disorde……...………...……………...... 11

2.3 Agoraphobia ...... …………………...... …... 14

2.5.1 Causes of Agoraphobia ...... 17

2.6 ...... 18

2.4 Review of Related Studies ...... 18


3.1 Research Design ……………………....….……...... 20

3.2 Source Data ...... 21


Universitas Sumatera Utara 3.3 Data Collecting………………………….…....……...... 21

3.4 Data Analysis ……………………………...…….……..22


4.1 Anna‘s Agoraphobia ...... 24

4.2 Effects of Anna‘s Agoraphobia ...... 28

4.3 Findings ...... 38


5.1 Conclusion ...... 39

5.2 Suggestion ...... 39

REFERENCES……………………………………………...... …... 41


i. Author‘s Biography and works

ii. Summary of the novel


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER I


1.1 Backgroung of the Study

Nowadays, lots of novel use psychology as the promblem in the novel especially psychological disorder. One of those novel is The Woman in the

Window.The Woman in the Window is a novel by A.J Finn, a New York Times bestselling author. The Woman `in the Window present a story about Dr. Anna

Fox, the protagonist of ―The Woman in the Window‖ was once a prominent child psychiatrist but is currently an agoraphobic recluse who lives in a nice little house in Harlem, with no one but her cat Punch and a hunky tenant named Dan who occupies the basement apartment.Since she is too afraid to leave her house, Anna spends all of her time spying on her neighbors, using her Nikon.

When she is not spying on her neighbors, Anna is doing one of three things.She is either drinking merlot, playing chess online, or consulting people in an agoraphobia chatroom to the best of her abilities.Speaking of which – she is especially interested in one of the agoraphobics she consults, a woman who goes by the nickname of GrannieLizzie.

Anna‘s marital problems is that she had an affair with her partner in her psychology practice.Her husband, Ed, found out about the affair and confronted her.Anna somehow convinced him to rethink his decision about divorcing him, at least after the last skiing vacation of the Foxes.In the end, that‘s exactly what the


Universitas Sumatera Utara vacation turns out to be the end of her family.Ed and Anna‘s daughter, Olivia, overhears her parents talking about the divorce and insists on being taken back home. Anna is the one driving the car back but, distracted by a phone call from her lover, she crashes the car off the side of a cliff.Both Ed and Olivia are already dead when the police arrive 33 hours later to somehow save at least Anna.After all, Anna has hallucinated through the deaths of her husband and her daughter, making up all those evening discussions she thought she had had with them.

In the evenings, Dr. Anna Fox has a regular -filled chat with her husband, begging him to come back with their daughter – to absolutely no avail.

Once a week, her psychiatrist comes in and, as he prescribes her more drugs, he reminds her that it‘s not a good thing for her to contact her husband and her child or to drink her medications with merlot.At least one of these two advises sounds more than sound.Anna heeds to neither, repeatedly disobeying the latter.

One day, Anna is visited by Ethan Russell, a 17-year-old boy whose family had just moved in across Anna‘s house.Ethan visit Anna‘s house to give a candle that he said that is his mother ordered. Ethan is a nice boy who speak politely. Anna notices some oddity in him after meeting him several times, and the child psychiatrist in her awakens; she that Ethan is too afraid of his father, Alistair. Ethan told her that he scared of his father because he gets angry easily.Her suspicions are confirmed when one day she is visited by Ethan‘s mother, Jane, with whom she spends an evening playing chess and drinking


Universitas Sumatera Utara wine.Jane told Anna if Alistair comes to Anna‘s house and ask her about if Jane visit her house, Jane told Anna to not tell Alistair about her visiting Anna‘s house.

During the following days, her seem to turn into a dreadful .First, she starts hearing screams from the Russell‘s mansion and, then, she sees Jane with a hilt sticking from her blouse.An alcoholic agoraphobic recluse on medications is not exactly the perfect witness, so the police don‘t Anna‘s side of the story.Jane Russell is well and alive and nobody in the Russell family – including Ethan – claims otherwise. The cops are all but certain that she has invented the stabbing to get some attention.―Call me anytime,‖ one of the cops says to Dr. Anna Fox.When she does, Anna learns that this is not the only hallucination she has experienced in her life.

The writer finds that agoraphobia is a of fear to experience attack in public area that the sufferer feels insecure and embarrassed. According to Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC (April 15th, 2013) Agoraphobia is an that causes the sufferer to become fearful of wide-open areas, crowded venues, and/or traveling. The panic relates to not being able to escape or get help if needed.

Generally, people with agoraphobia fear any places where they might have trouble escaping or getting help in an emergency. The particular emergency that they fear is often a .Person who experience panic attack at public area and became affraid to go out without someone trusted who can help when she/he experiencing a panic attack at public area called agoraphobia.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC (April 15th, 2013)say The actual causes of agoraphobia are not known, but it is believed to be linked to the accompaniment of other anxiety disorders, a traumatic event, or stressful situations.

Anna fox experience agoraphobia because post-traumatic stress disorder.

The panic attack occured because of the she experienced, aftershe lost her family which caused trauma with the public area. Anna who scared to experience panic attack in public area being scared to go out and choose to avoid that situation and prefer to stay at home. And it makes her experience agoraphobia.

People who experience agoraphobia usually experience the effects of

Agoraphobia. According to Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC (April 15th, 2013)Living with agoraphobia is quite difficult. This can take control of the person‘s life and will not allow them to leave their place of solace. A normal life is almost out of the question if it goes untreated. Recognizing the physical, emotional and social effects can help the man or woman dealing with agoraphobia find help sooner and circumvent the anticipated results.

In this thesis, the writer would like to discuss one of A. J Finn‘s Novel The

Woman In The Window through agoraphobia. The writer choose agpraphobia in analyzing this novel because in this novel the author focuses on sense of psychology that showed by the character Anna Fox. The character expresses , she was halucinating and can only stayed at her house.

The writer use Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC (April 15th, 2013) theory to analyze the problems found in thewriter thesis. The reason why the writer chooses


Universitas Sumatera Utara this topic as the object of the thesis because the writer read thesis articlea study of psychological disorder through the leading character in alice sebold' novel the lovely bones by Novi Yanti Hutahean about psychology and got to discuss about psychoogycal approach. The writer got the idea to look moreover about mental illness and found A. J Finn‘s novel The Woman In The Window and in the novel the story about agoraphobia. The writer also found an agoraphobic from the internet. His name is Marcel Proust. He is a writer. But almost all of his work he did it in her room, Proust was a French writer whose best-known work, In Search of Lost Time, or Remembrance of Things Past, was a seven-part, 3,000-page novel about aging, art, society, and love. He wrote it in 13 years, averaging 230 pages per year — a respectable pace for any author. While Proust‘s works are relatively well known, the conditions that helped yield them are considerably less so. The author confined his writing space to one room at 102 boulevard Haussmann, which he had cork-lined in an attempt to soundproof it. He also used thick curtains to keep out light and outside air, and mainly wrote at night while in bed, sequestering himself even more. In fact, it has been said that Proust spent 90 percent of his life in bed. This points directly to one of agoraphobia‘s symptoms: the need for control. Those living with the condition will often require high levels of predictability in their lives and power over their environments and circumstances. Agoraphobia is an interesting topic to discuss. agoraphobia is a that is not widely known by public but it is a disease that may be experienced by many people without being aware of the symptoms. And based on the mentioned-above , the writer will use psychological theory by


Universitas Sumatera Utara Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC . This theory is suitable since agoraphobia is expressed as one of the that occur and cause many side effects that interfere someone daily life.

Through the novel, the reader can learn and understand the cases of psychology in the easiest way.Psychology is a scientific study of behavior, both external observable action and internal thought.Psychology is the study of human mind and behavior. Mind deals with person. Person is character. In this thesis find a character.Gill (1985: 90) says that, character in novel itself is the result of author‘s imagination by looking at psychological reality in the society. So literature and psychology have firm relationship. Both literature and psychology have human being as their object. They study about human behavior or character and human development. Attitude,behavior, and also morality of characters are part of psychology. Psychology explores person from real life while literature explores fictitious person which is imitate from reality.

Novel is the longest of all literary forms, which more popular because it represents human activities in daily life through the characters and setting. John

Peck and Martin Coyle (1984:103) says that Novels are long works with a great amount of detail on every page. They thus present all the complicting facts that need ti be taken into account before we can reach any sort of judgement. Novel reflects a move away from an essentially religious view of life towards a new interest in the complexities of everyday experience.


Universitas Sumatera Utara 1.2 Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study above, the problem discussed in this thesis are:

1. What is the cause of Agoraphobia on the leading character?

2. What are the effects of agoraphobia on the leading character?

1.3Objective of the Study

1. To find out the cause of agoraphobia on the leading character.

2. To find out the effects of agoraphobia on the leading character.

1.4 Scope of the Study

In order to avoid an excessive discussion, based on the identification of the problem, The writer deliberated discuss into more serious detail about agoraphobia on the leading character which also experience post-trauma as the cause of agoraphobia and also will discuss the effects of agoraphobia on the leading character. Therefore beyond the scope of this, The writer would not describe it extensively.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The significance of the study is to enrich the literary study especially about the relationship between literature and psycology. The relation of literature and psychology is not from the works of art, but from the minds of the writer in creating the minds of the characters.


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER II


2.1. .Psychology of Literature

Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Literature is an imaginative act, that is an act of the writer‘s imagination in selecting and ordering life experience. Experience about social life, nature, or anything else could be the ideas of the story.

Wellek and Austen Warren (1962:94) said that ―literature is said to be creative, an art, what an author has been prodused.‖ It means literature is a product of author‘s imagination that imitates the reality into the art of writing.

Literary works can be divided into three categories or genres: poetry, prose, and drama. This thesis is focus on prose fiction. Prose can be divided into short story and novel. John Peck and Martin Coyle (1984:103) says : Novels are long works with a great amount of detail on every page. They thus present all the complicting facts that need ti be taken into account before we can reach any sort of judgement. Novel reflects a move away from an essentially religious view of life towards a new interest in the complexities of everyday experience. Novel is the longest of all literary forms, which more popular because it represents human activities in daily life through the characters and setting.

Psychology is a scientific study of behavior, both external observable action and internal thought.Psychology is the study of human mind and behavior.

Mind deals with person. Person is character. Richard Taylor (1981) says : A


Universitas Sumatera Utara character is a mere construction of words meant to express an idea or view of experience and must be considered in relation to other features of composition, such as action and setting. before its full significance can be appreciated.

Psychology is also the science that triesto explain, predict, and control the behavior of human mental. The particular combination of emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral response patterns of an individual is called personality. Wellek and

Warren (1977: 139) in their book ―Theory of Literature‖explains that psychology can enter to literature by studying the psychology of the writer, psychology of the character, and also psychology of the reader. Psychology can enter literature because the author uses his and in creating work as happens in novel.

Psychology of Literature is the text analyzed by considering the relevance and role of psychological studies. Psychology also plays an important role in analyzing a literary work by focusing on the point of the psychology of literature both the elements of the author, the characters, and readers, by focusing on the figures and an inner conflict contained in literature that is going to be analyzed.Psychology is a scientific discipline that fully struggling with the problems of man and humanity.

Psychology of literature is not intended to solve psychological problems.

But through the definition above, the goal of the psychology of literature is to understand psychological aspects contained in a literary work. Psychology was born to learn the human psyche, it is human that becomes the object of the study


Universitas Sumatera Utara of psychology.Psychology of literature is a literary studies that sees literary work as a mental activity. The author uses an idea, sense and creation in the work.

Gill (1985: 90) says that, character in novel itself is the result of author‘s imagination by looking at psychological reality in the society. So literature and psychology have firm relationship. Both literature and psychology have human being as their object. They study about human behavior or character and human development. Attitude,behavior, and also morality of characters are part of psychology. Psychology explores person from real life while literature explores fictitious person which is imitate from reality.

2.1.1. Character

Character is very important element in literary work such as novel, drama, or even a short story. A character is a reasonable facsimile of a human being, with all the good and bad traits of being human.

Richard Taylor (1981) says : A character is a mere construction of words meant to express an idea or view of experience and must be considered in relation to other features of composition, such as action and setting. before its full significance can be appreciated.

2.2 Anxiety Disorder

The anxiety disorders are: generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and panic disorder with agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, , social , and . Fear is


Universitas Sumatera Utara the emotion that characterizes all of the anxiety disorders. Fear is not necessarily a bad emotion as it is a common human experience. Fear is a signal of danger in the environment. It prepares a person to face the challenge and act to avoid perceived danger.

Anxiety is experienced in three domains: cognitive, physical, and behavioral. In the cognitive realm, anxiety is experienced as or repetitive fearful catastropic thoughts. Other cognitive manifestations are difficulty concentrating, trouble with recall, difficulty retraining new information, the mind going blank, and racing thought.

Somatic, or physiologycal expression of anxiety, include the restlessness, inabiliy to relax, and feeling ―keyed up‖. Anxiety can also be expressed in skin conditions such as hives, gastrointetinal difficulties such as diarrhea, excess stomach acid or ―buterflies,‖ mascular aches and tension, and headaches. Anxiety has been called ―the great imitator,‖ the mimic of many different physical problems. From ringing in the ears to blurred vision, anxiety can manifest in numerous ways often not associated with feeling nervous.

Behavioral expressions of anxiety include movements such as repeatedly getting up and down, pacing, fidgeting, and tapping. Common defences against feeling anxious are avoidance and escape. If the feared situation is either avoided through physically distancing from the object or situation or is experienced only briefly, the feeling of anxiety is diminished.

Assessment and intervention are necessary when anxiety symptoms occur frequently, cause significant level of distress, or interfere with a person‘s quality


Universitas Sumatera Utara of life or the ability to fulfill role responsibilities. When untreated, anxiety disorders usually do not improve and lead to loss of opportunities in interpersonal, social , and vacational realms.

2.3 Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia (ag-uh-ruh-FOE-be-uh) is a type of anxiety disorder in which you fear and avoid places or situations that might cause you to panic and make you feel trapped, helpless or embarrassed. You fear an actual or anticipated situation, such as using public transportation, being in open or enclosed spaces, standing in line, or being in a crowd.

Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC (April 15th, 2013) : Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder that causes the sufferer to become fearful of wide-open areas, crowded venues, and/or traveling. The panic relates to not being able to escape or get help if needed. In addition, a person fighting agoraphobia is often afraid of embarrassing himself or herself in a social setting, and they are terrified of having a panic attack in public. Struggling with agoraphobia can lead the person to live a life stuck in their home and afraid to go outside. The dread can become so intense that the sufferer will not leave their home even when they are in need of medical care.

The irrational fear of going outside leads to a debilitating psychological disorder that keeps the person from living a fruitful life. Agoraphobia is painful and not only affects the person , but it also affects the sufferer‘s loved


Universitas Sumatera Utara ones and career. The extreme terror that is experienced can create of low self-esteem, hopelessness and worthlessness. This in turn can lead to alcohol and substance abuse and possibly suicide. Help is available and agoraphobia can be beaten.

Agoraphobia is the most prominent behavioral change associated with panic disorder. Fear of places or situations in which panic attack have occured is an agoraphobia. Agoraphobic situations are generalized, meaning if a person has a panic attack in a restaurant, all restaurants may be avoided. Agoraphobia can be more crippling than the actual panic attacks because the person develops such a preoccupation to prevent panic attacks. He/she avoids places associated with panic or where he/she feels an attack is likely to occure.

Richard P. Halgin . Susan Krauss Whitbourne (2009:147) say the individual associates certain bodily sensations with memories of the last panic attack, causing a full-blown panic attack to develop even before measurable biological changes have occured. Over time, the individual begins to anticipate the panic attack before it happens, leading to the avoidance behavior seen in agoraphobia.

Richard P. Halgin , Susan Krauss Whitbourne (2009) says that People with this agoraphobia condition experience anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult or embarassing. Common Agoraphobic fears involve situation such as being outside the home alone, being in a crowd or standing in line, being on a bridge, and traveling in a bus, train, or car.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Agoraphobia is a fear of places where help might not be available in case of an emergency. The main psychological theory of agoraphobia that often accompanies panic disorders is the fear-of-fear hypothesis. (a. l., Goldstein

&Chambless, 1978) say agoraphobia is not a fear of public area themselves, but fear of experiencinng panic attack at public area. Panic attacks become classically conditioned on internal physical sensations arising from anxiety. People who later suffer from panic disorder regard the attack as something that is uncontrollable and unpredictable and sees the attack as a certain force.

People with agoraphobia avoid situations in which they would have trouble getting help or would be embarrassed if they had an emergency, such as panic attack. People with agoraphobia also oftrn fear that they will embarrass themselves if others see their symptoms of panic or their frantic efforts o escape during a panic attack.

Richard P. Halgin . Susan Krauss Whitbourne (2009:147) say the individual associates certain bodily sensations with memories of the last panic attack, causing a full-blown panic attack to develop even before measurable biological changes have occured. Over time, the individual begins to anticipate the panic attack before it happens, leading to the avoidance behavior seen in agoraphobia.

The lives of people with agoraphobia can be terribly disrupted, and even brought to a complete halt. Some agoraphobics turn to alcohol and other subtances to dampen these anxiety symptoms. Agoraphobia is different from


Universitas Sumatera Utara many people‘s conception of a phobia, because people with agoraphobia fear such a wide variety of situations.

2.3.1Cause of Agoraphobia

Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC (April 15th, 2013) : The actual causes of agoraphobia are not known, but it is believed to be linked to the accompaniment of other anxiety disorders, a traumatic event, substance abuse or stressful situations.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder

Traumatized indivuduals often express negative feelings about themselves, self-blame, and negative feelings about their community. They suffer from feelings of anxiety and depression (Foa, Davidson & francess. 1999).

The person with PTSD is in a fragile state. These traumatized patients lose their feeling of being safe in the world and within themselves. Psychological losses experienced are the ability to modulate or temper strong feelings, maintain connections with other, and maintain a posotove self identity (Matsakis, 1994).

Trauma victims with PTSD have difficulty healing. They lack one of the basic healing mechanisme of the mind, reverie (defined as abstracted musing, daydreaming) (Davies, American Heritage Dictionary 1976). One of the principal components of PTSD therapy os to assist in the integration of the trauma into normal experience, so that the person can then move on with life (van der Kolk,



Universitas Sumatera Utara 2.3.2 Effects of Agoraphobia

Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC (April 15th, 2013) : Living with agoraphobia is quite difficult. This mental disorder can take control of the person‘s life and will not allow them to leave their place of solace. A normal life is almost out of the question if it goes untreated. Recognizing the physical, emotional and social effects can help the man or woman dealing with agoraphobia find help sooner and circumvent the anticipated results. A few of the emotional effects include:

 Fear of a panic attack

 Fear of people noticing a panic attack

 Fear of

 Fear they may die

 Fear that they are going crazy

 Depression

 Low self-

 Low self-esteem

 Feeling of loss of control

 Anxiety

 Feeling of dread

 Fear they cannot function or survive without others

 Fear of being left alone

 Hopelessness

 Fear of


Universitas Sumatera Utara  Fear their heart might stop during a panic attack

 Fear they cannot breathe

A few of the physical results are:

 Hyperventilating

 Trembling

 Upset stomach

 Diarrhea

 Trouble swallowing

 Breaking out in a sweat

 Accelerated heart

 Nausea

 Dizziness

 Feeling hot, flushing

 Feel like fainting

 Ringing in ears

 Choking

Negative social consequences:

 Person becomes reclusive

 Substance abuse addiction can be developed

 Family relationships are hurt or lost


Universitas Sumatera Utara  Job can be terminated

 Self worth is negatively impacted

 Financial ruin can be experienced

2.4 Review of Related Studies

1. Hutahean, Novi Yanti. 2010. A Study Of Psychologycal Disorder Trough The Leading Character In Alice Sebold‟s Novel The Lovely Bones. Thesis, Medan: FIB USU. This thesis helps the writer to write her thesis about psychological andhelp the writer to be more focused on doing this thesis.This thesis discussed about psychological disorder. But different from the writer thesis, the writer also discussed about psychological disorder but it is called Agoraphobia. 2. Zaya, Devie Arina. 2013. The Leading Character‟s Depression In Eat, Pray, Love By Elizabeth Gillbert. Thesis, Medan: FIB USU. This thesis helps the writer to write her thesis about agoraphobia.the content is briliant and the writing structure also presentable.


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER III


3.1 Research Design

In analyzing this thesis, the writer use descriptive qualitative method.

Prof. Dr. Afrizal, M.A (2014:13) say that Qualitative research methods are defined as methods of research in the social sciences that collect and analyze data in the form of words(oral or written) and human actions and researchers do not attempt to calculate or quantify the qualitative data that has been obtained and thus do not analyze the numbers. Through the method the writer use qualitative method by analyzing the data which are relevant to the topic of the study about the cause of agoraphobia and the treatment of agoraphobia found in the leading character‘s psychological development of novel The Woman In the Window.

By analyzing novel The Woman In the Window the writer use library research by usng some bookswhich are relevant to the topic of the thesis. Te first step the writer read the novel and understand the story. The writer read The

Woman In the Window by A. J. Finn to get ideas of the whole story and related to the causes of agorapgobia and the treatment or agoraphobia of the leading character‘s Anna Fox. Then the writer find and selected some data that will support the case of the cause and effects of agorapobia. The writer use the quotation from the novel to get the relevant theory, the writer using psychological


Universitas Sumatera Utara theory byJacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC. The writer using descriptive qualitative method to analyzing and concluding the research.

3.2 Source Data

Source of data is collected from the novel that entitled The Woman In The

Window, written by A. J Finn. This novel published by Harper Collins Publisher, which tell about the life of the main character named Anna Fox. The writer only focus on the data that indicates the causes and the treatment of agoraphobia that experienced by the main character. The other data source are the books in the library, the journal in internet, and the thesis that used by the researcher to support the subject of research.

3.3 Data Collecting.

Firstly, the writer read the novel for many times as the main source of inspiration to write this thesis for collecting the data, I evaluated the way the characters speak that expresses their personalities, action and all related aspects of theircommunication in the novel. After reading that novel,

Most of the data presented in this thesis is to support the analysis that is relevant to collected sentences for the novel. Other singnificant information is from literature books and some other books related to the topic such as the theory of literature by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren. I chosed this book because I kept that the story of literature by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren could support any


Universitas Sumatera Utara idea in case of discussing conflict on the Novel since this book related to the discussion of psychology in terms of external approach by Renne Wellek and

Austin Warren.

3.4 Data Analysis

In analyzing data the writer uses descriptive approach. There are some steps in analyzing data :

1. Data is identified from dialogues or statements which lead to the certain

characteristics of the cause of agoraphobia and the affects of agoraphobia.

Then, the writer get some certain characteristics through some quotations

of novel ―The Woman In The Window”.

2. Those quotations analyzed to give interpretation about agoraphobia

through the leading character of the novel. The interpretation supported by

quotations from some other books about agoraphobia and some documents

from the internet. Finally, conclusion inferred from the analysis.


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Source DataNovel RESEARCHER The Woman In the


1. What is the cause of agoraphobia on the leading character? 2. What are the effects of agoraphobia on the leading character?

Analyzing and concluding the research Quotationor selected text related to causes of agoraphobia and the effects of agoraphobia

Analyzing Data Interpreted Method : Selected: using Descriptive psychological theory qualitative byJacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC.


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER IV


4.1 Anna’s Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia: in translation the fear of the marketplace, in practice the term for a range of anxiety disorders. The medical literature is uncommonly imaginative when it comes to diagnostics. ―Agoraphobic fears . . . include being outside the home alone; being in a crowd, or standing in a line; being on a bridge.‖ agoraphobes often register acute anxiety afterwaking up.

Agoraphobia can occur in people who do not have panic attacks, but most people who seek treatment for agoraphobia do experience full-blown panic attacks, more moderate panic attacks, or severe social phobia, in which they experience panic like symptoms in social situations (Craske & Barlow, 2001).

Agoraphobia in Anna‘s case takes place because of post-traumatic stress disorder. Post-trauma that caused by feeling guilty. The that Anna can not overcome and it became worse to be an agoraphobia.

Guilty feeling is the cause of post-traumatic disorder. She had never stop thinking about the trip. Anna blame herself for what had happened to her family.

She always imagine that if she has not suggested to Ed to go on vacation with the family, the accident would never happened. She that the vacation was Ed‘s idea not her.

―‘I keep wishing it wasn‘t. Weren‘t. I keep wishing it had been Ed‘s idea or no one‘s. That we‘d never gone.‖ I knot my fingers. ―Obviously.‖ Gently: ―But you did go.‖ ―You arranged a family vacation. No one should feel ashamed of that.‖ ―In New England,


Universitas Sumatera Utara in winter.‖ ―Many people go to New England in winter.‖ ―It was stupid.‖ ―It was thoughtful.‖ ―It was incredibly stupid,‖ I insist. Dr. Fielding doesn‘t respond. ―If I hadn‘t done it, we‘d still be together.‖ He shrugs. ―Maybe.‖ ―Definitely.‖ (A.J Finn, 2018:60).

Anna feels guilty continually, it shows in the quotation above that Anna keeps saying, she wish that it is not her idea. She tells to Dr.Fielding she feels guilty to take her family to New England in winter. The guilty feeling makes her experience post-traumatic stress disoder because she always blame herself about what happened in New England and how she lost her family.

The accident that makes Anna become an agoraphobic is because the trauma that make her get depressed, really depressed which make her experience panic attack and it is getting worse when it becomes Agoraphobia. Agoraphobia that Anna experienced made her afraid of the wide sky.

―It was a shock to see it so pristine; my husband was bleeding, my daughter was injured, my body was damaged, our SUV was destroyed—but the phone had survived unmarked. A relic from another era, another earth. 10:27 p.m., it read. We‘d been off the road for almost a half hour.‖ (A.J Finn, 2018:232)

From the quotation above shows that everything is damaged. The accident experienced by Anna, Ed and Olivia left them outdoors for hours. Her car was upside down because they fall in to the cliff. She feels that she is on another earth because she feels something different than usual. The cause of the accident is

Anna having an affair with someone in her office before the accident happen

Anna tried to check her phone which cause the accident. Unfortunately the phone


Universitas Sumatera Utara is not destroyed like Anna‘s life. On the other hand, Anna tried to save her family by putting all the clothes above Ed and Olivia.

―I yanked them out, laid them across Livvy and Ed. Looked up at the sky. It was impossibly huge. Above us stretched the sky, unbroken, unending, a deep sea of clouds. Snow sifted down in dandelion flakes, burst against my skin. I checked the phone. 7:28 a.m. 5 percent power.‖ (A.J Finn, 2018:234)

From the quotation above it shows the reason why Anna can not go outside.

In that accident she can only look at the sky, the sky that was extraordinary wide.

The wide sky which is only the sight when she is lying with her injured family.

The sky becomes a bad memory of her and makes her feeling afraid to see the sky after the accident. They have been trapped in a ravine for hours, do not have any help, can not ask for help, can not do anything, they just have to wait for a miracle that will come to help them.

Furthermore, because of the accident, that takes her family away become the reason why she suffered Agoraphobia.

―She takes a breath, holds it. Expels. ―Dr. Fielding told me the story.‖. ―And by that point you‘d spent two nights outside. In a snowstorm. In the middle of winter. Thirty-three hours. ―He said that Olivia was still alive when they got down to you.‖ ―But your husband was already gone.‖ That‘s when your troubles started. Your problems going outside. Posttraumatic stress. Which I—I mean, I can‘t imagine.‖ (A.J Finn, 2018:263-264)

From the quotation above show that Anna can not get over the stress because she is losing her family while she is the one who drive the car in that accident. The thruth is that she is the one who arranged the family vacation, when


Universitas Sumatera Utara Ed cacth Anna cheating with her friend in the office. Because everything she has done wrong and caused the accident that make them trapped at the bottom of the cliff. She witnessed how her husband and child died slowly because of the accident she caused, their body getting cold in the snow, because of internal damage.

―That‘s when your troubles started, Little said. Your problems going outside. At the hospital, they told me I was in shock. Then shock became fear. Fear mutated, became panic. And by the time Dr. Fielding arrived on agoraphobia.‖ I need the familiar confines of my home—because I spent two nights in that alien wilderness, beneath those huge skies. I need an environment I can control—because I watched my family as they slowly died.‖ ( A.J Finn, 2018:269)

From the quotation above. It is explain how Anna become an agoraphobic after the accident. The accident she experience makes her in a shock, the shock after losing her family right in front of her eyes. The shock become fear, fear become panic. The panic caused because she had trapped under the cliff for hours.

It end up to become Agoraphobia. She only feels safe if she is staying inside house. Guilt buried in Anna‘s heart. It makes Anna feel very stress. She can not stop regretting what she had done. Everytime she remembers about Ed and Olivia, she continues to feel guilty. The feeling of guilty cause the post-traumatic stress disorder become acute.

The guilty feeling in her heart make her thinks she need someone to talk.

She feels that she has to be honest to one of her online patient about what really happened to her family, what makes her become an agoraphobic, what make her stop working as a child psychologist. Before she close her account, she want to


Universitas Sumatera Utara tell her patient the truth, that patient named was Grannielizzie. She tells her the truth to say goodbye.

―THEDOCTORISIN: I need to be honest with you. GRANNYLIZZIE: ?? THEDOCTORISIN: My family died last December. The cursor blinks. THEDOCTORISIN: In a car accident. THEDOCTORISIN: I had an affair. My husband and I were fighting about it and we drove off the road. THEDOCTORISIN: I drove off the road. THEDOCTORISIN: I see a psychiatrist to help me deal with the guilt as well as the agoraphobia. (A.J Finn, 2018:283)

From the quotation above she explained what caused her became an agoraphobic. She ventured to tells her patients about what makes her to be become like that.

4.2 Effects of Anna’s agoraphobia

Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC (April 15th, 2013) : Living with agoraphobia is quite difficult. This mental disorder can take control of the person‘s life and will not allow them to leave their place of solace. A normal life is almost out of the question if it goes untreated. Recognizing the physical, emotional and social effects can help the man or woman dealing with agoraphobia find help sooner and circumvent the anticipated results. A few of the emotional effects include:Fear of a panic attack, Fear of people noticing a panic attack, Fear of humiliation,

Depression, Low self-esteem, Feeling of loss of control, Fear they cannot function or survive without others, Fear of being left alone, Isolation, Hopelessness, Fear


Universitas Sumatera Utara of embarrassment, Fear their heart might stop during a panic attack, Fear they cannot breathe. A few of the physical results are:Hyperventilating, Trembling,

Breaking out in a sweat, Accelerated heart beat, Dizziness, flushing, Feel like fainting. Negative social consequences:Person becomes reclusive, Substance abuse addiction can be developed, Family relationships are hurt or lost, Job can be terminated, Self worth is negatively impacted.

Anna fox is a child psychologist before she experience agoraphobia. She is not completely quit her job as psychology. But since she experience agoraphobia she can not goes out from her house to her office. Even tough she miss her patients or she worry about her patients. She can not do anything. She still can not goes out from her house even if she really miss and worry about her patients.

―The Agora welcome screen greets me. I scan the message boards, comb the threads. 3 MONTHS STUCK IN MY HOUSE. I hear you, Kala88; almost ten months and counting here. AGORA DEPENDENT ON MOOD? Sounds more like social phobia, EarlyRiser. Or a troubled thyroid. STILL CAN‘T GET A JOB. Oh, Megan—I know, and I‘m sorry. Thanks to Ed, I don‘t need one, but I miss mypatients. I worry about my patients. (A.J Finn, 2018:21)

From the quotation above show that Anna is losing her job because of the effect of agoraphobia. She wants to help every child who need her help. She wants to help people with panic disorder out there. But she can not go to her office. She made an account for helping people with panic disorder. She wants to help people who experience the same thing like what she experience. Not only agoraphobia but also other disorder. She gave concultation as a doctor after she told a patient


Universitas Sumatera Utara that she is a real doctor. And the news spread quickly. Until finally many paople joined in her page.

―Q: How do I eat? A: Blue Apron, Plated, HelloFresh . . . there are lots of delivery options available in the US! Thoseabroad can likely find similar services. Q: How do I get my medication? A: All the major pharmacies in the US now come straight to your door. Have your doctor speak to your local pharmacy if there‘s a problem. Q: How do I keep the house clean? A: Clean it! Hire a cleaning agency or do it yourself. (I do neither. My place could use a wipe-down.) Q: What about trash disposal? A: Your cleaner can take care of this, or you can arrange for a friend to help. Q: How do I keep from getting bored? A: Now, that‟s the tough question . . .‖ (A.J Finn, 2018:20)

From the explanation above, show that she even can not do anything by herself. She always need a help from the other. She can not go out for grocery shoping, she can not goes out to the pharmacy to buy her medicine, and also she can not trow the trash from her house to the trash can aout of the house. Every singe thing she has to do. She need a help. She always need to ask for the delivery for the grocery shopping, also she need a delivery for the medicine from the pharmacy. She always need a help for her daily routine.

As experienced by the leading character. Anna Fox experience panic attack because of agoraphobia she suffered. Choke the physical result effects of

Agoraphobia.She often experience the physical result everytime she looked outside the house, leave the door or window open.


Universitas Sumatera Utara ―My throat shrinks. Tears well in my eyes. I feel surprised, then ashamed. Whap. Then angry. I can‘t fling wide the door and send them scurrying. I can‘t barrel outside and confront them. I rap on the window, sharply--‖ (A.J Finn, 2018:39)

From the quotation above show Anna feels chocked and her throat hurts because she opens the door even tough she did not open the door wide. But she is still looking outside through the door. Anna feels angry, it makes her almost cry.

She feels embarrassed if people see her having panic attack. People who experience agoraphobia feel embarrassed if they having panic attack in front of other people. There are 3 children trowing eggs to Anna‘s house. It makes Anna feel angry and try to send the children away. What the children done make Anna get and embarrased because she can not go out to send away the children.

If Anna still insists on staying at the door she will experience panic attack.

Tremble isthe physical results effects of agoraphobia, wobbling in the quotation describe her tremble hand. She knows that she can not control herself to experience panic attack, but she thinks she need to send away the children from her house.

―My finger is wobbling on the intercom button. ‗Get away from my house. ‖ (A.J Finn, 2018:40)

Anna keeps forcing herself to send the children away, the more she feel uncomfortable until her hands began to tremble. Her trembling hands makes her difficult to press the intercom button. Agoraphobia makes her difficult to do


Universitas Sumatera Utara anything. Even just going out of the house to drive away the children who trowing eggs at her house. What the children do to her house makes Anna become more angry. Choking and dizzy are the physical result of effects agoraphobia.

grips me by the throat; my sight is swimming. I seize a breath, seize another. In-two-three— I jolt the door open. Light and air blast me. For an instant it‘s silent, as silent as the film, as slow as the sunset. Quiet andstill, a stopped clock. I could swear I hear a crack, as of a felled tree.‖ (A.J Finn, 2018:40)

Furthermore, hard to breath is the physical result of effects agoraphobia.

Before Anna open the door, she takes a deep breath to calm herself and Anna finally open the door wide to send away the children. But it does not give any different. After Anna open the door and she feels the light and air hit her. But she still can not control herself. The feeling of being outside makes her feel everything stop and she fainted. She describe herself fainting using the phrase fell tree. She fainted right in front of her house. Her new neighbor take her inside the house and that makes Anna feel embarrased.

―My vision swims. I breathe hard. ―Try to stay calm,‖ the nurse orders me I breathe again, choke.‖ (A. J Finn 2018:134)

From the quotation above show Anna is having difficulty breathing and choking after remember that She fainted while she trying to help her neighbor, she walks in front of her house. she remember she sees the sky, she leave her house. It makes her hard to breath. Difficult breathing and choking are the physical result


Universitas Sumatera Utara of effects agoraphobia. the physical result of effects agoraphobiacome just by thinking about being outside.

Fainted is the physical result of effects agoraphobia. She called the police.

Anna fainted after trying to help her neighbor who get stabbed at her chest. But she think the police take too long to get to her neighbor house. She thinks she need to go out to check her neighbor by herself to make sure her neighbor is safe, but before she arrived at her neighbor house, she fainted.

― ‗The EMT‘s‘ then before i can reply: ‗ They picked you up in Hanover Park. You were unconscious.‖ (A.J Finn, 2018:133)

From the quotation above show that Anna fainted as soon as she goes out from her house while she is trying to help her neighbor. The EMT‘s take her to the hospital after finding out that she fainted at the Hanover Park right in front of her house. She experience the panic attack everytime she goes out from her house.

―Home. My heart nearly detonates in my chest. I could sob with relief.‖ (A.J Finn, 2018:142)

Pounding heart is the physical result of effects agoraphobia. From the quotation, it shows that Anna feels her heart pounding hard and she says it almost exploded because she just entered her house after one night she stayed at the hospital and Mr.Little drove her home by his car. The long way from the hospital to her house makes her heart pounding hard. The way from the hospital to her


Universitas Sumatera Utara house mean she is outdoor, she sees the wide sky directly from the car. The sky that makes her think she will experience the panic attack. She can not handle her heart when she look outside, even tough she is looking outside from the car.

The doctor said, she has a panic attack, she is drunk, she consumed her medicine with alcohol and it must be the reason why she hallucinated. People think Anna is hallucinating because she is an agoraphobic and under influence of drugs.

Anna can not control herself. She can not even leave the window or door open. Feeling dizzy is one of the physical result of effects agoraphobia. When she is in front David‘s room and looking for David to asking David about the Russel‘s family. She just entering David room without any permission.

―He‘s advincing, the door behind him wide open. My vision rolls.‖ (A.J Finn, 2018:173)

From the quotation above, it shows that she can not see the outside. She can not see the door open. She can not control herself everytime she is looking outside the house. Everytime she is seeing outside she will feel uncomfortable and that will makes her experience the effects agoraphobia. It will makes her feel dizzy just by looking outside and leave the door open. Her vision rolls shows that she start feeling dizzy after looking the door wide open.


Universitas Sumatera Utara ―Could you close the door?‖ I ask. He stares, turns, pushes it. It shuts with a crack. When he looks back at me, his features have softened. But his voice is still hard: ―What is it you need?‖ I feel dizzy. ―Can I sit?‖ (A.J Finn, 2018:173)

From the quotation above it shows that she can not endure her dizziness.

She ask people around her to close the door. She usually felt embarrassed if people know she will experience panic attack if she looked outside. In this quotation she does not care about her being embarrassed. She just does not want to faint in other‘s room. Faint is one of the physical result of effects agoraphobia.

This effect makes her really feeling uncomfortable to go anywhere. She is afraid if she goes to someone else house, they might open their window or door.

―In the distance, through the haze, I can makeout a knot of traffic at the intersection.The haze thickens, and I realize it‘s my vision thickening, quickening.My knees buck, then buckle.‖ (A. J Finn, 2018:212)

From the quotation above show Anna to go out because she want to ask

Jane about where is the real Jane now, what is going on with Jane, why she pretend to be Jane while she is not the real Jane. Anna is walking on the street with the umbrella that covering his face fro the sky. Anna start to fo feel her leg becomes weak, her gaze starts to become dark. And she faint. The word buckle shows Anna faint after trying to walk on the street. Faint is a symptom of panic attack.

Another effect that experienced by Anna is depression. The depression occur because the agoraphobia she experienced makes her feel lonely, it makes


Universitas Sumatera Utara her imaginating about Ed her husband and Olivia her daughter. Trauma that Anna experience makes her became depressed. Depression is the effect of agoraphobia.

―‗Trauma. Same as anyone.‘ I fidget. ‗ It got me depressed. Severely depressed. It isn‘t somehing I like to remember‖ (A.J Finn, 2018:74)

Anna explain that she become depressed because of the trauma she has in the past. The trauma that Anna does not want too remember at all but also can not forget. Trauma that experience by Anna is the same case like other people experience if the person is an agoraphobic. And the depressed is one of the effect of being agoraphobic. From the quotation above shows that Anna tell Jane that she does not want to remember about what makes her depressed, because everytime she remember about the accident she began to have difficulty breathing.

―You must miss your family.‖ ―Yes. Terribly. But I talk to them every day.‖ She nods. ―It‘s not the same as them being here, though, is it?‖ ―No. Of course not.‖ (A.J Finn, 2018:73)

From the quotation above, it show Anna is imaginating about Ed and

Olivia. She said that she miss Ed and Olivia. And she is still communicating with them. While the truth is Ed and Olivia is already dead. She is imagining that she talked to Ed and Olivia to reduce longing and cover up the guilt.

―Guess who,‖ Ed says. I shift in my chair. ―That‘s my line.‖ ―You sound like hell, slugger.‖ ―Sound and feel.‖ ―Are you sick? ―I was,‖ I reply. I shouldn‘t tell him about last night, I know, but I‘m too weak. And I want to be honest with Ed. He deserves that. He‘s displeased.


Universitas Sumatera Utara (A.J Finn, 2018:82)

Her depression that she can not overcome just makes her continues to talk to Ed and Olivia. Guess who is what she use to call Ed and Olivia. She even tells

Ed what happend with her. She always say Guess who when she want to start the conversation with Ed and Olivia. Sometimes Ed and Olivia come and talk to her first before she said guess who. Because of the guilty feeling toward Ed and

Olivia. She made them became alive in her imagination.

―Hello?‖ ―Hi, Dr. Fielding. I missed you just now.‖ ―Anna. Hello.‖ ―Hello, hi.‖ Many benedictions all round. My head throbs. ―I‘m calling—one minute . . .‖ His voice shrinks, then returns, hard in my ear. ―I‘m in an elevator. I‘m calling to make sure you filled your prescription.‖ What prescript—ah, yes; the pills Jane collected for me at the door. ―I did, in fact.‖ ―Good. I hope you don‘t think this patronizing, me checking in on you.‖ I do, in fact. ―Not at all.‖ ―You should experience the effects quite quickly.‖ The rattan on the stairs scratches at my soles. ―Swift results.‖ ―Well, I‘d call them effects rather than results.‖ (A.J Finn, 2018:105)

Anna consult with a psychologist after that accident. That psychologist name is Dr. Julian Fielding. To reduce the panic attack,and reduce her from continuing to fantasize about Ed and Olivia. The doctor give Anna prescription.

Because of the effect that become worse Dr.Fielding is afraid that Anna will contiue to talk to Ed and Olivia.

The depression that stressed her out makes her taking the medicine with alcohol. Medicine should not be comsumed with alcohol.


Universitas Sumatera Utara ―I understand Dr. Fielding‘s concern, I do; I recognize that alcohol is a depressant, and as such, ill-suited to a depressive. I get it‖ (A.J Finn, 2018:107).

On the other hand, Anna who is also a psychologist understand why

Dr.Fielding worried if Anna concumes the medicine with alcohol. Anna knows alcohol is not recommended for consumption by depression sufferer. But the depression makes her always want to drink alcohol so she can forget a bit of the trauma and guilty feeling that continues to haunt her and she will get drunk and fall asleep and make it through the day quickly.

―Locked-in syndrome. Causes include stroke, brain stem injury, MS, even poison. It‘s a neurological condition, in other words, not a psychological one. Yet here I am, utterly, literally locked in—doors closed, windows shut, whileI shy and shrink from the light, and a woman is stabbed across the park, and no one notices, no one knows. Except me—me, swollen with booze, parted from her family, fucking her tenant. A freak to the neighbors. A joke to the cops. A special case to her doctor. A case to her physical therapist. A shut-in. No hero. No sleuth. I am locked in. I am locked out.‖ (A.J Finn, 2018:197)

From the quotation above show that Anna believe she does not hallucinating. That is real. She saw it with her own eyes., but no one believe her, no one listen to her. The neighbors thinks she is just a weird woman. The police think she is just joking. And a special case to the docto. She can not do anything.

She can not help the victim.


Universitas Sumatera Utara ―Then I hear Ed again. ―Look, Anna—sorry to interrupt, kiddo: If you‘reworried about David, you ought to get in touch with the police.‖ (A. J Finn 2018;209)

From the quotation above it shows Anna feel frustrated because the problem about Jane. No on believe her. She does not have anyone to tell stories or exchange ide. People thinks she imagines what happened with Jane and poeple relates it to the depression she experience due to losing her family. The conversation between Anna with Ed and Olivia shows that everytime she needs someone to talk she choose to talk to Ed and Olivia and tries to connect with Ed and olivia in her imagination.

4.3 Finding.

Based on the analysis above, this study results a finding that there are causes and effect of agoraphobia experienced by Anna Fox the leading charater.

The cause agoraphobia is because feeling and guilt that make the sufferer become stress, post trauma stress disorder make it became agoraphobia. The effect of agoraphobia experienced are panic attack and depression. In the novel, the writer also find that the effects that experienced by Anna is shown by the symptoms that occur when Anna tries to go out of her house.


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER V


5.1 Conclusions

After doing the analysis, there are several conclusions. They are :

1. The cause of agoraphobia experienced by Anna Fox in the novel The

Woman in the Window is because of Post-traumatic stress disorder.

2. Effects of agoraphobia experienced by Anna Fox are the physical,

emotional and social effects. A few of the emotional effects include: Fear

of a panic attack, Fear of people noticing a panic attack, Fear of

humiliation, Depression, Low self-esteem, Feeling of loss of control, Fear

they cannot function or survive without others, Fear of being left alone,

Isolation, Hopelessness, Fear of embarrassment, Fear their heart might

stop during a panic attack, Fear they cannot breathe. A few of the physical

results are: Hyperventilating, Trembling, Breaking out in a sweat,

Accelerated heart beat, Dizziness, flushing, Feel like fainting. Negative

social consequences: Person becomes reclusive, Substance abuse addiction

can be developed, Family relationships are hurt or lost, Job can be

terminated, Self worth is negatively impacted.

5.2 Suggestion

Guilt and regret can make someone feel depressed moreover the guilt happen to his/her own family. Itcan be found in character that the writeranalyzed.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The writer suggest The Woman In The Window a worthwhile reading novel as it provides numerous psychological aspects of human nature. Through this thesis, I intend to have the readers to see the relationship between literature and psychology. I hope this thesis may enrich the reader‘s knowledge with far more extensive comprehension about psychology of literature. The writer also finds the development of psychology of literature should be more extensively applied in analysis of literary works.


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Tim Adam 2018. Interview Daniel Mallory: „Without Gone Girl I‟d never have written this book‟. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/jan/14/crime-fiction-daniel- mallory-woman-in-the-window-debut-interview. (accessed on April 2019) 12min team, 2018. The woman In The Window Pdf Summary. Retrieved from https://blog.12min.com/the-woman-in-the-window- pdf/ (acessed on 23 february 2019)


Universitas Sumatera Utara APPENDICES i. Author’s Biography and works

Daniel Mallory (born 1979) is an American editor and author who writes under the name A. J. Finn. His 2018 novel The Woman in the Window debuted at number one on the New York Times Best Seller list and has been adapted into a feature film. Mallory came to attention in 2019 for lying extensively about his past in order to excuse personal shortcomings and illegitimately further his literary work and career.

Mallory moved with his family to Charlotte, North Carolina, where he attended Charlotte Latin School. At Duke University, he majored in English and acted.

Mallory worked for several years in London at Sphere Books, an imprint of Little, Brown and Company.[2] He wrote The Woman in the Window, his first novel, while living in New York and working as a vice president and executive editor at publisher William Morrow and Company.[3] It debuted at number one on the New York Times Best Seller list[2][4] and has been adapted into a feature film starring Amy Adams and Gary Oldman, for release in 2019.[5][6][7]

In February 2019, an article in The New Yorker accused Mallory of fabricating numerous aspects of his life and career, including having earned a doctorate from the University of Oxford, having suffered from cancer and a brain tumor, having lost his mother to cancer, having lost his brother to suicide, and having borrowed heavily from the 1995 thriller film Copycat, without attribution,

Universitas Sumatera Utara for his debut novel. Mallory subsequently released a statement in which he admitted that his mother had survived her cancer and that his brother was also still alive. While Mallory has attributed his deceptive behavior to his diagnosis of bipolar II disorder, a psychiatrist interviewed in the aforementioned article noted that one "cannot attribute to that diagnosis , , or 'chronic lying for secondary gain, or to get attention.

Daniel Mallory had one of those weeks that all first-time novelists fantasise about. Through an agent he had submitted his manuscript to several publishers and was about to take a short holiday. The excitement started when he arrived at Newark airport in New York to take a plane to Palm Springs. That was when the first offer to publish his book came in. After that, Mallory says: ―It was the full dream.‖ His phone lit up with offers and messages like in the movies. ―I was going on holiday with someone and he was taking a separate flight and he texted me in mid-air, and asked: ‗How is your flight?‘ And I texted back: ‗Life changing.‘ And he wrote back ‗LOL‘, and I was like, ‗No, Really!‖

The book – The Woman in the Window – was already being talked of as the natural successor to Gillian Flynn‘s Gone Girl, and Paula Hawkins‘ The Girl on the Train. By the time Mallory returned to New York a few days later a worldwide auction was in place for his book, with offers reported in seven figures; by then the film rights had been pre-emptively sold to Fox.

Unlike the one or two other debut authors who, each year, win that particular lottery, Mallory, now 38, was not a stranger to this process. When he

Universitas Sumatera Utara submitted his manuscript (under his ―gender-neutral‖ pseudonym AJ Finn) he was a senior editor at the New York publishing house, William Morrow. Prior to that he had been the publisher of the British mass-market crime imprint Sphere. The authors he published – including Karin Slaughter, Peter Robinson and Nicci

French – had known auctions of their own.

In the end Mallory sold the American rights to Morrow, the publisher he worked for (who did not initially know it was his work); his novel went on to secure him deals in 37 different territories (―We think it might be a record for a debut novel,‖ he suggests.) The Woman in the Window boasts blurbs from Stephen

King – ―Unputdownable‖ – and Gillian Flynn – ―Astounding. Amazing.‖ The movie is being produced by Scott Rudin (Oscar winner for No Country for Old

Men). Mallory is preparing himself for a blitz of publicity of the kind he has previously orchestrated for others. It is, on the one hand, something that fills him with dread – ―I am an intensely private person‖ – on the other, a fascinating duty.

―The Czechs, for example, have 30,000 copies in print!‖

Having read Mallory‘s book, it comes as no surprise to me that the Czechs

(and others) have cranked up their presses. It employs all of the psychological candy for Girl on a Train addicts – an unreliable internalised viewpoint, a fascinating stranger‘s home, a ragged edge of , an at different, more perfect lives – and gives them stylish and compulsive twists. Mallory is clever enough to have made a virtue of his reference points (―It is often said that ‗good writers borrow, great writers steal,‘‖ he says. ―If I had not read the work of Gillian

Universitas Sumatera Utara Flynn or Kate Atkinson I wouldn‘t have written the book I did.‖) His heroine, the agoraphobic Anna Fox, who watches old films on a loop as well as her neighbours over the way, is herself archly conscious of her prime mover – Hitchcock‘s Rear

Window. For all this cleverness, The Woman in the Window is, too, a book that at certain points is so unnervingly in control, and suddenly dark, that it makes you want to know a little more about the mind that made it.

He grew up in New York. His dad was a banker, first-generation graduate, who ―put himself through school by working at a petrol station and playing baseball on scholarship‖. His mother, by contrast, came from a well-to-do New

England family and, as a young woman, worked in publishing herself.

Mallory is reflexively guarded about his childhood, except to insist that he was ―not wildly popular at school‖. He was a boy who wanted to escape from the day to day and his favourite destinations were crime fiction and classic cinema. ―I grew up gorging myself on Agatha Christie and the Hardy Boys,‖ he says. ―I loved the Hardy Boys. In fact, I loved Frank, who was the studious dark-haired older Hardy Boy. His younger brother, Joe, was sporty and blond, and even at that age I distrusted blonds!‖

The great luck of his adolescence, he says, was that the family moved to a neighbourhood with an arthouse cinema a block away and, apparently mostly in the absence of friends, he camped out there at weekends, steeping himself in film noir retrospectives, Hitchcock marathons and classic movie nights. ―I feasted on that stuff, still do,‖ he says. He lived, he suggests, through films and books during

Universitas Sumatera Utara his college years. ―I didn‘t drink alcohol until I was 21. Never smoked. Not tempted. I didn‘t have a kiss until I was 21 either.‖

After undergraduate study at Duke University, Mallory came over to

Oxford and pursued his for crime fiction, which had focused down to an obsession with the novels of Patricia Highsmith. He was attached to New College doing postgraduate work, looking at the ways the Ripley books, in particular, had a homoerotic dimension; the ways in which Highsmith‘s characters‘ sexual impulses became sublimated as criminal behaviour. Mallory describes himself as

―not a rule-breaker‖ and therefore drawn to the idea of it. ―I think one of the reasons I was attracted to Highsmith is that most crime fiction is morally educative: morals will be upheld, justice will be doled out, wrongdoers will be caught and punished,‖ he says. ―But that did not happen with Tom Ripley and it fascinated me to see this character get away with stuff. It fascinated me more to find myself rooting for him. I still think that is a pretty nifty trick.‖

While he was researching Ripley, Mallory was also trying to cope, he says, with some tough mental-health issues of his own. He is understandably wary of on that time, but offers the outline. He had suffered with depression in his final year at Duke and it steadily worsened, to the extent that at Oxford, and when he subsequently took up his role as publisher at Sphere, he was sometimes forced into periods of debilitating absence.

His Ripley-fuelled understanding of the possibilities of crime fiction saw him promoted rapidly to publisher at Sphere, but it was not until he was back in

Universitas Sumatera Utara the States, having taken up his job at William Morrow, that a new medication got him consistently well. Getting his depression under control almost immediately gave him the energy to write, he says – and also a subject (his narrator, Anna Fox, shares that condition). Mallory felt extra-ordinarily grateful to have finally emerged on the other side of depression, and to have the perspective to understand it.He was lucky in another respect, too. The kind of book he had always wanted to write, but never felt able to, was suddenly the kind of book that everyone wanted to read. ―For a long time,‖ he says, ―probably since 1988 when The Silence of the

Lambs was published, the crime market was dominated by books about serial killers. I like a good serial-killer thriller, but, probably happily, I do not have one in me. Then Gone Girl changed the game. Psychological suspense is what I had studied and what I thought I would be able to write.‖

The book hardly shifts from the claustrophobic vantage indicated in its title. Mallory wrote it in a parked at the desk in his one-bedroom flat in

Chelsea in New York, across the street from a row of townhouses framed by his own window. ―I live in a relatively ugly house and only occupy half of one floor,‖ he says. ―But these houses across the street are vastly expensive, $13m homes.

The view is the same as in the book, but I set the action 100 blocks north in

Harlem, where it is credible that you might buy a $4m home.‖

His new life as a writer, gamekeeper turned poacher, seems to fill him with both excitement and trepidation. He likes the idea of being in control of his fictional worlds. ―Some authors say their characters surprise them,‖ he says. ―I

Universitas Sumatera Utara don‘t ever want that.‖ At the same time he that he can maintain some anonymity, that he can keep AJ Finn at one remove from Daniel Mallory. ―I am not especially interested in author‘s bios,‖ he says. ―I am buying their novel, not their memoir. I view it as a sign of respect to not want to know too much.‖

Universitas Sumatera Utara ii. SUMMARY OF THE NOVEL

Dr. Anna Fox, the protagonist of ―The Woman in the Window‖ was once a prominent child psychiatrist but is currently an agoraphobic recluse who lives in a nice little house in Harlem, with no one but her cat Punch and a hunky tenant named Dan who occupies the basement apartment.Since she is too afraid to leave her house, Anna spends all of her time spying on her neighbors, using her Nikon.

When she is not spying on her neighbors, Anna is doing one of three things.She is either drinking merlot, playing chess online, or consulting people in an agoraphobia chatroom to the best of her abilities.Speaking of which – she is especially interested in one of the agoraphobics she consults, a woman who goes by the nickname of GrannieLizzie.

Anna‘s marital problems is that she had an affair with her partner in her psychology practice.Her husband, Ed, found out about the affair and confronted her.Anna somehow convinced him to rethink his decision about divorcing him, at least after the last skiing vacation of the Foxes.In the end, that‘s exactly what the vacation turns out to be the end of her family.Ed and Anna‘s daughter, Olivia, overhears her parents talking about the divorce and insists on being taken back home. Anna is the one driving the car back but, distracted by a phone call from her lover, she crashes the car off the side of a cliff.Both Ed and Olivia are already dead when the police arrive 33 hours later to somehow save at least Anna.After all, Anna has hallucinated through the deaths of her husband and her daughter, making up all those evening discussions she thought she had had with them.

Universitas Sumatera Utara In the evenings, Dr. Anna Fox has a regular remorse-filled chat with her husband, begging him to come back with their daughter – to absolutely no avail.

Once a week, her psychiatrist comes in and, as he prescribes her more drugs, he reminds her that it‘s not a good thing for her to contact her husband and her child or to drink her medications with merlot.At least one of these two advises sounds more than sound.Anna heeds to neither, repeatedly disobeying the latter.

One day, Anna is visited by Ethan Russell, a 17-year-old boy whose family had just moved in across Anna‘s house.Ethan visit Anna‘s house to give a candle that he said that is his mother ordered. Ethan is a nice boy who speak politely. Anna notices some oddity in him after meeting him several times, and the child psychiatrist in her awakens; she believes that Ethan is too afraid of his father, Alistair. Ethan told her that he scared of his father because he gets angry easily.Her suspicions are confirmed when one day she is visited by Ethan‘s mother, Jane, with whom she spends an evening playing chess and drinking wine.Jane told Anna if Alistair comes to Anna‘s house and ask her about if Jane visit her house, Jane told Anna to not tell Alistair about her visiting Anna‘s house.

During the following days, her fears seem to turn into a dreadful reality.First, she starts hearing screams from the Russell‘s mansion and, then, she sees Jane with a hilt sticking from her blouse.An alcoholic agoraphobic recluse on medications is not exactly the perfect witness, so the police don‘t trust Anna‘s side of the story.Jane Russell is well and alive and nobody in the Russell family – including Ethan – claims otherwise. The cops are all but certain that she has

Universitas Sumatera Utara invented the stabbing to get some attention.―Call me anytime,‖ one of the cops says to Dr. Anna Fox.When she does, Anna learns that this is not the only hallucination she has experienced in her life.

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