Surface Geology Wind/Bighorn River Basin Wyoming and Montana

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Surface Geology Wind/Bighorn River Basin Wyoming and Montana WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Plate I Thomas A. Drean, State Geologist Wind/Bighorn Basin Plan II - Available Groundwater Determination Technical Memorandum Surface Geology - Wind/Bighorn River Basin SWEET GRASS R25E R5E R15E R30E R10E R20E MONTANA Mm PM Jsg T7S KJ !c Pp Jsg KJ water Qt Surface Geology Ti ! Red Lodge PM DO PM PM Ts Ts p^r PM N ^r DO KJ DO !c Wind/Bighorn River Basin Tts Mm water Mm Ti Ti ^r DO Kmt Ti LOCATION MAP p^r ^r ^r Qt WYOMING Wyoming and Montana Kf Qt Ti p^r !c p^r PM 0 100 250 Miles Tts ^r PM DO Ti Jsg MD Ts Ti MzPz Kmv !Pg Qt compiled DO DO Tts Ts Taw DO DO DO water Qt Kc PM ^r Twl Qt Ob O^ by ^r Mm DO !c MD MONTANA Thr Ti Kc Qr Klc p^r Kmv Kc : # Ts ^r : O^ Nikolaus Gribb, Brett Worman, # Ts # water : PM Taw # Kf : PM !cd : Ket Qb Taw Qu Twp Thr # Ki Twl 345 P$Ma : Thr O^ Qa KJg Tfu : Jsg ^r Qu : :: # Kl (! KJk : Qr Qls Tomas Gracias, and Scott Quillinan Qb : Thr Ts Taw # Tfu 37 PM Kft: : # :: T10S Qls # Thr : # ^r Kc (! Kft Kmt # :::::: p^r :: : Qu KJk Kc MD Taw DO Qu # p^r Qg :: Km KJ WYOMING Taw Ti : Kl 2012 Thr : Qb # # # Qg : water DO Qls ::: !c !Pg !cd MDO water water Kc Qa :::::: :: Kmt ::: : Twl 90 : Ti Ts Qu Qa Qg Kmv !Pcg Mm KJk : Qg : 212 : Qu Qg £¤ Kmv KJ ¨¦§ Tts Taw p^r ^r # Kl : Kf Kf 338 Ob !cd Qu Qu Ttp # (! : : : p^r ::: !Pg O^ MD P$Ma Thr : Qa # DO Km Qls 343 ^r Qls Taw : Qb Qg Qls Qa Km Jsg water (! : Qb # !cd ^r Kc BighornLake : MD # Taw Qa Qls Qt MD A′ MD MD Qg Twl !Pg Qu Qb Tii # Twp ^r water MzPz Qg Tfu Kl ::: Taw Taw Twp Qls : Qt Kmv Qa Ob P$Ma : Thr Qa # Tcr ^r water Qa Kft # Qt O^ Qb 294 : Thr p^r Ttl # # 296 !( Qu O^ Qb Qa # Qa Tii # : MD MD # MDO !( Qt Qa !c O^ : ::: # Kc : Qr : Kc 0 5 10 20 30 Miles p^r Qu Tts # # ^r Km 310 Kf Qg : Ts : Qg Qg Twl £ Qa # Qr : ¤ : : : Qr Qr N : Ttl Qa # Qa # Thr ^r : DO Tfu :: Kmv PM MD Taw Qr Ts Qg Ti # KJ Taw : # Qg : p^r : Qa : 14 P$Ma Thr Qu Taw Qb # # # ! £¤ O^ : : Lovell Scale 1:380,000 : Ti : : # Kc : Kc O^# # : : Twl : Tcr : 294 :: ^r # : Kl ::: Kf Qls p^r Mm Twp : : : # !( : Qt Kf # # : Qg : Taw # MDO Kmv ::: Kc Qt Kmt Sheridan ! 1 inch equals approximately 6 miles water MD : : Tts Kmt : Ttl : # ^r DO # Qa # # # # Qt # : : # Taw Ti Qg : : ^r : : : : Taw : Qt Kmt : Qg # Twp Qg : ALT Qu Ttl # Twl # :: Kmv : Kmt 14 Qls # Ts : Ttp £ : ¤ : : : : Qr : 89 Qb : # : : : # Qb ¤£ Qr : : # MDO ^r : :: Kmv : Km Taw : Qr # # # # : : Ttp # # Mm ::: !Pg KJg : MzPz : : : water Qg Qg Powell : : p^r : # Qls : Kc Kmt KJ : : # # Qls ! : O^ Kft Tfu : PM T55N : # : Ttl # PM Tfu Kf MD Qu # # # # # MD Qr : Qa Ttp : : # Kl : : : : Qb Taw # : Qt Qa Kmt : Ttl Twp # Jsg 295 !c : Taw Qu Qb Twp Thr # ALT !( Kf !c MONTANA Qu Qr : MDO Jsg Twp # : Qa Qa Ttl 14 Qt Ob : Qls # Taw # : : # # ¤£ Explanation Thr # Jsg : # # # ::: Thr : # Kmt # KJ Qr : KJ : # : : : Qls : Kl Qa MDO !cd # : Tcr # !Pg : # # Tcr Kf : # : Tfu # Ob KJ Kmt 335 : : Qu DO MzPz : Kc : water Qu DO Jsg !( Qu Qa # # MDO Kmt KJ KJ MD : : water Ttp Qg : Qls ^r PM Qt ::: 90 Interstate highway 14 US highway 343 State highway Wind River/Bighorn River Basin hydrologic divide 20 : Qt Kmv !c Kmt ¤£ ( : : Qa Mm Ob KJ PM ¤£ :: Kl !c ¨¦§ Ttl Ttl Qb Qa Mm !cd # Kf Qa : # O^ Qu Ti : Taw Kmt ^r : : : !cd Jsg Qa Km MD ! Twp Taw Qa Ob Line of section (Plate VI.) City or town # Qu Ttp : Qls !Pcg:: Qls Kl ::: : Ob A A′ !c # Tfu Kmv Kc MD : !c Qu : MzPz Taw Jsg # Kmt Qls : Qr Qg Kf Km # Qt Kf Normal fault - location certain State boundary : Ttp : : Qa : PM Taw : Qls 120 Kmv Qls barbell on downthrown side : Qu water !( ## : : Ttl : Qr : Qa : Twp Kmt !cd Jsg Twl Qt Qa Mm KJ O^ Normal fault - location concealed } Qg MzPz 32 789 # Kc County boundary : : : Kf Jsg : Twp KJ ^r # Mm (! (! # : Qu Ttl KJ p^r Jsg ## : 310 Thrust fault - location certain Ttp: Qt Qg Mm £¤ 14 Qls Qr Qu : water : Ttp KJg# !cd Kmt # Qt PM Kmt £¤ PM sawteeth on upper plate Township and Range boundaries water : Kmt Qg # Qt MD Thrust fault - location concealed } : DO !Pcg : : Qls Twl O^ Qr : # Kc Kmt Qa Qt # : B′ Qt Qt # Jsg PM Wind River Indian Reservation boundary : KJ Ttp # Twp Mm Qt # Gravity slide masses related to Heart Mountain, South Fork, Qa Qa # # Ttp : # : : ! Kmt : : Ttl Kf : : Ttl Qg : # Cody Kf Qg and eastern/southeastern Absaroka detachments : : : Kl Qt KJ MDO ^r Kmt KJ PM Yellowstone National Park boundary : Qls # 20 Kf Qr Qls # Kc Kmt 14 16 water : : Twl # MzPz Kmv Tfu# £¤ £¤ £¤ : Jsg QTg Qr : Kl Jsg : : : Kc Buffalo Bill Res. Kf : ! p^r KJs : : Qu : MD : !cd Qt Kc Qu Qa# Tfu Qt ## : Qu # : Greybull Yellowstone Ti Kc # : # Jsg KJ !Pcg Twp Qa # KJ Ttp £20 # Km QTg Qg Lake ¤ : 16 # water Kf !cd # Kl 14 ¤£ MDO : : Qls # Kft # Kmt Kf Ttp ¤£ : # Qg Kf H′ !Pg Qr Ttp Qa Qa KJ Kf Qt Twl Qa : Ttl Kc Qa Kl #Kmv Qu : Qa : Qr Ttl : Qt H : !Pcg Kmv # Kc MD Ttp : Qa Qt Kft PM water : Qa water Kc Kmv 30 Surface Geology Ti Kf (! # Qls Qg # : Kc Twr : Ttp Twl # Kc Kf Qu Qg Qls Twp Qa Qt : O^ (Units in boldface are described in Chapter 7.) : # # KJg Qg water Ti 120 # Qt ! Qa Twp : # Qa (! Kc : KJ Kmt Basin # Qa Ttp # Kl # Kc : : Ti Qr # Jsg Ttl Qg Kc # Kft Kf : Ttl Kf :: Km Twr Wyoming Geologic Units Montana Geologic Units, as named Twi Ti # :: : Twl # # : Qa p^r : water Twi Kft # Qg :: Qt :: :: # : Ttl ## # Qls Ttl # Kmv for their Wyoming equivalents Qg # # : : : :: # # Ttp : # Km : Jsg CENOZOIC Qg Qg # Kf Qt Tfu Km PM T50N # # Kmv # :: Kc Kf Twl Kf KJ Cretaceous continued # CENOZOIC water Twi Twi Ti # Kl Qt Kl Quaternary : Qg KJ # KJ Kf Km Tta Qt Kb Qu Twi Ttp Twl Qls Qls I′ Qa KJ Quaternary : Kft Kmt Qls J′ Alluvium & colluvium Cloverly & Morrison Formations : MD Qg KJ Km Ttl Twp Qa # Qa : Ttl Qls 31 O^ KJs Alluvium & colluvium # (! Qu : KJg Undivided surficial deposits Cloverly, Morrison, & Sundance Formations Kha # Qt Kmt Qg Ttl Tfu 16 Twp # Ttp Qa Qt KJ £¤ Qu : KJ Undivided surficial deposits Ttp Twl Ql KJg Cloverly, Morrison, Sundance, & Gypsum Spring Formations Twi Qt Kc Kc Playa lake and other lacustrine deposits : Twi : : : # Ttl : Twr Qls Kc Kmt : Qg Glacial deposits # Qt Kft Kl Qt KJ Kf Qg KJk Ellis Group Qt Twi Ts Km # Qls Landslide deposits Twi Qt 20 PM water Qls Qt ¤£ KJ : Qt Gravel, pediment, and fan deposits Qa # K! Cloverly, Morrison, Sundance, & Gypsum Spring Formations & : Qg Twp Qls 789 Qs Dune sand and loess deposits £¤89 Ttl Ti !( Tml Nugget Sandstone Qg # : Kf : Twi Meeteetse Qt Twl Kft Kmv Qg # ! KJ Glacial deposits Qb Qu # Kc # Kc Qa p^r Twi Twi Km Jurassic Ttl Kf Upper Tertiary Twl Qls Qt Qg Ts Qt !Pcg Qu Gravel, pediment, and fan deposits Js Sundance Formation water Kmv 16 Tml Thr Ttl Qa 290 Tt Kmv £¤ Qls Huckleberry Ridge Tuff of Yellowstone Group Ttl Kft (! Kl MD Qt Jsg QTg Terrace gravel deposits Jsg Sundance & Gypsum Spring Formations : PM Twi Ti Twl Qa Qt Jsg Twi Qg Twi Twl Kc Kl # Tta Kmt KJ Ti Intrusive igneous rocks Twl Twl# Qt Km Qt Tfu Qb Basalt flows, tuff, and intrusive igneous rocks J! Qls Qa KJ Sundance & Gypsum Spring Formations & Nugget Sandstone Ttl Ti Twl I Qa MD Tts Thorofare Creek Group Ttl : Qg Kmv Kl Kc : : Qls Qt J Kf KJ Qr Qg : Qa : !Pg O^ Rhyolite flows, tuff, and intrusive igneous rocks J!gn Gypsum Spring Formation & Nugget Sandstone Twi : Kf Qa # Qt 433 : Twp Qa Ttl Ti : Qa Wapiti Formation Twi Qa # Kc (! ! : Qa # Km Qg Qls Kmt Kc Yellowstone J!n Nugget Sandstone Kf Twl Ten Sleep Ts : Twl Qt ! Upper Tertiary Group Crescent Hill Basalt : : Ta : # Qls Kc Kmv 431 Twl KJ J!gc Gypsum Spring & Chugwater Formations & Nugget Sandstone Qa Ta Twl Kf Qa Klm (! Ti : Worland Qg Ti: Qa Qls Kc Twr Thr Huckleberry Ridge Tuff of Yellowstone Group Taw Washburn Group Ti : : : PM : Twl Ti Qg : Twl Kc : : Tii Intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks Twl Ta : Willwood Formation Qls : # Qa Kmt Triassic Twi # Qt Qt Qg Qg Ti # Klm Ti Qg Twl !Pcg Tcv Qa Kft Qt Caldwell Canyon Volcanics !c Chugwater Formation Tfu Fort Union Formation Ta : Tfu Qg 432 434 Mm Ti : # Kc (! Twl !( : Tmu Ti # Kc : Tfu Klm Jsg Upper Miocene rocks !cd Chugwater & Dinwoody Formations Qls Tt Tfu Qa Ta Twl Ti Ta : Qls 171 : # (! Kmt Qa PM Tm Miocene rocks MESOZOIC : # Kmv !Pcg Chugwater & Goose Egg Formations Ti # Klm Twl Tfu Klm O^ Qa : Ti # Tt : Tfu Kmt : : Twl Twl 20 Tml Lower Miocene rocks; includes Split Rock Formation Cretaceous IDAHO PM : : : ¤£ !Pg Goose Egg Formation Qls Klm Twl MD O^ Tt Twl T45N Kl Tcv # Qa Qa Lance Formation Ti Kc Tt Kmv KJ Qt Tfu Kmv MzPz Mesozoic & Paleozoic rocks WYOMING Ti Tt Kc Klm Tfu PM Lower Tertiary Km Meeteetse Formation O^ # # Twl : Tt: Ti Tt Tt Kc Mm Tcv p^r Twr Kmv : White River Formation Mesaverde Formation : Qa Ti Tt Qt : Twi PM Ti Tt : Kmv Kl !Pcg PALEOZOIC Qls : : Qt : MD Ti # Tt Kc Ti Klm : Pp Twi Tt Intrusive igneous rocks Kc Cody Shale Twi Qa Tt Ta Tt Kc Pzr : Twi # Kft # Km Paleozoic rocks Tt : # !cd : Mm # # Tt Kmv : Ta O^ # # Tt 120 Kmv Klm Tts Thorofare Creek & Sunlight Groups Kf Tt # ! Frontier Formation PM PM : ( Ta : Kmv Kft 789 MD Qls# Qg water PM : Ti # Qt (! # # Qa Qa Tt : : Ta Kmv Qt !Pg Twi Ta Ta MD MD Tt Wiggins Formation Kft Frontier Formation, Mowry & Thermopolis Shales # Tt # Pp Qls # Kc Qa PM Permian p^r : : Qa MD KJg # Qa 26 : Kf Qt Pp ¤£ ¤£26 Tim Qg Qa Qls Kmt Jsg Ttl Two Ocean & Langford Formations Pp Phosphoria Formation/Park City Formation Kmt PM Tt Twl Qt KJg !Pg Mowry Shale, Muddy Sandstone, & Thermopolis Shale Qls # Qa # Qt A # Qls Qls Qa Qls Qa Qt Kc 89 Ta Tt O^ Ta # 170 ¤£ Twdr KJg Kc (! KJg Kmt Kf Tt Tepee Trail Formation P$Ma KJ # !cd Qls Twdr MD Tt Kf Phosphoria & Amsden Formations & Quadrant Sandstone Cloverly & Morrison Formations # Qt Kc Ta Kf # Kf Ta Ta Qa Ta Kmt Kmt Qls Absaroka 191 Qg Qa Twdr Qa Twi # Qt Pp Pp Qt !cd !Pg # Kmt ¤£ Twdr Tt PM C′ Pp KJg KJ !Pcg Ta Aycross
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