1. Day 0. 2. A. Another nameforShroveTuesdayis… A. On thisdayBritishpeopleloveeating… B. B. B. D. D. D. C. C. C. A. People celebratePancakeDay… funnyfestival candies onthedaybefore beginningofLent hotcrossbuns onthefirstdayofspring ontheseconddayofEaster PancakeDay marshmallows onthedayafterChristmas In theU.K. with afryingpaninherhands. want tobelatesoshewentchurchrunning church bellsringingforconfession.Shedidn’t was makingpancakeswhensheheardthe Legend saysthatonShroveTuesdayawoman the pancakes! in theairfromafryingpan.It’sdifficulttocatch race theparticipantsrunandthrowpancakes British townsorganizeapancakerace.Inthe Pancake Dayisafundaybecauseinsome round cakesmadeofbutter,milk,flourandeggs. this dayinBritainpeopleloveeatingpancakes, Day ,isthedaybeforebeginningofLent.On 1 Shrove Shrove , also called Pancake , alsocalledPancake

HUB SCUOLA 3. KEYS 6. 5. 4. A. The ingredientsforpancakesare B. B. B. B. D. D. D. D. C. C. C. C. A. The womandidn’twanttobelatefor.. A. A legendsaysthatonShroveTuesdayawomanwas… A. Pancake Dayisavery D 0 apancakerace eatingapancake happyday flour,butterandraisin admission cookingapancake boringday butter,milkandsalt ironing sadday flourandeggs permission throwingpancakes unluckyday butter,milk,flourandeggs B 1 C 2 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 B 6

HUB SCUOLA Loch Ness……..[_] 3. It isn’tabigcity. 2. I’m It’s abeautifulcityandit’sverygreen. 1. I’m 12yearsold.fromKievinUkraine. 0. The firstone(0)isanexample. Only 5sentencesarecorrect. statements withthesentencesbelow(B–G). Read aboutthreestudentsintroducingthemselves(1-5)andcompletetheir Nice ToMeetYou It’s nearLochNess. My cityisbig……..[_] My name’sDanilo,……..[A Jane. I’m12yearsold.Scottish.[_] ] 1

HUB SCUOLA KEYS D B C 0 E F G D A B C E F ………………………. butmynicknameisDan. ……………………….. isfamousforDracula! ……………………….where mygrandparentslive. ………………...... with almost3millioninhabitants. ……………….……..is famousforitsmonster! ..……………….……I’m fromInvernessinScotland. ……………………….I’m 13yearsold. The storyofDraculaisn’treal,it’salegend. 5. Bran isasmalltownnearCastle. I’m fromBraninRomania. 4. I’m Bran Castle……..[_] Anton. ……….[_] 2

HUB SCUOLA Burbank, Californiaon15 friend Goofy Illinois, on5 Walter EliasDisneywasborninChicago, The firstone(0)isanexample. Read thetextaboutWaltDisney.Aresentences1-7true,falseornotgiven? Walt Disney usually appearsalongsidehisgirlfriend character whoalwayswearsredshorts,largeyellowshoesandwhitegloves.He success, In 1928,Disneydevelopedhisfirstpopular the mostfamousthemeparksinworld. Walt createdDisneyland,thefirstandoneof pioneer oftheAmericananimationindustry. and filmmakersofthe20thcentury a He isconsideredoneofthemaincartoonists 7 Mickey’sfriendPluto isaman. 6  5 MickeyMousewearsredshortsandwhite gloves. 4  3 Disneycreatedafamousthemepark. 2 Heneverhadason. 1 HestartedhislifeinChicago 0 DisneywasborninBurbank1966 character DonaldDuck. Before MickeyMousehecreatedthecartoon Goofy. In 1928heinventedhismostfamouscharacter Mickey Mouse th . December1901anddiedin , afunnyanimalcartoon th December1966. Minnie Mouse Minnie 1

, hispetdog TRUE Pluto FALSE x andhis GIVEN NOT

HUB SCUOLA KEYS 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TRUE x x x FALSE

x x x NOT GIVEN 2 x x

HUB SCUOLA ice-skating rinks.There isalsoazooandanoutdooramphitheatre insidethepark. million peoplevisititannually.Thereare many artificiallakesandponds,paths holding atorchandtablet. freedom anddemocracy”.Thestatueis93meterstallrepresentingafemalefigure main attractionsistheStatueofLiberty,symbol“Americandream A greatnumberoftouristsgotoNewYorkineveryperiodtheyear.Oneits million! Its populationisapproximately8.4 night isthelargestcityinUSA. at everyhourofthedayand this busycitythatisfullofpeople the city,thatdoesn’tsleep”.Infact singer, sings“Iwannawakeupin Liza Minnelli,afamousAmerican most popularsongsintheworld! “New York,NewYork”isoneofthe The firstone(0)isanexample. not given? Read thetextaboutNewYorkcity.Aresentences1-9true,falseor New YorkCity 1 Manhattan. Itis4kmlongand35 attraction intheheartof Central Parkisaveryfamous tourists. is averypopulardestinationwith center oftheUnitedStatesandit It istheeconomicandcultural five boroughsinNewYorkcity. of over1.5million,isonethe Manhattan withapopulation

HUB SCUOLA KEYS 9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2 8.4millionpeopleliveinNewYork. 1 ItisthesmallestcityinUSA. 0  9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 The lakesinCentralparkareallnatural. ponds. People canuserowingboatsinthelakesand Manhattan isvisitedbyveryfewtourists. Less thantwomillionpeopleliveinManhattan torch. The StatueofLibertyrepresentsaknightholding democracy. The StatueofLibertyrepresentsfreedomand year. More than56millionpeoplevisitNewYorkevery songs ofFrankSinatra. “New York,NewYork”isoneofthemostpopular TRUE x x x FALSE x x x x x NOT GIVEN x x 2


HUB SCUOLA WINTER SEASON(NOVEMBER-FEBRUARY): DAILY EVERYHOURFROM10:00UNTIL18:00 UNTIL 18:00 SUMMER SEASON(MARCH-OCTOBER):DAILY EVERYHALFHOURFROM10:00 DEPARTURE TIMESOFTHELOCATIONOPPOSITE OFTHEHARDROCKCAFÉ DEPARTURE TIMES MONDAY-SUNDAY FROM9:00–17:00(9AM5PM) OPENING HOURS We offeraudiocommentaryin21languagesoneverydaytimedeparture. famous 17thcenturycanalhouses. 75-minutes CityCanalCruisewillrevealwhy.Passingallofthecityhighlights– Our canalshavebeenawardedUNESCO’sWorldHeritagestatusandtakingthis canals. guide youthroughAmsterdam’smany Our luxuriouscanalboatsarereadyto start withaCityCanalCruise. A visittoAmsterdamshouldalways Amsterdam! most relaxingandfunwaytosee A CityCanalCruiseissimplythe The firstone(0)isanexample. Use amaximumof4wordsand/ornumbers.Typeyouranswersintheboxes. Read thetextaboutacitycanalcruise.Answerquestions(1-8). Amsterdam 1

HUB SCUOLA WINTER SEASON(NOVEMBER-FEBRUARY):DAILYEVERYHOURFROM09:45UNTIL17:45 SUMMER SEASON(MARCH-OCTOBER):DAILYEVERYHALFHOURFROM09:45UNTIL17:45 DEPARTURE TIMESOFTHELOCATIONOPPOSITEHEINEKENFACTORY € 7,00FORCHILDREN € 15,00FORADULTS COST OFTHETICKET 8.  7.  6.  5.  4.  3.  2.  1.  0.  ticket? How muchwoulda6yearoldchildpayfor a How muchistheticketforanadult? opposite theHeinekenfactory? What timedoesthelastcruisearriveatstop opposite HardRockCafé? What timedotheboatsleavefromstop When doesthesummerseasonstart? a canalcruiseinAmsterdam? How manydaysoftheweekisitpossibletoenjoy How longdoesacanalcruisetake? Amsterdam received? What’s thespecialawardcanalsof Where doesthecanaltriptakeplace? )

+31 20676 0302 2

……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. In Amsterdam In

HUB SCUOLA KEYS 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7,00€/euros 15,00 €//15,00euros At 17:45 At 10:00 In March seven /7days 75 minutes Unesco’s WorldHeritagestatus In Amsterdam 3

HUB SCUOLA prison. Mandelastayed inprisonfor27years! In 1962,hewasarrestedforhisstruggleagainst apartheidandsentencedtolife Struggle andprison democracy. began thestruggleagainstapartheid regime ofSouthAfricaforamulti-racial In 1944hejoinedtheAfricanNationalCongress(ANC)apoliticalpartyandthen What aboutMandela’syouth? Africa. Afterheattendedschoolsforblackstudents,studiedLawatUniversity. black peopleandwhiteHewasbornon18thJuly1918inMvezo,South Mandela wasagreatstatesmanwhostruggledforfreedomandequalitybetween Who wasNelsonMandela? The firstone(0)isanexample. for questions1-6.Onlyoneansweriscorrect. Read thetextaboutNelsonMandela.Choosecorrectanswer(A,B,CorD) Nelson Mandela “A winner is a dreamer who never gives up” gives never who dreamer a is winner “A 1

HUB SCUOLA 3. 2. 1. 0 victory andbecamePresidentofSouthAfrica. an endtoapartheid,organizedamultiracialelectioninwhichheledtheANC In 1990heleftjailandin1993wontheNobelPeacePrize.1994obtained When didhebecomePresidentofSouthAfrica? D. C. B. A. In 1944hejoined… D. C. B. A. His schoolsincluded… D. C. B. A. Mandela wasinfavourof… D. C. B. A. Mandela was… a nationalparty. the university. the nationalrugbyteam. a birthdayparty. disabled students. only whitestudents. only blackstudents. black andwhitestudents. equality andfreedominSouthAfrica. children’s rights. his family’sfreedom. animal rights. man whostruggledagainstSouthAfrica. a greatstatesman. a famousjournalist. a greatsinger. 2

HUB SCUOLA KEYS 6. 5. 4. D. C. Apartheidfinished. B. A. In 1994… for 27years. for 27days. for 27months. in 1944. Mandela remainedinjail… he didn’tlikethePresident. he didn’tlikewhitepeople. he wasagainsttheregime. A. He wenttoprisonbecause… C 0 his footballteamwon. ANC ended. a whitepresidentwaselected. he wasagainstblackpeople. D 1 B 2 D 3 3 B 4 D 5 B 6

HUB SCUOLA Finally MarysaysRobin’spresentisa5._____. The firstobjectis2._____,thesecond3.third4. . Robin hastreepresentsinhismind. Robin wantstogohomeanddrinka1._____ ******************************* Mary andRobinareatthe0.__A You nowhave20secondstolookatthetask. answers. You willhave20secondsattheendofsecondrecordingtocompleteyour You willheartherecordingtwice. The firstone(0)isanexample. There aretwopicturesthatyoudonotneed. Type youranswersinthegaps. below. While listening,matchthepictures(B-H)withgaps1-5insentences Listen toaconversationbetweenRobinandMary. A BirthdayPresent Part 2-Listening A) 1 B) C)


H C D B G G) D) 2 E) H) F)

HUB SCUOLA te youranswers. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to check or comple- You willheartherecordingtwice. The firstone(0)isanexample. Only oneansweriscorrect. While listening,choosethecorrectanswer(A,B,CorD)forquestions1-6. Listen totwofriendsspeakingandmakingplans. Eating Out Part 2-Listening 1

HUB SCUOLA 4. 3. 2. 1. ******************************* 0. You nowhave20secondstolookatthetask. D. C. Walk B. A. Anna isgoingto D. C. B. A. “the OrangeTree”isagoodplacebecause D. C. B. A. They decideto D. C. B. A. Anna isfree D. C. B. A. Anna ishappybecause Take abus Take ataxi Drive hercar It’s warm It’s notexpensive There’s livemusic It’s comfortable stay home go tothegym have adrinktogether have dinnertogether On Monday On Saturday On Friday On Thursday she likesRick Rick likesbooks Rick hasanewjob it’s aniceday 2

HUB SCUOLA 6 5 4 3 2 1 KEYS 6. 5. C A D C A A D. C. Running B. A. Jonathan likes D. C. B. A. Jonathan is Going toparties Playing withcomputergames Going out Anna’s brother Susan’s brother Anna’s friend Rick’s friend 3

HUB SCUOLA te youranswers. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to check or comple- You willheartherecordingtwice. The firstone(0)isanexample. While listening,choosethecorrectansweramongonessuggested. Listen toanepisodeoftheradioprogrammecalled“NatureFunFacts”. Wild Animals Part 2-Listening 1

HUB SCUOLA . Its 6. Itwilleat150kgoffoodperday.[ELEPHANT/LIONCROCODILEPENGUIN] 5. Itcanholditsbreathfor20minutes.[ELEPHANT/LIONCROCODILEPENGUIN] 4. Ithasflippers.[ELEPHANT/LIONCROCODILEPENGUIN] 3. 2. 1. ******************************* 0. You nowhave20secondstolookatthetask. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 KEYS Itneedstoprotectitsskin.[ELEPHANT/LIONCROCODILEPENGUIN] 7. It cansleepfor20hours.[ELEPHANT/LIONCROCODILEPENGUIN] It caneatupto40poundsofmeat.[ELEPHANT/LIONCROCODILEPENGUIN] It’s alargereptile.[CROCODILE] ELEPHANT LION ELEPHANT PENGUIN PENGUIN LION LION PENGUIN] sound can be heard from a long distance. 2 [ELEPHANT / LION / CROCODILE /

HUB SCUOLA 2. 1. 0. You nowhave20secondstolookatthetask. answers. You willhave20secondsattheendofsecondrecordingtocompleteyour You willheartherecordingtwice. The firstone(0)isanexample. Only oneansweriscorrect. correct answer(A,B,CorD)forquestions1-7. Listen tothedialoguebetweenTomandJennifer.Whilelistening,choose Cyberbullying Part 2-Listening D. C. B. A. Jennifer sayssomepeoplewrite…onsocial media. D. angry. C. unfriendly. B. happy. A. Nice. Jennifer thinkssomepeopleare… D. C. B. A. Jennifer loves… useful messages negative messages funny stories sad messages eating biscuits. having dinnerinarestaurant. going tothecinema. meeting newpeopleontheweb. 1

HUB SCUOLA KEYS 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. D. C. B. A. When youpostmessagesshouldalwaysbecarefulaboutwhatyou… D. C. B. A. Experts advisepeoplenottogiveouttheir… D. C. B. A. Experts saypeopleshouldprotectthemselvesby… D. C. B. A. Cyberbullying includesthingslike… D. C. B. A. Cyberbullying isaformof… A 0 see ontheweb. read ontheweb. listen toonline. write online. favourite information. own personalinformation. personal suggestions. personal opinion. not usingtheweb. calling thepolice. not takingcommentsseriously. answering tounpleasantmessages. sending lovemessages. exchanging emailsontheweb. chatting onlinewithfriends. writing liesonlineandforwardingunpleasantmessages. online bullying. friendship atschool. expressive art. electronic music. C 1 C 2 D 3 2 A 4 B 5 C 6 A 7

HUB SCUOLA complete youranswers. You willhave20secondsattheendofsecondrecordingtocheckor You willheartherecordingtwice. The firstone(0)isanexample. While listening,completethechartbelow.Typeonly1wordforeachspace. Listen toawomanaskingforinformationaboutcanaltour. Canal Tours Part 2-Listening 1

HUB SCUOLA You nowhave20secondstolookatthetask. KEYS 6. 6. 5. 4. 3. 3. 2. 1. 3. 3. 2. 1. 0. 4. 4. 6. 6. 5. Number ofstopsaroundthecity: Canal TourOfficeaddress: Canal TourOfficeHours: Canal TourOfficeaddress: Last tourdeparts Canal toursstart Canal TourOfficeHours: Ticket prices: Boats leave Canal toursstart… Last tourdeparts: Boats leave… Ticket prices: from ______(nine/9)a.m.to______(five5) from the______(Flower)______(Market) every ______(twenty/20minutes) Adults ______€ 2 at ______(halfpastfive/5) ______(Kerkstraat) from ______a.m.to______p.m. Adults ______€,children€6 From the______every ______at ______€6 (twelve/12)children€6 ______seven p.m.

HUB SCUOLA 2. 1. ****************************** 0. You nowhave20secondstolookatthetask. complete youranswers. You willhave20secondsattheendofsecondrecordingtocheckor You willheartherecordingtwice. The firstone(0)isanexample. Type only1wordforeachspace. While listening,completethesentencesbelow. Listen toanepisodeoftheradioprogrammecalled“Scienceatyourservice”. Comfort Food Part 2-Listening People oftenfindemotional comfortinfoodthathas______value. Comfort foodcouldbeabowlof______. We desirefoodwhenwefeelalittle___ sad___,stressedorjusttired. 1

HUB SCUOLA 5. reduce 4. perfect 3. 2. 1. KEYS 5. 4. 3. calories /fat sentimental warm /soup Endorphins arechemicalelementsthathelpwithpainand______stress. Chocolate isthe______comfortfood. Comfort foodisrichin______,carbohydratesand______. 2