Language, Caste, Religion and Territory: Newar Identity
LANGUAGE, CASTE, RELIGION AND TERRITORY Newar identity ancient and modern Between the Newars, however, and the other Hindoo inhabitants of Nepal, there subsist, as well as in character, customs, manners and features, as in religious rites and language, very essential differences, all of them abun- dantly proving that they are an insulated race of men, whose origin is not to be traced to any of the nations immediately surrounding them. They are a peaceable, industrious, and even ingenious people, very much attached to the superstitions they profess, and tolerably reconciled to the chains imposed on them by their Gorkhali conquerors [...] I doubt whether this nation have been at any period of a warlike disposition; be this as it may, it is certain that their courage is at present spoken of very slightingly by the Purbutties, or Hindoo mountaineers [...] Their occupations are chiefly those of agricul- ture, besides which they almost exclusively execute all the arts and manu- factures known in this country. Colonel KIRKPATRICK, An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal, 1811 As the inhabitants of one country [the Newars] are one —but in regard to case, they are diverse. Hodgson's friend and informant, AMRTANANDA, 1820s La conquete gourkha a introduit [le nepali] dans la vallee centrale, oil le nevari, plus vigoureux que ses voisins, le tient encore en echec ; mais la centralisation du gouvernement assure son triomphe [...] Sylvain Livi, Le Nipal, 1905 The Newars have demonstrated their ability in almost all walks of life. They have proved their worth as top administrators, educationists, traders magnates of industry, and high-level technicians.
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