Eurosur, the Refugee Boat, and the Construction of an External EU Border

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Eurosur, the Refugee Boat, and the Construction of an External EU Border Sabrina Ellebrecht Mediated Bordering Political Science | Volume 77 This open access publication has been enabled by the support of POLLUX (Fachinforma- tionsdienst Politikwissenschaft) and a collaborative network of academic libraries for the promotion of the Open Access transformation in the Social Sciences and Humanities (transcript Open Library Politik- wissenschaft 2020) This publication is compliant with the “Recommendations on quality standards for the open access provision of books”, Nationaler Open Access Kontaktpunkt 2018 ( Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz | Universität Landesbibliothek Münster (University Wien Bibliotheks- und Archivwesen | of Munster) | Universitätsbibliothek Bergische Universität Wuppertal | Carl Bielefeld (University of Bielefeld) | von Ossietzky-Universität (University Universitätsbibliothek der Bauhaus- of Oldenburg) | Freie Universität Berlin Universität Weimar (University of (FU) (Free University of Berlin) | Georg- Weimar) | Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen- August-Universität Göttingen | Goethe- Nürnberg (FAU University Erlangen- Universität-Frankfurt/M (University of Nürnberg) | Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main) | Gottfried Wilhelm Hagen (Fernuni Hagen) (University of Leibniz Bibliothek – Niedersächsische Hagen) | Universitätsbibliothek Kassel | Landesbibliothek | Gottfried Wilhelm Universitätsbibliothek Koblenz-Landau | Leibniz Universität Hannover | Humboldt- Universitätsbibliothek Konstanz (University Universität zu Berlin | Justus-Liebig- of Konstanz) | Universitätsbibliothek Universität Gießen (University of Giessen) Leipzig (University of Leipzig) | | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Universitätsbibliothek Mainz (University (LMU) | Martin-Luther-Universität Halle- of Mainz) | Universitätsbibliothek Wittenberg | Max Planck Digital Library Marburg | Universitätsbibliothek | Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) | Osnabrück (University of Osnabrück) Sächsische Landesbibliothek Staats- und | Universitätsbibliothek Passau Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB) | Universitätsbibliothek Siegen | | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Berlin State Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg | Zentral- Library) | ULB Darmstadt | Universität und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern (ZHB) Bayreuth | Universität Duisburg-Essen | (Central and University Library of Lucerne) Universität Hamburg (UHH) | Universität | Zentralbibliothek Zürich (Central Library Potsdam (University of Potsdam) | of Zurich) | Bundesministerium der Universität Vechta | Universität zu Köln| Verteidigung | Landesbibliothek Oldenburg Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek (State Library of Oldenburg) | Leibniz- Düsseldorf (University and State Institut für Europäische Geschichte | Library Düsseldorf) | Universitäts- und Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Sabrina Ellebrecht is a Senior Researcher in Sociology at the Centre for Security and Society at the University of Freiburg, Germany, where she currently leads the Mercator Foundation re- search group “The Police In An Open Society.” Her research interests lie in the fields of border and migration studies, political sociology, critical security studies, and police research. She was previously a visiting fellow at the DFG-Research Training Group “Topology of Technology” at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, and a visiting researcher the University of KwaZulu Natal in Durban, South Africa and the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India. Sabrina Ellebrecht Mediated Bordering Eurosur, the Refugee Boat, and the Construction of an External EU Border Doctoral Dissertation in Sociology at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, submitted in 2017, defended in 2018. Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the Internet at This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivatives 4.0 (BY-NC-ND) which means that the text may be used for non-com- mercial purposes, provided credit is given to the author. For details go to To create an adaptation, translation, or derivative of the original work and for commer- cial use, further permission is required and can be obtained by contacting rights@ Creative Commons license terms for re-use do not apply to any content (such as graphs, figures, photos, excerpts, etc.) not original to the Open Access publication and further permission may be required from the rights holder. The obligation to research and clear permission lies solely with the party re-using the material. © 2020 transcript Verlag, Bielefeld All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Cover layout: Maria Arndt, Bielefeld Printed by Majuskel Medienproduktion GmbH, Wetzlar Print-ISBN 978-3-8376-4753-2 PDF-ISBN 978-3-8394-4753-6 Table of content Foreword | 7 1 Introduction | 9 1.1 Your Hunter and Helper: Surveil and Assist | 9 1.2 Mediated Bordering: The Objectives, Premises and Structure of the Study | 12 1.3 Acknowledgements | 19 PART I: MEDIATED BORDERING. THINKING AND RESEARCHING POLITICAL BORDERS 2 European Spaces – Schengen Borders? | 23 2.1 Shifting Borders | 23 2.2 Europe as Borderland with Polysemic, Heterogeneous, and Overdetermined Borders | 39 2.3 Europe as Empire with Medieval, Cosmopolitan or Postnational Borders | 47 2.4 Network Europe and Networked (Non-)Borders | 57 2.5 Europe’s Border(s): Novel Policies, New Perspectives, Challenged Methodologies | 60 3 Thinking and Researching Political Borders | 63 3.1 The Spectral Character of Any Border | 63 3.2 Mediated Bordering and the Territorial Border as Intermediary | 69 3.3 Researching Political Borders: In Situ or In Actu? | 73 PART II: EUROSUR – THE EUROPEAN BORDER SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM 4 “EUROSUR on the Screen” | 85 4.1 EUROSUR’s Graphical User Interface: Communication Device, Format, Network | 87 4.2 The European Situational Picture | 112 4.3 The Common Pre-Frontier Intelligence Picture (CPIP) | 117 4.4 EUROSUR on the Screen: The Depiction of an External EU Border? | 124 5 EUROSUR on Paper – in the Official Journal of the EU | 127 5.1 Schengen as a Postnational Laboratory and Framework for Negotiations (1985-1997) | 129 5.2 In Search for New, Supranational Heads (1997-2003) | 133 5.3 Coordinated Cooperation along the Virtual Border (2003-2008) | 143 5.4 From the EUROSUR Roadmap to its Draft Regulation (2008-2011): National Infrastructures, Supranational Incentives | 150 5.5 “This is A Beautiful Situation Here” – EUROSUR’s Drafting Procedures and the Pilot Phase (2011-2012) | 172 5.6 EUROSUR as an Item of Law: the Final Regulation of 22 October 2013 | 178 6 EUROSUR: IT’s Mediation | 183 PART III: THE REFUGEE BOAT – VEHICLE, MOVING TARGET, INTEGRATING FIGURE OF EU BORDERING 7 Site Inspection: On Boats and Ships, their Appropriation for Flight and Migration | 193 7.1 What Characterizes Boats and Ships as Vehicles? | 193 7.2 Appropriation of Boats and Ships for Flight and Unauthorized Migration | 199 7.3 What Difference Does the Boat Make? | 209 8 Seaborne Migration: Europe’s Boat-Migrants and their Refugee Vessels | 211 8.1 Boats and Border Enforcement in the Mediterranean | 212 8.2 “When You See the Boat, the Boat Tells the Story” | 234 8.3 What Story Does the Boat Tell? | 254 9 Seaborne Bordering: Legal Negotiations on Boats and Boat-Migrants in EU Border Policies | 257 9.1 Maritime Spaces and Territorial Border Enforcement | 259 9.2 Legitimizing Maritime Interception as a Border Enforcement Practice | 263 9.3 The Refugee Boat: Virtually (at) the Border | 279 10 The Emergence of Viapolitics | 283 Bibliography | 291 Foreword The cover of this book shows the drawing of a boat. Without any contextual in- formation, the drawing inspires different interpretations about what the vessel represents: without cargo, passengers or equipment on board, its connotation re- mains unclear. When transcript proposed the cover to me, and when I discussed it with colleagues, one ventured that the drawing seems like a patrol boat meant to detect something suspect. Due to this notion of enforcement that she sensed, she advised not to use it. Others took the drawing for a refugee boat and thus found it well-suited to the title of this book. The ambiguity that the drawing of an empty vessel of a certain shape and size is able to evoke led me to decide on it. The actual vessel, on which the drawing has been modeled, came to be pub- licly known when it fell victim to an arson attack: on the night of November 9, 2018 it was set on fire and virtually destroyed at its location in Wittenberg, Ger- many. To this day, the police presume it to be a politically motivated act of vio- lence based on both the historical date and that they found Germanic runes from the right-nationalist network Reconquista Germanica inscribed on the boat. The vessel had come to Wittenberg as an exhibit during the Reformation an- niversary in 2017. A student group from Salzburg and their anthropology profes- sor had organized a shipwreck from Sicily and installed it in Wittenberg as the “antithesis” to the exhibition’s topic “gates of freedom.” Wittenberg’s
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