10th January 2021

Dear Councillor,

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of Council, will be held on Monday 18th January 2021 commencing at 7.30pm, for the purpose of transacting the following business: The meeting will be held virtually by video and telephone conference.

(Should any members of the public wish to gain access to the meeting by video or telephone, please contact the Clerk to advise, at least three days prior to the meeting).

Yours faithfully,

A. Roberts Clerk to the Council




To receive Declaration of Interest from members in respect of any items from the agenda.


To approve the minutes of the virtual meeting held 16th November 2020 copy attached.



A) Proposed Cycleway – Forma railway line – Mold. To receive any update on progress from members.

B) Proposed provision of Christmas Tree Lixwm. Following the erection and illumination of the Christmas tree at Lixwm. To receive feedback and due consideration for the provision in 2021.

C) Provision of replacement Public Notice boards. 3 notice boards have been ordered which are due to be delivered by the end of January. Mr Neil Hickie Streetscene Area Supervisor has agreed to assist with the installation of the boards.

D) Streetscene Services. To receive any issues which need reporting to this services area.

E) Boundary hedge highway visibility No. 17 Ffordd Walwen, Lixwm. Further to minute No35/20. The council has received confirmation from Planning Enforcement, County Council that they were in receipt of the councils enquire and that the matter was being investigated.

F) To consider any other matters arising from the minutes.


A) Future Audit Arrangements for Community and Town Councils in

As previously reported the Auditor General for Wales has undertaken a review of the current audit system. Following completion of the review from 2002-21 onwards audit arrangements for community councils in Wales will include a three-year audit cycle: Of two limited procedure audits and a transaction- based audit once every three years. The council has been advised that year 2020/21 will be a transaction – based audit. 2021/22 and 2022/23 will be limited audits.


B) Street Lighting and External Electrical Assets on the Adopted Highway within the County of Flintshire. Mr Darell Jones Operational North & Street Lighting Manager, Flintshire County Council has written to the council. (Copy email sent to Members) The letter sets out the requirements for the council to provide evidence that the councils Street Lighting Contractor, has the correct accreditation for maintaining lighting systems on the adopted highway. The Clerk is in discussion with the councils Lighting Engineer with a view of providing the required confirmation.

The council is also required to provide an up-to-date inventory of the locations and type of light the council maintains. This survey been recently completed by the Clerk establishing that the council currently maintains 52 lights. Of these 7 lights are the sox type and need upgrading to LED. Instruction has been given to the council appointed lighting engineer to upgrade the remaining lights to LED by the end of the financial year.

In addition to the above each light is required to have an electrical safety inspection and certificate every 6 years. At present the council does not have this facility in place. The estimated cost for this inspection is £25.00 per light. The Clerk has been in discussion with the Mr D. Jones who has confirmed that the certification can be undertaken over a rolling programme. Following consultation with the Chair and Vice Chairman, I am proposing that the council undertakes the inspection of all its lighting stock during the next financial year. Provision of £3,000.00 has been made within the council draft budget for 2021/22 which to meet the cost for the inspection, certification, and any remedial repairs required. Of all the 52 lights the council currently maintains.

As several councils in Flintshire have received this letter and their position is very similar to Ysceifiog Community Council. I am in discussion with the Clerk of Town Council, , Whitford and Community Councils. The purpose of this would be to obtain more competitive quotations for the inspection and certification of lights. Subject to council approval.

C) Public Footpath Nos. 32 & 33 In the Community of Ysceifiog Diversion Order 2020. Trout Farm, Caerwys. Confirmation has been received from the Chief Planning Officer, Flintshire County Council that the Order was completed on the 2nd June 2020.

3. D) Delivery of Static Caravans at Mynydd Llan, Farm, Babell The council has received reports that several static caravans have recently been delivered to the above premises. During the delivery of the caravans the highway was obstructed to vehicles without any prior notification.

E) To consider any other items of correspondence received since the despatch of the agenda.


A) 062003 Erection of a porch. Wheeler Grange, Lixwm. CH8 8NF

B) 062146 Application for lawful development certificate for the proposed siting of static caravan within garden. Fron Cottage, Babell, CH8 8QD

7) Applications for Financial Assistance.

A) St Marys Church Ysceifiog – Cemetery maintenance.

8) Payment of Members Allowance for 2021/22 Members have received the claim form. Members are required to complete the claim form indicating if they wish to or not claim the allowance. Upon completion the form is to be returned to the Clerk.


Enclosed for Members consideration is a copy of the draft budget for the year 2021- 22. Members are requested to note the year end projected expenditure for year ending 2021 and the projected budget requirements for 2021-22. Also enclosed is the Precept Option Report for 2021/22. Members are requested to note the budget requirements whilst setting the appropriate precept for the next financial year.