
H4O and other - compounds at giant-planet core pressures

Shuai Zhang,1, ∗ Hugh F. Wilson,1 Kevin P. Driver,1 and Burkhard Militzer1, 2 1Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA 2Department of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA and hydrogen at high pressure make up a substantial fraction of the interiors of giant planets. Using ab initio random structure search methods we investigate the ground-state crystal structures of water, hydrogen, and hydrogen-oxygen compounds. We find that, at pressures beyond 14 Mbar, excess hydrogen is incorporated into the ice phase to form a novel structure with H4O stoichiometry. We also predict two new ground state structures, P 21/m and I4/mmm, for post- C2/m water ice.

PACS numbers: 64.70.K-, 61.50.Ah, 62.50.-p, 96.15.Nd

using density functional theory. In the AIRSS process, randomly generated unit cells are filled with randomly positioned atoms, and the structures are geometrically As one of the most abundant substances in the solar relaxed to the targeted pressure. Structures with com- system, water ice at high pressure [1, 2] is of fundamen- petitive enthalpy are picked out and re-evaluated with tal importance in planetary science [3]. Over the last more accurate thermodynamic calculations, from which two years, a significant effort has been devoted to finding the most stable structure can be determined. Although the ground-state structures of ice at the multimegabar the AIRSS is not guaranteed to find the most stable pressures corresponding to the cores of gas giant planets phase, it has achieved remarkable success in discovering (15-20 Mbar for Saturn and 40-60 Mbar for Jupiter). Mil- structures across a wide range of materials [11–13]. itzer and Wilson [4] demonstrated that the P bcm phase In our calculations, structural optimization is per- [2] becomes unstable above 7.6 Mbar and predicted a formed using the Vienna ab initio simulation package new structure of P bca symmetry. Wang et al. [5] showed (VASP) [14]. Projector augmented wave (PAW) pseu- that, at 8.1 Mbar, water ice assumes another structure dopotentials [15] and the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof [16] ¯ of I42d symmetry instead of transforming into a Cmcm exchange-correlation functional are used. The pseudopo- structure as proposed in Ref. [4]. Refs. [6–8] instead pro- tential cutoff radii equal to 0.8 and 1.1 Bohr for H and posed a structure with P mc21 symmetry to appear in the O. For efficiency of the AIRSS, a cutoff energy of 900 eV same pressure regime, but it has a higher enthalpy than is chosen for initial relaxation, which is then increased ¯ the I42d structure. Around 12 Mbar, a transition to a to 1700 eV for precise calculations on favorable struc- structure with P 21 symmetry was consistently predicted tures. Likewise, a relatively sparse Monkhorst-Pack grid in Refs. [5–8]. Even higher pressure studies predict a [17, 18] (6×6×6) is used initially, which is later replaced P 21/c structure at 20 Mbar [7], and a metallic C2/m by a 20 × 20 × 20 grid. Tests at the largest energy cutoff structure at 60 Mbar [6, 8]. In nature, however, high- and grid size show that the total system energies are con- pressure water phases are rarely found in isolation, and, verged to the order of 1 meV, while the energy difference in gas giants, an icy core may be surrounded by a vast is converged to 0.1 meV. reservoir of hydrogen-rich fluid or exist in a mixture with As an initial step, we recomputed enthalpies of re- the other planetary ices, such as ammonia and methane. cently reported [4–7] H2O structures as a function of Recent works have emphasized the fact that counterin- pressure, assembling all proposed structures for com- tuitive stoichiometries can occur in post-perovskite ma- parison. Figure 1 shows the transition sequence up terials at extreme pressures [9]. This raises the question to the highest reported pressure (70 Mbar) as follows: of whether H2O is indeed the ground-state stoichiometry X → P bcm → P bca → I42¯ d → P 2 → P 2 /c → C2/m, for water at high pressure in hydrogen-rich environments, 1 1 consistent with previous reports. Note that the P mc21 or whether pressure effects are likely to result in the in- structure predicted in Refs. [6–8] is less stable than the corporation of hydrogen into the ice lattice to form novel I42¯ d structure reported by Wang et al. [5] at all pres- ice-like phases with non-H2O stoichiometry. sures; as the I42¯ d structure has eight formula units (f.u.) In this Letter, we apply ab initio random structure per unit cell, it was less likely to be generated by random searching (AIRSS) methods [10] to determine the ground- search algorithms. state structure of hydrogen-oxygen compounds at ex- With quickly increasing number of known massive exo- treme pressure to explore whether the H2O stoichiom- planets, it is worthwhile to explore stable H2O structures etry of water is maintained at high pressure. The AIRSS at even higher pressure. We use AIRSS to generate be- method relies on the generation of a large number of tween 1000 and 3500 H2O unit cells with 1-4 f.u. at random geometries whose structures are then optimized pressures of 100, 150, 300, 400, and 500 Mbar. Addition- 2


Ice X[1]



0.015 I-42d -0.10 Pbca[4]


I-42d[5] 0.000

-0.15 Pbca



Pmc21[6-8] -0.20 7.6 8.0 8.4

2 3 4 5 8 10 12 14 16 18 20






P21/m Enthalpy (eV/f.u.) Enthalpy

-0.30 P21/c[7]







20 40 60 80 120 180 240 300 360 420 480

Pressure (MBar)

FIG. 1. (color online) Enthalpy versus pressure of different water ice structures. The reference following the name of each phase is the corresponding earliest report. In the lower panel, structures are provided for C2/m, P 21/m and I4/mmm, where large red and small blue spheres represent O and H atoms, respectively. The dashed line at 70 Mbar indicates the highest pressure explored in previous work. ally, we generate between 750 and 1150 structures with Cmcm structure of Ref. [20], hereafter Cmcm-12, be- 5-8 f.u. at pressures of 100 and 200 Mbar. comes less stable than a new Cmcm-4 structure, in which

Figure 1 shows two new, stable phases with P 21/m and three groups of bonds (different in length) exist without I4/mmm symmetry that appear at high pressure. More forming in-plane H3 clusters [20]. As pressure increases stable than C2/m above 135 Mbar, the P 21/m phase to 87 Mbar, the hcp structure (symmetry P 63/mmc) be- is also a monoclinic, layered structure that resembles comes stable. Different from the P 63/mmc structure pre- the C2/m phase except that O-H-O bonds are divided dicted in Ref. [21] (c/a ≈ 2), our hcp lattice exhibits a into two classes: one is shortened and straight, while the smaller c/a ratio of 1.58. The hcp structure remains sta- other is squeezed and distorted in different directions. At ble until being replaced by the fcc lattice at 180 Mbar. 330 Mbar, P 21/m is replaced by a tetragonal I4/mmm Having computed the ground state structures of H phase, which has the same structure as the L’2 phase of and H2O throughout a wide pressure range, we now ex- ThH2 [19]. I4/mmm remains the most stable structure plore novel hydrogen-oxygen stoichiometries, including up to 500 Mbar. Like the C2/m structure, an analysis of hydrogen-enriched structures H3O, H4O, H6O and H8O the electronic band structure shows that the P 21/m and and oxygen-rich structures HO, HO2 and HO4. Between I4/mmm phases are metallic. Structural parameters of 200 and 3000 random structures with up to 8 f.u. at these two phases are listed in Supplemental Table I. pressures of 20-500 Mbar were generated, depending on In addition to our initial studies on water ice, we per- the specific computational cost and searching efficiency. formed AIRSS on hydrogen (results see Fig. 2). Below 50 Figure 3 compares the stability of structures with dif- Mbar we find the same progression of ground state struc- ferent stoichiometries using a convex hull diagram [23]. tures, Cmca → C2/c → I41/amd (or F ddd) → Cmcm, This diagram shows the per-atom enthalpy of the com- as has been reported previously [20–22]. When pressure pound HmOn, as a function of fractional concentration exceeds 54 Mbar, we find that the 12-atom per unit cell of oxygen, x = n/(m + n), relative to a combination of 3



(a) HO

4 1.8

0 P=100 Mbar 0.9



0.0 C2/c[20]



Cmcm-4 8 -5 2 Fddd[22]

-0.9 HO

I41/amd[21] H O H O




Cmcm-12[20] -1.8 H O 4

3 -10


0.00 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.75 0.90



0.08 4 Enthalpy (meV/atom) Enthalpy

hcp -15 (b)



4 8 12 16 20 30 60 90 120 150 180



Pressure (Mbar)


FIG. 2. (color online) Enthalpy versus pressure of different -0.16 structures of hydrogen relative to I41/amd [21] in the left

Enthalpy Difference (eV/atom) -0.24 panel and the 4-atom Cmcm phase on the right. The refer- P(Mbar) 80 ence for each phase is given in the legend. In the right panel, 10 100 -0.32

20 120

structures of the 12-atom Cmcm of Ref. [20] and our new 30 140 H O


4-atom Cmcm are compared. The dashed line at 50 Mbar -0.40 40 160 indicates the highest pressure explored in previous work. 60 180

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35

Fraction of Oxygen Atoms the two phases at the ends. A particular HmOn phase is stable relative to a mixture of two phases of different FIG. 3. (color online) (a) Enthalpy of different H-O com- concentrations if its enthalpy lies below the line that in- pounds at 100 Mbar, relative to a mixture of pure H and O. (b) Enthalpy of hydrogen-rich H-O compounds at several terpolates between those two phases. In Fig. 3(a) we plot pressures, relative to a mixture of H and H2O. a convex hull diagram showing the enthalpies of possible H-O phases at a pressure of 100 Mbar. The H4O struc- ture emerges as the most stable on the hydrogen-enriched side of the diagram, implying that any H-O complex with an H:O concentration greater than 2:1 will preferentially form an H4O+H or an H4O+H2O mixture, in contrast to the H2O+H2 mixture we expect at ambient pressure. On the oxygen-rich side of the graph, the HO, HO2 and HO4 phases are unstable relative to H2O+O mixtures. In Fig. 3(b) we focus on convex hull for the hydrogen- enriched compounds including the H3O and H4O phases after having switched the right end from O to H2O. Besed on our calculations at 10 and 20 Mbar, we predict H4O FIG. 4. (color online) Structures of H4O-P nma (left) and to become stable relative to a mixture of H and H2O at H3O-bcc (right). Red and blue spheres denote O and H atoms, 14 Mbar. Such a pressure is predicted to for the core- respectively. mantle boundary (CMB) of Saturn and far below that of Jupiter. For pressures above 140 Mbar, we find H3O ¯ becoming stable relative to H2O+H4O mixtures. These (Im3m) structure above 110 Mbar, a layered monoclinic results imply that at giant-planet CMB pressures, in the C2/m structure (see Supplemental Fig. 1) at 20-110 absence of temperature effects, excess hydrogen present Mbar, and a slightly less stable orthorhombic Cmmm is incorporated into existing water ice structures to form structure (see Supplemental Fig. 2) between 20 and 100 the novel hydrogen-rich compound, H4O. On the other Mbar, whose enthalpy is very close (2-36 meV/f.u.) to hand, no oxygen-rich compounds will form, which is in that of the C2/m structure. agreement with recent calculations at high temperatures To verify the applicability of the PAW pseudopoten- [24]. tial under extreme pressures, we performed all- The H4O phase that we find here is a layered or- LAPW calculations using the ELK code [25]. The LAPW thorhombic structure with P nma symmetry. Each layer calculations for hydrogen at 80-180 Mbar reconfirm the is characterized by -H-O-H-O- chains, of which each O Cmcm → hcp transition at 87 Mbar and increase the is associated with one H3 unit shown in Fig. 4. Our enthalpy of the fcc structure by 5 meV, precluding fcc band structure analysis showed that the H4O structure to become stable until a pressure of about 200 Mbar is becomes metallic at 80 Mbar. For H3O, we find a bcc reached. We also recalculated the relative enthalpy of 4 two systems (H+H2O versus H3O, at 100 Mbar), and eration of structures likely to form at giant-planet core found that the difference between the two methods is conditions requires looking beyond traditional ambient- only 4 meV/f.u.. We further replaced the VASP-PAW pressure chemistry to explore unfamiliar stoichiometries pseudopotential of oxygen with an all-electron PAW po- and combinations of elements. tential (cutoff radius equals to 0.95 Bohr), re-optimized two H2O structures, I4/mmm and C2/m, and compared their enthalpy. The enthalpy difference, between the

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