Eastern Illinois University The Keep

August 1999

8-27-1999 Daily Eastern News: August 27, 1999 Eastern Illinois University

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 1999 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in August by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 86° Partly Friday 61 • cloudy August 27, 1999 Inside ETiStern Sports Welcome www.den.eiu.edu No E.asl>m llnoisU~ back students Chafies1on. I. 6t920 defense \A::ll.85.No.6 The Verge welcomes studen1s Back~ quarterback domi­ back lhrough 'Welcome Back ews 12pages nates defense in scrimmage. Kotter" and oor own Sweat Hogs. N Story on Page 8A StOJY in Verge, section B "Tell the truth and don't be afraid." $2.5 million expansion set for 2 services Health Services, Counseling Center to move into the University Union By Jason Maholy the current Health Savices building Staff writer will be demolished to make room for --- the $45 4 million expansion of the Plans are in the preliminary stages Doudna Fine Arts Center The reloca­ for the construction ofa new $2 5 mil- tion and increase in size of the uew lion facility on campus that will house facility is aimed at. improving the both Health Services aud the overall quality of heallh service the CoWJSe!ing Center uni;wsity can provide for its students The project. will involve close to a "\lk'll be able to mote efficiently 15,000 square foot addition to the utilizeourphysicians audpro;idebet­ Martin Luther King Jr University ter care for our patients," Hencken Union, said Lou Hencken, vice presi- said dent for student affairs The cost of Lynette Drake, director of Health the project will be f\mded by the •tu- Services, said the addition is greatly dent referendum fee, a fuud created to needed to support the growing popula­ provide for the construction orrenova- lion of Eastern students tion of 11 projects on cam.pus "Tue existing facility was built for Hencken said the idea to add a smaller population of students," Mandy Marshall I Photo ed~oi Health Services and the Counseling Drake said "\lk had more than Pam Diel, a medical technician for Eastern's Sludeot Health Services worts in lhe lab of lhe Health Services buid­ Center to the Uui;wsity Union is part 40,000 patients last year and we ing on Sevenlh Street Thursday afternoon. As part of the Campus Masler Plan, the present Health Services buid· of the Cam.pus Master Plan !hat was ing will be demolished and a new larger one will be added on to the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. unveiled last year As part ofthe plan, See EXPANSIONPage 2A Exercise key to smoother transition to college By Geneva Vttitte friends from high school behind and C.mpuseditof Freshman anxiety is normal, counseling director says meet new people "That can be particularly true if For some freshmen, the transi­ "It's normal for freshman to have a sorority or fraternity?, Onestak utes to go to a class .. you come from a small commtwi­ tion from high school to higher edu­ anxiety and to have doubts about. said Having to manage a budget for ty," Onestak said "You can kind of cation is uot an easy one whether or not they'll make it. here Ryan Fearday, a freshman busi­ the first.time is also a major source feel like you were the big fish in a This is something David at Ea.1ern," Onestak said ness management major, said he is ofam iety among freshmen small pond and uow you 'te like Onestak, director of the Counseling ''Everything's an unlmown here and woaied about embarrassing himself "A lot of•tudents ha;-e Ile\..,. had every othe£ fish at Eastern" Center !mows all too well He said it's a big transition for students» because he does not. know bis way to manage a budget," Ouestak said Jenny Lapapa, a freshman ele­ the coWJSe!ing center sees about. With the freshman year often around Eastern "Freshmen are doing this for the mentary education major, said it is 150 freshman e:vuy academic year comes questions •uch as Will I get. '1 don't know anything about. first time" tough not being "ilh her friends who are struggling in their fust.year along "ith my roommate?, Will I do how anything gees,» Fearday said Many freshmen also experience ofco llege well academically'? or Wu! I get into ''I' m not. used to wancing I 0 min- anxiety from having to leave their See EXERCISE Page 2A Smaller freshman cla~ leaves more space in residence halls

By Geneva 'Mite house two people instead of four Ford, McKinney Mandy ~ and \\~ are now o!lering triple rooms as deluxe Marshall I doubles Photo editor A decrease in incoming freshmen has allowed for Tue co•t. to li\oe in the K-'1iites, deluxe doubles Donald au increase in space at residence halls this semester and singles is an additional $550 and the deltLxe dou­ Rogers, Bin Scbnadrel, director of bou;ing and dining bles in Cannan are an additional $275 sophomore services, said there is mor.e room options at reidence "I really am pleased to ha\oe (the room options);' speech halls this semester because of a smaller freshman SchnackEI said '1 think •tudeuts have a great deal of communica­ class and a larger graduating class last '!'1ing benefits to li\oe on campus" lions major, "That allowed us to free up some space wi1h Scboackel said be hopes be can ooolinue to makes use some new options," Schnackel said "When we saw acccmmodate studenls' demand for more spaoe of his extra that. numbets were down, we developed some ~ "\\lo D deal "ith the ctment trend and be ready room space grams that will )ll'O\oide different optiom for first year when the numbers pick up again," be said Thursday students and better opportunities for returning stu- Tue Uicrea.e in space ccmes only a year afterres­ .~j iiltllllt afternooo by denls » idence hall O\>a<:rowding furced se\>aal students to playing~h Tue room options ha\oe been added to Stevenson, live temporarily in floor lounges The lounges, which his Play Taylor, Thom.as, Weller, Ford McKinney and have four closets, a •t°'e and a refrigerator, fwc­ Station in a Penilertoo halls Stevenson's K-suites now house tioned as both overflow space and a place for •tu• double room one person instead oftwo and Cannan's quads now dents to relax L-~~~~~~~~~=-~....:..:..:..::.:..:.:...... ;::::.;.~--1 heshares. 2 Friday, August 27, 1999 The Dally Eastern News F~stern P.Olice l\Jews Smith's inquest held DI otter Ttie D.lly ~;t,em Ne-.n is p;b isl"--Ed da~. White supremacist was pinned to van floor when died Moodayhough Friday, n Charleston. I .. N · ing bl and spN!g serc.ESters and tMce nelty SALEM (AP) - White suprema­ chin and ~'\'-et'red into an aban­ to kill himself because be never Alcohol violations tn\ l61920. near Salem on July 4 other officers 1beu be heard and the World Church of the Creator license and nuisances Poslmaster Send addttss ctranges «> The Oily Eas'lem Nm Al that point, Smith was •us• feh two muflled gun shots There, Smith killed an Asian col­ declared, a police report stat­ Suzzad liil pected in a series of racially moti­ "I had so nruch blood on me, I lege sl\ldent. ed Eas1emlliioislkiversity vated shootings in Illinois and didn't !mow if! had been shot," said Hours later, be abandoned his Charlestn\ 1.61920. Indiana that had begun two days Hiltibidal, who was not shot and car and ca1jaclred a minivan from a •James L Ray, 20, of 1909 before Two people were killed and had only minor injuries truck stop in Ina, about 33 miles 10th St was cited at 8:47 nine injured The inquest.was a routine step to south ofS alem in southem Illinois am onAug 21 \vithminor lftltibidal told the ettoner's jury determine whether the death was Police picked up his trail as be possession of alcoho~ posses­ Daily Eastern News staff sion ofa keg without. a per­ Edllor in cltief ...... Oeara Pede' that after be turned oo his lights, accidental or a suicide Hiltibidal drove toward a crowded holiday Manaljng ed tor ...... Nicde MNll"..e t' Smith fired a bullet. into his mw said be believed Smith was trying street festival mit and nuisances declared, a Kiewiedla _ ,,...... _ Jammie Sloup' police report said Msociale ne•'S e6tnf.... , _ ,,,...... Amy Thon' Ediicwial page eor w/OJ TODAY to receive assistance in preparing an Associate news editor Amy Thon Cl.lalt2~.eis.edu effe<:tive resume that highlights your career-related E

$8.50 Visic our web site for a Ilse of employers attending job fair Corner of 4th and Lincoln 345-2844 w The Dally Eastern News Friday, August 27, 1999 3A Downtown murals to depict area history By Matt Neistein White House as the nation's 16th City editor "-----­ president Tue nmral is located on They will beautify and one of the walls housing Mike 'n Charleston history will soon be revitalize the Town Stan's oo display in the downtown area in Another mural of Lincoln, this the form of murals and other 8J1" Square. one showing him saying goodbye to work Corinne Russell, his mother before leaving for The City of Charleston, aloog tourism cirector k>r the city Washington, wilt be painted by with the Tourism Advisory Board, Gaye Haaison on the Chamber of has commissioned four murals to be ______,, Commerce, 501 JacksonAve painted by local artists depicting The Charle.ton Riot will be the scenes important to Charleston's his­ Ele\i'en conmuuities in Illinois a1e •ubject of the mural oo lhe wall of tory, said Corinne Russell, tolllism members of the program, and the 1 & P P:mn Shop, at 518 Sixth director for the city Charleston is the ooly town with an St Becl..J' Spoon is illusuating the In addition, a statue to be placed Abraham Lincolu-Stepben Douglas clash between the Coppetheads, at a proposed musetun site ou the debate site The debate took place in •;mpathizeis ofthe South during the Coles County FaiJgrouruls bas been 1858 and was the fOlllth ofthe seven Civil War, and Nor!hem troops on Mandy Marshall I Photo editor submitted for ClOJl'lideration debates the two men held in the sen­ March 28, 1864 This mural il progress is located on anootside wall of Mike 'n Stan's on the cor­ "It's a big project," Russell said atorial race The mural of Lincoln's profile by ner of Monroe Avenue and Fifth Street. The artist. Diann Fletcher will be depict­ The nmrals are part ofan effort to "Tue tourism aims at. historic Cary Knoop will be dedicated out­ ing Abraham Lincoln arriving at the Charleston Trail Station. increase visitation to the do\"\tutO\"\tU sites," Russell said side City Hall in four to six weeks area, Russell said The murals ba\

Editor's 11016: This sir»)\ which """published brusiug allowanoe rather than li\-e in the uni­ then purchased by the .m..mty in 1987 sity will benefit from selling the house Real ill Thursday's edition of die Daig, &stem ,..,..;ty bow;e, 1112 \Vi11iamshiig Drive The fir!.t. president to live in the house was estate taxes can be collected as soon as the N,,..s, is being republished to CCiTeCt en<»s. The asking prioe will be detennined once a Gilbert Fite, who was follO\'-ed by Stan Rives house is privately ooned, and the univesity 1Jie N,,..s reg111ts the en.,rs. realty 3gef1Cj is chosen Tue proceeds will be and then David Joms, said Ted \lkidner, direc­ will save about $7,500 because the brusiug used to renovate a portiou ofthe Martin Luther tor offu.alities planning and management in e­ •tipend Surles recffi"5 is less than what the The unn-ersity is accepeing bids from real King k Uoo-ersity Union into a formal meet­ mail It is unknm'u 11


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Send l etlers to lhe edilor vi a e-mail to cudmp2@pen .ei u.edu The Dally Eastern News Friday, August 27, 1999 SA Twain impersonator to perform at the Fine Arts Center Speaker will include tales of sailing on the Mississippi and friendship

By~~~ft!~.~~s '' ------It's a rare opportunity to Tales of sailing along the Mississippi R;ve<, ruuning away have a person of thls caliber from home, ruding in the forest and come to campus. learning about n;endsbip will be Dan Crews, included in a •pecial petformance cfrector of publicity and promotion next week ______,, Impersooata< Jim POl.t. will pre­ sent "Mark Twain and the Laughing person of this cahl>er come to cam­ Mandy Marshall I Photo editor R;ver'' at 7 p m Monday on the pus," be said Post iocotpo­ Main Stage Theatre in the Doudna rates music in his ~101ies ofbeing a Keeping the funk in time Fine Arts Center to discuss Twain's boy in Hanmbal, Mo and of the novels and the adventures of rus people be knew Twelve ofhis songs Joey Arenbefg, senior percussion major, sharpens his skills Thursday afternoon outside MclDf'IQ•S l.00 ecel'I Addl

(AMA) was presented with the nized by the Mattoon Chamber of chapter of the year award Commerce, the Small Business Father of area The award, which is given in Development Center ofObney Surles welcomes recognition of the best.collegiate and the University of lUinois f acuity back chapter of American marketing, Urbana-Champaign Extension Brown's was awarded in April at the 21st. Procurement Technical Assistan<:e through luncheon Annual International AMA Center Chicken inbrief Collegiate Conference in New The Mattoon Chamber of Eastern President Carol Surles Orleans Commerce has been in operation "ill be hosting a factdty luncheon "This award was, aud still is a for 76 years, and is a membership victim killed al 0000 today in the Grand Ball real honor for this university," organization dedicated to eco­ CAA approves 3 Room of the Martin Luther King said AMA factdty adviser Sid nomic and community enrich­ CHICAGO (AP) - The Jr University Union Dudley ment father of one of the victims of f acuity members Surles is sched\ded to speak TheAMA, which has 100 The sobject of the seminar was the 1993 mass killing at a during the luncheon at I pm to members, s'Ubmitted a plan of suggested after Janet Meyer, exec­ Bro\"n's Chicken and Pasta to committees preseol her goals and objectives for action in fall 1998 utive director of the Mattoon was fowid stabbed to death in the year In the spring, the chapter sub­ Chamber ofCommerce attended his suburban Chicago condo­ The Cowicil on Academic "! will be sharing my goals with mitted a repott of the goals they a similar seminar W. Decatur two minium Affirirs Thursday briefly dis­ faculty that I shared with (Eastern's accomplished months ago Emil Mennes, 78, was cussed the r""iew of the genetal Board ofTrustees) al the last. board The plan included sponsoring "The majority of the businesses found at about noon education meeting," said Surles speaken to lecture on resiune in this area are very smal~" Meyer Wednesday in his second-floor CAA member Ron Woblstein "! also want to welcome factdty writing, promoting cOllllllWlity said unit in Palatine where he lived said the general education sub­ and chart the course for neoct year" service and raising money for "! felt that ha;ing this seminar alone, police said committee has revia1ied input Faculty mernbers shotdd have food drives would give the local and sur­ Police said he had been received in the spring received invitations over the s.um­ This is the first. time Eastern rounding area busW.esses mo1:e stabbed repeatedly in the "We've put together a new mer and were required to R S VP has received the highest award in exposure" chest statement of the mission ofgen­ fo< the luncheon, said Judy Gouell, the Midwestern Chapter Meyer said there has been a They found no weapon and eral education,» \Vohlstein said executive secretary for the presi­ Eastern defeated several uni­ huge response from not only have no suspect, and said they He said the subcommittee dem versities, including the University smal~ but large businesses as have no ""ideu<:e tying the case wotdd like to evaluate all its "Approximately 635 invitations ofIllinois in Urbana-Champaign, well to the unsolved Brown's implications before bringing for­ were sent out and 379 factdty Uui;'efSity of Puerto Rico aud Al the seminar, each of the killings ward a full report members replied About 200 fac­ many other schools in the United business O\vners will receive a Investigators believe The subcommittee "ill repott ulty members were unable to States and Canada disk to get them started on ge" Mennes, who was partially to the CAA at ne.-.t week's mee" attend because ofclasses or sched­ ting their businesses onto the paralyzed, had been dead sin<:e ing, \Voblstein said ules," said Gorrell - By Dar'Keilh Lofto11, Staff lntetuet at least the weekend "We want to infonn the coun­ "The 1~ rate \"\t-as excel­ ~11ter Those who attend the seminar Police said there were no cil of what we are doing," he leol " \vill review credit card pa;ments signs of a break-in at his twit, said The luncheon will be btdf°" and securities, good web sites vs and a pass-code or key is need­ The CAA also approved the style with carved roast beef, bone­ Internet marketing bad ones, the benefits of having a ed to enter the lobby of the three faculty members to three less chicken bteast and a variety of seminar comes good web site and the do's and building separate committees on campus salads don'ts ofInternet marketing The victim's son, Thomas Laurent Gosselin, professor of The luncheon should end to Mattoon area "! hope this seminar will help Mennes, was one ofseven peo­ family and conswner sciences, around I :30 p m create awareness of what internet ple who were shot together the was appointed to the reim1ate­ Local business owners will marketing is all abot1t," Meyer night of Jan 8, 1993, or early meut committee, English profes­ -By Melanie Schneider, have the opportunity to attend a said the next morning at the sor Frank McCormick was Adminishntion editor free local seminar discussing "I'll hope to see good results Brown's Chicken in Palatine appointed to the Textbook Rental Internet marketing from the businesses after the sem­ Two of the victims were Se.vice Advisory Committee and The seminar will be held from inar and organize a educational the owners of the restaurant Tim Mason, CAA member and Eastern AMA 8 to 10 am Tuesday in the symposiwn as a follow up to the aud the other five we-re economics professor, was chapter receives Burgess-Osborne Auditorium in seminar" employees appointed to the enrollment. man­ the Chamber of Connnen:e build­ For more information about. the The killings spawned a agement conunittee marketing award ing at 1701 Wabash Ave in seminar contact Meyer at (217) massive investigation but uo Mattoon 235-5661 one was ever charged Police - By Meghan McMahon, Staffedi­ The seminar, titled "Internet believe robbery was the tor Eastern's chapter of the American Marketing Association Marketing Strategies," was orga- - By Branden Delk, Staffwritm· motive

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astounding 19 32, cracking bis national 200 wocld record by 34 sec­ Scoreboard onds sports Though the difference was SrlRi!ISOO 61 60 8.5 Si.UIA 0 2 0 S!MltallllOk!WaotlM~ l!flll•J19l.artumwt¥1111cen. nol as huge this time, Johnson EIU CALENDAR t.c'M;Et!6 sa 69 0Jl <»aa Lu pe (AM) recail!fl lefJhlSh!:p~fll l:I O~iifCCWI· TOMY Sr!Deg> 5a 11 ZIJl ,...... CtttJmara7p.m. p kh2 """""" Detn'.11 Tlgm - Mq~IH ou!t:Eflf. liAdfOO atll f Oll liMCfal'fa~ of Brazil more one N:)ti!NS,ete31Ed Parrela than OfONllO~ill' Gre!n~tNewOten 6 p.m. er Jetr1~ ' mm ae SNll~ il:ll lf!J'tng50aill.JOari1 SUNDAY second back at 44 29 PtlWglltCOCQ:l:)-4 c.JtlN'al"""""""'M hCft 6Jlp.a -wammastlt 6econclp!aJef"t> Mal!ltlpi. lP,11.-Wom!ll:'Uor:Ufal lrd5 Johnson smashes SrlOEg>• M:irta.leeJ Mal!aal&<.ate 6p.m. ~ na111e' 111 a Geil 111 ootMler centtalTeaS~#r!('oU'tl.) But just like Atlanta, as Johnson ~ BNllHll'ller«1Ap12t. - StJl!ll t80Spm_ ftie CM!ract Cl pllcllef 8u!lff MW!h# Elk PerdCOM atll the crowd and smiled broadly N:'lf·M n o MtwaileetSillDl!gl)9CSp.m. car~ r«:i'IH pb::lfr HNOI S«ftttwrl!ata«eltft6em• With bis cbuming legs a blur Then, be stood next to the field 6cQ:lll E6 M 8.5 N!W'«IUl:NIZIN al 90Spm_ wimr •cm La& 'IEJCSplfl -~.10 SfeFl\all:~\fetpl!!5i1enl 1ttwa:llOit1118a6cotn!batrtff· -~" drelilllt.ilK. 'jtiifCO'!llael Reynolds in 1988, the coofi­ oot~d ruu even fu•ter PlllugrlalSrlfa'IClll»JCSpa 'CrlilUE'al~'«d8 p.a. Allilr0il:Sl.~70S p.a 'A'ESTS!l.lfCOlfflRfJCE lill~~llK -Rt­ Sl Lo18 Atlttldl (MPSL) - deut, highly focused Jobmou can do better, but it 's a -6lj9C>tap1 Niln'l!fl Ja!!l:Slmnetooacfl. ''I 'Mhr:nt ...... ot/ N!W'1'1UNIZIN 7<6p.m. '~tee~lttwa:llA/IClae QU})ill.06MJf<'' 7C5pm Hl:Ut:llall.C'M;ft!68llp.a. ~!MOil COlllif gave a performance reminiscent world reoord I broke the world Alftllal6cS:Xl60Sp.a. _,q,, san MIMb spm - s~ t ee PmX ua;ue - NafWO Oarfd of bis 200-meter llium.pb at the -- -~" agmtll1'U'41Saa&\w.all!flft0 w~~•!IS!ra'htlhlem. record in the 200 and then shat­ lllil5al"M06t5pm_ l.06~.ttttutrl • p.a. """"""' NFL WO tlE a one-)Nf con­ ~fft.gofeoacllna:'IHl'o:ttian IQra(J¥alMrmUU l(Spm_ ....,, I -·· iil:t wntO 'lll:le ffQetlff Ja!!e5 coiilCll M:mn Eadl ari1 'ICttJflal .... I MLS ~~Sllam8¥1Ua!d COiilCll On Mei5M~ ~ DENfl 'gg Alftllal6cS:XI 1205,a - 0 ale altietk Olrtetof\ unH lllil5al"MD 1205p.m. ""''"' Cleltfl5t1terii11 0illltS~ ...... 0 Den'ol!f Brof'IC06 - M1H IN+ a'&"li.M!tlbollla1 ~ca ari1 ~e the excitement! tlfll'a6ljalCJ!tEfilrll 1205pm_ """"' ""m"""""'.. l ... NeterlllTfDumas. &irrauomit 1205,a ... WaJWr f1 1 di - DC. Delrolt U01'15 - warlf' o 3 -~ g 15 it ~ Wa:Et&cifl. "9· OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM "'1IClllaofl!-)'ear ~1Cil1Jt'le:lgbl! toffb! Phone#: ______"61 "59 11"5 ,..,. I .I l.06~ 158 J9 1S99Wl

DENfl '99 RULEBOOK good," a visibly upset Spoo said second-leading rusher, be hind Al enklesartoue trt'' p.m. Th.:~ sept. 9 il'tl IJle eni'y bUcanlleUtt o fl t..o"'¥-trl'lg'f'" ccm­ Scrimmage following the scri=ge Justin Lynch pleleJ b'm ilM ~ID b h tat"'it.elear6 nea:n1N6kt111 IDe n.nflltl> SC:udlOiJG eacnv-tQ"..e6Cl1f\'llleOOJllflf.t ~<:illt>eb.llCl recet.e p'21e5 ncraremt1get;.111l~Nlltle& rop.in::rtaoel'l!OE'66a'Y g,JQ'e I '4:1 WI HCn1lil6 ;rA Ghana. nents ou Eastern's schedule, downside But when the season opens, Spoo did not. s hare Grace's out­ Running backs Jabarey McDavid which one will be in the back­ l'KM'THE POllTSWORK:~-pa&Ol'lg)Q'l:l6R l'l'IJQlle(ltlf .1 tr.XfU))ll'l6ft 10p:ttl&Httlar'IJ ~R-58:11 Al.n"rgta:IS- Nn'qy.;rtl&

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Charleston ADVERTISE ... ONE AD 909 18th Street 348-7515 IN THEDEN CLASSIFIED WILL MAKE$ FOR YOU! 1 Friday 8A .. ---~= ·sports August 27, 1999 Choice • c~ut Where's the defense? 1:11111 Backup (]!larterback Spa1s IKilor emd:a.o:m pen.81l. tears up first-string This is bad, dude unit in scrimmage Athk"'5 may want to be •bit more careful thi$ >=when By Kyle Bauer @etting ready for• g:une. or taking Assoaate spo<1S ""'°' 0 Showcr ufitN'Otd.,. Tl1af- in the wake of rwo 1nc1· Backup quarterback Julius Davi> put pn o clcms where athku-s have been the ; huw. running the scout o(fense in the victims of hidden C1ll1lCf1lS in lock· Panthers' prescason scrimmoge Thursday er rooms. "hich ha>'C ~uh.-d in nil!.hl. .___ them oppe:iring nude on the ·Davis had momcnrs Wh lhat dis· "He's got skills," head coach Bob Spoo ujbutcd the lllpOS. said "But we (the defense) los1 contain quite In 311 unrelated 1ncidcn~ Lance • few times and they got bfhind us a quite a Schncidcnnlln of Shumw;iy. pl.ad· few times." cd JUilry 10 pixing a camera in the With 1hc ~on-opener less than a week visiu"''' locker room at Easlem away. the Pan1her defense is becoming more during a fooiball gun'IC la.<1 season of a concern. ogam$t Southca." Mi ott for at le~t • couple of Ndo.p...,..urc \\eek<. wi1h J lnc:e injury. E.1.1ll) 1( JI""" sr:~IO" To add 10 the depth trouble' at linebacker. lulC'mcn ltO the 1.1~ . rcd~hin Cr!!"'hma.n Joe ("rodcr w:ls injured 1n lu.;1 night"!\ scnmm::igc an\I may miss the It's for the kids ~nlll't: 'JSC of more rep>. N-fo<< E.c\lem lw-l< 11> flN We arc down • couple er player> due to O'Brien Stadium. LEfT: Sophomore 18.ilbacll foo.111 ~amc Sept. 18 "~""'' lniury nght now. but we'll be ready next Southern lllinOJ>. wed:. Wayne Brown beats two Comulcr JI the Ea.\lem way - "W<'>< been going at ~ for lhtee weeks delenders to the sideline. running behind on conwuctioo In now and I think we're ready 10 hit an oppos­ l3olh Brown and McOavid 818 the mid 1980s when O'Brien had ing team.'' he said. fighting h Olll for the Sl8l1lng lighLS installed. that project ran "We 're sick of pracucrng. h gets boring spot.,.. a.< . behind well. hitting the same guy.s all or the !Jmc." Now. Eastern $1udenLS arc supposed 10 believe the renovatiOll See SClllflllllAllE Page 7A of 6oOlh Library will be done in 30monm... Yeah right. If anybody bclie\-cs that. then Women's soccer team opens season at Tech they n win<. While and it's goini to be a tough game The game lbould be • pn:\liew In any""-'"· II can·1 be as bad as Cookeville. TeM. th< two sqwds .,. m the Ohio for us to open up with. They hllvc of what Will DO cbabt Pl'O\le 10 be a hovmg the rnach retum from a • "Aftc:r coming out of the prose•· v.u.,, Conf "'"m will be of tninois Sunday for • I p m. which the Panlhers finish'Cf}' competili\-c." ~ the Golden Eagles. in terms ofbuilding ((JOlfidcnce end talking about the womcn·,Jeam BOlh Eacmg 'If""" 1/1111 will tokr thtir ~ Wisconsin Green-Bay m Eas1cm's quality, we'U kind

1 • magazine

ing more hours in jail than he does class. d' dan ochwat and cfwisty kilgore Scott Gallardo, senior speech communications major, is Epstein, Verge w:Jitas who Gallardo remembers would always bring a note from his he last semester of the millennium has kicked off and stu­ mother to class. dents are preparing to head into their party groove.Thus, Don Lupo, senior English major, has been nominated as "Boom T The Verge would like to welcome students back and pro­ Boom" Washington and Jay An ken brand, senior physical education file their partying habits "Welcome Back Kotter" style. major is Horshack. A group of guys hailing from a beaten house on Seventh Street "We're pretty boring," Lupo said, disagreeing with the compar­ have been chosen as The Verge's designated Sweat Hogs. While ison to "Welcome Back Kotter's" rambunctious gang, the Sweat they may not be as crazy as Vinnie Babarino, lJan Luis Pedro Hogs. But "We're very popular," he noted sarcastically while wav­ Phillipo de Huevos Epstein, Freddie Percy "Boom Boom" ing hello to a female friend strolling by the house. Washington or the elite Arnold Dingfelder Horshack, these boys Casey, Lupo, Gallardo and Ankenbrand usually begin a typical have done worse things than put chalk in the eraser. weekend drinking on their porch. However, they still "party like rock stars," said Dan Casey. sophomore undecided major. Casey is Vinnie Babarino for spend- thb ,,the VERGE of the Weekend Life,campus, Hollywood ~d an ochwat Vetyeedit:ir

Journalism is a protession based on people. Featuring... The essential goal for a newspaper is to service the public by intorming them about daily events and issues. However, the intormatjon needs to be acquired through people in order to ser vice the people. Daytimer Basically; newspapers depend on people. And through all of this contact with people, newspapers arent intimate enough with their readers and the public that supports them. (I'll try not to write the word •peo­ wi th special ple" again in this column). There is an obstruction between reporter and reader like that of a massive head sitting in front ot you guest... at Showplace 8. The reader really doesnt care about the reporter as long as a newspaper is resting under The Flapjacks their school desk every morning.Th e reader doesnt seem to care how the paper gets to the desk; the read­ er just wants the newspaper. Thus, w~h this new weekly column, I would like to clear the path between reader and reporter and move away trom the swelling head sitting in tront of us. I would like to connect reader and reporter. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SHOW STARTS AT 9:00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Let us dismiss the business relationship ot, •1w r~e the paper, you read the paper and only talk when needed.' I want to gossip. I want the reader to e-mail me, call me, gossip in class. Or talk to me while stumbling around Martys. Let us gossip and report together about the gossip in our daily lives - about l~e. campus and Hollywood. We can exchange stories about everyday l~e. For example, why is my girlfriend always freezing in the car, and I am alw11fS hot?The struggle tor comtort in the car is like pulling a rag doll trom a dogs mouth. r ArtSpace1 We can talk about campus l~e. For example, Wl°o/ cant I tind a decent looking hat on campus that reads · 4.6 714 Monroe ~°'u, ' Eastern Illinois Univers~y.• Halt the kids on campus wear U of I hats or the dreaded •cocks" hat. we-ffl 5 ..lt>ur.s V.s ll

for questions or comrneits e.mail to [email protected], or call 581-2812 .. NEW Loo~ r KO TTERFR OM PAGE 7B '-'r"*""'r'""*1415111.S•sir..rt " o-ui..n-.u~

-We start at 4 o'clock, give or take a few hours; Occasionally; the group will go see live music and Back To School Special Brand New Lupo said. noted The Reverend Robert Blues Band as one Casey, Lupo and Gallardo live at the tall white group they saw frequently last year. Aug & Sept 175 Speed house equipped with a medium size deck, perfect for The sweat Hogs expressed they are looking for­ drinking and grilling.. Ankenbrand, like a typical ward to seeing old friends this school year but are 10 for $30 Super Bed! Horshack, comes to hang around. already dreading mid-terms Oill far otrer great epecialsi 32 Bulbs & 3 Face Tanners Aher an early start at partying at their house, the Ankenbrand said he is worried about student 1625 B 18th St. • 348-8123 guys then head to the bars, of which Martys is their teaching soon, but with a model teacher like Mr. favorite choice. Koteeer, as 'Boom Boom" suavely S11fS, Ankenbrand The boys generally spend quite a bit of money on will be fine. the weekends on various social lubricants, they said. Casey, on the other hand, isnt frettjng graduation Rush L:N The rest ot the week is spent starving or scraping up but registratjon. Gasey only has one class so tar and is what food there is around. struggling to get more. "Those free Milky ways last year kept me alive for One act these sweat Hogs wont venture into is Informal Rush a while; Casey said. fighting. The Sweat Hogs said they tend to stay in 'Wete lovers. not fighters;' Gallardo stressed. He Friday August 27th Charleston on the weekends rather than go to their is more worried about sleeping with women who can various hometowns, except tor Ankenbrand. who is beat him up. hej oked. an otticial townie who lives with his parents. And the The guys also dont have to worry about their All you can eat first two weeks ot school mainly consist ot partying weekend activitjes.This gang ot Sweat Hogs has and Kotter-esque high jinks. minus the high school already begun partying, and for this weekend and d11JS burgers, brats & hot dogs backdrop. to come they will end the millennium ' like rock stars.• "The first two weeks are kind of pointless; Vinnie, Epstein. Horshack and Boom Boom would live DJ Gallardo noted. be proud. Questions or rides r;a/l Dave@ 6502 or 6898

1111 ~~rty's Italian Beef w/ Fries $3 ..wi staff EIU's 4 o'Clock Club COP.Y editois $4 Pitchers JAIME HODGE, "Best Draft in Town" CHRIS SIEVERS, MAIT NEISTEIN ~~ 99ct Burgers & Vienna cover design Jlll!!!'!!!!ll!• Associate Verge editor CHRISTY KILGORE _! o~o~~:::~ay ___ CHRISTY KILGORE $1. .Th Bottles $2 Capt. Mixers of them will fight with Reese about partying. tor the eclectic mix of music pre­ •A lot of people throw a song il/chr"rsty kilgore and dan ochwat her hectic schedule and missing •it teaches you you have to per­ sented by the Daytimers which together and we take a lot ol time; Verge edtotS practices. form no matter what; he said. Reese describes as rock. Williams Williams said. Whatever the bicker, Daytimer Reese told ol one gig where she describes as pop and Karey As opposed to some bands that At least one typical college band is a serious band striving to com­ saw a group of guys turn around describes as alternative. leave quite a bit to be desired in the that spent the requisite time playing plete what W illiams calls their and walk out of the bar when they This style description could pro­ lyrics area, Karey and Reese try to tor their drunken triends has come "vision." discovered there was a $3 cowr duce a jumbled sound but in this make the words as important as into its own in what could be called ·we want ~ to be perfect; charge. case it just illustrates the ditterent the instrumental. the iocal big time: Williams said. •And I'm a total girt; she said.• 1 flavors. flairs and influences each ·we put a big emphasis on the The band Daytimer consists ol lyrics; Karey said. live Eastern students who are more Reese added, •The message if dedicated and serious about their you will." music than an average college band. The two unique guitar sounds of 'We're not just screwin' around an acoustic and electric guitars to make money; said Ryan Karey, blend and compliment each other guitarist and senior art major. to give the bands music a tuller Daytimer is tour guys and a gal sound, the members said. lead vocalist who all share a collec­ •(Warrens) got a ditterent play­ tive dream and goal, and since their ing style than I do; Karey said.• 1•m lirst recording last year, the venues more rm." haw become bigger and the days Williams said Warren's playing off fev.ier. style is more "blues-ey• and The band is playing alongside the described his possible influenoes as Flapjacks at 9 p.m. Friday at Top ol Phish and Dave Matthews. He the Roe and have a booked sched ­ added that Warren is •very instinc­ ule reaching mid-October playing tive; picking up on any new tune across Chicago, in Springtield, the band begins. Champaign and Western Illinois The band plans to take a break University in Macomb. trom live venues at the end of The band is made up ol Dan October to start recording their second CD. The d~lerences Williams, drummer and senior Photo courtesey of Dayfimer political science major; Annie between the old and the new CDs The members of Oaytimer, consisting of five Eastern students, rock on at one of their summer gigs July 3. This will be notable, the members said. Reese, lead vocalist and senior time, the bband had traveDed to O'Malley's in Chicago to show lhe Windy City a good time. merchandising major; Tom Warren, •The first one was basically to acoustic gu~arist and junior busi­ get the music out - to let people ness major; Dave Gierhahr, bassist This summer the band got some take everything personally. It hum­ band member brings to the tinal hear it"W illiams said. and senior industrial technology practice tine-tuning their sound in bles you• product The diverse styles also The second CD looks to be major, and Karey. front of more •sophisticated" Not many people are walking work to make the music more more polished and suitable for The five members gradually crowds when it played at locations out on Daytimer, though and the accessible to the average listener sending to record labels tor possi­ came together in recent years around Chicago like O'Malley's. Joe experience ol playing in front of who rarely devotes him or herse~ ble deals. the group said. through close hometown friend ­ Bailey's, Sluggers, Kennys Tavern crowds who werent there solely to one kind ol music. The Daytimers had nothing but ships and mutual triendships. and the Waterloo. for the beer helped the band grow And though Daytimer is not a good things to say about their Things arent always triendly, •The bars we would play at (in musicall)\ cover band by any means. depend­ openers, the Flapjacks. a band that however. Chicago) were completely different "lbu should hear a tape when ing on the place, a concert-goer plays Chicago venues and can be 'We fight all the time; said crowds; Reese said. • You !eel like we first started playing; Williams could hear Led Zeppelin, the heard on Chicago radio. Reese said Reese, who describes herself as you're interrupting .• said. Rolling Stones, Eagle Eye Cherry or you can expect to hear Dave •always stressed out" Karey said audiences in the They said they did have even Michael Jackson songs. Matthews Band. Phish and some The band argues about all things Windy City are more discriminat­ instances ol seeing the same people ·we play a wide variety ol cov­ '70s covers. band-like, from scheduling prob­ ing than those in a college town like at a lot of the shows they played. ers;Williams said. · ~you get out to see them, its a lems to the sound ol their music. Charleston, and the crowds in indicating a growing group of fol­ The band also devotes a great real treat" Karey said. Karey and Williams said they will some cases were older and out for lowers. deal ol time to writing what Karey tight about ewrything. and the two relaxation rather than hard-core The tans are probably coming described as •quality songs."

sat sept 4 at Slugger's, 3540 N. CIMk. Chicago. (Right across trom Wri~ey Field) sun. sept 5 trom 5 - Sp.m. live broadcast on North central College's 89.1 WONC, Naperville. Fri. sep. 17 at O'Malley's, 11957 Pulaski Ave.,Alsip. sat. sep. 18 at the 49'er, 518 Bruns Laie, Springtield. Fri. sep. 24 at Sean Kaley's, Rt 83 aoo Archer, Lemont (OUtside in the beer garden.) sat. Sep. 25 at Joe Bailey's, 109 st. aoowestern, Chicago. (NO cover charge.)

10 p.m. Fri. Aug. ll rriends & Co. frea 345-2390 Daytim

~n ochwat his words, then comedy this most laughs. mainly in the restau­ Vergeedita grasps his floppy attribute is vital. rant scene that spouts Italian hair in retreat ' Mickey Blue accent butchery, like ' Forget about it" is a famous searching for the E)llS" becomes lessd •fuhgheetabowditt.• Italian phrase uttered in many correct words and a romantic comedy The conflict in the movie comes gangster films. finally delivers a because of when Frank tries to connect Felgite Hugh Grant utters this Italian catchy line making Tripplehorn's plain· into the mob, but Gina wil I not phrase with an Italian mobster his female adorers ness and the movie marry Fe lgate if he is sucked into accent while fumbling with his blush. centers on Felgate the glory of banging car doors on British one. The result is. • Aaa1tj Grant sticks true and his connection money-owing victims heads. fuhgheetabowditt.• to form in with his fiance's Of course. Felgate fal ~ in line with The reaction is big laughs and ' Mickey Blue mob father. mob activity and the marriage gets in half the theater repeating • AaEj Eyes: as Michael Gina's father, trouble. There are no surprises in this fuhgheetabowditt; while herding Felgate, a high pllolo <:«nosy" www.11tict0Jllf1..,...com Frank, is played by movie, and while the audience can out the theater. cl ass auction Soe ~ · Soe i..s• ma fllllJ .....,IS. flmJ. ~. funy. H19t Grant st>" .. ' Godfather• alum guess ewry s:ene. the movie makes The movie is "Mckey Blue Eyes.• house manager. llichaol falgala i• "llictoy e... c, ...• James Caan. Caan is fa" a good lalgh. Grants second romantic comedy He brings the enj oyable as the Especially, Hugh Grant and a of the summer following ' Notting sa me laughs as he did to his carry the same chanm or chemistry cl iched leather jacket wea ring, funny stuffed gorilla. Check out Hill" starring Julia Roberts. ' Mickey character in • Notting Hi 11; but Jeanne Tripplehorn ("Basic Instinct") is maroon suited, gold flashing and the stuffed gorilla if anything. . Blue Eyes• is a funny movie and this movie doesn't have Julia the love interest. p11tjing Gina, a gun toting mobster. And he mocks Grant has all the laughs. Roberts, and the movie doesn't school teacher and daughter to the I~ estyle and actions perfectl)I as Grant has this idionc Wllf of trip­ live up to the success of ' Notting the mob. does his mobster counterparts. ' Mickey Blue Eyes• ping all <:Net himseW that is extremely Hill." Tripplehorn is a boring actress Grant and Caan have excellent Castle Rock Entertainment with no flair and for a romantic funl"o/ and chanming He fumbles <:Net The movie isnt bad. it just doesnt chemistry together and control the **

There's a better way - to save time & money " the VERGE of the Weekend New clothing store offers formal attire for men along with a little history and personal service sories. ing. ---....-----. clwisty kilgore ti The store was originally ' You can go buy your Associate Verge edita located on the Square in Marion clothes off the rack or you can For a store that opened on and was bought by Doughty!> make them lit you; said July 5, Doughty!> is lull ot histo­ aunt and uncle in 1955. W hen Doughty, who has been titting ry. they retired, the Doughtys took people lor clothes since she The quarter sawn oak cabi­ over and moved the store to was 12 years old. Special orders nets were shipped by rail to Charleston. are also no problem tor the Marion in 1918 and the cash reg­ The remodeling process store. ister was built in 1911. The label began in February and the build­ The store also will have maker uses early 20th Century ing was • taken down to the bare tuxedo rental service by the typeface technology and the one bones; Doughty said. The cabi­ beginning ol November and lighted cabinet was wired tor nets are tree standing and alterations to suits bought at electricity in 1907. depending on the model, come Doughty's are included in the -~==;;__....,:;o;...i. ______....:.,. __.IC"-----1 •students probably aren't as in three or live pieces and were price, she said. Mandy Marshall/ photo editor interest ed in the histor y as installed in about lour hours. much as what's in (the store); The ironwork gate in the store tcp Ne.I store a..ner Lisa llo.l;lhty sh:w3 off tte said Lisa Doughty, who along was done by local artist and fb:rJ;! s early W:h °"1l::wy bmss aS1. re;ii.ster with her husband Trevor owns blacksmith Lorelei Sims. ..mah feedm:es a quart.er ....., csk camn.t. Doughty!> men's clothing store So lar business has been located on the north side ot the good, Doughty said. lib: 1te new store ft.at at D:::l.tj1t:y'" s men' s Square. ·we've been very pleased cl.cthiQ;i s:.are feabJres ixmak !::¥ a local b1a:k • W hat is in the store are mod­ with the response; she said. sni.th am a hat am """"m:tif. ern lines ol tormal mens cloth­ • And usually summer is slow." ing, including ties, suits, sport The atmosphere ol the store coats, hats, socks and acces- is one-on-one and accommodat-

Wanted Men E.l.U. Cheer team Eastern llinois University needs YOU!! practice mon-thurs. CAMUS RECREATION 4-6 if interested call ~ Julie@ 7151 ~ ~ ~

Mondo) l\u:-;d ~ \\cdnesda~ llrnr do

600-700am 6

J 3(hl OOpm 3 30-4 OOpm 3 30-AOOpm 3 30-400pn Abs Abs Ab. Ab.

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5 30«1-00pm S·Jo-6 OOpm 5 30-600pm 5 30-o OOpm Abs Abs f\bi Abs l•.r/I' " Place a • BIRTHDAY 600 700pm 600-700pm 600 700pm 0 00 700pm Sol'° Smply Slap Solso Cordio·BoJ< AD with a 630 7 30pm 630 730pm 630·7 JOpm 030 7 30pm Aqua PHOTO & Aquo Aqua Aqua MESSAGE 700-SOOpm 700·800pm 7 00 800pm in the Cord oCounlry In-line Slap Pow• 51.ip E11st~ 8»11111 8 00-900pm 8 00-9 OOpfl> N~wsl ~ Cord10 8oJC Fun Ii. 1 i;4f Clas Sif ie dad Y~!!~!!}~g~O!!!!• !!!!th!!!!!leVER lll!!!!G!!!!Eof!!!!the!!!!We!!!!eken~d Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted For rent For sale Announcements

S25 + PER HOUR health. life. dental. 401K. No ~------~·8127 $200 o.b.o. Call Trish at 345- WELCOME BACK STUDENTS! ~red sales reps needed NON! experience needed. paid training. ~-----~~8127 Sleeping room plus.. W'lcludes use 16"6. EASTSIOE PACKAGE WEEK­ Martlet credt card appl. Person - Rewardng and fulfilling job W'Of't(­ Pizza Maker wanted at Pagliai's of kitchen. laundry. local phone END SPECIALS. LITE 18CNS lx>-Person ing with DO adults. All hOU'S, all Pizza. ~ply in person after 4pm. calls. cable t v .• etc. .. $9.99, COORS LT. 18CNS S9.99. ~o~,.~.••~ ~ ,-w~it~h~m~i~rr~o,~f~o~r ~.:f!· Commissions avg $250-50Ch\\4L shifts avaiable. \r\lill 'NOl1t around ______1600 E. Lincoln. Chateston. .913 Call 348-6400 KEY. LT, ICE 18CNS S6.99, 1-800-651-2832 you class schedtJe. Apply at 738 Good condition $35. Cal A.tindy CORONA 12 8TlS $10.99. CAP­ 18th St. Charleston EOE. at 348-1511. TAIN MORGAN 750ML $9.99. Botany majors and Plant lovers: =0orm--....,~. - ..~fri ~ge-ratOmega Zip drive END SPECIALS. LITE 18CNS $230 per month. 348-8252. and Epson 740 color pri nter. $9.9Q, COORS LT. 18CNS S9.9Q, ~AT=T=E=N=T=1o=N~. -~AT=T=E=N=r='1 8'~. $ 1599 o.b.o. e-mail inquires to KEY. LT, ICE 18CNS $6.99, ~--~-~~~·913 ~--~--~~:8127 Olarleston School District #1 is in Graphic Arts Designer: EIU stu- CCAR Indus-tries is k>oking for ~------~913 [email protected]. CORONA 12 8TlS $10.9Q, CAP­ need of substitute teachers. dent who 'Ail belong to 3 person staff to work. evenWlg. nights & Oldetowne Management 345· TAIN MORGAN 750ML S9.Q9, Substitute t eaching requires a team which is responsible !Or cn­ weekend shift. A and PT hen.rs 6533. I bdrm apts. still available. ~~-~~--~·W1 GALLO W/ ZIN 1.5L $5.QQ, teaching certifica1e or a 4 year afing. designilng and distribution available. Ae.x:tlle schedule. paid 1986 Blue 2·28 Camaro with sil­ HONEY BROWN KEGS $59.QO, dewee. Inquire at the mit ofioe. of helath promotion martteting training is pro.1ided. A4Jplications '00" ver spoiler. Pampered. 88K. ICEHOUSE K EGS $53. 50, 410 w. Polk. Charleston. campaigns. contact Eric can be obtained at 1530 Lincoln Eagle GTll Wes. $7000 firm-seri­ EASTSIDE PACKAGE 18TH & Davidson. Assistant Director for Ave. Oiarleston. IL 61920. E.O.E Sublessors ous .-.quires orly. 34~5802 afler JACKSON 345-5722 ~Oo~)OU~play=--~,~,wi~ t~h~o<~he--'rs8Ftt Health Education and Promotion 5pm. in Room 3008. Qth Street Hall for 12113 ~-~--~-~·8127 so. this is the opportuMy for you. an applica1ion 3Q1217786 Sublessor needed for fall ·g9. Coles County Pawn. 4th & We are currenUy looking for spr'OO school year-own room­ =·a~5 ~Monte~~ea-'1o-ex--oe~llent~oo~1. Madison 345-3623. Buy. Sell, Wanted close t o campuY1109 6th St.­ PT/FT incividuals that are inter­ ~-~~---~·8131 tion. 82.000 mites-$2500 obo. Trade. Adult Room. magazines. ested in extending their resume WANTED: Volunteers t o h elp contact Carla Robinson 345· Call 234-2762 xxx tnO¥ies. toys. ncwelties. and I do transcription work in my 4 185. with computer technical experi­ plan and conduct October Alcohol pipe shop. ence. Fax/mail your resume to home. Legal. Grad Students. Q/2 Awareness Ca~aign . Contact etc... Experienced, Confidiental. 217·345- 1010. 25 Kickapoo Amanda Cox:i Health Dedication W4 386 Computer, color. print er, .()()" Prompt. 345-9656. l eave a Place. Charleston. IL Attention Cootdinator in Room 3010 in 9th Word Perfect 6 . Good for message. Human Resoorces or call 217- street Hal orcall 581-7786. Roomates Wordprooessing-$200. 348-1876. Personals ~1535. 8127 "'30 ---~----·8127 2 male students looking for a 3rd Tropi-Tai Chubby's Pizza is now hiring to share a 3 bedroom apt @ the F.-st Anniversary Speci_.1 week ~Ma~ttoon~-Academy~~-of~Gymn~--'~ delivery drivers. pizza makers. For rent Atrium for 99--2000 school year: Announcements orly-10tans for $20. a.nd Dance needs gymnastic and phone girls. Apply in person $280 per month. fully furnished. Register for free 10 packs. instructors and dance instructor. 215 at L.nooln Ave.. V ERY NICE STUDIO APART· Call 8 15-434·1582 or 8 15-434· Wolf Furniture Gallery at Cross 6 18 W. Lincoln. 348-8263 Teaching Exp. preferred. Also MENT 303 7TH. FURNISHED. 0173. need receptionist Mth computer Col.l'lty Mall in Mattoon has twin WATER. TRASH PAID. S275 I mattress's starting $79.Q5 and skills. Must be willing to wortt ~M=o=o=EL~S~N=E=Eo=E=o=.~M~.,·~, at ~-~-~--~·8127 MO. SMALL PET ALLOWED 8124 Dorm Size refrigerators for with ct*lren. 235-1080 °' 752· female for painting dass lor Fall "''" Beanbag beanbags including rent. 3 348-0927 EIU beanbags starting at $54.95. sizes. Phone 348-7746. 9-5. 6706. 1Q99 semest er and weekend For sale drawing sessions. To apply oome ~~-~--~-·()()' to the Art Office. Fine Arts 216. A.tc:Arthur Manor apa.rtment. 2 ~~-~~~~~913 ~~-~~~~~913 loft beds $325 unfinished Get Ready for the Oct -Dec ITI. Operatin Snowball. Illinois =FR=E~E~B~A=B~Y~B=o=o=M~B~o=?. bedroom furnished. no pets. no EARN $1200 Funclraiser lor stu­ includes ladder. 578-2552. LSATS! Fof info. regarding the Teenage Institute. ALPHA. IOEA­ parties. 34~2231. lf you were W1votved in These pii> dent groups and organizations. ~He~.~,,~,.~n~d ~H~u~ma~n~S~erv=ice~~s Free deiwry. LSAT Prep Course calt Dr. Leigh (581-6220) °'Dana Jenner (348- grams and want to get involved in Earn up to $4 per MasterCard ~ for team players fil the to 8468). Course runs 3 weeks & similar programs stop by the app. Cal for info or folowing positions: ~~---~~~'00' 3 bedroom apartment at 62 ~v.-.,.~•• ~ xc~1 a~o~sco-ote~r~a.:J:. includes several mock LSATS. Health Education Resource visit our website. Qualified Full-time Ryan White Case Macison. S500/month. Call 345- callers receive a FREE Baby miles. S800 obo. Cal 348-8544. Deadline for re~tration is Sept. Center in Room 3010 i n Qth Manager for the day shift. The 6621. Street Hall Open from 84:30. Boom Box. 1-80Q-.Q32-0528 ext. Case Manager is responsible for 1. 199Q. 119 or ext. 125 www. ocmcon­ providing case management ser· oepts. oom vices to clients with HN/ AIDS. ~.~..~ ~. ,~o~om~fu~r~n ~is~he~d~ho~u":: =B-ac~k~t-o =s~ch~o-ol~B=1-ow_o_ut~s!!• ~-~~~~~-8130 One week only- Now thru the WE HA.VE MC71/EO!! Come visit =r~,R~E=o~o~F~oo=RM~=Fooo=~v:~J? The Case Manager shall have a Close to campus. Water and the New Health Education COME TO THE S IGMA NU minimus of a High School trash pidtup provided. 28'h! ·Low Prices· Shop a.nd Resource Center Oeal'Wlghouse HOUSE AT 1005 GREEK CT. ~H~am~p~t~on~ln~n~h~a~s ~a~p~art~:f!5e Diploma or equivalent. Remodeled 1 yea ago. Off street Oakley &Sons. 2601 in Room 3010. Qth Street Hall. TONIGHT. 5-8 PM. ALL YOU desk clerk position Weekends & Bachelo(s degree in psychology, ,,..mg. $250 pe< .,...an- 9 112 ~are. Tuesday. Thursday nights 3-11 Marshal. Mattoon. 234-7637 Open Sa.m.. 4:30p.m. CAN EAT BRATS. BURGERS. social work. °' other human ser­ month lease. AND DOGS. ANY OUESTIOf\IS pm. Must be depe.ndable and vice field service is preferred. 217-837-2317 CAU.68QO. out going. Apply in person at Travel throughout a m .llti.county ~-~~~~~-·8127 ---~~-~~·913 Hampbllnn. region is required. Dodge Omni, 1987, stick shift. Need health Wlforma1ion for that paper, speech. homework assign· 8127 Part-Time Mental Health =Fo-r~R~en~t~--unfu~r~n;~she~d ~4 --'b::;74 113,000 miles. dart wey. Good condition. Phone 348-5596. ment. °' personal use? Visit the Tedlnicians for the 3-11 and 11-7 battr close to campus- W/O pii> 2414 4th Street. $1200 obo HEALTH EDUCATION Announcements =c••~ ~.~ •• -. -o-,.~,o-,-. ~P.-rt.,....c·t~. shifts. Duties include supervision vided-$185 per month- 9 !/2 Experienced. Apply in person at and guidance of aclescent boys RESOURCE CENTER in room month lease. Off street parting 3010 in Qth Street Hall. Open 8- TCBY. 424 W. l inooh. with emotional or behavioral 217-837-2317. SPRING BREAK 2000 'Aith STS. problems. Bachelor's degree is ~, ~,o~v~-w~in~d~ow~~A/~C~:~~. 430 weekdays. J OO America's #1 Student Tour preferred bl.A not required. Microwave $35. Student Desk Operator to Jamaica. Mexico. ~~-~-~~-8127 #35. LR Chair $15. Lamps $5. S1500 weekly potential mailing Part-Time Residential Case =Seve=,~.~,s ~tu~di~os~a~nct~2=0e,..,cd~ .• .. Bahamas. Cruises. and Florida. Call 34~1041 . ~Th~a1=ao~~ ~nc1~p1ay;=~-.~~As='•:~ our circulars. No experience Managers for al shifts. Position apartments available. Some on 9 Now hiring on-cart1)US reps. Call required. Free inliormation pad(­ wlll be responsible lor case man­ Day Saturday August 28th-Live at 1.aoo-648-4849 or visit ~line@ square. some on 6th St. Call the Place. et. Call (202) 452-5942 agement of adults with severe 34~5088 for details. ~-~--~-~·8130 WN#.ststravel.com. and persistent mental illness. Acoustic Lab Technology Speakers. Brand new in the box. ______.c 8127 ______.W 15 3 Bachelor's degree or releva.nt ~,.~.~.,~,.~,s=n~eegthlnga .. Non-P.C.ouftlx •l!n'c>heOie- .. Ol1 .. ""°°"' • taCf

-• Ptoratatypa;r- • ~ ., urta·a•_ 18" 40 =~ ~- • HCWl be vaoatio~ sa,y a: Wh•I ~ checked 11 MOdem moans, litera•y ,.. One""'° this sitmtim 100\ familiar? Is th! trafun }11[ eotreSPOndentt ., It may be In a 1wtng1 a good • lloc*keeping atew dt•I ~ of illl'.lll!? Stq> dig:fe'g. enlJy • Grave rnarkef' • React to ttMl Make 9lre mney refore }Ill! end l{l in a cardlxlard txix. oold, Jn a W'1'f 11 Cytlndrlcel witn t.p•ed ends •Ledo• 0 the VERGE of the Weekend tllb Classifiedadvert1§lqg

-Joyce Hactett. Medical Insurance REQUESTS TO WITHHOLD satisfac'lion. the student may make a bmal ~rants-In-Aid Officer Officialnotices Specialist INFORMATION request b a hearing on a b m availatle at 102 Student Sef'vioes Build'-9 Students wishing to make requests to "'ffl. the de~ed office where the records in PETITIONS FOR REINSTATEMENT Offtlal oo~~' ar~l:A~~he Of~e of SlVOENT INSURANCE REFUND hold personal direc'IC¥y i'"iiormation under the (fJeStion are maintained. ~an. Etwolknent Ma\agement If you are enrolled g hours more Fall notices pubished below rrust do so each tt60ld Main Questlom coir?'lfie~~T~:~ld be dlrl'Ct· °' Semester 1999. or you are a gatllate assiy year. Students Vtflo requested last yea tt\at The student and custotian of tt'le reootds REGISTRATION. includiig schedules and FALL ADOS/DROPS tart. the Sil.dent Health klsurance fee "'II be di'ectory information be withheld m.ist make shall tt'iereafter sc:hedAe a meet'-9 "'tt"I a ~ fees paid, outstancing bills. and The deadline for adring a Fall class is Friday. induded in your tuition bill. Students Vtflo a new request if they wish the information twiew officer appointed by the President. withdrawal forms. hJgust 27-TOOAY. Add classes tiv usr-g can provide evidence of having heallh inS\I'· witth!ld in 1999 . 2000 school year. Forms AA ad hoc oonvrittee of facU'ly and admi'"iis­ ~i'ector ol Registra1ion the Touch-Tone Registration Sys1ern until ance equal to or better lhan EIU Student rNY be picked up from lhe Reootds Office. trative personnel, appointed by tt'le 16 McAfee Gymnasium evening hol.w's end tonight. The cleadln@ fof Healtt"I klsorance. may request the ·Peqition Old Main 11g. Requests rrust be filed out President. shall act as an appeal review SCHOLARSHIP DATA (EIU -) oorm'littee in the a challenge is not DROPPING a class is Frid~ September 3 for ll'\S\Wance Exerr.,iion- bms i'orn the and SV"ied no later than September 6. 1999. event ~xeo.rtive Offioer. EIU Foundation at 4p..m. i you do not want lhe class to Stooent Healtt'I lnS\l'ance Office located in resolved. The review oormittee shall coo· Brainard House appear on your reootd or if )'OU do not want lhe Student Services Building. East "Vino. A PUBLIC NOTICE cllCt its hear'-9 aooord'-9 to established fed. STUDENT HOUSING. inc:bing applic.a1icn to be charged b the hours. Plan to ca I in on 009/ ol your inS\l'ance ~s outline of Categories of Information which Eastem eral regulaflons and re.port its decision vilh· material. billing and assq,ment information. Touch-Tone at least t 5 minutes before tt.... ccwerage °' a 009/ of your medical ID card llinois University Has Designated as in 14 calendar days tom lhe date ol the ~i'ector ol Housing sys1em goes down. rrust be attached to the oompleted "'Petition Oirec'lory Information request b a hearng. All decisions may be University lklion for lnS\l'ance Exemption• form. SEPTE~ atJPealed the Presided. VETERANS. including Veterans ~olly J. Evans. Assist.ant Director. to Registration BER 3. 1999 is tt'le last date these petitions Under the Educational R~ and privacy Admi'"iistra!icn edJcational records and edu­ will be accepted b Fal Semester 1999. Aa of t 974. Eastem Illinois University is If a student believes tt\at the \.l'Wetsity has cational items relating to use ol benefrl:s.. APPLICATION FOR GRADUATION -Joyce Hac:lett. Medical Insurance required to give public notice ol tt.... cate­ failed to oomply w:th requirements ol the Act. ~i'ector. Veterans Sefvioes Applica1icn and reapplication for v aduation Specialist gories of student inbmaOOn v.tlich it has he/she may make a brml 00""11aint to the 102 Student Sef'vioes Build'-9 "' Fall Semester t999 must be accom­ designated as directory Wlforma!ion. Those Family Educational Rights and Privacy plished no latef than the deadline of PART·TIME STUDENT INSURANCE categories are p.blished below. Office (FERPO) ol the Department ol REFUNDS 4 30p.m on Friday. SeplerrCer 3. t999. The Fall Semester studenis Vtflo are registered Erucation. Exceptions to tt'le bition and fees refood pol· applicaticn and reapplicaticn forms are avail­ for 6, 7. « 8 hours as residenl students rNY To request thai any or al of the di'ectory icy must be 'SOOmitted in writ'-9 to the Dean. able in 'f04X appropriate eean·s office. purchase Student Accident and Sickness Wlforma!ion oonceming him/her should no be Students are herein advised that it is Enrollment Ma\agement. for consideration.. insurance b lhe semester by ob1ainiog an University policy to forward appropriate edu· Appeals ol denials of such requests may be ~ . SUe Harvey. Director of Academic released witt'lout prior approval. a student Recoe declare meetngs and the rules and ~1ions ~ Athlete•s He~ and Weight. -Academic Assistance Center (only stu· oerning selec'lion. admission and te1ention dents assigned to the Center) majors. minors. Of options. go to the to Regular· Not first term at EIU Registration Off.ioe. McAfee soutt'I basement in teacher education are explained. Students Y.bo obtain a personal elec'ln:nic Direciof. Academic Assistance Center. 2100 tf a student withdraws from lhe university as soon as possible. If you are advised n Stooents Vtflo haw not previousty appied m.lil aooount ~ the l.W.tersity should 91h SlHall duriig a term by oo~ng the procedure described in Section V if the initia1ion Academic AcMsinglleam~ Assistance rrust atlend a meetng. The k*iw'-9 meet· be aNate that t""' rwne. student status. ==~-Individual Advisors and ings are available Fal Semester 1999 to -. and e-mail "'address~ cannot be withheld ALUMNI, including information submitted and ~icn ol Ile ~td'awal are made Cen1er and want to ~ )'OU majcrs.. minors. or options, go to Academic Advising. tia:!e the selec'lion process from internet aocess. with applica!icns for gratlla!ion. ~ the Registration Office in aooor· tin!t'I Street Hall. Thursday. September 9. t 999 _ ~irect«. Alrrni Sefvioes. Linder House dance with dates set fortt'i in lhe university _____.6to6~ . NOTE Personal cheds submitted tor arry ATTENDANCE RECORDS AND ABSENCE Calendar. lhe student will receive a refund ol ~olly J. Evans. Assist.ant Director. Tuesday. Oc'lober 5, t 999__ _ REPORTS one-half of all lees paid (except i'"isurance). Reg;sb-afion fees will have your student l.D. tUl'lber (social secuity tUN:>er) written en them. tf -Individual instructcws and department tf a student ~hdraws as stated allow. the FINAL EXAM INFORMATION 1 to t 50p.m. you preief no1 to have ~ to. l"ILlmbel on heads student wil be responsitle for payilv 75 per· Please be aware tt'lat the Fi'"ial Exam Saturday. October 23. 1999 __ your chec:t. please Sttwnit you payment by CAMPS AND CONFERENCES cent ol al fees and tuition~ tt'le inSU'anoe ~ tor FALL t 999 is published on cashier's checl. money order. or when ~irectcw. Housing fee. page 5 ol lhe FALL TERM 1999 Class 1 to t 50p.m. appropriate cash. lkliversity staff Ml write Universily lnon The refund policy wil be revised effediw Thursday. Nowfnber 1999_ student ID. runbets (social secuity n~ CAREER PLANNING AND PlACEMENT. Fall 1999. ~- Class sc:hKUes are available on tt, _____.6to6~ . the shelf outside the Registration Office. bets) on checks where a student has not includ'-9 aedentials. studed teaching eval· basement of McAfee soult'least entrance. Saturday. December 4, t 999 __ done so already. uations. emplo)'ef reCietenoes. and College WITHDRAWAL (SUMMER/OTHER SPE· and l.Wwtsity recorrrnendations. CIAl TERMS) ~r. Frank Hoh~arten. Dean of Enrollment Management 1 to t 50p.m. PRIVACY M;T RIGHTS - Director of Career Planning and FJ'st-Time Studerds All meetings are held in 1501 8uzza'd Hal Under lhe E Eastern lllilois University poli· 206 Blair Hall Registration Offce by the deadli'"ie. A stu­ Stooies cy on the Privacy Reootds of Eastern llli'"iois DlSCIPllNARY AND BEHAVIORAL Regular · Not First Tine at EIU dent rrust be orflcially enrolled in a class University students are avaJable in the RECORDS ~ St.mmer and any ott'lel special terl1\ before requestng audii v ading status. TEACHER CERTIFICATION EXAMS Records Ofice. 11g OldMai'"i. -University .bfcial Hearing Officer tt'le last d:J:j to wittdraw officiatt from the All ~nts b llli'"iois teach'-9 oertilic.a1es Universily lnon lkliversiy and receive a refund ol all fees A student requesting access his/her edu­ EVALUATIVE ITEMS ANO REPORTS (except ins\rance) is the same as the last ~lly J. Evans. Assist.ant Director. (or admristtaifw °' school service person­ to nel certifica1es) must pass the Illinois day to w;thdraw from a wi1hout Registration cation reootds shall proceed as follows RELATING TO STUDEtffS PROGRESS course Certification Tests before being issued a oer­ t. A student wish'-9 to rwiew his/her edu­ TO\VARD GRADUATION receiving a grade. (See calendar at fn:nt of STUDENT INFORMATION CHANGES tiicate.. These coosist of the Basic stills and cation records shall oornplete a request to OFFICE OF APPROPRIATE DEAN catalog.) Owiig Strnmer and arry o1her Vt1hen changes occu. errors are detected. or lhe subject..,,atter examinations. It is sog. i'"ispect personal records at tt'le designated -College ol Scienoes special terms. tt'le last day to withdraw offi. information is miss'-9 in tt'le following basic gested that students take lhe Basic stills office where those reootds are maintained. 2020ld Maii cialty from the University and be responsible student information items. please report Test early in their oolege careers and lhe 4.001>kin Colege ol eusness and Applied b paying only lhe i'"isurance fee is tt.... same tt'lem to tt.... offices w.cticated Houq sOOject-matter exam should be taken after 2. A student shall be granted a review of Sciences as lhe last day to withdraw from a oowse Office-local and/or home ackt'ess and tele­ completion of all or mos1 of the courses in hisiber e ~irect« ol Financial Aids Friday. Se,pten'tler 3. t 999 bebe 4 30p.m. Ncwembef 26. t 999 lished by the university. East"~· Student Services Building Twenty-Fwe Petcent Refund A mininun ol 6 seT1ester hoW's, or a gradu­ February 18. 2000 FOREIGN SlVDENTS tf a studed Vtflo is nol n the first term of April 8, 2000 ______ate assistantship is required to (J.lal fy for re-­ 4. A student may challenge the cootent of - International Student Advis« attendance officially withdraws i'om all enrolment. The i'"iswance will become Febru.vy 25. 2000 ---­ hisiber education reoord on tt.... basis tt\at 2tt Old Maii classes in accordance with established effective when the application and the "'"'I 19. 2000 one or rrore items are misleading. inaccu­ FRATERNITY AND SORORITY MEMBER· lkliversity procedures between the end of .Ally8. 2000 ______required premUn are receiwd by the rate. «o1hervi:se inappropriate. He/she mJ'f SHIP tt'le 50 percent reflnd period and the end of l.Wwtsity within the deadline ol Septembef "'"'f 26. 2000 ----- request lhai lhe item(s) be amended. cor· -Assistant Director ol Student Activities tt'le third week ol the term. the student will 3. t 999. Contac'I the Student Health _____! August 18. 2000 recied or deleted. (Grade appeals are 316 lkliversiy lO:in receive a refl.lld of 25 percent ol all tees paid actninistered ooder separate University poli­ klsurance Office. second floor. East Wing. GRADUATE STUDENTS (except insurance). tf a student "'tt'ldraws as Student Sef'vioes Build"9. or call 58 t-5290. -Or. Douglas J. Bower. Associate Dean and cy.) ~ean. Graduate School stated a.bow. lhe student "'II be responsible PLEASE NOTE Dependent oowrage is no1 CertificationOffioer 2060ld Maii b paying 75 percent ol all fees ad tuition available. If his/her c:h.lllenge is not resdwd to his/her GRANTS.IN-AID OFFICER plus the insurance fee _ " the VERGE of the Weekend

Martin, Murphy 'OK' in anticipated summer movie ture, where aliens invade earth Murphy is hyper. loud-mouthed by traveling in rain drops. and at times annoying as he over ~ daroochwat Bowfinger loves th e script, acts for laughs, which is similar to Vergeedkor especially the final dramatic line, the thin, confident Sherman char­ Two comedic legends, Steve which can only be successful if acter of •The Nutty Professor." Martin and Eddie Murphy, have said by a major Hollywood star. Murphy is still pretty funny as combined to make one mediocre Bow ti nger needs the actor Kit Kit. especially when he is receiv­ movie - •Bowfinger.• Ramsey, played by Murphy, an ing therapy from a cult that While Martin and Murphy have action hero in need of his own mocks th e ce lebrity enrolled produced many laughs through dramatic line that is similar to Scientology. · saturday Night Live; they both Arnold Schwarzeneggers •Hasta •Bowtinger• is a very clever have made large contributions on la vista. . . baby." idea of a determined director screen. Martin made classics such However, Ramsey won't do filming Hollywood's hottest star - as •The Jerk" and •Roxanne• and the movie. Thus the determined without the star ever knowing. . Murphy was hilarious in • The Bowfinger decides to shoot the The movie will have audiences Nutty Protessor• and • 48 Hours.• movie with Ramsey never know­ laughing, but the movie really •Bowf inger• faI ls short to ing. . drags at times and some scenes Martin and Murphy's previous Bowfinger rounds up a crew are just flat out dumb. film work, but the movie has its consisting of illegal immigrants Martin fans will be disappoint­ laughs and a highly creative story. and wa nnabe actors who are hltJl'IMww.uriversal{ictures.com/b(N{firgerl ed with his performance as Martin. who wrote the screen­ blind to the world of movie mak­ Steve Martin and Eddie Murphy yuk It up in "Bowfinger· with off and on results. Bowfinger, but Murphy fans can play, plays Bobby Bowtinger, a ing. The ii legal i mm igra nts are otf a bus from Ohio asking, body double. Murphy supplies expect many laughs with his per­ producer-director with larger­ hysterical as they catch on to cin­ · w here do I go to be co me a stomach wrenching laughs as Jiff formance as Jiff Ramse~ than-life Hollywood dreams. He ema so fast that later they are star1" Ramsey. as seen in the trailer and •Bowtinger• is a sweet story dreams of seeing his own movie seen discussing classic movies Graham is very funny in her commercials. but dont expect to for anyone who dreams ot mak­ controlling a theater screen and such as • Apocalypse Now." role as the dim-witted actor who see him much. ing a movie, but please dream an enthralled audi ence sitting Other crew members include believes she has to sleep around Murpl"o/ is so runny as Jiff that that dream to a much high er behind him. heads cocked at the an experienced method actor in order to climb the Hollywood you wish to see him in every standard than •Bowtinger.• screen. played convincingly by Christine ladder. scene. The braces showing, eye Bowtingers chance to fultill his Baranski from televisions •cybil" W hile the performances are squinting geek is one of the funni­ •Bov.linger• dream comes when. friend, fel­ and Daisy, played by Heather good, none compare to Murphy est characters to be on screen in Universal Pictures low-dreamer and acco untant, Graham (Swingers, Austin who plays a duel role as Kit a long time. However, he just Efram. writes the movie · c hubby Powers: •The Spy Who Shagged Ramsey and Kit's brother Jitt, isn't on screen enough. ** Rain.• The movie is an alien pie- Me"), an actor who just stepped who is used by Bowfinger as a W hile acting as Kit Ramsey, hearings in a new film on Showtime

NEW YORK (AP) - Like the man said. court. captures the blunt realism of this political rage into action. the process stinks. And Regina Taylor. best known from pro. •This is a circusl A national disgrace!" That was perhaps the only thing ever y­ the TV series · 111 Fly Away; is picture per­ · o ur job; says Duberstein, •is the he erupts heroica lly, now on his feet one could agree on during the Senate con­ fect as , the former Thomas col­ same as if we're selling a product in the before the senators. He rips off his shirt. firmation hearings for Judge Clarence league who reluctantly, forcefully accused marketplace: Block their message, get •And as far as I'm concerned, as a black Thomas. Those 10 stormy days in him of sexual harassment. ours out, while making it look like none of American, this is a high-tech lynching!" He October 1991 left the nation polarized But the film, directed by , it comes from the White House.• tugs his necktie skyward, as if hanging by and the nominee for the U.S. Supreme is told from the perspective of a not-so ­ Of course, the nomination nearly cap­ it. Court. in his own bitter words, dying •a pu bl ic p Iayer , Washington strategist sized alter Hill stepped forward with alle­ •Bulls-eyel • says Duberstein, looking thousand deaths.• Kenneth Duberstein, who was hired by gations of her former boss' crude remarks on with satisfaction. Now Showti me presents •strange the Bush Administration to shepherd and come-ans when they worked togeth­ In the end, Duberstein won the high­ Justice; a drama of the campaigns waged Thomas through. er at the Department of Education and stakes game he had coached so well. The to save, and to sink, the nomination. As depicted by Mandy Patinkin, the lik­ th e Equal Em ployment Opportunity Bush Administration won. And, oh yes, Premiering Sunday at B p.m. EDT, this able, relentless Duberstein is the focal Commission. Thomas pulled it out. gaining senate con­ splendid film, based on the book •strange point ot the off-stage drama to land the As delivered by Taylor, Anita Hill's testi­ firmation by a razor-thin vote ot 52-4B. Justice, The Selling of Clarence Thomas; job for a candidate seen by his opponents mony at first faithfully mimics the real-life But as the film makes clear, Thomas would seems a logical extension of the hearings as unfit and, worse, a quota appointment scene we viewed eight years ago. But in never concede victory. themselves. Broadcast gavel-to-gavel, day and a traitor to his ethnic group. the films surreal restaging. the cool, com­ Nor, apparently, has his r esentment posed witness is permitted to cut loose, alter day, they unfolded as a galvanizing TV Early on, Duberstein spel Is out th e abated. In a rare speech a year ago, he bit­ to exhibit the Jury we remember her for event. To view the film is to feel the inter­ challenge: •To make the case that our can­ terly attacked critics black and white, keeping in check. didate is decent. honest, qualitied, intelli­ declaring his retusal •to have my ideas vening years evaporate. The words are Hill's, but here she gent and fair, while the other sides gonna assigned to me as though I was an intellec­ In his performance, Delray Lindo seems seethes. she snarls, she sheds bitter tears. claim he's ultraconser vative , aga inst tual slave because I'm black." to be channeling Thomas. the conservative It's a startling display. federal judge nominated by President Bush women and minorities, and a little bit •strange Justice• exposes a politicized But no more so than the re-enacted process of which no one could feel proud. to replace retiring Justice Thurgood strange.• testimony of Clarence Thomas, a detiant Marshall, a liberal champion ot civil rights Patinkin, a Broadway musical star and a It revisits the issues that made everyone man who felt cornered and under siege. participating squirm: color and sex. and the first black member of the high returning regular to TVs · c hicago Hope; As with Hill, the film lets Thomas put his ...... ~ urry up ... ~ advertise with the Daily Eastern News!

WEEKEND SPEC IALS Large Cheese IK1·s crli'l ~ .99 $4.99 Friday Four o'clock Club X-Large Cheese $4 Pitchers crli'l ~ .99 $9.99 $1 Burgers ADVERTISE... ONE AD Hours CHEESESTIX SM $4 MED $5 LG$6 IN THEDEN Mon. -Thru. 4pm -1 am CLASSIFIED WILL Fri. - Sat. 11am - 1 am MAKE$ FOR YOU! ~ ... ~... :4. ... ~L ...... 2 ..:4. ...2 ...4 .... ~