Eastern Illinois University The Keep August 1999 8-27-1999 Daily Eastern News: August 27, 1999 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1999_aug Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: August 27, 1999" (1999). August. 5. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1999_aug/5 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 1999 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in August by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 86° Partly Friday 61 • cloudy August 27, 1999 Inside ETiStern Sports Welcome www.den.eiu.edu No E.asl>m llnoisU~ back students Chafies1on. I. 6t920 defense \A::ll.85.No.6 The Verge welcomes studen1s Back~ quarterback domi­ back lhrough 'Welcome Back ews 12pages nates defense in scrimmage. Kotter" and oor own Sweat Hogs. N Story on Page 8A StOJY in Verge, section B "Tell the truth and don't be afraid." $2.5 million expansion set for 2 services Health Services, Counseling Center to move into the University Union By Jason Maholy the current Health Savices building Staff writer will be demolished to make room for --- the $45 4 million expansion of the Plans are in the preliminary stages Doudna Fine Arts Center The reloca­ for the construction ofa new $2 5 mil- tion and increase in size of the uew lion facility on campus that will house facility is aimed at. improving the both Health Services aud the overall quality of heallh service the CoWJSe!ing Center uni;wsity can provide for its students The project. will involve close to a "\lk'll be able to mote efficiently 15,000 square foot addition to the utilizeourphysicians audpro;idebet­ Martin Luther King Jr University ter care for our patients," Hencken Union, said Lou Hencken, vice presi- said dent for student affairs The cost of Lynette Drake, director of Health the project will be f\mded by the •tu- Services, said the addition is greatly dent referendum fee, a fuud created to needed to support the growing popula­ provide for the construction orrenova- lion of Eastern students tion of 11 projects on cam.pus "Tue existing facility was built for Hencken said the idea to add a smaller population of students," Mandy Marshall I Photo ed~oi Health Services and the Counseling Drake said "\lk had more than Pam Diel, a medical technician for Eastern's Sludeot Health Services worts in lhe lab of lhe Health Services buid­ Center to the Uui;wsity Union is part 40,000 patients last year and we ing on Sevenlh Street Thursday afternoon. As part of the Campus Masler Plan, the present Health Services buid· of the Cam.pus Master Plan !hat was ing will be demolished and a new larger one will be added on to the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. unveiled last year As part ofthe plan, See EXPANSIONPage 2A Exercise key to smoother transition to college By Geneva Vttitte friends from high school behind and C.mpuseditof Freshman anxiety is normal, counseling director says meet new people "That can be particularly true if For some freshmen, the transi­ "It's normal for freshman to have a sorority or fraternity?, Onestak utes to go to a class .. you come from a small commtwi­ tion from high school to higher edu­ anxiety and to have doubts about. said Having to manage a budget for ty," Onestak said "You can kind of cation is uot an easy one whether or not they'll make it. here Ryan Fearday, a freshman busi­ the first.time is also a major source feel like you were the big fish in a This is something David at Ea.1ern," Onestak said ness management major, said he is ofam iety among freshmen small pond and uow you 'te like Onestak, director of the Counseling ''Everything's an unlmown here and woaied about embarrassing himself "A lot of•tudents ha;-e Ile\..,. had every othe£ fish at Eastern" Center !mows all too well He said it's a big transition for students» because he does not. know bis way to manage a budget," Ouestak said Jenny Lapapa, a freshman ele­ the coWJSe!ing center sees about. With the freshman year often around Eastern "Freshmen are doing this for the mentary education major, said it is 150 freshman e:vuy academic year comes questions •uch as Will I get. '1 don't know anything about. first time" tough not being "ilh her friends who are struggling in their fust.year along "ith my roommate?, Will I do how anything gees,» Fearday said Many freshmen also experience ofco llege well academically'? or Wu! I get into ''I' m not. used to wancing I 0 min- anxiety from having to leave their See EXERCISE Page 2A Smaller freshman cla~ leaves more space in residence halls By Geneva 'Mite house two people instead of four Ford, McKinney Mandy ~ and \\~ are now o!lering triple rooms as deluxe Marshall I doubles Photo editor A decrease in incoming freshmen has allowed for Tue co•t. to li\oe in the K-'1iites, deluxe doubles Donald au increase in space at residence halls this semester and singles is an additional $550 and the deltLxe dou­ Rogers, Bin Scbnadrel, director of bou;ing and dining bles in Cannan are an additional $275 sophomore services, said there is mor.e room options at reidence "I really am pleased to ha\oe (the room options);' speech halls this semester because of a smaller freshman SchnackEI said '1 think •tudeuts have a great deal of communica­ class and a larger graduating class last '!'1ing benefits to li\oe on campus" lions major, "That allowed us to free up some space wi1h Scboackel said be hopes be can ooolinue to makes use some new options," Schnackel said "When we saw acccmmodate studenls' demand for more spaoe of his extra that. numbets were down, we developed some ~ "\\lo D deal "ith the ctment trend and be ready room space grams that will )ll'O\oide different optiom for first year when the numbers pick up again," be said Thursday students and better opportunities for returning stu- Tue Uicrea.e in space ccmes only a year afterres­ .~j iiltllllt afternooo by denls » idence hall O\>a<:rowding furced se\>aal students to playing~h Tue room options ha\oe been added to Stevenson, live temporarily in floor lounges The lounges, which his Play Taylor, Thom.as, Weller, Ford McKinney and have four closets, a •t°'e and a refrigerator, fwc­ Station in a Penilertoo halls Stevenson's K-suites now house tioned as both overflow space and a place for •tu• double room one person instead oftwo and Cannan's quads now dents to relax L-~~~~~~~~~=-~....:..:..:..::.:..:.:......;::::.;.~--1 heshares. 2 Friday, August 27, 1999 The Dally Eastern News F~stern P.Olice l\Jews Smith's inquest held DI otter Ttie D.lly ~;t,em Ne-.n is p;b isl"--Ed da~. White supremacist was pinned to van floor when died Moodayhough Friday, n Charleston. I .. N · ing bl and spN!g serc.ESters and tMce nelty SALEM (AP) - White suprema­ chin and ~'\'-et'red into an aban­ to kill himself because be never Alcohol violations <bi'lg Ille s1.1mft'.Ef term extept during school cist Benjamill Smith killed himself doned btu1ding, ending up in a pointed the gun at. police ~ vaeafuosrse~~ • David Earl Irving, 20, of ~ t_e~ofEas.'lem 5iols while a sberi!f's deputy had him ditch Smith, a former member ofa racist . l.Mersly.Subsoiptioo p!U pinned to the floor ofa van - end­ There, lftltibidal got into the van group lmo"n as the World Qurch 1403 Fourth St was cited at S3$ per seruester, $ 16 i:ir SQ"'Jner <ri/. sea al 2 05 a m ou Thursday with year. The Oafy Eas.'lem Nm ii a memllefof ing a deadly Fourth of July week­ and ordered Smith to drop his of the Creator, began his killing Ttie Associated Pre$s. •t.Ch is errtr.ed lo end shooting spree, a corone<'s jury \\ieapotl 'The van was covered with spree in Chicago, where a black purchase/aoceptanoe of alco­ m\isive use <i al articles appeariig hol by a minor, a police in tis paper. 11'..e edb:iriils M Page 4 IZJ+. ruled Thursday blood, he said fomier college basketball coach represenl tie majority op«ii:n of Ille \:;/ The Marion County jury found ..He never- said a word \Ve con­ was fatally shot and six Orthodox report stated ediorial bcool: al ohr OJfton pieces Smith, 21, committed suicide by tinued to tell him, 'Let. go of the Jews \'-et'e wounded are silJiecl. The Daily Eastern Ne'.n edb:irial • Rhett. D Roethe, 23, and and buSiiess offices ate b:ated n !Nz:zard firing two shots into his chest and gun Just let go of the gun,"' Smith then moved on to I-Iii, Easlem llil'!Oii UnNersity. tlllgh as be struggled with Deputy Hiltibidal said Decatur, Urbana and Springfield Matthew P aieny, 21, both Pe6xiealpo~ paid at Olarles'lon. IL &Uno. David lftltibidal The deputy said he grabbed the before driving to Bloomington, of 1903 I 0th St were cited at ISSNt8St 1599. lftltibidal had tried to pull Smith butt of the gun and tuckEd it under Ind, where he had attended college 9:20 am ou Aug 21 with Printed~ Eas!em llnoislkiversity, over during a slow-speed chase Smith's chest to protect.himself and classes and became a member of sale of alcohol without.
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