Mackinac, Formerly Michilimackinac [Microform]
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Les diagrammes suivants lllustrent la m6thode. 1 re. ] * S 7 Z^ ^ k / ^MMi BAILEY'S OUrUirE MAP POl»ITl AO* >/. MACKINAC Island. MICHIGAN T>rmmkHm CV.. JWyr*.. CH. //IVr., / ' rt. Copyright, THlJl'y'jonn R. Uailey. CiinyriKlii. M'Xi, liy Joliii K. llailey Copyriiflit. li*'*^. I>y Ji>liii K. IlaUev. Eaterrd acc.>r<lliiif to ait o( Ciintrr'*'''^. i'l tlie year 18W, liT JOHN K. HAILKY. In the office of the Librarian o( Conirress, at Washinirton. A/i rights retervtti. TWO COPIES MECF.IVEU. yvS^V ^:^»te. (X Gr.'C r>^ .1* 1^ 1; ton. I aiucmautau-.. -.--—-^ ' ''' ---«—'--^ --—- -r-ir-'^iT imr- '' ' - -^ ^^* ^' ' ^ .^ T" f jy •w^ .:-.^»v:i*w^<" A THIS VOl-UMB IS. WITH I.OVR. AND A THIHUTR OK RESPFC T, OHOICATED '•I TO MY SISTER, MARY NEOSHO WIl LIAMS, 7'. WIDOW OF GENERAL THOMAS WILLIAMS, 'V, U. S. ARMY, WHO WAS KILLED AT THE HEAD OR HIS VICTORIOUS TROOPS, IN THE BATTLE OF BATON ROUGE, LA., ' AUGUST FIFTH, EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-TWO. t- J. R. B. I ;,.gstferc»>~i»".'. ansafcat-^Kj^-;' _ ^j:a».i2U'; — \*i^«»?^ 'i^. N >r: '^ "^'^' **''>' ''"^*" pa^scil away ••<»*1J^ *!? \-. '^ ^'"^y "" •"'^ *<^;?>\'> "''^^ That noble race and brave t That their li^ht ramuvs have vanished '• From oil the crested wave; That 'mid tlie forest wliere they roamed rinj,'H - ^'o There no lMjnttT'*#twuC| , ....:„ •f> (''' IS Bkw* flc4 awcy Uk«.wltk«M 1mi>mii^{i^$i- ' 'v .i.;>'.'.5':'.H, . BcfoM tlw •ntitam .gate;: ^;'. ^l-> ^:^ Bat their nemoiy litrcth 'omjtmtMUa^^. '': Their teptiutt on year «hoM;vvi^>^^^# ^IFonr cvcrUfttiDf rivers epiifc^? ti^^^ V; .Thdr dialctet «t 3ror•,»^;.;^^v<i^^fe;^. '•'"..• '. ,?? \ :''."*'.>iV''6^y.V'i* (/^''.•'•-•'•^;-;;»-S-'.',' ' ••''.V.ViJ .".J iW-'- - <-. :•.'• r;-il;-.f -. :'".'^'.vl'f rf ^ -.!-•»- m^im^^wfKy - ^- f I 'K I: FACE. Miukitiiu. IliiiutIv Miiiiilim.u kiiiac loukitijf li.nk. wards to ;it..iiit tln' tiim- of "Tlif Kl.n.d" ami forward to tlu iirisitil tijiif, has bt-iti i-arcfully wriltcii, and tin- i?>hi'il away fulluwiujjf wurks and ortwiiij ropuris referred to: Mitcli- rave ell's (lc.>y:raph.v. ,1^?43; Taylor's Manual (d lii.torj; lavo vaiiislu'd avo; Muhi^ra-h Manna); London anU. k^Mtm SUlto PlifNMl ?ri' tliev roanifd United StaUt SUte Pftpen, ud Oflcial '%Jt\lfAktt ,,.,;.. RefM^ji [nett«^'^lalittR.i 10 Preface. Northern volumes; Strickland's Old Mackinaw; Drake's Lakes and Southern Invalids; also, Diseases of the Ameri- M:;-sissippi Valley, by the same author; Holme's Ameri- can Annals, two volumes; Robertson's History ot two volumes; ca; Bancroft's United States; Bell's Canada, Michigan; Albach's Annals of the West; Lahnman's Scientific Sheldon's Early Michigan; Historical and Smith's Wis- Sketches of Michigan; Neill's Minnesota; History of the consin, three volumes; Wynne's General of North British Empire; Roger's Concise Account America; Dillon's Early Settlement of the Northwestern Park- Territory; Heriot's Canada; Parkman's Pontiac; Works, man's Discovery of the Qreat West; Schoolcraft's complete; complete; Documentary History of New York, Butterfield's; V I History and Discovery of the North West, and other works in my library. Lieut. Woodbridge I am under obligation to 1st David W. Geary, commanding Fort Mackinac, and the Murray, Foley Brothers and George C. Ketchum,of Island, for books of reference. from books, The historical facts and dates are drawn and much, and matter that has long been accumulating, personal observation of over in the last century, from Indians, on the frontiers of fifty years of life, with the J. R B. our nation. Mackinac Island, Michigan, May 24, 18%. i iSgg. Revised, Mackinac Island, Michigan, April 24, J. R. B. V .• 1. lorlhern i of the i Ameri" t Ameri- i^olumes; ichigan; scientific th's Wis- iTj of the f North hwestern ac; Park- 's Works, :omplete; terfield's; jodbridge avid W. am, of the am books, md much, m of over •ontiers of J. R B. ?4, iSgp. J. R. B. C-^?J^3y.a?t^t3SSiSw^b^^M»fc'» 1. I \^ 4 >iii vt-. -4 MACKINAC, FORMERLY MICHILIMACKINAC. •'Lo! the poor Indian, whose untutored mind, Sees God in storms and hears Him in the wind." GENESIS OF THE INDIAN. To ascertain the g-enesis of a race or people we must carry our researches far back of modern times into the reg-ions of antiquity.