Dedalus 2017–18 HIGHLIGHTS FROM 2016–17


Dangerous Days by Leo Kanaris

ike millions of Greeks today, private investigator George Zafiris is short of money. LBusiness is terrible. The city of Athens is dying around him. No one wants to pay for information, and even the old staple of George’s trade, the extra-marital affair, is in decline. But his phone never stops ringing – with people wanting help for free. George does what he can for desperate cases – an English girl tormented by her Athenian mother-in-law, a government official whose life is threatened for doing an honest job, and a group of Asian farm labourers who are beaten up and evicted by their employer. Meanwhile his wife Zoe complains about his failure to provide, and his son Nick goes abroad to look for work. Dangerous Days is the third novel in Leo Kanaris’ Aegean crime quartet. It shines a light on the most secret and closely guarded sanctuary of Greek life: the family. While the State lurches between dysfunction and bankruptcy, blood relations turn to each other for support. Debts are written off, misdemeanours forgiven, jobs found for unemployables. But if charity begins at home, it also ends there. Networks of obligation bind people so tight they can never escape. Jealousy runs rampant. Nepotism keeps talent suppressed. Crime and corruption are buried in silence. While solving other people’s problems, George gets more deeply entangled in his own. When the offer of work arrives from a tainted family source, he is forced to make an impossible choice between poverty and collusion in crime.

eo Kanaris was a teacher for many years. He now writes Lfull time and lives in southern Greece. He is the author of two novels featuring the private investigator George Zafiris: Codename Xenophon and Blood & Gold. He is currently working on his third George Zafiris novel,Dangerous Days.

£9.99 26 October 2018 ISBN 978 1 910213 71 1 320p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World Rights


Codename Xenophon

‘With vivid characterisation and a plot that thickens without obscuring the essential threads, Kanaris emerges as a sharp new talent in crime writing.’ Barry Turner in The ‘The narrative flits from a frenzied Athens to the idyllic islands as politicians, Russian crooks, corrupt policemen thicken the plot, the world-weary Zafiris nimbly negotiating a Byzantine culture in which morality, truth and justice are malleable concepts. Codename Xenophon is a bleak but blackly comic tale that does full justice to its laconic, Chandleresque heritage.’ Declan Burke in The Irish Times ‘Kanaris has written a little gem, perfect for the beach.’ Scarlet MccGuire in Tribune

£9.99 ISBN 978 1 909232 83 9 236p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World Rights Sold: German (Aufbau)

Blood & Gold

‘Against a backdrop of a financial crisis that is pushing the country to bankruptcy and its citizens to despair, it is all horribly convincing. With this, his second novel, Kanaris has advanced to a five-star rating.’ Barry Turner in The Daily Mail ‘Kanaris depicts a troubled Greece with compassion and precisely observed social commentary.’ Publishers Weekly

£9.99 ISBN 978 1 910213 10 0 320p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World Rights Sold: German (Aufbau)


The Great Chain of Unbeing by Andrew Crumey

ndrew Crumey’s novels are renowned for their unique blend of science, history, Aphilosophy and humour. Now he brings the same insight and originality to this story cycle the title of which offers an ironic twist on the ancient doctrine of connectedness, the great chain of being. Here we find a blind man contemplating the light of an atom bomb, a musician disturbed by a conspiracy of radio waves, a visitor to Moscow caught up in a comic case of mistaken identity, a woman on a Greek island trying to become a different person. We range across time, from the Renaissance to a globally-warmed future, across light-years in search of hallucinogenic space-plankton, and into magical worlds of talking insects and bottled fire. Fans of Crumey’s acclaimed novels will occasionally spot hints of themes and figures that have recurred throughout his fiction; readers new to his work will delight in finding subtle links within the pieces. Are they all part of some larger untold story? We have nothing to lose but the chains of our imagination: what lies beyond is a great change of being.

ndrew Crumey was born in Glasgow in 1961. He read Atheoretical physics and mathematics at St Andrews University and Imperial College in , before doing post-doctoral research at Leeds University on nonlinear dynamics. After a spell as the literary editor at Scotland on Sunday he now combines teaching creative writing at Northumbria University with his writing. He is the author of seven novels all published by Dedalus: Music, in a Foreign Language, Pfitz, D’Alembert’s Principle, Mr Mee, Mobius Dick, Sputnik Caledonia and The Secret Knowledge. Andrew Crumey’s novels have been translated into fourteen languages. £9.99 23 February 2018 ISBN 978 1 910213 77 3 280p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World Rights


6 THE DEDALUS HALL OF FAME The Dedalus Book of Absinthe by Phil Baker

‘This is the sort of book it would be very easy to do badly. Phil Baker has, instead done a magnificent job; it is formidably researched, beautifully written, and abundant with telling detail and pitch-black humour.’ Sam Leith in

‘As to whether absinthe is harmful or this book irresponsible – I don’t give a damn. All I know is that the former is very pleasant and the book is informative, amusingly written and perceptive. As The Idler put it a couple of years ago: tonight we’re gonna party like its 1899.’ Nicholas Lezard in ’s Pick of the Week

‘James Joyce in Finnegan’s Wake described a character as “absintheminded”, while lesser punsters spoke of absinthe making “the tart grow fonder”. It reaches across time, this “potent concoction of eccentricity and beauty”. Alluring, then informative and witty.’ Brian Case in Time Out

‘Dwarfish Bohemian psychopaths in stove-pipe hats, ageless Louisiana vampires, Victorian books bound in human skin, fin-de-siècle brothels, strange Goth subcultures and lice-ridden poets: yep, it’s a history of absinthe... An indispensable guide for the contemporary absintheur.’ Class: The Magazine of Bar Culture

‘...packed with enjoyable anecdotes and eccentric absintheurs, and reveals why it has been the most demonised of all alcoholic drinks.’ The Sunday Times

‘The book is an effortlessly engaging, robust little number, unpretentious and with a strong burst of humour on the nose.’ The Bookseller

£7.99 2 February 2018 ISBN 978 1 910213 80 3 296p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World Rights Rights Sold: Russia (New Literary Review), Czech Republic (Volvox Globator), USA (Grove/Atlantic), Argentina (Puerto de Palo), Italy (Voland), Brazil (Nova Alexandra).


The Tower at the Edge of the World by William Heinesen Translated by W. Glyn Jones

he Tower at the Edge of the World is William Heinesen’s last novel written when The was 76, and is the summation of all his work. He is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, Nordic author of the twentieth century.

William Heinesen described The Tower at the Edge of the World as a poetic mosaic novel about earliest childhood. There is the perspective of both the child and the old man looking back at his life as a child. Although there is a lot of tangible detail and recognisable characters the book has a mythic quality. The events in a small community in the windswept Atlantic ocean being recorded by the writer in his room, his tower at the edge of the world, have a larger than life feel. Torshavn and his childhood are used to tell the history of the world and of creation.

illiam Heinesen (1900-1991) was born in Torshavn Win the Faroe Islands, the son of a Danish mother and Faroese father, and he was equally at home in both languages. Although he spent most of his life in the Faroe Islands he chose to write in Danish as he felt it offered him greater inventive freedom. Internationally known as a poet and a novelist he made his living as an artist. His paintings range from large-scale murals in public buildings, through oil to pen sketches, caricatures and collages.

£9.99 10 November 2017 ISBN 978 1 910213 66 7 204p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World English


The Prepper Room by Karen Duve Translated by Mike Mitchell

he year is 2031 and all the dire predictions from environmentalists are coming Ttrue: extreme weather bringing storms, floods and intense heat; and the genetically modified ‘killer rape’ is rampant everywhere. A rejuvenation pill has been developed but no one is going to enjoy eternal youth for long: the experts forecast that the world’s ecosystems will collapse in five years’ time. Women have taken over power to try and save the world from the mess men have got it in. But there is opposition in the form of the MASCULO movement that is aiming to reassert male power by violent means if necessary. At the same time apocalyptic sects are proliferating. Sebastian, the central figure in this novel, appears to be one of the good guys, a Greenpeace activist in his youth, he now has an important position in the Democracy Centre. But in his private life he is attempting to restore his male pride: for the last two years he has kept his wife locked up in the cellar. But his attempts to do away with her so he can live with his new love lead to disaster.

orn in Hamburg in 1961, Karen Duve is one of BGermany’s leading contemporary writers. She has won eight literary prizes, including the Kassel Literature Prize for Grotesque Humour, for which The Prepper Room provided much of the evidence. While working on her book Anständig essen, Eating Responsibly, she became a committed vegetarian and a well-known figure on German television. As well as polemics, short stories and children’s books, she has written five novels, one of which,Taxi , has been made into a film. The Prepper Room is her most recent novel.

£9.99 12 January 2018 ISBN 978 1 910213 72 8 296p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World English


Slav Sisters: The Dedalus Book of Russian Women's Literature edited by Natasha Perova translated by Andrew Bromfield, Robert & Elizabeth Chandler, Ilona Chavasse, John Dewey, Boris Dralyuk, Jamey Gambrell, Marian Schwartz, Arch Tate & Joanne Turnbull

his anthology illustrates the evolution of Russian women’s writing over the Ttwentieth century. Women produced literary texts as early as the Middle Ages, but it was only in the 1900s that women authors finally made a notable breakthrough on the Russian literary scene. Despite a brilliant start, further development of women’s writing in Russia was crudely interrupted by Soviet censorship and only resumed after the downfall of the USSR. Whereas critics unanimously recognise the greatness of such literary stars as Anna Akhmatova and Marina Tsvetayeva, opinions differ about other celebrities of the time such as Teffi and Lydia Ginzburg who reached wide readerships only in the 1990s, when most of their previously banned books were published. Mid-century, women were almost invisible in Russian literature, but they were still writing, including such world-famous authors as Ludmila Ulitskaya, Galina Scherbakova, and Svetlana Alexiyevich. In later decades women increasingly dominated publishing programmes and are represented here by Olga Slavnikova, Ludmila Ulitskaya, Irina Muravyova, and Margarita Khemlin.

atasha Perova is a translator, editor, publisher and Nliterary agent. A philology graduate of Moscow University, she has worked in publishing houses producing Russian books in English translation. In 1991 she started the independent small press GLAS to publish and promote new Russian writing in translation.

£12.99 12 January 2018 ISBN 978 1 910213 75 9 320p B. Format Rights: World English Anthology Rights


Take Six: Six Portuguese Women Writers edited & translated by Margaret Jull Costa with Jennifer Alexander, Elenice B. Araujo, Sally Bolton, Clara Buxton, Sinead Crehan, Christine Fernandes, Tom Gatehouse, Annie McDermott, Felix Macpherson, Victor Meadowcroft and Maria Reimóndez

ake Six is a celebration of six remarkable Portuguese women writers: Sophia de TMello Breyner Andresen, Agustina Bessa-Luís, Maria Judite de Carvalho, Hélia Correia, Teolinda Gersão and Lídia Jorge. They are all past-mistresses of the short story form, and their subject matter ranges from finding one’s inner fox to a failed suicide attempt to a grandmother and grandson battling the wind on a beach. Stories and styles are all very different, but what the writers have in common is their ability to take everyday life and look at it afresh, so that even a trip on a ferry or an encounter with a stranger or a child’s attempt to please her father become imbued with mystery and humour and sometimes tragedy. Relatively few women writers are translated into English, and this anthology is an attempt to rectify that imbalance and to introduce readers to some truly captivating tales from Portugal.

argaret Jull Costa has been a literary translator for Mover thirty years and has translated works by novelists such as Eça de Queiroz, José Saramago, Javier Marías and Bernardo Atxaga, as well as the poets Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen and Ana Luísa Amaral. Her work has brought her many prizes, and, in 2014, she was awarded an OBE for services to literature.

£9.99 12 January 2018 ISBN 978 1 910213 69 8 280p B. Format Rights: World English Anthology Rights

11 DEDALUS CELEBRATING WOMEN'S LITERATURE IN 2018 Baltic Belles: The Dedalus Book of Estonian Women's Literature

edited by Elle-Mari Talivee translated by Adam Cullen and Jason & Eva Finch

his anthology presents readers with a broad selection of fiction written between Tthe late nineteenth century and today. The collection opens with the early realist Elisabeth Aspe, who described both village life and urban fear during the final decades of the nineteenth century. Early twentieth-century works by female writers often discuss the young creative individual’s encounters in the transformed urbanised world, some of the most outstanding examples of which are by the great Betti Alver. After World War II, Estonian writing bore the unmistakable signs of Soviet censorship. Nevertheless, Viivi Luik’s momentous novel The Seventh Spring of Peace managed to avoid suppression, and the wonderfully unique Asta Põldmäe seized her opportunity to write. Very strong authors like Eeva Park, Maarja Kangro, and Maimu Berg flourished with the return of freedom of expression in the late twentieth century, and continue to do so today. They represent the best of Estonian short-story writing, handling social topics very sharply and suggestively and scrutinising the country’s soul in a highly personal manner.

lle-Mari Talivee was born in Tallinn in 1974. She is a Escholar, critic and writer. She divides her time between her posts as a project manager at the Estonian Literature Centre and as a researcher at the Museum Department of the Under and Tuglas Literature Centre.

£9.99 3 August 2018 ISBN 978 1 910213 78 0 280p B. Format Rights: World English Anthology Rights


The Desert and the Drum by Mbarek Ould Beyrouk

translated by Rachael McGill

verything changes for Rayhana when foreigners with strange machines arrive to Emine for metal near her Bedouin camp. One of them is the enigmatic Yahya. Her association with him leads Rayhana to abandon all that she has ever known and flee alone to the city. But when her tribe discover she has stolen their sacred drum, they pursue her to exact their revenge.

The Desert and the Drum tells of Rayhana’s rift with her family, the disturbing characters she encounters in the metropolis, her attempts to distinguish friend from foe and to find a place for herself amidst the contradictions of contemporary Mauritania.

barek Ould Beyrouk (Beyrouk) was born in Atar, MMauritania, in 1957. A journalist, he founded the country’s first ever independent newspaper, Mauritanie Demain, in 1988, and is a recognised champion of free speech. In 2006 he was appointed to the Higher Authority for the Printed and Audiovisual Press in Mauritania, and he is currently an advisor to the President of the Republic. He has written four books, including three novels: Et le ciel a oublié de pleuvoir (2006), Le Griot de l'émir (2013) and Le Tambour des larmes (2015).

£9.99 24 August 2018 ISBN 978 1 910213 79 7 224p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World English


Drifting (À vau-l’eau) by J.-K. Huysmans

translated by Brendan King

£7.99 3 November 2017 ISBN 978 1 910213 63 6 104p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World English in this translation

Sappho by Alphonse Daudet

translated by Graham Andersen

£9.99 7 December 2017 ISBN 978 1 910213 70 4 224p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World English in this translation


Toomas Nipernaadi by August Gailit

translated by Eva & Jason Finch

£9.99 27 April 2018 ISBN 978 1 910213 50 6 268p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World English

Seven Brothers by Aleksis Kivi

translated by David Hackston

£9.99 27 July 2018 ISBN 978 1 910213 56 8 288p B. Format Rights: Dedalus World English in this translation


New and Forthcoming Titles: November 2017 – October 2018 and the Complete Backlist AUTHOR/EDITOR ISBN PRICE DARK MASTERS BACKLIST My Fairy-Tale Life e Andersen 978 1 907650 57 4 £12.99 The Devil is a Gentleman e Baker 978 1 907650 32 1 £14.99 The Life of J.K. Huysmans e Baldick 978 1 903517 43 7 £15.00 A Dutiful Son e Bruckner 978 1 910213 16 2 £9.99 The Man Who Was Norris e Cullen 978 1 909232 43 3 £11.99 Vivo: The Life of Gustav Meyrink e Meyrink 978 1 903517 69 7 £9.99 DEDALUS HALL OF FAME NEW TITLE The Dedalus Book of Absinthe e Baker 978 1 910213 80 3 £7.99 DEDALUS HALL OF FAME Pfitz e Crumey 978 1 909232 80 8 £8.99 The Book of Nights e Germain 978 1 909232 81 5 £9.99 Memoirs of a Gnostic Dwarf e Madsen 978 1 909232 75 4 £9.99 Bad to the Bone e Waddington 978 1 909232 91 4 £8.99 LITERARY CONCEPT BOOKS BACKLIST The Dedalus Book of Gin e Barnett 978 1 910213 49 0 £9.99 The Dedalus Book of Vodka e Elborn 978 1 907650 04 8 £15.00* Emperor of Dreams e Jay 978 1 907650 18 5 £10.99 The Dedalus Book Literary Suicides e Lachman 978 1 903517 66 6 £9.99 The Dedalus Book of the Occult e Lachman 978 1 909232 44 0 £11.99 The Dedalus Book of the 1960s e Lachman 978 1 903517 70 3 £12.99 The Decadent Cookbook e Lucan/Gray 978 1 873982 22 8 £9.99 The Decadent Gardener e Lucan/Gray 978 1 873982 82 2 £9.99 The Decadent Sportsman e Lucan/Gray 978 1 907650 55 0 £9.99 The Decadent Traveller e Lucan/Gray 978 1 873982 09 9 £9.99 The Decadent Handbook e Pelling et al 978 1 903517 64 2 £9.99 DEDALUS AFRICA NEW TITLE The Desert and the Drum e Beyrouk 978 1 910213 79 7 £9.99 DEDALUS AFRICA BACKLIST The Word Tree e Gersão 978 1 903517 88 8 £9.99 The Ultimate Tragedy e Sila 978 1 910213 54 4 £9.99 Our Musseque e Vieira 978 1 910213 07 0 £9.99 CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH LANGUAGE FICTION NEW TITLES The Great Chain of Unbeing e Crumey 978 1 910213 77 3 £9.99

16 DEDALUSDEDALUS ORDER ORDER FORM FORM AND & STOCK STOCK LIST LIST Dangerous Days e Kanaris 978 1 910213 71 1 £9.99 CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH LANGUAGE FICTION BACKLIST Mensah e Anyetei 978 1 910213 41 4 £9.99 Market Farm e Bradbury 978 1 909232 23 5 £8.99 D’Alembert’s Principle e Crumey 978 1 873982 32 7 £7.99 Mobius Dick e Crumey 978 1 909232 93 8 £9.99 Mr Mee e Crumey 978 1 909232 94 5 £9.99 Music, in a Foreign Language e Crumey 978 1 873982 11 2 £7.99 The Secret Knowledge e Crumey 978 1 909232 45 7 £9.99 Sputnik Caledonia e Crumey 978 1 910213 13 1 £9.99 The Revenants e Farrington 978 1 903517 04 8 £7.99 Pleading Guilty e Genney 978 1 903517 57 4 £9.99 Sentence Adjourned e Genney 978 1 903517 96 3 £9.99 The Cat e Gray 978 1 910213 36 0 £8.99 False Ambassador e Harris 978 1 903517 00 0 £8.99 Mappamundi e Harris 978 1 903517 77 2 £9.99 Memoirs of a Byzantine Eunuch e Harris 978 1 903517 03 1 £9.99 Theodore e Harris 978 1 873982 49 5 £9.99 The Arabian Nightmare e Irwin 978 1 873982 73 0 £7.99 Exquisite Corpse e Irwin 978 1 907650 54 3 £8.99 The Limits of Vision e Irwin 978 1 873982 10 5 £5.99 The Mysteries of Algiers e Irwin 978 1 873982 60 0 £6.99 Prayer-Cushions of the Flesh e Irwin 978 1 873982 63 1 £6.99 Satan Wants Me e Irwin 978 1 903517 58 1 £7.99 Wonders Will Never Cease e Irwin 978 1 910213 47 6 £9.99 Blood & Gold e Kanaris 978 1 910213 10 0 £9.99 Codename Xenophon e Kanaris 978 1 909232 83 9 £9.99 The Father of Locks e Killeen 978 1 903517 76 5 £9.99 The Khalifah’s Mirror e Killeen 978 1 903517 97 0 £9.99 The Ballad of John Clare e Lupton 978 1 907650 00 0 £9.99 A Box of Dreams e Madsen 978 1 903517 22 2 £8.99 The Confessions of a Flesh-Eater e Madsen 978 1 873982 47 1 £7.99

Time of the Beast e Smith 978 1 909232 36 5 £9.99 CITY NOIR BACKLIST Prague Noir e Germain 978 1 903517 73 4 £8.99 Paris Noir e Yonnet 978 1 903517 48 2 £9.99

17 DEDALUSDEDALUS ORDER ORDER FORM FORM AND & STOCK STOCK LIST LIST EURO SHORTS BACKLIST Helena Ayesta 978 1 903517 59 8 £6.99 My Little Husband e Bruckner 978 1 909232 31 0 £7.99 The Prodigious Physician e de Sena 978 1 910213 38 4 £7.99 Ink in the Blood e Hochet 978 1 910213 11 7 £7.99 Alice, the Sausage Jabès 978 1 903517 51 2 £6.99 Las Adventures des Inspector Cabillot e Marani 978 1 907650 59 8 £6.99 The Staff Room Orths 978 1 903517 55 9 £6.99 On The Run Prinz 978 1 903517 36 9 £6.99 EUROPE 2017/18 NEW TITLES The Prepper Room e Duve 978 1 910213 72 8 £9.99 The Tower at the Edge of the World e Heinesen 978 1 910213 66 7 £9.99 EUROPE 1992/2017 BACKLIST The Land of Darkness Arsand 978 1 873982 99 0 £8.99 Where Tigers are at Home e Blas de Roblès 978 1 907650 16 1 £20.00* The Prussian Bride Buida 978 1 873982 06 2 £9.99 Saturn e Dehnel 978 1 907650 69 7 £9.99 Alfanhui (new ed) e Ferlosio 978 1 910213 82 7 £9.99 The River Ferlosio 978 1 903517 17 8 £9.99 What Became of the White Savage e Garde 978 1 910213 08 7 £11.99 The Book of Tobias Germain 978 1 873982 39 6 £7.99 Days of Anger Germain 978 1 873982 65 5 £8.99 Hidden Lives Germain 978 1 903517 92 5 £9.99 Infinite Possibilities Germain 978 1 873982 23 5 £8.99 Invitation to a Journey Germain 978 1 903517 16 1 £7.99 Magnus e Germain 978 1 903517 62 8 £9.99 The Medusa Child Germain 978 1 873982 31 0 £8.99 Night of Amber Germain 978 1 873982 95 2 £8.99 The Song of False Lovers Germain 978 1 903517 25 3 £8.99 Portrait of a Family with a Fat Daughter e Giacobino 978 1 910213 48 3 £12.99 The Black Cauldron (new ed) e Heinesen 978 1 910213 81 0 £9.99 The Good Hope Heinesen 978 1 903517 98 7 £12.99 The Lost Musicians e Heinesen 978 1 903517 50 5 £9.99 Mother Pleiades Heinesen 978 1 907650 07 9 £8.99 Windswept Dawn Heinesen 978 1 903517 78 9 £12.99 Barbara e Jacobsen 978 1 909232 30 3 £9.99


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