Fox Weekly Newsletter – Friday, 13 February


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Monday 23rd Year 3 parents workshop – Shanghai approach to maths 3.45pm Clubs - Jungle Gym, Football, Chess, Ballet, Sculpture Orchestra 7.45 am (no late admissions!) Tuesday 24th Reception Pedestrian skills training - pm Clubs – Table Tennis, Martial Arts, Art, Thrifty Accessories Shanghai teachers arrive at Fox Wednesday 25th Year 1 Pedestrian skills training - pm Clubs – Mini-Football, Code, Performing Arts, Needlecraft

Thursday 26th Clubs – Basketball Brigade, Thrifty Crafts, Judo, Art, Media Moguls

Friday 27th Mid-Year reports handed out Clubs – Performing Arts, Running (am), Football, Thrifty Accessories

This week in pictures

Year 3 looking at how Year 5 watch Year 1 learnig how to School council meet has changed leadership team perform code the Mayor of KandC Shakespear

Shanghai teachers visit Fox

As you may remember, Mr McMullen and Mrs Noy were lucky enough to visit Shanghai last year to observe Mathematics teaching. As a result of this visit we have made several changes to the way which we teach maths. As part of the exchange we are delighted to be welcoming Ms Yali Pang and Ms Lianjie Lu from Shanghai to teach maths in both Year 3 classes after the half term. They will be with us from Wednesday 25th February until Wednesday 18th March. The Chinese teachers will work alongside Ms Bagge and Ms Flood to share ideas and teach the children. Mrs

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Noy will be available after school on Monday 23rd February to give a short presentation on the Shanghai approach to teaching mathematics and to answer any questions Year 3 parents may have.

Safer Internet day

On Tuesday it was Safer Internet Day. Today in assembly we talked about how to stay safe using the internet. For more information go to

World Book Week 2nd – 6th March

Fox School World Book Week is fast approaching and everyone is very excited about the activities we have planned. World Book Day is on Thursday 5th.

Poetry during World Book Week

Building on the success of last year, we plan to again put a big emphasis on poetry as part of our celebrations. As part of your child’s half term holiday home learning, their class teacher will direct them towards a poem for them to learn and prepare to recite. They will then work as a class to rehearse and then perform the poem in front of the entire school during World Book Week. It would be fantastic if you would be able to spend some time discussing the poem, helping your child to learn it and practising reciting it at home. Here is a list of the poems chosen by each class.

Year Class Poem Class Poem Reception RW and RK My Dog Ate My Homework By Kenn Nesbitt 1 1B Today I Feel 1MG Queue For The Zoo By Gervas Phinn By Clare Bevan 2 2DB Wild, Wild Weather 2R Luv Song By James Carter By Benjamin Zephania 3 3B A Dragon in the 3F On The Ning Nang Nong Classroom By Spike Milligan By Charles Thomson 4 4T The Marvellous 4C Welcome Back To School Homework and By Kenn Nesbitt Housework Machine By Kenn Nesbitt 5 5J Isn’t My Name 5S The Dark Magical? By James Carter By James Berry 6 6R Write a Rap Rap 6S Word of a Lie By Tony Mitton By Jackie Kay

The Fox World Book Week Dress Up!

On Friday 6th March, to celebrate the end of our Book Week, we invite the children to come to school dressed as a character from one of their favourite books. This does not have to be a full costume and they might like to alternatively just bring in one object that represents their character instead. Class teachers will be selecting one of their favourite books to read to their classes during the week, so if your child is finding it difficult to decide who to dress as they could choose one of the characters from that book.

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Alternative Book Cover Design Competition

We will of course be holding our very popular World Book Week competition for the children to design their own book cover. Children need to draw the front cover, spine and back cover of the book, making sure they include the book name, author, blurb and that they use illustrations that show the main themes from the text. They can choose any book they like! The only rule is that every entry should be of A4 or A3 size. Entries MUST be given to their child’s class teacher by Wednesday 25th February at the latest so they can be judged and the winning entries sent to Waterstones in Gate to be displayed in their window!

Here is an example of the layout required and some exciting book covers for inspiration!

World Book Day £1 Vouchers

We will also be visiting Waterstones to spend our £1 World Book Day vouchers on the Thursday and Friday of that week. For information about the books available to buy with this year’s vouchers please visit the World Book Day website at

Extreme Reading!

To promote reading for enjoyment and World Book Day, we are asking the children (and staff!) to take photographs of themselves doing some ‘Extreme Reading!’ over the half term holiday. This basically means they are reading in unusual and unique places. E.g. In the bath or whilst going down a slide! This is a well-known thing that many schools are doing for World Book Day and if you search online you will find many examples. We would like to stress however, that the activities must be COMPLETELY SAFE and should be supervised by an adult at all times! The children should print off their pictures sized A4 and bring them to their class teachers, so that the winners can be chosen and displayed around the school!

We are sure it is going to be a brilliant week and we look forward to all the wonderful reading and celebrating of books that will be happening at Fox across the week!

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Governors’ Blog

Please remember to check the Governor Blog - it has all the inside info on the new building and federation, as well as giving an insight into the day-to-day activities of Fox Governors. You can find it on the website under Fox Info/Governors/Governor's Blog.

Soilfix presentation – available to view on the web site

Half term Camp

There will be a half term camp run over the holiday. From Monday 16th February - Friday 20th February. The Day starts 10am. However, we also run a breakfast club, which runs from 8:30am-10am.

If you wish to enrol your child, the fee is £20 per day or £15 per half day. In addition to this, Breakfast Brigade is £2. If you book your child for the whole week the fee is £80 and Breakfast Brigade is free!

Email: Mr Joseph and Mr Millett at [email protected] or contact: 07906089526.

Attendance this week – 97.31%

This Weeks % Attendance 100 100 100 100 100 99.2 99.1 98.3 98 96.5 95.8 96 94.5 94 91.8 92 90.7 90.4 90 90 88 86 84

RW RK 1B 1MG 2DB 2R 3B 3F 4T 4C 5J 5S 6R 6S

Fox Play

The Spring Term 2 Booking Sheet is attached

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Parent /Carer Consultations

Tuesday 3rd March - 1pm – 6pm Class 1MG only Thursday 5th March - 2pm – 6pm all classes except class 1MG or 2R Friday 6th March - 2pm – 5pm all classes except not class 1MG or 2R Thursday 12th March - 1pm – 6pm Class 2R only (Ms Waddell)

We are again using an online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments. You can make an appointment with the class teacher.

Appointments can be made from 5pm today and will close at 12pm on the consultation day. Should you wish to make any changes after this date, please contact the school office.

Please visit to book your appointments.

Login with the following information: Your Title, Forename and Surname E-mail address (you will get a reminder if you do this) Pupil’s Preferred Forename: Pupil’s Surname: Pupils Date of birth: DD/MM/YYYY

FSA News

March Fri 13th FSA Meeting, 9am Tues 24th Children’s Quiz Night, 4-6pm Fri 27th FSA Egg Hunt (Holland Park)

UPCOMING EVENTS Children's Quiz Night, Tues 24 March, 4-6pm At least 10 volunteers are needed for food, table monitors and general help. Any donations - food or money - are welcome. Contact the event lead, Pinar Alparslan, at [email protected].

Easter Egg Hunt, Fri 27 March Please contact the Reception Class Reps (Catherine Edwards & Elizabeth Beebe) if you’re able to get involved.

Summer Fair - Lead needed!

Year 3 Cake Sale raised a whopping £343.05 for Survival International

We hope you all have a relaxing half-term break. FSA Team

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London's Air Ambulance and Historic Royal Palaces are planning an event in March 2015. The event is a 5k Family Challenge designed to enhance children’s numeracy and mathematical reasoning, literacy and language skills in accordance with Key Stages 1 & 2 and will be held to raise funds for these two charities. It will take place within the Tower of London and City of London and includes a picnic lunch and entry to the Tower after the team have finished the course. Further details about the event for your perusal can be found attached or at

I hope you find the information useful and if possible are able to include the attached details of the event in your pupils’ book bags or in a newsletter to parents. We are keen to promote this event to pupils in the Kensington and Chelsea area and are incredibly appreciative for any help that you are able to give.

If you have any further queries about the Tower Powerhouses: 5K Family Challenge or either of the charities benefiting from this event please don’t hesitate to contact:

Lily Smith, Events Coordinator, London’s Air Ambulance, (0)20 7220 5492,

Discover London Children's Book Swap - happening all over the city, though I think the closest to Fox is at the French Institute.

6 x complimentary places available for Thursday 19th February ONLY at a holiday camp at 9am-3pm and normally costs £50 p/child. It is open to primary school children and places will be given on a first come basis- contact Michelle@Miniversity

We are now collecting Sainsbury’s Vouchers!

Stars of the week

Class Student Achievement

RJ Mane Mane has had a brilliant week. He has applied himself in his independent learning, often successfully completing more than two activities. He has also made good progress in Maths by participating happily in carpet sessions and explaining his knowledge using full sentences. Well done Mane. Keep it up! RK Milli Milli has had a wonderful week at school, she has been working so hard in phonics and impressed us all when she wrote three words independently. Amazing work Milli, keep it up!

1B Kinan For his hard work and dedication towards his learning. Kinan always tries his best and this week he has wowed us with his fantastic reading skills and his beautiful Jack and the Beanstalk story. Well done Kinan.

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1MG Felix Felix embodies many great Fox qualities - he approaches all work with enthusiasm, is fully engaged in his learning and never gives up on activities. What a super star!

2R Oscar Oscar for making enormous improvements in his handwriting. Well done Oscar!

2DB Ella Her brilliant hard work in her numeracy group and her exceptional concentration when writing in her literacy lessons. Her work is improving so much, because she is putting in so much effort. The hard work is paying off Ella, keep it up! 3B Viggo Viggo's creativity and calm attitude have come to the fore in recent weeks. He confidently led the Year 3 productions chorography, ensuring that everyone was able to do the moves. His imagination is evident in literacy and his characters spring off the page! 3F Antonio Antonio has been impressing us this week with his hard work and determination in class. He has been focused in lesson and working really hard towards his targets. Keep up all of the hard work

4C Andrey His incredible efforts in Literacy this week. Andrey wrote a thrilling climax, which showed off all of his writing skills and I was on the edge of my seat while reading it. Keep it up, Andrey.

4T Isabella Isabella has been making a great effort in her targets of focus, concentration and handwriting. Everything came together in science and she produced the most incredible piece of work. Keep it up Isabella, Ms Thatcher and Ms Bagnall have been really impressed 5J Whole Class We have been incredibly impressed with how hard Year 5 have worked this half term. They all wrote fantastic Victorian narratives, have enthusiastically tackled some challenging problems in Numeracy and have been a joy to teach. Well done to all of you. 5S Whole Class We have been incredibly impressed with how hard Year 5 have worked this half term. They all wrote fantastic Victorian narratives have enthusiastically tackled some challenging problems in Numeracy and have been a joy to teach. Well done to all of you. 6S Al For his enthusiasm and engagement in coding. Mr Cheung was so impressed with Al's logical approach and determination in finding a solution. Well done for being so focused Al!

6HR Ellie Ellie has been working incredibly hard in numeracy this term and has made fantastic progress. She demonstrated her dedication to maths this week during assessments when she tackled her papers with great determination. A maths super star!

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