The Engineering and Mining Journal July
THE ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL. VOLUMK LIl., JULY TO DECEMBER, 1891. insriDEX. Alloy for Accumulators, New. 684 Amherst Mine, Cal.313 Armenia Mine, Mich. 435 .Q Alloy for {Sealing Glass Tubes. 426 *Ammonia Engine ..51, *101, 415 Armor Plate Ingot, Large.. 128 Aaron, ('. U., on Furnace Dust.. Alloys, Electrolysis of.o64 Ammonia Soda Process in England.. 4 Armor Plate Tests.77,327,428,535,Tests.77,327, 428, 535, 596 Aaron, C. H., on Gold Precipitation... 211 Alloys New..... 478, 529 I Ammonite, a New Explosive. 220 I Armstrong, .1. E AbbStt ^ ^™^**^^^***'.^11 Alloys of Manganese, Clopper,Copper, Alum- Ammonium Chloride' in Carnallite, »Armstrong, Mitchell & Co.’s Large inum.47,3J1 Kleserite, &c. 681 Guns. 311 ■akS’ Miguel iioid Mg. Co. 6^ Alpha Cons. Mg. Co., Nev.Nev, 623 Amsterdam Petroleum Co. 169 Arnold Mg Co., Mich.224, .367, 4:54 Abel, Frederick A. 51 AlphaAlnhaGnld Gold Mg.Mi? Co.,Pn N.N M.199IVI Anaconda Mg. Claim, Colo. 101 Arrayanes Lead Mines, Spain.600 -i-V ABaMine,M^chAlpha Mine, Mich :.. :.^ 80 Anaconda Mg. Co., Mont...81.132, 172, Arsenic and Antimony Separated.526 ♦Abrasive Processes in Mechanic Arts. Alphand, Chas. Adolphe, Death of... 682 394____,, 435, 440, 466, 487. 490, 492, 512, 538, Arsenic_ Production in England. 96 1 it/r» *95, iTO188 Alps Cons. Mine, Colo. 197 623,684 ’Arthur’s Rope Grip.271 Aby-sinian Mg. Claim, Mont. 172 aIiji Mir Po Nev '55 "I'oA. "iTi'"iVs AcademyAcIieSof^atural of l^atural Sciences.272,ScS^^^ 484 ^g Co Nev^119 5^ 10& kiq132, m, Methods, International .
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