ORIGINAL ARTICLE , Mind and Behaviour DOI: 10.1556/2050.2019.00011

Sense or non-sense? A critical discussion of a recent evolutionary–cognitive approach to “folk-economic beliefs”


Department of the Study of Religion, Aarhus University, Denmark

(Received: 17 Jul 2019; accepted: 13 Nov 2019)

Laypeople hold beliefs about economics and policy issues—so-called folk-economic beliefs (FEBs)—that are often wrong or misleading according to professional economists. Here, I critically discuss a recent evolutionary–cogni- tive approach to understanding folk-economic beliefs. According to this approach (Boyer & Petersen 2018a), some economic beliefs are more prevalent than others, because such beliefs (i.e., folk-economic beliefs) resonate with evolved features of the human mind. I refer to this as the “FEB hypothesis”. A central challenge to the FEB hy- pothesis, with its heavy reliance on universal cognitive features, is to explain individual and cultural differences in economic beliefs and behavior. This challenge is the starting point for the discussion. Overall, the conclusion of this paper is that the FEB hypothesis relies on unnecessarily strong and controversial theoretical assumptions (e.g., “massive ” and the “Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness”), and that it overlooks important find- ings from adjacent fields, but that the FEB hypothesis, following some modifications inspired by , can be integrated with robust findings from the rest of the evolutionary, cognitive, and anthropological sciences, as well as standard political . Based on this discussion, the paper ends with brief reflections on how to correct inaccurate folk-economic beliefs.

Keywords: folk-economic beliefs, , cultural attraction theory, dual inheritance theory

INTRODUCTION , do not think like economists (Kirby, Cornish, & Smith 2008, pp. 147–166). It is, for instance, a familiar finding that people are overinfluenced by consideration of Folk-economic beliefs sunk costs (Magalhães & White 2016) or fail to consider opportunity costs (Hazlitt 2010) in evaluating possible In many walks of life, laypeople hold widely different courses of action.” (p. 3) opinions, views, and beliefs compared to professionals or In this paper, I will critically discuss a recent evolution- experts. There are arguably few areas where this discrep- ary–cognitive approach to understanding so-called folk- ancy between laypeople and professionals matters more economic beliefs—a domain of beliefs about economics than in the political economic sphere (Caplan 2006, 2007). and policy issues that are held by laypeople but often Beliefs and opinions of laypeople determine the outcome deemed wrong or misleading by professional economists. of elections and thus the future direction and organization According to this approach (Boyer & Petersen 2018a), of democratic nations (Flynn, Nyhan, & Reifler 2017). It is some beliefs are more prevalent than others, because such thus in everybody's interest that laypeople hold beliefs that beliefs (i.e., folk-economic beliefs) resonate with evolved are generally compatible with the best knowledge of eco- features of the human mind. In the following, for the sake nomic and political experts. However, this is far from al- of brevity, I will refer to this approach as the “FEB hy- ways the case. As Leiser and Shemesh (2018) wrote: pothesis”, where FEB stands for folk-economic belief (see “Non-economists’ thinking has a short range and a nar- Boyer & Petersen 2018a). row scope. It focuses on direct links, and typically ignores In Part 1, I will introduce, in more detail, the concept indirect links, feedback loops, and aggregate effects. Peo- of folk-economic beliefs and identify the theoretical ple without specialized training do not countenance com- frameworks and assumptions from which the FEB hypoth- plex causal networks. [...] The result is that the public is esis is derived. I will also introduce a competing (although largely unaware of emergent processes [...].” (p. 122–123) not entirely incompatible) evolutionary framework – Dual Boyer and Petersen (2018a) provided a few additional examples: “It is a matter of common knowledge that most people, including the educated public in modern democratic * Author for correspondence. [email protected]

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© 2019 The Author(s) T. Bendixen

Inheritance Theory – that will function as a counter- zero-sum (e.g., when 2 nations engage in trade, the export- perspective on the origin and spread of folk-economic be- ing country “win” and the importing country “loses”), liefs in Part 2. immigrants “steal” jobs (e.g., immigrants compete with In Part 2, I will critically evaluate and discuss the theo- native citizens for work), immigrants abuse the welfare retical foundations of the FEB hypothesis. The discussion system (e.g., immigrants are “lazy” and scrounge on hard- will take its outset from the challenge of explaining varia- earned tax money), and the profit motive is detrimental to tion in economic beliefs and behavior across and general welfare (e.g., private companies only care about individuals. profit and are therefore uncaring and amoral) (for more Overall, the conclusion of this paper is that the FEB examples, see Boyer & Petersen 2018a,p.3–4, Rubin hypothesis relies on unnecessarily strong and controversial 2003, 2018, and Figure 1 below). theoretical assumptions (e.g., “massive modularity” and Although the specific folk-economic beliefs highlighted the “Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness”), and that by the authors are all contrary to the views of mainstream it overlooks important findings from adjacent fields, but economic and political science, the authors emphasize that that the FEB hypothesis, following some modifications in- this is not in itself a criteria for labeling a belief “folk-eco- spired by Dual Inheritance Theory, can be integrated with nomic”. Instead, a belief is a folk-economic belief if it is robust findings from the rest of the evolutionary, cogni- common enough to be of political relevance—regardless tive, and anthropological sciences, as well as standard po- of its truth (Boyer & Petersen 2018b). litical psychology. Lastly, I will sketch out what these insights mean for how to counter misleading and poten- tially damaging folk-economic beliefs in practice. Con- The “FEB hypothesis” and its “strong” assumptions cludingly, I will briefly reflect on the originality of this paper and will summarize. According to Boyer and Petersen (2018a, 2018b) and to However, before embarking on the main parts, the im- what I will hereafter call the “FEB hypothesis”, folk-eco- portance of this project is outlined. nomic beliefs are the products not of pure ignorance but of intuitions generated by domain-specific cognitive infer- ence systems, or so-called cognitive modules (Frankenhuis Importance of the project & Ploeger 2007; in this paper and following the literature, As alluded to at the outset of the introduction, understand- I will alternate between these two synonymous labels. ing why people believe and behave as they do in modern Sometimes, for the sake of brevity, derived abbreviations political and economic situations is vital for democratic will also be used, such as cognitive mechanisms or infer- nations. The long-term success of democracies hinges on ence systems or, plainly, modules). voters being sufficiently politically literate. By understand- Supposedly, these domain-specific cognitive inference ing how humans process and act upon pieces of political systems are evolved through , are each and economic information, societies can put in place inter- “designed to solve one kind of exchange problem recurrent ventions to counter and inoculate against misleading and in our ancestral environment” (Boyer & Petersen 2018a,p. potentially damaging folk-economic beliefs. 6), and are therefore universal in the human species. Since In addition, from a basic science perspective, spurring no domain-general cognitive mechanism could seemingly on the growth of a rigorous evolutionary–cognitive re- handle the plethora of diverse adaptive challenges faced by search program on the origin and spread of folk-economic our ancestors—from choosing a fertile mate over detecting beliefs is crucial, as it represents a promising arena for cheaters to avoiding toxins in foods—the brain must, so testing theories about the of ideas and the argument goes, necessarily function as a collection of behaviors in a societally important domain. This paper is a many domain-specific, or highly specialized, modules modest attempt at demonstrating the promise and potential (Cosmides 1989). Figure 1 illustrates the processes of such a program. whereby explicit folk-economic beliefs arise from intui- tions generated by domain-specific inference systems. The FEB hypothesis thus rests on 2 strong assumptions: “ 1) human cognition is, at least to a significant degree, PART 1: INTRODUCING THE FEB “ ” HYPOTHESIS” massively modular , in that it consists of a very large number of specialized and independent cognitive inference systems, or modules; and 2) these modules are evolved ad- What are folk-economic beliefs? aptations to aggregated and recurrent features of a small- scale, hunter-gatherer existence (in the Environment of According to Boyer and Petersen (2018a), “the term folk- Evolutionary Adaptedness (EEA); Boyer & Petersen economic beliefs denotes a large domain of explicit, wide- 2018a, p. 7). I call these assumptions “strong”, because spread beliefs, to do with economic and policy issues, held they are fundamental and unnegotiable for the FEB hy- by individuals without systematic training in economic pothesis to be coherent in its proposed form. theory” (p. 1, emphasis in the original; for a similar- However, although these strong assumptions are not ex- sounding definition, see Rubin 2003, p. 153). In their arti- plicitly justified in the original article (Boyer & Petersen cle (2018a) and the related commentary response (2018b), 2018a), they are in fact highly contested topics in both the Boyer and Petersen present a list of such folk-economic cognitive, biological, and anthropological literatures (see, beliefs. These include the following: international trade is e.g., Buller 2005; Hagen 2015; Machery & Barrett 2006;

Evolution, Mind and Behaviour 2 Folk-Economic Beliefs: A Critical Discussion

Figure 1. “Illustration of the sequence of cognitive processes involved in acquisition of economy-related information and generation of folk-economic beliefs.” (Figure and text adapted from Boyer & Petersen 2018a, p. 10).

Panksepp & Panksepp 2000). This debate is the main (Caplan 2007). However, only seldom does this kind of be- theme of Part 2. havioral economics research explore the ultimate origin for such biases (for an exception, see Kenrick & Griskevicius The FEB hypothesis in a larger perspective 2013). This lack of a unifying evolutionary meta-theory in the social sciences and the study of mind has recently been Evolutionary psychology. The FEB hypothesis is de- identified as one main reason for the so-called “replication rived from a broader theoretical framework traditionally crisis” in the psychological sciences (Muthukrishna & Hen- labeled Evolutionary Psychology. In essence, Evolutionary rich 2019; see also Mesoudi 2009, 2011). Thus, from this Psychology seeks to understand the cognitive mechanisms perspective, Evolutionary Psychology appears right to de- that underlie human thought and behavior along with the mand an increasing amount of serious evolutionary think- evolutionary forces that gave rise to these mechanisms ing in the social sciences. (for a comprehensive review, see Buss 2019). Evolution- Cultural attraction theory. As Boyer and Petersen ary Psychology rests on the same strong assumptions as (2018a) highlight themselves, the FEB hypothesis also the FEB hypothesis, namely the assumptions of “massive draws inspiration from Cultural Attraction Theory modularity” and the EEA (see above) (Smith 2000). His- (Sperber 1996). Proponents of this framework start by torically, Evolutionary Psychology emerged as a critique noting that cultural transmission is relatively low-fidelity1. of prevailing disciplines in the social sciences of the 20th century, such as behaviorism, whose views include that humans are effectively born as “blank slates”, that biology —in contrast to —is a negligible aspect of human 1“Reconstructive” or “preservative” cultural evolution thought and behavior, and that is the key to There is an on-going debate in the literature on whether cultural evolution is understanding human psychology (Barkow, Cosmides, & generally “reconstructive” or “preservative” (e.g., Acerbi & Mesoudi, 2015; Buskell, 2015; Morin, 2016). Reconstructive cultural evolution entails that Tooby 1992; Pinker 2002). cultural transmission is in itself a low-fidelity process but certain cultural vari- Thus, the goal of Evolutionary Psychology was and still ants survive nonetheless, because they are reconstructed in similar ways dur- is to bring biology and evolutionary theory to bear on the ing transmission as a result of the shared features of human cognition or of shared environmental conditions (Claidière et al., 2014). Preservative cultural social sciences and the study of mind. This ambition stands evolution, in contrast, assumes that the process of cultural transmission is rela- in contrast to not just the 20th century social science tively high-fidelity but cultural traits can remain stable even in low-fidelity but also much of current psychology. For instance, folk- cases as a result of the continued and aggregated effects of social learning in- teractions (Henrich et al., 2008). In this paper, I remain agnostic on this issue. economic beliefs are sometimes said to originate from cog- It is very possible that the debate has to be evaluated and resolved on a case- nitive biases and heuristics, such as an “anti-foreign” bias by-case basis.

3 Evolution, Mind and Behaviour T. Bendixen

For instance, when we hear a story, we do not store a per- generations not genetically but culturally, as occasional fect verbatim version of that story in our memory. In- beneficial modifications are selectively preserved and ac- stead, we store “the gist” (Bartlett 1932) of the story, cumulated via non-random social learning strategies” losing many details in the process. This raises the puzzle (Mesoudi 2016, p. 17). of why, in spite of the corroding forces of human mem- These social learning strategies, which have been both ory and communication, some cultural variants (e.g., predicted by formal evolutionary modeling and docu- beliefs, folk tales, behaviors, art forms, etc.) can neverthe- mented by experimental and developmental psychologists, less survive culturally through many generations. The so- include (not an exhaustive list, only for illustrative pur- lution as proposed by Cultural Attraction Theory is the poses) the following: who-biases such as conformity (dis- contention that cultural transmission must be both con- proportionally imitating the majority), prestige (imitating strained and supported by the architecture of human psy- the prestigious), competence/success (imitating the compe- chology (Sperber 1996). Human cognitive mechanisms tent/successful), credibility-enhancing displays (imitating are said to function as factors of attraction, in which persons who “walk the walk” and not just “talk the talk”; some cultural variants are easier to acquire, remember, Henrich 2009), and self-similarity (imitating self-similar and convey than others, because they resonate with the people), as well as when-biases, such as imitating when intuitions generated by human cognition (external, ecolog- uncertain, when prior knowledge is outdated, and when in- ical factors can also function as factors of attraction, and dividual learning is costly (see, e.g., Boyd & Richerson, we will return to such cases in Part 2). Recurrent cultural 1985; Henrich 2016; Henrich & Broesch 2011; Hoppitt & variants in a population are termed cultural attractors Laland 2013; Mesoudi 2008, 2016; Muthukrishna, Mor- (Claidière, Scott-Phillips, & Sperber 2014; Scott-Phillips, gan, & Henrich 2016; Richerson & Boyd 2005a; however, Blancke, & Heintz 2018). for a critical evaluation of this literature, see Lewens Translated into the FEB hypothesis, a folk-economic 2015). belief can be understood as a cultural attractor while In addition to who- and when-biases, which are also evolved cognitive modules function as factors of attraction collectively known as context biases, Dual Inheritance which make some beliefs about the economy (i.e., folk- Theory comprises content biases. Content biases cover the economic beliefs) more intuitively appealing than others. idea that individuals are more likely to learn some cultural Boyer and Petersen (2018a) sum up their view: variant over another because of the content of that variant. “[O]ur intuitive free-rider detection system, or our This typically “[...] result[s] from calculation of costs and evolved set of preferences for partner-choice, do not by benefits associated with alternative variants, or because themselves directly generate particular views of the econ- the structure of cognition makes some variants easier to omy. The intuitive systems only provide a context against learn or remember” (Richerson & Boyd 2005a, p. 69). which external information, provided by mass media, The content bias concept can thus be viewed as related or economists, political entrepreneurs, or simply other indi- even synonymous to factors of attraction in Cultural At- viduals, is likely to become relevant, attention-grabbing, traction Theory: both terms cover the idea that some cul- and therefore susceptible of cultural transmission.” (p. 15) tural variants are socially transmitted more faithfully than Dual inheritance theory. Aspects of Evolutionary Psy- other variants as a result of the content of these variants chology have been heavily criticized by proponents of (for a discussion of this point, see Acerbi & Mesoudi Dual Inheritance Theory (e.g., Bolhuis et al. 2011). This 2015; Morin 2016). framework recognizes that the human mind comes According to proponents of Dual Inheritance Theory, equipped to solve some evolutionarily recurring problems, the unique reliance on social learning in humans creates a but argue that this explanation is not sufficient alone to second inheritance system in addition to genetic inheri- explain the full range of human capabilities, especially tance: cultural inheritance, also known as cumulative cul- the wide-spread large-scale cooperation of our species ture or cumulative cultural evolution (Boyd & Richerson (Chudek, Zhao, & Henrich 2013). Instead, these re- 1985). The genetic and cultural inheritance systems do not searchers emphasize the importance of human social function separately from each other. On the contrary, they learning capacities. Our ability to selectively learn from influence each other in crucial ways (for a review, see other individuals and to pass knowledge on to others is Henrich 2016). Genes and culture are said to co-evolve. unrivaled in the animal kingdom (Laland 2017; Richerson One of the best documented examples of this gene-culture & Boyd 2005a) and has even been dubbed “the secret of coevolutionary process is the consequences of the domes- our success” (Henrich 2016). By this, it is meant that in tication of fire, which, through cooked food, allowed the order to explain the great ecological success of the human human lineage to evolve smaller intestines and bigger species, we cannot rely only on invoking specialized in- brains (Wrangham 2009). Gene-culture can be ference systems evolved for the purpose of individual viewed as a special case of , the more learning and problem-solving, as proponents of Evolu- general evolutionary process whereby an organism shapes tionary Psychology tend to prefer (Pinker 2010). Techno- its environment just as the environment shapes the organ- logical and social innovations—from stone-tipped spears ism (Odling-Smee, Laland, & Feldman 2003). to cooking and food preparation, from agriculture to the With its emphasis on social learning, cumulative cul- internet, and from building a house to building social ture, gene-culture coevolution, and niche construction, norms and institutions—often do not arise from strokes Dual Inheritance Theory then offers a very different and of individual genius (Muthukrishna & Henrich 2016). arguably more nuanced view on than They instead “[...] gradually evolve over successive Evolutionary Psychology and thus provide different

Evolution, Mind and Behaviour 4 Folk-Economic Beliefs: A Critical Discussion

(although not entirely incompatible) explanations to the Research Center 2014), which was also cited by Ruisch challenges facing Evolutionary Psychology and the FEB et al. (2018), the majority of respondents endorsed the be- hypothesis. Central issues of disagreement include the ex- liefs that both international trade (80%) and a free market planation of cultural and individual differences, the degree (64%) is “generally good”. of modularity of the human mind, the concept of the EEA, These beliefs are polar opposites of what the FEB hy- and the role of culture. As already alluded to, these de- pothesis predicts, namely, that both international trade and bates are the main theme of Part 2. a free market are considered “generally bad” by most For these same reasons, proponents of Dual Inheritance laypeople (Boyer & Petersen 2018a), views that were en- Theory also emphasize that in order to study what makes dorsed by only 14% and 28% of the respondents, respec- humans human, we cannot rely solely on convenience tively. These differences in folk-economic beliefs are not sampling of university undergraduate students for experi- only expressed between nations but also within nations. ments and surveys, as has been (and still is) the norm in Tappin et al. (2018) cites national survey data across the much of social and behavioral science. This has been UK and the US with similar results: a substantial amount dubbed the “WEIRD people problem” (Muthukrishna & of people, if not the majority, holds beliefs that are con- Henrich 2019), where WEIRD stands for western, edu- trary to the predictions of the FEB hypothesis. cated, industrialized, rich, and democratic. The originators How do Boyer and Petersen (2018a, 2018b) respond to of the WEIRD-acronym (Henrich, Heine, & Norenzayan such observations? They simply acknowledge that these 2010) have documented how a wide range of psychologi- popular beliefs are also folk-economic beliefs, since, as cal phenomena once thought to be universals actually vary noted previously, Boyer and Petersen (2018a) define folk- substantially, to the point where they are occasionally non- economic beliefs not in terms of their truth value but existent, across cultures. These phenomena span from very whether or not they are common enough to be politically basic cognitive mechanisms such as visual perception to relevant. However, as Stastny and Houdek (2018) argue, if more complex phenomena such as “fairness, cooperation, mutually exclusive beliefs about economic and policy is- spatial reasoning, categorization and inferential induction, sues can both be classified as folk-economic beliefs, this moral reasoning, reasoning styles, self-concepts and re- questions the theoretical usefulness of the concept of folk- lated motivations, and the of IQ” (Henrich economic beliefs. As Bhattacharjee and Dana (2018) relat- et al. 2010, p. 1), as well as personality (for a treatise on edly noted, this problem could be alleviated somewhat, if the possible origin of WEIRD psychology, see Schulz proponents of the FEB hypothesis defined folk-economic et al. 2019). When cross-cultural analyses are conducted, beliefs as being (statistically and generally speaking) con- WEIRD people are often shown to be some of the least trary to formal economic science. This would exclude representative populations of humans. many beliefs as folk-economic beliefs. Indeed, the folk- These systematic cultural differences are a challenge to economic beliefs chosen as example cases by Boyer and frameworks such as Evolutionary Psychology, who depend Petersen (2018a) are all framed as being in conflict with on the notion of universal cognitive features in humans, current economic science (Stastny & Houdek 2018). This and we will encounter concrete cases of the WEIRD peo- is understandable. After all, the most politically interesting ple problem in Part 2. cases are when people hold counterfactual—and not per- fectly accurate—beliefs about the economy (see also Caplan 2007; Leiser & Shemesh 2018; Rubin 2003, PART 2: A CRITICAL DISCUSSION OF THE 2018). The FEB hypothesis would benefit from admitting “FEB HYPOTHESIS” this normative aspect in the study of folk-economic beliefs (Bhattacharjee & Dana 2018). The cultural and individual differences in beliefs about Cultural and individual variation in folk-economic beliefs the economy and policy issues are not only substantial but and behavior also systematic. Laypeople's views on issues such as im- migration, international trade, and the market vary system- Variation in beliefs. As several commentators of Boyer atically according to demographic variables, such as and Petersen's (2018a) article noted, there is substantial education and ideology (Buturovic 2018; Ruisch et al. cultural and individual variation in the beliefs that laypeo- 2018; Sheehy-Skeffington & Thomsen 2018; Stastny & ple hold about policy issues and the economy (Buturovic Houdek 2018; Tappin et al. 2018; see also Caplan 2002). 2018; Ruisch, Anderson, & Pizarro 2018; Stastny & Hou- Several explanations to this finding have been proposed. dek 2018; Tappin et al. 2018). For instance, it may be the case that more educated For instance, Ruisch et al. (2018) cites a recent Gallup people simply have more accurate views on the economy World Poll that surveyed 142 countries. According to this in general (Tappin et al. 2018). Boyer and Petersen survey and contrary to the predictions from the FEB hy- (2018a, p. 3) reject this view as a primary explanation, as pothesis, 27% of respondents believe that immigrants are they—as already mentioned—regard whether a folk-eco- not in competition with native citizens, since immigrants nomic belief is accurate or not as “orthogonal” to the un- take low-paying jobs that native citizens do not want any- derlying cognitive processes. way (Esipova, Pugliese, & Ray 2015). Only 29% of the re- Another prominent suggestion is that belief formation spondents answered in accord with the FEB hypothesis— is highly influenced by social conflict dynamics. This that immigrants “steal jobs” from native citizens. Like- means that, on highly polarized political topics at least wise, according to another cross-national survey (Pew (e.g., immigration, international trade regulations, climate

5 Evolution, Mind and Behaviour T. Bendixen change policy), people are motivated to publicly endorse et al. (2001, 2005) played the “” across beliefs that are in line with their group identity and politi- several societies, ranging in scale from hunter-gatherers, cal ideology in order to signal their social allegiance (Tap- horticulturalists, nomadic herders, and small-scale agricul- pin et al. 2018). This psychological process is sometimes turalists. The ultimatum game is played anonymously by called “cultural cognition” (for a review, see Kahan 2016). two participants, a proposer, and a responder. The pro- As Tappin et al. (2018) pointed out, the cultural cognition poser is allocated an amount of real money and has to perspective serves to highlight the possible divide between make a one-shot proposal to the responder of how to di- what people explicitly say they believe (e.g. in a survey) vide the money. If the responder accepts the offer, the pro- and what they implicitly believe. In principle, people could posal is implemented and the participants receive the answer one thing in order to express what social group money; if the responder rejects, none of the participants they belong to, but actually hold a different belief in their receive anything. private mind. In their review of ultimatum game studies, Fehr and Boyer and Petersen's (2018a, 2018b) framework en- Schmidt (2006) reported that, when played in western and dorses what could arguably be viewed as a variant of cul- industrialized countries, the typical offers range between tural cognition (“coalitional dynamics”, see also next 40 and 50 percent of the allocated amount. At the same section) to explain individual and cultural variation in time, offers less than 20 percent of the allocated amount folk-economic beliefs. For instance, they write: are rejected with probability 0.4 to 0.6. “... a core ability for humans is to coordinate agendas However, Henrich et al. (2001, 2005) found that both within coalitions – that is, to agree implicitly (or, some- offer size and rejection rates vary across cultures. For in- times, explicitly) on a prioritized list of problems to tackle stance, members of Papua New Guinean societies Au and by means of collective action. When people come to iden- Gnau proposed “hyper-fair” offers (above 50% of the allo- tify with a particular coalition, the stance of the other cated stake), but also had high rejection rates, even for hy- members will, in other words, matter for the beliefs that per-fair offers. This pattern might reflect the remarkable people adopt, including their FEBs.” (Boyer & Petersen culture of gift-giving in these societies: 2018b, p. 53; see also rest of R6.2). “[...] accepting gifts [...] commits one to reciprocate I agree that something like cultural cognition—or the at some future time to be determined by the giver. Receipt “coordinat[ion of] agendas within coalitions”—is a poten- of large gifts also establishes one in a subordinate posi- tially plausible source of individual variation in beliefs. tion. Consequently, excessively large gifts, especially However, for the purpose of explaining variation in folk- unsolicited ones, will frequently be refused because of the economic beliefs, it is currently an underdeveloped con- anxiety about the unspecific strings attached.” (Henrich struct. The cultural cognition hypothesis has primarily—if et al. 2001, p. 76). not exclusively—been tested in narrow samples of The Machiguenga of Peru ranked lowest in cooperation WEIRD people, namely US citizens, making it premature rates (i.e., the size of the offer), probably mirroring the to draw any generalizable insights about either human lack of exchange or sharing beyond the family unit in cognition or human culture. Therefore, as van der Linden Machiguengan daily life. In contrast, Orma participants of (2016) pointed out, it is at best “[...] a thesis about why Kenya ranked very high in cooperation rates. This obser- specific American groups with differing preferences for vation fits neatly with a culture of “widespread institutions the role of government in disagree over a select of village-level voluntary contributions for public-goods number of “controversial” [...] issues” (van der Linden projects such as schools or roads” in this society (Henrich 2016, p. 7). Because the FEB hypothesis partially relies et al. 2001, p. 76). on something like cultural cognition (under the heading of To sum up, it seems that participants brought their so- “coalitional dynamics”) to explain cultural and individual cial norms, especially those relevant for the local market, variations, the FEB hypothesis is vulnerable to these same with them into the otherwise artificial, one-shot, anony- points of criticisms2. mous game situation (for corroborating findings, see Hen- Variation in behavior. Cultural and individual differ- rich et al. 2006). Thus, people not only vary both ences are not only expressed in beliefs about the economy substantially and systematically in economic beliefs. They and policy issues. They are also expressed in economic also vary substantially and systematically in economic behavior across cultures. To investigate the degree of behavior. cross-cultural variation in economic behaviors, Henrich The sources of individual and cultural variation in the 2One of the anonymous reviewers suggested that this argument misses the tar- FEB hypothesis get, since I criticize the cultural cognition hypothesis and not the coalitional dynamics hypothesis per se, which is what forms part of Boyer & Petersen's How does the FEB hypothesis, with its emphasis on uni- (2018a, 2018b) framework. However, I postulate that these two hypotheses share enough relevant features to warrant the comparison put forward in the versal cognitive systems, explain individual and cultural main text (see, e.g., the quoted paragraph from Boyer and Petersen 2018b,p. variation in folk-economic beliefs and behavior? 53). In addition, coalitional dynamics are not usually invoked by proponents Boyer and Petersen (2018b) distinguish between two of Evolutionary Psychology to explain individual differences in beliefs specif- “ ically, but instead to explain phenomena such as cooperation, altruistic punish- sources of variation: 1) coordination of beliefs within ment, warfare, and in-group favoritism more generally (Buss 2019). Since groups on the basis of coalitional dynamics” (p. 54), (see cultural cognition can be viewed as one of the most well-developed variants above); and 2) “the differential activation of domain- of a “coalitional dynamics” approach to explaining individual differences in economic and political beliefs, it is—I argue—therefore appropriate to criti- specific cognitive systems due to variation in available cally discuss cultural cognition in the present context. cues” (p. 54). As I have already discussed the coalitional

Evolution, Mind and Behaviour 6 Folk-Economic Beliefs: A Critical Discussion dynamics/cultural cognition view, I here focus on Boyer concept of evoked culture and important strengths of the and Petersen's second source. concept of transmitted culture. Based on Petersen's own work, Boyer and Petersen Secondly, this in turn forces the FEB hypothesis to be (2018b) give an example of how individual and cultural unnecessarily reliant on the strong assumptions of Evolu- variation can be caused by the differential activation of do- tionary Psychology (“massive modularity” and the EEA) main-specific cognitive systems: presented in Part 1, since these assumptions are funda- “Past research suggests that when evolved motivations mental to the process of “differential activation of domain- for communal sharing are activated, people are more prone specific cognitive systems”. to endorse the belief that needy individuals are “unlucky” The following sections elaborate on these two points of rather than “lazy” (Petersen et al. 2014), and they are criticism in turn. more likely to broadcast such beliefs to others (Aarøe & ” Petersen 2013). (p. 54) Limitations of “evoked culture” and the importance of Thus, cues in the environment can be said to activate “transmitted culture” different cognitive modules and hence different motiva- tional states, which in turn will influence the construction Evidence against the Importance of Evoked Culture of certain folk-economic beliefs. According to the FEB and for the Importance of Transmitted Culture. If evoked hypothesis, this also explains ideological differences: ideo- culture is the primary process whereby cultures and indi- logical differences have been shown to co-vary, at least to viduals come to vary, as proponents of Evolutionary Psy- some degree, with the activation of cognitive mechanisms, chology and the FEB hypothesis argue, the prediction is e.g., “[...] threat-detection (Hibbing et al. 2013), for mat- that people in the same kind of environments should gen- ing preferences (Petersen 2018), and for conflict-resolution erally believe and behave alike, whereas people inhabiting (Price et al. 2011)” (Boyer & Petersen 2018b, p. 54). Ide- different environments should believe and behave differ- ology, then, is simply the product of different people con- ently. On the other hand, if socially transmitted culture is a structing their folk-economic beliefs on the background of significant process, we would not expect this pattern, as differentially activated cognitive systems (Boyer & Peter- beliefs and behaviors can stabilize culturally through so- sen 2018a, 2018b). cial learning in a population independently of the specific The concept of “differential activation” of cognitive features of the ecological environment (Boyd & Richerson modules is one standard way of explaining individual and 1985). Of course, the two processes are not mutually cultural variation in Evolutionary Psychology more gener- exclusive and can therefore function simultaneously ally. It is also known as “evoked culture” (Tooby & (Mesoudi 2011). But, as already mentioned, the FEB hy- Cosmides 1992). Evoked culture refers to the individual pothesis put special emphasis on the concept of evoked learning processes whereby environmental cues trigger one culture when explaining cultural and individual variation or more psychological mechanisms, and it stands in con- in economic and political beliefs and behavior. Is there ev- trast to “transmitted culture”, the spreading of cultural vari- idence to justify this special emphasis? Here, I will argue ants through social learning (e.g., observation, , that there is not. teaching, etc.). Although these two kinds of cultural pro- Recall the cross-cultural ultimatum game study by Hen- cesses are not mutually exclusive and are often difficult to rich et al. (2001, 2005) presented above. Since this data disentangle in concrete case studies, proponents of Evolu- comprises societies spanning a range of environments, tionary Psychology have tended to focus more on evoked subsistence methods, and social organizations, the results culture (individual learning) than transmitted culture (social represent a valuable test of the relative importance of learning) (Brown & Richerson 2014; Norenzayan 2006). evoked culture and transmitted culture in economic behav- This is also the case for the FEB hypothesis. Cultural ior. And contrary to the predictions of Evolutionary Psy- Attraction Theory, which is integral to the FEB hypothesis chology and the FEB hypothesis, the results indicate that (see Part 1), is of course an endorsement of transmitted people from the same kind of environments can behave culture, but for Boyer and Petersen (2018a), Cultural At- very differently, while people from different environments traction Theory is an explanation of similarity, not varia- can behave alike. Furthermore, individual-level variables tion, in economic beliefs across cultures and individuals. (such as age and sex) failed to reliably predict the experi- The factors that Boyer and Petersen (2018b) noted as po- mental outcomes, both within and between societies tential explanations for individual and cultural variation— (Henrich et al. 2001, 2005). Instead, factors such as local e.g., “differential activation” of cognitive modules, such as market norms, cultural history, and social organization life history strategies and mechanisms for threat detection, seemed to be more important than individual and ecologi- mate preferences, and conflict-resolution—are all cases of cal factors in explaining variation in this kind of economic individual learning (although they do allude to social cues behavior. These results go against the prediction of Evolu- also being able to activate different cognitive modules). tionary Psychology and the FEB hypothesis but in turn By focusing almost entirely on individual learning support one of the central premises of Dual Inheritance when explaining cultural and individual differences in Theory, namely, the importance of social learning and folk-economic beliefs, the FEB hypothesis is left vulnera- transmitted culture. ble to at least two serious criticisms. Proponents of Evolutionary Psychology (e.g., Boyer Firstly, by focusing overwhelmingly on individual 2018) often cite a study (Price 2005) that seemingly con- learning processes, proponents of the FEB hypothesis tradicts the conclusion of Henrich et al. (2001, 2005). simultaneously overlook important limitations of the Price (2005) found cross-cultural similarities in punitive

7 Evolution, Mind and Behaviour T. Bendixen sentiments during a collective action game between a product of deliberate individual thought (Pinker 2010), as sample of Shuar horticulturalists from South America and well as serendipity (Roberts 1989). participants from industrialized societies. The author took However, despite such objections, the fact that it is pos- this finding as evidence that the reported kind of punitive sible to construct cultural phylogenies at all means that sentiment is a universal human , thus downplay- many cultural traits are inherited, through social learning, ing the importance of cultural variation in economic and accurately enough to exhibit traceable evolutionary histo- cooperative behavior across the human species. But as ries more or less independent from ecological factors Price (2005, p. 284–285) himself noted, his sample of (Greenhill, Currie, & Gray 2009). This further underlines Shuar participants was very small (N = 13). This cast sig- the importance of social learning and transmitted culture nificant doubt on the reliability and validity of the results. in explaining cultural variation. It would, however, certainly suit proponents of Evolution- How evoked culture and transmitted culture can inter- ary Psychology to conduct more of this kind of cross-cul- act. These arguments should not be taken as evidence that tural research, instead of relying almost exclusively on something like the process of evoked culture is non-exis- participants from WEIRD populations (Henrich et al. tent and non-important. There is in fact some cross-cul- 2010; Sears 1986). tural evidence showing that something like evoked culture To return to the main argument, the conclusion from does play a role in the construction of economic beliefs Henrich et al. (2001) is supported by a wealth of more and behavior. For instance, food sharing in many small- general ethnographic data. For instance, Hewlett, De Sil- scale societies is not only determined by social norms, kin vestri and Guglielmino (2002) collected cross-cultural data altruism and (Fiske 1992), but also by on 109 cultural traits (e.g., marriage forms, religious be- the characteristics of the local ecology (McNamara & Fi- liefs, subsistence methods, and house building methods) scher 2018; Gurven 2004). More generally, the field of be- from 36 ethnic groups in Africa along with data on the havioral ecology aims to describe and understand human ecological environments (savannah, forest, or dessert) behavioral variation as a function of the local environment inhabited by these groups. The analyses showed that only (Laland & Brown 2011; Smith 2000). Thus, something 4 of these 109 cultural traits significantly varied with ecol- like the process of evoked culture certainly has a role to ogy (described as “local ”). The remaining play in our understanding of the evolution of economic traits were best explained as cases of transmitted culture, beliefs and behaviors. It is just not a sufficient explanation either through cultural inheritance within groups or cul- but one piece of the bigger puzzle. In fact, evoked and tural borrowings between groups. If these results can be transmitted culture can be thought of as interacting pro- said to be generalizable—and there are good reason to be- cesses. Whether one is more important than the other may lieve that this indeed is the case (see, e.g., Aunger 1994 have to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis (for an expo- and Guglielmino, Viganotti, Hewlett, & Cavalli-Sforza sition of this view, see Norenzayan 2006). Not enough re- 1995 for similar results)—this means that cultural varia- search has been conducted to conclusively weigh up the tion is more often the product of cultural histories than en- relative importance of the two processes in the domain of vironmental cues “evoking” behavioral responses. This folk-economic beliefs. However, if we can generalize from conclusion is further buttressed by the recent finding that a related field, namely, the study of the cultural evolution cultural history is often a better predictor of political and of religions, we can expect to find that economic and po- economic changes among nation states than for instance litical beliefs and behaviors are complex products of both geographic proximity per se (Matthews et al. 2016). ecological, cultural, and social factors (Botero et al. 2014; Another related line of evidence for the importance of Norenzayan et al. 2016). transmitted culture originates from the fact that it is possi- The overarching conclusion of this section, then, is that ble to compose so-called phylogenetic trees out of cultural transmitted culture cannot be overlooked and that the spe- data. Just as the evolutionary relationships between living cial emphasis put on evoked culture by the FEB hypothe- species can be visualized using a tree-like structure repre- sis in explaining cultural and individual variation does not senting genetic descent, so too have many cultural traits seem empirically justified. been shown to be related by cultural descent. Cultural traits that have been investigated in this way include such Limitations of “massive modularity” diverse phenomena as stone tools (Lycett 2009), languages (Pagel 2009), folk tales (da Silva & Tehrani 2016), weav- As presented in Part 1 and as Boyer and Petersen (2018a, ing patterns (Tehrani, Collard, & Shennan 2010), religious 2018b) themselves acknowledge, the FEB hypothesis beliefs, and rituals (Gray & Watts 2017) (for more exam- (and Evolutionary Psychology in general) rests on the con- ples, see O'Brien et al. 2013). cept of “massive modularity” as one of its core assump- To be clear, this does not mean that the analogy be- tions, as well as an explanation for individual and cultural tween genes and cultural traits is perfect (Claidière et al. variation. Without it, there can be no “differential activa- 2014). For one thing, cultural traits can spread horizontally tion of domain-specific cognitive systems”. However, mas- within the same generation, whereas genes usually only sive modularity is a highly controversial concept, as I spread vertically from parents to offspring (see Mesoudi discuss in this section. There are both general issues with 2011). Cultural transmission is also more “noisy” and has the concept and critical concerns surrounding specific, a lower fidelity than genetic transmission (Sperber 1996; proposed cognitive modules, many of which are theoreti- but see Henrich, Boyd, & Richerson 2008). In addition, cally crucial for the FEB hypothesis. Here, I treat these cultural change, unlike biological , can be the two challenges in turn.

Evolution, Mind and Behaviour 8 Folk-Economic Beliefs: A Critical Discussion

General issues. Boyer and Petersen argue that the hu- brain. Here, it is emphasized how culture, biology, and de- man mind consists of “[...] many distinct, specialized sys- velopmental processes critically interact in shaping an in- tems, each of which corresponds to recurrent adaptive dividual's mind and behavior (e.g., Li 2003). To their challenges in human evolution” (Boyer & Petersen 2018a, credit, Boyer and Petersen (2018b, p. 48) do acknowledge p. 6). However, as Stastny and Houdek (2018) pointed out that experience, and upbringing (primarily in the form of (as have authors before them; e.g., Laland & Brown “environment-specific” cues) has a role to play in the indi- 2011), this position is in risk of quickly becoming pure vidual development of cognitive modules, but again, when “ad-hockery”, since it allows proponents to invent a new it comes to forming specific hypotheses, this kind of in- module for every single evolutionary challenge that can fluence is ignored. possibly be imagined. Such unlimited, unconstrained theo- Critical concerns with specific modules. There are also retical space endanger thinkers to succumb to composing some more specific concerns with the “massive modular- of what (1978), following Rudyard ity” assumption. As I argue here, the FEB hypotheses Kipling (1902), called “just-so stories”: unverifiable hy- overlooks evidence from both (e.g., knowl- potheses about the ultimate origin of some biological or edge about the social organization of hunter-gatherers, cultural trait cloaked in loose evolutionary narrative. both past and present), cultural psychology (e.g., cultural In addition, it is not at all obvious, as proponents of differences), and evolutionary modeling (e.g., Evolutionary Psychology and the FEB hypothesis claim, that kin altruism and reciprocal altruism cannot sustain that the only solution to the wide-range of adaptive prob- large-scale cooperation alone) as well as alternative evolu- lems faced by our ancestors was to genetically evolve tionary explanations (e.g., Dual Inheritance Theory). many distinct, specialized inference systems (Lloyd & One key concept – if not the key concept – of the FEB Feldman 2002). As Shapiro and Epstein (1998) put it: hypothesis is humans' “exchange psychology”. Boyer and “It simply does not follow from the fact that different Petersen (2018a) explain: adaptive problems require different kinds of solutions “One feature that is universally prominent in both mod- that an organism will have as many pieces of cognitive ern and ancestral human societies is the exchange of equipment as there are adaptive problems it must solve.” goods (e.g., tools, food) and services [...]. Exchange [...] (p. 175) allowed our ancestors, as it allows us, to exploit coopera- Instead, it is very much possible that some domain-gen- tive positive-sum games, engage in collective action, and eral processes, such as advanced social learning, make buffer against predicaments such as hunger and injury more evolutionary sense in many cases (Bolhuis & Mac- [...]. [E]ngaging in exchange requires the existence of Phail 2001). distinct, specialized cognitive mechanisms (Cosmides & For one thing, domain-general processes such as social Tooby 1992), including mechanisms for estimating costs learning is more flexible and adaptable to changing envi- and benefits of goods and services for the self and other; ronments and climates (Bolhuis et al. 2011). Indeed, it has for comparing them in an abstract format (equivalent to been convincingly argued that social learning is in fact utility in the vocabulary of economics); and for motivating an adaptation to subtly varying climatic conditions exchange when the benefits of exchange exceed the costs (Richerson, Bettinger, & Boyd 2008). Formal evolutionary for oneself. The human mind, in other words, contains a models have suggested that social learning is favored rudimentary exchange psychology.” (p. 7–8) when climatic conditions are variable enough to make in- The “exchange psychology” is not in itself proposed dividual learning (e.g., by trial-and-error) costly, but stable as a separate cognitive module but is instead comprised enough so as to make a reasonable fit between the behav- of several other modules serving as subcomponents to ioral traditions of the previous generation and the current the larger psychological system. These subcomponents climate (for recent comprehensive reviews on the evolu- include distinct, specialized systems for cheater-detection, tion of social learning in humans, see Henrich 2016; partner choice, communal sharing, coalitional affiliation, Laland 2017). When pressed on the matter, proponents of and ownership (Boyer & Petersen 2018a,p.8–10). All Evolutionary Psychology generally do acknowledge these of these specialized systems rely on either reciprocal al- robust insights from (see, e.g., truism or kin altruism (Cosmides & Tooby 1992). The Laland & Brown 2011, p. 186). Boyer and Petersen main idea according to Evolutionary Psychology is that (2018a, p. 4) also verbally acknowledge the importance of humans evolved in small-scale societies that consisted al- a sociocultural dimension. However, when it comes to most exclusively of close kin (kin altruism) and/or of in- forming specific hypotheses, domain-general processes dividuals who often collaborated and reciprocated such as social learning (transmitted culture) are often left (reciprocal altruism). Encounters with strangers were pur- out, and, as is also the case with the FEB hypothesis, the portedly very rare. Since human psychology assumedly predictions go directly from specialized inference systems evolved in this kind of social environment, simple cogni- over implicit intuitions to explicit beliefs and/or behavior tive heuristics such as “Cooperate with everyone you (Hirshleifer & Teoh 2018; see also Figure 1 above). meet, because everyone is either a close relative or a Finally, the general concept of massive modularity im- close friend” evolved. In the modern world, where we plies that the comprising evolved cognitive inference sys- engage in one-shot interactions on an everyday basis, tems are non-flexibly developing, universal, and only such inflexible rules routinely “misfire”, causing people trivially, if at all, influenced by upbringing and culture to treat even strangers as close friends or family, follow- (Bolhuis et al. 2011). This stands in contrast to modern ing these evolved mental rule-of-thumbs (e.g., Krasnow views on the ontogenetic structuring of the body and et al. 2012).

9 Evolution, Mind and Behaviour T. Bendixen

However, as evolutionary game theoretical modeling There are also specific problems pertaining to the indi- has repeatedly demonstrated, this so-called “mismatch hy- vidual subcomponents of the exchange psychology: pothesis” is at best incomplete (e.g., Zefferman 2014). As already mentioned, neither kin altruism nor direct or This is because those 2 evolutionary pathways to cooper- indirect reciprocity is an adequate explanation for coopera- ation—kin altruism and reciprocal altruism—break down tion on even a small scale (Chudek et al. 2013). This in even relatively small groups and are thus insufficient weakens the foundations of the “partner choice” and the to account for both the scale and the frequency of human “cheater-detection” modules of the FEB hypothesis, re- cooperation, both in Western industrialized nations and, spectively, since these are often regarded as extensions of crucially, in small-scale societies (Henrich & Henrich kin and reciprocal altruistic dynamics (Chudek et al. 2007; for mathematical expositions, see, e.g., Henrich 2013). Furthermore, there are large cross-cultural differ- 2004, and Boyd & Richerson 2002). Indeed, reciprocal ences in practices having to do with “communal sharing” altruism is extremely rare in the rest of the animal king- and “ownership” (McNamara & Fischer 2018), casting dom (Hammerstein 2003), which supports the theoretical doubt on whether the human mind really possess universal conclusion that reciprocal cooperation is too fragile to be specialized modules for such situations too. favored under most realistic circumstances. These theoret- This latter objection from cross-cultural research also ical insights spell trouble for the concept of a universal affects an additional critical feature of the proposed “exchange psychology”. This mathematical discussion, cheater-detection module. According to Boyer and Peter- aside anthropological, ethnographical, and ethological sen (2018a), the intuitive free-rider system that categorizes evidence, questions the validity of the “mismatch a person as a cheater or not is “highly sensitive to inten- hypothesis” more broadly and thereby the “exchange tions” (p. 8). However, recent cross-cultural research has psychology”: suggested that the role of intentions (compared to the ac- Firstly, many small-scale societies consist of individ- tual outcome of an act) in categorizing someone as a norm uals who are too distantly related in order for violator may vary significantly between societies with dif- to be favored by evolution. Hill et al. (2011), for instance, ferent cultural histories. Intentions are much more salient in analyzing 32 small-scale present-day foraging societies, to individuals from western and industrialized societies found that, on average, only one quarter of the bands con- than to, say, indigenous Yasawans (Yasawan Islands, Fiji), sisted of “primary” or “distant kin”. This predicts very lit- who in turn put more emphasis on the outcome of an act tle cooperation from an exclusive kin selection perspective (McNamara et al. 2019). The notion that the cheater-de- (Henrich 2016). tection module is said to be “highly sensitive to inten- Secondly, the assumption that people in small-scale tions” is most likely an artifact of the standard practice in societies almost exclusively interact with close friends, is Evolutionary Psychology of almost exclusively performing also not supported by the bulk of anthropological and experiments on WEIRD populations. ethnographic work (Bird et al. 2019; Hill et al. 2014). Towards a conciliatory integration. The preceding ar- For instance, many anthropologists today argue that even guments do not exclude the possibility that humans are small-scale societies are not just isolated units, but in- endowed with a rich, evolved, and reliably developing so- stead form part of large and nested networks of interact- cial psychology (Machery & Barrett 2006). In contrast, re- ing families, bands, and tribes that regularly come ciprocal altruism and kin altruism are definitely real together to exchange resources, perform collective rituals, phenomena and have almost certainly shaped parts of our and seek mates. These shared and culturally evolved prac- social psychological dispositions and motivations (Henrich tices bind the networks together, since the networks often & Henrich 2007). comprise too many individuals for any single individual What the arguments in the previous sections do demon- to know in person (direct reciprocity) or by reputation strate, however, is that our evolved , in (indirect reciprocity), thus undermining crucial criteria for isolation, is not a sufficient explanation for the impressive the evolution of reciprocal altruism (Boyd & Silk 2017; scale of human social exchange and that we need to Chudek & Henrich 2011; Chudek et al. 2013). In the include the importance of culturally evolved norms and above-cited study by Hill et al. (2011), for instance, the institutions into the FEB hypothesis framework and remaining 3 quarters of the average band is tied together Evolutionary Psychology more generally. This is not an by culturally evolved practices, such as marriage and in- unsurmountable challenge, since some aspects of Boyer law norms. and Petersen's (2018a) “exchange psychology” are similar Thirdly, many non-human primates live in small, to what other evolutionary scholars have termed “tribal so- tightly knit, closely related groups, similar to those of cial instincts” (Richerson & Boyd 2005a). our own ancestors, according to the “mismatch hypothe- The tribal social instincts hypothesis forms a central sis”. However, none of these species exhibit any general part of Dual Inheritance Theory and posits that humans tendency to cooperate with every individual they en- are naturally endowed with a psychology evolved for se- counter (Henrich 2004). For instance, if a band of chim- lective social learning. Specifically, it posits that we come panzees meets a stranger upon patrolling their territory, prepared to learn and enforce social norms (also known as the encounter often escalates into fierce and sometimes a “social norm psychology”) and that we decide who to fatal violence (Goodall 1986). In other words, non- learn from based on a wide range of cues (e.g., who- and human primates—just like humans—seem highly sensi- when-biases; see Part 1), many of which have to do with tive to differentiating between “in-group” and “out-group” ethnicity, such as language, clothing style, and other members. symbolic, identity markers (also known as an “ethnic

Evolution, Mind and Behaviour 10 Folk-Economic Beliefs: A Critical Discussion psychology”)(Chudek & Henrich 2011; Richerson & [The four cards are:] A B 2 3” Boyd 2005a). (Buss 2015, p. 265–266) The tribal social instincts are imagined to be a product The correct answer is to turn over card A and 3, but of niche construction and gene-culture coevolution. In most people in most studies turn over A and 2, and thus fail short, the argument goes like this: when the lineage lead- the test (Buss 2015). However, when the exact same prob- ing to modern humans began to rely more and more on lem is framed as being about cheating or “free-riding” (e.g., culturally transmitted information (e.g., concerning tool legal drinking; Cox & Griggs 1982), most people success- making, food preparation, social norms, etc.), probably as fully pass the test (Gray, Heany, & Fairhall 2003). a result of changing climatic conditions (Richerson et al. As noted, Cosmides (1989) and other proponents of 2008), natural selection would have favored those individ- Evolutionary Psychology take such findings as strong evi- uals who were better at selectively inferring and learning dence that humans have an evolved specialized inference norms and new practices as well as at enforcing norms. In system for detecting cheaters and “free-riders”, and, hence, tandem, this created a population that became more and a psychology shaped for reciprocal altruistic interactions. more adept at and reliant on cultural learning, creating However, this conclusion has been deemed premature by even stronger selection pressures for brains capable of ac- several commentators (e.g., Gray et al. 2003; Richerson & quiring culture effectively. With time, this would have cre- Boyd 2005b). Apart from the criticisms of the general idea ated a “cultural niche” (Boyd, Richerson, & Henrich that the human evolved for reciprocal altruism discussed 2011), in which genes and culture coevolved in a run- above, here, I focus on just one further point of criticism away, mutually reinforcing dynamic, creating in the pro- (for a more in-depth critique, see Gray et al. 2003). cess a species that is deeply dependent on culturally trans- Versions of the Wason Selection Task have also been mitted know-how and practices (for comprehensive performed with children and these studies show essentially expositions of this view, see Henrich 2016; Laland 2017; the same pattern: even young humans can solve this logi- Richerson & Boyd 2005a). cal problem when framed as a “free-rider” scenario (e.g., There is a swath of psychological evidence for the exis- Harris & Núntez 1996). However, as Henrich (2016,p. tence of a social norm psychology and an ethnic psychol- 359) pointed out, Cosmides' (1989) interpretation is seri- ogy in humans. Young children seemingly expect their ously challenged by the fact that both children and adults world to be structured by social norms. For instance, they solve the Wason Selection Task (or versions of it) not only are quick to infer and learn social norms and, once in “free-rider” scenarios, but whenever it has to do with learned, they enforce these norms in the case of norm vio- any violation of culturally transmitted norms, even norms lations. This is so even when the norms are completely ar- not concerned with cooperation or altruism. These find- bitrary and invented for the specific experimental situation ings do not fit with the idea of an evolved cognitive mod- (for a recent review, see Tomasello 2016). In other words, ule for cheater-detection and reciprocal altruism per se. at least to some extent, children internalize local social However, it is in full accordance with the tribal social in- norms as goals in themselves. Children are also selective stincts hypothesis, which, as noted, emphasizes the unique social learners by, for instance, preferring to imitate people human capabilities of both inferring and learning social who speak and dress like themselves. Of course, there is norms (even seemingly arbitrary ones), as well as enfor- also ample evidence for this kind of advanced social learn- cing those norms. ing in adults (for recent reviews, see Henrich 2016, chap- The Wason Selection Task debate serves as an example ter 11; Chudek & Henrich 2011). House et al. (2019) of how the FEB hypothesis, through modifications, can provides very recent cross-cultural evidence for the exis- come to be integrated with the broader fields of evolution- tence of something like a universal and reliably develop- ary biology, , ethnography, and : in- ing “social norm psychology” in humans. stead of postulating a “social exchange psychology”, One particularly debated strain of experiments is worth based solely on the narrowly applicable framework of hu- highlighting at this point, which have to do with children's man reciprocal altruism, the FEB hypothesis could include and adults' purported ability to pay special attention to something like a “social norm psychology”. As I will cheaters or “free-riders”: The Wason Selection Task elaborate later in this paper, this move would allow the (Wason 1966). framework to become much more consistent with the ob- The Wason Selection Task is often cited by proponents served cultural and individual variation in human eco- of Evolutionary Psychology and the FEB hypothesis as nomic beliefs and behavior—namely, by opening up the the primary evidence for the existence of a social ex- framework for the dynamics of transmitted culture—while change psychology and, specifically, a cheater-detection not being dependent on the problematic assumption of module (e.g., Boyer & Petersen 2018a; Buss 2015; Cos- massive modularity. mides 1989). The task can be summarized like this: Concluding remarks on “massive modularity”. No evo- “Imagine that four cards are lying on a table. Each card lutionarily oriented critic of Evolutionary Psychology has a letter on one side and a number on the other, but or the FEB hypothesis disagree that humans have an you can see only one side. Now consider this: Which evolved psychology and that, for this reason, some cul- cards would you need to turn over to test the following tural variants are more psychologically or culturally “at- rule: “If a card has a vowel on one side, then it has an tractive” than others (Lewens 2015). These researchers, even number on the other side. Turn over only those cards however, stress that culture, which itself is a product of you would need to turn over to test the truth value of this evolved social learning capacities (e.g., Richerson & Boyd rule: 2005a), will often have evolved to harness, extend, or

11 Evolution, Mind and Behaviour T. Bendixen suppress parts of our evolved psychology (Henrich & But to critics of Evolutionary Psychology, this attempt Boyd 2016). Further, even small-scale societies are en- at a rebuttal is likely to be unsatisfying. The listed features tirely dependent on culturally transmitted norms and insti- are not particularly relevant to the overall discussion. The tutions to function. Our evolved psychology for kin and real question is whether we can say enough about the so- reciprocal altruism is not sufficient to explain the extraor- cial organization and cognitive challenges of our evolu- dinary scale of human cooperativeness and cannot there- tionary pre-history to deduce any meaningful hypotheses fore serve as the principal theoretical foundation for about the workings of the modern human mind (Laland & specialized cognitive modules. Brown 2002). Proponents of Evolutionary Psychology and Dual Inher- As noted above, to the extent that we do think that we itance Theory agree that a very large number of “cognitive know anything about human in ancestral environ- features” are needed to function in even the most traditional ments, the available ethnographic and archeological data societies (McNamara & Fischer 2018). However, propo- suggest that human social organization in pre-history was nents of Evolutionary Psychology and Dual Inheritance more complex than what is typically assumed by propo- Theory disagree on whether these “cognitive features” are nents of Evolutionary Psychology. Like modern hunter- primarily genetically evolved (domain-specific cognitive gatherers, human social groupings seemed to modules) or primarily acquired through social learning (in have been arranged in nested relationships, going from the form of social norms, traditions, know-how, cultural family to band to tribe etc. (Pearce & Moutsiou 2014; practices, etc.). I have argued that the current evidence Boyd & Silk 2017). Even small to medium-sized bands do seems to be heavily in favor of the latter view, but that this not appear to primarily consist of close kin, but are instead conclusion can be integrated into the FEB hypothesis with knit together by shared norms, beliefs, taboos, and rituals some modifications by, for instance, substituting the “ex- (e.g., Bird et al. 2019). These kinds of social arrangements change psychology” with a “social norm psychology”. cannot have evolved solely through kin selection and/or reciprocal altruism, since cooperation based on such prin- ciples breaks down beyond a relatively small number of Limitations of the EEA individuals (Zefferman 2014). Instead, modern hunter- gatherers rely on a large number of social norms and insti- Like massive modularity, the concept of the EEA is both a tutions to sustain cooperation (Henrich & Henrich 2007). core assumption in the FEB hypothesis, important for These observations stand in stark contrast to the view explaining individual and cultural variation (as the envi- from Evolutionary Psychology, where it is assumed that ronment in which human cognition evolved), and the cen- human genetically evolved psychology (e.g., “coalitional ter of heated scholarly debate. psychology”; “exchange psychology”) are optimally tuned Do we know enough about the EEA?. For Boyer and to match the social life of hunter-gatherers (Henrich Petersen (2018a, p. 7), the EEA does not represent a spe- 2016). cific time or place in prehistory. Instead, the EEA is a sta- Has evolution stopped since the EEA?. A somewhat tistical aggregate of the features that were recurrent during implicit assumption in the concept of the EEA is that most of human evolution. However, since the human spe- humans have not evolved (very much) since the EEA cies has spent most evolutionary time as nomadic hunter- (Laland & Brown 2002). This assumption is what underlies gatherers in Pleistocene Africa and Eurasia, it is often as- the “mismatch hypothesis” presented above: since we are sumed that it is for this kind of life that humans are physi- adapted to a Pleistocene life, mismatches can arise between ologically and psychologically equipped (Hagen 2015). our evolved psychology and the modern environment. Critics of the concept of EEA pointed out that we are Proponents of the concept concede that the human spe- largely ignorant of these recurrent ancestral features, so cies has undergone some selection since the end of the much so that deriving hypotheses about modern human EEA (Hagen 2015). Most notable and well-documented cognition on this foundation alone amounts to nearly pure examples include the evolution of lactose tolerance, sickle speculation (Buller 2005; Laland & Brown 2011). cell trait, and skin pigmentation (Bolhuis et al. 2011). Proponents of the concept of EEA, in turn, usually re- However, Hagen (2015) also points out that, so far, no spond by cataloging a long list of features that, according recent cognitive evolution has been unanimously estab- to them, can be uncontroversially inferred about the ances- lished. This encourages Hagen (2015) to conclude that— tral environment of the human species (Hagen 2015; to a close approximation and to the best of our current Machery & Barrett 2006). As Hagen (2015) put it: knowledge—the design features of the human mind must “The giant insects of the Carboniferous were gone, the be universal. dinosaurs were gone. Many of the plant and animal taxa Hagen (2015) is right to consider it an empirical ques- of the Pleistocene are similar to those that exist today. tion whether (or how much) evolution has shaped human Physics and chemistry were the same – the refractive in- cognition in recent millennia. However, genetic evidence dex of the atmosphere was close to 1, for example, just as suggests that human evolution has actually sped up since it is today. Geology was the same. Much of the ecology the advent of agriculture around 10,000 years ago, an was similar to what we see today. Our bodies were almost event that is often assumed to mark the end of the EEA the same. Even the social environment was not so differ- (Hawks et al. 2007). Such findings, in turn, suggest that ent: there were people of various ages and both sexes, that cultural inventions (e.g., agriculture) can be powerful lived in groups, that were healthy and sick, that were of drivers of evolution and that cultural evolutionary dynam- varying degrees of relatedness, and so on.” (p. 18) ics cannot be overlooked when deriving theories about the

Evolution, Mind and Behaviour 12 Folk-Economic Beliefs: A Critical Discussion genetic foundations of the human body, mind, and behav- be relaxed. For instance, if we concede that socially trans- ior. As Smith (2000) noted: “If the divergence from the mitted cultural inventions—such as norms, taboos, and EEA is a product of cultural change, then culture is ines- institutions—are indispensable tools for solving the chal- capably important in explaining contemporary human be- lenges of human group living, the imagined existence of a havior” (p. 38). very large number of modules evolved for social exchange Another related challenge for the EEA and the “mis- in stable Pleistocene savannah conditions becomes match hypothesis” is that the human species actually be- unnecessary. gan to really flourish not until after the advent of By embracing the “social norm psychology” and “eth- agriculture and, with it, civilization. Since then, the human nic psychology” instead of a “social exchange psychol- population has exploded, and we have since come to dom- ogy”, the FEB hypothesis can also be made consistent inate almost every corner of the terrestrial parts of the with the substantial amount of observed individual and Earth. If our cognitive make-up was specifically fine- cultural variation in economic and political beliefs and be- tuned to life as hunter-gatherers, this is not the expected haviors. In the FEB hypothesis 2.0, such a variation is outcome (Richerson & Boyd 2005b). However, this fact is viewed as a product not only of evoked culture (i.e., envi- in full accordance with Dual Inheritance Theory: humans' ronmental cues) but also, and perhaps even more impor- advanced and flexible social learning capabilities give rise tantly, of transmitted culture (i.e., social learning). This in to evolving technologies, as well as complex cultural turn allows us to understand folk-economic beliefs as parts norms and institutions, which allow humans to cooperate of greater complexes of cultural traditions, histories, on larger and larger scales and to manipulate their envi- norms, and institutions. ronmental surroundings to their benefit. This niche con- The FEB hypothesis 2.0, then, does not necessarily pre- struction view contradicts the view from Evolutionary dict different folk-economic beliefs than the ones Boyer & Psychology of humans as “passive victims of selection” Petersen (2018a) discussed. Instead, the FEB hypothesis (Laland & Brown 2002, p. 181) and instead emphasizes 2.0 predicts a) variability in beliefs and behaviors across the adaptable of the human species through non-ge- cultures and individuals, and b) that this variation can be netic pathways. explained using not only evoked culture but also transmit- In addition to these criticisms, it has further been ar- ted culture. In this sense, preliminary but suggestive data gued that the Pleistocene climate was highly variable, and —in the form of the above-reviewed evidence of individ- perhaps even too variable to reliably select for a large ual and cultural variations in economic beliefs and behav- number of very specialized cognitive modules. Conversely, ior—are already available to evaluate the merits of the evolving a smaller set of more general learning capacities FEB hypothesis and the FEB hypothesis 2.0, and, as ar- can be a more adaptive response to variable ecologies un- gued here, the evidence appears to be primarily in support der a wide range of conditions (Brown & Richerson of the latter. 2014). Finally, compared to the FEB hypothesis, the FEB hy- pothesis 2.0 is more easily merged with general findings The “FEB hypothesis 2.0” from political psychology, as I will outline below.

Where does all this leave the FEB hypothesis? As I pro- posed above, the FEB hypothesis can be integrated with The FEB hypothesis 2.0 and political psychology several of the important criticisms of reviewed above, if the concept of an “exchange psychology” is substituted Unsurprisingly, understanding why people believe and with something like a “social norm psychology” and an behave as they do in modern political and economic “ethnic psychology”. situations has been a central theme in much of political This approach, which I propose to call the “FEB hy- psychology (Levy, Huddy, & Sears 2013). Here, I non- pothesis 2.0”, does not rule out folk-economic beliefs be- exhaustively exemplify how some prominent sociological ing generated on intuitions from evolved psychological approaches to political belief and attitude formation fit mechanisms. As noted above, many of the folk-economic into the FEB hypothesis 2.0. This exercise serves the pur- beliefs proposed by Boyer and Petersen (2018a) (including pose of supporting the FEB hypothesis 2.0 by showing beliefs about immigrants, ownership, distribution of re- that it is consistent with several of the well-tested concepts sources, and the anti-sociality of markets and firms; see within the sociological strains of standard political also Figure 1) purportedly originate from intuitions gener- psychology. ated by social exchange and cheater-detection mecha- Sociological approaches – social networks, conformity, nisms. This overall idea can in principle be retained, if the “social proofs”, and prestige. According to social network beliefs are instead regarded as originating from intuitions researchers (e.g., Huckfeldt, Johnson, & Sprague 2004), generated by more general-purpose systems for detecting people's political attitudes and behavior are influenced by norm violations and ethnic cues more broadly—and not their social network, e.g., by discussing politics with only in “free-rider” scenarios. Specifically, placing social peers, friends, colleagues, and family. Empirical evidence learning and transmitted culture dynamics at the center of do indeed suggest that people's social environment influ- the hypothesis makes the research program more flexible ence their political behavior, for instance, in whether or in scope. Because of this increased behavioral and devel- not to participate in politics and how to participate (e.g., opmental flexibility, the strong assumptions of Evolution- Huckfeldt et al. 2013). Importantly, in this perspective in- ary Psychology—massive modularity and the EEA—can dividuals are not simply assumed to be passive members

13 Evolution, Mind and Behaviour T. Bendixen of a social network, but to actively seek out and select net- Practical implications: correcting inaccurate folk- works of other individuals that resemble themselves in at- economic beliefs titudes and demography. Proponents of social network theory usually term this phenomenon “homophily” (Marks The insights discussed in Part 2 have practical implica- et al. 2019). tions for how society and communicators can go about Several components in social network theory are fully correcting misleading and potentially damaging folk-eco- compatible with Dual Inheritance Theory and the FEB hy- nomic beliefs. pothesis 2.0. For instance and most notably, like Dual In- Boyer and Petersen (2018a, 2018b) insist that their ap- heritance Theory, social network theory emphasizes the proach to folk-economic beliefs is non-normative, mean- importance of social learning, especially conformity, in at- ing that their ambition is not to describe which beliefs are titude and belief formation. On a more technical note, so- right and wrong, and desirable or undesirable. As already cial networks are integral to the mathematical modeling of mentioned, they proclaim that whether a folk-economic the spread of cultural variants (Henrich & Henrich 2007). belief is accurate or not is “orthogonal” to the proposed Also, the concept of homophily is congruent with the research program (Boyer & Petersen 2018a, p. 3). There- self-similarity bias observed in human social learning: fore, the FEB hypothesis does not include explicit reflec- humans have a tendency to imitate and learn from self- tions on how to correct inaccurate folk-economic beliefs. similar people (Haun & Over 2015). The self-similarity However, Boyer and Petersen (2018b) do agree that inac- bias is assumed to be an adaptive aspect of humans' ad- curate folk-economic beliefs can be potentially damaging vanced social learning capacities: in order to figure out for democratic societies. whom to learn from, imitating someone from your own Several commentators comment on the lack of norma- group—and not an exotic stranger from another group or tive reflections in the FEB hypothesis and offer their own another country—on average ensures that the learnt infor- suggestions that could be integrated into the FEB hypothe- mation is locally adaptive (Richerson & Boyd 2005a). sis. Acerbi and Sacco (2018), for instance, propose the A broader concept, not exclusively ascribed to social use of argumentation, which, according to proponents of network theory per se but to sociological approaches in Cultural Attraction Theory (Sperber et al. 2010), can suc- general, is the concept of “social proof ”: the tendency, es- ceed in spreading non-intuitive beliefs and impede the pecially in uncertain situations where accuracy matters, to spread of intuitive beliefs, such as folk-economic beliefs, look out for what other people believe and how they be- at least under certain conditions. However, as Acerbi and have and imitate them, if their behavior is congruent with Sacco (2018) themselves note, “argumentation works bet- their espoused beliefs (Cialdini 1984). In this way, social ter in long, face-to-face, interactions, and its strength is in- proof is somewhat akin to “credibility-enhancing dis- versely proportional to the complexity of the topic” (p. plays” in Dual Inheritance Theory, the idea that people 18). These conditions are not easily satisfied in a media will adopt another person's behavior if this other person landscape dominated by “soundbites”, “click-baits”, not just “talks the talk” but “walks the walk” (Henrich “breaking news”, and increasingly polarized political de- 2009). Credibility-enhancing displays, like self-similarity bates (e.g., Kahan 2016). bias, are also generally thought to be an adaptive social Acerbi and Sacco (2018) also propose the use of meta- learning strategy. For instance, if someone advertises a phorical narratives. Narratives provide a short-cut in hu- food preparation method it is probably a good idea to be man cognition to forming mental models about the skeptical, if the advertiser does not dare consume the food surrounding world (Oatley 2016). Indeed, Lee and himself. Schwarz (2018) suggest that many folk-economic beliefs Something like a “prestige bias” is another sociologi- in fact may stem from misapplications of familiar meta- cal concept that can be found in both Dual Inheritance phors to complex economic and policy issues. For in- Theory and in political science: people’s attitudes and be- stance, the folk-economic belief that “immigrants steal liefs are substantially shaped by prestigious sources (e.g., jobs” can be regarded as a product of a metaphor that por- Ahn et al. 2013). In the political domain, this includes trays a nation as a container of a fixed size: when immi- the media, pundits, and political parties, as well as celeb- grants occupy an increasing part of the container, rities. Imitating prestigious individuals (i.e., the individ- someone else (i.e., native citizens) are displaced (Lee & uals that other people are imitating) is adaptive to the Schwarz 2018). This focus on metaphors and narratives is extent that prestige is an accurate proxy for competence echoed by Leiser and Shemesh (2018), who also argue and success (Henrich & Gil-White 2001). This has proba- for the efficacy of using relevant metaphors to communi- bly been the case on average during our evolutionary his- cate complex economic information. But as Lee and tory, when our social learning capacities were shaped and Schwartz' (2018) commentary highlight, such metaphors honed. need to be both familiar and appropriate in order for them Construed like this, the FEB hypothesis 2.0 is thus not to backfire. more straightforwardly compatible with political psychol- However, Leiser and Shemesh (2018) are themselves ogy approaches, particularly the sociological strains, than rather pessimistic about the ultimate success of completely Boyer and Petersen's (2018a) FEB hypothesis. This is so countering misleading folk-economic beliefs. They argue because the FEB hypothesis 2.0 regards social learning as that some economic information simply cannot be com- a central feature, while Boyer and Petersen (2018a) places municated to the public, because it is inaccessible without most emphasis on differential activation of cognitive infer- years of specialized training in economic thinking. This in ence systems prompted mainly by environmental cues. turn mirrors the conclusion of reviews on other domains

Evolution, Mind and Behaviour 14 Folk-Economic Beliefs: A Critical Discussion of science communication, such as vaccine hesitancy: no These results would seem to indicate that the relative single psychological intervention has been shown to be re- strength of the 2 kinds of biases needs to be investigated ally powerful in making vaccine-hesitant parents vaccinate on a case-by-case basis. There is no reason why similar their children (e.g., Dubé et al. 2015; Jarrett et al. 2015). experimental procedures could not also be employed to As is often the case, more research is needed to learn how study the relative strength of content and context biases in to optimally communicate specialized knowledge to the spread of economic and political information. laypeople. However, the FEB hypothesis 2.0 suggests different, although not incompatible, solutions to the ones outlined CONCLUSION above. The suggested solutions from this perspective In this paper, I have critically discussed a recently pro- would be to focus on the context, or the source, of the in- – formation, and not only the content of the information. posed evolutionary cognitive approach to so-called folk- As noted in Part 1, Dual Inheritance Theory distinguishes economic beliefs, a domain of beliefs about economics between content biases (ideas spread because of their and policy issues that are held by laypeople but often content) and context biases (ideas spread because of their deemed wrong or misleading by professional economists. According to this approach, which I dubbed the “FEB hy- source) (Boyd & Richerson 1985). The predictions from ” the FEB hypothesis 2.0 (and more broadly speaking, pothesis , some beliefs (i.e., folk-economic beliefs) are Dual Inheritance Theory) are that context biases or social more prevalent than others, because these beliefs resonate learning strategies, such as conformity bias, prestige bias, with evolved features of the human mind and are therefore and credibility-enhancing displays should be recruited in easier to acquire, remember, and transmit to others. order to correct misinformation. Cues and narratives Overall, the conclusion of this paper is that the FEB about what everybody else believes (conformity) and hypothesis relies on unnecessarily strong and controversial theoretical assumptions (e.g., “massive modularity” and what trustworthy and objective experts believe (prestige) “ ” could be recruited to increase peoples' political and eco- the Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness ), and that nomic literacy. Credibility-enhancing displays could con- it overlooks important findings from adjacent fields, but sist of prominent people (e.g., politicians) not just saying that the FEB hypothesis, following some modifications in- what they believe, but acting like they believe it. Since spired by Dual Inheritance Theory, can be integrated with there is evidence that political parties can shape their par- robust findings from the rest of the evolutionary, cogni- tisan supporters' view on political subjects in important tive, and anthropological sciences, as well as standard po- ways (Bisgaard & Slothuus 2018), for politicians, this litical psychology. would mean actually doing political work in accordance with the best knowledge of economists and not actively endorsing known folk-economic beliefs with either words REFERENCES or actions. Of course, such interventions are easier to propose than Aarøe, L., & Petersen, M. B. (2013). 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